CM Les Miserables
CM Les Miserables
CM Les Miserables
3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
In a musical drama, a good song certainly supports the performance of the
musical. When writing lyrics, many songwriters use figurative language to make
their songs more lively and meaningful. One of the types of the figurative
language used is a metaphor. This paper aimed to discover the conceptual
metaphors in Les Misérables original Broadway soundtrack's selected song
lyrics and find the meanings of metaphors found in song lyrics of Les
Misérables original Broadway soundtrack. In the data analysis, a qualitative
approach was applied to find the literal meanings and metaphorical meanings of
the conceptual metaphors. The data were collected from 10 selected songs of Les
Misérables' original soundtrack. The results showed that there were 25
conceptual metaphors of 48 lyrics taken from 10 songs. More specifically, 14
conceptual metaphors are classified as structural metaphors, five as orientational
metaphors, and six as ontological metaphors in the selected song lyrics.
Music has become a part of life. In everyday life indeed we can find elements of
music in it. Listening to music is done consciously and unconsciously. Humans have
diverse emotions, and a songwriter creates music from emotional feelings (Korsakova-
Kreyn, 2010). Through a song, humans can feel what the songwriter is trying to convey.
This is supported by Sloboda, which states that people tend to give a more emotional
reaction through a song (2010). The lyrics of the song can also affect the meaning of the
The lyrics contained in a song can have an explicit meaning and also an implied
meaning. The lyrics of a song can also be a personal experience of someone or from an
experience that is then poured into a piece. The term music preference is used to avoid
the view that the preference for a song genre is not better than other song genres
(LeBlanc, 1982). The type of song is also decisive, where someone who is feeling sad
will hear a song with a slow rhythm and has mellow tones and who is feeling happy will
listen to a music with a fast rhythm and has a happy atmosphere. The lyrics in a song
can make the listener understand the message that the song writer wants to convey.
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
Related topics, such as metaphor, conceptual metaphor, structural metaphor,
orientational metaphor, ontological metaphor will be discussed in the following
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
A qualitative approach was used in this research to find the meaning of each
metaphor found in song lyrics. According to Burnar (1995), self-reflection from
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
researchers is the most important thing in carrying out qualitative research. In finding
the meaning of the metaphor found, the writer interprets it according to the reflection
knowledge of the writer. Because this research focuses on sentences, phrases, and
writings, the researcher prefers to use qualitative research to be more flexible and
accurate in analyzing metaphors and their meanings. After finding the metaphors in the
song lyrics then the metaphors are used to find the meaning of the metaphors
themselves. The researcher uses content analysis to answer the research questions
To answer the questions from this research that have been made previously, the
data was immediately collected. In collecting data, researchers used a purposive
sampling technique. Researchers chose several songs from the original Broadway "Les
Misérables." After selecting several songs to be observed, the researchers then
examined the lyrics of the songs one by one to find the conceptual metaphor in them. To
detect the conceptual metaphor used, the author refers to the conceptual metaphor
theory that has been determined. Then after the researchers managed to find the song
lyrics that contain conceptual metaphor, the authors identify the population of all
metaphors and classify them into three types of conceptual metaphor according to the
theory of conceptual metaphor explained in the previous chapter. Then the researcher
will begin to interpret the meaning of the metaphors found in the lyrics.
The data from this research is in the form of song lyrics. The lyrics are from the
selected songs of Original Broadway "Les Misérables." Researchers chose songs from
this musical because of its fame among live theater enthusiasts. The song lyrics are
taken from This source is a trusted source because it has been
used by many people and has proven its accuracy for providing song lyrics from various
In this research, the objects of this study are some selected songs from the
soundtrack Les Misérables Original Broadway. Lyrics from selected songs will be the
data of this research. The lyrics in Les Misérables Original Broadway caught the
attention of the writer because the lyrics in the songs contain several conceptual
metaphors that are used to express the message of the song. Because the place and time
setting of Les Misérables was in the early 19th century and was located in France, so the
language style used at that time still uses many metaphors that were used.
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
No Type Quantity
1. Structural 31
2. Orientational 6
3. Ontological 11
Total 48
No Metaphor Quantity
1. World is wheel 2
2. Man is Animal 7
3. Head is house 1
4. Love is Journey 2
5. Life is journey 4
6. Blood is water 1
7. Life is competition 7
8. Ideas are grave 1
9. Action is natural phenomenon 1
10 Feeling is journey 1
11. Time is motion object 1
12. World is human 1
13. Life is theater 1
14. Season is human 1
Total 31
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
From table 2, it could be seen that the most common structural metaphors were
'Man Is Animal,' 'Life is Competition,' and 'Life is Journey.' The following were some
of the lyrics which contain the three structural metaphors previously mentioned
Man is Animal
E1: "Before you chain me up."
