Magnetism _ Matter

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Magnetism and matter


Chapter 05

Magnetism and Matter

1. Magnetism & Matter
1.1 The Bar Magnet
where 0 is absolute magnetic permeability of free
It is the most commonly used form of an artificial magnet.
When we hold a sheet of glass over a short bar magnet and space (air/vacuum).
sprinkle some iron filings on the sheet, the iron filings ⸫ 0 m1m2 ……..eq.(1)
rearrange themselves as shown in figure. The pattern 4 r 2
suggests that attraction is maximum at the two ends of the bar
This is called Coulomb’s law of magnetic force.
magnet. These ends are called poles of the magnet.
However, in cgs system, the value of K = 1.
This corresponds to Coulomb’s law in

SI Unit of magnetic pole strength

Suppose m1 = m2 = m (say),
r = 1 m and F = 10-7 N
From equation (1),
Fig. 5.1
( m) ( m)
1. The earth behaves as a magnet. 10−7 = 10−7  or m2 = 1 or m = +1 ampere-
2. Every magnet attracts small pieces of magnetic metre (Am). Therefore, strength of a magnetic pole is
substances like iron, cobalt, nickel and steel towards it. said to be one ampere-metre, if it repels an equal and
3. When a magnet is suspended freely with the help of an similar pole, when placed in vacuum (or air) at a
unspun thread, it comes to rest along the north south distance of one metre from it, with a force of 10 –7 N.
6. The magnetic poles always exist in pairs. The poles of a
4. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each magnet can never be separated i.e. magnetic monopoles
other. do not exist.
5. The force of attraction or repulsion F between two The magnetic field at large distance due to a bar magnet
magnetic poles of strengths m1 and m2 separated by a of magnetic moment m can be obtained from the
distance r is directly proportional to the product of pole equation for electric field due to an electric dipole
strengths and inversely proportional to the square of the moment p, by making the following replacements.
distance between their centres, i.e., 1 
E → B, p → m, → 0
m1m2 m1m2 40 4
F 2
or F = K , where K is magnetic
r r2 In particular, we can write down the equatorial field
force constant. (BE) of a bar magnet at a distance r, for r>>l, where l is
0 the size of the magnet :
In SI units, K = = 10−7 Wb A−1m−1

Magnetism and matter


0 m
BE = -
4r 3
Likewise, the axial field (BA) of a bar magent for r >> l
0 2m
BA =
4 r 3

2. Magnetism and Gauss’s

According to Gauss’s law for magnetism, the net magnetic
flux (B) through any closed surface is always zero.

Fig. 5.4

3.1 Magnetic Declination

Magnetic declination at a place is the angle between
magnetic meridian and geographic meridian at that place.

Fig. 5.2

3. Earth’s Magnetism
Magnetic elements of earth at a place are the quantities Fig. 5.5
which describe completely in magnitude as well as direction, Retain in Memory
the magnetic field of earth at that place. 1. The earth’s magnetic poles are not at directly opposite
positions on globe. Current magnetic south is farther
from geographic south than magnetic north is from
geographic north.
2. Infact, the magnetic field of earth varies with position
and also with time. For Example- In a span of 240
years from 1580 to 1820 A.D., the magnetic declination
at London has been found to change by 3.5° –
suggesting that magnetic poles of earth change their
position with time.
3. The magnetic declination in India is rather small. At
Delhi, declination is only 0° 41’ East and at Mumbai,
the declination is 0° 58’ West. Thus, at both these
Fig. 5.3 places, the direction of geographic north is given quite
accurately by the compass needle (within 1° of the
actual direction).

