Index 39
Application finder 4 • Anopore inorganic membranes 35
Extraction thimbles
Filtration Devices 54
Technical Guide 56
• Syringe filter selection guide
• Membrane selection chart
• How to select your sample preparation device
Syringe filters
Speciality Products 76
• GD/X syringe filters 61
• GD/XP syringe filters 63
• Puradisc syringe filters 64 Speciality products
• Anotop syringe filters 68 • Seed testing paper 78
• Uniflo syringe filters 69 • Shark skin paper 78
• Roby syringe filters 69 • Ignition strength papers 78
• ReZist syringe filters 70 • Antibiotic Assay (AA) Discs 78
• SPARTAN syringe filters 70 • Surface protectors 79
Syringeless filters • Lens cleaning tissue 79
• Mini-UniPrep syringeless filters 71 • Kjeldhal weighing boats 79
Disc filters • 1 PS phase separator 80
• Polydisc filters 72 • pH indicators & test paper 80
Capsule filters
• PolyCap 73
• CarbonCap 75 Quick product finder 82
Venting filters Alphabetical index 83
• PolyVent 75 Authenticity message 86
• Hepa-Vent and Hepa-Cap 75 Terms & Conditions 87
Page No. Page No.
Page No. Page No.
Whatman Cellulose Filter Papers:
Whatman cellulose filter papers are manufactured
from high-quality cotton linters, which have been
treated to achieve a minimum alpha cellulose content
of 98%. These cellulose filter papers are used for
general filtration and exhibit particle retention levels
down to 2.5 µm. There is a wide choice of
retention/flow rate combinations to match numerous
laboratory applications.
Chromatography Papers:
Whatman chromatography papers are the most
widely used papers for chromatography worldwide.
This acceptance and usage reflect the purity, high
quality, and consistency of Whatman papers. The
chromatography paper product line includes
standard cellulose and ion exchange grades.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Filter Papers & Membranes
Contents Page No.
Technical Guide
1 11 150 40 0.06 0.18 87 N 1.7 0.25 97 14
2 8 240 55 0.06 0.19 97 N 2.0 0.29 110 16
3 6 325 90 0.06 0.39 185 H 2.8 0.40 193 28
4 20-25 37 12 0.06 0.21 92 N 1.5 0.22 69 10
5 2.5 1420 250 0.06 0.20 100 N 2.8 0.40 172 25
6 3 715 175 0.1-0.2 0.18 100 N 1.7 0.25 124 18
Ashless Quantitative
40 8 340 75 0.007 0.21 95 N 2.0 0.29 110 16
41 20-25 54 12 0.007 0.22 85 N 1.5 0.22 69 10
42 2.5 1870 240 0.007 0.20 100 N 2.8 0.40 172 25
43 16 155 40 0.007 0.22 95 N 2.0 0.29 90 13
44 3 995 175 0.007 0.18 80 N 2.0 0.29 117 17
Hardened Ashless
540 8 200 55 0.006 0.16 85 N 48.3 7 186 27
541 20-25 34 12 0.006 0.16 78 N 48.3 7 117 17
542 2.7 2510 250 0.006 0.15 96 N 41.4 6 221 32
Glass Microfiber
GF / A 1.6 62 13.0 NA 0.26 53 H 2.0 0.29
GF / B 1.0 195 5.5 NA 0.68 143 VH 3.2 0.47
GF / C 1.2 100 10.5 NA 0.26 53 H 2.0 0.29
GF / D 2.7 41 16.5 NA 0.68 120 VH 3.2 0.47
GF / F 0.7 325 6.0 NA 0.42 75 H 2.3 0.33
934-AH 1.5 47 NA NA 0.33 64 H 3.7 0.54
EPM 2000 NA NA NA NA 0.43 80 NA NA NA Dry Tensile (700g/1.5cm)
GMF 150 (1um) 1.0 56 NA NA 0.74 143 VH Wet Tensile (320g//1.5cm Dry Tensile (680g/1.5cm)
GMF 150 (2 um) 2.0 26 NA NA 0.78 144 VH Wet Tensile (333g/1.5cm) Dry Tensile (540g/1.5cm)
Quartz Microfiber
QM-A NA NA NA NA 0.45 85 NA NA NA Dry Tensile (250g/1.5cm)
QM-B NA NA NA NA 0.95 140 NA NA NA Dry Tensile (400g/1.5cm)
Technical Guide
Is the precipitate/retentate to be
ashed for gravimetric analysis?
Whatman Grade
Technical Guide
Is the precipitate/retentate to be
ashed for gravimetric analysis?
Whatman Grade
Technical Guide
Are you determining suspended solids in water? YES Use 934-AH or GF/C
Whatman Grade
Technical Guide
Sample Membrane
Liquids Air
Aqueous Solvents
Nylon RC
Particle Analysis Microbiology
Solvent Mixtures
Technical Guide
Gelatinous Precipitates µm
Metal Hydroxides 25-40
Precipitated Silica 25-40
Crystalline Precipitates
Ammonium Phisphomolybdate 20
Calcium Oxalate 15
Lead Sulfate 10
Barium Sulfate (hot ppt.) 8
Barium Sulfate (cold ppt.) 3
Blood Cells
Erythrocytes (average) 7
Polymorphs 2-3 8-12
Small Lymphocytes 7-10
Large Lymphocytes 12-15
Monocytes 16-22
Cocci 0.5
Bacilli 1.0 x (2.0-6.0)
Serratia Marcescens 0.5 x (0.5-1.0)
Pneumocaccus 1.0
Bacillus Tuberculosis 0.3 x (2.5-3.5)
Amoeba 12-30
E. Coli 0.5 x (1.0-3.0)
Smallest Bacteria 0.22
Technical Guide
Antimony <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Copper 1.2 0.3 0.2 Potassium 3 1.5 0.6
Arsenic <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Fluorine 0.1 0.2 0.3 Silicon 20 <2 <2
Barium <1 <1 <1 Iron 5 6 3 Sodium 160 33 8
Bromine 1 1 1 Lead 0.3 0.2 0.1 Sulfur 15 <5 <2
Calcium 185 13 8 Magnesium 7 1.8 0.7 Zinc 2.4 0.6 0.3
Chlorine 130 80 55 Manganese 0.06 0.05 <0.05 * Qualitative Grade 1 shown for comparison
Mercury <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 purposes. • All results expressed as µg/g.
Whatman QMA: Filters for Use in US EPA PM10 Ambient Air Monitoring
Property Test Method Unit of Measure Value Range
Filter Media n/a n/a Quartz Fiber n/a
Filter Thickness ASTM D 645-92 mm 0.45 ± 15
Filter Dimension micrometer inches 8 x 10 ±1/16
Particle Retention (0.3 µm) ASTM D 2986-91 % 99.95 minimum
Flow Rate EPA RFM M3/min 1.1325 ± 0.0285
Tensile Strength ASTM D 828-93 g/15 mm 200 minimum
Brittleness Test for Fiber Filters n/a No crack larger than 1 inch maximum
Integrity Test for Fiber Filters mg 2.5 maximum
Weight Loss EMSL/RTP-SOP-QAD-522 %/filter 0.75 maximum
Lead Content EPA RFM (40 CRF 50) µg/filter 0.25 maximum
Alkalinity EPA/600/R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12 µeq/g of filter 25 maximum
Whatman EPM 2000: Filters for Use in US EPA TSP Ambient Air Monitoring
Property Test Method Unit of Measure Value Range
Filter Media n/a n/a Glass Fiber n/a
Filter Thickness ASTM D 645-92 mm 0.45 ± 15
Filter Dimension micrometer inches 8 x 10 ±1/16
Particle Retention (0.3 µm) ASTM D 2986-91 % 99.95 minimum
Flow Rate EPA RFM M3/min 1.52 ± 0.18
Tensile Strength ASTM D 828-93 g/15 mm 500 minimum
Brittleness Test for Fiber Filters n/a No crack larger than 1 inch maximum
Integrity Test for Fiber Filters mg 2.5 maximum
Weight Loss EMSL/RTP-SOP-QAD-522 %/filter 0.75 maximum
Lead Content EPA RFM (40 CRF 50) µg/filter 0.25 maximum
Alkalinity EPA/600/R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12 µeq/g of filter 25 maximum
Filter Pore Size ASTM F 316-94 µm 2 maximum
Support Ring Media n/a n/a Polypropylene PMP or
Total Support Ring Thickness micrometer mm 0.365 ± 0.055
Support Ring - Width micrometer mm 3.68 + 0.00, - 0.51
Particle Retention (0.3 µm) ASTM D 2986-95a % 99.7 minimum
Pressure Drop (0.3µm) ASTM D 2986-95a cm H20 30 maximum
@ 16.67 liters/min.
