Transmission and Distribution: (NOV/DEC 2012, MAY/JUNE 2009) (MAY/JUNE 2014) (NOV/DEC 2010,2013) (MAY/JUNE 2014, 2009)
Transmission and Distribution: (NOV/DEC 2012, MAY/JUNE 2009) (MAY/JUNE 2014) (NOV/DEC 2010,2013) (MAY/JUNE 2014, 2009)
Transmission and Distribution: (NOV/DEC 2012, MAY/JUNE 2009) (MAY/JUNE 2014) (NOV/DEC 2010,2013) (MAY/JUNE 2014, 2009)
d) Parts of distribution system. [NOV/DEC 2010,2013] the resistance per 100m of single conductor is 400 ohm and voltage at
13. Write the effect of increase in working voltage to “n” times on area of cross- feeding point A is 240v,calculate:
section of feeder and distributor. a)Current in each section of distributor
14. Compare the HVDC transmission with EHVAC transmission in the b)Voltages at points B,C and D.[OCT/NOV 1998]
following aspects. (i) Economics of transmission, (ii) reliability, (iii) technical 25. A 3 phase ring distribution ABCD fed at A at 11kv supplies balanced loads
performance. [MAY/JUNE 2009] of 40A at 0.8pf lagging at B,50A at 0.707 pf lagging at C and 30A at 0.8 pf
15. Why EHV transmission is preferred? What are the problems involved in lagging at D .the load currents are referred to the supply voltage at A.
EHVAC transmission? [NOV/DEC 2013,2014] The impedance per phase of the various sections are,
16. With a neat schematic, explain the principle of HVDC system operation. Section AB = (1+j2) Ω Section BC = (2+j3) Ω
[APRIL/MAY 2008] [NOV/DEC 2010] Section CD = (1+j1) Ω Section DA = (3+j4) Ω
17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of HVDC transmission over Calculate the currents in various sections and stations bus bar voltages at
HVAC transmission? [NOV/DEC 2008,2009,2012,2013] [APRIL/MAY B, C and D. [APRIL/MAY 1996, 1997]
2010] 26. An electric train talking a constant current of 600A moves on a section of
18. Explain the classification of HVDC system. [APRIL/MAY 2008,2010] line between two substations 8km and maintained at 575 and 590 volts
[NOV/DEC 2007,2011,2012] respectively. The track resistance is 0.04 ohm per km both go and
19. Explain the classification FACTS controllers.[APRIL/MAY 2010] retutn.Find the point of minimum potential along the track and currents
[NOV/DEC 2014] supplied by two substations at that instant.[MAY/JUNE 2014]
20. .Explain about STATCOM and SVC. [NOV/DEC 2009] 27. A bridge connected rectifier is fed from 230kv/110kv transformer from
21. Explain the about SSG and UPFC. [NOV/DEC 2007,2009] 230kv supply. Calculate its voltage output when the commutation angle is
22. A two wire DC distributor AB 600m long is loaded as under. 20 degree and delay angle is 30 degree.[OCT/NOV 2001]
Distance from A(meters) 150 300 350 450 28. A load supplied on a 3 wire DC system takes a current of 50A on the
Load in amperes 100 200 250 300 positive side and 40 A on the negative side .the resistance of each other
The feeding point A is maintained at 440v while B maintained at 430v.If wire is 0.1ohm and the cross-section of the middle wire is one half that of
each conductor has a resistance of 0.01 ohm/100m, calculate the outer. If the system is supplied at 500/250v,find the voltage at the load
a) The current supplied from A and B end between each outer and middle wire.[APRIL/MAY 1996]
b) The power dissipated in the distributor. [NOV/DEC 2010] 29. A two wire distributor 1500m long is loaded as shown where B is the mid-
23. A 50KM long transmission line supplies a load of 5 MVA at 0.8 pf lagging point. The power factors at the two load points are refer to voltage at C.