Magnetism and matter


3.2 Magnetic Dip or Magnetic Inclination 4. Magnetic Properties of

Magnetic dip or magnetic inclination at a place is defined as
the angle which the direction of total strength of earth’s
magnetic field makes with a horizontal line in magnetic To describe the magnetic properties of materials, we define
meridian. the following few terms, which should be clearly understood

3.3 Horizontal Component 4.1 Magnetic Permeability

It is the component of total intensity of earth’s magnetic field
in the horizontal direction in magnetic meridian. It is It is the ability of a material to permit the passage of
represented by H. magnetic lines of force through it i.e. the degree or extent to
which magnetic field can penetrate or permeate a material is
In figure, AK represents the total intensity of earth’s called magnetic permeability of the material. It is represented
magnetic field, ∠BAK = . The resultant intensity R along by r.
AK is resolved into two rectangular components:
Relative magnetic permeability of a material is defined as the
Horizontal component along AB is ratio of the number of magnetic field lines per unit area (i.e.
AL = H = R cos  ...(1) flux density B) in that material to the number of magnetic
field lines per unit area that would be present, if the medium
Vertical component along AD is were replaced by vacuum. (i.e. flux density B0).
AM = V = R sin  ...(2) B
i.e., r =
Square (23) and (24), and add B0
H2 + V2 = R2 (cos2  + sin2 ) = R2 Relative magnetic permeability of a material may also be
defined as the ratio of magnetic permeability of the material
⸫ R = H2 + V2 ...(3) () and magnetic permeability of free space (o)

Dividing (24) by (23), we get ⸫ r = or  =  r 0
R sin  V V
= or tan  = ...(4)
R cos  H H We know that m0=4×10-7 weber/amp-metre (Wb A-1 m-1 )
or henry/metre (Hm-1)
The value of horizontal component H = R cos  is different at
⸫ SI units of permeability () are
different places. At the magnetic poles,  = 90°
Hm-1 = Wb A-1 m-1 = (T m2) A-1 m-1 = T m A-1
⸫ H = R cos 90° = zero
At the magnetic equator,  = 0° 4.2 Magnetic Intensity ( H )
⸫ H = R cos 0° = R
The degree to which a magnetic field can magnetize a
Horizontal component (H) can be measured using both,
material is represented in terms of magnetizing force or
a vibration magnetometer and a deflection
magnetize intensity ( H ).
The value of H at a place on the surface of earth is of 4.3 Magnetization or Intensity of
the order of 3.2 × 10-5 tesla.
Magnetization ‘I’
The direction of horizontal component H of earth’s It represents the extent to which a specimen is magnetized,
magnetic field is from geographic south to geographic when placed in a magnetizing field. Quantitatively,
north above the surface of earth. (if we ignore declination). The magnetization of a magnetic material is defined as the
magnetic moment per unit volume of the material.
Magnetic moment m
( M) = =
volume V

Magnetism and matter


5. Classification of Magnetic
There are SI unit of I, which are the same as SI units of H.
Magnetic susceptibility (  m ) of a magnetic material is
defined as the ratio of the intensity of magnetization (I) Materials
induced in the material to the magnetizing force (H) applied
on it. Magnetic susceptibility is represented by  m . There is a large variety of elements and compounds on earth.
Some new elements, alloys and compounds have been
Thus  m = I synthesized in the laboratory. Faraday classified these
H substances on the basis of their magnetic properties, into the
Relation between magnetic permeability and magnetic following three categories:
susceptibility (i) Diamagnetic substances,
When a magnetic material is placed in a magnetizing field of (ii) Paramagnetic substances, and
magnetizing intensity H, the material gets magnetized. The (iii) Ferromagnetic substances
total magnetic induction B in the material is the sum of the
Their main characteristics are discussed below:
magnetic induction B0 in vacuum produced by the magnetic
intensity and magnetic induction Bm, due to magnetization of 5.1 Diamagnetic Substances
the material. Therefore, The diamagnetic substances are those in which the individual
B = B0 + Bm atoms/molecules/ions do not possess any net magnetic
moment on their own. When such substances are placed in an
But B0 = 0 H and Bm = 0 I, where I is the intensity of
external magnetizing field, they get feebly magnetized in a
magnetization induced in the magnetic material. Therefore, direction opposite to the magnetizing field.
from above when placed in a non-uniform magnetic field, these
B = 0 H +  0 I = 0 ( H + I ) , substances have a tendency to move from stronger parts of
the field to the weaker parts.
i.e., B = 0 ( H + I ) When a specimen of a diamagnetic material is placed in a
magnetizing field, the magnetic field lines prefer not to pass
Now as  m =  I = m H through the specimen.
H Relative magnetic permeability of diamagnetic substances is
From above, B = 0 ( H + m H ) = 0 H (1 + m ) always less than unity.
From the relation r = (1 + m ) , as r  1, m is negative.
But B = H
Hence susceptibility of diamagnetic substances has a small

