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Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education, Vol. 4, No.

1, June 2018

Asia Pacific Journal of

Effects of General Education Courses to the Maritime Education
Cadetship Selection of Maritime Students Vol. 4 No. 8-15
June 2018
Christian Jay P. Manrique, Cesar III M. Delos Reyes, P-ISSN: 2423-2033
Luis Aira L. Gomez, Beverly T. Caiga, Alexander A. Gonzales E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Marine Transportation, Department, Lyceum International Maritime apjme@lpubatangas.edu.ph
Academy, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City www.apjme.apjmr.com

Abstract - The study aimed to determine the effects of general education courses to the maritime
students’ cadetship. Specifically, it sought to determine the effects of GE courses to the employment of
maritime cadets; to test the significant difference of the responses when grouped according to profile
variables and lastly, to propose a plan of action based on the result of the study. Survey questionnaire was
used as the main data gathering instrument while frequency distribution and weighted mean were utilized
as statistical tools. Based on the results, majority of the respondents were enrolled in Bachelor of Science
in Marine Transportation, with an average grade of 1.51-2.00 in Math and English while 2.01-2.50 in
Science. General education courses were found to have an effect on the cadetship selection of maritime
students, specifically in Mathematics. Hence, a plan of action was proposed to address the effect of GE
courses to the cadetship selection of maritime students. The researchers also recommend that LIMA may
organize seminars and symposiums concerning the improvement of students in different subjects by
collaborating with professors in the concerned courses. Furthermore, the University may identify new GE
Faculty as resident Faculty of the academy. The University may modify the curriculum wherein maritime
situations may be integrated in studying General Education courses. The Shipboard Training Office,
through the faculty members may conduct refresher courses to review students on previous lessons
regarding GE courses.
Keywords: General Education Courses, Cadetship Selection

INTRODUCTION students is one of the measures of their capacity to

The international demand for seafarers is about 1.5 carry out tasks effectively and efficiently.
million with approximately 790,500 officers and Cadetship of most shipping companies follows
754,500 ratings, but the supply of seafarers is about 1.6 series of steps in their recruitment that includes the
million having 774,000 officers and 873,500 ratings qualifying exam, interviews and medical examination.
according to the International Chamber of Shipping Qualifying exam includes basic knowledge on
(2017). As one of the largest providers of seafarers, Mathematics, Science, English and Technical courses.
Philippines has supplied 380,000 seafarers where Principles in these GE courses would also be applied in
majority of which are ratings (Kritz, 2017). This only understanding Technical courses. The results of the
shows that Filipino seafarers are globally in demand qualifying exam would determine if a candidate for
because of their exceptional qualities. Among these cadetship would proceed to the next step or not.
qualities are initiative, competent, trustworthy, The selection process includes the grade
compassionate and loyal towards the organization. requirement, physical condition, qualifying exams and
Maritime Cadetship in the Philippines demands a lot series of interviews. Only a few number of students
of requirements that need to be complied in order to be made it to the top while some students passed the
hired. An applicant has to undergo different trainings, qualifying examination and the interviews but did not
series of interviews and examinations. The qualifying pass the medical requirement. On the other hand, some
examinations consist of Technical and General have passed the qualifying examination but failed in the
Education courses. The Technical courses include interview. Majority of students cannot make it to the
Navigation, Seamanship and Collision Regulations interview for they have failed in the qualifying
where as General Education courses include Math, examination for the reason that they only focused on
Physics and English. Atienza et al. (2017) noted that the technical courses aside from the general education
the result of the academic performance of the college courses.

