In This Issue: December 2000 Volume 3, Number 4

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December 2000 Volume 3, Number 4

A Quarterly Technical Publication for F r o m T h e E d i t o r

Internet and Intranet Professionals

In This Issue Numerous technologies have been developed to protect or isolate corpo-
rate networks from the Internet at large. These solutions incorporate
From the Editor .......................1 security, either end-to-end (IP security, or IPSec), or at the Internet/intra-
net border (firewalls). A third class of systems allows a range of IP
addresses to be used internally in a corporate network, while preserving
The Trouble with NAT ...........2 IP address consumption through the use of a single public address. This
latter class of device is called a Network Address Translator (NAT), and
The Social Life of Routers .....14 while many Internet engineers consider NATs to be “evil,” they are
nonetheless very popular. Combining IPSec, NATs, and firewalls can be
quite challenging, however. In our first article Lisa Phifer explains the
New Frontiers for problem and offers some solutions.
Research Networks................26
Successful network design is the result of many factors. In addition to
the basic building blocks of routers, switches and circuits, network plan-
Book Review..........................40
ners must carefully consider how these elements are interconnected to
form an overall system with as few single points of failure as possible. In
Call for Papers .......................41 our second article, Valdis Krebs looks at how lessons learned from so-
cial network analysis can be applied to the design of computer
Fragments ..............................42
The current Internet grew out of several government-funded research ef-
forts that began in the late 1960s. Today, basic technology development
as well as research into new uses of computer networks continues in
many research “testbeds” all over the world. Bob Aiken describes the
past, present and future state of network research and research

The online subscription system for this journal will be up and running in
January at In addition to offering a subscription
form, the system will allow you to select delivery options, update your
mailing and e-mail address, and much more. Please visit our Web site
and give it a try. If you encounter any difficulties, please send your com-
ments to

You can download IPJ —Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher

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subscription information at:
The Trouble with NAT
by Lisa Phifer, Core Competence

hose who are implementing virtual private networks often ask
whether it is possible to safely combine IP Security (IPSec) and
Network Address Translation (NAT). Unfortunately, this is not
a question with a simple “yes” or “no” answer. IPSec and NAT can be
employed together in some configurations, but not in others. This arti-
cle explores the issues and limitations associated with combing NAT
and “NAT-sensitive” protocols like IPSec. It examines configurations
that do not work, and explains why. It illustrates methods for using
NAT and IPSec together, and discusses an emerging protocol that may
someday prove more IPSec friendly.

This article builds upon “IP Security and NAT: Oil and Water?”[1] and
“Realm-Specific IP for VPNs and Beyond”[2], works previously pub-
lished by ISP-Planet.

What Is Network Address Translation?

NAT was originally developed as an interim solution to combat IPv4
address depletion by allowing globally registered IP addresses to be re-
used or shared by several hosts. The “classic” NAT defined by RFC
1631[3] maps IP addresses from one realm to another. Although it can be
used to translate between any two address realms, NAT is most often
used to map IPs from the nonroutable private address spaces defined by
RFC 1918[4], shown below.

Class Private Address Range

A …

B …

C …

These addresses were allocated for use by private networks that either
do not require external access or require limited access to outside ser-
vices. Enterprises can freely use these addresses to avoid obtaining
registered public addresses. But, because private addresses can be used
by many, individually within their own realm, they are nonroutable over
a common infrastructure. When communication between a privately ad-
dressed host and a public network (like the Internet) is needed, address
translation is required. This is where NAT comes in.

NAT routers (or NATificators) sit on the border between private and
public networks, converting private addresses in each IP packet into le-
gally registered public ones. They also provide transparent packet
forwarding between addressing realms. The packet sender and receiver
(should) remain unaware that NAT is taking place. Today, NAT is com-
monly supported by WAN access routers and firewalls—devices situated
at the network edge.

The Internet Protocol Journal

NAT works by creating bindings between addresses. In the simplest
case, a one-to-one mapping may be defined between public and private
addresses. Known as static NAT, this can be accomplished by a straight-
forward, stateless implementation that transforms only the network part
of the address, leaving the host part intact. The payload of the packet
must also be considered during the translation process. The IP check-
sum must, of course, be recalculated. Because TCP checksums are
computed from a pseudo-header containing source and destination IP
address (prepended to the TCP payload), NAT must also regenerate the
TCP checksum.

Figure 1: Static NAT

Src: : 1108 Src: : 1108

Dst: : 80 Dst: : 80
Web Server
NAT Router

Private Public

Src: : 1101 Src: : 1101

Dst: : 21 Dst: : 21

Client FTP Server Static NAT Table
Inside Outside
192.168.0.x 206.245.160.x

More often, a pool of public IP addresses is shared by an entire private

IP subnet (dynamic NAT). Edge devices that run dynamic NAT create
bindings “on the fly,” building a NAT Table. Connections initiated by
private hosts are assigned a public address from a pool. As long as the
private host has an outgoing connection, it can be reached by incoming
packets sent to this public address. After the connection is terminated
(or a timeout is reached), the binding expires, and the address is re-
turned to the pool for reuse. Dynamic NAT is more complex because
state must be maintained, and connections must be rejected when the
pool is exhausted. But, unlike static NAT, dynamic NAT enables ad-
dress reuse, reducing the demand for legally registered public addresses.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Trouble with NAT: continued

Figure 2: Dynamic NAT

Src: : 1108 Src: : 1108

Dst: : 80 Dst: : 80
Web Server
NAT Router
Private Public
Src: : 1101 Src: : 1101
Dst: : 21 Dst: : 21

Static NAT Table FTP Server

Client Inside Outside

NAT Pool: - 10

A variation of dynamic NAT known as Network Address Port Transla-

tion (NAPT) may be used to allow many hosts to share a single IP
address by multiplexing streams differentiated by TCP/UDP port num-
ber. For example, suppose private hosts and
both send packets from source port 1108. A NAPT router might trans-
late these to a single public IP address and two different
source ports, say 61001 and 61002. Response traffic received for port
61001 is routed back to, while port 61002 traffic is
routed back to

Figure 3: NAPT

Src: : 1108 Src: : 61001

Dst: : 80 Dst: : 80
Web Server
NAT Router
Private Public
Src: : 1108 Src: : 61002
Dst: : 21 Dst: : 21

Static NAT Table FTP Server

Client Inside Outside : 1108 61001 : 1108 61002

Virtual Server Table : 80 80
Virtual Web Server : 80
reachable as : 80

The Internet Protocol Journal

NAPT (masquerading) is commonly implemented on small Office/
Home Office (SOHO) routers to enable shared Internet access for an en-
tire LAN through a single public address. Because NAPT maps
individual ports, it is not possible to “reverse map” incoming connec-
tions for other ports unless another table is configured. A virtual server
table can make a server on a privately addressed DMZ reachable from
the Internet via the public address of the NAPT router (one server per
port). This is really a limited form of static NAT, applied to incoming

In some cases, static NAT, dynamic NAT, NAPT, and even bidirec-
tional NAT or NAPT may be used together. For example, an enterprise
may locate public Web servers outside of the firewall, on a DMZ, while
placing a mail server and clients on the private inside network, behind a
NAT-ing firewall. Furthermore, suppose there are applications within
the private network that periodically connect to the Internet for long pe-
riods of time. In this case:
• Web servers can be reached from the Internet without NAT, because
they live in public address space.
• Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) sent to the private mail server
from the Internet requires incoming translation. Because this server
must be continuously accessible through a public address associated
with its Domain Name System (DNS) entry, the mail server requires
static mapping (either a limited-purpose virtual server table or static
• For most clients, public address sharing is usually practical through
dynamically acquired addresses (either dynamic NAT with a cor-
rectly sized address pool, or NAPT).
• Applications that hold onto dynamically acquired addresses for long
periods could exhaust a dynamic NAT address pool and block ac-
cess by other clients. To prevent this, long-running applications may
use NAPT because it enables higher concurrency (thousands of port
mappings per IP address).

Where is NAT used today? Outbound NAT is commonly employed by

multihost residential users, teleworkers, and small businesses that share
a single public IP for outbound traffic while blocking inbound session
requests. In other words, small LANs connected via ISDN, Digital Sub-
scriber Line (DSL), or cable modem.

Bidirectional static NAT/NAPT combinations are typically used by en-

terprises that host services behind a masquerading firewall. NAT can
also be employed by enterprises wishing to insulate themselves from In-
ternet Service Provider (ISP) address changes, or by those wanting to
obscure private network topology for security reasons.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Trouble with NAT: continued

NAT-Sensitive Protocols
Our need to conserve IPv4 addresses has prompted many to overlook
the inherent limitations of NAT, recognized in RFC 1631 but deemed
acceptable for a short-term solution.

As noted previously, NAT regenerates TCP checksums. This, of course,

requires the TCP header containing the checksum to be visible (that is,
not encrypted). If only the TCP payload is encrypted and immutable be-
tween the application source and destination (for instance, Secure Shell
Protocol [SSH], Secure Sockets Layer [SSL]), then the checksum in the
TCP header can be recalculated without a visible TCP payload. But if
the TCP header is encrypted (for instance, IPSec transport mode), the
TCP checksum field in the TCP header cannot be modified.

Furthermore, many application protocols carry IP addresses in an appli-

cation-level protocol. In such cases, an Application-Level Gateway
(ALG) is needed to complete the translation. For example:

• Many Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets (for in-

stance, “Destination Unreachable”) carry embedded IP packets in
ICMP payload. These require both address translation and check-
sum regeneration.
• A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) ALG is needed to rewrite IP ad-
dresses carried by FTP PORT and PASV control commands. In the
IP header, these addresses are fixed-length words. Unfortunately, in
the FTP protocol, these IP addresses are carried as human-readable,
variable-length strings; rewriting can change the length of the TCP
segment. If the segment is shortened, it can be padded. If the seg-
ment is lengthened, SEQ and ACK numbers must be transformed for
the duration of the connection.
• Protocols like H.323 use multiple TCP connections or UDP streams
to form “session bundles.” If all connections in the bundle originate
from the same end system, an ALG may be avoided. But H.323 pre-
sents other challenges, including ephemeral ports and embedded,
ASN.1-encoded IP addresses in application payload.
• NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT) can be challenging to translate cor-
rectly because packet-header information is placed in NetBIOS
payload at inconsistent offsets, and many embedded IP addresses are
exchanged during an NBT session. Fortunately, most companies do
not let NBT beyond their firewall anyway.
• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) packets also carry
IP addresses that identify trap source and object instance. Perhaps
more important, dynamic NAT makes it impossible to uniquely iden-
tify hosts by IP address; public addresses are transient and shared.
Remote management of private hosts can thus be impeded by NAT.
• Obviously DNS, responsible for domain name/IP address mapping, is
impacted by NAT. From simple query handling to zone transfers, a
robust DNS ALG is defined by RFC 2694[9].

