COgnitive Load Theory and Clinical Teaching
COgnitive Load Theory and Clinical Teaching
COgnitive Load Theory and Clinical Teaching
Introduction: Cognitive load theory (CLT) views working memory as the primary bottleneck for learning, as it is limited in both capacity and
retention. CLT delineates three types of activities that impose on working memory: intrinsic load, germane load, and extraneous load.
These three constructs have practical ramifications for direct teaching, learning environments, and curricular design. CLT could help
educators across health professions improve quality of teaching, especially in demanding and unpredictable workplace environments.
However, few educational resources exist to familiarize clinical workplace educators with CLT. Methods: We developed a 2-hour
workshop focused on CLT’s core concepts and practical applications, targeted at health professions’ workplace educators. It featured
large-group, small-group, and individual reflective activities. An end-of-workshop survey was administered, and a follow-up survey was
sent to participants 2 months after the workshop. Results: A total of 134 educators attended the first two offerings of the workshop in two
different states. Participants considered CLT as relevant to a variety of workplace teaching settings and activities. Participants’
self-assessed familiarity with CLT on a 0-100 scale increased from a mean of 36 (SD = 26) before the workshop to 59 (SD = 17) after the
workshop. At follow-up, participants scored an average of 85% on content knowledge questions. Approximately half of respondents to the
follow-up survey stated they had made or planned to make specific changes to their workplace teaching leveraging tenets of CLT.
Discussion: The workshop conveyed CLT concepts and primed participants to independently craft CLT-based interventions for their own
teaching practices.
Cognitive Load Theory, Workplace Teaching, Internal Medicine, Clinical Teaching/Bedside Teaching
Copyright © 2020 Venkat et al. This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license. 1/8
for activities contributing to germane load and, therefore, to can help workplace instruction could potentially help teachers in
learning.1 the health professions address these challenges and deliver a
better experience for their learners.
Just as other learning theories have demonstrated positive
impacts on clinical teaching,3 CLT principles can inform practical While CLT is clearly relevant to HPE workplace learning, the
strategies to optimize learning within health professions scope of how the theory has been applied to workplace teaching
education (HPE) settings.4,5 In clinical workplace teaching, and learning has been narrowly focused, with few examples of
extraneous load can be minimized by designing learning practical findings that can be easily translated to actual workplace
environments that minimize distractions, disruptions, and environments.4 Existing resources have provided a general
multitasking; optimizing usability of visual resources such orientation to CLT as it pertains to HPE,1 a comprehensive
as informational displays and computer interfaces; and scholarly review of studies of CLT in workplace learning,4 and
properly orienting trainees to learning settings and tasks.6 detailed steps for applying CLT to HPE curricular design.7 These
Additionally, self-regulatory or metacognitive approaches can resources focus primarily on scholarship and do not address
help learners manage stress and negative emotions to reduce the practical needs of most workplace teachers, who rely on
their contributions to extraneous load.7 Intrinsic load can be targeted skills workshops to help in areas outside their scope
optimized by designing curricula that adapt learning task difficulty of expertise. These in-the-trenches educators could benefit
to a learner’s skill level and by providing tools for teachers from a resource that is theory based but promotes practical
to familiarize themselves with learners’ prior experience and application of CLT within diverse workplace teaching settings
competence. Simulation can be used to simplify tasks or break and that provides sufficient guidance to allow teachers to design
them into component parts (i.e., part-task approach), which is workplace learning experiences that attend to the cognitive
particularly useful when teaching novice learners.5 A scaffolded load of learners. We sought to address this gap by applying our
curriculum allows learners to repeat tasks with decreasing prior knowledge, scholarly experience with CLT, and workplace
amounts of support as they gain competence; a practical example teaching experience to provide practical CLT-related concepts
of this is the 4C/ID model.8 Germane load can be promoted and principles that workplace health professions educators can
through teacher engagement, interactive questioning of learners, put to use.
encouraging reflection, and improving learner concentration
and metacognition.9 In a systematic review of cognitive load We developed and implemented a workshop to introduce core
in professional workplace settings, the few studies that tested CLT concepts and applications to health professions educators,
interventions to optimize cognitive load tended to demonstrate with a focus on practical application in workplace teaching.
