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Page 220 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

Magnetism and Matter

Bv = 0 $ 2M
4p r3

This expression is equivalent to that of bar magnet.

These are imaginary lines which give pictorial 4. TORQUE OF BAR MAGNET
representation for the magnetic field inside and Torque on a bar magnet in a uniform magnetic field
around the magnet. is,
Properties of electric field lines are given as below:
t = MB sin q = M # B
1. These lines form continuous closed loops.
where, q is the angle between M and B . Its S.I. units
is joule per tesla ^JT-1h .
2. The tangent to the field line gives direction of the
field at that point.
3. Larger the density of the lines, stronger will be
the magnetic field.
4. These line do not intersect each other. Potential energy of a magnetic dipole in a magnetic
field is given by,
U = - MB sin q = - M # B
where, q is the angle between M and B .
Magnetic dipole moment of a magnet,
Work done in rotating the dipole in a uniform
magnetic field from q 1 to q 2 is given by
W = MB^cos q1 - cos q 2h

Where m is a pole strength, 2l is separation between 7. MAGNETIC FIELD DUE TO A BAR MAGNET
1. At an axial point (end-on-position).
Magnetic dipole moment of a current loop,
M = NIA A- m2
The direction of m is perpendicular of the plane of
loop and given by right hand thumb rule.
Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron
= IA = enpr2
where n is frequency, r is radius of orbit.
m v
M = e L A- m 2 Bv = 0 $ 2M (Since r >> l )
2me 4p r3
where L = me vr is angular momentum of revolving The direction of magnetic field is along the
electron. direction of magnetic dipole moment M .
2. At on equatorial point (broadside-on-position)
m v
The expression of magnetic field at distance r from Bv = 0 $ M3
4p r
the centre is given by,
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 221

The direction of magnetic field is parallel to the 10. MAGNETIC INDUCTION

magnetic dipole and opposite to the direction of
It is defined as the number of magnetic lines of
dipole moment.
induction crossing per unit area through the magnetic
B = m 0 ^H + I h
where, m 0 = permeability of free space
H = magnetising field
I = intensity of magnetisation


Magnetic materials may be classified into three
1. Diamagnetic Substances : These are the
substances in which feeble magnetism is produced
in a direction opposite to the applied magnetic
field. These substances are repelled by a strong
magnet. These substances have small negative
values of susceptibility c and positive low value
of relative permeability m r , i.e.,
- 1 # c < 0 and 0 # m r < 1
8. MAGNETISM AND GAUSS’ LAW The examples of diamagnetic substances are
The net magnetic flux ^j B h through any closed surface bismuth, antimony, copper, lead, water, nitrogen
(at STP) and sodium chloride.
is always zero.
2. Paramagnetic Substances : These are the
i.e., j B = S B $ DS = 0 substances in which feeble magnetism is induced
in the same direction as the applied magnetic field.
These are feebly attracted by a strong magnet.
Terms related to magnetic properties of material are These substances have small positive values of M
given as below: and c and relative permeability m r greater than
1. Intensity of Magnetisation, I : The magnetic 1, i.e.,
dipole moment produced per unit volume field 0 < c < e and 1 < m r < 1 + e
of specimen of magnetic material in magnetising where e is a small positive number. The examples
field is known as intensity of magnetisation. of paramagnetic substances are platinum,
I =M =m aluminium, calcium, manganese, oxygen (at STP)
V A and copper chloride.
where, M = magnetic dipole moment, 3. Ferromagnetic Substances : These are the
substances in which a strong magnetism is
m = pole strength,
produced in the same direction as the applied
v = volume of specimen magnetic field. These are strongly attracted by
and A = cross-section area a magnet. These substances are characterised by
large positive values of M and x and values of m r
2. Magnetic Permeability : It is equal to the ratio of much greater than 1, i.e.,
magnetic induction and magnetising field.
c >> 1 , m r >> c
m =B

3. Magnetic Susceptibility : It is equal to the ratio of

intensity of magnetisation and magnetising field. ***********

cm = I
It has no unit.
Page 222 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5


According to the question,
SQP 2017

Magnetic dipole moment of wire is given by,

1. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is cut into two
parts of equal length. The magnetic moment of either M = m#L ...(1)
part is
(a) M (b) M/2
(c) 2M (d) Zero
Ans : OD 2018

If a bar magnet of magnetic moment M is cut into

two parts as shown in figure,

Now, Circumference of semicircle

= length of the wire
pr = L

r =L ...(2)
Magnetic dipole moment of semicircle is given by,
Ml = m # 2r

Ml = m # 2 # L From Eq.(2)
Dipole moment, M = m # 2l ...(1)
When bar magnet is cut into two parts of equal = m # 2L
length. Then,
Ml = m/2 # 2l Ml = 2M From Eq.(1)
Dipole moment, p
= 1 # (m # 2l) Thus (d) is correct option.
4. Permeability m of a ferromagnetic substance
From Eq. (1), we get
(a) m >> 1 (b) m = 1
Ml = M
2 (c) m < 1 (d) m = 0
Thus (b) is correct option.
Ans : Foreign 2013, OD 2014
2. Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity directed The magnetic permeability m of a magnetic substance
from gives the ratio of the magnetic flux density in the
(a) South to North Pole material B to the intensity of external magnetising
(b) North to South Pole field H in which it is placed.
(c) East to West direction Thus, We have

(d) West to East direction m =B

Ans : OD 2016 A ferromagnetic substance is strongly magnetised in
Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity directed the direction of the external magnetising field. Thus
from South pole to North pole. B is very larger than H. Therefore, its permeability m
Thus (a) is correct option. is enormously greater than one i.e. m >> 1.
3. A wire of magnetic dipole moment M and L is bent Thus (a) is correct option.
into shape of a semicircle of radius r . What will be its 5. S.I. unit of pole strength is
new dipole moments? (a) N (b) N/A - m
(a) M (b) M (c) A - m (d) T
M Ans :
(d) 2M
OD 2017, 2010
p p
Magnetic dipole moment = Pole strength # Length
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 223

Magnetic dipole moment 9. In tan A and tan B positions of a magnet the magnet
Pole strength =
length fields at a distance d are represented by B 1 and B 2
2 respectively, then
= A-m = A-m
m m m
(a) B 1 = 0 $ 22Md2 2 , B 2 = 0 $ 2 M 2 3/2
Thus (c) is correct option. 4p (d - l ) 4 p (d + l )
6. S.I. unit of magnetic moment is (b) B 1 = B 2 ; d >> 1
(a) JT-2 (b) Am2 (c) B 1 = 2B 2 ; d >> 1
(c) JT (d) Am-1 (d) Both a and c
Ans : OD 2015 Ans : OD 2009

The magnetic moment of a magnetic dipole is defined According to the deflection magnetometer, the
as the product of its pole strength and magnetic magnetic field in tan A and tan B position is given by,
length, 2l i.e., m
B1 = 0 $ 22 Md 2 2 (for tan A position)
M = m # 2l 4p (d - l )
SI unit of magnetic moment is ampere- meter2 (Am2). B2 = 0 $ 2 M 2 3/2 (for tan B position)
4p (d + l )
Thus (b) is correct option. If d >> , then,
When the intensity of magnetic field is increased four m
B1 = 0 $ 2m
times, the time period of suspended magnetic needle 4p d 3
becomes m
and B2 = 0 $ M3
(a) double (b) half 4p d
B1 = 2
(c) four times (d) one-fourth less
Ans : OD 2002
B1 = 2B2
The time period of suspended magnetic needed is
given by, d >>> 1
I Thus (d) is correct option.
T = 2p
mB 10. Magnetic lines of force
i.e., T ? 1 (a) always intersect.
(b) are always closed.
Hence, T1 = B2
T2 B1 (c) do not pass through vacuum.
T1 = 4B1 (d) tend to crowd far way from the poles of a magnet.
T2 B1 Ans : Foreign 2012, Comp 2004

