Figurative Language Artikel - Natalya7E
Figurative Language Artikel - Natalya7E
Figurative Language Artikel - Natalya7E
Natalya Helena Susanty Izym. 2022 Figurative Language used in the song lyrics of
Olivia Rodrigo Album “Sour” English Study Program, Faculty of Foreign Languages,
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University.
Supervisor: Dr Ni Wayan Suastini, S.S., M. Hum
The study is concerned with the figurative language found in Olivia Rodrigo Songs
The study aims to identify the types of figurative language found on in Olivia Rodrigo
Lyrics as well as to analyze the meaning of figurative language found on in Olivia Rodrigo
Songs Lyrics. The data were taken from Olivia Rodrigo Songs Lyrics by applying the
theory types of figurative language Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963). and meaning of
figurative language by Leech (1981) and Johnson (2003:4). The analysis was
done by applying descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods with observation method
and noted taking technique to collect the data. This study shows that there are 10 types of
figurative language were found and 7 meanings of figurative language found.
Keywords: figurative language, semantics, and songs lyrics
Natalya Helena Susanty Izym, 2022 Bahasa kiasan ditemukan dalam lirik lagu. Program
Studi Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa Asing, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar.
Pembimbing: Dr Ni Wayan Suastini, S.S., M. Hum
Kajian ini berkaitan dengan bahasa kiasan yang ditemukan dalam Lirik Lagu Olivia
Rodrigo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis bahasa kiasan yang
terdapat pada Lirik Lagu Olivia Rodrigo serta menganalisis makna bahasa kiasan yang
terdapat pada Lirik Lagu Olivia Rodrigo. Data diambil dari Lirik Lagu Olivia Rodrigo
dengan menerapkan teori jenis bahasa kiasan Knickerbocker dan Reninger (1963). dan
makna bahasa kiasan oleh Leech (1981) dan Johnson (2003:4). Analisis dilakukan dengan
menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode observasi dan
teknik catat untuk mengumpulkan data. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada 10 jenis
bahasa kiasan yang ditemukan dan 7 makna bahasa kiasan yang ditemukan.
Kata kunci: bahasa kiasan, semantik, dan lirik lagu
1.INTRODUCTION language that contains figures of speech
Semantics is the scientific study of such as metaphor, simile, personification,
meaning and there are two types of and hyperbole, namely expressions that
meaning, namely literal meaning and make comparisons or associations that are
non-literal meaning. Literal meanings intended to be interpreted imaginatively
are based on actual words or actual rather than literally. Figurative language
meanings; they do not use figurative or is usually used by songwriters in the
symbolic language. According to Crystal process of composing or writing song
(1991:310), that semantics is a branch of lyrics. According to Knickerbrocker and
linguistics devoted to studying the Reininger (1963), there are 10 types of
meaning of language. According to figurative language, such as simile,
Leech (1981) semantics breaks down metaphor, hyperbole, personification,
meaning in a broad sense into seven synecdoche, metonymy, irony, paradox,
different types giving primary figure of speech, and dead metaphor.
importance to logical or conceptual Each has different characteristics and
meaning. He divides it into seven types functions of image expression which will
of meaning: conceptual meaning, reveal different meanings for each.
connotative meaning, social meaning According to Codon (1998:839) the song
and etc. When the speaker speaks is increasingly defined as a literary
literally, he has no hidden meaning in his composition in the form of poetry rather
words. Literal meaning occurs when the than word music. Song lyrics are the
speaker's meaning is different from the songwriter's way of describing his
actual meaning of the word or sentence. feelings, emotions, and attitudes. The
Speakers pronounce utterances, which lyrics of the song are arranged in such a
imply a different meaning from the way that it contains rhythm, tone, and
actual meaning. The speaker has a harmony, especially from the sound.
hidden meaning and a nonliteral Usually, people listen to songs because
meaning. One of the subjects that they enjoy the musical elements in a
explain widely about non-literal meaning song or like the singer's voice. Not many
is figurative language. Figurative people like or enjoy a song because of the
language is part of semantics. Figurative massage or the meaning it conveys.
language is a language that expresses a Therefore, understanding the meaning
different meaning from the meaning of contained in a song is important in order
diction. According to Mourner and to be able to accept what the song
Rausch (1991:83), figurative language is actually tells. The figurative
expressions in the song’s lyrics analyzed “Enough for You”, “Happier”, “Jealousy,
by applying the theory proposed by jealousy”, “Favorite Crime”, “Hope Ur
Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963) Ok”. They were chosen as a data source
theory of figurative language. Besides, because the song Olivia Rodrigo includes
the theory proposed by Leech (1981) and a lot of simple words, thus the writer
Lak off and Johnson (2003:4) are also wanted to analyze the different types of
used to support the analysis. This topic is words in the song Olivia Rodrigo.
interesting because it evokes a pleasant
imaginative sensation in readers when III. FINDING AND DISSCUSION
they read a source or something that used
figurative language. This study also Based on the analysis form the
examines the figurative meaning of song figurative language in the data, this study
lyrics to determine the exact meaning. displayed the result of study. Those are
identified based on the “Knickerbocker
and Reninger” theory about the types of
II.METHOD figurative language (1974) as well the
theory of meaning proposed by “Leech”
The data source of this study was (1974). The research applied the
taken from “Sour” album by Olivia formulation below to find percentages of
Rodrigo. The research was focused on every figurative language used in the
analyzing song lyric of Olivia Rodrigo song lyric of Olivia Rodrigo.
namely “Sour” (stylized in capital letters)
is the debut studio album by Olivia
Rodrigo, an American singer-songwriter.
It was released by Geffen Records on
May 21, 2021. Rodrigo wrote the album
with producer Dan Nigro and recorded it
during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown
seclusion. Originally intended to be a
mini-album, Rodrigo expanded Sour into
a studio album following the popularity
of “Driver’s License.”
The author has picked numerous
song titles, such as: “Brutal”, “Traitor”,
“Driver License”, “1 Step Forward, 3
Steps Back”, “Déjà vu”, “Good 4 U”,
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