Alkalinity EPA/600-R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12 µeq/g of filter 25 maximum
Weight loss As Above µg <20 maximum
Loose Particles As Above µg <20 maximum
Moisture Pickup As Above µg <10 maximum
Filter Paper & Membranes
Whatman cellulose filters are manufactured from Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
high-quality cotton linters, which have been treated 1001-6508 10 500 4,080
to achieve a minimum alpha cellulose content of 1001-813 26x31 Sheets 1000 6,490
98%. These cellulose filter papers are used for 1001-824 75x100 Sheets 500 6,700
general filtration and exhibit particle retention levels
1001-917 460x570 Sheets 100 9,120
down to 2.5 μm. Whatman offers a wide choice of
retention/flow rate combinations to suit numerous 1001-918 460x570 Sheets 500 32,880
laboratory applications. 1001-929 600x600 Sheets 100 15,380
1001-931 580x680 Sheets 100 18,420
Qualitative Filter Papers 1001-932 580x680 Sheets 500 69,270
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Grade 597
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1031-1804 45 100 730 Grade 91
1031-1807 55 100 730 A general purpose creped filter for less critical routine
1031-1808 70 100 1,050
1031-1809 90 100 1,150 Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1031-1810 110 100 1,460 1091-110 110 4000 29,720
1031-1811 125 100 1,880 1091-125 125 4000 34,110
1031-1812 150 100 2,510 1091-150 150 1000 13,290
1031-1814 185 100 3,660 1091-165 165 1000 14,020
1031-1820 240 100 5,960 1091-185 185 1000 16,740
1031-1822 320 100 12,240 1091-240 240 1000 26,260
1031-1862 12.7 1,000 5,440 1091-930 580x580 Sheets 500 40,810
1031-1887 580x580 Sheets 500 1,27,970 1091-935 610x610 Sheets 500
1031-1897 580x580 Sheets 100 28,560 41,640
Grade 93
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
Grade 598
A thick filter paper with high loading capacity. 1093-110 110 100 630
Combines medium retention with medium-fast to fast 1093-125 125 100 630
filtration speed. 1093-930 580x580 Sheets 500 34,110
1093-935 610x610 Sheets 500 36,310
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1031-2209 90 100 1,260
Grade 113
1031-2287 580x580 Sheets 250 1,27,020 Has an ultra high loading capacity with a particle
retention making it ideal for use with coarse or
Grade 602 gelatinous precipitates. Thickest paper & fastest flow
A dense filter paper for collecting very small particles rate of the qualitative grades with a creped surface.
and removing fine precipitates. Used in sample
preparation. For e.g., in the beverage industry for Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
residual sugar determination, acidic spectra and HPLC.
1113-090 90 100 1,570
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 1113-110 110 100 1,880
1031-2611 125 100 2,620 1113-125 125 100 2,300
1031-2612 150 100 3,870 1113-150 150 100 3,140
1031-2614 185 100 5,650 1113-185 185 100 4,810
1031-2620 240 100 9,420 1113-240 240 100 6,800
1113-320 320 100 11,720
1113-917 460x570 Sheets 100 38,610
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Grade 40
The classic general purpose ashless filter paper with
medium speed and retention. Typical applications
include gravimetric analysis for numerous components
in cements, clays, iron, and steel products. Grade 42
This paper contains the finest particle retention of all
Whatman cellulose filter papers. Typical analytical
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
precipitates include barium sulfate and finely
1440-012 12.7 400 1,880 precipitated calcium carbonate.
1440-032 32 100 1,990
1440-042 42.5 100 1,880 Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1440-047 47 100 1,990 1442-042 42.5 100 1,460
1440-055 55 100 1,460 1442-047 47 100 1,990
1440-070 70 100 1,570 1442-055 55 100 1,360
1440-090 90 100 1,990 1442-070 70 100 1,570
1440-110 110 100 2,410 1442-090 90 100 1,990
1440-125 125 100 2,930 1442-110 110 100 2,510
1440-150 150 100 3,870 1442-125 125 100 2,930
1440-185 185 100 6,380 1442-150 150 100 3,870
1440-240 240 100 12,770 1442-185 185 100 6,170
1440-917 460x570 Sheets 100 39,240 1442-240 240 100 9,630
1442-320 320 100 17,160
Grade 41 1442-917 460x570 Sheets 100 37,460
The fastest ashless filter paper, recommended for
analytical procedures involving coarse particles or
gelatinous precipitates. Gravimetric analysis, general
soil analysis, quantitative determination of sediments in
milk, analytical clean-up filter. Grade 43
Food and soil analysis, air pollution monitoring and
inorganic analysis in the construction, mining and steel
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1441-042 42.5 100 1,570
1441-047 47 100 1,360 Cat.No Diameter Qty Price `
1441-055 55 100 1,570 1443-090 90 100 2,410
1441-070 70 100 1,570 1443-110 110 100 3,240
1441-090 90 100 2,090 1443-125 125 100 2,930
1441-110 110 100 2,720 1443-150 150 100 5,130
1441-125 125 100 3,140 1443-185 185 100 7,530
1441-150 150 100 4,080
1441-185 185 100 6,170
1441-240 240 100 11,930
1441-866 203x254 Sheets 100 19,040
1441-917 460x570 Sheets 100 37,040
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Grade 52 Grade 54
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1452-090 90 100 2,930 1454-055 55 100 1,570
1452-110 110 100 3,770 1454-070 70 100 1,780
1452-125 125 100 4,190 1454-090 90 100 2,410
1452-150 150 100 5,340 1454-110 110 100 3,240
1452-240 240 100 13,920 1454-125 125 100 3,870
1454-150 150 100 5,550
1454-185 185 100 7,850
1454-240 240 100 14,020
1454-320 320 100 24,900
1454-500 500 100 56,820
1454-917 460x570 Sheets 100 70,520
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Chromatography Papers
Whatman chromatography papers are the most widely
used papers for chromatography worldwide.
Features & benefits
• Pure cellulose produced entirely from the highest
quality cotton linters with no additives of any kind
• Manufactured and tested specifically for
chromatographic techniques this ensures the
wicking capability and uniformity of capillary action
that are important in chemical separations
• Also widely used in protein and nucleic acid blotting
Grade 17 CHR
Suitable for the heaviest loadings and for preparative
Grade 1 CHR paper chromatography and electrophoresis.