T2 = T1 Outside the magnet, magnetic lines of force travel

from north to south-pole, whereas inside the magnet,
The time period of suspended magnetic needed these lines, travel from south to north-pole.
becomes half.
That is why, the magnet lines of force are always
Thus (b) is correct option. closed.
8. The direction of null points are on the equatorial line Thus (b) is correct option.
of a bar magnet, when the north pole of the magnet 11. If a material, placed in a magnetic field is thrown out
is pointing towards of it, then the material is
(a) north (b) south (a) diamagnetic (b) paramagnetic
(c) east (d) west (c) ferromagnetic (d) non-magnetic
Ans : SQP 2016 Ans : Delhi 2006
When the north pole of a bar magnet is pointing Diamagnetic materials are repelled when they are
towards north direction, then magnetic lines of force placed in a magnetic field. That is why, diamagnetic
pass through the magnet. material is thrown out if it.
Thus (a) is correct option. Thus (a) is correct option.
Page 224 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

12. The magnetic lines of force inside a bar magnet 16. If a bar magnet is dropped down in an infinitely
(a) do not exist long vertical copper tube, then the magnet will move
(b) are from north-pole to south-pole of the magnet
(a) increasing velocity and acceleration.
(c) are from south-pole to north-pole of the magnet
(b) increasing velocity but constant acceleration.
(d) depend upon the area of cross-section of the bar
(c) decreasing velocity and ultimately comes to rest.
(d) increasing velocity and ultimately acquires a
Ans : SQP 2011
constant terminal velocity.
Magnetic lines of force, due to a bar magnet, from a Ans : Delhi 2001
closed loop and outside the bar magnet, these lines
When a bar magnet is dropped down in an infinitely
from north-pole to south-pole, whereas inside the bar
long vertical copper tube, its velocity continuously
magnet, these lines travel from south-pole to north-
increases due to the gravitational attraction. As a
pole of the magnet.
result of this, the velocity of bar magnet continuously
Thus (c) is correct option. goes on increasing but having constant acceleration
13. The magnetic field at a distance r from a short bar due to free fall under gravity.
magnet is directly proportional to Thus (b) is correct option.
(a) r 2 (b) r-3 17. At which place, the earth’s magnetism becomes
(c) r 2/ 3
(d) r 4 horizontal?
(a) magnetic pole (b) geographical pole
Ans : OD 2017

Magnetic field due to a short bar magnet at a distance (c) magnetic equator (d) magnetic meridian
r from itself, Ans : Foreign 2010

m M Magnetic field of the earth becomes horizontal at a

B = 0 3 ? r- 3
4pr place where angle of magnetic dip is zero.
where, M = Magnetic moment of magnet Since, the angle of magnetic dip at magnetic meridian
is zero, therefore earth’s magnetism becomes
Thus (b) is correct option.
horizontal at that place.
14. At the magnetic poles of the earth, a campus needle Thus (d) is correct option.
will be 18. Metals getting magnetised by orientation of atomic
(a) vertical magnetic moments in external magnetic field are
(b) horizontal called
(a) diamagnetics (b) paramagnetics
(c) inclined at 10° with the vertical
(c) ferromagnetics (d) anti-magnetics
(d) inclined at 45° with the horizontal
Ans : OD 2017, Comp 2011
Ans : Delhi 2004
Those metals which are magnetised by orientation of
Horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field at the
atomic magnetic moments in external magnetic field
magnetic poles of the earth is zero.
are called paramagnetics.
Therefore, a compass needle at this place will be
Thus (b) is correct option.
Thus (a) is correct option. 19. Liquid oxygen remains suspended between two poles
of a magnet, because it is
15. Which of the following is an example for diamagnetic (a) diamagnetic (b) paramagnetic
(c) ferromagnetic (d) anti-ferromagnetic
(a) copper (b) nickel
Ans : Delhi 2012
(c) aluminium (d) iron Liquid oxygen (O 2) is paramagnetic, because each
Ans : OD 2014 oxygen molecule has two unpaired electrons. This is
Copper is an example of diamagnetic substance. And why, it remains suspended between two poles of the
nickel, aluminium, iron are substances. magnet.
Thus (a) is correct option. Thus (b) is correct option.
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 225

20. Most of the substance show which of the following 23. The magnetic susceptibility does not depend upon the
magnetic property? temperature in
(a) diamagnetism (b) paramagnetism (a) ferrite substances
(c) ferromagnetism (d) both (b) and (c) (b) ferromagnetic substances
Ans : Foreign 2016 (c) diamagnetic substances
All substances show diamagnetism, as it is universal. (d) paramagnetic substances
Since both the paramagnetism and ferromagnetism in
Ans : SQP 2002
substances have diamagnetism in weak, therefore they
are hard to detect. Susceptibility of diamagnetic substances is constant
and has low negative value (- 10-6 to - 10-7). It does
Thus (a) is correct option. not depend upon the temperature.
21. A diamagnetic material in a magnetic field moves Thus (c) is correct option.
(a) from weaker to stronger parts
24. A frog can be levitated in magnetic field produced by
(b) perpendicular to the field a current in a vertical solenoid placed below the frog.
(c) from stronger to weaker parts This is possible because the body of the frog behaves
(d) in none of the above directions as
(a) paramagnetic (b) diamagnetic
Ans : SQP 2015

Diamagnetic materials are magnetised in the (c) ferromagnetic (d) anti-ferromagnetic

opposite direction of the magnetising field. Therefore Ans : Delhi 2017
diamagnetic material moves from stronger to weaker When diamagnetised materials are placed in a
parts of the magnetic field. magnetic field, they are feebly magnetised in the
Thus (c) is correct option. opposite direction of the magnetising field or repelled.
Since the frog levitated in magnetic field produced by
22. If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north or a current in vertical solenoid placed below the frog
south pole of a bar magnet, then it is due to repulsion, therefore body of the frog behaves
(a) attracted by the poles as diamagnetic.
(b) repelled by the poles Thus (b) is correct option.
(c) attracted by the north pole and repelled by the 25. The domain formation is a necessary feature of
south pole (a) diamagnetism (b) paramagnetism
(d) repelled by the north pole and attracted by the (c) ferromagnetism (d) all of these
south pole
Ans : OD 2016, Foreign 2010
Ans : OD 2008
A ferromagnetic substance is composed of tiny crystals-
When diamagnetic substances are magnetised in the like regions. And within each crystal there are one or
opposite direction of the magnetising field. That is more domains. And in each domain, there is a perfect
why, when a diamagnetic substance is brought near alignment of the elementary moment represented
the north or south pole of a bar magnet, it is repelled by an arrow. That is why domain, there is a perfect
by the poles. alignment of the elementary moment represented
Thus (b) is correct option.A super conductor exhibits by an arrow. That is why, domain formation is a
perfect necessary feature of ferromagnetism.
Thus (c) is correct option.
(a) ferrimagnetism (b) ferromagnetism
26. Substances which are strongly attracted by magnetic
(c) paramagnetism (d) diamagnetism
field i.e., move from weaker to stronger side of the
Ans : Delhi 2015 field are termed as
A substance with permeability less than unity is (a) diamagnetic substances
called diamagnetic. Since the superconductor has
(b) paramagnetic substances
a zero permeability, therefore it exhibits perfect
diamagnetism. (c) ferromagnetic substances
Thus (d) is correct option. (d) non-magnetic substances
Page 226 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

Ans : SQP 2003

Ferromagnetic substances are strongly magnetised

in the direction of magnetising field. Therefore
ferromagnetic substances move from weaker to 30. Assertion : Diamagnetic substances exhibit
stronger side of the magnetic field. magnetism.
Thus (c) is correct option. Reason : Diamagnetic materials do not have
permanent magnetic dipole moment.
27. If c m and c m are the susceptibilities of a diamagnetic
1 2
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
substance at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively, then
(R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(a) c m = c m
1 2 (b) c m T1 = c m T2 1 2