P-ISSN: 2423-2033 | E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2018
According to Shipboard Training Office (2017), a Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents’ Program
number of students often fail in the general education Program f %
courses because they lack knowledge in those fields of BS Marine Transportation 53 67.10
studies. Though these general education courses were BS Marine Engineering 26 32.90
being taken since freshmen as part of the curriculum,
still it is not well incorporated to the technical courses. As shown in Table 1, 53 or 67.10 percent of the
Considering, general education courses must respondents are taking up Bachelor of Science in
consistently associate terms, examples and problems in Marine Transportation and 26 or 32.90 of the
their instruction. respondents are currently enrolled in Bachelor of
In addition, the researchers wanted to determine the Science in Marine Engineering. This only implies that
effects of General Education courses and their possible there are more BS Marine Transportation students who
causes in order to assist LIMA in complying with the are qualified to take cadetship selection given by
selection process of different companies. The different crewing agencies and shipping companies.
researchers believe that through this study, they would
be able to create appropriate measures and relate Instruments
general education courses to technical courses to meet The data required in this study were obtained
the requirements for the selection process. through a questionnaire made by the researchers. The
first part of the questionnaire is the respondent’s
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY demographic profile such as academic program, gender
The study aimed to determine the effects of General and grade. The second part of the questionnaire covers
Education courses to the maritime students’ cadetship. the effects of General Education Courses.
Specifically, it sought to attain the following The researchers adapted various questions and
objectives: (1) to describe the profile of respondents in revised them according to the purpose of the study and
terms of program and grade; (2) to determine the effects was validated by the experts. The given scale was used
of GE Courses to the Cadetship Selection of Maritime to interpret the result of the survey: 3.50 – 4.00:
Cadets; (3) to test the significant difference on Strongly Agree (SA); 2.50 – 3.49: Agree (A); 1.50 –
responses when grouped according to profile variables 2.49: Disagree (D); 1.00 – 1.49: Strongly Disagree
and lastly, to propose a plan of action based on the (SD).
result of the study.
METHODS The questionnaires were personally distributed to a
number of maritime students. The contents of the
Research Design questionnaire were explained first to the respondents
This study used the descriptive type of research. before answering. They were informed regarding the
Descriptive research is typically used to describe purpose of the study and ensured that their responses
characteristics of a population being studied. It does not will be treated with strict confidentiality and will solely
answer how/when/why the characteristics come about. be used for the purpose of this study. The accomplished
Preferably, it addresses the “what” question. The questionnaires were collected and tallied within a
characteristics used to describe the situation or week.
population is usually some kind of categorical scheme
also known as descriptive categories as stated by Data Analysis
Rangarjan and Shields (2013). The researchers used the The collected data were interpreted using different
descriptive method to measure the effects of general statistical tools such as percentage, ranking, weighted
education courses in cadetship selection in LIMA. mean and analysis of variance (ANOVA). These tools
were used based on the objectives of the study. In
Participants of the Study addition, all data were treated and computed using a
The respondents in this study were maritime statistical software, PASW version 18 to further
students who already have taken cadetship selection analyze the result of the study.
examination from a shipping company composed of 47 Ethical Considerations
Senior III of BSMT; nine (9) Senior II of BSMT and To observe the highly confidential nature of the
twenty-six (26) Senior III of BSMarE. interviews, no particular names were mentioned in the
P-ISSN: 2423-2033 | E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2018
report. The identities of the respondent were not respondents obtained a grade of 2.01 – 2.50 while of 3
revealed in the study. No personal opinion was given or 3.80 percent of the respondents has a grade of 2.51 –
by the researcher, only information and result based on 3.00 in Science.
the data gathered. This implies that majority of the respondents got
high grades in these General Education courses for it is
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION a requirement in order to take a qualifying examination
for the cadetship selection of maritime students. These
Table 2. Distribution of the Respondents’ grade requirements are set by companies in conducting
Performance on General Education Courses qualifying examination in LIMA through the
Courses f % Shipboard Training Office.
Math As seen from Table 3, all items were rated agree as
1.00 – 1.50 7 8.90 revealed by the composite mean of 3.27. Among the
1.51 – 2.00 39 49.40 items cited, “understand different Marine
2.01 – 2.50 31 39.20 communication phrases used on board” was the most
2.51 – 3.00 2 2.50 observable effects of studying English since it obtained
English the highest weighted mean score of 3.41. According to
1.00 – 1.50 10 12.70 Demirel and Ziarati (2010), it is important to be
1.51 – 2.00 46 58.20
2.01 – 2.50 21 26.60
familiarized with these words or phrases for it is
2.51 – 3.00 2 2.50 commonly used by seafarers on board ships.Acquiring
Science this knowledge is very helpful to future seafarers for it
1.00 – 1.50 5 6.30 is very useful onboard ships and it helps the crew to
1.51 – 2.00 31 39.20 understand one another despite coming from different
2.01 – 2.50 40 50.60 nationalities. It was followed by the item “understand
2.51 – 3.00 3 3.80 and follow instructions diligently” (3.34) and “read
As shown in Table 2, 39 or 49.40 percent of the aloud texts effortlessly and accurate without hesitation
respondents obtained a grade of 1.51 – 2.00 while 2 or and with proper expression” (3.32). These skills were
2.50 percent of the respondents got 2.51 – 3.00 in Math. acquired because students have been taking the English
On the other hand, 46 or 58.20 percent of the subject since elementary. Apparently, the essential
respondents got 1.51 – 2.00 while 2 or 2.50 percent of skills acquired in English subject includes reading
the respondents obtained a grade of 2.51 – 3.00 in different types of texts and the use of thinking skills in
English. Meanwhile, 40 or 50.60 percent of the analyzing different texts or instructions (Literacy Link
South Central, 2017).