Data Context
The data above was spoken by one of the main characters named Jean Valjean.
The lyrics were sung when Valjean was taking Fantine to the hospital, and he met
Javert. Javert is obsessed with catching Valjean, who escaped from prison.
Target domain: Valjean pronounced the lyrics "before you chain me up" because
he remembered his previous life, which held in chains like an animal.
Source domain: the source domain of the lyric "Before you chain me up" was "chain".
the word 'chain' was used to describe the suffering of Valjean during his time in prison.
Here at the time, Valjean was a successful master of a factory and master of
hundreds of slaves. Valjean compared himself to an animal to explain how miserable he
was in prison.
Life is Competition
E2: "There's a new world for the winning"
Data Context
The data above occurred when the citizens of Paris, who were mostly slaves,
worked together and united to fight against government officials so that no oppression
would be experienced by the slaves.
Target domain: the lyrics "there is a new world for the winning" describe the
possibility of a new, more peaceful situation if the battle day goes well.
Source domain: the source domain of the lyric "there is a new world for the winning" is
'winning.' The word 'winning' was used to describe the victory when the resistance day
The victory will later lead the demonstrators to a more decent life.
Life is Journey
E3: "This never-ending road to Calvary."
Data Context
These lyrics can be found in the song One Day More. The lyrics occurred during
the events of resistance that many people carried out. The lyric "this never-ending road
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
to Calvary" uses a structural metaphor because Valjean wants to compare how much
effort people need to achieve independence.
Target domain: target domain in the lyric "this never-ending road to Calvary" is
the endless efforts of the people to achieve independence.
Source domain: source domain in the lyric "this never-ending road to Calvary" is "road
to Calvary." Calvary was a place that Jesus had to go to for His crucifixion. The journey
taken was arduous and torturous.
'Never-ending road to Calvary' illustrates that it is tough to achieve
independence. There is a lot of pain and suffering to go through to accomplish all of
No Metaphor Quantity
1. Do not Have Power is Down 1
2. Low Status is Down 1
3. High Status is Up 1
4. The Past Event is Down 2
5. Unfortunate Event is Down 1
Total 6
From table 3, it can be seen that the orientational metaphor that is most
commonly found is 'The Past Event is Down', and the other four are the same. The
following are some of the lyrics which contain the orientational metaphor previously
Data Context
These lyrics can be found in the song Who Am I? sung by Valjean when he
managed to run away from Javert. It wasn't long before Valjean finally turned himself
into court because someone else was blamed for his past actions. The sentence "All I
did was steal some bread" used orientational metaphor because the word "steal"
describes negative activities which are oriented to "down."
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
Target domain: the target domain in the lyric "All I did was steal some bread"
was implicit because there was no domain found in the lyrics.
Source domain: the source domain in the lyric "All I did was steal some bread" was
'steal' because it was used to describe Valjean's condition at the time.
Valjean was hesitant at first. He is happy because finally, he can be free from
pursuing Javert, but on the other hand, he feels sorry for an innocent person who is
accused of wrongdoing in the past. The lyric "All I did was stealing some bread"
categorized as an orientational metaphor because stealing is a negative activity, and this
happened in the past
High Status is Up
E2: "I am the master of hundreds of workers"
Data Context
The lyric "I am the master of hundreds of workers" was sung by Valjean when
an inspection took place at the factory. Valjean is the owner of a factory that employs
hundreds of workers. The sentence "I am the master of hundreds of workers" uses the
orientational metaphor because the term used in these lyrics is a position or position.
Target domain: the target domain in the lyric "I am the master of hundreds of
workers" is implicit because no domain is stated in the lyrics.
Source domain: source domain is in the lyrics "I am the master of hundreds of workers"
was 'master" because it describes the Valjean caste.
Valjean built his own factory with great effort. The factory later became
successful and had many workers. The lyric "I am the master of hundreds of workers"
shows that Valjean wants to show that he is not an ordinary person. Other people do not
have the right to act arbitrarily because of the high caste. "I am the master of hundreds
of workers" was belongs to the orientational metaphor because the word 'master'
showed a high position of someone. The high position is positive, so the metaphor is
Data Context
The lyrics "I am reaching, but I fall" are sung while Valjean is in the church.
Valjean regretted his past actions. He did not think that his trivial actions could bring
bad things to him. Valjean almost reached his end, but he is still grateful for those
around him who always help him. The lyric "I am reaching, but I fall" uses the
orientational metaphor because the word "fall" is synonymous with "down."
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
Target domain: the target domain was implicit because there is no domain found
in the lyric.
Source Domain: the source domain in lyrics "I am reaching, but I fall" was 'reach &
fall.'' these were used for explaining the situation faced by Valjean.
