Action of Rivers
Action of Rivers
Action of Rivers
Water Falls
- A place on a rivers course where a river bed is vertical or nearly vertical.
a) Where a river descends over a sharp edge of a plateau encountering a sharp
b) Where a river descends a cliff into the sea.
c) Where a river descends a fault scarp.
d) Where a river descends a sharp edge of a plateau.
e) Where a river is blocked by lava flow causing water to accumulate on the
upstream side and a water fall forms at the point of overflow.
f) Where a resistant rock lies across a river with a less resistant one on the
downstream side and the less resistant one is eroded faster causing a rapid to be
first formed, then a waterfall.
Pot Holes
- Circular depressions on a river bed.
- Form where a river flows over shallow depression and develops strong
circulating currents which cause the load to scratch the bed in circular motion.
Interlocking Spurs