Table 3. Effects of GE Courses (English) to the Cadetship Selection of Maritime Students

Indicators WM VI Rank
1. I can express ideas effectively in formal and informal compositions. 3.29 Agree 6
2. I can communicate effectively in oral and written forms using correct
grammatical structure of English. Agree 12
3. I can read aloud texts effortlessly and accurate without hesitation and with
proper expression. Agree 3
4. I can acquire study and use English vocabulary words appropriately in relevant
contexts. Agree 10
5. I can understand and follow instructions diligently. 3.34 Agree 2
6. I can write an effective essay. 3.29 Agree 6
7. I can summarize and paraphrase what I have heard and read. 3.29 Agree 6
8. I can easily write my own essays of my own suggested topic. 3.27 Agree 8.5
9. I can create a sample of memo for a maritime situation. 3.16 Agree 11
10. I can create an effective email. 3.30 Agree 4
11. I can respond to sample interview. 3.27 Agree 8.5
12. I can understand different Marine communication phrases used on board. 3.41 Agree 1
Composite Mean 3.27 Agree
P-ISSN: 2423-2033 | E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2018
On the other hand, the items such as “acquire study and “illustrate and perform order of operation
and use English vocabulary words appropriately in correctly” are the third highest weighted mean score
relevant contexts”, “create a sample of memo for a both having 3.22. These indicators got the highest
maritime situation and communicate effectively in oral mean scores because concepts in this GE subject are
and written forms”“using correct grammatical structure being used and applied in learning professional
of English” were rated the least by the respondents and courses. Elenbaas (2011) noted that having enough
got the lowest mean value of 3.19, 3.16 and 3.13 knowledge in Algebra, as a branch of Mathematics
respectively. Students in the Philippines are poor in the would be useful to students in their professional
use and understanding of some English vocabulary courses. Junttila (2011) emphasized that Math is very
words and they lack the proper knowledge in helpful to students in learning skills that can be used in
constructing grammatically correct sentence since navigation and other professional courses.
English is not the primary language used in the country. Moreover, the item“ the use of trigonometric
What matters most is that as a person is able to convey functions” got the lowest mean score with 3.08 because
or deliver his/her message despite using inappropriate although it is needed in some professional courses,
words and grammatically poor constructed sentence. students find it hard in understanding concepts
As discussed by Senobio (2015), Filipino students are pertaining to this topic. According to Kagenyi (2016),
still poor in English language and in constructing students find it hard to understand trigonometric
sentences that are grammatically correct and with the functions because of lack of instructional resources like
proper use of words because English language is not calculators. Also they find difficulty in absorbing the
the superior language in the Philippines. concepts in this topic. Moreover, the items “solve
As shown in Table 4, all items were rated agree with quadratic equations without difficulty”; “illustrate the
the composite mean of 3.17. Among the items cited, different kinds of angles accurately” and “proficient in
“manifest skills in performing operations on algebraic reading angle measurement” and “familiar in solving
expressions with ease” was the most evident effects of different kinds of triangle problems” got the second
studying Mathematics since it obtained the highest lowest ranking with a mean score of 3.11. Apparently,
weighted mean score of 3.29. It was followed by the these effects are only those relevant to BS Marine
items, “perform various operations of a real number Transportation students. As explained by Junttila,
system easily” and “demonstrate skills in finding the Adamick and Elenbaas (2011), knowledge in
answer using different operations” with a mean score Mathematics are very useful in professional courses
of 3.23. Followed by “plot coordinates x and y axis” like Navigation being taken by BSMT students.