The world standard chromatography paper. Good
resolution for general analytical separations. Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 3017-820 70x90 Sheets 100 8,370
3001-604 10x100M 1 Reel 2,200 3017-915 460x570 Sheets 25 27,520
3001-614 20x100M 1 Reel 2,720 3017-917 460x570 Sheets 100 97,410
3001-640 30x100M 1 Reel 3,770
3001-652 40x100M 1 Reel 4,920 Grade 20 CHR
Recommended for separation of samples of unknown
3001-653 50x100M 1 Reel 5,340
composition, with outstanding resolution at low
3001-672 100x100M 1 Reel 10,360 loadings.
3001-681 150x100M 1 Reel 13,390
3001-845 100x300 Sheets 100 3,980 Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
3001-861 200X200 Sheets 100 4,920 3020-917 460x570 Sheets 100 42,170
3001-878 250X250 Sheets 100 7,640
3001-917 460X570 Sheets 100 16,950
3001-931 580X680 Sheets 100 25,430 Grade 31ET CHR
Thick paper with highest flow rate. Principal application
is in electrophoresis of large molecules.
Grade 2 CHR
Recommended for optical or radiometric scanning. Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 3031-681 150x1000 1Reel 23,120
3002-917 460x570 Sheets 100 24,070 3031-901 20x50 Sheets 1000 17,370
3031-915 460x570 Sheets 25 19,460
Grade 3 CHR
A medium thickness paper generally used for general Grade 2668
applications with medium/heavy solute loadings. Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
Frequently used for separation of inorganic compounds 1038-2461 580x680 Sheets 100 80,040
and for electrophoresis.
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
P 81
A thin cellulose phosphate paper. Strong cation
exchanger of high capacity. For use with protein kinase
assay with peptide substrates.
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
3698-321 21 100 2,720
3698-875 200x200 25 18,830
Filter Paper & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers/Glass Fiber Filters
Grade 860
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1033-4547 185 100 4,710
1033-4551 240 100 6,910
1033-4553 320 100 10,880
Grade 903
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1033-4885 450X450mm Sheets 500 57,970
Glass Microfiber filters
These depth filters combine fast flow rates with high
Grade 905 loading capacity and the retention of very fine particles,
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` Stable upto 500 0C.
1033-4985 450X450 Sheets 500 49,490
1033-4987 580X580 Sheets 500 56,290
Binder Free glass microfiber filters
Whatman glass microfiber filters are manufactured from
Grade 2294 100% borosilicate glass. Binder free grades can
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` withstand temperatures up to 550 C and can therefore be
1034-2810 110 100 15,590 used in gravimetric analysis. Grades such as GF/B or GF/D
1034-2860 180 100 7,430 are recommended because of low resistance to fluid flow
and high particle loading capacity.
1034-2862 210 100 10,780
Filter Paper & Membranes
Glass Microfiber filters
Filter Paper & Membranes
Glass Microfiber filters
Grade GF 8 Grade GF 10
This glass fiber filter is used in the filtration of coarse This filter with extreme mechanical stability and
particles. Frequently used in environmental analysis, in temperature resistant up to 180°C is used as a weighing
the determination of PCB, DDE , DD T, furans and aid for infrared weighing.
dioxins in the air; pollution measurements in industrial, Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
urban and populated areas, cement factories, iron and 1037-0302 50 200 9,940
steel industry, dust measurements at the workplace,
1037-0305 90 100 15,800
and testing the effectiveness of dust collecting.
1037-0308 150 100 41,850
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 1037-0320 100 100 16,740
1037-0105 90 100 16,320 1037-0394 50X100M 1 104,000
1037-0119 47 200 10,040 1037-0392 35X30M 1 4,710
1037-0172 60X90 Sheets 100 15,590 GF 92
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1042-1019 42 200 13,600
Grade GF 9 1042-1026 47 200 14,750
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 1042-1030 50 200 14,860
1037-0202 50 200 9,840 1042-1043 100 100 21,550
1037-0205 90 100 16,220 1042-1057 135 100 34,420
1037-0206 110 100 23,960 1042-1060 142 100 35,160
GF 3362
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1037-2150 610X620 Sheet 100 3,56,430
Glass Micro Fiber Accessories
3-Piece Filter Funnel
Whatman 3-Piece Filter Funnels have been designed to
complement the range of fine particle retention, rapid
flow rate glass microfiber filters. Also available with a
choice of three plates and several sizes.
Filter Paper & Membranes
Extraction thimbles
Extraction Thimbles
Extraction Thimbles
Whatman cellulose and glass microfiber extraction
thimbles are known for their purity and consistent high
quality. The thimbles are widely used in Soxhlet
extraction units, providing a safe, convenient, and
efficient method of solvent extraction of solids and
semi-solids. Soxhlet extraction is a widely used
technique for the analysis of fats or pesticides in foods
and soil materials as well as in many other procedures
that involve a solid-liquid extraction.
Filter Paper & Membranes
Extraction thimbles
Laboratory Membrane Filters Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1041-4014 50 100 18,680
Whatman brings to the laboratory user a range of
7402-001 13 100 7,770
membrane filters whose advanced technical
specifications make them today's preferred choice for a 7402-002 25 100 8,370
wide range of applications. The membrane filters offer 7402-004 47 100 7,820
accurately controlled pore size distribution and higher 7402-009 90 50 22,020
strength and flexibility, which ensure reproducibility
and consistency. 0.45µm
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1041-4114 50 100 18,680
Membranes for Analytical applications 7404-001 13 100 7,770
Nylon Membranes 7404-002 25 100 8,870
Nylon membranes are suitable for use with a wide 7404-004 47 100 13,800
range of biological preparations and can be used where 7404-009 90 50 23,020
other membranes are unsuitable or difficult to use. 0.8µm
They are hydrophilic, eliminating the need for wetting Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
agents that could be extracted when filtering aqueous 7408-004 47 100 13,350
solutions. The membranes are flexible, durable and tear
resistant, and can be autoclaved at 135ºC. 1µm
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
7410-004 47 100 12,850
Filter Paper & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
1µm Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 1041-1108 37 50 12,330
1041-0012 47 100 18,090 1041-1111 47 50 12,560
1041-0014 50 100 20,180 1041-1113 50 50 12,820
1041-1116 90 25 21,930
1041-1130 150 25 45,740
Filter Paper & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
0.1µ 0.02µ
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
6809-5012 47 50 53,370 6809-5002 47 50 53,370
6809-6012 25 50 33,230 6809-5502 47 50 40,130
6809-7013 13 100 25,210 6809-6002 25 50 36,230
6809-7003 13 100 23,720
0.03µm 0.1µm
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
113-502 8''X10'' Sheets 25 65,570 110-405 13 100 9,770
110-605 25 100 11,960
0.05µm 111-105 47 100 21,920
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 111-705 90 25 15,450
111-103 47 100 22,220 800-309 19 100 9,970
800-308 19 100 12,160
110-603 25 100 12,760
Filter Paper & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
0.2µm Applications
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` • Epifluorescence microscopy • Bioassays
1106-06 25 100 7,670 • Environmental analysis • Parasitology
1106-56 25 100 11,360 • Cell biology • Air analysis
1111-06 47 100 13,250 • EPA testing • Water microbiology
1112-06 50 25 14,950 • Fuel testing
1117-06 90 25 15,450
1121-06 142 25 26,210
