Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei: H.-W. Hammer

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Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei

H.-W. Hammer

Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik and Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics
Universität Bonn

“Nuclear Dynamics with Effective Field Theories”,

Bochum, July 1-3, 2013

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.1/25


EFT for Halo Nuclei

Structure of S-wave Halo Nuclei: Form Factors, Radii
One-neutron halos: 11 Be, ...
Two-neutron halos: 22 C, 62 Ca, ...
Summary and Outlook

Collaborators: B. Acharya, D. Canham, G. Hagen, P. Hagen, D. Phillips, L. Platter, ...

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.2/25

Effective Theory

Separation of scales:
1/k = λ ≫ R
Limited resolution at low energy:
−→ expand in powers of kR R

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.3/25

Effective Theory
n n
Separation of scales: n
p p
1/k = λ ≫ R π
λ>>R n
Limited resolution at low energy:
−→ expand in powers of kR R

Short-distance physics not resolved

−→ capture in low-energy constants using renormalization
−→ include long-range physics explicitly
Systematic, model independent → universal properties

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.4/25

Effective Theory

p n
n p
Separation of scales: n

1/k = λ ≫ R p n
Limited resolution at low energy:
−→ expand in powers of kR R

Short-distance physics not resolved

−→ capture in low-energy constants using renormalization
−→ include long-range physics explicitly
Systematic, model independent → universal properties
Very low energies: only short range interactions
Exploit cluster substructures =⇒ Halo EFT

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.5/25

Halo Nuclei

Low separation energy of valence nucleons: Bvalence ≪ Bcore , Eex

−→ close to “nucleon drip line” −→ scale separation −→ EFT


EFT for halo nuclei

(Bertulani, HWH, van Kolck, 2002; Bedaque, HWH, van Kolck, 2003; ...)

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.6/25

Scales and Antisymmetrization

6 He
Scales: Rhalo ≫ Rcore ∼ ℓ
Antisymmetrization with re-
spect to neutrons in core? p n
Core neutrons not active p n
dof in halo EFT Rcore R halo

Physics: exchange of core nucleon and halo nucleon only

contributes to observables if there is spatial overlap between wave
functions of core and halo nucleon
=⇒ small for Rcore ≪ Rhalo
Effects subsumed in low-energy constants, included perturbatively
in expansion in Rcore /Rhalo

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.7/25

One-Neutron Halos: Be

Properties of halo: 11 Be
Ground state: J P = 1/2+ , neutron separation energy: 504 keV
Excited state: J P = 1/2− , neutron separation energy: 184 keV
Properties of core: 10 Be
Ground state: J P = 0+
First excitation: 3.4 MeV above g.s. ⇒ Rcore /Rhalo ≈ 0.4
EM properties in effective range theory (Typel, Baur, 2004, 2005, 2008)
EM properties in halo EFT (HWH, Phillips, 2010, 2011)
Introduce fields for neutron/core with S- and P-wave interactions
∇2 ∇2 ∇2
L = c† i∂t + c + n† i∂t + n + σ † η0 i∂t + + ∆0 σ
2M 2m 2Mnc
h i
−g0 σn† c† + σ † nc + P-wave terms + . . .

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.8/25

One-Neutron Halos

EFT generates halo states from core-neutron contact interactions

S-wave state: g02 /∆0 ∼ Rhalo , nc loop ∼ 1/Rhalo ⇒ sum bubbles
(van Kolck, 1997, 1999; Kaplan, Savage, Wise, 1998; ...)

= +

The tail wags the dog: correct asymptotics of wave functions

ψ0 (r) = A0 exp(−γ0 r)/r

Focus on observables: no discussion of n-core interaction at short

distances, spectroscopic factors, ...
Halo EFT: expansion in Rcore /Rhalo
Determine parameters g0 , ∆0 from bound state/scattering
Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.9/25
Be: Including Photons
Minimal substitution: ∂µ → Dµ = ∂µ + ieQ̂Aµ

S-wave form factor (LO):

2γ0 f |q|
Gc (|q|) = f |q| arctan 2γ0 where f = mR /M = 1/11

Charge radius of 11 Be relative to 10 Be:

f2 1
hrc2 i11 Be = hrc2 i10 Be + 2
2γ0 1 − γ0 r0
Results: (HWH, Phillips, NPA 865 (2011) 17)
At LO: hrc2 i11 Be − hrc2 i10 Be = 0.19(8) fm2
At NLO: hrc2 i11 Be − hrc2 i10 Be = 0.27...0.32(5) fm2
Expt.: hrc2 i11 Be − hrc2 i10 Be = 0.51(17) fm2
Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.10/25
Be: Charge Radii