at 33 KV. The efficiency of transmission is 90%.calculate the volume of AL The impedance of each line is (0.15+j0.2) ohm. Calculate the sending end
conductor required for the line when 3-phase, 3 wire system is used. The voltage and power factor. The voltage at the point C is 220V.[APRIL/MAY
specific resistance of AL is 2.85 *10 ohm-meter. [MAY/JUNE 2007] 2000]
[NOV/DEC 2008] 30. A 3 wire DC distributor is fed at one end at 220V between wires and middle
24. A 2 wire DC ring main is fed at A and load is tapped at points B, C and D. wire as shown. The numbers between sections indicate the resistance of
The distributor length is 400m long and points B, C and D are 150m, 250m the respective section. Calculate the voltage between middle wire and
and 375m from point A. The loads are 150A, 40A and 200A respectively. If outer at each load point. [NOV/DEC 2011]
6. Derive the expression for the effect of earth on capacitance of a single a)Find the inductance of each phase conductor/km length,
phase over head line. [MAY/JUNE 2008] b)Why are the inductance of the 3 phases different,
7. Explain why and how transpositions of three phase transmission lines are c)What is the significance of imaginary terms in the expression?
done. [NOV/DEC 2009] Assume that the line is not transposed.interphase spacing is 3m.
8. Discuss the concept of GMR and GMD in the calculation of transmission [APRIL/MAY 2010]
line inductance. 20. A 220KV,50Hz,200Km long three phase line has its conductors on the
9. Write short note on skin effect and proximity effect.[NOV/DEC 2008,2013] corners of a triangle with sides 6m,6m and 12m.the conductor radius is
10. Briefly explain interference with the neighboring circuits. [NOV/DEC 2011] 1.81 cm.find the capacitance per phase per km,capacitive reactance per
11. Explain about interference between power and communication phase, charging current and total charging mega volt-amperes.[NOV/DEC
circuits.[NOV/DEC 2013] 2010][MAY/JUNE 2011]
12. A 3 phase transmission line has its conductor at the corners of an 21. A 3 phase circuit line consists of 7/4.75mm hard drawn copper conductors.
equilateral triangle with side 3m.the diameter of each conductor is The arrangement of the conductors is shown. The line is completely
1.63cm.find the inductance per phase per km of the line.[NOV/DEC 2013] transposed. Calculate inductive reactance per phase per km of the
system.[NOV/DEC 2013]
13. Calculate the GMR of a conductor having seven stands each of 3mm
radius. [NOV/DEC 2009]
14. Find out the capacitance of a single phase line of 30 km long consisting of
two parallel wires each 15mm diameter and 1.5m apart. [NOV/DEC 2009]
15. A 1phase transmission line has two parallel conductors 3m apart, the
radius of each conductor being 1cm calculate the loop inductance per Km
length of line if the material of the conductor is (i)Copper, (ii)steel with
relative permeability of 100. [MAY/JUNE 2007]
16. Calculate the loop inductance per km of a single phase line complaining of
two parallel conductors 1m apart, 1cm diameter, when the material of
conductor is (i) Copper, (ii) steel with relative permeability of 50.
[MAY/JUNE 2009]
17. A 3phase, 50 Hz, 132kv overhead line has conductors placed in a 22. Determine the capacitance and charging current per unit length of the line
horizontal plane 4m apart. Conductor diameter is 2cm .if the line length is when the arrangement of the conductor is shown. The line is completely
100km, calculate the charging current per phase assuming complete transposed and diameter is 15mm and operating voltage is
transposition. [NOV/DEC 2008] 220kv.[NOV/DEC 2014]
18. Calculate the capacitance of a 100km long 3 phase,50hz overhead
transmission line consisting of 3 conductors each of diameter 2 cm and
spaced 2.5m at the corners of an equilateral triangle.[MAY/JUNE 2007]
19. A 3 phase 3 wire overhead lines consist of 2.5cm diameter conductors in
horizontal configuration. The line is supplying a balanced load
23. A 400KV, 3 phases bundled conductor line with two sub-conductors per
phase has a horizontal configuration as shown .the radius of each sub-
conductors is 1.6 cm.
a)Find the inductance per phase per km of the line
b)Compute the inductance of the line with only one conductor per phase
having the same cross-sectional area of the conductor of each phase.
