Ref. T2/4.2 STCW.6/Circ.5 30 May 2000

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Ref. T2/4.2 STCW.6/Circ.5

30 May 2000





1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-second session (17 to 26 May 2000), adopted
amendments to part B of the STCW Code as follows:

Section B-I/7

1 A new paragraph 1 to section B-I/7 is inserted as follows:

“Parties are encouraged, when communicating information in accordance with article IV and
regulation I/7 of the Convention, to include an index specifically locating the required
information as follows:

Index of Materials submitted in accordance with

article IV and regulation I/7 of the STCW Convention

Article IV of the STCW Convention:


1 Text of laws, decrees, orders, regulations and

instruments (article IV(1)(a))

2 Details on study courses (article IV(1) (b))

3 National examination and other requirements (article IV(1) (b))

4 Specimen certificates (article IV(1) (c))

Section A-I/7 of the STCW Code

5 Information on Governmental organization

(section A-I/7, paragraph 2.1)

6 Explanation of legal and administrative measures

(section A-I/7, paragraph 2.2)

7 Statement of the education, training, examination,

assessment and certification policies (section A-I/7, paragraph 2.3)

STCW.6/Circ.5 -2-


8 Summary of the courses, training programmes, examinations,

assessments by certificate (section A-I/7, paragraph 2.4)

9 Outline of the procedures and conditions for authorizations,

accreditations and approvals (section A-I/7, paragraph 2.5)

10 List of authorizations, accreditations and approvals granted

(section A-I/7, paragraph 2.5)

11 Summary of procedures for dispensations

(section A-I/7, paragraph 2.6)

12 Comparison carried out pursuant to regulation I/11

(section A-I/7, paragraph 2.7)

13 Outline of refresher and upgrading training mandated

(section A-I/7, paragraph 2.7)

14 Description of equivalency arrangements adopted pursuant to

article IX (section A-I/7, paragraph 3.1)

15 Summary of measures taken to ensure compliance with

regulation I/10 (section A-I/7, paragraph 3.2)

16 Specimen copy of safe manning documents issued to ships

employing seafarers holding alternative certificates under
regulation VII/1 (section A-I/7, paragraph 3.3)

17 Report of results of evaluation(s) carried out pursuant to

regulation I/8, and other information relating to such
evaluations (section A-I/7, paragraph 4) ”

2 The existing text of section B-I/7 is renumbered as paragraph 2.

Section B-I/9

3 A new sentence is added at the end of paragraph 1 under the heading MEDICAL

“Those involved in establishing seafarer medical examination procedures should also take into
account the guidance contained in the ILO/WHO publication “Guidelines for Conducting Pre-
Sea and Periodic Medical Fitness Examinations for Seafarers” (ILO/WHO/D.2/1997).”

4 The existing paragraph 6 is replaced as follows:

“6 In the absence of mandatory international medical standards for seafarers, Parties

should regard the minimum in-service eyesight standards set out in table B-I/9-1, the minimum
physical abilities standards set out in table B-I/9-2 and the provisions of paragraphs 7 to 11
hereunder as the minimum for safe operation of ships, as well as report casualties where poor
eyesight or physical inabilities have contributed to such incidents.”

-3- STCW.6/Circ.5

5 The existing paragraph 7 is replaced as follows:

“7 Each Administration has the discretionary authority to grant a variance or waiver of

any of the standards set out in tables B-I/9-1 and B-I/9-2 hereunder, based on an assessment
of a medical evaluation and any other relevant information concerning an individual’s
adjustment to the condition and proven ability to satisfactorily perform assigned shipboard
functions. When considering a variance or waiver of eyesight standards, where the aided
distant visual acuity of either eye is less than the standard in table B-I/9-1, the aided distant
visual acuity in the better eye should be at least 0.2 higher than the standard indicated. The
unaided distant visual acuity in the better eye should be at least 0.1.”

6 In paragraph 10, the word “visual” is deleted.

7 The existing paragraph 11 is replaced as follows:

“11 Notwithstanding these provisions, the Administration may require higher standards
than those given in table B-I/9-1 or table B-I/9-2 below.”