⸫ H = 0 H (1 +  m ) or = 1 + m negative value.
0 A superconductor repels a magnet and in turn, is repelled by
the magnet.
or r = 1 + m The phenomenon of perfect diamagnetism in
This is the relation between relative magnetic superconductors is called Meissner effect. Superconducting
permeability and magnetic susceptibility of the material. magnets have been used for running magnetically leviated
superfast trains.

5.2 Paramagnetic Substances

Paramagnetic substances are those in which each individual
atom/molecule/ion has a net non-zero magnetic moment of
its own. When such substances are placed in an external
magnetic field, they get feebly magnetized in the direction of
the magnetizing field.
When placed in a non-uniform magnetic field, they tend to
move from weaker parts of the field to the stronger parts.

Magnetism and matter


When a specimen of a paramagnetic substance is placed in a 5.4 Curie Law in Magnetism

magnetizing field, the magnetic field lines prefer to pass
through the specimen rather than through air. According to Curie law,

From the SI relation, r = 1 + m , as r  1 , therefore,  m Intensity of magnetization (I) of a magnetic material is (i)
directly proportional to magnetic induction (B), and (ii)
must be positive. Hence, susceptibility of paramagnetic
inversely proportional to the temperature (T) of the material.
substances is positive, though small.
Susceptibility of paramagnetic substances varies inversely as i.e., I  B, and I 
1 T
the temperature of the substance i.e.  m  i.e. they lose
their magnetic character with rise in temperature. Combining these factors, we get I 
As B H , magnetizing intensity
5.3 Ferromagnetic Substances
H I 1
Ferromagnetic substances are those in which each individual I or 
atom/molecule/ion has a non-zero magnetic moment, as in a T H T
paramagnetic substance. I
But = m
When such substances are placed in an external magnetizing H
field, they get strongly magnetized in the direction of the 1 C
field.  m  or m =
The ferromagnetic materials show all the properties of
where C is a constant of proportionality and is called Curie
paramagnetic substances, but to a much greater degree. For

6. Hysteresis Curve
They are strongly magnetized in the direction of
external field in which they are placed.
• Relative magnetic permeability of ferromagnetic
The hysteresis curve represents the relation between
materials is very large ( 103 to 105)
magnetic induction B (or intensity of magnetization I ) of a
• The susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials is also
ferromagnetic material with magnetizing force or magnetic
very large. ( m = r − 1)
intensity H . The shape of the hysteresis curve is shown in
That is why they can be magnetized easily and strongly. figure. It represents the behavior of the material as it is taken
• With rise in temperature, susceptibility of through a cycle of magnetization.
ferromagnetic decreases. At a certain temperature, Suppose the material is unmagnetized initially i.e. B = 0, and
ferromagnetic change over to paramagnetic. This H = 0 . This state is represented by the origin O. We place
transition temperature is called curie temperature. For
the material in a solenoid and increase the current through the
Example, curie temperature of iron is about 1000 K
solenoid gradually. The magnetizing force H increases. The
Substance m r  magnetic induction B in the material increases and saturates
as depicted in the curve oa. This behavior represents
1. Diamagnetic -1  m < 0 0  r < 1  < 0
alignment and merger of the domains of ferromagnetic
2. Paramagnetic 0 < m < * 0<m< *  > 0 material until no further enhancement in B is possible.
3. Ferromagnetic m > > 1 m > > 1 >> 0 Therefore, there is no use of increasing solenoid current and
hence magnetic intensity beyond this.