[NOV/DEC 2008]
24. Find the inductance per phase per Km of double circuit 3 phase line
system shown in the figure. The conductors are transposed and are of
radius 0.75cm each. The phase sequence in ABC. [NOV/DEC 2010]
25. Find the inductance per phase per Km of double circuit 3 phase line
system shown in the figure. The line is completely transposed and
operates at a frequency of 50Hz.[NOV/DEC 2011]
1. Classify overhead transmission lines. [MAY/JUNE 2008] 24. List the four parameters by which the performances of transmission lines
2. Define voltage regulation. [MAY/JUNE 2014] [NOV/DEC 2010, 2012] are governed. [MAY/JUNE 2011]
3. What is transmission efficiency? [MAY/JUNE 2007] (NOV/DEC 2014) 25. Define Ferranti effect. [MAY/JUNE 2009] [NOV/DEC 2010,2011,2013]
4. What is a transmission line? 26. What is attenuation in a transmission line?[NOV/DEC 2011,2014]
5. Explain how capacitance effects are taken into account in medium 27. What is the cause of Ferranti effect?
transmission line? 28. Mention the methods used to control the voltage of transmission lines.
6. How the capacitance effects are taken into account in a long transmission 29. What is surge impedance loading? [MAY/JUNE 2011] (NOV/DEC 2012)
line? 30. List any six voltage regulating equipments used in transmission system.
7. Explain the influence of power factor on the regulation of a transmission 31. What is a power circle diagram?
line. 32. What is the use of power circle diagram?
8. List out the common methods of representation of medium transmission 33. For controlling reactive power, what adjustment should be done in
lines. transformer present in the system?
9. Mention the range of surge impedance in underground cables. [NOV/DEC 34. Give formula for surge impedance. (NOV/DEC 2007)
2012] 35. What is nominal ‘T’ method?
10. What is the maximum power that can be transmitted for a given regulation? 36. What is nominal π method?
11. Mention the range of surge impedance in overhead transmission lines. 37. Differentiate between nominal T and nominal π method? (MAY/JUNE
[MAY/JUNE 2006] 2014)
12. What are the factors which govern the performance of transmission Line? 38. What are the factors limiting power transfer capability?
[MAY/JUNE 2011] (NOV/DEC 2013)
13. What are the units of ABCD (generalised) constants of a transmission 39. Define visual critical voltage. [NOV/DEC 2009]
line? [MAY/JUNE 2011] (NOV/DEC 2012) 40. Mention the factors affecting corona. [MAY/JUNE 2009]
14. In long transmission lines and cables receiving end voltage is greater than 41. What is corona? [MAY/JUNE 2009]
sending end voltage during light load or no load operation. 42. What is corona power loss?
Why?[MAY/JUNE 2006] 43. Give the merits of corona.
15. What is turned power line? 44. What are methods of reducing corona effect?
16. Mention the limitations of end condenser method. 45. Give the two demerits of corona.
17. Explain the term voltage stability. 46. What is meant by critical visual disruptive voltage?
18. Differentiate between voltage stability and rotor angle stability. 47. What is meant by critical disruptive voltage? (NOV/DEC 2011,2013,2014)
19. Define surge impedance. (NOV/DEC 2014) 48. For controlling reactive power, what adjustment should be done in
20. Mention the significance of Surge impedance loading. [MAY/JUNE 2010] transformer present in the system? (NOV/DEC 2007)
21. Why the potential distribution across the string units of insulator is not 49. List out reasons for line loss in a transmission line? [NOV/DEC 2009]
uniform.[MAY/JUNE 2007] 50. What is shunt compensation?
