Expt 4
Expt 4
Expt 4
NO. 04 NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: STUDY OF N-P-N CE AND CB TRANSISTOR CHARACTERISTICS. OBJECTIVE To determine the CE and CB characteri tic o! a tran i tor. MATERIALS REQUIRED n-"-n tran i tor #C$%&' re i tor %()*()+,,)*,, m-.timeter 0read 0oard THEORY Tran i tor ha t/o "-n 1-nction # ee !i2-re 0e.o/'. One 1-nction i ca..ed emitter 1-nction and other i ca..ed co..ector 1-nction. 3hen tran i tor i - ed a an am".i!ier) it i o"erated in acti4e mode. In acti4e mode) emitter 1-nction i !or/ard 0ia ed and co..ector 1-nction i re4er e 0ia ed. ?nE ?"E E iE n " ?nC nE " nC iC n C iB B B E C one "iece one "iece each t/o "iece
Emitter c-rrent i 2i4en 05 IE 6 InE 7 I"E /e can a. o /rite IE 6 IC 7 IB 6 8#* 7 '9:IC 3here 6 IC 9IB i ca..ed common emitter c-rrent 2ain. In 2ood tran i tor IC;;IB i.e. ;;*. IC can a. o 0e e<"re ed a IC 6 IE . /here 6 9#*7' . i ca..ed common 0a e c-rrent 2ain. For 2ood tran i tor) i c.o e to -nit5. Pro"er dc 0ia in2 o! a tran i tor i a "rere=-i ite !or "ro"er o"eration a an am".i!ier. The "-r"o e o! the 0ia in2 i to !i< the IC #dc' and >CE #dc' . B-t IC i a !-nction o! tem"erat-re) >BE and . It i a./a5 de ira0.e to de i2n a 0ia in2 circ-it /here IC i in en iti4e to chan2e in . 3hen E-B 1-nction i !or/ard 0ia ed and C-B 1-nction i re4er e 0ia ed) the tran i tor o"erate in acti4e mode. For at-ration mode o! o"eration) 0oth 1-nction are !or/ard0ia ed. C-t-o!! re2ion o"eration re=-ire that 0oth E-B and C-B 1-nction 0e re4er e 0ia ed. The in4erted acti4e o"eration occ-r /hen E-0 i re4er e-0ia ed and C-B i !or/ard 0ia ed. CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS *
IC +,,
>EE #,-+>'
>CC #,-%,>'
Fi2. *#0' Common-emitter con!i2-ration PROCEDURE For CB Con!i2-ration re!er to Fi2. *#a' *. %. B. D. +. E. F. $. &. *,. Con tr-ct the circ-it ho/n in Fi2. *#a' Set >CC to *,>. 4ar5 >EE o that IE i aro-nd % mA. Ad1- t >CC to 2et >CB a @ero. Aea -re the 4a.-e o! >BE Cee"in2 >CB6,) 4ar5 IE 05 chan2in2 >EE and mea -re the 4a.-e o! >BE and IE Set IE6BmA. Ad1- t >CC to 2et >CB6*>. Re"eat te" B. Ad1- t >EE o that IE i @ero. >ar5 >CC !rom @ero to a -ita0.e 4a.-e and mea -re >CB and IC. >ar5 >EE o that IE 6 *mA. Re"eat te" +. Re"eat te" + !or IE6%mA. A em0.e the circ-it ho/n in Fi2. *#0'. Fir t et >CC6*,>. A"".5 4o.ta2e to B-E 1-nction. Ad1- t the 4a.-e o! >CC o that >CE i @ero. >ar5 >BB and mea -re >BE !or di!!erent 4a.-e o! IB. Re"eat the a0o4e e<"eriment !or >CE6*>o.t.
>ar5 >BB o that IB i a0o-t *,A. >ar5 >CE in te" o! %.+ 4o.t and mea -re >CE and IC. Re"eat the e<"eriment !or IB6%,A and B,A.
#a' P.ot o-t"-t and in"-t characteri tic o! the n-"-n CB tran i tor . #0' Indicate acti4e) .inear9 at-ration and c-t-o!! re2ion o! the characteri tic .
#a' P.ot o-t"-t and in"-t characteri tic o! CE tran i tor. #0' Ca.c-.ate the ear.5 4o.ta2e !rom the o-t"-t characteri tic. #c' Di c#d' Di cthe e!!ect o! chan2in2 on the o-t"-t characteri tic . the e!!ect o! chan2in2 >CE on the in"-t characteri tic
B. D.
3hat are the ro.e o! the %C and *C !i<ed re i tor in the circ-it G P.ot #6Ic9IB' a a !-nction o! IC !or >CE6F.+>.