(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason

(c) c m T2 = c m T1
1 2 (d) c m T1 = c m
1 2 T2 is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
Ans : Delhi 2005 (c) Assertion is true and Reason is false.
Given: (d) Assertion is false and Reason is also false.
Initial susceptibility, T1 = c m 1
Ans :
Final susceptibility, T2 = c m 2 Diamagnetic material exhibits magnetism in reverse
Susceptibility of a diamagnetic substance is direction and due to the absence of unpaired electron
independent of temperature. And it does not obey in diamagnetic material it does not exhibit permanent
Curie’s law. magnetic dipole moment.
Therefore, cm = cm 1 2
Thus (b) is correct option.
Thus (a) is correct option. 31. Assertion : We cannot think of a magnetic field
28. Susceptibility of a magnetic substance is found configuration with three poles.
to depend on temperature and the strength of the Reason : A bar magnet does exert a torque on itself
magnetising field. The material is a due to its own field.
(a) diamagnet (b) ferromagnet (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) paramagnet (d) superconductor
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but
Ans : OD 2011
Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Ferromagnetism of a substance decreases with the rise
in temperature. Moreover, a ferromagnetic substance (c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
gets strongly magnetised along the direction of the (d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
magnetic field. Therefore the material is ferromagnet. Ans :
Thus (b) is correct option. Magnet field may be formed with the help of three
29. The vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field poles. A bar magnet does not exert a torque on itself
is zero at a place where the angle is dip is due to its own field.
(a) 0° (b) 45° Thus (d) is correct option.
(c) 60° (d) 90° 32. Assertion : Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a
Ans : Foreign 2009
useful diagnostic tool for producing images of various
parts of human body.
Reason : Protons of various tissues of the human body
Vertical component of earth’s magnetic field,
play a role in MRI.
BV = 0
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
Vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field at a Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
place, (b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but
BV = B sin d Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Therefore, If BV = 0 , Then (c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
sin d = 0 (where, d is Angle of dip) (d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
d =0 Ans :
MRI is useful diagnostic tool for producing images
Thus (a) is correct option.
of various parts of human body because it makes use
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 227

of magnetic property of spinning proton inside the Ans :

nucleus. The susceptibility of ferromagnetic substance
Thus (a) is correct option. decreases with the rise of temperature in a complicated
manner. After Curies point in the susceptibility of
33. Assertion : Diamagnetic materials can exhibit ferromagnetic substance varies inversely with its
magnetism. absolute temperature. Ferromagnetic substance obeys
Reason : Diamagnetic materials have permanent Curie’s law only above its Curie point.
magnetic dipole moment. Thus (c) is correct option.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and 36. Assertion : The ferromagnetic substance do not obey
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. Curie’s law.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason : At Curie point a ferromagnetic substance
Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion. start behaving as a paramagnetic substance.
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but
Ans :
Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Diamagnetic material exhibits magnetism in reverse
direction. R is a wrong statement. Because due to (c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
absence of unpaired electron in diamagnetic material (d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
it does not exhibit permanent magnet dipole moment. Ans :
Thus (c) is correct option. The susceptibility of ferromagnetic substance
34. Assertion : Ferro-magnetic substances become decreases with the rise of temperature in a complicated
paramagnetic above Curse temperature. manner. After Curie point in the susceptibility of
ferromagnetic substance varies inversely with its
Reason : Domains are destroyed at high temperature.
absolute temperature. Ferromagnetic substance obeys
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Curie’s law only above its Curies point.
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
Thus (b) is correct option.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but
37. Assertion : A paramagnetic sample display greater
Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
magnetisation (for the same magnetic field) when
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. cooled.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct. Reason : The magnetisation does not depend on
Ans : temperature.
Susceptibility of ferro magnets decreases with (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
increase of temperature. At a transition temperature Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
is increased, dipoles acquire kinetic energy and are (b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but
disoriented, hence domain internal interaction called Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
exchange coupling disappears. (c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
Thus (a) is correct option.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
35. Assertion : The ferromagnetic substance do not obey Ans :
Curie’s law. A paramagnetic sample display greater magnetisation
Reason : At Curie point a ferromagnetic substance when cooled, this is because at lower temperature,
start behaving as a paramagnetic substance. the tendency to disrupt the alignment of dipoles (due
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and to magnetising field) decreases on account of reduced
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. random thermal motion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Thus (d) is correct option.
Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion. 38. Assertion : The poles of magnet can not be separated
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. by breaking into two pieces.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct. Reason : The magnetic moment will be reduced to
half when a magnet is broken into two equal pieces.
Page 228 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Ans : OD 2020

Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. Angle of dip (90c) is maximum at magnetic poles.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but 44. Where on the earth’s surface is the value of vertical
Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion. component of earth’s magnetic field zero?
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. Ans : OD 2018

Vertical component of earth’s magnetic field is zero at

(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
magnetic equator.
Ans :
45. Which of the following substances are diamagnetic?
When a magnet is cut into pieces, each piece becomes
Bi, Al, Cu, Ca , and Ni
new magnet.
Ans : Delhi 2019
Ml = ml = M Diamagnetic substances are
2 2
Thus (b) is correct option. (i) Bi,
(ii) Cu.
46. The Susceptibility of a magnetic material is
VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS - 4.2 # 10-6 . Name the type of magnetic material it
Ans : OD 2019
39. The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic
Negative susceptibility represents diamagnetic
filed at a place is B and angle of dip is 60c what is
the value of vertical component of earth’s magnetic
field at equator? 47. The Susceptibility of a magnetic material is 1.9 # 10-5
Ans : OD 2021
. Name the type of magnetic material it represents.
On the equator,the values of both angles of dip (d) Ans : Foreign 2011

and vertical component of earth’s magnetic field is The small and positive Susceptibility of 1.9 # 10-5
zero. So, in the this case, BV = 0. represents paramagnetic substance.
40. A magnetic needle, free to rotate in a vertical plane, 48. The permeability of a magnetic material is 0.9983.
orients itself vertically at a certain place on the Earth. Name the type of magnetic materials it represents.
What are the values of (i) horizontal component of Ans : Comp 2018, OD 2011
Earth’s magnetic field and (ii) angle of dip at this m r 1 1 , so magnetic material is diamagnetic
Ans : Comp 2020
49. What are permanent magnets ?
(i) 0c, Ans : SQP 2013
(ii) 90c Substances that retain their attractive property for
41. A small magnet is pivoted to move freely is the a long period of time at room temperature are called
magnetic meridian. At what place on earth’s surface permanent magnets.
will the magnet be vertical?
50. Why is the core of an electromagnet made of
Ans : Delhi 2020, SQP 2013 ferromagnetic materials?
Magnet will be vertical at magnetic pole of the earth. Ans : OD 2010
42. Relative permeability of a material m r = 0.5. identify Ferromagnetic material has a high retentive. So on
the nature of the magnetic material and write its passing current thorough windings it gains suffice
relation of magnetic susceptibility. magnetism immediately.
Ans : Foreign 2014 51. What is the importance of radial magnetic field in a
The nature of magnetic material is a diamagnetic. moving coil galvanometer?
mr = 1 + cm Ans : Delhi 2014
1. The plane of the coil remains parallel to the
43. Where on the earth’s surface is the value of angle of direction of magnetic field. So, the galvanometer
dip maximum? is linear.
or 2. It is a stronger magnetic field as compared to the
Where on the surface of earth is the angle of dip 90c ? magnetic field produced by the flat pieces of a
field magnet.
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 229

52. Magnetic field lines can be entirely confined with the Ans : Delhi 2017

core of toroid, but not within a straight solenoid, why? The nature of the material A is paramagnetic and its
Ans : Foreign 2017
susceptibility c m is positive.
The field lines cannot be entirely confined to the The nature of the material B is diamagnetic and its
two ends of a straight solenoid. If they were so, the susceptibility c m is negative.
magnetic flux through the cross-section at each end
57. What is the basic difference between magnetic and
would have been non-zero; this is denied by Gauss
electric lines of force?
theorem of magnetism. For a toroid, this difficulty
Ans : Delhi 2011, 06
does not arise because it is endless.
The basic difference between magnetic and electric
53. Magnetic field lines show the direction (at every point) lines of force is that whereas magnetic lines of force
along which a small magnetised needle aligns (at the are closed continuous curves, the electric lines of force
point). Do the magnetic field lines also represent the are discontinuous. They start from the positive charge
‘lines of force’ ? and end at the negative charge. On the contrary,
Ans : OD 2012 magnetic lines of force exist even inside the body of
No, the magnetic field lines certainly represent the the magnet and are therefore closed continuous curves.
direction of magnetic field, but not the direction of
58. The relative magnetic permeability of a magnetic
force; this is because force is always perpendicular to
material is 800. Identify the nature of magnetic
magnetic field Bv . Therefore, it is misleading to call material and state its two properties.
magnetic field lines as the lines of force.
Ans : Delhi 2018
54. Why cannot two magnetic lines of forces due to a bar Ferromagnetic substances, as these substances have
magnet cross each other? very high magnetic permeability.
Ans : Comp 2017, OD 2013
Properties :
Because if they cross at any point (say P ), there would 1. High retentivity.
be two tangents at point P and hence two directions 2. High susceptibility.
of magnetic fields at the same point as shown in the
figure, but magnetic field has only one direction. 59. Why does paramagnetic substance move from weaker
to stronger parts of non-uniform magnetic field?
Ans : OD 2018, Comp 2006