The Internet Protocol Journal

NAT-sensitive protocols such as Kerberos, X-Windows, remote shell,
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), and others are further described in the
Internet Draft “Protocol Complications with the IP Network Address
Translation”[12]. Another Internet Draft, “NAT Friendly Application
Design Guidelines”[13], explains how new application protocols can in-
tegrate smoothly with NAT. But there are still cases where ALGs simply
cannot “fix” packets modified by NAT.

Impact of NAT on IPSec

The IPSec Authentication Header (AH)[5] is an example. AH runs the en-
tire IP packet, including invariant header fields such as source and
destination IP address, through a message digest algorithm to produce a
keyed hash. This hash is used by the recipient to authenticate the packet.
If any field in the original IP packet is modified, authentication will fail
and the recipient will discard the packet. AH is intended to prevent un-
authorized modification, source spoofing, and man-in-the-middle
attacks. But NAT, by definition, modifies IP packets. Therefore, AH +
NAT simply cannot work.

Figure 4: NAT vs. AH

NAT Router
(Transport Mode)
IPSec Sender Private Public IPSec Receiver

Src: Static NAT Table Src:

Dst: Inside Outside Dst:
AH (y) 192.168.0.x 206.245.160.x AH (y)
Data Data

f(x) = y f(x) < > y
due to
Authentication Failure

The IPSec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)[6] also employs a mes-

sage digest algorithm for packet authentication. But, unlike AH, the
hash created by ESP does not include the outer packet header fields. This
solves one problem, but leaves others.

IPSec supports two “modes.” Transport mode provides end-to-end secu-

rity between hosts, while tunnel mode protects encapsulated IP packets
between security gateways—for example, between two firewalls or be-
tween a roaming host and a remote access server. When TCP or UDP
are involved—as they are in transport mode ESP—there is a catch-22.
Because NAT modifies the TCP packet, NAT must also recalculate the
checksum used to verify integrity. If NAT updates the TCP checksum,
ESP authentication will fail. If NAT does not update the checksum (for
example, payload encrypted), TCP verification will fail.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Trouble with NAT: continued

If the transport endpoint is under your control, you might be able to

turn off checksum verification. In other words, ESP can pass through
NAT in tunnel mode, or in transport mode with TCP checksums dis-
abled or ignored by the receiver.

Figure 5: NAT vs. ESP

(Transport Mode) NAT Router
IPSec Sender Private Public IPSsec Receiver

Src: Static NAT Table Src:

Dst: Inside Outside Dst:
ESP Header 192.168.0.x 206.245.160.x ESP Header
TCP (a) TCP (a)
Data Data
ESP Trailer ESP Trailer
ESP Auth (y) ESP Auth (y)

f(x) = y f(x) = y
TCP Checksum TCP Checksum
f(p) = a f(p) < > a
due to
TCP Checksum Failure

If we stick to ESP in tunnel mode or turn off checksums, there’s still an-
other obstacle: the Internet Key Exchange (IKE)[7]. IPSec-based Virtual
Private Networks (VPNs) use IKE to automate security association
setup and authenticate endpoints. The most basic and common method
of authentication in use today is preshared key. Unfortunately, this
method depends upon the source IP address of the packet. If NAT is in-
serted between endpoints, the outer source IP address will be translated
into the address of the NAT router, and no longer identify the originat-
ing security gateway. To avoid this problem, it is possible to use another
IKE “main mode” and “quick mode” identifier (for example, user ID or
fully qualified domain name).

A further problem may occur after a Security Association (SA) has been
up for awhile. When the SA expires, one security gateway will send a re-
key request to the other. If the SA was initiated from the well-known
IKE port UDP/500, that port is used as the destination for the rekey re-
quest. If more than one security gateway lies behind a NAPT router,
how can the incoming rekey be directed to the right private IP address?
Rekeys can be made to work by “floating” the IKE port so that each
gateway is addressable through a unique port number, allowing incom-
ing requests to be demultiplexed by the NAPT router.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Figure 6: NAT vs.
IKE Rekey

Src: : 500

IPSec SG2 DST: : 61001
NAPT Router IKE Rekey for SG2
Src: : 500 IPSsec SG1
Private Public
DST: : 61002
IKE Rekey for SG3

IPSec SG3 NAPT Table
Inside IP : Port Outside Port : 500 61001 : 500 61002

Virtual Server Table : 500 61001 : 500 61002

At this point, two things should be clear: (1) it is possible to find a

“flavor” of IPSec that will run through NAT, but (2) one must do so
with great care and attention to detail. Recent Internet Drafts[12] [14] have
recorded these problems for further consideration, and RFC 2709[10] de-
scribes a security model for running tunnel-mode IPSec through NAT.

One Solution: Avoid the Problem

By far the easiest way to combine IPSec and NAT is to completely avoid
these problems by locating IPSec endpoints in public address space. That
is, NAT before IPSec; don’t perform IPSec before NAT. This can be ac-
complished in two ways:

• Perform NAT on a device located behind your IPSec security gate-

way; or
• Use an IPSec device that also performs NAT.

Figure 7: Combining
IPSec and NAT








The Internet Protocol Journal

The Trouble with NAT: continued

Many routers, firewalls, security gateways, and Internet appliances im-

plement IPSec and NAT in the same box. These products perform
outbound address translation before applying security policies; the or-
der is reversed for inbound packets. A typical “any-to-any” security
policy is easily specified with such a product. Granular policies can be a
bit more difficult because filters are often based on IP address, and care
must be taken to avoid overlapping filters.

If you cannot avoid translating IPSec-protected traffic midstream, limit

use of IPSec to tunnel-mode ESP and design security policies with care. If
you simply cannot NAT before IPSec or require transport-mode ESP,
there may still be hope. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is
now defining Realm-Specific IP (RSIP), an alternative that may some-
day prove kinder to IPSec.

What Is RSIP?
RSIP[16] leases public IP addresses and ports to RSIP hosts located in pri-
vate addressing realms. Unlike NAT, RSIP does not operate in stealth
mode and does not translate addresses on the fly. Instead, RSIP allows
hosts to directly participate concurrently in several addressing realms.
Although RSIP does require host awareness, it avoids violating the end-
to-end nature of the Internet. With RSIP, IP payload flows from source
to destination without modifications that cripple IPSec AH and many
other NAT-sensitive protocols.

RSIP gateways are multihomed devices that straddle two or more ad-
dressing realms, just as NAT-capable firewalls and routers do today.
When an RSIP-savvy host wants to communicate beyond its own pri-
vate network, it registers with an RSIP gateway. The RSIP gateway
allocates a unique public IP address (or a shared public IP address and a
unique set of TCP/UDP ports) and binds the private address of the RSIP
host to this public address. The RSIP host uses this public source ad-
dress to send packets to public destinations until its lease expires or is

But the RSIP host cannot send a publicly addressed packet as-is; it must
first get the packet to the RSIP gateway. To do this, the host wraps the
original packet inside a privately addressed outer packet. This “encapsu-
lation” can be accomplished using any standard tunneling protocol: IP-
in-IP, the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), or the Layer 2 Tunnel-
ing Protocol (L2TP). Upon receipt, the RSIP gateway strips off the outer
packet and forwards the original packet across the public network, to-
ward its final destination.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Figure 8: RSIP
Assign Request RSAP-IP
I’d like to reach Yb : 21

Assign Request RSAP-IP

You may lease Nb : 1108

RSIP Gateway

Addr Space A Addr Space B

Na Nb
RSIP Host Host
Xa Yb
Outer Src Xa Src Nb : 1108
Outer Dst Na : 4455 Dst Yb : 21
Inner Src Nb : 1108 Payload
Inner Dst Yb : 21

For simplicity, we talk about RSIP linking one private network to the
public Internet, but RSIP can also be used to relay traffic between sev-
eral privately addressed networks. An RSIP host can lease several
different addresses as needed to reach different destinations networks.
We’ve also focused on outgoing traffic, but an RSIP host can ask the
RSIP gateway to “listen” and relay incoming packets addressed to a
public IP and port.

Combining RSIP and IPSec

At first glance, RSIP sounds like a promising way for hosts to share pub-
lic addresses while avoiding the pitfalls associated with applying NAT to
IPSec traffic. But it turns out that RSIP extensions are needed to accom-
modate end-to-end IPSec[17].

Basic RSIP relies on unique port numbers to demultiplex arriving pack-

ets, but IPSec ESP encrypts port numbers. When several RSIP hosts use
the same RSIP gateway to relay ESP, another discriminator is needed.
Fortunately, every IPSec packet carries a unique Security Parameters In-
dex (SPI), assigned during security association setup. Unfortunately, the
SPI is guaranteed unique only for the responder. To enable demultiplex-
ing, the tuple (SPI, protocol [AH or ESP], destination IP address) must
also be unique at the initiating RSIP gateway.

A similar problem occurs during association setup with the IKE. IKE
packets usually carry the well-known source port UDP/500. Using dif-
ferent source ports is the preferred solution, but if several RSIP hosts use
the same RSIP gateway to relay IKE from port UDP/500, another dis-
criminator is needed. Again, there is a convenient answer: every IKE
packet carries the initiator cookie supplied in the first packet of an IKE
session. The RSIP gateway can route IKE responses to the correct RSIP
host using the tuple (initiator cookie, destination port [IKE], destination
IP address). But rekeys may still be an issue.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Trouble with NAT: continued

To fix these problems, extensions have been proposed to allow RSIP

hosts to register with an RSIP gateway for IPSec support, and allow
hosts to request and receive unique SPI values along with leased IP ad-
dresses and ports.

Possible Applications for RSIP

RSIP specifications[16][17][18] are still at the Internet Draft stage. If and
when RSIP matures, there may be a wide variety of applications:
• Residential power users and teleworkers with multihost LANs that
share a single, publicly known IP address leased by an RSIP-enabled
Internet appliance, DSL router, or cable modem;
• Small-to-midsize enterprise customers with dozens or hundreds of
hosts, sharing a small pool of public IPs leased by an RSIP-enabled
WAN access router or firewall;
• Multidwelling units (apartments, shared office buildings) with many
private LANs, sharing public Internet access through an RSIP-en-
abled device;
• Hospitality networks (airports, hotels) where roaming hosts briefly
lease the public IP(s) shared by the entire network;
• Remote access concentrators that use RSIP to lease private IP(s) to
roaming corporate users that access the Internet via dynamically as-
signed public addresses; and
• Wireless devices (cell phones, personal digital assistants [PDAs]) that
lease public IP(s) for “sticky sessions” that persist even when the mo-
bile device moves from one location to another, updating its local
access IP.