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1135-06 8''X10'' Sheets 25 55,210
1106-11 25 100 7,670
8002-81 19 100 7,270
1111-11 47 100 13,250
7060-2502 25 100 8,210
7060-4702 47 100 12,620 3µm
7063-2502 25 Black 100 10,060 Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1106-12 25 100 7,670
1111-12 47 100 13,250
1117-12 90 25 15,450
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1106-07 25 100 7,670 5µm
1106-37 25 100 13,950 Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1111-07 47 100 13,250 1106-13 25 100 7,670
8002-82 19 100 7,270 1111-13 47 100 13,250
7060-1304 13 100 7,390 1133-13 19X42 Sheets 100 9,670
7060-2504 25 100 8,210 7060-2513 25 100 9,240
7060-4704 47 100 12,620
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1106-14 25 100 7,670
1111-08 47 100 13,250
1111-14 47 100 13,250
0.8µm 1504-46 13 100 9,270
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 7060-4714 47 100 15,810
1104-09 13 100 6,680
1106-09 25 100 7,670
1106-59 25 100 11,360 Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1108-09 37 100 10,960 1106-15 25 100 7,670
1111-09 47 100 13,250 1111-15 47 100 13,250
1111-64 47 100 15,650
8001-95 13 Gold Coated 10 21,330 12µm
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1112-16 50 100 14,950
7060-4716 47 100 15,810
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` Nuecleopore Track-etch Membrane Accessories
1106-10 25 100 7,670 Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1111-10 47 100 13,250 230-300 10 100 5,180
1117-10 90 25 15,450 230-500 22 100 5,580
230-600 25 100 5,680
230-800 37 100 5,980
231-100 47 100 7,080
Filter Paper & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1040-1314 50 100 13,250
7182-001 13 100 8,370
7182-002 25 100 5,520
7182-004 47 100 8,430
7182-009 90 25 10,060
7182-014 142 25 14,350
Filter Paper & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
0.45µm Applications
• Clarification or sterilization of aqueous solutions
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
• Cytology
1040-1170 47 100 13,670
• Air monitoring
1040-1121 100 50 26,300
• HPLC samples (aqueous)
1040-1126 110 50 27,060
• Virus concentration
1040-1131 142 25 16,670
• Particulate analysis
7140-104 47 100 6,130
• Biological assays
7141-004 47 100 10,060
• Food microbiology, including enumeration of E. coli in foods
7184-001 13 100 7,370
• Bacteriological studies
7184-002 25 100 7,370
• Particle counting from liquids and aerosols
7184-004 47 100 7,820
• Yeasts and molds
7184-005 50 100 13,750
7184-009 90 25 10,760
7184-014 142 25 17,640 5µm
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1040-0206 25 100 10,320
0.65µm 1040-0212 47 100 13,740
1040-0214 50 100 14,440
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
7195-002 25 100 10,360
7186-004 47 100 15,350
7195-004 47 100 12,360
7195-009 90 25 12,760
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
7188-002 25 100 10,360 8µm
7188-004 47 100 11,760 Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
7188-009 90 25 12,260 1040-0106 25 100 10,320
1040-0112 47 100 13,740
1040-0114 50 100 14,440
1040-5079 50 100 18,000
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
7190-002 25 100 11,160
7190-004 47 100 15,650 12µm
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1040-0012 47 100 13,740
1.2µm 1040-0014 50 100 14,440
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
7191-005 50 100 12,060
Sterile membranes
3µm 0.45µm
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
7193-002 25 100 10,160 7141-104 47 100 6,130
7193-004 47 100 15,450 7141-114 47 100 6,130
7141-124 47 200 14,050
7153-104 47 100 17,340
Filter Paper & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
Non Sterile membranes
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
0.2µm Plain
1040-0914 50 100 10,320
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price ` 1040-0912 47 100 10,040
1040-1712 47 100 6,140
1040-1714 50 100 6,280
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
0.45µm Black Grid 1040-0712 47 100 13,870
1040-0714 50 100 14,510
Cat.No Diameter Description Qty Price `
1040-6512 47 ME25/20 membrane
circles Black Grid 100 6,830
1040-6812 47 ME25/21
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
membrane circles 100 6,830
1040-0812 47 100 13,870
1040-6814 50 ME25/21
1040-0814 50 100 14,510
membrane circles 100 6,980
0.2µm Plain
0.6µm Plain Cat.No Diameter Description Qty Price `
Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
1040-1770 47 ME24 ST
1040-1512 47 100 11,910
membrane circles 100 6,680
1040-1514 50 100 12,240
1040-1772 50 ME24 ST
membrane circles 100 7,570
Filter Paper & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
Filter Paper & Membranes
0.45µm 0.6µm
Cat.No Diameter Qty Price ` Cat.No Diameter Qty Price `
1040-7312 47 400 33,340 1040-9814 50 100 7,370
1040-7314 50 400 34,530 1040-9834 50 400 25,360
1040-7324 50 400 33,690
1040-7332 47 400 34,530
1040-7334 50 400 34,530 0.8µm
1040-7370 47 400 33,340 Cat.No Diameter Qty Price `
1040-7372 50 400 34,530 1040-7342 47 400 47,220
1040-7970 47 100 13,670 1040-7615 50 400 46,740
1040-9414 50 100 6,980 1040-8915 50 400 44,430
1040-9462 50 100 10,600 1040-8970 47 100 12,630
1040-9470 47 100 7,420 1040-9270 47 100 11,710
1040-9472 50 100 7,570 1040-9970 47 100 15,770
1040-9714 50 100 6,980
1040-9770 47 100 7,420
1040-9771 47 1000 61,180
1040-9772 50 100 7,570
Filter Paper & Membranes
GV Series (Glass)
Cat.No Diameter Description Qty Price `
1044-1000 25 GV025/0 vacuum
filter holder 1 30,890
1044-1200 25 GV025/2 vacuum
filter holder 1 48,430
1044-2000 47/50 GV050/0 vacuum
Plastic holders filter holder 1 39,960
1044-2100 47/50 GV050/1 vacuum
Cat.No Diameter Description Qty Price `
filter holder 1 48,230
1044-2200 47/50 GV050/2 vacuum
4201-00 13 Pop-Top holder 10 14,350
filter holder 1 67,860
4202-00 25 Swin-Lok holder 10 20,630
1044-2300 47/50 GV050/3 vacuum
4204-00 47 Swin-Lok holder 8 25,810
filter holder 1 74,640
1044-3100 100 GV100/1 vacuum
Stainless steel holders filter holder 1 1,29,450
Cat.No Diameter Description Qty Price ` 1044-3000 100 GV100/0 vacuum
mm filter holder 1 1,10,710
1980-001 13 Syringe 1 8,020
1980-002 25 Syringe 1 18,900
Filter Paper & Membranes
GE Healthcare
Life Sciences
Clinical Diagnostics
without boundaries
• Detection
• Lateral flow
• Flow-through assays
• Filterplate-based ELISA
• Dipstick /colorimetric assays
• Sample preparation & collection
• Molecular daignostics
Media for Complete Range
of Diagnostic Applications
No matter which diagnostic applications you target, Wgatman has the perfect solid-phase media to
help expedite your manufacturing and development efforts. Whatman components, in compliance
with quality management systems, guarentee product performance, consistency and reliability. The
solutions in this brochure are organized by application. To determine the ones that are right for you,
use the reference chart below.
Application Sample Sample Sample Sample Blood Conjugate Lateral Flow Absorbents Flow Dipsticks
Collection Transport Preparation Wicking Separation Release Membrane Through Test
Standard 14
Standard 17
Rapid 24
Rapid 27
Track Etched
FF 120 HP
FF 80 HP
FF 170 HP
GE imagination at work
903™ Population Screening Cards:
Whatman offers a line of products for population
screening. These programs today screen for,
depending on the state or country, anywhere
from three to eleven or more diseases such as HIV,
HCV, Hemoglobin AIC testing, Tuberculosis etc.
FTA™ Cards:
Whatman has taken its products to a new level, in the
genomics industry. Our area of expertise in this
evolving industry lies in sample preparation. The FTA
Cards, an innovative patented technology for
collecting, transporting, purifying, and archiving
nucleic acids all on a single device, stored at room
temperature, have become a market leader.