Magnetism and matter


opposite direction. This value of magnetizing force is called

coercivity of the material.
As the reverse current in solenoid is increased in magnitude,
we once again obtain saturation in the reverse direction at d.
The variation is represented by the curve cd. Next, the
solenoid current is reduced (curve de), reversed and increased
(curve ea). The cycle repeats itself. From figure, we find that
saturated magnetic induction BS is of the order of 1.5 T and
coercivity is of the order of –90 Am .
From the above discussion, it is clear that when a specimen
of a magnetic material is taken through a cycle of
magnetization, the intensity of magnetization (I) and
magnetic induction (B) lag behind the magnetizing force (H).
Thus, even if the magnetizing force H is made zero, the
Fig. 5.6 values of I and B do not reduce to zero i.e., the specimen
tends to retain the magnetic properties.
This phenomenon of lagging of I or B behind H when a
specimen of a magnetic material is subjected to a cycle of
magnetization is called hysteresis.
For Example - , hysteresis loop for soft iron is narrow and
large, whereas the hysteresis loop for steel is wide and short,

Fig. 5.7
Next, we decrease the solenoid current and hence magnetic
intensity H till it reduces to zero. The curve follows the path
ab showing that when H = 0 , B  0 . Thus, some
magnetism is left in the specimen. Fig. 5.8
The value of magnetic induction B left in the specimen The hysteresis loops of soft iron and steel reveal that
when the magnetizing force is reduced to zero is called
• The retentivity of soft iron is greater than the retentivity
Retentivity or Remanence or Residual magnetism of the
of steel,
• Soft iron is more strongly magnetized than steel,
It shows that the domains are not completely randomized
even when the magnetizing force is removed. Next, the • Coercivity of soft iron is less than coercivity of steel. It
current in the solenoid is reversed and increased slowly. means soft iron loses its magnetism more rapidly than
Certain domains are flipped until the net magnetic induction steel does.
B inside is reduced to zero. This is represented by the curve • As area of I-H loop for soft iron is smaller than the area
bc. It means to reduce the residual magnetism or retentivity of I-H loop for steel, therefore, hysteresis loss in case of
to zero, we have to apply a magnetizing force = OC in soft iron is smaller than the hysteresis loss in case of

Magnetism and matter


(a) Permanent Magnets

Permanent magnets are the materials which retain at
room temperature, their ferromagnetic properties for a
long time. The material chosen should have
• high retentivity so that the magnet is strong,
• high coercivity so that the magnetization is not
erased by stray magnetic fields, temperature changes
or mechanical damage due to rough handling etc.
• high permeability so that it can be magnetized
Steel is preferred for making permanent magnets.
(b) Electromagnets
The core of electromagnets are made of ferromagnetic
materials, which have high permeability and low
retentivity. Soft iron is a suitable material for this
purpose. When a soft iron rod is placed in a solenoid
and current is passed through the solenoid, magnetism
of the solenoid is increased by a thousand-fold. When
the solenoid current is switched off, the magnetism is
removed instantly as retentivity of soft iron is very
low. Electromagnets are used in electric bells,
loudspeakers and telephone diaphragms. Giant
electromagnets are used in cranes to lift machinery