These scenarios, and the relationship of RSIP to IP multicast and differ-

entiated services, are more fully explored in the RSIP framework[18].

Although NAT can be combined with IPSec and other NAT-sensitive
protocols in certain scenarios, NAT tampers with end-to-end message
integrity. RSIP—or whatever RSIP evolves into—may someday prove to
be a better address-sharing solution for protocols that are adversely im-
pacted by NAT. If RSIP fails to mature, another solution may be
developed to broaden use of NAT with IPSec. Alternatives now under
discussion within the IETF include UDP encapsulation and changes to
IKE itself[14][15].

Despite its origin as a short-term solution, NAT is unlikely to disappear

in the very near future. Until it does, understanding the relationship be-
tween NAT and IPSec and alternatives for safe combined deployment
will remain an important aspect of VPN design.

The Internet Protocol Journal

[1] Phifer, L., “IP Security and NAT: Oil and Water?” ISP-Planet, June 15,
[2] Phifer, L., “Realm-Specific IP for VPNs and Beyond,” ISP-Planet, June
23, 2000.
[3] Egevang, K. and Francis, P., “The IP Network Address Translator
(NAT),” RFC 1631, May 1994.
[4] Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, B., Karrenberg, D., de Groot, G.J., and Lear,
E., “Address Allocation for Private Internets,” RFC 1918, February
[5] Kent, S. and Atkinson, R., “IP Authentication Header,” RFC 2402,
November 1998.
[6] Kent, S. and Atkinson, R., “IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP),”
RFC 2406, November 1998.
[7] Harkins, D. and Carrel, D., “The Internet Key Exchange (IKE),” RFC
2409, November 1998.
[8] Srisuresh, P. and Holdrege, M., “IP Network Address Translator (NAT)
Terminology and Considerations,” RFC 2663, August 1999.
[9] Srisuresh, P., Tsirtsis, G., Akkiraju, P. and Heffernan, A., “DNS
Extensions to Network Address Translators (DNS_ALG),” RFC 2694,
September 1999.
[10] Srisuresh, P., “Security Model with Tunnel-Mode IPSec for NAT
Domains,” RFC 2709, October 1999.
[11] Tsirtsis, G. and Srisuresh, P., “Network Address Translation-Protocol
Translation (NAT-PT),” RFC 2766, February 2000.
[12] Srisuresh, P. and Holdrege, M., “Protocol Complications with the IP
Network Address Translator,” Internet Draft, Work in Progress, July
[13] Senie, D., “NAT Friendly Application Design Guidelines,” Internet
Draft, Work in Progress, July 2000.
[14] Aboba, B., “NAT and IPSec,” Internet Draft, Work in Progress, July
[15] Stenberg, M., Paavolainan, S., Ylonen, T., and Kivinen, T., “IPSec
NAT-Traversal,” Internet Draft, Work in Progress, July 2000.
[16] Borella, M. and Lo, J., “Realm-Specific IP: Protocol Specification,”
Internet Draft, Work in Progress, March 2000.
[17] Montenegro, G. and Borella, M., “RSIP Support for End-to-End IPSec,”
Internet Draft, Work in Progress, March 2000.
[18] Borella, M., Lo, J., Grabelsky, D., and Montenegro, G., “Realm-Specific
IP: Framework,” Internet Draft, Work in Progress, March 2000.

LISA PHIFER is vice president of Core Competence, Inc. (, a

consulting firm specializing in Internet, network management, and security technologies.
She earned her Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Villanova University. A
Bellcore award recipient for her work in ATM network operations, Lisa has been in-
volved in the design and deployment of networking protocols for over 18 years. She
represented Bellcore and Unisys in several industry-standards organizations, and has par-
ticipated in The Internet Security Conference (TISC) since its inception. Lisa consults,
teaches, and writes about a variety of technologies, including caching, load balancing,
DSL, ISDN, IPSec, PKI, OSS, and VPNs. Her monthly column on virtual private net-
working is published by ISP-Planet. E-mail:

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Social Life of Routers
Applying Knowledge of Human Networks to the Design of Computer Networks
by Valdis Krebs

e often forget that computer networks are put in place to
support human networks—person-to-person exchanges of
information, knowledge, ideas, opinions, insights, and ad-
vice. This article looks at a technology that was developed to map and
measure human networks—social network analysis—and applies some
of its principles and algorithms to designing computer networks. And as
we see more peer-to-peer (P2P) models of computer-based networks, the
P2P metrics in human network analysis become even more applicable.

Social network analysts look at complex human systems as an intercon-

nected system of nodes (people and groups) and ties (relationships and
flows)—much like an internetwork of routers and links. Human net-
works are often unplanned, emergent systems. Their growth is sporadic
and self-organizing[1]. Network ties end up being unevenly distributed,
with some areas of the network having a high density of links and other
areas of the network sparsely connected. These are called “small world
networks”[2]. Computer networks often end up with similar patterns of
connections—dense interconnectivity within subnetworks, and sparser
connections uniting subnetworks into a larger internetwork.

Social network researchers and consultants focus on geodesics—short-

est paths in the network. Many of today’s social network algorithms are
based on a branch of mathematics called graph theory. Social network
scientists have concentrated their work, and therefore their algorithms,
in the following areas:
• Individual node centrality within a larger network—network depen-
dency and load upon individual routers
• Overall path distribution—good connectivity without excessive rout-
ing tables
• Improving communication flow within and between groups—design-
ing better topologies
• Network patterns surrounding ego networks—strategies for analyz-
ing and manipulating individual router connections
• Analyzing information flow behavior of client organization—how
computer networks can support human networks

One of the methods used to understand networks and their participants

is to evaluate the location of actors in the network. Measuring the net-
work location is finding the centrality of a node[3]. All network measures
discussed here are based on geodesics—the shortest path between any
two nodes. We will look at a social network, called the kite network,
that effectively shows the distinction between the three most popular
centrality measures—the ABCs—Activity, Betweenness, and Closeness.

The Internet Protocol Journal

This model[4] was first developed by David Krackhardt, a leading re-
searcher in social networks.

Figure 1 shows a simple social network. A link between a pair of nodes
depicts a bidirectional information flow or knowledge exchange be-
tween two individuals. Social network researchers measure network
activity for a node by using the concept of degrees—the number of di-
rect connections a node has.

In this human network, Diane has the most direct connections in the
network, making hers the most active node in the network with the
highest degree count. Common wisdom in personal networks is “the
more connections, the better.” This is not always so. What really mat-
ters is where those connections lead to—and how they connect the
otherwise unconnected![5] Here Diane has connections only to others in
her immediate cluster—her clique. She connects only those who are al-
ready connected to each other—does she have too many redundant

Figure 1: Human


Andre Fernando

Diane Heather Ike Jane

Beverly Garth


While Diane has many direct ties, Heather has few direct connections—
fewer than the average in the network. Yet, in may ways, she has one of
the best locations in the network—she is a boundary spanner and plays
the role of broker. She is between two important constituencies, in a role
similar to that of a border router. The good news is that she plays a
powerful role in the network, the bad news is that she is a single point of
failure. Without her, Ike and Jane would be cut off from information
and knowledge in Diane’s cluster.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Social Life of Routers: continued

Fernando and Garth have fewer connections than Diane, yet the pattern
of their ties allow them to access all the nodes in the network more
quickly than anyone else. They have the shortest paths to all others—
they are close to everyone else. Maximizing closeness between all rout-
ers improves updating and minimizes hop counts. Maximizing the
closeness of only one or a few routers leads to counterproductive re-
sults, as we will examine below.

Their position demonstrates that when it comes to network connec-

tions, quality beats out quantity. Location, location, location—the
golden rule of real estate also works in networks. In real estate it is geog-
raphy—your physical neighborhood. In networks, it is your virtual
location determined by your network connections—your network

Network Centralization
Individual network centralities provide insight into the individual’s loca-
tion in the network. The relationship between the centralities of all
nodes can reveal much about the overall network structure. A very cen-
tralized network is dominated by one or a few very central nodes. If
these nodes are removed or damaged, the network quickly fragments
into unconnected subnetworks. Highly central nodes can become criti-
cal points of failure. A network with a low centralization score is not
dominated by one or a few nodes—such a network has no single points
of failure. It is resilient in the face of many local failures. Many nodes or
links can fail while allowing the remaining nodes to still reach each
other over new paths.

Average Path Length in Network

The shorter the path, the fewer hops/steps it takes to go from one node
to another. In human networks, short paths imply quicker communica-
tion with less distortion. In computer networks, the signal degradation
and delay is usually not an issue. Nonetheless, a network with many
short paths connecting all nodes will be more efficient in passing data
and reconfiguring after a topology change.

Average Path Length is strongly correlated with Closeness throughout

the network. As the closeness of all nodes to each other improves (aver-
age closeness), the average path length in the network also improves.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Internetwork Topology
In the recent network design book, Advanced IP Network Design[6], the
authors define a well-designed topology as the basis of a well-behaved
and stable network. They further propose that “three competing goals
must be balanced for good network design”:
• Reducing hop count
• Reducing available paths
• Increasing the number of failures the network can withstand

Our social network algorithms can assist in measuring and meeting all
three goals.

• Reducing the hop count infers minimizing the average path length
throughout the network—maximize the closeness of all nodes to
each other.
• Reducing the available paths leads to minimizing the number of geo-
desics throughout the network.
• Increasing the number of failures a network can withstand focuses
on minimizing the centralization of the whole network.

On the following pages we examine various network topologies and

evaluate them using social network measures while remembering these
three competing goals of network design.

The models we examine do not cover hierarchical structures—with

Core, Distribution, and Access layers—found in networks of hundreds
or thousands of routers. We examine flat, nonhierarchical topologies
such as those found in smaller internetworks, area subnetworks, or
within core backbones. The topologies we model are the most com-
monly used—Star, Ring, Full Mesh, and Partial Mesh. We compute the
social network measures on each of the topologies and discuss how the
various measures help us meet the competing goals discussed above.

Star Topology
The Star topology, shown in Figure 2, has many advantages—but one
glaring fault. The advantages include ease of management and configu-
ration for the network administrators. For the Star, the three competing
goals delineate as follows:
• Reducing hop count: The short average path length (1.75) through-
out the network meets this goal well. Any router can reach any other
router in two steps or less.
• Reducing available paths: The fact that there are a minimum num-
ber of possible available paths (56) to reach all other nodes—will not
overload the routing tables, nor cause delays during routing table up-
dates. It takes only seven bidirectional links to create the available

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Social Life of Routers: continued

• Reducing network failures: The network fails miserably if Router A

goes down. Also, any link failure isolates the attached router—there
are no multiple paths to reach each router.

