Calculation Food Waste
Calculation Food Waste
Calculation Food Waste
Bachelor of Technology
Pravin Kumar
This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Estimation of biogas potential of the food waste
generated in a hostel mess” submitted by Mr. Pravin Kumar [Roll No. 111BT0570] in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Biotechnology at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela is an authentic work carried out
by him under my guidance.
To the best of my knowledge the matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted to any
other University/Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.
Prof. P. Balasubramanian
Assistant professor
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering
National Institute of Technology
I avail this opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my guide Prof.
P.Balasubramanian, Biotechnology and Medical Engineering Department, for his invaluable
academic and professional guidance, constant encouragement and kind help at different stages
for the execution of this project. I want to thank Mr. Bikram Kumar Nayak (Technical
Assistant) who guided me throughout the project. I want to thank my friends Jalaj Chaturvedi,
Chandana Bala Krishna, who always supported me and stood by me everywhere. Last but not
the least, I want to thank my family for their blessings.
This research work focusses on the estimation of biogas production from the food waste
collected from a hostel mess in National Institute of Technology Rourkela. Vikram Sarabhai
Hall of residence being the biggest hostel in the institute generates enough food waste and has
a huge biogas potential. This paper focusses on the theoretical estimation of biogas that is an
initial step towards establishing a biogas plant at the backyard of the hostel. Along with the
waste treatment technology available today, characterization and chemical analysis of the raw
material supplied to the machine becomes exceptionally important when figuring out the design
and operational parameters of the biogas plant. Thorough research both quantitative and
qualitative parameters are very important prior to the establishment of any engineering model.
A food waste sample was collected from the hostel mess. In order to do the qualitative analysis
and characterisation of food waste, the sample was dried in hot air oven and further it was
crushed using the mortar pistol to powdered form. This powdered sample was subsequently
used for characterisation of the food waste. Characterisation process includes the carbohydrate
estimation, protein estimation, cholesterol estimation and CHNS analysis. This research work
includes an MATLAB tool that was used to theoretical estimate the methane generation if the
CHNS data is known to us. Even though very few number of samples were analysed, the results
are extremely valuable for the biogas plant designers.
KEY WORDS: biogas, food waste, biogas plant, proximate analysis, ultimate analysis.
Figure 13 Bar graph showing percentage of CHNS (O) in food waste samples ..................... 37
Table 1 Biogas composition..................................................................................................... 13
Table 4Waste generation in Vikram Sarabhai Hall during March 2014 ................................. 31
Table 6 Absorbance value for standard curve for carbohydrate estimation ............................ 33
There are two very important reasons for the world to think about an alternative source of
energy. The first reason is from the geological perspective, the global production of biogas
might peak in the coming few decades. The second being the very obvious, that is the carbon
dioxide production and its consequences. There are many countries across the globe have
started establishing an industrial scale and full-fledged biogas generation, while in India this
concept is still in its developmental stage.
Improved energy security and environmental change alleviation are the principle drivers for
the change of the energy framework from fossil to renewable sources. Biomass needs to assume
a key part in this change to a low carbon economy. Around the world, biomass (counting
putrescible waste and food waste) represents more than 66% of all renewable energy supplies.
(Andritz, accessed April 2015) Among biomass sources, biogas is a fascinating alternative with
a vast potential, offering numerous energizing conceivable outcomes to supplant and
subsequently lessen our reliance on fossil fuels. (Oleskowicz-Popiel, 2008)
The first biogas plant was built in a colony in Bombay. (Pillay, 2011) Since then it has become
quite popular across the globe. Anaerobic digestion is a progression in which microorganisms
dissect decomposable solid in the lack of oxygen. The procedure is extensively used to treat
waste water slurry and manufacturing and ranch wastes as it provides volume and mass
reduction of the input material. Anaerobic digestion is pondered a basis for renewable energy
because the methane-rich biogas formed is suit-able for energy generation and is a substitute
for fossil fuels. Moreover, the nutrient-rich mass and slurry left after assimilation can be used
as manure.
