Personif Dear Insanity
Personif Dear Insanity
Personif Dear Insanity
SRN. 20340022
C. Research Question
Based on the background of research, there are some question that need to be
answered through this research; they are:
1. What are the types of personification found in the song lyrics of DPR Ian’s selected
2. What are the meanings of personification expression in the song lyrics of DPR
Ian’s selected song?
D. Research Objectives
Based on the research question, researcher concludes objective of the research.
There are some objective of the research as follow the research question:
1. To find out personification words found in the song lyrics of DPR Ian’s selected
2. To find out the meaning of personification expression in the song lyrics of DPR
Ian’s selected song
E. Research Benefits
The researcher expects this research will give a lot of benefits and valuable
knowledge to the readers, especially students of English Education at
Muhammadiyah University of Metro, English teachers, and future researchers. The
researcher wishes this study can improve and strengthen the insight of semantics,
particularly personification, for students of English Education at Muhammadiyah
University Metro. So they can increase their skills and insight about personification in
the semantic course.
A. Previous Study
There are some previous research of metaphor which is related to
personification in the song and music. In order to avoid the similar corpus and
explanation, there should be a review of previous research. The following in other
related research that the researcher has read.
The first previous study was done by I Gede Jana Utama (2015), English
Departement, Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University. The title of this research is
“Analysis of Personification Used in the Blink 182 Songs”. This study is aimed at
finding out the type personification expression and its meaning in six songs written by
American punk-rock band, Blink 182, taken from the album “Self-Titled” (2003),
“Neighborhoods” (2011) and “Dogs Eating Dogs” (2012)” and analyze the meaning of
personification expression used in those songs. The descriptive qualitative method is
used in this study. The researcher was analyzed the personification used in the song
lyrics of Blink 182 based on the theory proposed by James J. Paxson (1994) and K.L.
Knickerbocker & H. Willar Reninger (1963). The result of this studies is there are two
personification expressions found in two songs from Blink 182. Those songs were
taken from two latest albums of them. The sentence that was marked above has a
connotative meaning. The use of personification expression in the song lyric is used
to make the effect of beauty and avoid the rigid lyric. On the other hand, those
expressions used in to the song just because the writer wants to beautify and make
the lyric more interesting in order to the listeners are interested to listen those songs.
The second previous study was done by Siti Istikomah, Nur Hidayat, and Festi
Himatu (2023), PGRI Semarang University, Faculty Language and Arts Education,
English Education Study Program. The title of this research is “Personification Found
in Jammie Miller’s Song Lyrics”. The aim of this study is to analyse the
Personification found in the lyrics of Jammie Miller's song 2021. The purpose of the
researchers conducting research on Jammie Miller's songs was to find
Personifications in Jammie Miller songs in 2021 and to explain the meaning of
Personification in the lyrics of Jammie Miller Songs in 2021. The method used in this
study is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. From the results of data
analysis, it can be concluded as follows: 1) There is Personification in every lyrics of
Jammie Miller's song in 2021, researchers found 22 lyrics containing Personification.
2) The researcher concluded that in the lyrics of the song, found in every song tell
love and sacrifice, there are many Figurative languages spoken, one of them is
Personification. The purpose of the research is to make it easier to learn and
understand the content of the meaning used in each song whose purpose is to
beautify the meaning of the song. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis.
The third previous study was done by Ni Putu Puspa Wedayanti, Ni Nyoman
Deni Ariyaningsih, and I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri (2021) English Department,
Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University. The title of this
research is “An Analysis of Personification Found in John Meyer’s Selected Song
Lyrics”. This study is mainly aimed at finding out the personification type in figurative
language and the meaning of personification found in John Meyer’s selected song
lyrics. The data source are John Meyer’s selected song lyrics. To answer the first
problem, this study used theory proposed by Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963)
about figurative language and classified the song lyrics into one type namely
personification. Meanwhile to answer the second problem the theory of meaning
proposed by Leech (1981) was used. There are six song lyrics by John Meyer
analyzed in this study. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis. The analysis
was started by continuously listening to the selected songs by John Meyer.
Afterward, the researcher read the lyrics of the selected songs, wrote down and
categorized it into personification expression. Based on the analysis, the researcher
found the 5 total of personification and 5 connotative meaning in John Meyer’s
selected song lyrics.
The fourth previous study was done by Genvil Darmarris and Vina Widiadnyana
Putri (2021) Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. This article is entitled "An
Analysis of non-living personification in Northlane’s selected songs". This article aims
to identify which lyrics are containing the non-living personification used in the
selected songs of metal band Northlane and its meaning. The theory used is the
theory from Zhu (1991) to identify which lyrics from selected songs such as: Free fall,
Talking Heads, Eclipse, Vultures those are containing the non-living personification
and theory meaning from Leech (1981). In this article, the method used in this
research is the library method. The method used for presenting data is an informal
method, which means that the data will be described qualitatively with the description
method which includes several descriptions and support for formal methods, which
means that in this article there is a table used to explain the classification of the data
used. After analyzing the data, the writer concluded and found the result that in each
songs such as: Free fall, Talking Heads, Eclipse, Vultures there are some lyrics that
contain non-living personification based from theory of personification by Zhu (1991),
but there are only 5 types of meaning found from 7 types of meaning based on the
theory of meaning by Leech (1981) that found from the data such as Conceptual,
Connotative, Social, Affective And Thematic meaning.