Router A is not only a single point of failure—it is also a potential bot-

tleneck—it will likely become overburdened with packet flows and
routing updates as more routers are added in the star structure.

Router A receives the top score (1.000) in Activity, Betweenness, and

Closeness. As a result, the network is very centralized around Router A
from the perspective of all measures.

Figure 2: Routers in
Star Topology Router A

Router H Router B

Network Measures

14 paths of length 1
Router G Router C 42 paths of length 2
56 geodesics in network

Physical Links 7
Average Path Length 1.750
Longest Path 2 hops
Network Centralization 1.000 (maximum)

Router F Router D

Router E

Ring Topology
The Ring topology, shown in Figure 3, is an improvement over the Star.
It has some of the same advantages, but does not eliminate all of the
drawbacks of the Star. The advantages include ease of management and
configuration for the network administrators—adding another router is
very simple. Unlike the Star topology, the Ring provides some redun-
dancy and, therefore, eliminates the single point of failure—all nodes
have an alternate path through which they can be reached. Yet it is still
vulnerable to both link and router failures. For the Ring, the three com-
peting goals delineate as follows:
• Reducing hop count: The average path length of 2.5 is quite long for
a small network of eight nodes. Some routers (that is, A and E) re-
quire four steps to reach each other! Many ring physical layers hide
this complexity from the IP layers in order to make those hops invisi-
ble to routing protocols.

The Internet Protocol Journal

• Reducing available paths: This configuration has more geodesics (64)
than Star, yet not significantly more to overload the routing tables,
nor cause delays during table updates.
• Reducing network failures: Even though network centralization is at
the minimum (no node is more central than any other), this network
reaches failure quickly because of its weak redundancy. The Ring to-
pology can withstand one link failure or one router failure and still
keep a contiguous network. Two simultaneous failures can cause un-
reachable segments because of the lack of redundancy.

Most modern ring technologies such as Synchronous Optical Network

(SONET) or the Cisco Dynamic Packet Transport Protocol (DPT) add a
measure of redundancy by running a dual ring that heals itself if a link
gets cut. The network “wraps” to avoid the downed line and operates at
lower speed. A two-hop path can become a six-hop path if a single link
fails. This can cause network congestion if the original dual ring was be-
ing used for data in all directions.

Figure 3: Routers in
Ring Topology

Router A Network Measures

16 paths of length 1
Router H Router B
16 paths of length 2
16 paths of length 3
16 paths of length 4
64 geodesics in network
Router G Router C
Physical Links 8
Average Path Length 2.500
Longest Path 4 hops
Network Centralization 0.000 (minimum)
Router F Router D

Router E

Full Mesh Topology

The Full Mesh topology has several big advantages and several faults.
The advantages include short path length (one hop) to all other routers
and maximum resilience to failure if links or routers start failing. The
disadvantages revolve around the complexity created by this topology.
For the Full Mesh, the three competing goals delineate as follows:
• Reducing hop count: The shortest path length possible is attained for
all routes—all nodes can reach each other in one hop.
• Reducing available paths: There are a minimum number of possible
available paths (56) to reach all other nodes. The routing entries will
not overload the routing tables, nor cause delays during routing ta-
ble updates.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Social Life of Routers: continued

• Reducing network failures: The network is not dependent upon any

single node (network centralization = 0.000). This configuration rep-
resents the most robust topology available—chances are very slim
that the number of failures necessary to fragment the network will
actually occur within the same time period.

The disadvantages of the Full Mesh topology all focus on one glaring
fault—there are too many physical links. If the routers are far apart, the
link costs can quickly become prohibitively expensive because adding
routers creates a geometrical explosion in links required—soon the rout-
ers do not have enough ports to support this topology. Administering
the system and keeping an up-to-date topology map becomes more and
more complex as routers are added. The network in Figure 4 has 28
two-way links. Double the routers, in a full mesh topology, and the link
count increases by a factor greater than 4.

Figure 4: Routers in Full

Mesh Topology
Network Measures
Router A
56 paths of length 1
Router H Router B 56 geodesics in network

Physical Links 28
Average Path Length 1.000
Longest Path 1 hop
Router G Router C Network Centralization 0.000 (minimum)

Router F Router D

Router E

Partial Mesh Topology

The Partial Mesh topology is quite different. It is the most difficult to
build—there is no simple rule to follow (rule for Star: connect everyone
to Router A; rule for Full Mesh: connect everyone to everyone). If built
incorrectly, the partial mesh layout can have many of the disadvantages
of the former topologies without many of the benefits. If built correctly,
the opposite is true—more advantages, fewer disadvantages.

Building a successful partial mesh topology is where the interactive use

of our social network measures really comes into play. The design be-
low evolved after several iterations. With every iteration the average
path length dropped until it appeared to reach a plateau where no fur-
ther changes lowered the hop count without noticeably increasing the
number of physical links. For the Partial Mesh, the three competing
goals delineate as follows:

The Internet Protocol Journal

• Reducing hop count: The short average path length (1.667) through-
out the network meets this goal well. Any router can reach any other
router in two steps or less. Path length is less than that for the Star
and Ring topologies.
• Reducing available paths: The number of available paths in the net-
work (72) is the highest among all topologies, though not
significantly more than the Ring topology. As the number of nodes in
a network increases, this could become a problem—the average path
length vs. path count trade-off needs to be closely monitored.
• Reducing network failures: Network centralization (0.000) is the
same as for the Full Mesh topology—no router, nor link, is more im-
portant than any other. As nodes or links are removed from this
network, it does not fragment quickly. Chances are slim that the
number of failures necessary to fragment the network will actually
occur within the same time period. Although we optimized our net-
work centralization for this small “toy” network, we cannot expect
this for most real networks. Yet, the goal remains to keep this metric
as small as possible.

This topology in Figure 5 was built starting with a Ring topology—a

simple architecture. A link was added and the network was remeasured.
Was this structure better than the previous? If so, the current structure
was kept and another link was added and the network was remeasured.
This iterative process was continued until no further improvements hap-
pened after several changes. This process does not guarantee an
optimum solution, yet it quickly converges on a good solution—even
large networks improve quickly with just a few added links.

Figure 5: Routers in
Partial Mesh Topology

Network Measures
Router A

24 paths of length 1
Router H Router B
48 paths of length 2
72 geodesics in network

Physical Links 12
Router G Router C Average Path Length 1.667
Longest Path 2 hops
Network Centralization 0.000 (minimum)

Router F Router D

Router E

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Social Life of Routers: continued

A quirky aspect of networks is that sometimes you can subtract by add-

ing—add a link to a network and reduce the average path length. The
opposite also works, sometimes. You can add by subtracting—remove a
tie and watch the average hop count grow. Yet, you never know for cer-
tain what effect adding or removing a link will have—it is neither a
linear nor a local phenomenon. The size and direction of these changes
depend upon the existing topology of the network and the location of
the added or removed tie. It is key to have a model that allows quick
what-if calculations.

Let’s experiment with removing random ties—a situation similar to

links between routers failing. If we remove the link between Router A
and Router H in Figure 5, the number of geodesics in the network in-
creases from 72 to 76, and the average path length increases to 1.815.
Yet, removing a different link, G to F, reduces the the number of geode-
sics in the network from 72 to 66, while the average path length
increases only to 1.727. If we are concerned about too many paths in
the network, we can remove another link, B to C. This further decreases
the number of shortest paths to 60, while reducing physical links to 10.
This is very near the 56 paths in the very efficient star topology.
Whereas the star is very vulnerable because of its single point of failure,
this partial mesh, with the two links removed, is still robust. While the
number of geodesics drops, the average path length creeps up slightly to
1.80 with the removal of the second link. Figure 5 has no paths greater
than two hops. With the two links (G to F, B to C) removed, we now
have 8 geodesics of three hops, while at the same time 12 fewer geode-
sics to load into routing tables, and two fewer physical links. It is a
constant trade-off.

NSFnet Backbone
The NSFnet Backbone network, shown in Figure 6, connected the su-
percomputing centers in the USA in 1989. It is a partial mesh design that
functions as a real-life example to test our social network algorithms.

Figure 6: NSFnet in


WESTnet PSCnet



The Internet Protocol Journal

We remember our three competing goals for good internetwork design.
• Reducing hop count: average path length in steps/hops
• Reducing available paths: total geodesics in the network
• Increasing the number of failures the network can withstand: net-
work centralization

What happens to these goals as we experience failures in the links or the

nodes of the network? Table 1 shows the base metrics for Figure 6 and
then shows what happens to the metrics, and our three goals, when five
different failures occur.
Table 1: Possible Link and Node Failures

Number of Longest
Network Path
Scenario Geodesics in Path
Centralization Length
the Network (hops)

Original Design 200 0.062 4 2.370

(Figure 6)

1) Node failure: 180 0.208 5 2.689


2) Node failure: 180 0.083 4 2.489


3) Node failure: 148 0.046 4 2.324


4) Link failure: 230 0.167 6 2.974


5) Link failure: 212 0.123 5 2.660


6) Link failure: 192 0.069 4 2.458


The most damaging was link failure 4—the link failure between NCSA
and PSC. This link is between two of the most central nodes in the net-
work. If the flows between nodes are distributed somewhat evenly, then
this link is one of the most traveled in the network.

The least damaging is node failure 3—the node failure at JVNC. In fact,
this failure improved most metrics! By removing this node from the net-
work, the number of network paths drops significantly, network
centralization decreases, path length decreases slightly, and the longest
path is still four hops.

The original NSFnet topology design is very efficient. I tried two differ-
ent strategies to improve the network. The first strategy involved moving
existing links to connect different pairs of routers. No obviously better
topology was found by rearranging links among the routers. I was not
able to find a better design that reduced both the number of geodesics
and the average path length without significantly increasing the number
of physical links in the network.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Social Life of Routers: continued

The second strategy is counter-intuitive, yet often networks respond well

to this approach. It is the “subtracting by adding” approach described
above. By adding new links in the right place in the network, we not
only reduce the distance between nodes, we also decrease the number of
geodesics in the network.

Because the NSFnet nodes had a maximum limit of three direct neigh-
bors, I started connecting the nodes of Degree = 2. Options 1 through 3
show the various combinations and their effect on the total network.
The improvements are minimal, yet each option offers specific strengths.

Option 2 offers more improvements than the others.

