EC CH 4 B2B Note
EC CH 4 B2B Note
EC CH 4 B2B Note
Chapter 4
Business-to-Business E-Commerce
Collaborative commerce
Concepts, Characteristics,
and Models of B2B E-Commerce
The seven’s generation of B2b will rely on technologies that are common for B2C:
greater links with professional social networks and larger reliance on mobile applications.
IT advances will both help grow the demand side and streamlining the supply side of a
company’s operation.
Concepts, Characteristics,
and Models of B2B E-Commerce
Fig.4.3 Generations of B2B E-Commerce
Concepts, Characteristics,
and Models of B2B E-Commerce 4-8
B2B Components
Parties to the Transaction: Sellers, Buyers, and Intermediaries
- B2B commerce can be conducted directly between a customer and a manufacturer
or via an online intermediary.
- Online intermediary is a third-party entity that brokers the transactions between the
buyer and seller; it can be either virtual or click-and-mortar.
• Revenue generation. Forward auctions support and expand online and overall
sales. And also offer businesses a new venue to easily dispose of excess,
obsolete, and returned products
• Cost savings. E-auctions reduces the costs of selling the auctioned items, which
helps increase the seller’s profits
• Increased “stickiness.” Stickiness is a characteristic that measures customer
loyalty to a site that eventually results in higher revenue.
• Member acquisition and retention. Registered members of auctions can invite
their business contacts. Auction software aids enable sellers to search and report
on virtually every relevant auction activity.
Selling via E-Auctions 4-17
Search for items using search engines, catalogs, virtual fairs and showrooms, and
sellers’ sales presentations.
Learn details of items and buying terms using comparison engines and quality
reports, and research industry report and vendors’ information
Negotiate or join group purchasing using software support (if available).
Determine when and how much to order each time . Authorize corporate buyers.
Join business-oriented social network such as
Sign agreement or contract using e-contract management ; arrange financing,
escrow insurance, etc.
Create specific purchasing order(s) using a computerized system.
Arrange packing, shipments, and deliveries using electronic tracking, RFID, etc.
Arrange invoicing, payments, expense management, and purchasing budgetary
control using software packages
One-From-Many: E-Procurement at Buy-Side E-
Marketplaces 4-20
E-Procurement Concepts
E-procurement (electronic procurement) is the online purchase of supplies, materials,
energy, work, and services. It can be done via the Internet or via a private network
such as electronic data exchange (EDI).
- Some activities include enabling buyers to search for suppliers, facilitating reverse
auctions for buyers, and automating paperwork and documentation.
- Some activities are done in private marketplaces, others in public exchanges.
E-Communities in B2B
B2B applications E-communities
- involve many participants: buyers and - connect employees, partners,
sellers, service providers, industry customers
associations, and others - offer resources for e-businesses to
- provide community services, such as leverage online discussions and
chat rooms, bulletin boards, and interactions in order to maximize
possibly personalized Web pages. innovation and responsiveness.
Companies that use B2B social networking may experience the following advantages:
Collaboration Suppliers
with Component-
Strategy Business partners Customers
decision (suppliers, Government
making customers,
Demand visibility
Supply chain And forecasting
Visibility and Manufacturers, Assemblers
planning Retailers, Engineers
Marketers, HRM, Finance
Collaborative commerce. 4-45
As the result: administrative costs are reduced, inventories are low, stockout become
Retailer-Supplier Collaboration
H.Paulin&Co is a distributor and manufacturer of fasteners, fluid system product,
automotive parts and screw machine components. It is important to keep stock level
above zero. The company uses a supply chain management system form Askuity
( The system allows to have accurate real-time information on stock levels
and compare it to historical depletion rates. That data helps the retailer and distributor
to collaborate on restocking levels and timelines.
Collaborative commerce. 4-46
Barriers to C-Commerce
• Lack of internal integration and standards
• Network security and privacy concerns, distrust
• Internal resistance to information sharing
• Lack of skills to conduct c-commerce
Overcoming Barriers
• Specialized c-commerce software tools
• Use of cloud computing and Web services
• Collaborative Web 2.0 tools based on open source
• Collaborative culture within and among the organizations
Managerial Issues 4-48
1. The B2B field. The B2B field comprises e-commerce activities between businesses. B2B activities
account for85% of all EC. B2B e-commerce can be done by using different models.