DMPK Cards:
Pharmacokinetic (PK) and toxicokinetic (TK) studies
provide crucial insight into how drug candidates
behave in the body and are therefore, a critical step in
drug development. DBS microvolume sampling using
specialized Whatman™ media from GE Healthcare
has been shown to be both precise and accurate for a
variety of compounds.
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
Contents Page No.
903 Population Screening cards 48
FTA Products 49
DMPK cards 52
Whatman FTA Elute Cards are used to collect DNA from virtually any
source. DNA can then be amplified for a variety of downstream
Whatman FTA™
- Forensics of the future
Specimen Collection Cards
Specimen Collection Cards
FTA Products
FTA Technology
Collect, Transport, Archive, and Isolate Nucleic Acids all
at room temperature
FTA and FTA Elute cards utilize patented Whatman FTA
technology that simplifies the handling and processing
of nucleic acids.
FTA Cards contain chemicals that lyse cells, denature
proteins, and protect nucleic acids from nucleases,
oxidative, and UV damage. FTA Cards rapidly inactivate
pathogens, and prevent the growth of bacteria and
other microorganisms.
FTA Cards used with virtually any sample type : Use FTA for a wide range of
• Blood applications :
• Cultured Cells • Forensics
FTA Products
• Buccal Cells • Transgenic Identification
• Plant Material • Plasmid Screening
• Bacteria • Food and Agriculture Testing
• Plasmids • Drug Discovery
• Microorganisms • G enomics
• Solid Tissue • STR Analysis
• Animal Identification
Cat.No Description Qty Price `
• Molecular Diagnostics
WB120205 FTA Classic Card 100 30,330
• Whole G enome Amplification
WB120206 Indicating FTA Classic 100 40,070
• Molecular Biology
WB120305 FTA Classic Card 25 7,900
WB120306 Indicating FTA Classic 25 11,400
WB120055 FTA Minicard - 2 Spot 100 27,390 FTA Kit
WB120056 Indicating FTA Minicard 100 34,280 Includes: 25 FTA Micro Cards, 50 ml FTA Purification
WB120355 FTA Minicard - 2 Spot 25 6,980 Reagent, 2 Harris Uni-Core Punches with cutting mat,
WB120356 Indicating FTA Minicard 25 8,910 instructions.
WB120210 FTA Micro Card 100 21,690
Cat.No Description Qty Price `
WB120211 Indicating FTA Micro 100 26,650
WB120067 FTA kit 1 15,900
WB120310 FTA Micro Card 25 5,970
WB120311 Indicating FTA Micro 25 6,980
FTA Kit for blood
WB120028 Clonesaver Card 5 15,310
Each kit contains FTA Minicard, Multi barrier pouch,
WB120208 FTA Genecard 100 37,950
Desiccants, Lancet, Gloves & Instructions for use
WB120308 FTA Genecard 25 9,930
WB120065 FTA Plantsaver 100 33,270 Cat.No Description Qty Price `
WB120365 FTA Plantsaver 25 20,030 WB129262 FTA kit for blood 1 770
Specimen Collection Cards
FTA Products
Clonesaver Card
Whatman offers a patented technology to collect, store,
backup and process clone samples. This revolutionary
FTA technology is available in a 96 well card Format for
High-Throughput Applications. Designed for the
collection and storage of plasmid and BAC DNA from
bacterial clones.
FTA Elute Cards Collect and Isolate Samples Quickly and Easily
Blood Sample Collection and Isolation of DNA Template
Long-term DNA storage at room temperature combined
with easy elution for downstream applications from a Spot Punch
single sample.
1. Blood sample 2.Punch out a
FTA Elute Cards utilize patented Whatman FTA collection on 3 mm sample
FTA Elute. with a sterile
technology that simplifies the handling and processing Dry thoroughly punch
FTA Accessories
For convenient collection, storage, processing and
shipping FTA and FTA Elute Cards.
Specimen Collection Cards
DMPK Cards
• Reduce number of animals used (up to 50%)
• Elimination/reduction of rodent warming
• Supports juvenile testing/paediatric testing as lower
volumes are required Features and Benefits
• Compound/metabolite stabilized on card • Easy visualization of samples.
• Serial sampling from one rodent (no composites from • Fast and easy collection of biofluids.
several individuals) • Convenient room temperature
• Finger prick collection of clinical samples storage and shipping.
Cost savings
• Reduction in animals used
• Reduced shipping costs (room temperature and non-
• Reduced storage costs (room temperature)
• Less test compound consumed in Discovery phase
• Simplified process (time saving)
Indicating FTA DMPK Cards
Drug studies involve the analysis of colorless biological
fluids in order to support toxicological and
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) studies.
Whatman Indicating FTATM DMPK Cards combine the
advantages of the traditional FTA cards with the ability
to clearly visualize colorless samples both immediately
after application and after drying.
Whatman Indicating FTA -DMPK Cards are available as
FTA DMPK-A, DMPK-B, and DMPK-C cards and also as a
starter pack.
Cat.No Description Qty Price `
WB120222 FTA DMPK-A IND Card 100 68,930
WB120223 FTA DMPK B IND Card 100 68,930
WB120224 FTA DMPK C IND Card 100 43,190 *Each pack consists of 15 x FTA DMPK-A IND Cards, 15 x FTA DMPK-B
WB120225 FTA DMPK IND Starter IND Cards and 15 x FTA DMPK-C IND Cards sealed in an aluminum foil
pouch and packaged in a cardboard box. Also included is a Harris
Pack 1 27,570 Uni-Core Punch (3.0mm) and cutting mat.
GD/X Syringe Filters:
The GD/X™ range is specifically designed for high
particulate loaded samples. Constructed of a
pigment-free polypropylene housing with a
prefiltration stack of Whatman GMF 150 and GF/F
glass microfiber media, these filters eliminate sample
contamination and allow you to filter even the most
difficult samples with less hand pressure. GD/X
syringe filters can process three to seven times more
sample volume than standard syringe filters.
Carbon Cap:
A capsule filter that is filled with high-purity, high-
efficiency, acid washed, granular-activated carbon
and a pleated HEPA filter. It is made specially to meet
the requirements for continuous column percolation
purification processes. This filter capsule is suitable
for adsorption of organics from air and removal of
color, organics, and chlorine from water.
Filtration Devices
Contents Page No.
Syringe filters 61
Disk filters 72
Capsule filters 73
Venting filters 75
Filtration Devices
Technical Guide
Select the optimal WhatmanTM filt
Is the filter to be ashed Are you
during gravimetric analysis determining
and/or do you require an suspended solids
in water?
ashless filter?
Is high
wet strength
Θ Is the precipitate
to be recovered
from the filter? Binder Free Glass Microfiber Filters
GE, imagination at work and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. 934-AH, Anotop, Whatman GD/X, GF/C, Mini-UniPrep, ReZist,
58 SPARTAN, Whatman are trademarks of GE Healthcare companied. c 2014 General Electric Company All rights reserve. First published March 2014.
GE Healthcare UK Limited, Amersham. www.gelifesciences.com
29-1052-56 AA March 2014
Technical Guide
nTM filter for you application.