Magnetism and matter


NCERT Corner
Important Points to Remember
1. When a bar magnet of dipole moment m is placed in 7. Magnetic materials are broadly classified as:
a uniform magnetic field B, diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic. For
diamagnetic materials χ is negative and small and
(a) the force on it is zero,
for paramagnetic materials it is positive and small.
(b) the torque on it is m × B, Ferromagnetic materials have large χ and are
characterized by non-linear relation between B and
(c) its potential energy is –m - B, where we choose H. They show the property of hysteresis.
the zero of energy at the orientation when m is
perpendicular to B. 8. Diamagnetism is universal. It is present in all
materials. But it is weak and hard to detect if the
2. Consider a bar magnet of size l and magnetic substance is para- or ferromagnetic.
moment m, at a distance r from its mid-point, where
r >>l, the magnetic field B due to this bar is,

0 m
B= (along axis)
2r 3
= − 0 3 (along equation)

3. Gauss’s law for magnetism states that the net

magnetic flux through any closed surface is zero

n = 
all area
B.S = 0
elements S

4. Three quantities are needed to specify the magnetic

field of the earth on its surface – the horizontal
component, the magnetic declination, and the
magnetic dip. These are known as the elements of
the earth’s magnetic field.

5. Consider a material placed in an external magnetic

field B0. The magnetic intensity is defined as,


The magnetization M of the material is its dipole

moment per unit volume. The magnetic field B in
the material is,

B = 0 (H + M)

6. For a linear material M = χ H. So that B = µ H and χ

is called the magnetic susceptibility of the material.
The three quantities, χ, the relative magnetic
permeability µr, and the magnetic permeability µ are
related as follows:

 =  0 r

r = 1 + 

Magnetism and matter


Solved Examples
Example-1 External magnetic field, B = 0.15 T
When the bar magnet is aligned opposite to the
A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with
magnetic field, it is considered as being in unstable
a uniform external magnetic field of 0.25 T
equilibrium,  = 180o
experiences a torque of magnitude equal to
Potential energy of the system is hence
4.5 × 10–2 J. What is the magnitude of magnetic
= MB cos ()
moment of the magnet? [NCERT]
 - MB cos () = - 0.32  0.15  cos(180o)
Sol. Provided in the question, = 4.8  10-2 J
Hence the potential energy is = 4.8  10-2 J
Magnetic field strength b = 0.25 T
Torque on the bar magnet, T = 4.5  10-2 J
A closely wound solenoid of 800 turns and area of
Angle between the given bar magnet and the
cross section 2.5 × 10–4 m2 carries a current of 3.0
external magnetic field,  = 30o
A. Explain the sense in which the solenoid acts like
Torque is related to magnetic moment (M) as: a bar magnet. What is its associated magnetic
moment? [NCERT]
T = MB sin ()
Sol. It is provided that number of turns in the solenoid,
4.5 10−2 n = 800.
M= = 0.36J / T
0.25  sin 30o
Area of cross – section, A = 2.5  10-4 m2
Clearly, the moment of the magnet is 0.36 J/T.
Current I the solenoid, I = 3.0A
A current – carrying solenoid is analogous to a bar
A short bar magnet of magnetic moment m = 0.32 magnet because a magnetic field develops along its
JT–1 is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.15 axis, i.e., along its length joining the north and
T. If the bar is free to rotate in the plane of the south poles.
field, which orientation would correspond to its (a)
The magnetic moment due to the given current –
stable, and (b) unstable equilibrium? What is the
carrying solenoid is calculated as :
potential energy of the magnet in each case?
M = nIA = 800  3  2.5  10-4 = 0.6 J/T
Thus, the associated magnetic moment = 0.6 J/T
Sol. It is provided that moment of the bar magnet,
M = 0.32J/T. External magnetic field, B = 0.15 T Example-4
It is considered as being in stable equilibrium,
when the bar magnet is aligned along the magnetic A bar magnet of magnetic moment 1.5 J T–1 lies
field. Therefore, the angle , between the bar aligned with the direction of a uniform magnetic
magnet and the magnetic field is 0o. field of 0.22 T.
Potential energy of the system = - MB cos () (a) What is the amount of work required by an
 MB cos () = - 0.32  0.15  cos (0) external torque to turn the magnet so as to align its
= - 4.8  10-2 J. Hence the potential energy is magnetic moment: (i) normal to the field direction,
= - 4.8  10-2 J (ii) opposite to the field direction?
(a) It is provided that moment of the bar magnet,
M = 0.32 J/T (b) What is the torque on the magnet in cases (i)
and (ii)? [NCERT]

