Detailed Lesson Plan
Detailed Lesson Plan
Detailed Lesson Plan
Region 02
During the 60-minute classroom activity, the Grade 11 Students will be able to:
A. Explain the meaning of the term business organization
B. Differentiate the forms of business organization
C. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each form.
D. Distinguish between: Sole Proprietor and Partnerships, Partnerships and Corporations, and
Corporation and Cooperatives.
Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
A. Routine Activities
Before we start our lesson for today,
may I request everyone to please stand
and let us give thanks and ask for the
guidance of our Almighty Father.
B. Motivation
D. Lesson Proper
Can you read the meaning? (Student will read the meaning)
Who among you know the different forms (Student will raise their hand and recite, Sole
of business organization? Please Proprietor, partnership, corporation and
Enumerate. cooperative)
Very good!
Very good.
Very good!
(Students are continuously listening and taking
We now move to partnership. notes.)
Who among you want to have its own (Student will raise their hand)
corporation someday?
Kindly enumerate to me the kinds of (Student will recite the answer while looking at
Cooperatives? the PowerPoint)
E. Comprehension Check
(Student will browse their notes)
Okay if you really understood our lesson,
let us have some question and try to
answer. Let us have recitation.
F. Activity
Create 3 groups.
Class, I will let you choose your own (Students will form a Group with 10 members)
group. It must compose of 10 members.
Group leaders, come in front and get your
own set / activity.
Who will read the instruction?
(Assuming group 1- choose between sole
proprietor or cooperatives.
Group 2- Partnerships, Group 3-Corporation)
****Group Activity****
G. Valuing
While you are chatting with your (Student will answer it is not as easy as I think but
groupmate, sharing you own ideas on enjoyable sir. If you choose to have a partner, you
what business you are going to establish, must both agree to the rules and each must share
is it easy now to form a business? ideas to meet expectations to the business you are
going to established.)
H. Generalization
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietor?
2. What are the 2 types of partnerships?
3. What are the types of corporations?
4. What are the 5 kinds of cooperative?
In our municipality, enumerate and name 3 businesses that has 3 sole proprietorships, 1
partnership, 1 corporation and 1 cooperative. And give your insights to the question, in your own opinion,
why did they enter those type of business.
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