• The longest geodesic was reduced to three hops.
• The average path length was reduced throughout the network.
• The number of paths for the routers to remember was reduced
• Network centralization did not increase enough to noticeably affect
the number of failures the network could withstand.
Table 2: Possible Network Improvements

Number of Longest
Network Path
Scenario Geodesics in Path
Centralization Length
the Network (hops)

Original Design 200 0.062 4 2.370

(Figure 6)

Option 1 202 0.071 4 2.287

(add link: SDSC–MID)

Option 2 198 0.074 3 2.273

(add link: NW–DSC)

Option 3 202 0.050 4 2.356

(add link: NW–MID)

The improvement in Option 2 (add link: NW–SDSC) was actually im-

plemented in the 1991 version of NSFnet—an excellent example of the
“subtracting by adding” network dynamic. Networks are complex sys-
tems. How the network responds to change is based on the distribution
and pattern of connections throughout the network.

In the real world we may not have the flexibility to experiment with our
network model as we have with these examples. There will be more
constraints. The information flows in your organization may require
that specific pairs of routers have direct links—even if those connections
would not be recommended by the algorithms we have been examin-
ing. Yet, when we have our “must-have” connections in place, we can
experiment with the placement of the remaining connections using these
social network metrics to indicate when we are getting close to a robust,
yet efficient topology.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Given “initial conditions,” social network methods can model our com-
puter networks and suggest link changes[7] to form an effective topology
that has a short average hop count, not too many paths, and just
enough redundancy.

[1] Krebs V., “Visualizing Human Networks,” Release 1.0, Esther Dyson’s
Monthly Report, February 1996.

[2] Watts D., Strogatz S., “Collective Dynamics of Small World Networks,”
Nature, 4 June 1998.

[3] Freeman L., “Centrality in Social Networks: A Conceptual

Clarification,” Social Networks, No. 1, 1979.

[4] Krackhardt D., “Assessing the Political Landscape: Structure, Cognition,

and Power in Organizations,” Administrative Science Quarterly, No.
35, 1990, page 351.

[5] Burt, Ronald S., Structural Holes—The Social Structure of Competition,

ISBN 0674843711, Harvard University Press, 1992.

[6] Retana, A., Slice, D., White, R., Advanced IP Network Design, ISBN
1578700973, Cisco Press, 1999.

[7] Hagen G., Discussions with fellow network researcher, Guy Hagen,
regarding combinatorial algorithms and models for recommending
changes to improve the overall topology of a network.

VALDIS E. KREBS leads his own management consulting firm— He holds

an undergraduate degree in Mathematics & Computer Science and a graduate degree in
Human Resources. Since 1988 he has applied organizational network analysis to im-
prove knowledge work within and between Fortune 500 firms such as IBM, Lucent,
TRW, and supported consulting firms such as Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers,
and Booz-Allen-Hamilton. In addition to knowledge networks, he has applied these
methodologies to mapping, measuring, and molding strategic alliances, communities of
interest, emergent structures on the WWW, and internetworks. His work has been refer-
enced in many publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, Training,
PC Magazine, ZDNet, Corporate Leadership Council’s Best Practices Reports, Knowl-
edge Management, Across the Board, Business Week, HR Executive, Personnel Journal,
FORTUNE, and Esther Dyson’s influential information industry newsletter, Release 1.0.
He writes a regular column, “Working in the Connected World,” for the IHRIM Jour-
nal. His Web site is at: and his e-mail is:

The Internet Protocol Journal

New Frontiers for Research Networks in the 21st Century
by Robert J. Aiken, Cisco Systems, Inc.

famous philosopher, Yogi Berra, once said, “Prediction is hard.
Especially the future.”[1] In spite of this sage advice, we will still
make an attempt at identifying the frontiers for research net-
works. By first examining and then extrapolating from the evolution
and history of past research networks, we may be able to get an idea
about the frontiers that face research networks in the future. One of the
initial roles of the research network was to act as a testbed for network
research on basic network protocols, mostly focusing on network Lay-
ers 1 through 4 (that is, the physical, data link, network, transport, and
network management layers), but also including basic applications such
as file transport and e-mail. During the early phases of the Internet, the
commercial sector could not provide the network infrastructure sought
by the research and education communities. Consequently, research net-
works evolved and provided backbone and regional network
infrastructures that provided production-quality access to important re-
search and education resources such as supercomputer centers and
collaboratories[2]. Recent developments show that most research net-
works have moved away from being testbeds for network research and
have evolved into production networks serving their research and educa-
tion communities. It’s time to make the next real evolutionary step with
respect to research networks, and that is to shift our research focus to-
ward maximizing the most critical of resources—people.

Given the growth and maturity of commercial service providers today,

there may no longer be a pressing technical need for governments to
continue to support pan-national backbone networks, or possibly even
production-like national infrastructures, for Internet-savvy countries.
Since commercially available Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can now
easily support many of the networked communities that previously re-
quired dedicated research networks, government and other supporting
organizations can now support their research and education communi-
ties by providing the funding for backbone network services much as it
does for telephony, office space, and computing capabilities; that is, as
part of their research award. However, there may be valid social, politi-
cal, and long-term economical reasons for continuing the support for
such networks. For instance, a nation may decide that in order to en-
sure its economic survival in the future it wishes to accelerate the
deployment and use of Internet technologies among its people, and thus
the nation may decide to subsidize national research networks. In addi-
tion, it should be noted that VPNs often recreate the “walled”
separation of communities, a scenario that was previously accomplished
through the hard multiplexing of circuits.

The Internet Protocol Journal

But, in order to make technical advances in the e-economy, govern-
ments should now focus on supporting the evolution of intelligent and
adaptable edge and access networks. These, in turn, will support the
Ubiquitous Computing (UC) and persistent presence environments that
will soon be an integral part of our future Internet-based economies.

The United States’s recently expanded National Science Foundation

(NSF)[3] research budget and the Defense Advanced Projects Agency’s
(DARPA’s)[4] prior support of middleware research are good examples
of moving in the right direction. The Netherland’s Gigaport[5] project,
which incorporates network and application research as well as an ad-
vanced technology access and backbone network infrastructure, is a
good example of how visionary research networks are evolving.

Just as Internet technologies and network research have matured and

evolved, so should the policies concerning the support of research net-
works. Policies need to be developed to again encourage basic network
research and the development of new technologies. In addition, research
networks need to encourage and accentuate new network capabilities in
edge networks, on campus infrastructures, and in the end systems to
support the humans in these new environments. This article focuses
mainly on the future of research networks in e-developed nations; but,
this is not to diminish the need or importance for e-developed nations to
help encourage the same development in network-challenged nations.

Context and Definitions

Before delving into our discussion, we first need to define a few terms.
These definitions will not only aid in our discussion, but may also help to
highlight the role and function of various types of research networks.
The most important terms to define are “network research” and “re-
search network,” both of which often get interchanged during
discussions concerning policy, funding, and technology.

In this article, the term “network research” means long-term basic re-
search on network protocols and technologies. The many types of
network research can be categorized into three classes. The first cate-
gory covers research on network transport infrastructure and generally
includes research on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model
Layers 1 through 4 (that is, the physical, data link, network, and trans-
port layers) as well as research issues relating to the interconnection and
peering of these layers and protocols. We will refer to this class of re-
search as “transport services.”

The second class consists of research covering what can nominally be re-
ferred to as “middleware”[6]. Middleware basically includes many of the
services that were originally identified as network Layers 4 through 6.
Layer 4 is included because of the need for interfaces to the network
layer (sockets, TCP, and so on).

The Internet Protocol Journal

New Frontiers for Research Nets: continued

In addition, it nominally includes some components, such as e-mail gate-

ways or directory services, which are normally thought of as being
network applications, but which have subcomponents that may also be
included in middleware. Given that the definition of middleware is far
from an exact science, we shall say that middleware depends on the ex-
istence of the network transport services and supports applications.

The third area covers research on the real applications (for example, e-
commerce, education, health care, and so on), network interfaces, net-
work applications (for example, e-mail, Web, file transfer, and so on),
and the use of networks and middleware in a distributed heterogeneous
environment. Applications depend on both the middleware and trans-
port layers. Advanced applications include Electronic Persistence
Presence (EPP) and UC. EPP, or e-presence, describes a state of a person
or application as always being “on the network” in some form or an-
other. The concept of session-based network access will no longer apply.
EPP assumes that support for UC and both mobile and nomadic net-
working exists. UC refers to the pervasive presence of computing and
networking capabilities throughout all of our environments; that is, in
automobiles, homes, and even on our bodies.

A “research network,” on the other hand, is a production network; that

is, one aspiring to the goal of 99.99999-percent “up time” at Layers 1
through 3, which supports various types of domain-specific application
research. This application research is most often used to support the sci-
ences and education, but can also be used in support of other areas of
academic and economic endeavor. These networks are often referred to
as Research Networks (RNs) or Research and Education (R&E) Net-
works. In this article, we further classify these RNs based on their
general customer base. Institutional Research Networks (IRNs) sup-
port universities, institutes, libraries, data warehouses, and other
“campus”-like networks. National Research Networks (NRNs)[7], such
as the Netherland’s Gigaport or Germany’s DFN networks, support
IRNs or affinity-based networks. Pan National Research Networks
(PNRNs) interconnect and support NRNs. An example of a couple of
current production PNRNs are Dante’s Ten-155 and the NORDU-
NET[8] networks. In this article we will also classify the older National
Science Foundation Network’s (NSFNET’s), very-high-performance
Backbone Network Service (vBNS), CANARIE’s CA*NET 3[9], and the
Internet 2[10] Abilene networks as PNRNs because in terms of scale and
policy they address the same issues of interconnecting a heterogeneous
set of regionally autonomous networks (for example, NSFNET’s re-
gionals and Internet 2’s Gigapops) as do the PNRNs.

A hybrid state of RN also exists. When we introduce one or more ad-

vanced technologies into a production system, we basically inject some
amount of chaos into the system. The interplay between the new tech-
nologies and other existing technologies at various levels of the
infrastructure, as well as scaling issues, can cause unanticipated results.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Research quality systems engineering and design is then required to ad-
dress these anomalies. An example of this phenomenon is the problem
encountered with ATM cell discard and its effect on TCP streams and
subsequent retransmissions (that is, early packet discard and partial
packet discard). The term Virtual Private Network (VPN) is used in this
article in the classical sense; that is, a network tunneled within another
network (for example, IP within IP, ATM virtual circuits [VCs], and so
on), and it is not necessarily a security-based network VPN. Acceptable
Use Policy (AUP) refers to the definition of the type of traffic or use that
is allowed on a network infrastructure. Conditions of Use (COU) is ba-
sically another version of AUP.

During the early phases of the evolution of research networks and the In-
ternet, national research networks were building and managing
backbone networks because there was a technical reason to do so. Gov-
ernments supported these activities, because at the time the commercial
sector Internet Service Providers (ISPs) could not do it and the expertise
to do so resided within the R&E community. Much of the research or
testing of this time still focused on backbone technologies as well as ag-
gregation networks and architectures. Research networks started out by
supporting longer-term risky network research and quickly evolved to
support shorter-term no-risk production infrastructure.