The atoms of paramagnetic substances posses

permanent magnetic dipoles and these dipoles are
randomly distributed in the absence of external
magnetic field. But when the paramagnetic substance
is subjected to a non-uniform magnetic field, each
atom experiences a torque tendency to align its
magnetic dipole moment along the direction of
55. The motion of copper plate is damped when it is magnetic field, and thus a paramagnetic substance
allowed to oscillate between the two poles of a magnet. moves from weaker to stronger magnetic field.
What is the cause of this damping?
60. Why does a magnetic dipole possess potential energy,
Ans : Comp 2018
when placed at some inclination with the direction of
As the copper plates oscillate in the magnetic field the field?
between the two plates of the magnet, there is a Ans : Comp 2017
continuous change of magnetic flux linked with the
When a magnetic dipole if placed in a uniform
pendulum. Due to this, eddy currents are set up in
magnetic field, it aligns itself along the direction of
the copper plate which try to oppose the motion of
the magnetic field in equilibrium. If a magnetic dipole
the pendulum according to the Lenz’s law and finally
is displaced from equilibrium position, a restoring
bring it to rest.
torque acts on the dipole which bring it back. So if
56. Out of the two magnetic materials, A has relative a dipole is placed at some inclination with the field,
permeability slightly greater than unity while B has work has to be done against the restoring force. This
less than unity. Identify the nature of the materials work done is stored in the form of potential energy in
A and B . Will their susceptibilities be positive or the magnetic dipole.
Page 230 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

61. A short bar magnet, placed with its axis making an Diamagnetic Substance Paramagnetic Substance
angle q with a uniform magnetic field Bv , experiences
a torque tv . What is the magnetic moment of the In non-uniform magnetic In non-uniform magnetic
magnet? field, the diamagnetic field, paramagnetic
substances are attracted substances move from
Ans : Delhi 2017
towards the weaker weaker to stronger part
The torque t experienced by a bar magnet placed in field, i.e., they move of the magnetic field
a uniform magnetic field Bv is given by, from stronger to weaker slowly.
v # Bv
tv = M magnetic field.
In magnitude, t = MB sin q Their permeability is less Their permeability is
t then one (m < 1). lightly greater than one
M = (m > 1).
B sin q

64. Write two differences between electromagnet and

permanent magnet.

The difference between electromagnet and permanent

62. A uniform magnetic field gets modified as shown in magnet.
the figure, when two specimens X and Y are placed
Electromagnet Permanent Magnet
in it.
1. It shows temporary It shows permanent
magnetism. It produces magnetism i.e., it
the magnetic field as retain magnetism in it
long as currents flows even when the current
in its coil. is switched off.
2. The polarity of a The polarity of a
electromagnet can be permanent magnet
changed by reversing cannot be changed.
(a) the direction of the

65. How does a circular loop carrying current behaves as

a magnet?
Ans : Foreign 2011

The current round in the face of the coil is in anti-

clockwise direction, then this behaves like a North
pole, whereas when it viewed from other scale, then
Ans : Comp 2019
current round in it is in clockwise direction necessarily
1. X -is a diamagnetic substance because in these forming South pole of magnet.
substance, the magnetic field lines are farther
than in air.
2. Y -is a ferromagnetic substance because in these
substance the field lines are much closer than in
63. State two characteristic properties distinguishing
behaviour of paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials.
Ans : Comp 2021

The dereference between distinguishing and

paramagnetic Substance are as follows : Hence, current loop have both magnetic poles and
therefore, behaves like a magnetic dipole.
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 231

66. Define uniform magnetic field. How is it represented the thermal agitation trying to disrupt the alignment
geometrically? decreases and thus sample displays greater magnetism.
Ans : Foreign 2012 70. What are artificial magnets? Give some of their
A magnetic field is said to be uniform if a unit advantages over natural magnets.
isolated north pole placed at different points in the Ans : OD 2018
field experiences the same force in the same direction. Artificial Magnets
Graphically, a uniform magnetic field is represented Pieces of iron and other magnetic materials can be
by equidistant and mutually parallel lines. made to acquire the properties of natural magnets.
Such magnets are called artificial magnets.
Advantages of Artificial Magnets Over Natural
1. They can be made magnetically much stronger
than natural magnets.
2. They can be made of any convenient size and
3. Their polarity can be reversed whenever desired.
67. 1. How does a diamagnetic material behave when it
is cooled to very low temperature? 71. Derive relation between relative magnetic permeability
2. Why does a paramagnetic sample display greater and magnetic susceptibility.
magnetisation when cooled? Explain. Ans : Delhi 2012, OD 2017

Ans : OD 2014 In SI units, B = m 0 (H + I )

1. For diamagnetic substances, the variation of
Since, I = cm H
susceptibility is very small, i.e., diamagnetic
materials are unaffected by the change in Hence, B = m 0 (H + c m H )
temperature (except bismuth).
B = m 0 H (1 + c m)
2. A paramagnetic sample displays greater tendency
when cooled at lower temperatures, the tendency Also, B = mH
to disrupt the alignment of magnetic dipole Hence, mH = m 0 H (1 + c m)
decreases due to the reduced random thermal
motion of atoms or molecules. m = m 0 (1 + c m)
A magnetic needle suspended freely in uniform m
68. = 1 + cm
magnetic field experiences a torque but no net force.
An iron nail near a bar magnet however experiences a mr = 1 + cm
force of attraction in addition to torque. Why? This is the required relation.
Ans : SQP 2013
72. A magnetic needle is placed on a cork floating on a
When a magnetic needle is suspended freely in still lake in the northern hemisphere. Does this needle
uniform magnetic field, the two poles of the needle together with the cork move towards the north of the
will experience equal and opposite forces hence net lake?
force is zero. On the other hand, when an iron nail is Ans : Delhi 2015
placed near a bar magnet, the magnetic field of bar
Since magnetic needle does not experience any net
magnet is non-uniform and the two poles of the iron
force, so the needle and the cork will not move towards
nail will experience different force.
the north of the lake. But, if the needle is inclined to
69. Why does a paramagnetic sample displays greater the magnetic meridian, a torque will act on the needle
magnetism when cooled? and after a few oscillations, the needle will set itself
Ans : Foreign 2014 along the magnetic meridian.
The paramagnetic material contains atoms possessing 73. An iron bar is heated to 1000c C and then cooled in
permanent magnetic dipole moment. When a a magnetic field free space. Will it retain magnetism?
paramagnetic material is placed in a magnetic field,
Ans : SQP 2007
these magnetic dipoles get aligned in the direction
The iron bar will lose its magnetism as the temperature
of magnetic field. The high temperature disrupt this
to which it is heated (i.e. 1000c C ) is much above
alignment. When a paramagnetic material is cooled,
the curie point for iron (i.e. 770c C ). So the iron bar
Page 232 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

magnet after heating to 1000c C and then cooled, there is a force of repulsion between them, then both
cannot retain its magnetism. bars must be magnetised.
74. Define magnetic dipole and dipole moment. What are To know which one is magnetised, place the bar A
its units? on the table and bring one of bar B near the two
Ans : SQP 2010
ends and at the middle of bar A. If there is force of
attraction only at the ends of bar A, then bar A is
Magnetic Dipole : An arrangement of two magnetic
magnetised and B not magnetised and if there is force
poles of equal and opposite strength separated by a
of attraction both at the ends as well as at the middle,
finite distance is said to constitute a magnetic dipole.
then bar B is magnetised and A is unmagnetised.
Common examples of magnetic dipoles are compass
needle, a bar magnet, a current loop, an electron 77. Define magnetic field and magnetic intensity (or
revolving in a circular or elliptical path etc. magnetic field at a point). What is the S.I. unit of
magnetic intensity?
Magnetic Dipole Moment : Consider a magnetic
consisting of two poles N and S each having pole Ans : OD 2016

strength m as shown in the figure. The distance Magnetic Field

between two poles is called magnetic length. The space around a magnet or a current carrying
conductor in which the magnetic effect can be felt is
called the magnetic field.
Magnetic Intensity
The strength of magnetic field or magnetic intensity
at a point is the force experienced by a unit north
pole placed at that point. The direction of the field is
Magnetic dipole moment is the product of strength of the direction in which this pole begins to move if free
either pole and the magnetic length. to do so.
i.e., Mv = m (2lv) Thus magnetic intensity is a vector quantity and has
The direction of magnetic dipole moment is from both magnitude and direction.
south to north pole. The S.I. unit of magnetic intensity is tesla or ampere
Unit : In SI the unit of dipole moment is ampere meter.
metre 2 (Am2). If a magnetic pole of strength m units placed at a
75. State four basic properties of magnets. point where the magnetic intensity is Bv then it
experiences a force of mBv .
Ans : SQP 2007

