Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
Office of the Regional Director
A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and
goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
1.3 The school A. The school defines B. The school and C. Guided by an PTA /SGC CBL/
is organized by the organizational community agreed Manual
a clear structure structure, and the collaboratively define organizational Roles/Functions
and work roles and the structure and the structure, the elaborated in the
arrangements responsibilities of roles and community minutes of meeting
that promote stakeholders. responsibilities of stakeholders lead Photo documentation
shared stakeholders. in defining the showing technical
leadership and organizational assistance provided
governance and structure and the to stakeholders to
define the roles roles and sustain shared
and responsibilities; leadership and
responsibilities school provides governance
of the technical and Organizational
stakeholders administrative Structure /table
1.4 A Level I Level II Level III Access to
leadership information to govt.
network A network has been The network actively The network Agencies and private
facilitates collaboratively provides stakeholders allows easy institution
communication established and is information for exchange and Report during Fora
between and continuously making decisions and access to School Website/
among school improved by the solving learning and information Dash Board
and community school community. administrative sources beyond School Report
leaders for problems. the school Card/SMEA/Transpa
informed community. rency Board
decision- Minutes of
making and BDC/MDC/CITY
solving of meeting
school- Communication
community System
wide-learning Symposia/
problems. Assemblies
The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are
collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
2A. The system uses 2B. A committee 2C. The Feedback on the
a tool that monitors takes care of the monitoring tool
4. Management of Resources
Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency,
effectiveness and efficiency.