8 The existing table in section B-I/9 is renumbered as B-I/9-1.

9 A new table B-I/9-2 is inserted after table B-I/9-1, as follows:

"Table B-I/9-2
Guidance on assessment of minimum entry-level and in-service physical abilities for seafarers 1,2,6


EVENT OR CONDITION 3 satisfied that the candidate 4,5
Routine movement on slippery, Maintain balance (equilibrium) has no disturbance in sense of
uneven and unstable surfaces; risk of balance.
Routine access between levels; Climb up and down vertical ladders is able without assistance, to climb
emergency response procedures and stairways up and down vertical ladders and
stairways (inclined ladders).
Routine movement between spaces Step over coamings (e.g., to 60 cm in is able without assistance, to step
and compartments; emergency height) over a high door sill (coaming).
response procedures
Open and close watertight doors; Manipulate mechanical devices is able to grasp, lift and manipulate
hand cranking systems, open and (manual and digital dexterity, and various common shipboard tools;
close valve wheels; handle lines, use strength) move hands/arms to open and close
hand tools (i.e., spanners, fire axes, valve wheels in vertical and
valve wrenches, hammers, horizontal directions; rotate wrists to
screwdriver, pliers) turn handles.
Access throughout ship; use tools Move with agility does not have any impairment or
and equipment; emergency response disease which could prevent his/her
procedures must be followed normal movement and physical
promptly, including donning of life activities.
jacket or exposure suit
Handle ship's stores; use tools and Lift, pull, push and carry a load does not have any impairment or
equipment; handle lines; follow disease which could prevent his/her
emergency response procedures normal movement and physical
Overhead storage; opening and Reach above shoulder height does not have any impairment or
closing valves disease which could prevent his/her
normal movement and physical

STCW.6/Circ.5 -4-


EVENT OR CONDITION 3 satisfied that the candidate 4,5
General ship's maintenance; Crouch (lowering height by bending does not have any impairment or
emergency response procedures, knees) disease which could prevent his/her
including damage control Kneel (placing knees on ground) normal movement and physical
Stoop (lowering height by bending at activities
the waist).
Emergency response procedures, Crawl (the ability to move the body does not have any impairment or
including escape from smoke-filled with hands and knees). disease which could prevent his/her
spaces Feel (the ability to handle or touch to normal movement and physical
examine or determine differences in activities.
Stand a watch for a minimum of 4 Stand and walk for extended periods is able to stand and walk for
hours extended periods
Access between spaces; follow Work in constricted spaces and does not have any impairment or
emergency response procedures move through restricted openings disease which could prevent his/her
(e.g 60 cm x 60 cm) normal movement and physical
React to visual alarms, warnings, and Distinguish an object or shape at a fulfils the eye-sight standards
instructions; emergency response certain distance specified by the competent
procedures authority.
React to audible alarms and Hear a specified dB sound at a fulfils the hearing capacity standards
instructions; emergency response specified frequency, specified by the competent
procedures authority.
Make verbal reports or call attention Describe immediate surroundings is capable of normal conversation
to suspicious or emergency and activities, and pronounce words
conditions clearly


1. The above table describes (a) ordinary shipboard tasks, functions, events and conditions, (b) a corresponding
physical ability which is considered necessary for the safety of a seafarer who is living and working on board a ship
at sea, and (c) a guideline for measuring the corresponding physical ability. Administrations should take these
physical abilities into account when establishing medical fitness standards.

2. This table is not intended to address all possible shipboard conditions or potentially disqualifying medical
conditions; and it should, therefore, be used only as general guidance. Administrations should determine the
categories of seafarers who are subject to an assessment of physical ability for service on sea-going ships, taking
into account the nature of shipboard work for which they will be employed. For example, full application of these
guidelines may not be appropriate in the case of entertainers who are not assigned duties on the muster list. Also,
special circumstances surrounding individual cases as well as any known risks of permitting the individual to be
employed on board ship, and the extent to which a limited ability might be accommodated in a given situation, should
be give full consideration.

3. The term “emergency response procedures” as used in this table is intended to cover all standard emergency
response evolutions such as abandon ship and fire-fighting, as well as basic procedures to be followed by each
seafarer to enhance his/her personal survival to avoid creating situations where special assistance from other crew
members would be required.

4. The term “assistance” means the use of another person to accomplish the task.

5. If in doubt, the medical examiner should quantify the degree or severity of any disqualifying impairment by means
of objective tests, whenever appropriate tests are available, or by referring the candidate for further assessment.

6. The ILO Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 (No. 73) provides, inter alia, that arrangements shall
be made to enable a person who, after examination, has been refused a certificate to apply for a further examination
by a medical referee or referees who shall be independent of any shipowner or of any organization of shipowners
or seafarers."