benefit.4 Given the variability of settings within which health professions
educators work, we avoided an overly prescriptive approach
HPE workplaces are uniquely challenging and complex learning to how workshop participants should implement CLT-based
settings. Whereas in the classroom learners are the major focus, improvements to their teaching. Instead, the workshop equipped
in the workplace the needs of multiple stakeholders must be participants with a basic understanding of the theory before
met and balanced. HPE workplaces tend to be fast paced, encouraging them to consider their own strategies for applying
complex, and even chaotic, and present substantial cognitive the theory to their workplace teaching.
load burdens that can overwhelm learners (including multiple
task-related demands, variability and unpredictability of daily This workshop was designed to benefit any individual who
schedules, and prioritization of patient care responsibilities teaches in a health professions workplace setting, for example
over teaching4,10 ). This puts workplace learners at high risk (but not limited to), teaching surgical residents in an operating
of cognitive overload, which negatively impacts learning and room, medical students in an emergency department, nurse
performance, yet optimizing the distribution of cognitive load in practitioner students in a primary care clinic, or pharmacy
workplace settings is especially challenging. Limited periods of residents in an inpatient pharmacy. The primary goal was to assist
continuity between teachers and learners, as well as idiosyncratic teachers in the health professions in improving their learners’
patient presentations and assignments, can hinder efforts to experiences using tenets of CLT. Secondary goals included
titrate task complexity to individual learners’ levels. Rotation- assessing the efficacy of the workshop, understanding how
based schedules can make it difficult to schedule spaced practice teachers would envision CLT as applying to their workplace
and repetitive recall over time, both of which are important for teaching settings, and considering challenges and barriers they
promoting germane load. Greater familiarity with CLT and how it might face as they attempt to implement those changes.
Copyright © 2020 Venkat et al. This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license. 2/8
Methods with CLT. Participants rated their satisfaction with the activity
The workshop was offered to two audiences: the Annual by completing evaluation instruments provided by the hosting
Education Showcase at the University of California, San organizations (Appendix D).
Francisco (April 30, 2018), and the Texas Educator’s Academies Participants received a follow-up survey that was sent out to them
Collaborative for Health Professions Southeast Annual 2 months after the workshop, also using Qualtrics (Appendix E).
Conference (May 11, 2018). Conference participants were invited
The survey began with questions to assess their retention of
to join the workshop regardless of their profession or level of
knowledge presented during the workshop. It then inquired how
training. No prerequisite knowledge was required of participants the information presented during the workshop had impacted
in order to attend. their thinking about teaching and whether it had prompted them
to make any concrete changes to their teaching activities or
The workshop was scheduled for 2 hours. It featured a mixture
curricula. If participants stated that they had made changes,
of large-group didactics, small-group discussion, and individual
they were prompted to discuss barriers or challenges they had
reflective activities. Two facilitators were recommended.
experienced in making those changes. If they had made no
Facilitators needed to have preexisting familiarity with CLT.
changes to their teaching activities or curricula, they were asked
Participants were directed to bring a smartphone, tablet, or to explain why.
laptop. They were informed that they would receive an invitation
To facilitate future replication of the workshop, we created a
to complete a follow-up survey approximately 2 months following
facilitator guide (Appendix F).
the workshop.
The workshop time line was as follows:
A total of 134 educators participated in the two workshop
r 0-30 minutes: facilitator-provided an overview of CLT in offerings. The most commonly represented profession was
large-group PowerPoint format (Appendix A). medicine, followed by nursing, education, and dentistry (Table).
r 30-50 minutes: small-group activity (activity 1) examining Seventy-eight percent of those who indicated their gender
CLT design principles using a worked example (itself a identified as female (Table). Participants were generally unfamiliar
CLT-derived technique) in the setting of gastrointestinal with CLT prior to the workshop (mean familiarity on 0-100 scale =
endoscopy teaching (Appendix B). 36.2, SD = 26.5).
r 50-60 minutes: discussion of insights with the whole group.
r 60-80 minutes: individual activity (activity 2) completed
on participants’ personal electronic devices, in which Table. Participant Characteristics
Copyright © 2020 Venkat et al. This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license. 3/8
When asked to suggest a personally relevant teaching workplace pertinent questions and give guidance as necessary.
