Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan: Curriculum Vitae
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan: Curriculum Vitae
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan: Curriculum Vitae
Area of Research:
Wireless Communication (Physical Layer)
Research Interests:
Wireless Communications, MIMO Femto Cells, Cooperative Networks, Interference
Mitigation Protocols, 5G/LTE Networks, Phantom Cell, Massive MIMO.
Teaching Interests:
Signal Processing, DSP, DLD, Wireless Communications, Data Communicatons.
English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Job-related skills - good command of quality control processes (currently responsible for quality audit)
- mentoring skills (as a Doctor I was responsible for the training and induction of new research topics
among the students)
Professional Activities:
1. Member Ph.D. Club, Cancer Care Hospital and Research Center, Lahore, Pakistan (Sep 2014
2. Reviewer: Journal of Communications (JoCM).
3. Reviewer: International Conferences, ICC, Globecom etc.
4. University Research Satcom Project Analysis to Identify Research Strengths of Yuan Ze University
March 2012.
5. International Conference on 5G LTE Networks 2014. Attended as a representative of ESAT-
TELEMIC. Member of FITCE.be.
6. Workshop on Research Performance Evaluation and Support of Communication Networks: ESAT
KUL, Belgium 2014.
7. International Conference (ICWCMC) in Penang, Malaysia 2012. Novel design of MIMO cooperative
protocol, (third prize)
8. Conference MC & member organizing committee: 10th International Conference of Mobile
Computing and Wireless Networks, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2009.
1. National Taiwanese Government Funded Program- The main objectives include to cope with
interference issue. EU collaboration for massive MIMO techniques implementation in real time
2. Horizon 2020. Considering small cells and there critical issues. Collaborative work with IMEC,
Belgium and CWC Oulu, Finland.
3. METIS 2020 project. Designing of innovative techniques to cope issues in wireless sensor
networks. EU collaborative work is going with cooperation of many European universities. The key
role in physical layer is to interface cross later Femto cell concepts and perform interference alignment
technique in collaboration with Prof. Nandana Rajatheva CWC Oulu, Finland. Aug 2014-present.
Computer Skills
EDP (Electronic Data Processing)
▪ List of Publications.pdf
List of Publications.pdf
List of Publications
Journal Papers:
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Nandana Rajatheva, and Juinn-Horng Deng, ``Performance Analysis of Novel
Interference Mitigation Schemes in Heterogeneous Networks over Rayleigh and Rician Fading
Channels". JOCM- Journal of Communications, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 359-371, 2013. Doi:
10.12720/jcm.8.6.359-371 ETP 2013. June 2013.
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Muhammad Hasanain Chaudary, and Juinn-Horng Deng, ``Moment
Generating Function (M.G.F.) based Performance Analysis of Network Coding Two-way Relaying
Using Alamouti Scheme over Various Fading Channels". BUJICT- Bahria University Journal of
Information & Communication Technologies, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 11-18, 2012. December 2012.
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Juinn-Horng Deng, and Nandana Rajatheva, ``Novel Femto Cooperative
Scheme (Fe-COPE) with Interference Mitigation and Performance Analysis under Different Fading
Channels". JCIE- Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol, 2014 Thomson Reuters
ScholarOne. Accepted: 17 March 2014.
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Muhammad Hasanain Chaudary, Nandana Rajatheva, Sofie Pollin, and
Juinn-Horng Deng, ``A MIMO Based Interference Mitigation Protocol for Femto Cells and
Performance Analysis using Alamouti Coding Gain for Different Fading Scenarios". EURASIP
Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Springer, 2014. [In Progress]
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Rodolfo Torrea Duran, Fernando Rosas, Marc Moonen, Nandana Rajatheva,
and Sofie Pollin, ``A Power-Enhanced Cooperative Scheme in OFDMA Heterogeneous systems for
5G Networks". J-SAC IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Communications
Society, 2014. [To be Submitted]
Conference Papers:
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Imran Khan, and Nandana Rajatheva, ``Performance Analysis of
MIMO Based Multi-User Cooperation Diversity System using Hybrid FDMA-TDMA
Technique". IEEE ECTI-CON, Chiang Mai, Thailand May 2010.
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Imran Khan, and Nandana Rajatheva, ``Performance Analysis of
Multi-User Cooperation Diversity System using MIMO Approach Over Various Fading
Channels". ICWCMC WASET Penang, Malaysia February 2010.
Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Rodolfo Torrea Duran, and Sofie Pollin, ``A Power-Enhanced Femto
Cooperative Scheme (Fe-COPE) in OFDMA Heterogeneous systems using Interference
Mitigation for 5G Networks". 35th and 4th Joint WIC/IEEE Symposium on Information
Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, May 2014.