Basic properties of magnets are as follows: 78. Give some important properties of ferromagnetic
1. Attractive Property : A magnet attracts small substances.
pieces of iron, nickel, cobalt, etc. Ans : SQP 2014, Comp 2003

2. Directive Property : A freely suspended magnet Properties of ferromagnetic substances:

aligns itself nearly in the geographic north-south 1. They are strongly attracted by magnets.
direction. 2. As shown in figure, the lines get highly
3. Like Poles Repel and Unlike Poles Attract : This concentrated in ferromagnetic material so that
is a fundamental law of magnetic poles. magnetic induction B >> B0 .
4. Magnetic Poles Exist in Pairs : Isolated magnetic
poles do not exist. If we break a magnet into two
pieces, we get two smaller dipole magnets.
76. Two identical iron bars A and B are given: one of
which definitely known to be magnetised. How would
you ascertain, whether or not both are magnetised. If
only one is magnetised?
Ans : SQP 2008

Since repulsion is the sure test of magnetisation,

because if bar A attracts the other bar B , then both Highly Concentrated Lines of Force in a
may be magnets (i.e. their unlike poles are facing each Ferromagnetic Rod
other) or one bar may be a simple piece of iron, but if
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 233

3. When placed in a non-uniform magnetic field, a 81. Distinguish between soft and hard ferromagnetic
ferromagnetic substance tends to move quickly materials. Give examples of each type.
from weaker to the stronger parts of the field. Ans : Delhi 2017
4. When freely suspended, a rod of ferromagnetic Ferromagnetic materials can be divided into two
material quickly aligns itself parallel to the categories:
magnetic field.
1. Soft Ferromagnetic Materials or Soft
5. Their relative permeability is large, of the order of Ferromagnets : These are the ferromagnetic
thousands. materials in which the magnetisation disappears
6. Their susceptibility is large and positive. on the removal of the external magnetising field.
7. Ferromagnet-ism decreases with the increase of They have low retentivity, low coercivity, and
temperature. low hysteresis loss. But they have high relative
79. State Gauss’s law of magnetism. What are its magnetic permeability. They are used as cores of
solenoids and transformers.
important consequences?
Examples: Soft iron, mu metal, stalloy, etc.
Ans : Delhi 2005
2. Hard Ferromagnetic Materials or Hard
Gauss’s Law in Magnetism
Ferromagnets : These are the ferromagnetic
This law states that the net magnetic flux through materials which retain magnetisation even after
any closed surface is zero. Or, the surface integral the removal of the external magnetising field.
of a magnetic field over a closed surface is zero. They have high retentivity, high coercivity and
Mathematically, large hysteresis loss. They are used for making
permanent magnets.
fB = # Bv $ dSv = 0 Examples: Steel, alnico, lodestone, ticonal, etc.

Consequences of Gauss’s Law 82. Show diagrammatically the behaviour of magnetic

1. Gauss’s law indicates that there are no sources filed lines in the presence of (i) paramagnetic and (ii)
or sinks of magnetic field inside a closed surface. diamagnetic substances, How does now explain this
This implies that isolated magnetic poles (i.e., distinguishing feature?
monopoles) do not exist. or
2. The magnetic poles always exist as unlike pairs of
Draw the magnetic filed lines distinguishing between
equal strengths.
diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials. Give a
3. If a number of magnetic lines of force enter a
simple explanation to account for the difference in the
closed surface, then an equal number of lines of
magnetic behaviour of these materials.
force must leave that surface.
Ans : OD 2014, Comp 2005
80. Distinguish between diamagnetic and ferromagnetic
materials in terms of
(1) Susceptibility and
(2) their behaviour in a non-uniform magnetic filed.
Ans : Foreign 2011
(1) Susceptibility for diamagnetic material : It
independent of magnetic filed and temperature
(exec) for bismuth at low temperature.
Susceptibility for ferromagnetic material : The
Susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials decrease
steadily with increase in temperature. At the
temperature, the ferromagnetic materials become
(2) Behaviour in non-uniform magnetic field
Diamagnetic are feebly repelled, whereas
ferromagnet are strongly attracted by non-uniform
filed i.e., diamagnetic move it, the direction of
decreasing filed, whereas ferromagnet feels force
in direction of increasing filed intensity.
Page 234 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

A paramagnetic material tends to move from weaker

filed to stronger filed regions of the magnetic field.
So, the number of lines of magnetic field increases
when passing through it.
Magnetic dipole moments are induced in the direction
of magnetic field.
Paramagnetic materials has a small positive
A diamagnetic material tends to move from stronger Ans : Comp 2010
field to weaker field region of the magnetic field. So,
This happens when magnetic field of bar magnet is
the number of lines of the magnetic field passing
equal and opposite to the magnetic field of coil
through it decreases. " "
Magnetic dipole moments are induced in the opposite Bm = Bc
direction of the applied magnetic field. m0M m 0 Ia2
Diamagnetic materials has a negative susceptibility in 4pr3 2r 3
the range (-1 # x 1 O).
I = 2M 2
83. Explain the following Current is in anti-clockwise sense, an seen from the
(1) Why do magnetic field lines form continuous origin.
closed loops?
85. Three identical specimens of a magnetic materials
(2) Why are the filled lines repelled (expelled) when
nickel, antimony and aluminium are kept in a non-
a diamagnetic material is placed in a external
uniform magnetic field? uniform magnetic filed. Draw the modification in the
field lines in each case. Justify your answer.
Ans : OD 2012
Ans : Delhi 2017, SQP 2013
(1) Magnetic lines of force form continuous closed
loops because a magnet is always a dipole and The modifications are shown in the figure.
as a result, the net magnetic flux of a magnet is
always zero.
(2) When a diamagnetic substance is placed in an
external magnetic field, a feeble magnetism is
induced on opposite direction. So, magnetic lines
of force are repelled.

84. A small magnet of magnetic moment M , is placed at

a distance r from the origin O with its axis parallel to
X -axis as shown. A small coil, if one turn is placed on
the X -axis, at the same distance from the origin, with
the axis of the coil coinciding with X -axis. For what
value of current in the coil does a small magnetic It happens because
needle, kept at origin, remains undefiled ? What is (i) nickel is a ferromagnetic substance.
the direction of current in the coil ? (ii) antimony is a diamagnetic substance.
(iii) aluminium is a paramagnetic substance.
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 235

A coil of N turns and radius R carries a current f 2

I d q2 = - mBq
it is unwound and rewound to make a square coil of dt
side a having same number of turns (N). Keeping d 2 q = - mB q =- w2 q
the current I same, find the ratio of the magnetic dt 2 I
moments of the square coil and the circular coil. 2
i.e. angular acceleration d q2 ? angular displacement
Ans : Delhi 2015 dt
The magnetic moment of a current loop is given by Hence, the oscillations of a freely suspended magnetic
the relation M = NIA dipole in a uniform magnetic field are simple harmonic.
For the circular loop Mc = NIpR2 ...(1) The time period of oscillation is given by.
Now, When the coil is unwound and rewound to make T = 2p = 2p I
a square coil, then w mB
88. How are the magnetic moment of two bar magnet
MS = NI a2 = NI (pR/2) 2
compared without measuring their moment of inertia?
= NIp2 R2 /4 ...(2) Ans : Delhi 2021, Foreign 2010

From eqs. (1) and (2), we have Let us consider two magnets whose moment of inertia
2 2 are I1 and I2 and magnetic moments are M1 and M2
MS = NIp R /4 = p
MC 4 respectively.
Sum Position