The research during the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

(ARPANET) and early NSFNET phases of the Internet focused on ba-
sic infrastructure protocols and technologies. Now commodity services,
these services are both easily and cost-effectively available from the com-
mercial sector. We have come a long way since then. Except for a few
universities and research centers, the commercial sector now dominates
R&D in the backbone technology space. Commercially provided VPNs
can now cost-effectively support most of the requirements of the R&E
communities. Given the current domination of R&D in backbone tech-
nologies by the commercial sectors, as well as the need to address true
end-to-end services, it is time that network research and research net-
works realign their focus onto the research and development of end-
system and campus and edge network technologies. Most of the intelli-
gence of the network (for example, Quality of Service [QoS], security,
content distribution and routing, and so on) will live at the edges, and in
some way will be oblivious to the backbone service over which it will
operate. In addition, in order for applications to be able to make use of
this network, intelligent RNs need to be able to provide the middleware
and services that exist between the application and the transport sys-
tems. The real future for most RNs is in helping to analyze and identify,
not necessarily run and manage, advanced network infrastructures for
their R&E communities.

The Internet Protocol Journal

New Frontiers for Research Nets: continued

One of the problems faced by the R&E community is how to obtain

support from their governments and other supportive organizations
(both for-profit and nonprofit). In attempts to support advanced appli-
cations and end-user research, organizations and governments may be
convinced into supporting RNs, which end up providing commodity
services and competing with the commercial sector. One reason that this
can occur is that governments often wish to see results very quickly in
order to justify their support of the research community; but, by doing
so they drive the recipient researchers and research network providers to
focus on short-term results and abandon basic long-term research. This
pressure from the supporting organizations can also force researchers to
compete in a space—that is, transport layers—for which industry may
be better suited and adapted in both scale and time. Another issue fac-
ing today’s research networks is that many of the R&E community,
who once would endure downtime and assume some risk in trade for
being part of an experimental network, are now demanding full produc-
tion-quality services from those same R&E networks. Subsequently, the
RNs are then being precluded from aggressively pursuing and using re-
ally advanced technologies that may pose a risk. And finally, many times
research networks, science communities, and researchers claim they are
doing network research, when in reality they are not, because they wish
to have decent network connectivity, and they assume that this is the
only way to get funding and support for good network connectivity
with which to support their real research objectives. All of these issues
have driven RNs at all levels into difficult positions. RNs need to be able
to again take risks if they are to push the envelope in adopting new tech-
nology. Likewise, it is also valid to provide production-quality network
transport services to support research for middleware, network applica-
tion (for example collaborative technologies), and R&E application (for
example, medical, sciences, education, and so on) research. All of these
requirements need to be addressed in the manner most expedient and
cost-effective to the government or organization providing the support.

All research carries with it a certain amount of risk. There is theoretical

and experimental research. Some research is subject to validation; some
is retrospective—for example, examining packet traces to verify the ex-
istence of nonlinear synchronization—but some is prospective and
involves reprogramming network resources, and any reprogramming is
susceptible to bugs. The amount of risk often depends on the area of re-
search undertaken. The lower down in the network structure that one
performs experimental research, the more difficult it is to support this
research and still maintain a production-like environment for the other
researchers and applications; yet we need to provide support for all lev-
els of experimental research, as described in MORPHNET[11]. The ideal
environment would support applications that could easily migrate from
a production network to one prototyping recent network research, and
then back again if the experiment fails. Recent advances in optical net-
working show promise in realizing this goal, but many technical and
policy-based challenges are yet to be addressed.

The Internet Protocol Journal

ARPANET and Early NSFNET Phase: 1980s
The ARPANET, one of the many predecessors of today’s Internet, was a
research project run by researchers as a sandbox where they could de-
velop and test many of the protocols that are now integral components
of the Internet. Because this was a research network that supported net-
work research, there were times the network would “go down” and
become unavailable. Although that was certainly not the goal, it was a
reality when performing experimental network research. This was ac-
ceptable to all involved and allowed for the quick “research-to-
production” cycle, now associated with the Internet, to develop. The
management of the network with respect to policy was handled by the
Internet Activities Board (IAB), which has since been renamed the Inter-
net Architecture Board, and revolved around the actual use of the
network as a research vehicle. The research focused mainly on Layers 1
through 4, and application research was secondary and used to demon-
strate the underlying technologies.

At the end of the 1980s, the Internet and its associated set of protocols
rapidly gained speed in deployment and use among the research commu-
nity. This started the major shift away from research networks
supporting experimental network protocols toward RNs supporting ap-
plications via production research networks; for example, the mission
agencies’ (that is, those agencies whose mission was fairly well focused in
a few scientific areas) networks at the Department of Energy (DoE) (ES-
net[12]) and NASA (NSInet). At the same time, the NSFNET was still
somewhat experimental with the introduction and use of “home-grown”
T1 and T3 routers, as well as with pioneering research on peering and
aggregation issues associated with the hierarchical NSFNET backbone.
It also focused on issues relating to the interconnection of the major
agency networks and international networks at the Federal Internet Ex-
changes (FIXes), as well as the policy landscape of interconnecting
commercial e-mail (MCIMail) with the Internet. The primary policy
justification for supporting these networks (for example ESnet, NSInet,
NSFNET) in the late 1980s was to provide access to scarce resources,
such as supercomputer centers, although the NSFNET still supported
network research, albeit on peering and aggregation.

In addition, the NSFNET was first in pioneering research on network

measurement and characterization, leading to today’s Cooperative Asso-
ciation for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) as well as to Surveyor
installations on Abilene. As researchers became dependent on the net-
work to support their research, the ability to introduce new and risky
technologies into the network became more difficult, as shown by the
second-phase T3 router upgrade for the NSFNET when many research-
ers vehemently complained about any “downtime.”

The Internet Protocol Journal

New Frontiers for Research Nets: continued

At this time, there were still no commercial service providers from which
to procure IP services to connect the numerous and varied sites of the
NSFNET and other research networks. Hence there were still valid tech-
nical reasons for NRNs and R&E networks to exist and provide
backbone services.

The policy decisions affecting the interconnection of the agency net-

works at the FIXes, as well as engineering international inter-
connectivity, were loosely coordinated by an ad hoc group of agency
representatives called the Federal Research Internet Coordinating Com-
mittee (FRICC). The FRICC became the Federal Networking Council
(FNC) in the early 1990s, and then became the Large-Scale Network
(LSN) working group by the mid-1990s.

The FNC wisely left the management of the Internet protocols to the
IAB, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and the Internet Engi-
neering Steering Group (IESG); however, the FNC did not completely
relinquish its responsibility, as evidenced by its prominent role in prod-
ding the development of Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) and
originating the work that led to new network protocols (for example,

The Next-Generation NSFNET: Early 1990s

During the early 1990s, the Internet evolved and grew larger. It could no
longer remain undetected on the government policy radar screen. Many
saw the NSFNET and agency networks as competing with commercial
Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Because of the charters of the agencies
of the U.S.-based RNs (for example NSF, DoE, NASA), all traffic cross-
ing their networks had to adhere to their respective AUPs. These AUPs
prohibited any “commercial entity-to-commercial entity traffic” to use a
U.S. government supported network as transit. In addition, the demand
for generic Internet support for all types of research and education com-
munities became much stronger, and at the same time there was
growing support among the U.S. Congress and Executive branches to
end the U.S. Federal Government support of the U.S. Internet backbone.

In response to these pressures and the responses to a NSF draft “New

NSFNET” proposal, the NSF elected to get out of the business of being
the Internet backbone within the United States. This policy change was
the nexus for the design of the vBNS, Network Access Points (NAPs),
and Routing Arbiter (RA) described in the ABF paper[13] by early 1992.
The vBNS was meant to provide the NSF supercomputer sites a re-
search network that was capable of providing the high-end network
services required by the sites for their Metacenter, as well as to provide
the capability for their researchers to perform network research because
the centers were still the locus for network expertise. The NAPs were de-
signed to enhance the AUP free interconnectivity of both commercial
and R&E ISPs and to further evolve the interconnection of the Internet
started by the FIXes and the Commercial Internet eXchange (CIX).

The Internet Protocol Journal

The research associated with NRNs is already evolving from dealing
with mainly IP and transport protocol research to research addressing
the routing and peering issues associated with a highly interconnected
mesh of networks. Research was an integral part of the NAP and RA
design, but it was now focused on peering of networks as opposed to
the transport layer protocols themselves. Although this network was not
official until 1995, commercial prototype AUP free NAPs (for example,
MAE-EAST) immediately sprang up and hastened the transition to a
commercial network. The network was transformed from a hierarchical
network topology to a decentralized and distributed peer-to-peer model.
It no longer existed for the sole purpose of connecting a large aggrega-
tion of R&E users to supercomputer centers and other “one-of-a-kind”
resources. The NAPs and the “peering” advances associated with the
NAPs constituted a very crucial step for the success of applications such
as the World Wide Web (WWW) and the subsequent commercializa-
tion of the Internet because they provided the required seamless
interconnected infrastructure. Although some ISPs, for example UU-
NET and PSInet, were quickly building out their infrastructure at that
time, there still existed the need for PNRNs to act as brokers for acquir-
ing and managing end-to-end IP services for their R&E customer base; it
would not be much longer, however, before the ISPs had the necessary
infrastructure in place to do this themselves.

The Internet 2 Phase: 1996–2000

The transition to the vBNS, NAP, and RA architecture became official
early in 1995 and, as a result, the United States university community
lost its government-subsidized production backbone. NSF-supported re-
gionals had lost their support years earlier, and many had already
transitioned to become commercial service providers, and the NSF “con-
nections” program for tier 2 and lower schools persisted because it was
felt (policy wise) that it was still valid to support such activities. The re-
sult of this set of affairs led to the creation of the Internet 2. Many of the
top research universities in the United States felt that the then-current set
of ISPs could not affordably provide adequate end-to-end services and
bandwidth for the academic community’s perceived requirements. As a
result, the NSF decided to again support production-quality backbone
network services for an elite set of research institutions. This was clearly
a policy decision by NSF that had support from the U.S. Congress and
Executive branches of government, even though in the early 1990s both
Congress and the Executive branches were fairly vocal about not sup-
porting such a network.

The initial phase was to expand to the vBNS and connect hundreds of
research universities. The vBNS again changed from a research net-
work, connecting a few sites and focusing on network and Metacenter
research, back into a production research network. The vBNS is soon
eclipsed by the OC-48 Abilene network. Gigapops, which are localized
evolutions of NAPs, are used to connect the top R&E institutions to the
Internet 2 backbones (that is, vBNS and Abilene).

