Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) Optional Level of course unit (according to EQF: first cycle Bachelor, Third Cycle Bachelor second cycle Master) Year of study when the course unit is delivered (if applicable) 2021–2022 Semester/trimester when 5th semester the course unit is delivered Number of ECTS credits allocated 4.8 credits 1. Dr. Dra. Erina Sudaryati, MS.,Ak., CA 2. Dr. Ardianto, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA. Name of lecturer(s) 3. Ade Palupi, SE., M.Si., PhD., Ak., CA. 4. Drs. Bambang Suhardito, M.Si., Ak., CA. 5. Sigit Kurnianto, SE., MSA., Ak., SAS., AAP B., CA.
1. Graduates are able to understand and apply basic
concepts/principles of accounting and theories, including financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, information system, and taxation. 2. Graduates are able to understand and apply basic concepts of supporting subjects, including business, management, law, and economics. 3. Graduates are able to implement quantitative tools for accounting and business analysis. Learning outcomes of the 4. Graduates are able to prepare specific works related to course unit accounting, management, and business decision making. 5. Graduates are able to demonstrate information technology skills in the application of knowledge 6. Graduates are able to apply information technology skills in the application of knowledge 7. Graduates are able to demonstrate integrity as individuals with humanity values, morality and ethics. 8. Graduates are able to demonstrate discipline, responsible, cooperative attitudes and prioritise the interests of both public and the nation based on Pancasila Mode of delivery (face-to- face, Face-To-Face distance learning) Prerequisites and co-requisites (if Public Sector Accounting applicable) 1. Concept of Financial Management of Government. 2. Legal basis, RPJP, RPJMD, RKPD, KUA, PPAS, RKA/DPA, APBD. 3. Implementation and administration at the treasurer. 4. Accounting Policy and Local Government Accounting Course content System. 5. Simulation of Preparation of Financial Statements (SKPD). 6. Simulation of Preparation of Financial Statements (PPKD). 7. Simulation of Preparation of Consolidated Statements. 8. State Financial Management (Central Government). 1. UU 17/2003 about State Finances 2. UU 1/2004 about State Treasury 3. UU 15/2004 about the Audit of State Financial Management and Responsibility 4. PP 58/2005 about Management of Regional Finance 5. PP 71/2010 about Government Accounting Standard 6. Permendagri Nomor 13/2006 about Guidelines on Regional Financial Management as revised with Permendagri Nomor 59/2007 and Permendagri Nomor 21/2011 7. Permendagri Nomor 64 Tahun 2013 about the Implementation of Accrual Basis Government Accounting Recommended or required Standards at Local Government reading and other learning 8. UU 25/2004 about the National Development Planning System resources/tools 9. PP 8/2008 about the Procedures of Formulating, Controlling and Evaluating Regional Implementation and Development 10. Permendagri 54/2010 about the Implementation of Regulation PP 8/2008 on Procedures for Formulating, Controlling and Evaluating Regional Implementation and Development. 11. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 238/PMK.05/2011 about General Guidelines of Government Accounting System 12. Permenkeu 213/PMK.05/2013 about central government accounting and reporting systems. 1. Lectures Planned learning activities and 2. Assignment (presentation) teaching methods 3. Discussion
Language of instruction Bilingual, Bahasa Indonesia and English