According to a survey of food waste conducted in the year 2011 by the United Nations every
year about 30 % of the consumable food produced by humans goes to waste which is a big
amount summing around 1300 tonnes of food waste. (Jenny Gustavsson, 2011) If this amount
of food waste is used it would generate around 350 kilolitres of biogas for every tonne of bio
mass, out of which two third would be methane gas (Gray, 2008) and with an estimated energy
of 6.25 Wh/litre of biogas (Methodology for determining refernece costs of electricity
generated from renewable resources, 2009). Anaerobic digestion has an additional advantage;
disposable waste would not be sent to landfills for dumping that would further reduce a lot of
logistics and transportation cost.
According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the National Environmental
Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) survey conducted across the country following
statistics were observed (7)
MSW(Tonnes Per Day)
Kolkata Mumbai Delhi Chennai Hyderabad Bengaluru
As can be seen from figure 1 biogas industry has huge potential in India and could be a crucial
factor in bringing down the energy deficit of the country. Below is the table showing MSW
(municipal solid waste) generated in different cities (Sustainable Solid waste management
India, 2011).
MSW(Tonnes per day)
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Now coming to the very basic level that is our institute and further narrowing the research and
analysing the data of the food waste generated in a hostel mess, as it can be seen in figure 3
that a lot of wastes is being discarded every day.
Kitchen waste is a rich source of methane produced as a result of anaerobic assimilation. This
report begins with the need of biogas as a renewable source of energy, moving further there
are few experiments for characterisation of food waste and furthermore a programme to
approximate methane production and at last conclusion.
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This section is an evaluative report of information found in various articles, journal paper,
books and report related to the area study. This includes a theoretical base for the area of study.
Some of the topics include food waste chemical composition, biogas generation process and
principles of anaerobic digestion
Methane 50-70%
Hydrogen 5%-10%
Nitrogen 1%-2%
If one-metre cube of biogas is available with no carbon dioxide in it, the energy content comes
out to be 10kWh.(10)So it can be deduced that the energy content of the gas is in direct
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proportion to the amount of methane in the container. So if one-metre cube of biogas is taken
based upon above table if the methane percent is considered to be 60 % we can expect energy
output to be 60kWh.
Methane molecule is made of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to
the central atom forming a tetrahedral molecule. This gas is produced by methanogenic bacteria
by decomposing organic matter in the absence of oxygen that is commonly known as anaerobic
digestion. It has a density of 0.72 kg/m3 which makes it lighter than air. (Fulekar, 2010) It has
a high calorific value of 9-11KWh/Nm3 (Fulekar, 2010) which forming almost two third
portion of biogas makes it an excellent source of energy. Methane is non-poisonous yet at the
same time it can form flammable mixtures with air. Due to its high calorific value it can be
explosive if it is present in the concentration of 5-15% in the air. (Pellerin, 1987) The higher
the percentage of methane in biogas higher is the energy content of the biogas.
Carbon Dioxide
One of the most abundant gases in the atmosphere carbon dioxide is made of one carbon atom
and two oxygen atoms. This is a very important gas for the plant life as this is needed during
the process of photosynthesis. This is a colourless and odourless gas at low concentrations but
smells acidic at high concentrations. CO2 is produced by combustion or burning of organic
matter or by microbial fermentation. This is almost one-third of the total biogas mixture. This
comes out as a by-product with CH4 when the methanogen bacteria decompose the organic
matter such as carbohydrate and fatty acids. Biogas mixture with high CO2 can hamper the
overall energy efficient biogas mixture (Bothi, 2007). Also high CO2 in the biogas mixture can
affect the pH of the biogas and can make it acidic. Removal of CO2 from biogas is not
economically feasible.
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Other Components
Apart from the major components carbon dioxide and methane other traces include ammonia,
water vapour and hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Other traces account for less than 5 % of the total
biogas concentration. According to the requirement traces should be removed from the biogas
container. Water vapour along with hydrogen sulphide can form corrosive acidic environment
inside the container. Hydrogen sulphide is toxic and corrosive as it can damage the pipelines
and other instrumentation which directly affects the durability of the biogas plant and hence
making less economical. Even during the combustion process of the biogas hydrogen sulphide
produces sulphur dioxide that is an air pollutant and therefore contributing to the pollution.
During the anaerobic decomposition if the mixture contains more than 6% H2S, it will
adversely affect the methanogens process and henceforth brings down the methane yield
(Chynoweth, 1987) “Iron Sponge” (iron soaked in wooden chips) can be used to bring down
the hydrogen sulphide concentration in the biogas mixture.