The Internet Protocol Journal

New Frontiers for Research Nets: continued

These backbones were subject to COU as a way to restrict the traffic to

that in direct support of R&E, much like the NSFNET was subject to its

The ISPs who complained so bitterly about unfair competition in the

early 1990s no longer cared, because they had more business than they
could handle in selling to corporate customers. An ironic spin on this
scenario is that the business demands placed on the commercial ISPs by
the late 1990s drove them to aggressively adopt new technologies to re-
main competitive. Not only were they willing to act as testbeds, they
paid for that privilege since it gave them a competitive edge. The result is
that in a lot of cases regarding the demonstration and testing of back-
bone-class technologies, the R&E community was time-wise behind the
commercial sector. This situation is further aggravated by the fact that
many, but not all, backbone network-savvy R&E folks went to work in
industry. Another side effect of this transition is the loss of available net-
work monitoring data. The data used by CAIDA, The National
Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR), and other net-
work monitoring researchers had been gathered at the FIXes where
most traffic used to pass. With the transition to a commercially domi-
nated infrastructure, meaningful data becomes harder to obtain. In
addition, as a result of the COU of the Internet 2 network, and the type
of applications it supports (for example, trying to set bandwidth speed
records), the traffic passing over its networks can no longer be assumed
to be representative Internet data, and its value in this regard is

Another milestone is reached. ISPs have grown or merged so that they

are offering both wide- and local-area network services, and anyone can
now easily acquire national and international IP and transport services.
The deployment and use of VPNs allows the commercial service provid-
ers (SPs) to provide and support various acceptable policy networks
with differing AUP/COU on the same infrastructure. The technical need
for most PNRNs or NRNs to exist to fulfill this function fades away.
Researchers should now be able to specify wide-area network support as
a line item in their research proposal budgets, just as they do for tele-
phony and computing support. Most governments do not support
separate research “Plain Old Telephone Service” (POTS) networks so
that researchers can talk with one another. They provide funding in the
grants to allow the researchers to acquire this from the commercial sec-
tor. However, valid technical reasons for selectively supporting some
research networks still exist. A prime example is the CA*Net 3 network
in Canada, which has been extremely aggressive in the adoption and use
of preproduction optical networking technologies and infrastructure and
has been instrumental in advancing our knowledge on this area.

The Internet Protocol Journal

During this evolution of research networks capabilities, network re-
search is also going through its own evolution. DARPA starts focusing
its research on optics, wireless, mobility, and network engineering as
part of its Next-Generation Internet program. In addition, the research
moves up the food chain of network layers. DARPA and DoE start sup-
porting research on middleware. Globus[14], along with Legion[15],
Condor[16], and POLDER[17], are major middleware research efforts that
become the main impetus for GRIDs; and although they are focused
mainly on seeking the holy grail of distributed computing, many of the
middleware services they are developing are of value in a broader re-
search and infrastructure context. The focus of network research and
research networks now starts moving away from backbone transport
services to research on advanced collaboratory, ubiquitous computing,
mobile, nomadic, and EPP environments.

The policy management of the Internet now becomes an oxymoron and

reflects the completion of the transition of the Internet to a distributed
commercial Internet. Many organizations are now vying for a say in
how the Internet evolves. Even the IETF is suffering from its own suc-
cess. It now faces many of the same political challenges the ITU faced,
that is, some commercial companies now try to affect the standards
process for their own benefit by introducing standards contributions
and only later disclosing the fact that they have filed patents on the tech-
nology in question. It is now much more difficult to make policy
decisions regarding the future of Internet protocols, technologies, and

Future Frontiers
UC and EPP are the paradigm shifts at the user level that are already
drastically altering our concept and understanding of networks. The
scale, number, and complexity of networks supporting these new appli-
cations will far exceed anything we have experienced or managed in the
past. Users will “be on the net” all the time, either as themselves or indi-
rectly through agents and “bots.” They will be mobile and nomadic.
There will be “n” multiple instances of a user active on a network at the
same time, and not necessarily from the same logical or geographical lo-
cation. The frontiers associated with this new focus are many times
more complex from a systems integration level than any work we have
done in the past with backbone networks. This new frontier will pro-
vide new technical challenges at the periphery of the network; that is,
the intelligent access and campus networks necessary to support these
new environments. EPP and UC will drastically affect our research net-
works and application environments, much as the Web and its protocols
drastically changed Internet and traffic patters in the 1990s.

The frontiers faced by research networks of the future will depend upon
many technical and sociopolitical factors on a variety of levels. The so-
ciopolitical frontiers can be divided into two different classes, one for e-
developed nations who have already gone through the learning process

The Internet Protocol Journal

New Frontiers for Research Nets: continued

of building an Internet-based infrastructure, and another for the e-chal-

lenged nations who still face the challenges of building a viable network
transport infrastructure. The developed nations need to now grapple
with how they can encourage the next evolutionary phase of their Inter-
net-based economies. Because of the fast evolution of technology, the
technical need for subsidizing transport-based network infrastructure is
no longer the pressing need it was in the 1990s. The future research net-
work will most likely be nothing more than a VPN based on a
commercial ISP “cloud” service that interconnects researchers. The High
Energy Physicists (HEPs) have already proved that life as a VPN-based
affinity group overlaid on production network services is a viable solu-
tion to providing for their network requirements. The High-Energy
Physics Network (HEPnet)[18] is a virtual set of users and network ex-
perts using ESnet and other ISP VPN-based network services to support
the HEP scientists. Although we still have some technical challenges as-
sociated with backbone network technology (for example, optics), there
are now only a very small number of institutions and organizations ca-
pable of working with industry and making substantial contributions in
this area.

The new technical challenges that need to be addressed now include

how to build and deploy intelligent edge and campus networks, content
delivery and routing, mobile/nomadic/wireless access to the Internet, and
the support for both UC and EPP. The latter two require major ad-
vancements and will require a whole bevy of middleware that is both
network aware and an integral component of an intelligent network in-
frastructure. This includes, but is not limited to, directories, locators,
presence servers, call admission control services, self-configuring ser-
vices, mobility, media servers, policy servers, bandwidth brokers,
intrusion-detection servers, accounting, authentication, and access con-
trol. IRNs and RNs can contribute to our knowledge and growth of
these new areas by acting as leaders in areas that tend to be more
difficult for the commercial sector to address, for instance, the develop-
ment and deployment of advanced end-to-end services that operate over
one or more ISP-provided clouds. Examples include interdomain band-
width broker services, multi Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) trust
models, defining multisite policies and schemas for directory-based pol-
icy services, and developing scalable naming conventions.

In order for policy makers to make informed decisions on the evolution

and support of Internet technologies and architectures, they will need ac-
cess to a generic mix of real backbone network data. There still exists a
dire need at this point for such data. Innovative solutions that respect
the privacy and business concerns of all types of ISPs and RNs, while at
the same time making available “scrubbed” data, need to be developed.
In addition, with the new focus on edge and metro networks, we might
be able to shift our monitoring attentions to this area as well in order to
better understand traffic demands and patterns on these scales of net-
works. Network monitoring is only one of the challenges facing us.

The Internet Protocol Journal

As the scale and complexity of networks grows, even at the pico and
body area network level, we will need to develop new techniques to sup-
port network modeling, simulation, and experimentation. The University
of Utah is developing a test facility[19] comprising a large number of net-
worked processors, the network equivalent of a supercomputer center,
to be used experimentally in the design and development of new trans-
port layer protocols.

“Being on the net” will change our way of doing e-everything, and the
evolution of the underlying infrastructure will need to change in order to
support this paradigm shift. The intelligence of the network will not
only move to the periphery, but even beyond, to the personal digital as-
sistant and body area network. Therefore, it is important that the goals
and focus of the research networks also evolve. Leave the R&D associ-
ated with backbone networks mainly with the commercial sector
because this is their raison d’etre. The research networks of the future
will be mostly VPNs, with a few exceptions, as noted earlier in this arti-
cle. Research networks need to focus on the new technologies at the
periphery as well as the middleware necessary to support the advanced
environments that will soon be commonplace. Many research networks
will themselves become virtual, for example, HEPnet, providing exper-
tise but not necessarily a network service.

Policy makers must adapt to address not only these substantial techni-
cal and architectural changes but also second-order policy issues such as
security and privacy and how to ensure that we don’t end up with a bi-
furcated digital economy of e-savvy and e-challenged communities.

E-developed nations have already been through the technology learning

curve of implementing and deploying a transport infrastructure. The e-
challenged nations, with respect to network infrastructure, still face
these same challenges, and they have the benefit of taking advantage of
the knowledge of the nations who have successfully made the transi-
tion. In order to speed up the deployment of Internet technologies and
infrastructure in the e-challenged nations, it may be best to first create
technologically educated people and then to provide them an economic
and social environment where they can apply their knowledge and build
the infrastructure. E-savvy nations should help by providing the “know-
how.” The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has a joint
program with the Trans-European Research and Education Network-
ing Association (TERENA) to provide for the instruction of Eastern
European nations on the use and deployment of Internet technology
(that is, how to configure and manage routers).

The Internet Protocol Journal

New Frontiers for Research Nets: continued

In lieu of subsidizing networks in these nations, NATO and TERENA

are providing the basic knowledge that these people need to build, man-
age, and evolve their own networks and infrastructure. This should be
the model to consider for e-developing nations. This is not to diminish
the challenges of building network infrastructure in some areas where
there is no such infrastructure, and perhaps in some of these areas work-
ing with other utility infrastructure providers might advance this cause.

The ideas, comments, and projections proffered in this article are the
sole opinions of the author, and in no way represent or reflect official or
unofficial positions or opinions on the part of Cisco Systems, Inc. This
article is based on my experience designing and managing operational
international research networks, as well as being a program manager for
network research, during the formative years of the Internet (that is, my
tenure as a program manager for the United States Government’s Na-
tional Science Foundation and the Department of Energy), and my
recent experience within Cisco working with next-generation Internet
projects and managing its University Research Program. Many of the
examples that I cite in this work are based on the development and de-
ployment of the U.S.-based Internet and research networks, although the
lessons learned in the United States may also be illuminating elsewhere.

I would like to thank my friend and colleague, Dr. Stephen Wolff, of the
Office of the CTO, Cisco Systems Inc., for many good suggestions with
respect to improving the content and presentation of this article; but,
mostly for his good-humored authentication of my history and facts.

[0] This article was presented at the third Global Research Village
Conference organized jointly by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Netherlands in
Amsterdam, December 6–8, 2000.

[1] This is also attributed to the famous Physicist Niels Bohr.

[2] Wulf, William A. 1988. “The National Collaboratory—A white paper,”

Appendix A. In “Towards a National Collaboratory,” Unpublished
report of a National Science Foundation invitational workshop.
Rockefeller University, New York, March 17–18, 1989.