The fifth previous study was done by Yuliyah Prasastri (2014) “An Analysis of
Personification Words Found in the Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift Albums and Its
Application in English Language Teaching”. Teacher Training and Educational
Sciences Faculty. Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. The study is aimed to find
personification words, to analyze the meaning of personification of words, and to
explain the application of personification words found in the song lyrics of Taylor
Swift albums. The result of the research is expected to enrich English vocabulary in
English Language Teaching. The research is conducted by using descriptive
qualitative and by taking song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums as subject of the
research. The data was collected by reading the song lyrics, trying to comprehend
the content of every single song lyric, detecting the song lyrics that includes
personification words, and identifying and coding the personification words
discovered in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift albums.
In the studies mentioned above, the researchers looked at a particular song or
item for their investigation. In this study, the researcher used 5 songs from Ed
Sheeran's Subtract album as the research subject. For the research subject of this
study, take the Ed Sheeran album into account. The earlier studies covered JohN
Meyer, Northlane, Jammie Miller, Blink 182, and Taylor Swift. However, the songs
Boat, Eyes Closed, Sycamore, Borderline, and Colourblind from Ed Sheeran's
Subtract album were examined and discussed in this study.
The researcher should have covered and examined all varieties of metaphorical
language in the earlier research that she described above. However, some of those
researchers simply look at the personification that has been used frequently or
frequently in the prior studies. The researcher next addressed more complex and
distinctive personification in this study so that more varied and diversified effects
could be examined. The information was then acquired using the websites Genius
and Spotify.
Previous studies only employed one study item. Because of this, earlier study
had a narrow focus and did not offer readers any fresh information. This study aims
to investigate the subject in more detail and breadth because of this. By doing this, it
is possible to develop a more thorough comprehension of the subject, giving readers
access to more knowledge. Additionally, by conducting this research, new insights
and theories may be made, which would help readers comprehend the topic even
B. Theoretical Review
A) Concept of Language
Language primarily serves as a tool for conveying messages, and this
communication typically occurs within a social framework. This underscores the
importance of comprehending and acknowledging the links between a language
and the individuals employing it for communication to be successful. Every day,
we employ language in a variety of contexts and for a vast array of purposes. In
addition to serving as a tool for communication, language is also utilized for
education and identification with a specific cultural group. (Olaifa, Taye Paul,
A system is a language. Language, like the human body, is a complicated
whole. Language works on the basis of sounds, words, and structure. These are
combined with one another to form language, a sophisticated totality. Phonetics,
grammar, and vocabulary are systems in and of themselves that make up a
language. (Husain, 2015)
B) Figurative Language
A group of languages known as "figurative language" employ terms or
idioms that have deeper meanings than their literal translations. Figurative
language is a kind of rhetorical language use that involves meaning-giving and
employing words to influence or persuade readers and audiences (Blanchard,
2019). Figurative language can convey a variety of emotions and ideas. It has to
do with the aesthetically pleasing and deft structure of phrases. It might give
readers a thorough description in their thoughts. In addition, (Alkhammash,
2022) said that metaphorical language is frequently used in everyday
interactions and is not just found in artistic contexts. This indicates that there is a
great deal of potential for research into the patterns and meanings that this kind
of language expresses.
Figurative language is used in literary theory. Generally speaking, songs,
novellas, poetry, and novels use metaphorical language (Saputra, 2015).
Figurative language, in his opinion, is consistently used in the books and other
works that people read and hear on a daily basis. This could add complexity and
aesthetic appeal to a literary work.
The researcher can deduce that figurative language is used to enhance the
beauty and aesthetic quality of the language from the expert viewpoints
presented above. In daily life, figurative language is also commonly used. As a
result, the reader's understanding and what is written are clear. The use of
figurative language in literary works should be understood by listeners or
C) Kinds of Personification
Personification is a literary device that involves attributing human
characteristics, emotions, or behaviors to non-human entities or objects. There
are several kinds or types of personification, including:
a) Pathetic Fallacy
Personification of this kind attributes human emotions and sentiments to
inanimate things or aspects of the natural world. Giving the example of the
"angry storm" or the "weeping willow tree."
b) Zoomorphism
Attributing animal traits to non-animal entities or objects is known as
zoomorphism. Saying "roaring engine" of an automobile or "ticking hands" of a
clock, for instance.
c) Prosopopoeia
Prosopopoeia is the practice of giving inanimate objects or abstract concepts
human characteristics, such as speech or the capacity to behave in a human
manner. Putting death as a talking character, for example.