activity to consider through the lens of CLT, participants listed Teachers should also meet with students after using the
activities among three primary categories. Sixty-one (46%) tool to reflect on what they learned, key [takeaways]
listed cognitive activities (e.g., patient presentations, patient and next steps to continue learning.” [education]
counseling, difficult patient conversations, and designing faculty r “Empower learners to redirect the attending if the
development workshops), 35 (26%) listed procedural activities conversation becomes tangential.” [medicine]
(e.g., endotracheal intubation, nerve block, vaginal delivery, r “Debrief after crisis situations [or] difficult patient
informed consent, lumbar puncture, dental crown preparation, encounters.” [medicine]
and dermatologic procedures), and 37 (28%) listed workflow- r “The surgeon should monitor the learner’s ability to
or systems-related activities (e.g., teaching faculty to provide absorb the information regarding the introduction of the
feedback, antibiotic stewardship, patient handoffs, and team new equipment.” [unspecified]
skills). r “Have a prebrief to let learner know you will be in
there to support them. Have a safe word or phrase the
Workshop Activity
learner can use to get assistance.” [medicine]
Participants suggested a wide variety of ways to use CLT to r “Anticipating heightened emotions in any resuscitation
optimize teaching. Below are selected responses for each of
or simulation thereof, maintaining calm demeanor,
the four prompt domains. The quoted participant’s profession is
stating that the newborn is tolerating their intubation
indicated in brackets.
attempt, or reminding them of option to ‘tap out’ if they
1. Curricular design: (or supervisor) are uncomfortable.” [medicine]
r “Create a pre-rotation questionnaire to determine level 3. Learning environment:
of knowledge and adjust teaching based on score.” r “Teach in ICU first where [teaching] can be
[medicine] uninterrupted as opposed to in the OR with more
r “Use several different types of simulations geared production pressure and need for other activities at
towards different levels of learners (i.e., simulations same time.” [unspecified]
with more support and less complex situations for r “Ask surgeon to turn down music (or turn off music) if
less experienced learners, and less support and more appropriate.” [medicine]
complex situations for more experienced learners).” r “Do morning rounds in a more isolated location.”
[education] [medicine]
r “Create standardized procedures for performing lumbar r “Faculty should announce to the room that induction
punctures in order to decrease instructor variability.” and intubation is taking place. If necessary, faculty
[medicine] should ask for the noise level to be kept low.”
r “We might want to design a less complex [simulation] [medicine]
scenario for the early learners in this course. Have r “Arranging lab environment such that when teaching
more complex scenarios for future courses that include one small group [the] entire lab group can attend,
higher-level learners.” [medicine] listen, and learn.” [speech, occupational, or physical
r “Have the procedural skills sessions scattered over therapy]
the course of intern year. Then have strategic on-site r “Encourage that handoffs need to occur in a quiet
refresher simulation with senior residents over following setting; this needs to be role-modeled by attending
2 years.” [medicine] and residents to encourage learning by the students
r “Start with a short session followed by longer ones. that this type of environment is necessary.” [education]
Allow teams to decide on duration of longer ones. If 4. Metacognition:
fatigue sets in they should be able to break and come r “Review learning goals weekly, refine if they have been
back, or schedule another one. Ask participants to met or if they are proving too ambitious.” [medicine]
report back on whether they thought each session was r “Have learners generate their own search strategy and
too short/long or just right.” [other] questions to arrive at the piece of information that they
2. Direct teaching: need.” [medicine]
r “Teachers should remain with learners when they start r “During the large group wrap-up asking students to
to use the new tool during surgery. They should ask quietly identify one personal germane learning goal that
Copyright © 2020 Venkat et al. This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license. 4/8
they will carry forward into their own learning journeys to evaluate new information in the context of their existing
based on today’s sim/course.” [medicine] knowledge. The suggested changes were distributed between
r “In simulation, challenge the learner with artificial the goals of minimizing extraneous load, matching intrinsic load
distractions of alarms, frantic parents, etc. Afterwards, to learners’ competency levels, and optimizing germane load.
have them reflect on the impact, articulate a strategy for Challenges or barriers cited by those with plans for CLT-based
minimizing the distraction and run the case a second interventions included low general awareness about CLT and
time so they can have a sense of efficacy.” [medicine] inability to control extraneous load in workplace settings.
r “Ask them how they are feeling about expectations
during feedback sessions.” [medicine] Among those who stated they were not making any change to
r “Have them think about what they would want to their teaching based on takeaways from the CLT workshop,
know for the handoff and how maybe someone with some respondents stated they lacked adequate time to do so.
a different personality type might need different Others said that they worked in larger team settings in which
information.” [medicine] changing curricula would be challenging. Some noted they were
still digesting the workshop content or were unsure how to put
Participant Evaluations CLT into practice despite their understanding of CLT in theory.