[6] Draft-aiken-middleware-reqndef-01.txt, Internet Draft,

Work in Progress, May 1999,

The Internet Protocol Journal

[7] See and for
full lists of European research networks.




[11] “Architecture of the Multi-Modal Organizational Research and

Production Heterogeneous Network (MORPHnet),” Aiken, et al, ANL-
97/1 technical report, and 1997 Intelligent Network and Intelligence in
Networks Conference.


[13] “NSF Implementation Plan for an Interagency Interim NREN,” (aka

Architecture for vBNS, NAPs and RAs), Aiken, Braun, and Ford, GA
A21174, May 1992.







ROBERT J. AIKEN has an MS in Computer Science from Temple University. He is the

Manager of the Cisco University Research Program. Prior to joining Cisco, Bob was the
network and security research program manager for DoE’s HPCC program and Next-
Generation Internet (NGI) initiative. He was a program manager at the National Science
Foundation (NSF), and with colleagues Peter Ford and Hans-Werner Braun coauthored
the conceptual design and architecture of the second-generation National Science Foun-
dation Network (NSFNET) (vBNS, Network Access Points [NAPs], and the Routing
Arbiter [RA]), which enabled the commercialization of the then-U.S.-federally supported
Internet. Before his NSF tenure, he served as DoE’s ESnet program manager and was the
creator and manager of the ESnet Network Information and Services group. Prior to his
career in networking, Bob was responsible for managing supercomputers and coding
their operating systems. His academic experience includes being an Assistant Professor of
Computer Science at Hood College in Maryland, an adjunct Professor at California State
University, Hayward, and the Manager of Technology Services at Gettysburg College in
Pennsylvania. E-mail:

The Internet Protocol Journal

Book Review
Intrusion Detection Network Intrusion Detection—An Analyst’s Handbook, by Stephen
Northcutt, ISBN 0735708681, New Riders Publishers, 1999.

Network security and the ability to detect intrusion attempts has be-
come extremely important in today’s networks, regardless of size. I
was looking for a book that would get technical on the details in
these matters. Laura Chappell, the guru of packet-level information
(, recommended this book to me. I should
have realized what I was getting into at that point. I purchased the
book, which was a bit expensive for its size at $39.99, and eagerly be-
gan reading it.

Mr. Northcutt starts out with a good discussion on how Kevin Mitnick
conducted his famous attack. The book presents some very good infor-
mation on a variety of topics, intermixed with personal observations
and opinion. This made for an enjoyable read. If you are considering
getting an Intrusion Detection System (IDS), then this book will provide
you with some valuable insight and guidelines to consider from a recog-
nized industry expert in this field. Mr. Northcutt is affiliated with The
System Administration, Networking, and Security (SANS) Institute

Be aware that this book is not for the faint of heart. You will dive into
the depths of packets and intrusion detection rather quickly, and never
look back. This is both good and bad. I prefer an easy-to-read technical
book, but the level of technical knowledge required to make sense of
many of the examples is rather extensive. This includes how the many
trace examples are presented in rather specialized fashion; in addition,
the touted “detailed” explanations varied in usefulness quite a bit.

The book was marketed as a training aid; however, I suspect most read-
ers need to be quite experienced to benefit from it. I admit I had to read
many sections more than once in order to grasp the finer points being
conveyed. I am confident that many readers have already echoed this
sentiment to the author and publisher, since the second edition of this
book was published in September 2000 and the page count has dou-
bled, with only a modest price increase. I put it on my Christmas list!

—Tom Thomas, Mentor Technologies Group

Would You Like to Review a Book for IPJ?

We receive numerous books on computer networking from all the ma-
jor publishers. If you’ve got a specific book you are interested in
reviewing, please contact us and we will make sure a copy is mailed to
you. The book is yours to keep if you send us a review. We accept re-
views of new titles, as well as some of the “networking classics.”
Contact us at for more information.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Call for Papers
The Internet Protocol Journal (IPJ) is published quarterly by Cisco
Systems. The journal is not intended to promote any specific products
or services, but rather is intended to serve as an informational and
educational resource for engineering professionals involved in the
design, development, and operation of public and private internets and
intranets. The journal carries tutorial articles (“What is…?”), as well as
implementation/operation articles (“How to…”). It provides readers
with technology and standardization updates for all levels of the
protocol stack and serves as a forum for discussion of all aspects of

Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Access and infrastructure technologies such as: ISDN, Gigabit Ether-
net, SONET, ATM, xDSL, cable, fiber optics, satellite, wireless, and
dial systems
• Transport and interconnection functions such as: switching, routing,
tunneling, protocol transition, multicast, and performance
• Network management, administration, and security issues, includ-
ing: authentication, privacy, encryption, monitoring, firewalls,
trouble-shooting, and mapping
• Value-added systems and services such as: Virtual Private Networks,
resource location, caching, client/server systems, distributed systems,
network computing, and Quality of Service
• Application and end-user issues such as: e-mail, Web authoring,
server technologies and systems, electronic commerce, and applica-
tion management
• Legal, policy, and regulatory topics such as: copyright, content
control, content liability, settlement charges, “modem tax,” and
trademark disputes in the context of internetworking

In addition to feature-length articles, IPJ will contain standardization

updates, overviews of leading and bleeding-edge technologies, book
reviews, announcements, opinion columns, and letters to the Editor.

Cisco will pay a stipend of US$1000 for published, feature-length

articles. Author guidelines are available from Ole Jacobsen, the Editor
and Publisher of IPJ, reachable via e-mail at

The Internet Protocol Journal

New Top-Level Domains
On November 16, 2000 The board of directors of the Internet Corpora-
tion for Assigned Names and Numbers, (ICANN) announced its
selections for registry operators for new top level domains. The applica-
tions selected for further negotiation are the following:

.aero Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques SC, (SITA)

.biz JVTeam, LLC
.coop National Cooperative Business Association, (NCBA)
.info Afilias, LLC
.museum Museum Domain Management Association, (MDMA)
.name Global Name Registry, LTD
.pro RegistryPro, LTD

The ICANN staff will now work through the end of the year to negoti-
ate registry agreements with the applicants selected. The proposed
schedule for completion of negotiations is December 31, 2000. The ne-
gotiated registry agreements must then be approved by the board of
directors. Following that approval, the ICANN board will forward its
recommendations to the U.S. Department of Commerce for implementa-
tion. For more on the history of ICANN’s new TLD application process,
please see Multimedia archives of the
annual meeting can be reviewed at

ICANN is a technical coordination body for the Internet. Created in Oc-

tober 1998 by a broad coalition of the Internet’s business, technical,
academic, and user communities, ICANN is assuming responsibility for
a set of technical functions previously performed under U.S. government
contract by IANA and other groups. Specifically, ICANN coordinates
the assignment of the following identifiers that must be globally unique
for the Internet to function: Internet domain names, Internet Protocol ad-
dress numbers, and protocol parameter and port numbers. In addition,
ICANN coordinates the stable operation of the Internet’s root server sys-
tem. As a non-profit, private-sector corporation, ICANN is dedicated to
preserving the operational stability of the Internet; to promoting compe-
tition; to achieving broad representation of global Internet communities;
and to developing policy through private-sector, bottom-up, consensus-
based means. ICANN welcomes the participation of any interested Inter-
net user, business, or organization. See

ISOC Launches Platinum Membership Level

The Internet Society (ISOC) is pleased to announce its Platinum Spon-
sorship Program, The Platinum program, which is in addition to and
distinct from ISOC’s standard organizational membership categories,
provides interested organizations with the ability to designate support
for specific areas of ISOC’s work.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The initial participants, who also helped define the program, included
Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Nortel, RIPE NCC and AP-
NIC has since joined the list of Platinum sponsors. Platinum level
sponsors contribute $100,000 annually, with non-profit organizations
eligible for funding at half that amount.
The Platinum program was initially developed to bolster support for the
standards activities of ISOC, specifically ISOC’s support of the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). Recently the program was expanded be-
yond Standards to include the three remaining areas of ISOC activities:
Education & Training, Public Policy, and Member Services. As a result,
participants in the Platinum program can now earmark their contribu-
tion for any of these four functional areas, or choose to allocate support
for multiple areas, should they so desire.
ISOC is dependent upon individual and organizational members for its
funding. ISOC believes that allowing contributors to designate where
their money will be spent through the Platinum program enhances the
Society’s ability to undertake activities in these four areas, and, at the
same time, provides an attractive support option for many organiza-
tions. ISOC will provide a report on the use of funds to each Platinum-
Level sponsor at the end of each year. More information on the Plati-
num-Level Support Program can be found at:

More information on ISOC’s standard membership categories is avail-

able from:

100 Million Internet Hosts

The Internet reached 100,000,000 hosts on 2 November 2000, accord-
ing to John S. Quarterman, founder of Matrix.Net, a provider of
Internet performance, measurement and intelligence. From its humble
beginnings of 4 sites in the western United States in December 1969, the
Internet has now reached over 150 countries and is nearly pole to pole.
“This is an impressive achievement,” said Quarterman. “We have been
tracking the growth and development of the Internet for this entire de-
cade. If this kind of growth continues, we will hit 1,000,000,000 hosts
in 2006.” For more information, see

This publication is distributed on an “as-is” basis, without warranty of any kind either express or
implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose, or non-infringement. This publication could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical
errors. Later issues may modify or update information provided in this issue. Neither the publisher nor
any contributor shall have any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused directly or
indirectly by the information contained herein.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Internet Protocol Journal
Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher

Editorial Advisory Board The Internet Protocol Journal is

Dr. Vint Cerf, Sr. VP, Internet Architecture and Technology published quarterly by the
WorldCom, USA Chief Technology Office,
Cisco Systems, Inc.
David Farber
The Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication Systems
Tel: +1 408 526-4000
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Edward R. Kozel, Member of The Board of Directors
Cisco Systems, Inc., USA Cisco, Cisco Systems, and the Cisco
Systems logo are registered
Peter Löthberg, Network Architect
Stupi AB, Sweden trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. in
the USA and certain other countries.
Dr. Jun Murai, Professor, WIDE Project All other trademarks mentioned in this
Keio University, Japan document are the property of their
Dr. Deepinder Sidhu, Professor, Computer Science &
respective owners.
Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Director, Maryland Center for Telecommunications Research, USA Copyright © 2000 Cisco Systems Inc.

Pindar Wong, Chairman and President

VeriFi Limited, Hong Kong

The Internet Protocol Journal, Cisco Systems

170 West Tasman Drive, M/S SJ-10/5 Bulk Rate Mail
San Jose, CA 95134-1706 U.S. Postage
Cisco Systems, Inc.


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