Comparison to experimental radii

Nörtershäuser et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 062503
Using the experimental value: hrc2 i10 Be = 2.357(18) fm
At LO: hrc2 i11 Be = 2.40 fm
At NLO: hrc2 i11 Be = 2.42 fm
Experimental value: hrc2 i11 Be = 2.463(16) fm
Counter term contribution (not generated by minimal substitution)
LEM = −LC0 σl† (∇2 A0 − ∂0 (∇ · A)) σl ⇒ hrc2 i(σ) at N3LO
| {z }

But, calculated contribution suppressed by f 2

f 2 = (1/11)2 ≈ 0.01 ⇐⇒ (Rcore /Rhalo )3 = 0.43 ≈ 0.06

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.11/25
Universal Correlations

EFT gives correlations between different observables

hrc2 i11 Be − hrc2 i10 Be = 2 (1 + O(γ0 r0 ))
Adapt strategy to experimental situation
Extend reach of ab initio calculations (cf. 62 Ca below)

Universality: can be applied to any one-neutron halo nucleus with shal-

low S-Wave State

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.12/25

Two-Neutron Halo Nuclei
Effective Lagrangian (Bedaque, HWH, van Kolck, 1999; ...)
† ∇~2 g2 † g2 † 2 g3 †
Ld = ψ i∂t + 2m ψ + 4d d − 4 (d ψ + (ψ † )2 d) − 36 d dψ †ψ + ..

2- and 3-body interaction at leading order: g2 , g3 enhanced!

2-body amplitude: (a) = + + + :::

3-body amplitude: (b) k = p = + +


3-body coupling: Λ2 g3 (Λ) periodic ⇒ limit cycle, Efimov physics

Apply to 2-neutron halo nuclei

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.13/25

Matter Form Factors

Structure of 2-neutron halo nuclei → matter form factors, radii

F (k 2 ) = d3 p d3 q Ψ(~ p, ~q − ~k) = 1 − k 2 hr2 i + . . .
p, ~q)Ψ(~

20 C 1
Form factors: Fnn

Form Factor
Fnn neutron-neutron
Fnc neutron-core
0.8 20
(a) C

rnn rc
rn 0.7
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
rnc 2 -2
k [fm ]

Canham, HWH, Eur. Phys. J. A 37 (2008) 367, Nucl. Phys. A 836 (2010) 275

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.14/25

Charge Form Factors

Charge form factor of 2n halo nuclei (Hagen, HWH, Platter, arXiv:1304:6516)

(a) (b) (c)

= + +

p p
−1 −1
(−ieZ) FE (Q ) = Ztr Σ(−B) iΓ0 (Q) Σ(−B) Ztr

where Σ(E) = t(E, 0) H=0
Implementation using trimer auxilliary field
Renormalization and current conservation explicitly verified

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.15/25

Charge Radii

c Jcπ mc [MeV] Ec∗ [MeV] Bc−n [MeV] δ rE [fm2 ]
π Bcn Bcn

cn Jcn Bcn [MeV] Ec∗ Bc−n δ rE exp [fm2 ]
π Bcnn Bcnn
cnn Jcnn Bcnn [MeV] Ec∗ Bc−n
9 Li 3−
2 8406 2.69 4.06 1.68(62)
10 Li (2− , 1− ) −0.026(13) −0.102 −0.082 1.171(120) [2]
11 Li 3−
2 0.37 0.372 0.302
12 Be 0+ 11201 2.10 3.17 0.41(32)

13 Be ( 21 ) −0.51(1) −0.492 −0.402 −−
14 Be 0+ 1.27(13) 0.782 0.632
20 C 0+ 18664 1.59 [1] 2.9(3) 1.66+∞
21 C 1+
2 −0.014(467) −0.092 −0.072 −−
22 C 0+ 0.11(6) 0.262 0.202
[1] M. Stanoiu et al., Phys. Rev. C 78, 034315 (2008), all other data from NNDC
[2] R. Sánchez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 033002 (2006).

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.16/25

Efimov Physics in C

Matter radius from 22 C + p & Glauber: hr02 i1/2 = 5.4(9) fm

(Tanaka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010) 062701)

Halo EFT analysis of impact on other observables in 22 C

(Acharya, Ji, Phillips, Phys. Lett. B 723 (2013) 196)

Plots for hr02 i1/2 = 4.5, 5.4, 6.3 fm

Excited Efimov states in 22 C appear to be ruled out

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.17/25

Efimov Physics in Ca
(G. Hagen, P. Hagen, HWH, Platter, arXiv:1306.3661)