Below is a step by step guide on how to produce biogas from the food waste
Collecting Waste: Food waste is collected from the backyard of the hostel. The
unnecessary items for anaerobic digestion such as polythene bags and plastic can be
separated out because they can interfere the proper functioning of the digester
Prior- Treatment: This is a very important step, in this we add chemicals from outside
that can enhance the digestion process.
Making the mixture uniform: Mixture should be uniform so as to increase the
efficiency of the whole process. If the mixture is not uniform than there may be parts
in the container where microbes have plenty of food waste to digest whereas in the
same place there might be one place where microbes are dying due to scarcity of foo
waste. Also it is easy for microbes to feed on smaller pieces.
Substrate feeding: Biogas can be produced by feeding a variety of substrates such as
kitchen waste, municipal waste. Feedstock should be an organic matter only. The
substrate should not include wood, because the bacteria can't decompose this easily.
Feedstock digestion: Digestion or decomposition of the organic matter used in the
above step takes place in the absence of oxygen. This process is commonly known as
anaerobic digestion
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Biogas Production: After the anaerobic digestion is complete biogas is produced
which is stored in the container and can be utilised as a fuel. Outlet valve regulates the
flow of biogas.
Waste collection
Homogenization process
Feeding Substrate
Anaerobic Digestion
Gas production
Figure 4 Flow chart representing step wise process for biogas production
Anaerobic processing is a methodology which happens without oxygen. Amid this procedure
different microorganisms are included which breakdown the natural substances through
different biochemical methods that at last result in biogas and processed slop that is rich in
supplements. In this process the bacteria involved depend on each other and hence it can be
said that this is a symbiotic process.
Hydrolysis: The very step in the anaerobic digestion process which involves breakdown
of complex molecules into simpler ones. Carbohydrates are broken down into
monosaccharides, proteins are broken down into amino acids and likewise fat is broken
down into fatty acids. This initial step is the slower process as compared to other steps
and hence it limits rate of digestion process. Wood should be separated from the
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biomass added to the container in the initial phase as it contains lignin and which is not
easily hydrolysed. (Ostrem, 2004) This process can be represented by a simple equation
shown below.
C6H10O4 + 2H2O → C6H12O6 + 2H2
It can be seen from the above reaction that the complex molecule breaks down into
simple sugar such as glucose.
Acidogenesis: Second step in the anaerobic digestion process, in this step the bacteria
utilize the products of the first stage to produce acid. Most common acid produced
during this stage include butyric acid, propionic acid and acetic acid. Carbon dioxide
and hydrogen gas are also produced during this stage. Bacteria present in this stage
create suitable conditions for anaerobic bacteria by consuming all the oxygen present
in the container. Below equations demonstrate how glucose is converted into acetic
C6H12O6 → 3CH3COOH
The above equation shows how glucose is converted into ethanol in the first equation,
then into propionate and third equation shows the formation of acetic acid.
Methanogenesis: This is the final stage of the anaerobic digestion process. In this stage
bacteria utilise the acids formed in the previous step to produce methane and carbon
dioxide gas. The bacteria in this step are strictly anaerobic and are called methanogens.
The major composition of biogas is produced during this stage. Following equations
show the formation of methane (Verma, 2002)
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Hydrolytic and fermentative
bacteria decompose organic
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This section describes methodology to be followed for estimating biogas potential of the food
waste. Wet food waste sample was collected from Vikram Sarabhai Hall mess, it was then dried
in a hot air oven, the dried sample was then crushed into powdered form and this sample was
analyzed for moisture content, carbohydrate content, protein content and CHNS percentage
This experimented is conducted to measure the amount of solid matter present in the sample.
When collecting the sample it can be observed that it is in the semi-solid state, so in order to
measure the amount of solid organic matter this experiment was conducted. This experiment
gives us an estimation of solid matter present in the food waste sample collected from the mess.
Also this experiment is very useful as the sample obtained after crushing the dried food waste
sample was utilised to conduct subsequent experiments. Following experiment was conducted
as per standard methods with slight alterations (Clesceri, 1998)
Moisture indicates the amount of liquid most specifically water, which can be present in trace
amounts. Most of the organic matter contains moisture, depending on the matter into
consideration it varies from low moisture content to high amounts. There is a totally different
science known as aquametry, study of water content in a sample. Moisture effects different
materials differently, if moisture is not removed from food samples for a long time, fungus and
bacteria starts to grow and finally decompose the sample.
