The document describes an experiment to study biasing circuits using NPN transistors. The objectives are to observe the biasing effect of a BJT circuit and measure voltages and currents. The experiment involves constructing fixed bias circuits without and with base resistance, as well as self bias circuits without and with emitter resistance. Voltages VCE, VBE, VRC and currents IB and IC will be measured and recorded in tables for each configuration. Comparisons will then be made between the circuits regarding their stability against variations in beta.
The document describes an experiment to study biasing circuits using NPN transistors. The objectives are to observe the biasing effect of a BJT circuit and measure voltages and currents. The experiment involves constructing fixed bias circuits without and with base resistance, as well as self bias circuits without and with emitter resistance. Voltages VCE, VBE, VRC and currents IB and IC will be measured and recorded in tables for each configuration. Comparisons will then be made between the circuits regarding their stability against variations in beta.
The document describes an experiment to study biasing circuits using NPN transistors. The objectives are to observe the biasing effect of a BJT circuit and measure voltages and currents. The experiment involves constructing fixed bias circuits without and with base resistance, as well as self bias circuits without and with emitter resistance. Voltages VCE, VBE, VRC and currents IB and IC will be measured and recorded in tables for each configuration. Comparisons will then be made between the circuits regarding their stability against variations in beta.
The document describes an experiment to study biasing circuits using NPN transistors. The objectives are to observe the biasing effect of a BJT circuit and measure voltages and currents. The experiment involves constructing fixed bias circuits without and with base resistance, as well as self bias circuits without and with emitter resistance. Voltages VCE, VBE, VRC and currents IB and IC will be measured and recorded in tables for each configuration. Comparisons will then be made between the circuits regarding their stability against variations in beta.
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The University Of Asia Pacific
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
ECE 202 Experiment No: 06 Name of the Experiment : Stuy of !"T !iasing Circuits# Objective: To O$serve the $iasing effect of a !"T circuit #
Equipments: n%p%n transistor &c'2'(c'2)* one piece each +00, potentiometer one piece -esistors ./0 +60 001 DC micrometer 0%000A 2u3timeter one piece Trainer $oar Circuit Diagrams: Fixed bias circuits VCC=15V 500K RC =470 + VBE - + VCE - + VRC - IB IC Fig. 1(a 4ithout $ase resistance Fig. 1(b 4ith $ase resistance VCC=15V 500K RC=470 + VBE - + VCE - + VRC - IB IC 10K Procedure: 0# 2easure the va3ue of -c 5ith mu3timeter an recor# 2# Construct the fi6e $ias circuit 5ith C'2' transistors as sho5n in fig# 0&a*# A7ust +001 potentiometer unti3 8 CE is appro6imate3y e9ua3 to 8 CC :2# 2easure 8 CE ( 8 !E ( 8 -C an ; ! # ; C can $e ca3cu3ate from 8 -C an - C # <# -ep3ace C'2' $y C'2) ,eeping 8 cc an +001 potentiometer fi6e at va3ues set in step0# 2easure 8 CE 8 !E 8 -C an ; ! #
.# Construct the fi6e $ias circuit 5ith C'2' transistors as sho5n in fig# 0&$*# -epeat step 2 an <# +# Construct the se3f $ias circuit 5ith C'2' transistors as sho5n in fig# 2&a*# -epeat step 2 an <# 6# Construct the se3f $ias circuit 5ith C'2' transistors as sho5n in fig# 2&$*# -epeat step 2 an <# 500K VCC=15V RC=470 + VBE - + VCE - + VRC - IB IC RE=5!0 V CC= 15V 500K R C =470 + V BE - + V CE - + V RC - I B I C Fig. "(b R E =5!0 10K Fig. "(a 4ithout $ase resistance #e$% bias circuits 4ith $ase resistance (Submit the report part at the ab! Course No: ECE "#" Expt$ No: #% &egistration No: Semester: &o'' No: Date: &eport: Ta$3e= >or fig# 0&a* -c 8ce 8$e ;$ 8rc ;c ? 8rc:-c C'2' C'2) Ta$3e= >or fig# 0&$* -c 8ce 8$e ;$ 8rc ;c ? 8rc:-c C'2' C'2) Ta$3e= >or fig# 0&c* -c 8ce 8$e ;$ 8rc ;c ? 8rc:-c C'2' C'2) Ta$3e= >or fig# 0&* -c 8ce 8$e ;$ 8rc ;c ? 8rc:-c C'2' C'2) 0# Compare the circuits of fig#s 0&a* an 0&$* 5ith respect to sta$i3ity against variation in an 7ustify your ans5er# 2# Compare the circuits of fig#s 2&a* an 2&$* 5ith respect to sta$i3ity against variation in an 7ustify your ans5er# <# @o5 oes the sta$i3ity of fi6e $ias circuits is compare 5ith that of se3f $ias circuits# E6p3ain your ans5er# .#
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