Viết - Tiếng Anh 3 - EN29.085

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Viết - Tiếng Anh 3 - EN29.


.........................................., you should

replace it with an appropriate word (a this is a non-finite
To avoid ambiguous
1 repetition, a synonym or a general word), a clause showing
group of words or even a clause, they with purpose
specific words.

” Causes and effects
establish and explaining the relationship
2 Causes and effects ” is the name of a
between cause and effect and between effect
kind of essay.
and cause.

………………..other written essays, an

example essay begins with the first
3 paragraph that has a strong thesis statement. Like
A thesis is the key opinion, the point,
argument or generalization of an essay.

A cause and effect example can be

They should be all
4 structured in two patterns of block and chain
organization: ..................................

A process is a series of actions that lead

to ....................................., and a process
5 an expecting end SAI
essay is written to encourage the reader’s
natural curiosity.

A thesis is the key opinion, the point, đúng it should be a

6 generalization
argument or .......of an essay. noun

Also try to make your essay lively by using

an amusing or dramatic incident, an
7 unusually surprising fact, or a conclusion unusually
that challenges the reader to think and
explore further.
An argumentative essay is like a debate (a
formal argument or discussion of a
question). In order to convince the reader of
8 your point of view, you must show that you arguments
know the opposing …………………. and
can refute them (prove that they are
incorrect or weak).

An essay becomes an argument when

it means showing a
9 it ................... You must decide which side takes a position
to the issue you stand on.

An essay is a short composition in prose that

..................... a subject limited in scope. An
the verb should be
essay that you write for your college courses
10 discusses conjugated in the
to narrate a story is called narration, to
present simple tense.
describe something or somebody

An essay is a short composition in prose that

discusses a subject limited in scope. An
11 narration it should be a noun.
essay that you write for your college courses
to narrate a story is called ...................

An essay that is ……………………… .. to

convey information is called exposition.
Exposition is the act of presenting,
12 Written
explaining, or expounding facts or ideas in
writing or in speaking when you use
different patterns of organization.
An essay that is written to convey
information is called exposition. Exposition
is the act of presenting, explaining, or
13 different patterns
expounding facts or ideas in writing or in
speaking when you use ..............................of

As for word choice, formal words

are ....................................informal words;
14 often longer than
formal words are usually single words not
multi words.
you ..................................... ...........................
.................the ideas for your topic, you this phrase maintains
15 gather and organize
should keep one very important question in the parallelism
mind: Why For what am I writing this

Before you give the thesis statement, you

can provide some background about the
term, .........
16 telling why SAI
.............................................and/or how it is
important to define the term.

Chain organization is a complicated pattern. it shows the flow of

It may be used to discuss the first going with its effects the ideas and it is
cause ............... and the second cause with in one paragraph grammatically
its effects in another. correct.

Chain organization may ........... the first

cause and its effect, and the effect becomes it is grammatically
18 be used to discuss
a second cause that leads to some effect, the correct
development making a “chain” relationship.

Comparison and contrast essays show

The whole phrase is
19 similarities, and contrast, and out
” to point out ”
pointing .........................differences
Division and classification
this is the main
20 essays ...................................... order among establish
subjugated verb
things with some common characteristics.

Division and classification essays

21 ……………………………….. order among establish
things with some common characteristics.

Each ..............................paragraph includes

evidence and examples to support the topic
this adjective shows
sentence and all the body will include
22 developmental the contents of the
evidence and examples presented in
different paragraphs to defend the thesis

Each developmental paragraph includes

evidence and examples to support the topic the right term is ”
to defend the thesis
23 sentence and all the body will include the thesis statement.
evidence and examples presented in ”
different paragraphs ..........................

Essays that you write for your college there should be a

about a selected
24 courses usually require the representation of verb in the past
information .................................................. participle.

Essays that you write for your college

this gap should be an
courses usually require the representation of
25 selected adjective in passive
information about
a .....................................subject.
Essays that you write for your college
courses usually require the representation of
26 selected
information about a
Extended definition, ......................

....................................., can be given in a

27 on the other face SAI
number of sentences in order to explain an
uncommon term or an abstract term , such as
one-sided love, home, etc.