22. Define a synchronous compensator (condenser)? 51. Mention any two advantages of series compensation.
23. Give any two reasons to minimize the reactive power transfer in lines. 52. Mention any two advantages of SVS. (Static Var System)
53. State any two comparisons between series compensation and shunt 11. Explain any two methods of voltage control.
compensation. 12. Explain the series and shunt compensation. (NOV/DEC 2010)
54. Why series compensation is used in long series? 13. A 3 phase 5 km long transmission line, having resistance of 0.5 ohm/km
55. Mention the components used in series compensation? and inductance of 1.76 mH/km is delivering power at 0.8 pf lagging. The
56. Mention the components used in static var compensator . receiving end voltage is 32kv.if the supply end voltage is 33kv, 50 Hz find
57. What are the advantages of using series compensation? line current, regulation and efficiency of the transmission line.[MAY/JUNE
58. What is meant by power angle curve? [MAY/JUNE 2010] (NOV/DEC 2006]
2012) 14. A short 3 phase transmission line has a series line impedance per phase of
PART-B (20 + j 50) ohm. The line delivers a load of 50 MW at 0.7 pf lag. Determine
the regulation of the line and the A, B, C, D parameter of the line. If the
1.Explain the classification of lines based on their length of same load is delivered at 0.7 pf load, determine the regulation of the line.
transmission.[MAY/JUNE 2007] (NOV/DEC 2011) The system voltage 220 KV? (NOV/DEC 2007)
2.Derive the expression for regulation and efficiency of a short transmission 15. A short 3 phase transmission line with an impedance of (6+j8) ohm per
line. [MAY/JUNE 2006] phase has sending and receiving end voltages of 120 kv and 110kv
3.Explain the end condenser method for medium transmission lines. respectively for some receiving end load at a pf of 0.9 lagging. Determine
[MAY/JUNE 2009] power output and sending end power factor.[MAY/JUNE 2007]
4.Explain the procedure for determining the transmission efficiency and voltage 16. A 50Hz three phase transmission line is 100Km long has the following
regulation of a long transmission line. (NOV/DEC 2012) constants.
5.Derive the expression for sending and receiving end power of transmission Resistance/km/phase= 0.1 ohm
line in terms of voltages and ABCD constants. [MAY/JUNE 2010,2011] Inductive reactance/km/phase=0.2 ohm
6.What is a nominal π circuit? Find the ABCD constants for nominal π circuit. Capacitive susceptance/km/phase =0.04 *10 mho
a)Surge impedance loading. [MAY/JUNE 2009] The line supplies a load of 20MW at 0.9 pf lagging at a line voltage of
b)Power angle curve. 110kv at the receiving end. Use nominal π representation; calculate
c)Loadability limits based on thermal loading. (NOV/DEC 2013)
sending end current, Sending end voltage, Sending end power factor, 24. A 3phase 50Hz transmission line 40Km long delivers 36MW at 0.8pf
regulation and efficiency. (NOV/DEC 2008) [MAY/JUNE 2010] lagging and at 60KV (phase). The line constants per conductor are, R = 2.5
18. A 50Hz three phase transmission line is 250Km long. It has a total series ohm, L = 0.1 H, C = 0.25*10 F. Shunt leakage may be neglected.
impedance of (40 + j100) ohms and a shunt admittance of 914*10 ohms. Determine the voltage, current power factor, active power and reactive volt-
It delivers 50 Mw at 220 Kv with a power factor of 0.9 lag. Find the: amperes at the sending end. Also determine the efficiency and regulation
a)Sending end voltage of the line using nominal π method. (NOV/DEC 2013)
b)Voltage regulation 25. A balanced 3 phase load of 30MW is supplied at 132 kV, 50Hz and 0.85 pf
c)Transmission efficiency by nominal T method. (MAY/JUNE 2014) lagging by means of transmission line. These series impedance of a single
19. A 15 km long 3 phase overhead line delivers 5 MW at 11 kV at 0.8 lagging conductor is 20+j52 ohms and the total phase neutral admittance is
pf line loss is 12% of power delivers. Line inductance is 1.1 mH per km per 315*10 mho.using nominal T method, determine:
phase. Find the sending end voltage and regulation. [MAY/JUNE 2009] a)The A, B, C, and D constants of the line.