Sol. Provided that,   = 1.5  0.22 sin (180o)

Magnetic moment, M = 1.5 J/T   = 0 Nm

Magnetic field strength, B = 0.22T Hence the torque is zero.
(i) Initial angle between the magnetic field and Example-5
the axis is, 1 = 0o A closely wound solenoid of 2000 turns and area of
Final angle between the magnetic field and the cross-section 1.6 × 10–4 m2, carrying a current of
axis is, 2 = 90o 4.0 A, is suspended through its centre allowing it to
turn in a horizontal plane.
The work that would be required to make the
magnetic moment perpendicular to the (a) What is the magnetic moment associated with
direction of magnetic field would be: the solenoid?

(b) What is the force and torque on the solenoid if a

W = -MB (cos 2 – cos 1)
uniform horizontal magnetic field of 7.5 × 10–2 T is
 W = -1.5  0.22 (cos 90o – cos 0o) set up at an angle of 30° with the axis of the
 W = -0.33 (0 - 1)
Torque,  = MB sin ()
 W = 0.33 J
  = 1.28  7.5  10-2 sin (30o)
(ii) Initial angle between the magnetic field and   = 4.8  10-2 Nm [NCERT]
the axis, 1 = 0o
Sol. (a) Given is the number of turns on the solenoid,
Final angle between the magnetic field and the
axis, 2 = 180o n = 2000 Area of cross – section of the solenoid,
A = 16  10-4 m2 Current in the solenoid, I = 4A
The work that would be required to make the
The magnetic moment inside the solenoid at the axis
magnetic moment opposite (180 degrees) to
is calculated as:
the direction of magnetic field is given as:
M = nAI = 2000  1.6  10-4  4 = 1.28 Am2
W = - MB (cos 2 – cos 1) (b) Provided that,
 W = 1.5  0.22 (cos 180o – cos 0o) Magnetic field, B = 7.5  10-2 T
Angle between the axis and the magnetic field
 W = - 0.33 (- 1 - 1)
of the solenoid,  = 3
 W = 0.66 J Torque,  = MB sin()
(b) For the first (i) case,  = 1 = 90 o
  = 1.28  7.5  10-2 sin(30o)
→ → →   = 4.8  10-2 Nm
Hence the Torque,  = M  B
Given the magnetic field is uniform, and the force
And its magnitude is :  = MB sin() on the solenoid is zero. The torque on the solenoid
is 4.8  10-2 Nm.
  = 1.5  0.22 sin (90o) Example – 6
  = 0.33 Nm A short bar magnet has a magnetic moment of 0.48
J/ T. Give the direction and magnitude of the
Hence the torque involved is = 0.33 Nm magnetic field produced by the magnet at a distance
For the second – (ii) case:  = 1 = 180o of 10 cm from the centre of the magnet on (a) the
axis, (b) the equatorial lines (normal bisector) of the
And its magnitude of the torque is :  = MB magnet.
sin( ) [NCERT]

Sol. (a) The axis As B =  n i

Provided that the magnetic moment of the given bar B = 0 r n i
magnet, M is 0.48 J/T
B 2.5  23
Given distance, d = 10cm = 0.1 m ⸫ r = = = 684.5
0 ni 4 10−7  3  105  0.7
The magnetic field at d – distance, from the centre of
the magnet on the axis is given by the relation: Example - 8