For variety, select a key word, phrase or idea

from the previous paragraph to refer back to
there should be a
its main idea and use it in the beginning
28 introducing gerund after a
sentence of the next paragraph
before ...................... the main idea of that

Generally, formal language is used in

writing and speech ...................., while the whole phrase is ”
29 making
informal language is used in conversation to make a speech ”
and casual writing like emails to friends.

Good writing is rewriting. Therefore, you

have to make a number of drafts filled
30 ……………….. additions, deletions, with
rearrangements, and rewordings, each time
considering alternatives and making choices.

However, when ……………………

writing, you should always use a pronoun to
refer clearly to a noun that has already been
31 using pronouns
used; in other words, the pronoun reference
must be clear so that the reader can
understand which noun is replacing.
If an assignment does not indicate a major
purpose, choose one that seems appropriate
will focus on your
32 for the topic and
intended approach
you .................................................................
....... to the topic.

If the definition on “fair” in the statement

“Life is not fair” goes with the ideas: things
don’t work out, we all have some bad luck, the explanations
33 the bad comes with the good, then it is merely to be SAI
shallow definition because ............. repeating the title.


If you were asked to write about the

difficulties in writing in this is the second
34 you would develop
English, ....................the topic with a conditional sentence.
number of examples.
Illustration or listing essays give
this should be a ”
35 examples ................................... benefits, to prove
toinfinitive verb ”
advantages, or results,…

Illustration or listing essays give examples

36 …………………………….. benefits, to prove
advantages, or results,…

In a cause and effect essay, all causes are

discussed as a block, and then all of the
37 like a block SAI
effects/ results are mentioned
together ............

In formal writing you should

the main verb is
38 not are think that
after the modal verb.
speaking to the reader as a familiar person.

In formal writing, apart from using formal Only this phrase

39 words you should use ways of expressing matches with the
formal .........................................yourself. sentence.
In order your
writing for the reader to follow your ideas
40 achieving coherence SAI
easily, you should use transitions to link
them together.

In order to prove your main idea/ thesis of

your essay, especially in a narration or
using examples is
41 description, ..................... to add details so
very effective
that readers are made to “see” events and

In order to prove your main idea/thesis of

your essay, especially in a narration or
42 ………………………., using examples is description
very effective to add details so that readers
are made to “see” events and objects.

In the ............................................., you read

over what you have written, decide what
ideas to be removed or added and, if needed,
43 step of Editing SAI
reorganize the ideas to improve the first
draft according to the needs and expectation
of your reader.

In the ………………………………………,
you read over what you have written, decide
what ideas to be removed or added and, if
44 step of Revising
needed, reorganize the ideas to improve the
first draft according to the needs and
expectation of your reader.
In the body, try to choose the typical aspects
that make your
definition ..................................... satisfying and
45 SAI
............................................, avoiding
shallow aspects of the subject.

In the introduction of a process essay, you

have to tell what the process is,
46 in
…………………..what situations it is used,
and why it is important.

In the step of Drafting, you write using the

ideas and plan you have developed during
your prewriting. You put your ideas This preposition
47 into
……………. ……………words, keeping in shows the change.
mind your purposes for writing (to inform,
persuade or entertain your reader).

In the step of Editing, you check

……………………………. to make sure
that your grammar, punctuation, and
48 thoroughly
spelling are correct. While editing, you can
use a grammar book or/and a dictionary
handy for reference.

In the step of Prewriting, you have to

………………………………………..for you are to make an
49 your writing by exploring ideas about your think and plan outline, so you have
topic, gathering information and organize to plan.
your materials (outlining).

In the step of Proofreading, you have to

check everything again, Before you
50 hand………………..your writing, be sure in
that your writing has no errors, your
handwriting is legible, or typing is neat.
In the step of Revising, You also have to
The word ”
concentrate ................ your choice of words
concentrate” always
51 and sentence structure for a smooth flow of on
goes with the
content and an appropriate tone for your
preposition ” on”

In the step of Revising, You also have to

concentrate ……………. your choice of
52 words and sentence structure for a smooth on
flow of content and an appropriate tone for
your audience.

In the thesis statement, you cannot simply

give .................................. about bilingual this is an object so it
53 information
education or imigration, you must state your is a noun.

In the thesis statement, you cannot simply

give ……………………………. about
54 information
bilingual education or imigration, you must
state your opinion.

In writing a cause and effect essay, we will

only this verb can
require examining the topic
55 to sound logical combine with an
carefully ........................................., finding
out the cause-effect relations in it.