87. Find time period of a bar magnet oscillating freely in
a uniform magnetic field Bv Net magnetic moment,
Ans : Comp 2021 Ms = M1 + M2
Oscillations of a Freely Suspended Magnet in a Net moment of inertia,
Magnetic Field
Is = I1 + I2
In the position of equilibrium, the magnetic dipole
lies along Bv. When it is slightly rotated from this Time period of oscillation of this pair in earth’s
position and released, it begins to vibrate about the magnetic field BH .
field direction under the restoring torque, Ts = 2p Is
Ms B H
t = - mB sin q
= 2p I1 + I 2 ...(1)
The negative sign indicates that the direction of toque (M1 + M2) BH
t is such so as to decrease q .
(M1 + M2) BH
Frequency, vs = 1
2p Is
Difference Position
Net magnetic moment,

For small angular displacement q , sin q . q . Md = M1 - M2

Hence, t = - mBq Net moment of inertia,
If I is the moment of inertia of the magnet, then the Id = I1 + I2
deflecting torque on the magnet is, Id
and Td = 2p
Md B H
t = Ia = I d q2
dt I1 + I 2
= 2p ...(2)
In the equilibrium condition, (M1 - M2) BH
Deflecting torque = Restoring torque
Page 236 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

(M1 + M2) BH m 0 2m
vd = 1
and Baxial = $ v
, along NP ...(1)
2p (I1 + I2) 4p r3
From Eq. (1) and (2), we get Clearly, the magnetic field at any axial point of
Ts = M1 - M2 magnetic dipole is in the same direction as that of its
Td M1 + M2 magnetic dipole moment.
M1 = T d2 + T s2 90. 1. A current loop behaves as a magnetic dipole.
M2 T d2 - T s2 Obtain an expression for the magnetic dipole
2 2 moment of a circular loop. State the rule used to
= v s2 + v d2
v s - vd find the direction of the magnetic dipole moment.
2. Obtain the dimensions and units of magnetic
89. Derive an expression for the magnetic field intensity dipole moment.
at a point on the axis of a bar magnet. What is the Ans : OD 2016, Delhi 2008
direction of the field? 1. Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole : The
Ans : Comp 2020 magnetic field produced at a large distance r
Magnetic field of a bar magnet at an axial point (end- form the centre of a circular loop (or radius a )
on position). Let NS be a bar magnet of length 2l along its axis is given by
and of pole strength qm . Suppose the magnetic field B = 0 $ 2IA ...(1)
is to be determined at a point P . Which lies on the 4p r3
axis of the magnet at a distance r from its centre, as On the other hand, the electric field of an electric
shown in figure. dipole at an axial point lying far away from it is
given by
E = 1 $ 3 ...(2)
4pe 0 r
where p is the electric dipole moment.
On comparing equations (1) and (2), we note that
both B and E have same distance dependence
` r j . Moreover, they have same direction at any
Imagine a unit north pole placed at point P . Then 3

from Coulomb’s law of magnetic forces, the force far away point, not just on the axis.
exerted by the N -pole of strength qm on unit north This suggests that a circular current loop behaves
pole will be as a magnetic dipole of magnetic moment,
m qm v m = IA
FN = 0 $ , along NP
4p (r - l ) 2
In vector notation,
Similarly, the force exerted by S -pole on unit north v
v = IA
pole is
m qm This result is valid for planer current loop of any
FS = 0 $ v
, along PS
4p (r - l ) 2 shape. Thus the magnetic dipole moment of any
current loop is equal to the product of the current
Therefore, the strength of the magnetic field Bv at
and its loop area. Its direction is defined to be
point P is
normal to the plane of the loop in the sense give
B axial = Force experienced by a unit north-pole at by right hand thumb rule, as shown in figure.
point P
= FN - FS
m 0 qm
4p ;(r - l ) 2 (r + l ) 2 E
= 1 - 1

m q
= 0 m $ 2 4rl 2 2
4p (r - l )
But qm $ 2l = m , is the magnetic dipole moment, so
B axial = 0 $ 22mr2 2
4p (r - l )
For a short bar magnet, l << r , therefore, we have
Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 237

Right Hand Thumb Rule : If we curl the fingers m l = IA = ev $ pr2

of the right hand in the direction of current in 2pr
the loop, then the extended thumb gives the evr
or ml = ...(1)
direction of the magnetic moment associated 2
with the loop. According to right hand thumb rule, the direction of
2. Dimensions of Magnetic Dipole Moment : For any the magnetic dipole moment of the revolving electron
current loop, will be perpendicular to the plane of its orbit and in
Magnetic dipole moment = Current # Area of the downward direction.
the loop Also, the angular momentum of the electron due to its
Hence, [m] = [A] [L2] = [AL2] orbital motion is,
SI unit of magnetic dipole moment is Am2 . It is l = me vr ...(2)
defined as the magnetic moment associated with The direction of lv is normal to the plane of the
one turn loop of area one square metre when a electron orbit and in the upward direction.
current of one ampere flows through it.
Dividing Eq. (1) by (2), we get
91. Explain how does an atom behave as a magnetic evr
dipole. Derive an expression for the magnetic dipole = 2 = e
l me vr 2me
moment of the atom.
The above ratio is a constant called gyromagnetic
ratio. Its value is 8.8 # 1010 Ckg-1 . So,
Deduce the expression for the magnetic dipole moment
of an electron orbiting around the central nucleus. ml = e l
Ans : Comp 2018

Magnetic Dipole Moment of a Revolving Electron Vectorially, mvl = - e lv

In hydrogen-like atoms, an electron revolves around The negative sign shows that the direction of lv
the nucleus. Its motion is equivalent to a current loop is opposite to that of mvl . According to Bohr’s
which possesses a magnetic dipole moment = IA . quantisation condition, the angular momentum of an
As shown in figure, consider an electron revolving electron in any permissible orbit is,
anticlockwise around a nucleus in an orbit of radius r
with speed v and time period T . l = nh , (where, n = 1, 2, 3, ... )
Hence, m l = n b eh l
This equation gives orbital magnetic moment of an
electron revolving in n th orbit.

92. Derive an expression for the magnetic field intensity

at a point on the equatorial line of a bar magnet.
What is the direction of this field?
Derive an expression for the magnetic field due to a
magnetic dipole in broad-side on position at a distance
r from its centre. The length of the dipole is 2l and
Orbital Magnetic Moment of a Revolving Electron its magnetic moment is m .
Ans : Delhi 2020, Comp 2002
Ch arge
Current, I = =e Magnetic field of a bar magnet at an equatorial point
Time T
(broadside-on position). Consider a bar magnet NS
= e = ev of length 2l and of pole strength qm . Suppose the
2pr/v 2pr
magnetic field is to be determined at a point P lying
Area of the current loop,
on the equatorial line of the magnet NS at a distance
A = pr 2 from its centre, as shown in figure.
The orbital magnetic moment of the electron is
Page 238 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

axial line of a short magnet is twice of that at the

same distance on its equatorial line.
93. (i) Derive an expression for the torque on a magnetic
dipole placed in a magnetic field and hence define
magnetic dipole moment.
(ii) Write the SI unit of magnetic moment.
(ii) When is the torque on a magnet (a) minimum
and (b) maximum?
Ans : OD 2019
(i) Derive an expression for the torque on a magnetic
Torque on a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic
field. Consider a bar magnet NS of length 2l placed
in a uniform magnetic field Bv . Let qm be the pole
strength of its each pole. Let the magnetic axis of
Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet at an Equatorial the bar magnet make an angle q with the field Bv , as
Point shown in Figure (a).
Force on N -pole = qm B , along Bv
Imagine a unit north-pole placed at point P . Then
from Coulomb’s law of magnetic forces, the force Force on S -pole = qm B , opposite to Bv
exerted by the N - pole of the magnet on unit north-
pole is,
m q v
FN = 0 $ m2 , along NP
4p x
Similarly, the force exerted by the S -pole of the
magnet on unit north-pole is
m q v
FS = 0 $ m2 , along PS
4p x
As the magnitudes of FN and FS are equal, so their
vertical components get cancelled while the horizontal
components add up along PR.
Hence the magnetic field at the equatorial point P is,
B equa = Net force on a unit N -pole placed at
point P
= FN cos q + FS cos q [Here FN = FS ]
= 2FN cos q
m 0 qm 1
= 2$ $ $ The forces on the two poles are equal and opposite.
4p x2 x
They form a couple. Moment of couple or torque is
or B equa = 0 $ 2 m 2 3/2 [since x = (r2 + l 2) 1/2 ] given by,
4p (r + l )
t = Force # perpendicular distance
where, m = qm $ 2l is the magnetic dipole moment.
Again for a short magnet, l << r , so we have = qm B # 2l sin q = (qm # 2l ) B sin q
m t = mB sin q ...(1)
B equa = 0 $ m3 , along PR
v ...(2)
4p r where, m = qm # 2l , is the magnetic dipole moment
Clearly, the magnetic field at any equatorial point of of the bar magnet. In vector notation,
a magnetic dipole is in the direction opposite to that v # Bv
tv = m ...(2)
of its magnetic dipole moment.
The direction of the torque t is given by the right
On comparing Eqs. (1) and (2), we note that the
magnetic field at a point at a certain distance on the hand screw rule as indicated in Figure (b).
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 239