-5- STCW.6/Circ.5

10 New paragraphs 15 and 16 are added as follows:

“Development of a database for certificate registration

15 In implementing the requirement in paragraph 4.1 of regulation I/9 of the revised

STCW Convention for the maintenance of a register of certificates and endorsements, a
standard database is not necessary provided that all the relevant information is recorded
and available in accordance with regulation I/9.

16 The following items of information should be recorded and available either on paper
or electronically in accordance with regulation I/9:

.1 Status of certificate

Reported lost

with a record of changes to status to be kept, including dates of changes.

.2 Certificate details

Seafarer's name
Date of birth
Preferably a photograph
Relevant document number
Date of issue
Date of expiry
Last revalidation date
Details of dispensation(s)

.3 Competency details

STCW competency standard (e.g. regulation II/1)

Level of responsibility

.4 Medical details

Date of issue of latest medical certificate relating to the issue or revalidation

of the appropriate certificate.”

STCW.6/Circ.5 -6-

11 A new table B-I/9-3 is inserted after Tables B-I/9-1 and B-I/9-2 as follows:

"Table B-I/9-3

The list below identifies all certificates or documentary evidence in the Convention which authorize
the holder to serve in certain functions on board ships. The certificates are subject to the requirements of
regulation I/2 regarding language and their availability in original form. The list also references the relevant
regulations and the requirements for endorsement and registration (regulation I/9).

Certificate or documentary evidence Endorsement Registration

Regulations (Brief description) required required

II/1, II/2, II/3, III/1, III/2, appropriate certificate for Master, yes yes
III/3, IV/2,V/1,VII/2 officers and radio personnel

II/4, III/4 ratings duly certificated to be a part of no yes,

a navigational or engine room watch as appropriate

V/1 "ratings assigned to specific duties no yes,

....... on tankers" as appropriate

V/2 "training requirements for personnel no no

serving on ro-ro passenger ships"

V/3 "training requirements for personnel no no

serving on passenger ships other than
ro-ro passenger ships"

VI/2 "a certificate of proficiency in survival no no

craft, rescue boats ...... and fast
rescue boats"

VI/3 "training in advanced fire fighting" no no

VI/4 "training relating to medical first aid no no

and medical care"

Section B-I/10

12 A new paragraph is added as follows:

"Training carried out under the STCW Convention which does not lead to the issue of an
appropriate certificate and on which information provided by a Party is found by the Maritime
Safety Committee to give full and complete effect to the Convention in accordance with
regulation I/7 paragraph 2, may be accepted by other Parties to the Convention as meeting
the relevant training requirements thereof."

Section B-I/11

13 A new table B-I/11 is added as follows:

-7- STCW.6/Circ.5

"Table B-I/11



Certificate STCW 78 STCW 95 certificate

or certificate
training requirements Requirements Amendments Implementation Certificate Revalidation Revalidation
apply to dates required of training of certification
required 1 required 2

Master and deck Reg. II/2 to II/5 Reg. II/1 to II/3 Masters and officers Yes Yes, or service. Yes
officer certificate with STCW 78
of competency + certificates and 1995 Updating as
certificates appropriate for
Chapter IV those with STCW
78 certificates
(completed before

Deck rating Reg. II/6 Reg. II/4 Rating designated to Yes No No

watchkeeping duties

Chief engineer Reg. III/2 to III/5 Reg. III/1 to III/3 Chief engineer and Yes Yes, or service. Yes
and engineer engineer officers with Updating as
officer certificate STCW 78 certificates appropriate for
of competency and STCW 95 those with STCW
certificates 78 certificates
(completed before

Engine room Reg. III/6 Ratings designated to In force now No No No

rating watchkeeping duties (until 1 Feb.2002)
under STCW 78

STCW.6/Circ.5 -8-

Certificate STCW 78 STCW 95 certificate

or certificate
training requirements Requirements Amendments Implementation Certificate Revalidation Revalidation
apply to dates required of training of certification
required 1 required 2

Reg. III/4 Rating designated to Yes No No

watchkeeping duties
under STCW 95

Radio personnel Chapter IV, as Chapter IV Radio personnel on Yes Yes or service Yes
amended GMDSS ships (also
GMDSS ships GMDSS ships required under reg.
II/1 and VII/1)

Non-GMDSS Non-GMDSS Non-GMDSS ships as Yes as per Radio No No

ships ships per Radio Regulation Regulations

Training for None Reg. V/2 Master, officers and 1 February 1997 Documentary Refresher training Documentary
personnel on ro-ro other personnel evidence as appropriate evidence required,
passenger ships serving in ro-ro as appropriate
passenger ships on
international voyages