Since the boiling point of water is 100 degree Celsius so if the sample is heated above 100
degrees for quite a long time water present in the sample evaporates and leaves behind the solid
organic matter.
Petri Plate
Hot air oven
Digital weighing machine
Food waste from hostel mess
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Food waste sample was collected from the backyard of the hostel mess.
Initial weight of the dry, empty petri plate was measured.
Food waste sample was weighed along with the petri plate on the weighing machine.
This petri plate with the food waste sample was kept in the hot air oven at a temperature
of 105 degree Celsius for 10 hours
Petri plate containing the dried food waste sample was allowed to cool down in a
Petri plate with food waste sample was measured on the weighing machine.
The sample was again put inside the hot air oven for an hour at the same temperature
mentioned above.
These steps of drying the sample, cooling it in the desiccator and measuring weight
were repeated till constant weight was observed (Y gm).
After observing constant weight moisture content of the sample was measured using
the following calculations.
Moisture content of the sample = (Weight of the dried sample / Initial weight) * 100
= (Y/X) * 100
Where, X = weight of petri plate + wet food waste sample
Y = weight of petri plate + dried food waste sample
Carbohydrate is an organic molecule which consists of Carbon(C), Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen
(O) atoms. Carbohydrates are the main composition of food consumed by humans, so also a
main constituent of food waste generated in the mess. Quantitative estimation of carbohydrate
is necessary so that it can be observed which enzyme to use in order to enhance the production
of methane from the food waste.
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Following experiment was conducted for the quantitative estimation of carbohydrates using
anthrone in the food waste sample. (Hedge, 1962) Glucose reacts with hydroxymethyl furfural
that further reacts with anthrone to give blue, green complex. This green complex shows
absorption maximum at 630 nm.
This experiment was conducted as per standards with slight modifications (Hedge, 1962)
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100 mg of was glucose was dissolved in 100 ml of water.
1 ml of stock was diluted to 10 ml with distilled water.
The sample for the standard curve was prepared to take 0, 0.2, 0.4. 0.6, 0.8 and 1 ml of
the working standard. A blank solution with 0 ml glucose solution was prepared as
mentioned in Table 1.
Volume was made up to 1 ml by adding distilled water and 1 ml of the test sample were
taken in different test tubes.
4 ml of anthrone reagent was added to each sample.
All of the above samples were kept in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
Absorbance of all the samples mentioned above was measured at 630 nm in a
A standard curve was plotted with absorbance on "Y" axis and concentration on "X"
The concentration of the unknown sample can be measured by measuring the optical
density in a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 630 nm.
*dilution factor
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Proteins are natural polymers composed of amino acid units joined one to another by peptide
(or amide) bonds. Proteins are hydrolysed by extracellular enzymes (called proteases) into their
constituent polypeptides and amino acids. In anaerobic reactors, however, proteolytic bacteria
predominantly mediate protein degradation and the processes involved are energy yielding.
Most studies have shown the main proteolytic bacteria in digester sludge are gram-positive
bacteria, principally from the genus Clostridia and these play a dominant role in the
fermentation of amino acids as well (MJ, 1988)
Following experiment was conducted for quantitative estimation of protein in the food waste
sample. The Bradford assay is a protein determination method that involves the binding of
Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 dye to proteins (Bradford, 1976). This dye combines with the
protein to form a complex that shows absorption maximum at 595 nm.
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Percentage of different elements (Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Sulphur) in the sample
helps to find out the following information:
This data is very important for theoretical estimating the biogas potential of the organic
waste using the equation in the section 3.2
For the ammonia intoxication C: N ratio is very important.
Sulphur can inhibit the methanogens and hence to figure out the amount of sulphur to
be taken out that is desulphurization, so that the biogas plant works properly and it does
not affect its overall efficiency.
CHNS analyser helps to find out this data for organic compounds, it works on the principle of
“Dumas Method”. This method involves instantaneous combustion of the sample which is
commonly known as “flash combustion”. Column chromatography is used to separate different
combustion products. Depending on the concentration of the products this instrument generates
a signal proportional to the concentration.