Table 4. Effects of GE Courses (Math) to the Cadetship Selection of Maritime Students

Indicators WM VI Rank
1. I can perform various operations of a real number system easily and I can
demonstrate skills in finding the answer using different operations. Agree 2
2. I can illustrate and perform order of operation correctly. 3.22 Agree 3.5
3. I can describe algebraic expression effortlessly. 3.19 Agree 6
4. I can manifest skills in performing operations on algebraic expressions with
ease. Agree 1
5. I can solve quadratic equations without difficulty. 3.11 Agree 10
6. I can illustrate the different kinds of angles accurately and I am proficient in
reading angle measurement. Agree 10
7. I can use trigonometric functions. 3.08 Agree 12
8. I know how to translate verbal mathematics into algebraic expressions. 3.14 Agree 8
9. I know how plot coordinates x and y axis. 3.22 Agree 3.5
10. I am familiar in solving different kinds of triangle problems. 3.11 Agree 10
11. I know how to derive formulas in mathematics. 3.18 Agree 7
12. I know how to use ruler, compasses, and protractor. 3.20 Agree 5
Composite Mean 3.17 Agree

P-ISSN: 2423-2033 | E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2018

Table 5. Effects of GE Courses (Science) to the Cadetship Selection of Maritime Students

Indicators WM VI Rank
1. I can apply basic principles to problems without difficulty. 3.29 Agree 4
2. I can apply scientific methods in solving a problem. 3.15 Agree 8
3. I can convert quantities of different units. 3.13 Agree 10
4. I know the safety precautions in performing different activities. 3.19 Agree 6
5. I know the importance in the changes in substances. 3.11 Agree 11
6. I can differentiate and distinguish different kinds of forces. 3.15 Agree 8
7. I know the effects of different substances to the environment. 3.15 Agree 8
8. I know how to use different equations in solving a problem. 3.10 Agree 12
9. I can relate different principles in sciences in real life situation. 3.38 Agree 2
10. I know how I can use different physics principles in marine related
courses. Agree 5
11. I know how to derive formulas. 3.32 Agree 3
12. I can effectively use laboratory apparatus and I can properly perform
laboratory activities based on the module. Strongly Agree 1
Composite Mean 3.24 Agree

It can be gleaned from that only one item in Table 5 familiar in the chemical and physical properties of
that there is only one item rated strongly agree and the substances since they do not memorize conversion
rest were rated agree which obtained the composite factors thus, finding it difficult to convert different
mean of 3.24. The respondents strongly agreed that quantities. According to Mekonnen (2014), the reason
they can effectively use the laboratory apparatus and why students find it hard to use equations is because of
they can properly performing laboratory activities lack of skills, practice and poor understanding of
based on the module(3.58) which basically is the most concepts in the subject matter.
observable effect of studying Science. Students must be
familiar with the proper use of laboratory apparatus Table 6. Summary Table on the Effects of GE
because some of these were also found onboard and Courses to the Cadetship Selection of Maritime
would be a great factor in acquiring favorable results Students
(Watson, 2017). “Relating different principles in Indicators WM VI Rank
sciences in real life situation” was ranked second with English 3.27 Agree 1
a mean score of 3.38 because it is important and helpful Math 3.17 Agree 3
to relate scientific concepts and principles to real life. Science 3.24 Agree 2
According to Farooq (2013), knowledge and principles Composite Mean 3.23 Agree
in this subject can have huge impact on real life such as
in decision making. On the other hand, the item, “know It can be gleaned from Table 6 that the three General
how to derive formulas” got a mean score of 3.32. It is Education Courses were all rated agree by the
also important for students to solve scientific equations respondents with a composite mean of 3.23.
because according to Punglia, Dobra, Kisseleva- Apparently, these GE Subject can really have an effect
Eggleton, Hayes, Pecota and Browne (n.d.), students on the cadetship selection of maritime students and are
should have enough knowledge in solving vectors, useful in understanding broader topics which may be
magnitude and other equations in Physics. tackled in technical courses. Commission on Higher
On the other hand, they still agreed though with the Education (CHED) mandated that these courses should
least mean score that they know how to use of different be part of every curriculum that serve as the foundation
equations in solving a problem (3.10) because students towards becoming a professionally competent,
find it hard in analysing what equations to be used. compassionate and ethical person. Furthermore, these
Respondents also agreed that they know the importance courses prepare students for the demands of the 21st
in the changes in substances (3.11) and they know how century life and enable students to locate her/him-self
to convert quantities of different units (3.13). These in the community and the world and engage to it
indicators were rated with the lowest means in the meaningfully.
studying Science because some students might not be
P-ISSN: 2423-2033 | E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2018