In writing an example essay to prove a

56 point, the number of examples you depends on the topic.
use ..........................
In writing an example essay to prove a
point, the number of examples you use
depends on the topic. For example, if you
were ………………… to write about the
57 difficulties in writing in English, you would asked
develop the topic with a number of
examples. In this case, examples are the
aspects or problems writers meet with in

In writing you have

to ......................................... what your
58 reader does and does not know about your say SAI
subject, and select suitable ideas to give
your audience.
In writing, the pronouns it and they cannot
refer to nouns that have been suggested but
never actually this phrase is an
59 In other words
stated. .........................................., it and adverb.
they can be used only when the nouns have
already been stated.

It can be said that .......................will present

an example essay on SAI the right
60 the standard conventions of essay writing
any topic preposition is ”on”.
and feature them prominently.

Life would be very boring The Phrase “ there

if ...... ........... ...................................... was” is suitable with
61 nothing to read to spend the time and to there was the structure of the
understand about the past, the present and second conditional
the future. sentence.
Making ……………………………… a
common method of exposition. We need
compare and contrast two things, items, or
people of like nature to determine the comparison and
comparison and
62 superiority of one thing over the other, to contrast “ is a
explain something unknown on the basis of collocation.
something known, to show the differences
or similarities, advantages or disadvantages
of one thing compared with another, etc.

Note that there is usually a comma before

coordinating conjunctions although some
professional writers sometimes leave this
comma out. Also, ..........
63 try no to use SAI
................................ more than one
coordinating conjunction in one sentence
because if such words as but and and are
overused, the sentences will become
difficult to understand.

often occurs when everybody likes to talk

about themselves in
64 speaking and writing
both ...........................................and you may
not be an exception.

One of the most common ………….. made

by inexperienced writers involves using too
personal a manner in a piece of formal
65 writing which is called “chatty style”. The mistakes
chatty style is recognized by the use of: 1.
The first personal pronouns and 2. The
informal you.
One of the most common mistakes made by
inexperienced writers involves using too it is the right term in
66 “chatty style”.
personal a manner in a piece of formal writing.
writing which is called ............................

One of the most important areas to

master ................................register is the this phrase is the
67 in terms of
difference between formal and informal most meaningful.

Process essays convey a clear understanding

of …………….. ….. …………..either how
68 a process of
to do something or how something was done
or is done.

Remember that in explaining a process, you

should …………. ………………that the
69 directions are complete and specific so that make sure
someone who is unfamiliar with the process
will be able to perform it successfully.

Remember that in explaining a process, you

should make sure that the directions are there should be a
to perform it
70 complete and specific so that someone who verb in the infinitive
is unfamiliar with the process will be able to form.
perform it successfully.

Setting a goal for a short amount of time (5

relating to your topic
minutes or 10 minutes are good options),
71 just write anything that comes to SAI
relation to your
mind ........................ .....................................
topic. SAI
Sometimes you can use punctuation marks
to connect two ideas,
72 but .................................. no use a comma SAI

between two independent ideas.

The aim of an argumentative essay is to
” thesis statement” is
convince readers to agree with your
the right linguistic
73 position. Your.......................... must show a thesis statement
term in writing an
clear point of view with three reasons that
you will argue in the body of your essay

The basic part of the introduction

is ...............................................which
74 reveals a topic which according a certain the thesis writing SAI
principle of classification is divided into
The body of an example essay will develop
………………………….of the thesis in a
75 separate paragraph or set of paragraphs, each aspect
each of which begins with a strong topic
The body of an example essay will develop
each aspect of the thesis in a separate
the phrase should be
76 paragraph or set of each of which
in the singular form.
paragraphs, ............................... begins with
a strong topic sentence.

The cause essay may discuss one effect in

the introduction and then all the causes as a
this is the verb form
77 block in the body or in an effect essay, one discussed
in passive voice.
cause is mentioned in the introduction and
all the effects are .................... in the body.

The conclusion is used to wrap up your talking what your

78 SAI
arguments by ................... essay has shown
The different categories of the topic which
are presented one after another must follow
one organizing principle and be arranged
the least important
usually from ...............................................
79 move to the most sAI


The example essay will end with a strong

conclusion paragraph that provides insight
this should be a
80 on the thesis statement. The ...................... is conclusion
used to wrap up your arguments by stating
what your essay has shown.