0 2M A solenoid has a core of a material with relative

B= permeability 400. The windings of the solenoid are
4 d 3
insulated from the core and carry a current of 2 A. If
here, the number of turns is 1000 per metre, calculate (i) H
0 = Permeability of free space = 4  10-7 Tm/A (ii) B (iii) Intensity of magnetization I (iv) magnetizing
Substituting these values, B becomes as follows: current.
Sol. Here, r = 400, I’ = 2A, n = 1000 per metre
410−7 2  0.48
4 0.13 (i) H = nI’ = 1000 × 2 = 2 × 103 Am-1
 B = 0.96  10 T = 0.96G
(ii) B = H = 0 r H = 4 × 10-7 × 400 (2×103) = 1.0 T
The magnetic field is 0.96G along the South-North
(iii) From B = 0 (H + I), where I is intensity of
(b) The magnetic field at a point which d = 10 cm = magnetization,
0.1 m away on the equatorial of the magnet is given B 1.0
I= −H = − 2  103
as: 0 410−7
0 M
B= = 7.95 × 105 – 0.02 × 105
4 d 3
= 7.93 × 105 Am–1.
410−7 0.48
B= (iv) The magnetizing current Im is the additional
4 0.13
current that needs to be passed through the
 B = 0.48  10-4 T = 0.48 G windings of the solenoid in the absence of the
The magnetic field is 0.48 G along the North – South core, which would produce a B value as in the
direction. presence of the core. Thus,
Example -7 B = 0 n (I’ + Im)
The core of a toroid having 3000 turns has inner and
1.0 = 4 × 10–7 × 1000 (2 + Im)
outer radii 11 cm and 12 cm respectively. Calculate
relative permeability of its core, given that a current 1.0
Im = − 2 = 796 − 2 = 794 A
of 0.7 amp. produces a magnetic field of intensity 2.5 410−4
T in the core
Example- 9
Sol. Here, total number of turns = 3000 A paramagnetic material has 1028 atoms/m3. Its
11 + 12 magnetic susceptibility at temperature 350 K is 2.8 ×
Average radius, r = = 11.5 cm
2 10-4. Its susceptibility at 300 K is

= 11.5 × 10–2 m ; i = 0.7 amp. and B = 2.5 T (a) 3.267  10-4 (b) 3.262  10-4

No. of turns/length, (c) 2.672  10-4 (d) 3.726  10-4

Sol. For a paramagnetic material, magnetic
3000 3000 3 105
n= = −2
= susceptibility   1/T
2r 2 11.5  10 23

x2 = x1 (T1/T2) = 2.8  10-4  (350/300) halved by rotating it from this position. The angle of
rotation is
= 3.267  10-4 (a) 60o (b) 45o
(c) 30o (d) 75o
Example- 10 Sol. As H = B cos d
A magnetic needle free to rotate in a vertical plane, H 0.26 0.26
B= = = = 0.52 G
orients itself with its axis vertical at a certain place on cos  cos 60º (1 / 2 )
the earth. What are the values of
(a) Horizontal component of earth’s field ? Here, H = 0.26 G, d = 60º, B = ?
(b) angle of dip at this place. As,  = MBsin 
Sol. H = 0 and d = 90º. where,  = 90o
The place will be magnetic pole of earth.   = MB
Given, 2 = 1
Example- 11 2

In the magnetic meridian of a certain place, the 1

horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field is  MBsin  = MB
0.26 G and dip angle is 60º. What is the magnetic field
 sin  = 1/ 2   = 30o
of earth at this location ?
 Angle of rotation
t a certain place, the horizontal component of earth’s = 90o − 30o = 60o