(NOV/DEC 2012) b)Sending end voltage
20. The A, B, C, D constant of a 3 phase transmission line are A = D = 0.963 + c)Regulation of the line. (NOV/DEC 2011)
j0.016, B = 33.5 + j138 ohm, C = (-0.9280 + j 901.223) x 10 mho. The 26. A 3 phase overhead transmission line has a series impedance of (10+j30)
load at the receiving end is 40 MW at 220 KV with power factor of 0.86 ohm per phase. For receiving and sending end voltage of 132kv and 140
lagging. Find the magnitude of the sending and voltage, current, power line kv respectively. Draw the receiving end power circle diagram and
efficiency and the voltage regulation. Assume the magnitude of the determine the following:
sending and voltage remains constant. (NOV/DEC 2007) a) The maximum real power delivered by the line and the load power factor
21. A three phase 5 km long transmission line, having resistance of 0.5 under that condition.
Ohm/km and inductance of 1.76 mH/km is delivering power at 0.8 pf b) The capacity of shunt compensation equipment for supplying a load of
lagging. The receiving end voltage is 32 kV. If the supply end Voltage is 33 150MVA at 0.8 pf lagging and the power angle under that condition.
kV, 50 Hz, find line current, regulation and efficiency of the transmission c) The capacity of shunt compensation equipment for supplying to maintain
line. [MAY/JUNE 2008] the above voltage under no-load condition.
22. Determine the efficiency and regulation of a three phase 100 km, 50Hz d)The unity power factor load that the line can supply with voltages at
transmission line delivering 20MW at a pf of 0.8 lagging and 66kV to a above values. (NOV/DEC 2014)
balanced load. The conductors are of copper, each having resistance 0.1 27. A 3 phase line having an impedance of (5 + j 20) Ω per phase delivers a
Ω / km and 1.5 cm outside diameter, spaced equilaterally 2m between load of 30 MW at a power factor of 0.8 lag and voltage of 33 kV.
centers. Use nominal T method. [MAY/JUNE 2008] (NOV/DEC 2013) Determine the capacity of the phase modifier to be installed at the
23. A 200km long three phase overhead transmission line has a resistance of receiving end if the voltage at the sending end is to be maintained at 33
48.7 ohm/phase, inductive reactance of 80.20 ohm/phase and capacitance kV. Assume the shunt admittance is neglected. (NOV/DEC 2011)
(line to neutral) 8.42 nF/ supplies a load of 13.5Mw at a voltage of 28. A 3 phase overhead line the conductors are arranged in the form of an
88kv and power factor 0.9 lagging. Using nominal T circuit, find the equilateral triangle. The diameter of each conductor is 30mm.assuming fair
sending end voltage, current, regulation and power angle. [MAY/JUNE weather conditions, air density factor of 0.94,irregularity factor of 0.93 and
2011] breakdown strength of air 30kv per cm(peak),find the minimum spacing
14. A string of eight suspension insulators is to be fitted with a grading ring. If the each insulator, find the distribution of voltage over 3 insulators and string
pin to earth capacitances is all equal to C, find the values of line to pin efficiency .draw the equivalent circuit. [MAY/JUNE 2007]
capacitances that would give a uniform voltage distribution over the string. 22. Each line of a three phase system is suspended by a string of three similar
[MAY/JUNE 2006] insulators. If the voltage across the line unit is 20kv, calculate the line to neutral
15. Each line of a 3 phase system is suspended by a string of three identical voltage and the string efficiency. Assume that the shunt capacitance between
insulators of self-capacitance C farad. The shunt capacitance of conducing each insulator and earthed metal work of the tower be 1/10 of the capacitance
metal work of each insulator is 0.2 C to earth and 0.1 C to line .calculate the of the insulator. [NOV/DEC 2010]
string efficiency of the system if a guard ring increases the capacitance to the 23. In a 66kv overhead line, there are 4 discs. The shunt capacitance between
line of metal work the lowest insulator to 0.3 C. [NOV/DEC 2014] each join and metal work is 11% of the capacitance of each disc find the
16. A string of 5 suspension insulators is to be graded for obtaining uniform voltage voltage across the different discs and string efficiency. [NOV/DEC 2008,2013]
distribution across the string. If the pin to earth capacitances are all equal to C
and the mutual capacitance of the top insulator is 10C,find the mutual
capacitance of each unit in terms of C. [NOV/DEC 2012]
17. A 3 unit insulator string is fitted with a guard ring .the capacitances of the link
pins to metal work and guard ring can be assumed to be a 15% and 5% of the
capacitance of each unit. Determine voltage distribution and string efficiency.