Mean ratings of the two workshop offerings (all on a 5-point
scale) ranged from 4.14 to 4.83 (Appendix D). Common positive Discussion
comments were that the overall framework of CLT was relevant We developed a workshop to address the lack of educational
and that activity 2 (applying CLT concepts to participants’ own resources regarding CLT and its application to workplace
workplace teaching settings) and subsequent discussion were teaching in the health professions. The workshop’s design was
beneficial. Common constructive feedback was that activity 1 predicated on two primary assumptions: (1) that CLT would be
(studying the worked example of colonoscopy teaching) was too relevant across the range of workplace teaching applications
complex and that its focus on the single procedural setting felt in the health professions and (2) that once educators were
irrelevant to some participants. equipped with a basic knowledge of the theory, they would
be able to design and implement their own plan for using CLT
Follow-up Survey principles to redesign their teaching practice.
Out of 134 participants, 28 (21%) responded to the follow-up
survey, of whom 23 (17%) completed questions assessing This workshop-based CLT teaching resource directed towards
retention of content taught during the workshop (Appendix E, workplace educators in the health professions filled a gap that
questions 1-6). Collectively, 85% of responses to these questions we had recognized. A prior MedEdPORTAL resource regarding
were correct, suggesting some retention of CLT concepts taught cardiac pacemaker placement utilizes concepts related to CLT,
during the workshop. Mean self-perceived familiarity with CLT but it does not specifically teach CLT as a tool for addressing
was 58.7 (SD = 16.8). workplace teaching challenges.11 We gave our workshop
successfully at separate conferences in two different states
When prompted to discuss how information about CLT from the and received similarly positive evaluations, suggesting that the
workshop had impacted their thinking about HPE teaching, many workshop’s value was not limited to one locality. The required
respondents cited examples of applications where understanding instructor-to-participant ratio was low. The focus on practical
of CLT had proven helpful. These included clinical handoffs, application of CLT expanded the workshop’s relevance to cover
faculty training, and simulation teaching. Some respondents nearly anyone involved in HPE workplace teaching (potentially
reported not having spent any time thinking about CLT in the with some modifications, as discussed below) and could be
time since the workshop. expanded further to HPE workplace learners. In enrolling a broad
group of participants, the workshop facilitated dialogue amongst
When asked if they had made, or planned to make, any specific teachers across different health professions. In our experience,
changes to their workplace teaching or curricula as a result of the design of the workshop facilitated active learner engagement.
learning about CLT, 11 respondents responded yes, and 12
responded no. Plans among those responding yes included Based on the CLT knowledge questions in the follow-up survey,
moving teaching to a quieter setting, recognizing differences the workshop conveyed core CLT concepts with knowledge
in optimal intrinsic load for different professionals involved in retention in the weeks to months following the workshop.
an interdisciplinary simulation exercise, and asking learners Subjectively, respondents collectively indicated greater familiarity
Copyright © 2020 Venkat et al. This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license. 5/8
with CLT at the postworkshop follow-up point than prior to the The response rate to the follow-up survey was low (21%), likely
workshop. Longer-term knowledge retention would be useful to because it was distributed 2 months after the workshop and
assess in the future but was not assessed in this study. Possible included several short-answer questions that would take longer
responder bias could exist; those who chose to respond may to complete than simple multiple-choice questions. This prevents
have been those who were more interested in CLT and who us from making claims regarding the impact on the participant
might have retained more information from the workshop. audience as a whole. However, there is evidence of benefit for
the participants who chose to respond. The 85% accuracy rate
One of this intervention’s goals was assessing whether for the CLT conceptual questions suggests conceptual learning
educators, once given a foundational understanding of CLT, and retention, and perceived familiarity with CLT increased to
would be able to independently craft plans for improving their 58.7 from a baseline of 36.2 (on a 0-100 scale). Respondents’
own teaching practices based on the tenets of CLT. About half thoughtful responses regarding how they had used, or planned to
of respondents to the follow-up survey reported planning or use, CLT in their workplace teaching provide additional evidence
implementing intentional changes in their teaching practices suggesting learning.