• •
Technical Guide
Technical Guide
Filtration Devices
Syringe filters
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6870-1302 0.2 150 19,840 6880-1302 0.2 150 25.850
6871-1302 0.2 1500 1,84,600 6880-1304 0.45 150 25,850
6870-1304 0.45 150 19,840
6871-1304 0.45 1500 1,84,600
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6870-2502 0.2 150 25,220
6871-2502 0.2 1500 1,92,210
6869-2504 0.45 150 40,690
6870-2504 0.45 150 25,220
6871-2504 0.45 1500 1,92,210
6870-2550 5 150 32,840
6871-2550 5 1500 2,26,130
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6880-2502 0.2 150 32,840 6878-2502 0.2 150 32,840
6880-2504 0.45 150 32,840 6878-2504 0.45 150 32,840
6881-2504 0.45 1500 2,45,150 6879-2504 0.45 1500 2,61,360
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6882-2504 0.2 150 48,790
6883-2504 0.45 1500 2,86,010
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6972-2504 0.45 150 41,110 6978-2504 0.45 150 41,110
6973-2504 0.45 1500 2,61,360 6993-2504 0.45 1500 2,58,710
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6782-1302 0.2 100 15,520
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6781-1304 0.45 500 65,430
6789-1301 0.1 100 15100
6782-1304 0.45 100 15,520
6768-1302 0.2 2000 182710
6789-1302 0.2 100 15100
6790-1302 0.2 500 57830
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6768-1304 0.45 2000 182710
6780-1302 0.2 50 12,970
6789-1304 0.45 100 15100
6780-1304 0.45 50 12,970
6790-1304 0.45 500 57830
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6786-1301 0.1 50 21,150 6785-1302 0.2 500 58,940
6786-1302 0.2 50 20,880 6788-1302 0.2 100 19,620
6785-1304 0.45 500 58,940
6788-1304 0.45 100 15,100
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6765-1302 0.2 2000 1,82,710
6777-1302 0.2 50 16,720
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6778-1302 0.2 50 33,690
6818-1304 0.45 500 70,970
6779-1302 0.2 100 15,700
6825-1307 0.7 100 16,040
6765-1304 0.45 2000 1,82,710
6821-1310 1 100 16,040
6777-1304 0.45 50 16,460
6822-1312 1.2 100 16,040
6779-1304 0.45 100 15,700
6827-1315 1.5 100 16,040
6806-1316 1.6 500 97,860
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` 6820-1316 1.6 100 16,040
6791-1302 0.2 50 23,240 6823-1327 2.7 100 16,040
6792-1302 0.2 500 56,720
6791-1304 0.45 50 19,070
6792-1304 0.45 500 56,720
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6763-1304 0.45 2000 2,01,390
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` 6771-1304 0.45 100 15,440
6784-1301 0.1 100 15,350
6766-1302 0.2 2000 1,82,710
6775-1302 0.2 50 16,720
6783-1302 0.2 500 58,940
6784-1302 0.2 100 15,350
6766-1304 0.45 2000 1,82,710
6775-1304 0.45 50 18,850
6783-1304 0.45 500 58,940
6784-1304 0.45 100 15,350
6784-1310 1 100 15,350
6784-1350 5 100 15,350
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6750-2502 0.2 50 12,970
6751-2502 0.2 200 42,050
6753-2502 0.2 1000 1,16,950
6750-2504 0.45 50 12,970
6751-2504 0.45 200 42,050
6752-2504 0.45 500 91,530
6753-2504 0.45 1000 81,360
6799-2504 0.45 500 72,740
6751-2510 1 200 42,050
6750-2510 1 50 12,970
6753-2510 1 1000 1,16,950
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6784-2501 0.1 50 13,990 6780-2502 0.2 50 10,250
6798-2501 0.1 1000 1,16,260 6794-2512 0.2 1000 1,13,380
6784-2502 0.2 50 13,990 6794-2514 0.45 1000 1,13,380
6785-2502 0.2 200 41,290 6780-2504 0.45 50 10,250
6798-2502 0.2 1000 1,16,260 6780-2510 1 50 9,980
6784-2504 0.45 50 13,990
6785-2504 0.45 200 41,290
6798-2504 0.45 1000 81,360 Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6794-2510 1 1000 1,16,260 6786-2502 0.2 50 13,390
6798-2510 1 1000 1,35,820 6788-2502 0.2 200 40,520
6784-2510 1 50 13,990 6790-2502 0.2 1000 1,16,260
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6781-2502 0.2 200 41290 6825-2517 0.7 50 11,940
6781-2504 0.45 200 41290 6825-2527 0.7 200 39,840
6781-2510 1 200 41290 6783-2510 1 100 21,840
6794-2502 0.2 1000 116260 6783-2520 2 100 21,840
6794-2504 0.45 1000 116260 6787-2520 0.7 1000 1,16,260
6792-2510 1 1000 1,16,260
Puradisc FP Cellulose acetate
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
1046-2206 0.2 500 78480
1046-2700 0.2 500 73870
1046-2701 0.2 50 9380
1046-2710 0.2 100 21,240
1046-2600 0.45 500 73,870
1046-2601 0.45 50 9,380
1046-2610 0.45 100 17,660
1046-2241 0.8 50 9,210
1046-2243 0.8 500 72,510
1046-2261 1.2 50 9,210
1046-2263 1.2 500 76,770
Anotop Syringe Filters
Anotop™ syringe filters are a universal solution for
numerous filtration applications. They can be used with
most organic solvents and aqueous materials and are
suitable for sample volumes up to 100 ml. The
distinctive hexagonal housing is manufactured from
pigment-free polypropylene to eliminate sample
Anotop syringe filters contain the proprietary alumina
based Anopore™ membrane and are supplied in three
pore sizes. Glass microfiber Prefilter versions are
available for difficult-to-filter samples. Anotop 25 Syringe filters
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
Anotop 10 Syringe filters 6809-2002 0.02 50 28,530
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` 6809-2102 (Sterile) 0.02 50 44,600
6809-1012 0.1 50 30,870 6809-2012 0.1 50 34,690
6809-1112 (Sterile) 0.1 50 32,260 6809-2112 (Sterile) 0.1 50 61,170
6809-1002 0.02 50 25,560 6809-2022 0.2 50 28,530
6809-1022 0.2 50 43,420 6809-2024 0.2 200 1,09,180
6809-1102 (Sterile) 0.02 50 32,260 6809-2122 (Sterile) 0.2 50 44,690
6809-1122 (Sterile) 0.2 50 33,480 2002-5100 0.2 100 54,560
2001-0100 0.2 100 44,370 2002-5200 0.2 200 1,08,150
2001-0200 0.2 200 88,120
Anotop IC
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6809-9232 0.2 50 28,850
6809-9233 0.2 100 46,390
6809-9234 0.2 200 92,250
6809-9235 0.2 200 1,31,950
6809-9232 0.2 50 28,850
6809-9233 0.2 100 46,390
6809-9234 0.2 200 92,250
6809-9235 0.2 200 1,31,950
6809-9244 0.2 200 1,15,100
Anotop Plus 25mm Syringe Filter with
Anotop Plus 10mm Syringe Filter with Microfibre prefilter
Microfibre prefilter Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` 6809-4002 0.02 50 40,540
6809-3002 0.02 50 21,550 6809-4102 (Sterile) 0.02 50 48,950
6809-3102 (Sterile) 0.02 50 33,980 6809-4012 0.1 50 50,700
6809-3012 0.1 50 21,550 6809-4112 (Sterile) 0.1 50 64,570
6809-3112 (Sterile) 0.1 50 33,980 6809-4022 0.2 50 34,490
6809-3022 0.2 50 21,550 6809-4024 0.2 50 1,57,450
6809-3122 (Sterile) 0.2 50 49,330 6809-4122 (Sterile) 0.2 50 49,080
Uniflo 13 syringe filters
Uniflo 13 Nylon
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` Uniflo 25 PVDF Sterile
1046-3872 0.2 1000 57,090 Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
1046-3877 0.2 500 27,570 9908-2502 0.2 50 4,270
1046-3878 0.45 1000 57,090 9908-2504 0.45 50 4,270
1046-3879 0.45 500 27,570
Uniflo 25 RC
Uniflo 13 PTFE Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` 1046-3452 0.2 500 31,950
1046-3823 0.45 1000 58,800 1046-3453 0.2 1000 51,370
1046-3880 0.45 500 27,570 1046-3462 0.45 500 31,950
1046-3881 0.2 1000 57,090 1046-3463 0.45 1000 51,370
1046-3882 0.2 500 27,570
Uniflo 13 RC
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
1046-3852 0.2 500 33,080
1046-3875 0.2 1000 77,760
1046-3862 0.45 500 33,080
1046-3876 0.45 1000 77,760
ReZist Syringe Filters Spartan Syringe Filters
The Whatman ReZist™ range of PTFE syringe filters has SPARTAN™ syringe filters ensure reproducible results
been specifically designed to be resistant to organic from the filtration of organic or aqueous solutions for
solvents. These filters are suitable for the clarification of HPLC. For batch-to-batch consistency, the SPARTAN
aggressive organic solvents. ReZist 30 mm filters can range of filters is tested and certified for the absence of
also be used as a venting filter for small vessels. UV-absorbing substances at wavelengths of 210 and
254 nm with water, methanol, and acetonitrile.