The effect of the torque tv is to make the magnet align 95. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 5.0 Am 2 has poles
itself parallel to the field Bv . 20 cm apart. Calculate the pole strength.
Definition of magnetic dipole moment. If in Eq. (1), Ans : Comp 2016

B =1 Given, m = 5.0 Am 2
Then, q = 90c 2l = 20 cm = 0.20 m
Hence, the magnetic dipole moment may be defined As, m = qm # 2l
as the torque acting on a magnetic dipole placed
Hence, Pole strength, qm = m
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of unit 2l
strength. = 5.0 = 25 Am
(ii) SI unit of magnetic moment.
SI unit of magnetic moment. As, 96. What is the magnitude of the equatorial and axial
fields due to a bar magnet of length 5 cm at a distance
m = t of 50 cm form the midpoint? The magnetic moment of
B sin q
the bar magnet is 0.40 Am2 .
SI units of m = 1Nm Ans :
1T $ 1 OD 2018

= NmT-1 or JT-1 or Am2 Given, m = 0.40 Am 2

(iii) Torque on a magnet r = 50 cm = 0.50 m
When the magnet lies along the direction of the 2l = 5.0 cm
magnetic field,
Clearly, the magnet is a short magnet (l << r).
q = 0c
1. B equa = 0 $ m3
sin q = 0 4p r
t =0 = 10 # 30.4 = 3.2 # 10-7 T
Thus the torque is minimum.
m 0 2m
When the magnet lies perpendicular to the direction 2. Baxial = $
4p r3
of the field,
= 6.4 # 10-7 T
q = 90c
97. A magnetised needle of magnetic moment
sin q = 1 4.8 # 10-2 JT-1 is placed at 30c with the direction
t = mB of uniform magnetic field of magnitude 3 # 10-2 T .
What is the torque acting on the needle?
Thus the torque is maximum and t max = mB .
Ans : SQP 2013, Comp 2001

Given, m = 4.8 # 10-2 JT-1

NUMERICAL QUESTIONS q = 30c, B = 3 # 10-2 T
Hence, Torque, t = mB sin q
94. At a certain place, the horizontal component of earth’s
magnetic field is 3 times its vertical component. = 4.8 # 10-2 # 3 # 10-2 # sin 30c
What is the angle of dip at that place? = 7.2 # 10-4 J
Ans : OD 2015

Horizontal components of earth’s magnetic field, 98. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30c to a
uniform magnetic field of 0.2 T experiences a torque
BH = 3 # BV of 0.06 Nm .
where BV = Vertical component of earth’s magnetic 1. Calculate the magnetic moment of the magnet.
field 2. Find out what orientation of the magnet
corresponds to its stable equilibrium in the
Relation for the angle of dip d at a place is,
magnetic field.
tan d = BV = BV = 1 Ans : Foreign 2010
BH 3 # BV 3
1. Given,
d = 30°
B = 0.2 T
Page 240 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

q = 30c along z -axis.

t = 0.06 Nm Torque on the current loop of magnetic moment m is,
t = mB sin a
Magnetic moment, m = t = 0.06
B sin q 0.2 sin 30c v and Bv . For stable
where, a is angle between m
= = 0.6 Am2 equilibrium torque is zero, so a = 0c. For this Bv
0.2 # 0.5 should be perpendicular to the plane of the coil.
2. The P.E. of a magnetic dipole in a uniform Hence the coil will lie in y -z plane in the condition of
magnetic field is stable equilibrium.
U = - mB cos q
101. An electron in an atom revolves around the nucleus
In stable equilibrium, the P.E. is minimum. So c . Calculate the equivalent
in an orbit of radius 0.5 A
cos q = 1 magnetic moment if the frequency of revolution of the
q = 0c electron is 1010 MHz .
Hence the bar magnet will be in stable equilibrium Ans : Foreign 2011
when its magnetic moment m v is parallel to the The electron revolving around the nucleus in a circular
magnetic field Bv . orbit is equivalent to a current loop.
99. A planar loop of irregular shape encloses an area Its magnetic moment is,
of 7.5 # 10-4 m2 and carries a current of 12 A . The m = IA = en # pr2
sense of flow of current appears to be clockwise to an
Given, e = 1.6 # 10-19 C
observer. What is the magnitude and direction of the
magnetic moment vector associated with the current n = 1010 MHz = 1016 Hz
loop? c = 0.5 # 10-10 m
r = 0.5 A
Ans : OD 2015
Given, A = 7.5 # 10-4 m2
m = 1.6 # 10-19 # 1016 # 3.14 # (0.5 # 10-10) 2
and I = 12 A
= 1.257 # 10-23 Am2
Magnetic moment associated with the loop is,
m = IA 102. The electron in the hydrogen atom is moving with a
speed of 2.3 # 106 ms-1 is an orbit of radius 0.53 A c
= 12 # 7.5 # 10-4 . Calculate the magnetic moment of the revolving
= 9.0 # 10-3 JT-1 electron.
Applying right hand rule, the direction of magnetic Ans : Delhi 2016

moment is along the normal to the plane of the loop Given, v = 2.3 # 106 ms-1
away from the observer. c = 0.53 # 10-10 m
r = 0.53 A
100. A current of 6 A is flowing through a 10 turn circular
coil of radius 7 cm . The coil lies in the x -y plane. e = 1.6 # 10-19 C
What is the magnitude and direction of the magnetic Orbital magnetic moment of the electron,
dipole moment associated with it?
m l = evr
If this coil were to be placed in a uniform external 2
magnetic field directed along the x -axis, in which -19 6 -10
= 1.6 # 10 # 2.3 # 10 # 0.53 # 10
plane would the coil lie, when in equilibrium? (Take 2
p = 22/7 ) = 9.75 # 10-24 Am 2
Ans : Delhi 2017
103. A compass needle whose magnetic moment is 60 Am2
Magnetic dipole moment, pointing geographical north at a certain place where
m = NIA = NI # pr2 the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field is
40 mWb/m 2 experiences a torque of 1.2 # 10-3 Nm .
= 10 # 5 # 22 # b 7 l

7 100 What is the declination of the place?

= 0.77 Am2 Ans : Foreign 2009, Comp 2002

The direction of magnetic dipole moment is In stable equilibrium, a compass needle points along
perpendicular to the plane of the coil. Hence it is magnetic north and experiences no torque. When
Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 241

it is turned through declination a, it points along 2

B = 4p I2
geographic north and experiences torque, mT
t = mB sin a = 4 # 9.87 # 7.5 #2 10
6.7 # (0.67)
Hence, sin a = t = 9.8 # 10-5 T

= 1.2 # 10-3 =1 106. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 6.4 A-m 2 is placed
60 # 40 # 10-6 2 in a uniform magnetic field of 0.4 T. What is the
a = 30c torque acting on the magnet, when its axis makes an
angle of 60° with the magnetic field?
104. Obtain the earth’s magnetisation. Assume that the
earth’s field can be approximated by a giant bar Ans : Comp 2007

magnet of magnetic moment 8.0 # 1022 Am2 . The Magnetic moment, M = 6.4 A-m 2
earth’s radius is 6400 km . Magnetic field, B = 0.4 T
Ans : SQP 2005 and angle between bar magnet and magnetic field,
Given, magnetic moment, q = 60°
m = 8.0 # 1022 Am2 Torque acting on the bar magnet in uniform filed,
Radius of the earth, t = M B sin q
R = 6400 km = 6.4 # 106 m
= 6.4 # 0.4 # sin 60°
Magnetisation, M =m = 6.4 # 0.4 # 0.866 = 2.2 N-m
= 4m 3 107. A magnet of magnetic moment M is freely suspended
3 pr in a uniform magnetic field of strength B . Calculate
8.0 # 1022 # 3 the work done in rotating the magnet through 60° to
= 90° ?
4 # 3.14 # (6.4 # 106) 3
= 72.9 Am-1 Ans : Comp 2018