d) Conceit
This is a lengthy metaphor with a lot of personification. It occurs when two very
distinct things or concepts are elaborately compared, frequently endowing one or
both of them with human characteristics. John Donne compares the souls of two
lovers like a pair of compasses in "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning."
e) Anthropomorphism
This is a particular kind of personification wherein human traits, feelings, and
actions are ascribed to animals. Putting talking animals in children's books, for
A. Research Design
Research design can be understood from the perspective of a researcher as the
blueprint or plan that guides the entire research process. It is the researcher's
strategic framework for conducting a study, outlining the steps to be followed and the
methods to be employ in order to achieve the research objectives. The research
design provides a road map for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, ensuring
that the study is systematic, valid, and reliable. Research design according to
Jenkins-Smith (2017), is a research design is the set of steps you take to collect and
analyze research data. In other words, it is the general plan to answer your research
topic or question. It can also think of it as a combination of research methodology
and research method.
The researcher use qualitative research in this research. The methodologies and
methods incorporated in the design of a research study will depend on the standpoint
of the researcher over their beliefs in the nature of knowledge (see epistemology)
and reality (see ontology), often shaped by the disciplinary areas the researcher
belongs to (Sarah Wright et al. 2016).
As a result, the researcher employs a research strategy that yields a description
of the words. Finally, the qualitative method is the most beneficial alternative for this
study. This qualitative research method would be used to analyze personification in
DPR Ian’s selected song from his album, "Dear Insanity…" In this research,
qualitative is the best method for producing a decent analytical result in order to
locate the figurative language for this study
C. Research Instrument
A research instrument is a tool used to collect, monitor, and manage data
pertinent to a certain study purpose in order to evaluate patients, clients, students,
instructors, and other people. These tools are most commonly used in the fields of
fundamental sciences, health sciences, and education. The research instrument,
according to Ussher (2020), is a thorough description of the assessment tools
created to assess the research. Additionally, he concurred in his assertion that the
utilization of research equipment is the most important consideration.
The researcher employs both the primary and supporting instruments in this
investigation. The researcher employs himself as the primary instrument in this study.
In contrast, the researcher uses documentation for the supporting equipment to back
up the research that the researcher is conducting.
1. The Researcher as Human Instrument
Since one of the goals of the instrument is to help this research, the primary
instrument in this qualitative study is utilized to collect the data. According to this
study, the researcher is the instrument because no other instrument is more
crucial for gathering data than the researcher.
2. Tabulation
The process of organizing the data into a table is called tabulation. The
information derived from the analysis required by the writer. The table is meant
to assist the researcher in compiling all of the data that needs to be examined.
1) Tabulation:
a. Tabulation is the process of organizing qualitative data in a structured and
systematic manner to facilitate analysis and comparison.
b. Create tables or matrices to display summarized information. You can use
Microsoft Excel or specialized qualitative research software.
c. Categories or codes from your data can be organized into rows or columns.
Each cell can contain a summary or description of the data relevant to that
d. Tabulation can help you identify patterns, common themes, or differences within
your data.
The major source for this study would be DPR Ian’s “Dear Insanity…” album,
outside from that. Following are the steps for gathering data for this study:
1. Listen to the selected songs in the “Dear Insanity…” album by DPR Ian in
2. Read the lyrics of the selected songs in the “Dear Insanity…” album by DPR
Ian in Genius website
3. Make a list of lyrics from the album that contains personification
4. Create a tabulation in excel or a spreadsheet to document the lyrics and their
associated figurative language and imagery.
5. Categorize the personification that appears in those songs.
6. Analyze the results and conclude the use of personification in the selected
song from “Dear Insanity…” album.
E. Research Data Analyzing Technique
After gathering the data and providing an answer to the study question, the
researcher then examines the data. Creswell and Poth (2018) emphasize that data
analysis in qualitative research involves systematically organizing, categorizing, and
making sense of the data collected. They discuss various techniques such as coding,
thematic analysis, and constant comparison to analyze qualitative data and generate
themes or categories. Information is examined as part of this process to spot trends,
correlations, and patterns as well as any potential anomalies. Additionally, it might
involve the creation of hypotheses, the use of suitable statistical methods, and the
relevant presentation of the findings.
Data analysis can also be employed to derive important insights and conclusions
from the data. In the end, it is crucial to the success of any research endeavor and is
a fundamental part of the research process. It is also an essential tool for making
decisions in many facets of life. Following being gathered from various data sources,
the data was assessed using the following procedures:
1. Reading and recognizing the entire lyric to detect personification. The first
stage in data collection is for the researcher to read the lyrics and identify the
personification utilized.
2. After identifying the data, the researcher classifies it according to the
categories of personification.
3. Analyzing the significance of personification in “Dear Insanity…” album by
DPR Ian. The researcher studies every song. The researcher investigates the
meaning by analyzing the lyrics surrounding meaning.
4. Write the personification in the tabulation instrument.
5. Generates descriptive information on the results of various analyses of