ReZist Syringe filters
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` • Versatile: Use for any application requiring a
1046-3500 0.2 50 21,150 chemically resistant, hydrophilic, low protein-binding
1046-3503 0.2 100 30,710 membrane
1046-3505 0.2 500 1,22,750 • Documented batch-to-batch quality and consistency
1046-3607 0.2 10 11,520 ensure reproducible results
1046-3609 0.2 50 39,070 • 13 mm diameter with Mini-Tip outlet is ideal for
1046-3703 0.2 100 24,140 filtration into very small sample bottles
1046-3513 0.45 100 30,710
1046-3515 0.45 500 1,22,750
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
1046-3713 0.45 100 24,140
1046-3040 0.2 100 19,110
1046-3523 1 100 30,710
1046-3042 0.2 500 75,830
1046-3525 1 500 1,22,750
1046-3060 0.2 100 21840
1046-3533 5 100 30,710
1046-3062 0.2 500 86,410
1046-3535 5 500 1,22,750
1046-3100 0.2 100 19,110
1046-3543 100 18,770
1046-3102 0.2 500 78,310
1046-3545 500 64,830
1046-3030 0.45 100 19,110
1046-3032 0.45 500 75,830
1046-3050 0.45 100 21,670
1046-3052 0.45 500 86,410
1046-3053 0.45 50 12,710
1046-3110 0.45 100 19,110
1046-3112 0.45 500 78,310
Syringeless Filters
Whatman syringeless filters are preassembled
convenient filtration devices for removing particulates
from samples. They replace syringe-coupled filtration
devices with single disposable units.
Whatman has made sample preparation easier, faster,
and more efficient with its innovative product line of
syringeless filters.
Plastic Mini-Uniprep
Mini-UniPrep Slit Septa
Cat.No Description Pore Size Qty Price ` Cat.No Description Pore Size Qty Price
µm µm `
UN203NPEAQU PVDF 0.2 100 12,640 US203NPEAQU PVDF 0.2 100 15,800
UN203NPUAQU PVDF 0.45 100 12,640 US203NPUAQU PVDF 0.45 100 15,800
UN203NPENYL Nylon 0.2 100 12,640 US203NPENYL Nylon 0.2 100 15,800
UN203NPUNYL Nylon 0.45 100 12,640 US203NPUNYL Nylon 0.45 100 15,800
UN203NPEORG PTFE 0.2 100 12,640 US203NPEORG PTFE 0.2 100 15,800
UN203NPUORG PTFE 0.45 100 12,640 US203NPUORG PTFE 0.45 100 15,800
UN203NPEPES Polyethersulphone 0.2 100 12,640 US203NPEPES Polyethersulphone 0.2 100 15,800
UN203NPUPES Polyethersulphone 0.45 100 12,640 US203NPUPES Polyethersulphone 0.45 100 15,800
UN203NPEPP Polypropylene 0.2 100 12,640 US203NPEPP Polypropylene 0.2 100 15,800
UN203NPUPP Polypropylene 0.45 100 12,640 US203NPUDPP Polypropylene 0.45 100 15,800
UN203NPUDPP Polypropylene 0.45 100 12,640 US203NPUGMF Glass Micro Fiber 0.45 100 15,800
UN203NPUGMF Glass Microfibre 0.45 100 12,640
UN203NPERC Regenerated Cellulose 0.2 100 13970
UN203NPURC Regenerated Cellulose 0.45 100 14,580 Glass Mini-UniPrep G2
Cat.No Description Pore Size Qty Price `
Amber colored housing
GN203NPEORGSP PTFE 0.2 100 33,460
Cat.No Description Pore Size Qty Price ` GN203NPUORG PTFE 0.45 100 33,460
GN203NPUORGSP PTFE 0.45 100 33,460
UN203APEAQU PVDF 0.2 100 13,970 GS203NPEORGSP PTFE 0.2 100 33,460
UN203APUAQU PVDF 0.45 100 13,970 GS203NPUORGSP PTFE 0.45 100 33,460
UN203APENYL Nylon 0.2 100 13,970 GN203APEORGSP PTFE 0.2 100 33,460
UN203APUNYL Nylon 0.45 100 13,970 GN203NPEAQU PVDF 0.2 100 33,460
UN203APEORG PTFE 0.2 100 13,970 GN203NPEAQUSP PVDF 0.2 100 33,460
UN203APUORG PTFE 0.45 100 13,970 GN203NPUAQU PVDF 0.45 100 33,460
UN203APEPES Polyethersulphone 0.2 100 13,970 GN203NPUAQUSP PVDF 0.45 100 33,460
UN203APUPES Polyethersulphone 0.45 100 30,270 GN203APEAQUSP PVDF 0.2 100 33,460
UN203APEPP Polypropylene 0.2 100 13,970 GN203NPENYLSP Nylon 0.2 100 33,460
UN203APUDPP Polypropylene 0.45 100 13,970 GN203NPEPP Polypropylene 0.2 100 33,460
UN203APUPP Polypropylene 0.45 100 13,370 GN203NPEPPSP Polyethersulphone 100 33,460
UN203APUGMF Glass Micro Fiber 0.45 100 13,970
Cat.No Description Qty Price `
CR0000006 Six position multi-
compressor for plastic
mini-uniPrep 1 37,960
Autovial Syringeless Filters
Autovial™ syringeless filters replace syringe-coupled
filtration devices with single, disposable units.
Autovial 12
Cat. No. Description Qty. Price `
AV125UCA 0.45µm CA 50 18,250
AV125ENAO 0.2 µm Nyl 50 18,080
AV125UNAO 0.45µm Nyl 50 18,250
AV125EAQU 0.2 µm PVDF 50 18,080 Polydisc HD
AV125UAQU 0.45µm PVDF 50 18,250 Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
AV125EORG 0.2 µm PTFE 50 18,080
6728-5050 5 10 11,170
AV125UORG 0.45µm PTFE 50 18,250
6728-5100 10 10 11,170
AV125UGMF 0.45µm GMF 50 18,250
Polydisc GW
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
Polydisc Filters 1046-3400 0.45 20 11,000
1046-3401 0.45 50 41,200
Whatman Polydisc™ 50 mm inline disc filters are
designed for larger volume sample filtration in the
laboratory, at a pilot plant, or in manufacturing. They
are extremely versatile and cost effective. Sample
volumes up to 1 liter can be filtered with one device.