Magnetic moment = M
105. In figure, a magnetic needle is free to oscillate in a
uniform magnetic field. The magnetic needle has Strength of magnetic field = B
magnetic moment 6.7 Am2 and moment of inertia Initial angle of rotation = 60°
I = 7.5 # 10-6 kg m 2 . It performs 10 complete
Final angle of rotation = 90°
oscillations in 6.70s . What is the magnitude field?
Work done in rotating the magnet in uniform magnetic
W = M B (cos q 1 - cos q 2)
= M B (cos 60° - cos 90°)

= M Bb 1 - 0 l = M B
2 2
108. Work done in turning a bar magnet of magnetic
moment M through 90° from the meridian, is n times
the corresponding work done to turn it through an
Ans : OD 2016
angle of 60° . What is the value of n ?
Given, T = 6.70 s = 0.67 s Ans : Delhi 2016, OD 2011
Magnetic moment = M
m = 6.7 Am 2
Initial angle through which magnet is turned,
I = 7.5 # 10-6 kg m2
q 1 = 90°
As, T = 2p I
mB and final angle through which magnet is turned,
q 2 = 60°
T 2 = 4p 2 I
mB Work done in turning the bar magnet,
The magnitude of the magnetic field is,
W = M B (1 - cos q)
Page 242 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

Therefore, W1 = 1 - cos q 1 = 1 - cos 90° distance between the poles

W2 1 - cos q 2 1 - cos 60°
= Diameter of semicircle
= 1 - 0 = 1 =2
1 - 0.5 0.5 d2 = 2d1 = 2 # 0.314 = 0.2 m
p 3.14
W1 = 2W2 Magnetic moment of magnet
W1 = 2 (where, n = W1 ) M = Pole strength
W2 W2
# Distance between the poles
109. Two identical magnetic dipoles of magnetic moments
1.0 Am 2 each are placed at a separation of 2 m with = m#d
their axes perpendicular to each other. What is the i.e., =M?d
resultant magnetic field at a point mid-way between
Therefore, M1 = d1 = 0.314 = 1.57
the dipoles?
M2 d2 0.2
Ans : Comp 2019

The situation is shown in figure. where M2 = New Magnetic moment of magnet

M2 = M1
= 0.157 = 0.1 A-m 2

111. A current of 7.0 A is flowing in a plane circular coil of

radius 1.0 cm having 100 turns. The coil is placed in a
uniform magnetic field of 0.2 Wbm-2 . If the coil is free
to rotate, what orientations would correspond to its
The magnetic fields of the two magnets at the
(1) stable equilibrium and (2) unstable equilibrium?
midpoint P are,
Calculate the potential energy of the coil in these
m -7
B1 = 0 $ 2m = 10 #32 # 1 cases.
4p r 3
1 Ans : SQP 2006, Comp 2015
= 2 # 10 T (in horizontal direction)
Given, N = 100
B2 = 0 m3 = 10-7 T (in vertical direction) A = 7.0 A
4p r
Hence, BR = B 12 + B 22 = 5 # 10-7 T r = 1.0 cm = 1.0 # 10-2 m

If the resultant field BR makes angle q with B1 , then B = 0.2 Wb m-2

-7 Magnetic moment associated with the coil is,
tan q = B2 = 10 -7 = 0.5
B1 2 # 10 m = NI A = NI # pr2
Hence, q = 26.57c
= 100 # 7.0 # 22 # (1.0 # 10-2) 2
110. The effective length of a magnet is 31.4 cm, and its
pole strength is 0.5 A-m. If it is bent in the form of a = 0.22 Am 2
semicircle. What is the new magnetic moment? 1. The stable equilibrium corresponds to mv parallel
Ans : OD 2010 to Bv The potential energy is then minimum.
Initial effective length of magnet or initial distance Umin = - mB cos 0c
between the poles,
= - 0.22 # 0.2 # 1
d1 = 31.4 cm = 0.314 m
= - 0.044 J
and pole strength of the magnet, 2. The unstable equilibrium corresponds to m v
m = 0.5 A-m v
anti-parallel to B . The potential energy is then
Initial magnetic moment, maximum.

M1 = m # d1 Umax = - mB cos 180c

= 0.5 # 0.314 = 0.157 A-m 2 = - 0.22 # 0.2 # (- 1)

When a magnet is bent to from a semicircle, then = + 0.044 J

Chap 5 Magnetism and Matter Page 243

112. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30c CASE BASED QUESTIONS
experiences a torque of 0.016 Nm in an external field
of 800 G . 113. A physics teacher explain Gauss’s theorem in
1. What is the magnetic moment of the magnet? electrostatics and Gauss’s theorem in magnetism
2. What is the work done by an external force in to his students in a class. He tells them that total
moving it from its most stable to most unstable normal electric flux over a closed surface in vacuum
position? Q
is f e = , where Q is algebraic sum of charges inside
3. What is the work done by the force due to the e0
external magnetic field in the process mentioned the surface. Further, total normal magnetic flux over
in part (2)? a closed surface in vacuum is always zero. The teacher
4. The bar magnet is replaced by a solenoid of emphasises that this is because in magnetism, poles
cross-sectional area 2 # 10-4 m 2 and 1000 turns, always exist in unlike pairs of equal strength i,e.,
but the same magnetic moment. Determine the isolated magnetic poles called monopoles not exist.
current flowing through the solenoid.
Ans : OD 2014
1. Given,
q = 30c
B = 800 G = 800 # 10-4 T
t = 0.016 Nm

Magnetic moment, m = t
B sin q
= 0.016
800 # 10-4 # sin 30c
= 0.40 Am2
2. For most stable position, q = 0c and for most Read the above passage and answer the following
unstable position q = 180c. So the required work questions
done by the external force,
(i) What are the implications of Gauss’s theorem in
W = - mB (cos 180c - cos 0c) magnetism in day-to-day life?
= 2 mB (ii) Two magnetic dipoles of moments 5 A - m2
and 3 A - m2 oriented along opposite directions
= 2 # 0.40 # 800 # 10-4 are enclosed in a surface. What is total normal
= 0.064 J magnetic flux over the surface?
3. Here the displacement ant the torque due to the (iii) Two points charges + 4q and-q are enclosed in
magnetic field are in opposition. So the work done a surface in vacuum and third change 5q lies
by the magnetic field due to the external magnetic outside the surface. What is total normal electric
field is flux over the surface?
Ans :
WB = 0.064 J
(i) In day-to-day life, we can visualize North pole of
4. Given, a magnetic dipole as source and South pole of the
A = 2 # 10-4 m2 dipole as sink. When source and sink (of magnetic
flux) having the same strength are enclosed by
N = 1000
a surface, the total normal magnetic flux from
Magnetic moment of solenoid, the surface (i.e., net out come) will be zero.
ms = m = 0.40 Am 2 Hence, to archive success in any sphere of life, we
must identify the sinks and plug them properly.
But, ms = NIA
Arrange to have as many sources as possible and
success will yours.
Hence, Current, I = ms
NA (ii) As stated in theorem, total normal magnetic flux
0.40 over the surface would always be zero, it being
1000 # 2 # 10-4 zero for every individual magnetic dipole.
= 2A
Page 244 Magnetism and Matter Chap 5

(iii) fe =
/q inside
4q - q
e0 e0 e0
The charge 5q outside the surface does not affect
the electric flux.
114. Mr. Rajesh the chief development officer, in southern
railway went on an official tour to attend a seminar
on fast moving trains. He met his friend Ontosaki
in Tokyo after he finished his seminar there. His
friend explained to Rajesh how Japanese people are
concentrating on energy conservation and saving of
fossil fuels using Maglev trains. Mr. Rajesh travelled
from Tokyo to Osaka in Maglev train and found that
sound is less, travelling is smooth and understood in
what way we are lagging behind Japanese in mass
transporting systems. This works on the principle of
Meissner’s effect.
(i) What is Meissner’s effect?
(ii) Write the value of magnetic permeability for
perfect diamagnetism.
Ans :
(i) When a superconductor is cooled in a magnetic
field below its critical temperature the magnetic
field lines are expelled showing diamagnetic
property. This is called Meissner’s effect.
(ii) Diamagnetic materials have magnetic permeability
of less than 1.


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