Training for None Reg. V/3 Master, officers and 1 January 1999 Documentary Refresher training Documentary
personnel on other personnel evidence as appropriate evidence required,
passenger ships serving in ro-ro as appropriate
other than ro-ro passenger ships on
ships international voyages

Familiarization or None Reg.VI/1, section All seafarers 1 February 1997 No No No

instruction on A-VI/1,
safety paragraph 1

Masters, officers and In force now No No No

-9- STCW.6/Circ.5

Certificate STCW 78 STCW 95 certificate

or certificate
training requirements Requirements Amendments Implementation Certificate Revalidation Revalidation
apply to dates required of training of certification
required 1 required 2

Basic safety Included under Masters, officers and In force now (until No No No
training or chapters II, III watchkeeping ratings 1 February 2002)
instruction and IV
Reg.VI/1, section All other seafarers 1 February 1997 No No No
A-VI/1, with designated
paragraph 2 safety and pollution
prevention duties
Survival craft and Reg. VI/1 Every seafarer In force now Yes No No
rescue boats required to be
Reg. VI/2, Every candidate for 1 August 1998 for 1 Appropriate No No
paragraph 1 certification under those who commenced certificate under
reg.VI/2, paragraph 1 approved training after chapters II and III
that date or chapter VII, or
or 2 Certificate under
reg. VI/1 of the
under 1978 Until 1978 Convention,
regulations of 1 February 2002 or
chapters II and III 3 Certificate under
reg. VI/2
Medical first aid None Reg. VI/4, section Those designated to 1 February 1997 1 STCW 95 No No
(Similar A-VI/4, paragraph provide medical first except masters and certificate under
requirement 1-3 aid chief mates chapter II, III or
under chapter II chapter VII or
for masters and
chief mates) 2 Special certificate
3 Documentary
evidence under

STCW.6/Circ.5 - 10 -

Certificate STCW 78 STCW 95 certificate

or certificate
training requirements Requirements Amendments Implementation Certificate Revalidation Revalidation
apply to dates required of training of certification
required 1 required 2

Take charge of Reg. II/2 Masters and chief Appropriate STCW No No

medical care mates with STCW 78 78 certificate
aboardship certificates
Reg. VI/4 Masters and chief Until Appropriate STCW No No
paragraph 2,3 mates with STCW 78 1 February 2002 78 certificate
after issue of STCW 95 New 1995 certificate No No
(if designated to
provide these duties)
Reg. VI/4 These designated to 1 February 1997 Special certificate or
paragraph 2,3 provide these duties documentary
Recognition of No Reg. I/10 Certificate issued by 1 February 2002 for Endorsement of the No Yes, both by the
certificates other Parties STCW 78 certificates recognizing Party to issuing Party and
and for STCW 95 the appropriate the recognizing
certificates issued to certificate of issuing Party
seafarers commencing Party
approved training
programmes or
seagoing service
before 1 August 1998.
1 August 1998 for
STCW 95 certificates
issued to seafarers
commencing approved
training or seagoing
service on or after
1 August 1998

Notes: Revalidation of training required means either updating existing STCW 78 certificates to 1995 standards or undergoing such specific training or service to continue to
qualify for seagoing service.
Revalidation of certification required means establishing continued professional comp etence. "

- 11 - STCW.6/Circ.5

14 A new section B-V/d is added after section B-V/c as follows:

"Guidance on application of the provisions of the STCW Convention to mobile offshore

units (MOUs)

1 The provisions of the STCW Convention apply to the maritime personnel of

self-propelled MOUs proceeding on voyages;

2 the provisions of the STCW Convention do not apply to non self-propelled MOUs or
to MOUs on station;

3 when considering appropriate standards of training and certification when an MOU

is on station, the country of registry should take account of relevant IMO recommendations.
In particular, all maritime crew members on self-propelled MOUs and, where required, on
other units should meet the requirements of the STCW Convention, as amended;

4 self-propelled MOUs proceeding on international voyages are required to carry

safe manning documents;

5 MOUs on station are subject to the national legislation of the coastal State in whose
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) they are operating. Such coastal States should also take
account of relevant IMO recommendations and should not prescribe higher standards for
MOUs registered in other countries than the standards applied to MOUs registered in that
coastal State; and

6 all special personnel employed on board MOUs (whether or not self-propelled) should
be provided with appropriate familiarization and basic safety training in accordance with
relevant IMO recommendations."

2 STCW Parties and all others concerned are invited to note the above and take action as appropriate.



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