Polydisc devices can be used in conjunction with a
syringe or connected inline via stepped hose barbs. The
devices are autoclavable and sterile options are
Polydisc AS
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6724-5002 (Sterile) 0.2 10 15,870
6724-5045 (Sterile) 0.45 10 16,800
6724-5145 0.45 50 41,460
Polydisc SPF
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
6724-5000 Polydisc SPF 10 10,920
Polydisc TF TM
Vacu -Guard
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
These easy-to-use inline filter devices help to confine
6720-5001 0.1 10 11,700
and isolate infectious materials in vacuum systems and
6720-5002 0.2 10 11,700
protect your laboratory.
6720-5045 0.45 10 11,700
6721-5010 1 10 11,700
Cat. No. Description Qty. Price `
6722-5000 Vacu-Guard-PTFE 50mm 10 13,990
6722-5001 Vacu-Guard-PTFE 60mm 10 13,990
Polycap Capsule Filters
Polycap™ AS (Aqueous Solution) is recommended for
filtering aqueous solutions.
Polycap HD (Heavy Duty) is a well-engineered product
that offers high filtration efficiency and excellent filtrate
Polycap SPF (Serum Prefilter) is an exceptional product
that is optimized for prefiltration applications and is
typically used upstream of a Polycap AS or a Polycap
PES capsule for filtration of serum.
Polycap TF filter devices are among the finest
disposable encapsulated filters. They are designed for Polycap 36 TF
use with organic solvents and chemically aggressive
solutions. Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
2601 0.2 5 34620
2601T 0.2 5 35400
Polycap 36 AS 2602S 0.45 5 35400
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` 2603 1 5 35,320
6705-3602 0.2 1 5,200 2603T 1 5 35400
6705-3604 0.45 1 5,120 6700-3602 0.2 1 7590
6706-3602 0.2 1 5,540 6700-3610 1 1 7,590
6708-3602 0.2 1 5,200 6710-3602 0.2 1 7,080
6709-3602 0.2 1 5,200 6711-3601 0.1 1 7,340
2606T 0.2 5 34,030 6711-3602 0.2 1 7,340
2642 0.2 5 34,620 6711-3604 0.45 1 7,850
Polycap 75 TF
Polycap 75 AS Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price `
Capsule filters
Cat.No Pore size µm Qty Price ` 2700T 0.1 5 46230
6705-7502 0.2 1 6,990 2702M 0.2 5 46230
6705-7504 0.45 1 6,990 2702T 0.2 5 46230
6705-7510 1 1 6,990 2703T 0.45 5 46230
6706-7502 0.2 1 7,590 6700-7501 0.1 1 10150
6708-7502 0.2 1 6,990 6700-7502 0.2 1 10150
6708-7504 0.45 1 6,990 6700-7504 0.45 1 10150
6709-7502 0.2 1 6,990 6701-7510 1 1 10660
2706T 0.2 5 36,510 6710-7502 0.2 1 9890
2707NS 0.45 5 34,890 6711-7502 0.2 1 9890
Carbon Cap:
This filter capsule is suitable for adsorption of organics
from air and removal of color, organics, and chlorine
from water.
Venting Filters
Whatman Venting Filters are disposable devices
designed and manufactured with a high-purity
polypropylene housing to maintain sample purity.
Products are available with a choice of filtration media
to suit a range of venting applications.
Sterivent 36
• Venting (filling)
Sterivent 150
• Isolation (incubators, autoclaves, lyophilizers, EtO
sterilizers, fermenters)
• Electronics (gases)
PolyVENT is an integral filter product for sterile venting
of vessels and tanks.
Cat.No Description Qty Price ` Cat.No Description Qty Price `
6713-0425 4 50 15,610 6702-7500 75 1/pk 1 7,340
6713-1075 1000 1 9,810 2709T Inlet: 0.125 inch FNPT 5 44,190
6713-1650 16 10 14,330 Outlet 0.125 inch FNPT
6713-1651 16 100 83,760
6713-5036 500 1 7,680
Venting filters
Hepa-Vent HEPA CAP 150
Cat.No Description Qty Price ` Cat.No Description Qty Price `
6723-5000 50mm Disc 10 7,850 6702-9500 150 1 8,270
2809 Inlet 1/2 Hosebarb 5 46,300
HEPA-CAP and HEPA-VENT Outlet 1/2 Stepped
HEPA filter media are used throughout the scientific,
research and industrial environments in a variety of air
and gas filtration applications where high retention,
dirt-holding capacity, and flow rates are required.
• *99.97% retention of particles ³ 0.3µm
Capsule product selection guide
Specialty Products
Speciality products 78
Separate the organic from the inorganic. Protect lab surfaces. Test the
pH levels in swimming pools. A range of products for a variety of tasks
to help you touch lives with safety and security.
Whatman offers a range of specialty products to meet your specific
testing requirements. Made with traditional Whatman quality, these
products combine ease of use with unsurpassed accuracy and
Specialty Products
Speciality Products
Creped, medium to slow filter paper. Resistant to weak Cat.No Diameter mm Qty Price `
acids and bases. Often used as a protective paper for
1002-147 150 100 5,650
filter press cloths, as well as in processing of cocoa
butter and edible oils.
Speciality Products
Surface Protectors
Benchkote: An absorbent, impermeable material
designed to protect lab surfaces against hazardous
spills. The material features a high-quality, smooth,
absorbent Whatman paper, which quickly absorbs
liquid spills and a laminated polyethylene layer that
prevents flow through to the working surface.
Speciality Products
1 PS Phase Separators
The Whatman 1 PS Phase Separator is an easy to use
high-grade filter paper impregnated with a stabilized
silicone that renders it hydrophobic, retaining the
aqueous phase and passing the solvent phase through.
Grade 1PS
Cat.No Diameter Qty Price `
2200-090 90 100 3,240
2200-110 110 100 4,810
2200-125 125 100 5,230
pH Indicator & Test Papers
2200-150 150 100 7,850 Cat.No pH Range Qty Price `
2200-185 185 100 13,500 2611-628 1-11 1 2,070
2200-240 240 100 19,670 2612-990 1-12 1 3,110
2200-270 270 100 24,590 2613-991 0-14 1 1,590
2614-991 4.5-10 1 1,590
pH Indicator & Test Papers 2626-990 1.8-3.8 1 2,630
Whatman offers a range of pH indicator and test 2627-990 3.8-5.5 1 2,630
papers to meet your specific needs. The convenience of 2628-990 5.2-6.8 1 2,630
using indicator papers for the rapid determination of pH 2629-990 6.0-8.1 1 2,630
values has led to many applications in laboratories and 2630-990 8.0-9.7 1 2,630
2631-990 9.5-12 1 2,630
Features and Benefits
2651-500 10 books of 20 strips 10 9,310
• Instant pH readings
Starch Iodide
• Accurate for a wide range of routine pH testing
1036-0005 0-14 Range 200 2,930
• Inexpensive
1036-0300 Litmus blue pH 8-5
• Convenient and portable for field use
10x75mm 100 1,570
1036-2000 0-14 Range,
Cat.No pH Range Qty Price `
non-bleeding 100 1,880
2600-100A 1-14 1 1,280
1036-2010 2-9 Range,
2600-101A 0.5-5.5 1 1,280
non-bleeding 100 1,780
2600-102A 4-7 1 1,280
1036-2030 1-11 Range Roll 1 1,460
2600-103A 6.4-8 1 1,280
2600-104A 8-10 1 1,280
2600-201A Reel, Litmus Blue,
7mm x 5m 1 1,280
2600-202A Reel, Litmus Red,
7mmx5M 1 1,280
2600-204A Reel,
7mmx5M 1 1,280
2600-500 1.0 to 11.0 20 7,890
2600-601 10 books of
20 strips litmus blue 10 5,500
2600-602 10 books of
20 strips litmus red 10 5,500
2602-500A 7mmx50M-KI 1 1,590
2602-501A 7mmx50M 1 1,510
Lead Acetate
Speciality Products
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