1497-Article Text-2763-1-10-20220630
1497-Article Text-2763-1-10-20220630
1497-Article Text-2763-1-10-20220630
1 May 2022
English Education Study Program, Universitas Baturaja
Elfas Malikhi Ragil Pamungkas1), Muhammad Wahyu Widiyanto2), Sukma Nur Ardini3)
English Education Study Program, Universitas PGRI Semarang
This study focused on analyzing the figurative language contained in the album “Detourn”
by The S.I.G.I.T as non-native speakers. The aim of this research is; 1) to find out the type
of figurative language used in the album “Detourn” by The S.I.G.I.T. 2) to find out the
dominant type of figurative language used in The S.I.G.I.T album “Detourn”. Researchers
conducted qualitative research using song lyrics data. The result showed that; 1) there are 8
types of figurative language used in the album “Detourn” namely Hyperbole (1), Irony (1),
Personification (2), Synecdoche (2), Simile (3), Metonymy (11), Repetition (13), and
Metaphor (18). 2) Metaphor is the most dominant type of figurative language with a total of
18 expressions. There are 9 songs that have metaphors with an average of 2 expressions in
each song. The first song and the seventh song have 1 expression. The second, third, ninth,
tenth and eleventh songs with 2 expressions. The fifth and sixth songs with 3 expressions.
Language has an important role in a person's daily life because language is a tool for an individual
to communicate and cooperate with others. As a means of communication, language includes
words, collections of words, clauses, and sentences that are expressed orally and in writing.
According to Harmer (2007), language is used to convey between two individuals. Just as
individuals use language to convey reflection or data to others, the task of language in human
existence is very important. As a communication tool, language is also used to convey certain
intentions so that it can be understood by others. Language is also used as a tool for self-expression.
Language is also an important element in making a literary work. Some examples of literary works
that are strongly influenced by language are novels, poems, songs, etc (Andini & Pratiwi, 2013).
In making such literary works, writers usually add figurative language so that their work gets word
emphasis and has a deep meaning. Figurative language is a word or expression that has a different
meaning from its actual definition. It tends to be a representation or resemblance. Plan to make
correlations. It tends to redundancy or the use of similar sounding words or metaphorical
embellishments to make an emotional impact. According to Kennedy & Gioia (2005:118), an
interesting expression can be said to occur in every speaker or writer, because of its novelty or
accentuation, leaving the standard meaning of the word. The expression "non-literal language"
itself is descriptive: it is a derivation/formation/crystallization (metonymy) for the field of rapid
language methodology. One of the popular works of art related to figurative language is song. A
song is an artistic composition of tones or sounds in sequence, combination, and temporal
Journal of Language Education (JoLE), Vol 6 No.1 May 2022
English Education Study Program, Universitas Baturaja
The writers used a descriptive qualitative approach in this research. The qualitative research
presented the data of the research in from qualitative description. Qualitative research can be
described as an effective model that occurs in a natural setting that enables the researcher to
develop a level of detail from being highly involved in the experience (Creswell, 2003).
In this research, the writers used a qualitative approach. The numbers used in this study are not the
main data, but as supporting data. The qualitative approach is analyzing the data of 11 songs in the
album Detourn by The S.I.G.I.T. Therefore, the data can be easier to understand. The descriptive
method uses to collect the data, analyze, classify, and conclude.
Journal of Language Education (JoLE), Vol 6 No.1 May 2022
English Education Study Program, Universitas Baturaja
Journal of Language Education (JoLE), Vol 6 No.1 May 2022
English Education Study Program, Universitas Baturaja
Song Mp P H Mn Sy I R S
11𝑡ℎ song 2 - - - - - 2 -
Total 18 2 1 11 2 1 13 3
In the first song, the writers found three types of figurative language which are used is Metaphor
1 expression, Metonymy 1 expression, and repetition 1 expressions. The second song is Metaphor
with 2 expressions used. The third song has 2 dominant figurative languages, namely metaphor
and metonymy with 2 expressions each. In the fourth song, metonymy becomes the dominant
figurative language with 3 expressions. The fifth song is a metaphor with 3 expressions. In the
sixth song, metaphor becomes the dominant figurative language with 3 expressions. The seventh
song metonymy with 2 expressions. In the eight songs, there are 2 figurative languages used,
namely metonymy and repetition with 1 expression each. The ninth song repetition is used with 3
expressions. The tenth song metaphor with 2 expressions. In the last song, there are two figurative
languages used, namely metaphor and repetition with 2 expressions each.
Journal of Language Education (JoLE), Vol 6 No.1 May 2022
English Education Study Program, Universitas Baturaja
The second table shows the result of the data analysis of the most dominant figurative language in
the Detourn by The S.I.G.I.T. These results are used to answer the second research question about
what type of figurative language is most dominant used in the Detourn album by The Sigit. The
result of analysis are as follows:
Based on the data in the table above, it can be concluded that there are fifty-one figures of speech
that are used in the eleven songs Detourn album. There is 1 expression of hyperbole, 1 expression
of irony, 2 expressions of personification, 2 expressions of synecdoche, 3 expressions of simile,
11 expressions of metonymy, 13 expressions of repetition, and 18 expressions of metaphor.
In this part, the writers give some explanations about the research findings that the writers have
mentioned before. The writers have some kinds of figurative language in the eleven songs of the
Detourn album are chosen by the writers. The Detourn album is very interesting and the musical
instruments are very attractive. All the songs in the Detourn album are in English and written by
Indonesian people or non-native speakers. Most of the song on the Detourn album is about the
songwriter’s anxiety about the things about him. Of the eleven songs on the Detourn album, two
songs tell events that have been in the spotlight in the past, namely Son of Sam and Red Summer.
The research findings of his study also prove that figurative language is not only found in song
lyrics were written by native speakers. It can be found in the lyrics. Figurative language is a way
that the songwriter uses to express his/her ideas, feelings, and thought. Through the figure of
speech, the songwriter of the Detourn album presents the hidden message and literal meaning of
the songs. It needs a deep understanding in interpreting the meanings of the songs of the Detourn
album. The writers find out nine kinds of figurative language; they are metaphor, metonymy,
simile, repetition, hyperbole, synecdoche, irony, apostrophe, and the last one personification.
There are fifty-one that use figurative language. There is 1 expression of hyperbole, 1 expression
of irony, 2 expressions of personification, 2 expressions of synecdoche, 3 expressions of simile,
Journal of Language Education (JoLE), Vol 6 No.1 May 2022
English Education Study Program, Universitas Baturaja
In conclusion, based on the data that the writers found in the previous chapter it can be concluded:
There are 8 types of figurative language used in the album Detourn by The S.I.G.I.T, namely
hyperbole, irony, personification, synecdoche, simile, metonymy repetition, and metaphor. There
is 1 expression of hyperbole, 1 expression of irony, 2 expressions of personification, 2 expressions
of synecdoche, 3 expressions of simile, 11 expressions of metonymy, 13 expressions of repetition,
and 18 expressions of metaphor. Metaphor is the most dominant type of figurative language with
a total of 18 expressions. There are 9 songs that have metaphors with an average of 2 expressions
in each song. The first song and the seventh song have 1 expression. The second, third, ninth, tenth
and eleventh songs with 2 expressions. The fifth and sixth songs with 3 expressions.
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Journal of Language Education (JoLE), Vol 6 No.1 May 2022
English Education Study Program, Universitas Baturaja