Coupled cluster calculations of 60 Ca and 61 Ca using chiral N2LO

two-body force and schematic three-body force:
61 Ca is a weakly bound S-wave state (or virtual state)
Quantitative estimate: Sn = Bnc = 5...8 keV
Scattering Parameters:
acn = 54(1) fm, rcn = 9.0(2) fm =⇒ rcn /acn ≈ 1/6
Investigate consequences for 62 Ca using halo EFT
Prospects for excited Efimov states in 62 Ca:
2 ) ≈ 500 keV, scaling factor λ ≈ 16
Sdeep = 1/(µcn rcn 0

=⇒ > 230 keV

possible if S2n ∼
Universal correlations between observables in 62 Ca

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.18/25

Efimov Physics in Ca

Correlations between S2n and 61 Ca-n scattering length as well as

matter radii (G. Hagen, P. Hagen, HWH, Platter, arXiv:1306.3661)
2 nn
200 nc


2 1/2

< rx >
-100 10
-200 62
-300 1 2 3 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
S2n[keV] S2n [keV]

Excited Efimov state appears around S2n ≈ 230 keV

Matter radii of order tens of Fermi possible

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.19/25

Summary and Outlook

Cluster EFT for halo nuclei

=⇒ large scattering length/shallow states
Controlled, systematic approach =⇒ error estimates
Straightforward inclusion of external currents
Universal theory has many applications
ultracold atoms
light nuclei, halo nuclei =⇒ Halo EFT
hadronic molecules
Universality predicts correlations between observables
=⇒ input from theory or experiment
Volume dependence of halo states for lattice simulations
Proton halos and Coulomb interaction
Reactions with photons ⇒ following talk by Daniel Phillips

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.20/25

Additional Slides

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.21/25

Efimov Physics
(V. Efimov, Phys. Lett. 33B (1970) 563)

Three-body system with large scattering length a

Hyperspherical coordinates: R2 = (r12
2 + r 2 + r 2 )/3
13 23
Schrödinger equation simplifies for |a| ≫ R ≫ l:

l 1111

~2 ∂2 s20 + 1/4 ~2 κ2 R
− + f (R) = − f (R) ~ R12
2m ∂R2 R 2
| {zm }

Singular Potential: renormalization required

Boundary condition at small R: breaks scale invariance
=⇒ dependence of observables on 3-body parameter (and a)
EFT formulation: boundary condition ⇒ 3-body interaction
Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.22/25

Observables are independent of regulator/cutoff Λ

⇒ Running coupling H(Λ) 8

H(Λ) periodic: limit cycle


Λ → Λ enπ/s0 ≈ Λ(22.7)n

(cf. Wilson, 1971) 0

Full scale invariance broken

to discrete subgroup −4 1
10 10

Λ [1/a]

cos(s0 ln(Λ/Λ∗ )+arctan(s0 ))

H(Λ) = cos(s0 ln(Λ/Λ∗ )−arctan(s0 )) , s0 ≈ 1.00624

Limit cycle ⇐⇒ Discrete scale invariance ⇐⇒ Efimov effect

Observable in cold atom experiments: loss resonances
Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.23/25
3-Body Halos
Examples: 14 Be ←→ 12 Be +n +n, 20 C ←→ 18 C +n +n
“Effective" 3-body system: separation energy of valence nucleons
small compared to binding energy of “core”
Efimov effect in halo nuclei? ⇒ test scaling relation
0.4 C
12 0.4 A = 18 0.4


C 0.2 0.2

(Enc / Egs)
(Enc / Egs)

0 0
11 A=1
Li A=9
Be A = 18 -0.2 -0.2
-0.4 A = 100
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
1/2 1/2
(Enn / Egs) (Enn / Egs)

Canham, HWH, Eur. Phys. J. A 37 (2008) 367

(cf. Fedorov, Jensen, Riisager, 1994; Amorim, Frederico, Tomio, 1997)
< 1/Mπ
Unchanged at NLO if rnc ∼ (Canham, HWH, 2010)

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.24/25

Form Factors and Radii

Structure of halo nuclei → matter form factors, radii

p p
nucleus Bnnc [keV] Bnc [keV] 2 i
[fm] 2 i [fm]
14 Be 1120 -200.0 4.1 ± 0.5 3.5 ± 0.5
20 C 3506 161 2.8 ± 0.3 2.4 ± 0.3
3506 530 3.0 ± 0.7 2.5 ± 0.6
3506 60 2.8 ± 0.2 2.3 ± 0.2
20 C∗ 65 ± 6.8 60 42 ± 3 38 ± 3
(cf. Yamashita, Tomio, Frederico, 2004)

Input: TUNL Nuclear data evaluation project, ...

Experiment: Be → hrnn 2 i = (5.4 ± 1.0) fm

(Marques et al., Phys. Rev. C 64 (2001) 061301)

< 1/Mπ
Unchanged at NLO if rnc ∼ (Canham, HWH, 2010)

Universal Properties of Halo Nuclei – p.25/25

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