Working Principle:
Apart from this technique there are a lot of other methods available to measure the CHNS, but
this method brings out a totally different approach with most accurate and precise values within
a very short span of time. Combustion products CO2, SO2, NO2 and H2O are released out of
chromatographic column and are detected by Thermal Conductivity Detector.
The instrument is very reliable as the gases released after combustion are not at all diluted as
they are directly taken into the Gas Chromatographer. Thermal Conductivity Detector,
combustion reactors, auto sampler and combustion reactors are major parts of the CHNS
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Figure 7 Digramatic representation of CHNS analyzer (Sophisticated Analytical Instrument
Facility, n.d.)
Materials Required:
Dried food waste sample was measured using a weighing machine. The weight of the
sample was to be taken in the range of 5-10 mg.
The sample in the above step was collected in a small aluminium cup.
This sample along with the aluminium cup was flattened and this sample was used to
get the CHNS data.
CHNS data was observed after 24 hours
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A system that uses mathematical equations and concepts is called mathematical model. This
process of developing that system is called mathematical modelling.
From the data obtained from CHNS analyser, theoretical biogas yield can be calculated using
the following equation by Muller and Buswell (Buswell, 1952).
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The program in MATLAB was executed and further entering the values for the empirical
formula for the kitchen waste (Banks, 2009). After entering the empirical formula values and
using Buswell equation 55% CH4 and 45% CO2 was calculated.
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This section includes all the experimental data that was obtained after performing a series of
experiments described in section 3. Data obtained was further analysed using bar graph and
other statistical tools. As per a report food waste generated in Vikram Sarabhai Hall during
March 2014 was found to be (Kumar, 2014)
1 150 350
2 150 300
3 150 300
4 200 350
5 150 300
6 150 350
7 200 400
And it can be seen from figure 3, average food waste produced during the month of February
2015 is coming out to be 634 kg. The average food waste generation in the mess has gone up
in the last year.
Results of the experiment described in section 3.1 are represented in tabular form in table 4. I.
Weight of the wet sample was measured using weighing machine and weight of the dry sample
was again measured and this data was used to calculate moisture content in the sample.
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Table 5 Moisture content data
Most of the water gets evaporated when the cycle of heating and weight measuring was
repeated. So once constant reading is observed that means there is no more water left in the
sample. Henceforth the moisture percentage in the sample can be measured.
1 2 3 4 5
From table 4 and figure 8 it can be deduced that most part of the food sample is water. Average
moisture content is coming out to be 70.88 % , so after evaporating all the moisture it can be
seen 29.12 % of the original sample is solid.
Results of the experiment described in section 3.2 are represented in table 5. Table 5
represents absorbance data obtained from spectrophotometer. Table 5 includes data for
plotting standard which was used to measure the carbohydrate percentage for the samples
discussed in table 6.
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Table 6 Absorbance value for standard curve for carbohydrate estimation
It can be observed from table 6 that increasing the concentration of carbohydrates in the
sample absorbance also increases. It can deduced that concentration of the sample is directly
proportional to the absorbance of the sample.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Concentration of Glucose (mg/ml)
Figure 9 shows the standard curve which was used to find out the carbohydrate content in the
food waste sample. After getting the linear equation can be used to calculate the amount of
carbohydrate in the unknown sample by simply using absorbance data and slope of the linear
curve in figure 9.
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Table 7 Carbohydrate concentration for unknown samples
Using the absorbance data in Table 6 and using the linear equation displayed in figure 9 the
moisture content of all the five unknown concentration food waste samples was calculated.
Carbohydrate content in the five samples is represented in the form of bar graph on the next
page in figure 10.
Carbohydrate %
1 2 3 4 5
Average carbohydrate concentration in the five unknown samples is coming out to be 51.99%.
It can be seen major portion of our dried food waste sample is carbohydrates. This carbohydrate
is decomposed during the process of anaerobic digestion described in section 2.4 to give simple
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Results of the experiment described in section 3.3 for preparing the standard curve for protein
estimation is represented in the table 7. Spectrophotometer can detect very low concentration
of protein. Proteins are complex molecules which are broken down into simpler molecules by
the bacteria present in the food waste sample.