The examples you use should refer to and this is the right term
81 the main idea
fairly support ...................of your writing. of writing.

The informal you may sound disrespectful

or even
since the word you
82 offensive ................................................ the SAI
pointed a finger at
reader who can’t be your friend, a person
you know very well.
The informal you may sound disrespectful
or even
since the word you
83 offensive ................................................ the SAI
pointing a finger at
reader who can’t be your friend, a person
you know very well.

The Introduction of the process essay tells

84 what the process is, in what situations it is why it is important.
used, and .....................................................
The number of categories can be many, but
should be confined to
85 in order no to blur SAI
three ..........................................the

The number of examples you use in an

example essay ...................... the topic, but
86 depends on
usually three or four extended examples
(illustrations) might suffice.

The number of examples you use in an

example essay depends on the topic, but
usually three ................. four extended
87 examples (illustrations) might suffice. or this is a conjunction.
However, your examples should be
representativetypical, covering a wide range
of interest areasaspects:

The order you select to arrange your what you have to

88 this is not a question.
examples is really .............. consider.

The order you select to arrange your

examples is really what you have to
consider. Usually the examples and details
in an expository essay are organized
89 arranged
according to time, familiarity, and
importance; therefore, in an example essay
the examples are essentially
……………………….. in the same order.

The pronoun which can be used

the whole phrase is ”
90 to .....................................which has already refer to something
refer to ”
been stated before in a sentence.
The term “pre-writing” conjures up a lot of
strange activities and practices. You’ve
probably tried many it is the right term
91 prewriting strategies
different the past, and of the skill.
may have a good idea of what works for you
and what doesn’t.

The thesis statement tells the reader if your

purpose is to the similarities or
92 they should be nouns
discuss ............................................ between differences
the two subjects.

The tone reflects your attitude towards your

subject and your audience, so the tone might : the word in this gap
93 be light, humorous, serious, angry insulting should be an
or ..........................., depending on the adjective.
writing situation.

The way ...................................... on paper that you express this is a relative

helps to establish the tone of your writing. your ideas adjective clause

The way you think in writing is

in ............................ ways different from Only the word ”
95 your way of thinking in speaking, so when many many” goes with the
you write to a reader, you share what you countable noun.
The word you can be used with the word I or
the whole structure
we in informal speech to show intimacy
is ”
96 between the and the listener
speaker ......................................; for
example, “you know what I mean”.

The writer has to use sound reasoning and

solid evidence .............................................
97 to do SAI
the reader to agree with your point of view
on an issue that has more than one side to it.
The writer should provide specific
information to help educate the reader about understand the topic there should be an
a topic, showing that well adverb.
you ........................................

There are least 6

types of expository essays, each having its
own significant differences from the others:
99 as many as đúng
process, illustration (example), comparison
and contrast, analysis (cause and effect),
classification, and definition (identification).

There are many types of expository essays

according ........................... many methods
you use to develop your essay topic. the whole structure
100 to
Reading essays of these kinds, you may find is ” according to ”
out the way the informationthe writer’s ideas
have been exposedconveyed to the reader.

There are many types of expository essays

according to many methods you use to
develop your essay topic. Reading essays of
101 for the reader.
these kinds, you may find out the way the
information the writer’s ideas have been
exposed conveyed .....................

There are two types of process .

………………………………..: instructing
102 or directing the reader for doing something analysis essays
and explaining or analyzing something for
the reader to understand.
There are two types of process analysis
essays: instructing or directing the reader for for the reader to
doing something and explaining or understand.
analyzing something

To .............................................a reader, a
104 writer must choose language that clearly communicate on SAI
conveys what he or she is trying to say.

To communicate effectively, when

……………………….. you need to choose
the most suitable vocabulary for your
105 writing
audience. For most college writing, you
need to use the adult vocabulary that mature,
intelligent readers expect.

To entertain means that the writer might use

to create enjoyment there should be an
106 humor, romance, or suspense as the basis for
for the reader. infinitive verb here.
a poem, short story, or novel .................

To express yourself means that you record there should be an

107 your ...................... feelings and experiences personal adjective before a
in a diary, journal, poem or even songs. noun.

To inform in writing means that you explain

why does a problem
108 how something happened, how something
works, or ...................................................