Table 7. Relationship Between the Performance on Arellano et al. emphasized that students with low
GE Courses and the Its Effects to the Employment academic performance really feel the need to develop
of Maritime Students their confidence in expressing ideas, making wise
Courses ʎ2c p – value Interpretation decisions and taking responsibility as part of personal
English 1.012 0.798 Not Significant and social development to reach their full potential as
Math 17.168 0.046 Significant future marine professionals and leaders of their own
Science 8.974 0.175 Not Significant communities. However, completing the curriculum
Legend: Significant at p-value < 0.05 with academic performance as measure sometimes
would not be enough to check the competence of the
Based on the result, there is a significant learners (Agena et al., 2017, Laguador et al., 2013).
relationship on the respondents’ performance in This knowledge is very useful in any job like
Mathematics and its effects to their employment as computer-related professions, medical field, software,
maritime cadets. This was observed since the obtained meteorology, statistics, accounting and many more
p-value of 0.046 is less than 0.05 alpha level, thus the (Institute of Mathematics and its applications,2017).
null hypothesis is rejected. This only means that the Math appears to have significant effect on the cadetship
better the performance in Mathematics, the more selection of Maritime students because concepts and
positive effect it has to their employment. Math is principles in this subject are useful in major courses
important in the employability of an individual because like Navigation, Seamanship, Thermodynamics and
most of the employers seek for an applicant who has other technical courses. Junttila, Adamick and
enough knowledge in problem solving, analytical and Elenbaas (2011) said that having enough knowledge in
logical thinking. Mathematics principles and concepts will be helpful in
understanding the technical courses such as
Table 8. Proposed Action Plan
Key Results Area Strategy/Projects
A. Mathematics  Correlation of mathematical problem sets to maritime cases
Application of knowledge on Algebraic
Importance of X and Y axis in plotting  Formulate exercises that will further improve the students’ skills in
Basic principles in Mathematics  Constant answering of activities to practice the use of these basic math
(Derivation of Formulas, Conversion of principles.
Units and Fractions and Percentage)
B. Science  Have on-hand activities with the use of laboratory apparatus on
Proper handling and usage of laboratory room
Laboratory Apparatuses and
commendable performance in laboratory  Formulate exercises that involve the use of equipment onboard such
activities as Barometer, Psychrometer and Hydrometer.
Relativity of scientific principles to real  Have an in-depth familiarization as regards to scientific principles
life situation such as simulation
 Have regular/ actual activities that involve concepts in Meteorology
Derivation of Scientific formulae  Include formula derivation on the course syllabus of BSMT and
C. English  Constant use of Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) on
Understanding Maritime terminologies English courses
 Continuous teaching of Maritime English to Maritime Students
Immediate response to instructions or  Conducting Seminars about shipboard training instructions.
instructional materials given
Grammar and Language Competency  Compliance to Just English Please Policy (JEP) of LPU-B.
 Include a mock-job interview that will focus on grammar development
of incoming cadets.

P-ISSN: 2423-2033 | E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2018

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Section 1: Goals and Context of General Education.

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Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation, with an Demirel, E. &Ziarati, R. (2010). Cadets Views on
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P-ISSN: 2423-2033 | E-ISSN: 2467-513X

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