It can be seen from the data in Table 7, absorbance value is increasing as the concentration of
the sample was increased. We can deduce that concentration and absorbance are directly
1 y = 0.0011x
R² = 0.9982
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
concentration (µg/ml)
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Table 9 Protein concentration for unknown samples
sample absorbance
1 0.169
2 0.153
3 0.148
4 0.173
5 0.152
Table 8 represents unknown samples with their absorbance data. Concentration of the sample
can be calculated using the linear equation in the figure 11. It can be seen from the bar graph
figure 11, distribution of protein percentage in the samples with unknown concentration.
protein %
1 2 3 4 5
Protein percentage in the food samples after using the data in table 8 is represented in bar graph
in figure 12.Proteins are broken down into simpler molecules by the bacteria present in the
biogas plant. From the data in table 12 average protein percentage can be calculated in the
samples. Average protein percentage in the sample was found to be 14.45 %.
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CHNS analysis is very important for calculating C:N ratio of the food samples. Dry food waste
sample is used to calculate this data. Table CHNS percentage was calculated using the facility
available at the NMR spectroscopy laboratory in National Institute of Technology Rourkela,
Odisha (India). It can be seen from the data in table 9 C:N ratio is 10:1.
weight in mg N% C% H% S% O%
C:N ratio should be high because if the nitrogen concentration is high that can corrode the
biogas plant. If the Nitrogen percentage in the sample is high that can reduce the overall yield
of the biogas generated from food waste.
30 sample1
15 sample3
Nitogen Carbon Hydrogen Sulphur Oxygen
Figure 13 bar graph showing percentage of CHNS (O) in food waste samples
From the data for CHNS(O) percentage in figure 13, average carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and
oxygen percentage was found to be 42 %, 5.75 %, 4.23 % and 45.75 % respectively. These
results are very important for calculating the biogas yield of a sample, if the empirical formula
for a sample containing carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen using Buswell formula (Buswell,
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1952), is known to us the amount of carbon dioxide, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide which
can be produced after decomposing the sample can be calculated.
On an average 634 kg of food waste is generated in the mess of Vikram Sarabhai Hall. Out of
this if only dry waste was taken into consideration that is 184.62 kg.
So on the basis of CHNS analyzer results carbon % in this sample is 42.06% which is equal to
77.65 kg, out of this only 60 % biogas is decomposed which is equal to 46.59 kg converted
biogas. (Banks, 2009) From Buswell formula represented in section 3.5 carbon percentage can
be calculated. Out of 46.59 kg converted biogas 55 % is methane and 45 % is carbon dioxide.
So amount of methane comes out to be 25.62 kg.
Using the ideal gas equation at STP we get 35.87 m3 of methane so the total biogas volume is
65.21 m3. Using the calorific value of methane that is 1 m3 = 10 KWh we can calculate
amount of energy in our sample that comes out to be 358.7 KWh.
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A lot of fuel is utilised to make food for the boarders of Vikram Sarabhai Hall of residence,
and food thus prepared has an added value compared to the raw food. Everyday around 600 kg
of food waste is generated. This can be put to use by using this food waste to produce biogas.
After analysing all the results from a series of experiments it can be deduced that food samples
which were collected from the backyard of the mess are rich in carbohydrates and proteins.
This food waste generated from hostel mess is a quality feedstock to produce biogas. Most of
the waste which is produced is considered to be of no use and hence dumped in the ground
which has serious implications like air pollution and soil pollution. The food waste collected
has a huge biogas potential and gives a good methane yield. Based on the series of experiments
and analysis I would like to propose a biogas plant in the backyard of the hostel. This will
certainly help to reduce the LPG consumption in the hostel mess.
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1. Andritz. (accessed April 2015). Biogas an important renewable energy source.
Retrieved from
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17. Pellerin, R. L. (1987). Operation and Performance of Biogas-Fueled Cogeneration
Systems. Energy in agriculture, 295-310.
18. Pillay, N. C. (2011). Biogas predition and design of food waste to energy system for
the urban environment. Elsevier, 2-4.
19. Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility. (n.d.). Retrieved from Regional
Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre (RSIC):
20. Sustainable Solid waste management India. (2011). Retrieved from SWM India:
21. Verma, S. (2002). Anaerobic Digestion Of Biodegradable Organics In Municipal
Solid Wastes.
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