magnetic field is 3 times the vertical component. Example-14

The angle of dip at that place is A domain in a ferromagnetic substance is in the form
of a cube of side length 1 μm. If it contains 8 8 × 1010
(a) 30o (b) 60o
atoms and each atomic dipole has a dipole moment of
(c) 45o (d) 90o
9 × 10-24 A – m2, then the magnetization of the domain
Sol. As, angle of dip is given is
BV BV (a) 7.2  105 Am-1 (b) 7.2  103 Am-1
tan  = = ( given )
BH 3BV (c) 7.2  109 Am-1 (d) 7.2  1012 Am-1
1 Sol.
= We know that, magnetisation,
dipole moment
  = 30o I=
Example-12 8 1010  9 10−24
= (given)
A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30o with a 10−18
uniform external magnetic field of 0.16 T experiences a = 7.2 105 Am −1
torque of magnitude 0.032 J. The magnetic moment of Example-15
the bar magnet will be The relative permeability of iron is 6000. Its
(a) 0.23 JT-1 (b) 0.40 JT-1 magnetic susceptibility is
(c) 0.80 JT (d) zero (a) 5999 (b) 6001
Sol. Given,  = 30o , B = 0.16T and  = 0.032 J (c) 6000  10 -7
(d) 6000 10-7
Magnetic moment, Sol.
 0.032
M= = As we know that,
B sin  0.16  sin 30o
r = 1 + m
= 0.40 JT −1
Given,  r = 6000
 6000 = 1 +  m
A bar magnet is held at right angle to a uniform
magnetic field. The couple acting on the magnet is to be   m = 6000 − 1 = 5999



The magnetic moment of atomic neon is

(a) zero (b) μ B/2
(c) μB (d) 3B/2
Sol. Since in neon atom, all the orbitals are filled with
electrons of opposite spin and, so net dipole
moment of neon atom is zero.
Hence, neon is diamagnetic material.

The magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic
substance at –73°C is 0.0060, then its value at –
173°C will be
(a) 0.0030 (b) 0.0120
(c) 0.0180 (d) 0.0045 Example-19
Sol. A thin rectangular magnet suspended freely has a
From Curie 's law,   T −1 period of oscillation equal to T. Now, it is broken
into two equal halves (each having half of the
 = , where C = constant original length) and one piece is made to oscillate
freely in the same field. If its period of oscillation is
 −173o C T−73o C
= T’. The ratio of T’/T is
 −73o C T−173o C 1
(a) (b)
( 273 − 73) 2 2 2
( 273 − 173) 1
(c) 2 (d)
200 4
= =2
100 Sol. When a thin rectangular magnet is divided into two
 −173o C = 2  ( 0.0060 ) equal parts, the magnetic dipole moment,
 −173o C = 0.0120 l M
M ' = pole strength  =
2 2
Example-18 (pole strength remains same)
Also, the mass of magnet becomes half, i.e.
A ship is to reach a place 10º south of west. In what m
direction should it be steered if declination at the m' =
place is 17º west ?
Moment of inertia of magnet,
Sol. As the ship is to reach a place 10º south of west i.e.
along OA, in the figure, therefore, it should be I=
steered west of (magnetic) north at an angle of (90 –
New moment of inertia,
17 + 10) = 83º.

1  m  l  ml 2
I' =    =
12  2   2  12  8
 I' =
 I 
Now, T = 2  
 MB 
 I' 
T ' = 2  
 M'B 
 I/8 
= 2  
 MB / 2 
 T' =
T' 1
 =
T 2
A short bar magnet is arranged with its north pole
pointing geographical north. It is found that the
horizontal component of earth’s magnetic induction
(BH) is balanced by the magnetic induction of the
magnet at a point which is at a distance of 20 cm
from its centre. The magnetic moment of the magnet
is (if BH = 4  10-5 Wbm-2)
(a) 3.2 A-m2 (b) 1.6 A – m2
(c) 6.4 A – m 2
(d) 0.8 A – m2
0 M
As, BH = .
4 r 3
Given, BH = 4 10 −5 Wbm −2 ,
r = 20 cm = 20  10−2 m
Putting these values, we get
 4  10−5 = 10−7 
( 20 ) 10−6

( 20 )  4  10−5  10−6

= 3.2 A − m 2

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