[MAY/JUNE 2010]
18. A single core cable of conductor diameter 3cm and lead sheath of diameter
6cm is to be used on a 33kv(line to neutral),find
a) Maximum and minimum values of electric stress.
b) Optimal value of conductor radius for the smallest value of the maximum
stress. [MAY/JUNE 2006]
19. A 3 phase overhead transmission line is being supported by three disc
insulators. The potential across top unit (i.e. near the tower) and the middle unit
are 9 kV and 11 kV respectively. Calculate,
a) The ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to the self capacitance of each
b) Line Voltage
c) String Efficiency [NOV/DEC 2011]
20. A 33kv single core cable has a conductor diameter of 1cm and a sheath of
inside diameter 4cm.find the maximum and minimum stress in the insulation.
[NOV/DEC 2012,2013]
21. In a 33kv overhead line, there are three units in the string of insulators. If the
capacitance between each insulator pin and earth is 11% of self capacitance of
level. The weight of conductor is 8.33 N/m and tension in the conductor is tension in the conductor is 2500 kg and cross sectional area of conductor
4 2
not to exceed 3.34*10 N. find is 2.5 cm . Compute the sag.
a)Clearance between the lowest point on the conductor and water. 21. A transmission line conductor has an effective diameter of 91.5mm and
b)Horizontal distance of this point from the lower support. [NOV/DEC weight 0.85 kg/m. if the maximum permissible sag with the horizontal wind
2010] pressure of 39 kg/m of projected area and 12.7mm radial ice coating is
16. A transmission line has a span of 275 meters between level supports. The 6.3m, calculate the permissible span between the two supports at two
conductor has an effective diameter of 1.96cm and weight 0.865 kg/m.its supports at the same level allowing a factor of safety as 2.the ultimate
ultimate strength is 8060 kg.if the conductor has ice coating of radial strength of the conductor is 800kg and density of ice is 910kg/m .
thickness 1.27 cm and is subjected to a wind pressure of 39 kg/m of 22. A transmission line conductor is supported on the towers of unequal
projected area, calculate the maximum sag. Assume that safety factor is 2 heights. The first tower has of 30m and the second tower has a height of
and ice weight 910 kg/m . [NOV/DEC 2014] 50m. The distance between the towers is 150m.tension in the conductor is
17. An overhead line has a span of 160m of stranded copper conductor 2200kg and cross section of the conductor is 2cm .the specific gravity of
between level supports. The sag is 3.96m at -5.5˚C with 9.53 mm thick in the conductor material is 9.5gm/cm and the wind pressure is
2 2
ice coating and wind pressure of 40 Kgf/m of projected area. Calculate the 150kg/m .calculate the sag.
temperature at which the sag will remain the same under conditions of no 23. A transmission line conductor at a river crossing is supported from two
ice and no wind. The particulars of the conductor are as follows: size of the towers at a height of 50 and 80 meters above water level. The horizontal
conductor = 7/3.45mm, area of cross section = 64.5 mm weight of the distance between towers is 300m. If tension in conductor is 200kg, find
conductor = 0.594 Kgf/m, modulus of elasticity = 12700 Kgf/mm , clearance between conductor and water at a point midway between
-5 3
coefficient of linear expansion = 1.7 * 10 / ˚C, Assume 1m of ice to towers. Weight of conductor/meter = 0.844kg. Derive formula used.
weight 913.5Kgf. (MAY/JUNE 2014)
18. An electric train taking a constant current of 600 A moves on a section of
line between two substations 8 Km and maintained at 575 and 590 Volts
respectively. The track resistance is 0.04 ohm per Km both goes and
returns. Find the point of minimum potential along the track and currents
supplied by two substations at that instant. (MAY/JUN 2014)
19. The towers of height 30 m and 90 m respectively support a transmission
line conductor at water crossing. The horizontal distance the towers are
560 m. The ultimate strength of the conductor is 6400 kg. Find the
minimum clearance of the conductor and water and clearance mid-way
between the supports. Weight of the conductor is 1.5 kg/m. Bases of
towers can be considered to be at water level. Factor of safety may be
taken as 4.
20. A transmission line conductor is supported on the towers of equal height.
The height of each tower is 30 m. The distance the towers is 160 m.