To persuade means that the writer has to

the whole phrase is”
109 influence the reader to change his her mind take
to take an action ”
or .................. a particular action.
Try to make your essay lively by using an
amusing or dramatic incident, an unusually the two verbs should
to think and explore
110 surprising fact, or a conclusion that be of infinitive
challenges the parallelism.
reader ........................................................

Understanding writing as a multistage

process allows you to work efficiently, this phrase expresses
111 concentrating one activity at a rather than a preference, not a
time ........................ trying to handle all comparison
facets of a writing project simultaneously.

When .......................................

.............................................., you should

avoid using the “dangling” participle. The
112 reason is that a participle describes the be using a participle SAI
subject of the sentence, so if the correct
subject is not used, the meaning of the
sentence will be confusing and
unintentionally funny.

When ............................................., these

used not the verb should be in
113 pronouns “I or we” could cause negative or
appropriately the passive voice.
even offensive feelings in the audience.

When ..........................................the guiding

purpose for a particular assignment, discuss you are not sure
114 SAI
it with your teacher before you begin about

When a problem ..................., we use this

method of reasoning to figure out the causes the right verb ”arise”
115 arises
for it and also to analyze – predict its results means ” appear ”.
or effects.
When a problem arises, we use this method ”to figure out ”
of reasoning .............. .............. the causes means to make a
116 to figure out
for it and also to analyze – predict its results guess. or to find out
or effects. the answer.

When a student is learning to write in

this phrase shows
117 English, .................................. makes he or she
the equal sex.
mistakes at first.

When a word might mean one thing to the

writer and ...................
118 other to the reader SAI
........................................, it is useful for the
writer to explain what he or she means.

When planning a comparison and contrast

essay, you should notice the following
analyzing for the
119 points: - Choose the topic which provides SAI
something new and/or a new way
of ........................................

when the subordinating conjunction is in

medial position, the dependent clause should
closely follow the independent
120 non punctuation SAI
sentence; ..................................................(no
comma, no period/ full stop) is employed
before the dependent clause.

When you are writing academically, you

the right preposition
121 should use the formal style, talking about the not about yourself.
is ” about”.
topic and ..............................................
When you explain how something
happened, how something works, or why a
problem exists, you should .......................... this is the place of a
122 provide
specific information to help educate the conjugated verb
reader about a topic, showing that you
understand the topic well.

When you have two ideas next to

………………. ……………….. and if they
are of equal importance and related to each
123 other, you do not need to use a period to each other
separate them, you can put them together by
using coordinating conjunctions: and, but,
for, nor, or, so, yet.

Whenever you write, your goal is ……….....

…………………. effectively with the
124 to communicate
people who are going to read what you

Why when using a participle, ask yourself

who/ what does or is acted upon
the action expression
125 by .......................................... sAI
by the verb.

Writing a cause and effect essay, we may

want to analyze causes and/or effects to
answer some question Why does/did it
happen? or What happens/happened as a
126 cause-effect relations
result/because of this? In doing this, we will
require examining the topic carefully to
sound logical, finding out the
…………………… in it.

Writing creates reading. Writing

…………………………..a long lasting
127 creates
record of your ideas for others to read and
think about.
Writing is a means to …………………. the
ability of educated people. Throughout their
128 evaluate
lives, their writing shows how effectively
they think, understand and use language.

Writing is a way of ................ .... and there should be a

129 learning. When you are writing, you have to thinking gerund after a
think to formulate ideas. preposition.
Writing is always about a topic. If you know
or understand about a topic well, you
130 about
write ................... it with authority and
Writing is always about a topic. If you know
this preposition
or understand about a topic well, you
131 about conveys the best
write ................... it with authority and

Writing is always about a topic. If you know

or understand about a topic well, you write
there must be a noun
132 about it with authority and ................ As a interest
in this gap.
result, your writing is interesting to the

You will
there should be a
write .............................................................. more effectively and
133 phrase of
..... if you always identify the major purpose successfully
for each piece of writing you undertake.

Your examples should be representative

covering .. ...................................................
134 a wide range of this is a collocation.
interest areas aspects: an example must be a
representative member of a class or
Your goal is to influence the reader to
change hisher mind or take a particular
the whole structure
action. Therefore, you use sound reasoning
135 to is ” to agree to
and solid evidence to convince the reader to
something ”
agree ...........................your point of view on
an issue

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