2. The major B2B models. The B2B field is quite diversified. It can be divided into the following segments:
sell-side marketplaces (one seller to many buyers), buy-side marketplaces (one buyer from many sellers),
and trading exchanges (many sellers to many buyers). Each segment includes several business models.
Intermediaries play an important role in some B2B models.
3. The characteristics and models of sell-side marketplaces. Sell-side B2B EC is the online direct sale by one
seller (a manufacturer or an intermediary) to many buyers. The major technology used is electronic
catalogs, which also allow for efficient customization, configuration, and purchase by customers. In
addition, forward auctions are becoming popular, especially for liquidating surplus inventory. Sell-side
auctions can be conducted from the seller’s own site or from an intermediary’s auction site. Sell-side
activities can be accompanied by extensive customer service. E-commerce allows customization of
products and services in personalized catalogs.
4. Sell-side intermediaries. The primary role of intermediaries in B2B is to provide value-added services for
manufacturers and business customers. Intermediaries can also group buyers, conduct auctions, and
aggregate catalogs of many sellers.
5. The characteristics of buy-side marketplaces and e-procurement. Today, companies are moving to e-
procurement to expedite purchasing, save on item and administrative costs, and gain better control over
the purchasing process. Major procurement methods : reverse auctions (bidding systems), buying from
webstores and catalogs, negotiation, buying from an intermediary that aggregates sellers’ catalogs,
internal marketplaces and group purchasing, desktop purchasing, buying in exchanges or industrial
malls, and e-bartering. E-procurement offers the opportunity to achieve significant cost and time savings.
Summary 4-50
6. B2B reverse auctions. A reverse auction is a tendering system used by buyers to get better prices
from suppliers competing to fulfill the buyers’ needs. Auctions can be done on a company’s website
or on a third-party auction site. Reverse auctions can lower buyers’ costs dramatically, both in product
costs and in the time and cost of the tendering process.
7. B2B aggregation and group purchasing. Increasing the bargaining power and efficiency of companies can be
done by aggregating either the buyers or the sellers. Aggregating suppliers’ catalogs into a buyer’s catalog
gives buying companies better control of purchasing costs. In desktop purchasing, employees are
empowered to buy up to a certain limit without the need for additional approval. Employees view internal
catalogs with pre-agreed-upon prices with the approved suppliers and then buy within their budget.
Industrial malls or large distributors specialize in one industry or in industrial MROs. They aggregate the
catalogs of thousands of suppliers. A purchasing agent can place an order for parts or materials and shipping
is arranged by the supplier or the mall owner. Buyer aggregation through group purchasing is very popular
because it enables even SMEs to get better prices on their purchases. In addition to direct purchasing, items
can be acquired via bartering.
8. Exchanges defined and the major types of exchanges. Exchanges are e-marketplaces that provide a trading
platform for conducting business among many buyers, many sellers, and other business partners. Types of
public e-marketplaces include B2B third-party trading exchanges and consortium trading exchanges.
Exchanges may be vertical (industry oriented) or horizontal.
9. Third-party exchanges. Third-party exchanges are owned by an independent company and usually are
operated in highly fragmented markets. They are open to anyone and, therefore, are considered public
exchanges. They try to maintain neutral relations with both buyers and sellers.
Summary 4-51
10. B2B in Web 2.0 and social networks. Although considerable B2C social networking activities exist,
B2B activities are just beginning. A major success has been seen in the use of blogs and wikis to
collaborate with suppliers and customers. Large companies use social networking to create and foster
business relationships. Smaller companies use social networking for soliciting expert opinions. Other
companies use it for finding business partners, cultivating business opportunities, recruiting
employees, and finding sales leads.
11. C-commerce. Collaborative commerce refers to a planned use of digital technology by businesses
partners. It includes planning, designing, researching and servicing various partners and tasks,
frequently along the supply chain. C-commerce can be conducted between different pairs of business
partners or among many partners participating in a collaborative network,. Collaborations with Web
2.0 tools and in social networks adds a social dimension that could improve communication,
participation and trust. There are many new tools, some of which are being added to traditional
collaboration tools. Better collaboration may improve supply chain operation, knowledge
management, and individual and organizational performance.
References 4-52