Greek Word Elements in English Edition-02: By: Md. Makhjanul Islam Tauhid. Contact: 01196103435 & Also at
Greek Word Elements in English Edition-02: By: Md. Makhjanul Islam Tauhid. Contact: 01196103435 & Also at
Greek Word Elements in English Edition-02: By: Md. Makhjanul Islam Tauhid. Contact: 01196103435 & Also at
Greek Suggested
Implication/s in English word/s
Prefix(es) meaning/s
Amoral- lacking any sense of moral standards or
principles. Anarthria- partial or total loss of articulate
speech resulting from lesions of the central nervous
system. Abyss - without bottom. Abysm-a bottomless
gulf or pit, any unfathomable (or apparently
unfathomable) cavity or chasm or void extending below
(often used figuratively). Abyssal-relating to ocean
a, an not, without
depths from 2000 to 5000 meters, resembling an abyss in
depth (so deep as to be immeasurable). Abysmal-very
great, limitless, very bad. Abysmally-in a terrible manner
(without looking at the consequence). Achromatic -
without color. Anhydrous - without water. Aniconic- (of
gods, etc) not in human or animal form.
agri/agro farming
Agronomist- an expert in soil management and field-
crop production. Agrology- science of soils in relation to
crops. Agro mania- an intense desire to be alone or out in
the open (open land-like farm field).
algo pain Algolagnia (also algophila) - sexual pleasure derived
from inflicting or experiencing pain. Algophobia- a
morbid fear of pain. Neuralgia - pain caused by a nerve.
Analgesic - a drug that makes one pain free. Nostalgia -
aching for the familiar.
Amphibian- operating or living on land and in water.
Amphibiotic- (biology) having an aquatic early or larval
form and a terrestrial adult form. Amphibolites- a
metamorphic rock composed chiefly of amphibole and
plagioclase. Amphibology- an ambiguous grammatical
construction e.g., 'they are flying planes' can mean either
that someone is flying planes or that something is flying
planes. Amphistylar- having columns either at both ends
about, around,
Amphi/o or at both sides. Amphiprotic- (chemistry) having
characteristics of both an acid and a base and capable of
reacting as either. Amphibious demonstration- an
amphibious operation conducted for the purpose of
deceiving the enemy and leading him into a course of
action unfavourable to him. Amphitheater- an oval,
circular, or semicircular auditorium with tiers of seats
rising from a central open area. Amphodiplopia-the
presence of monocular diplopia in both eyes.
Anabaptize-to baptize again or to re-baptize. Anabiont-
perennial (constantly recurring or lasting for an
indefinite time). Anabiosis- suspended animation in
organisms during periods of extreme drought from
which they revive when moisture returns. Anchorite-
one retired from society for religious reasons. Anapest- a
metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed-stressed
syllables. Anatomy - the structure of something as
up, against, back, visible when cut up for analysis. Anachronism - not
again, throughout being in the right place in time. Analeptic- stimulating
the central nervous system. Anamnesis-the case history
of a medical patient as recalled by the patient, the ability
to recall past occurrences Anathema- a formal
ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication,
someone or something that is greatly disliked or
detested and is therefore shunned. Anhelation-shortness
and rapidity of breathing, panting, difficult respiration,
Antibiosis- an association of two organisms which is
detrimental to one of them. Antipodes- any two places or
regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth.
Antibody - a substance that destroys micro-organisms.
against, opposite Anticlimax- a disappointing decline after a previous rise.
Anticline- forming a ridge in which strata leans against
each other, inclining in opposite directions Antidote- a
remedy or other agent used to neutralize or to counteract
the effects of a poison. Antiloquy-a contradiction.
Aphorism - a short expression of a general truth.
Apology - an explicit expression of regret. Apostrophe -
a small dash used in place of an omitted letter.
Apocalyptist- someone who adheres to the teachings of
apocalyptic literature concerning the signs and events
preceding the end of the world, anyone who believes in
from, away from,
the teachings that predict a catastrophic end to the
asunder, separate,
ap/o,h world. Apophatic-relating to the belief that God can be
separation from,
known to humans only in terms of what He is not, such
derived from
as: "God is unknowable". Apophenia-the spontaneous
perception of connections and meaningfulness in
unrelated things, seeing patterns where none; in fact,
exist. Aposematic-a description of natural colors and
bright markings on an animal that warn predators that it
is poisonous.
Catacomb- (antiquity) an underground tunnel with
recesses where bodies were buried (as in ancient Rome).
down, downward; Catapult- hurl as if with a sling. Cataclysm - a flood or
under, lower; other disaster. Catalog - a complete listing. Catastrophe -
cat/a against; entirely, in turning for the worst, a substantial disaster. Cataphasia -
accordance with, a speech disorder in which the same word is repeated
completely, back several times in succession. Catechism- a series of
questions put to an individual (such as a political
candidate) to elicit their views.
Dialysis- separation of substances in solution by means
of their unequal diffusion through semi permeable
membranes. Dialect- the usage or vocabulary that is
dia, di across, through characteristic of a specific group of people. Diagnosis -
understanding a condition by going through a detailed
review of symptoms. Dialog - conversation between two
Dichromatic - displaying two colors. Dilemma - a
situation that requires a choice between two alternatives.
Dichotomy- being twofold; a classification into two
di/plo two, twice
opposed parts or subclasses. Dichroic- pleochroism of a
crystal so that it exhibits two different colours when
viewed from two different directions.
Endotherm - a creature that can keep its inside
temperature fairly constant. Endocrine - relating to
endo within, inside glands that secrete directly into the blood or lymph.
Endogamy - the custom to marry within one's clan, tribe
Prodromal-premonitory, indicating the onset of a disease
or a morbid state. Proem-a short introduction or preface.
syn,sym, together, with, by Synchronal- occurring or existing at the same time or
syl, sys means of having the same period or phase. Sync- make
synchronous and adjust in time or manner. Syncretism-
the union (or attempted fusion) of different systems of
thought or belief (especially in religion or philosophy).
Symmetry -similarity in size, form or arrangement.
Synchronize - to cause to occur at the same time.
Synecdoche- substituting a more inclusive term for (by
means of) a less inclusive one or vice versa. Symposium-
a meeting or conference for the public discussion of
some topic especially one in which the participants form
an audience and make presentations. Symphysis- an
abnormal adhesion of two or more structures.
Symphony- a harmonious state of things in general and
of their properties (as of colours and sounds), congruity
of parts with one another and with the whole.
Synaesthesia- a sensation that normally occurs in one
sense modality occurs when another modality is
stimulated. Synergy- the working together of two things
(muscles or drugs for example) to produce an effect
greater than the sum of their individual effects.
Sympatric- (of biological species or speciation) occurring
in the same or overlapping geographical areas.
Symbiosis- the relation between two different species of
organisms that is interdependent. Syllogism- deductive
reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from two
premises. Systematization- systematic organization, the
act of organizing something according to a system or a