based on the workshop. Regrettably, multiple barriers to
implementing CLT-based workplace teaching strategies were Review of activity evaluations and the follow-up survey results
reported as well: inadequate time, inadequate buy-in from revealed some weaknesses and areas for improvement. The
other faculty, and inadequate self-efficacy to effect change. workshop delivered a large amount of theoretical content
These barriers provide important potential targets for future during a single 2-hour session, which was not ideal for content
intervention. retention. At the end of the workshop, some participants
voiced uncertainty about the principles of CLT or how to apply
The workshop and the participants’ responses in the end-of-
them. To address this issue, a flipped classroom approach
workshop activity have theoretical implications for the study
where basic information about CLT is delivered prior to the
of CLT in HPE. While numerous studies have leveraged CLT to
workshop could be used, or the workshop could be divided
study workplace settings,4 they have been performed in a fairly
into several separate sessions. However, either of these
restricted range of workplace settings. Workshop participants
changes would increase complexity and might decrease
articulated multiple ways that CLT could apply across their
diverse workplace teaching settings. They also suggested
multiple specific teaching interventions, including procedural While activity 2 was generally well received, activity 1 prompted
simulation sessions spaced at regular temporal intervals, teaching constructive criticism from several participants. We purposefully
a skill in a setting with less time pressure before moving to designed this activity as a worked example to reduce intrinsic
practice in a setting with more time pressure, providing faculty load,10 yet some participants evidently experienced increased
with tools to address intense learner emotions, safewords that intrinsic load, which they said was due to the complexity of the
learners could use when cognitively overwhelmed, abstaining worksheet and the focus on colonoscopy (a specific procedural
from playing music in the operating room when learners are environment with which some participants had difficulty
present, allowing learners to decide on the duration of teaching engaging). For future offerings of the workshop, we recommend
sessions, and more rigorously modeling ideal behavior. These offering procedural and cognitive worked example options that
could inform future studies of CLT in HPE workplaces. are representative of professions attending the workshop, as well
as reducing the amount of text within the table. An interactive
Limitations large-group approach might also promote more active learning
Our results and conclusions must be tempered in light of during activity 1.
methodological limitations. While we designed the workshop
for diverse health care professions, participants were weighted Among those who attempted to implement CLT-driven changes
heavily toward medicine (58%) and nursing (15%). We were not in their teaching practices, some mentioned low buy-in from
able to separate evaluation results by profession, and so, we other members of their teaching teams. This is not surprising
do not know whether teachers across professions perceived given that CLT may not be familiar to many health professionals.
similar benefits or not. Likewise, the specific medical procedural To address this issue, future iterations of the workshop could
setting of colonoscopy in activity 1 might have felt irrelevant to target full teaching teams or units. Additionally, providing
participants who were not physicians or proceduralists (discussed participants with a concise summary of CLT principles to give to a
further below). coworker—possibly in the form of a note card or brief animated
Copyright © 2020 Venkat et al. This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license. 6/8
video—could reduce barriers to implementing team-wide CLT- Patricia S. O’Sullivan, EdD: Professor, Department of Medicine, University
driven interventions. of California, San Francisco School of Medcine; ORCID:
Reflective Critique John Q. Young, MD, MPP, PhD: Professor and Vice Chair for Education,
As education scholars, we desire to promote greater Department of Psychiatry, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of
understanding of, engagement with, and practical integration Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell; ORCID:
of educational theory. We appreciate the particular relevance
of CLT to workplace teaching in the health professions, and Justin L. Sewell, MD, PhD, MPH: Associate Professor, Department of
this workshop represents our efforts to disseminate this theory Medicine and Division of Gastroenterology, Zuckerberg San Francisco
General Hospital and University of California, San Francisco, School of
to workplace HPE teachers. Relevance of CLT is supported by
Medicine; ORCID:
the enthusiasm expressed by participants (appreciated by us
during the workshop and evident in evaluation comments). At the
same time, our analysis reveals a need to make the workshop
more relevant to, and inclusive of, workplace teachers across Disclosures
professions and disciplines. For future offerings, we envision None to report.
recruiting facilitators from other health professions, such as
nursing, pharmacy, and dentistry, who can help develop revised
None to report.
materials that appeal to a diverse group of participants and
who can connect on a professional level and promote greater Ethical Approval
participant engagement and strategies for buy-in. We also plan The University of California, San Francisco, Committee on Human
Research approved this study.
to leverage technology such as Poll Everywhere to promote
more active learning during large-group sessions; this could
be particularly useful during activity 1 and would be easily
customizable for different professions and disciplines. References
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