Valjean regretted his time wasted while he was in prison. Valjean is holding a
yellow paper that explains the crime that fell on him before. The words 'reach' and 'fall'
illustrate how Valjean's success is already on the verge of collapse. Even if he tries to
reach the top, he will always fail.
No Metaphor Quantity
1. Relation is paper 1
2. Love is human 2
3. Time is container 1
4. Feeling is entity 5
5. Afterlife is entity 1
6. Dream is expandable object 1
Total 11
From table 4, it can be seen that the most common ontological metaphor found
is "Feeling is entity," and the second most is "love is human," the fourth is the same.
The following are some of the lyrics which contain the orientational metaphor
previously mentioned.
Feeling is Entity
E1: "We live on crumbs of humble piety"
Data context
The lyric "we live on the crumbs of humble piety" was sung by the slave
characters in the song Look Down. There are several versions of this song, and the
current version was on a scene when officials pass through a crowd of vagrants and
slaves. The lyrics "we live on the crumbs of humble piety" were included in the
ontological metaphor category because they compare a person's feelings to an object
that can be seen with the eye.
Target domain: target domain on the lyrics "we live on crumbs of humble piety"
was implicit because no domain could be found in the lyric.
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
Source domain: the source domain for the lyrics "we live on crumbs of humble piety"
was "crumbs" because this word is used by the slaves to describe their life and
The word 'crumbs' is synonymous with bread and the like. Meanwhile, "humble
piety" describes how difficult it is for slaves to get good treatment. Many dogs or wild
animals eat leftovers from the table, including breadcrumbs. 'Humble piety' is
something that arises from within a person's heart. With that, the slave characters want
to describe how hard it is to get kindness and generosity from nobles or officials.
Love is Human
E2: "Love is blind."
Data Context
The lyrics of "love was blind" are sung by the character Fantine. At that time,
Fantine was in an area for commercial sex workers. She was forced to go to that place
because she was shunned and thrown away by the other workers. Fantine needs money
to support herself and her daughter, Cosette, so she has to sell himself in the area.
Fantine's words "Love was blind" were categorized as ontological metaphors because
the word "love" gets a personified figure.
Target domain: target domain in Fantine' '’s utterance "Love was blind" was
implicit because there was no domain placed in this lyric.
Source domain: source domain in Fantine's lyric "Love was blind" was 'love,' because it
was used by Fantine to describe that she loved someone from her deepest heart.
Fantine describes the human characteristics of "love" by using the word "blind."
The word 'blind' is considered a condition that might happen to someone whose eyes
could not see anything. This is similar to Fantine's love story, where she loves someone
and does not care about the bad things that person has.
Relation is Paper
E3: "How can I live when we are parted?"
Data context
The sentence "how can I live when we are parted?" sung by Marius happened
when Marius had to part with Cosette. At that time, Cosette was in a rush situation
because her father, Valjean, was getting ready to go to their new residence to avoid
Javert. The sentence "how can I live when we are parted?" was categorized as an
ontological metaphor because of inanimate a situation as a solid entity.
IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.
Target domain: target domain in the lyric "how can I live when we are parted?" was
implicit because there was no domain found in the lyric that can help explain the
Source domain: source domain in the lyric "how can I live when we are parted?" was
'‘parted.'’ They see a relationship as a paper that could be tear apart.
Marius and Cosette met in the middle of crowds, they saw each other in a blink
of eyes, and they already fell in love with each other. They tried to find each other, but
it is impossible. Marius and Cosette felt that they could not be separated.
The conceptual metaphors found in the lyrics of a classic Broadway play suggest
that metaphors can be used flexibly, in the sense that they are independent of a specific
time. There were fourteen conceptual metaphors found in the analysis of this study.
They were World is wheel, Man is animal, Love is human, Life is journey, Relation is
paper, Blood is water, Life is competition, Head is house, Dream is expendable/single
use object, High status is up, Low status is down, The Past Event is Down, Having
control is up, and Injustice is down. The fifteen conceptual metaphors are then
regrouped into three types of conceptual metaphors: structural metaphor, ontological
metaphor, and orientational metaphor. The meaning of the conceptual metaphor also
describes the relationship between the target domain and the source domain. From the
analysis process carried out, it can be seen that the metaphor is used as a tool to express
expressions and create their interpretations in each individual. Metaphors are also used
so that the lyrics of a song can be heard and look beautiful. Lyrics written with a
metaphor will make it easier for people to imagine the message the song wants to
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IJOTL-TL, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2021
p-ISSN: 2502-2326; e-ISSN: 2502-8278
Https://; Email:
Center of Language and Cultural Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia
Lazar, Bui, Intan, Dwi, Paskalina & Bram, Barli. (2021). Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics
of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack
IJOTL-TL (2021, September), 6(3): 248-260. DOI: 10.30957/ijotl-tl.v6i3.681.