On The Manoeuvring Performance of A Ship With The Parameter of Loading Condition
On The Manoeuvring Performance of A Ship With The Parameter of Loading Condition
On The Manoeuvring Performance of A Ship With The Parameter of Loading Condition
1990) 141
On the predictionof ship manoeuvringperformanceat the initial designstage, it is consideredthat
a loadingconditionis one of the importantparameterscausedfor the manoeuvringcharacteristics.For
the prediction of ship manoeuvrabilitywith high accuracy, it will be required to estimate the
hydrodynamicforces acting on ship accuratelyin any loadingconditions.
In this paper,the approximateformulaefor estimatingthe hydrodynamicforces actingon ship in any
loadingconditionssuch as half loaded, ballast and trim by stern conditions are proposed.These
approximateformulaewere derivedfromthe results of modeltest. The modelshipsused for obtaining
the hydrodynamicforces are 13shipsconsistingof generalcargo,car carrier and ROROships.Andthe
modeltest was carried on 13 ships for fully loaded condition,on 11 ships for ballast conditionand 5
shipsfor half loaded condition.
By comparingwiththe measuredresultsof free runningmodeltest, the predictionresultsagree well
with model test results. Therefore, this method will be useful for practical prediction of
manoeuvrabilityfor conventionalship at the initial designstage. However since those approximate
formulaehavebeen investigatedon modelship,there still remain someproblemsto be solvedsuch as
a correlation,scale effectand so on, to predict the manoeuvringperformanceof full scale ship.
Department of Naval Architecture, Kyushu Univ-
* *
Graduate School, Kyushu University
142 Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol. 168
expressed as follows.
(4 )
The superscript " refers to the nondimensionalized
quantities as follows. tR coefficient for additional drag,
aH : ratio of additional lateral force,
xH': nondimensional distance between the center of
gravity of ship and center of additional lateral
force (4= xHIL),
xR': nondimensional distance between the center of
gravity of ship and center of lateral force (xR=
where xRIL),
nz' , rn, n/1",: ship's mass, x, y axis components of added δ : rudder angle.
mass of ship respectively, The normal force acting on rudder "Ph" is assumed as
L : ship length, the following expressions.
3 : drift angle,
d : draft,
U : ship speed,
r' : angular velocity,
X, Y : external force of x, y axis respectively,
(6 )
N : yaw moment about the center of gravity of
The external forces shown in the right hand side of
the equation ( 1 ) are assumed as follows.
(2) where
AR : rudder area,
In the equation ( 2 ) , the subscript "H" symbolize ship KR : aspect ratio of rudder,
hull, "P" propeller and "R" rudder. C : coefficient for starboard and port rudder,
For the longitudinal component of the forces, the wRo : effective wake fraction coefficient at rudder in
(a ) (b ) (c)
(d ) (e ) (f )
(g) (h ) (i )
and measured results in angular velocity at the early model ship. However, since this methods have been
moment just after rudder execution, especially in bal- investigated about only model ships, the discussion on
last condition. But the simulation results in steady the prediction of manoeuvrability of full scale ship
turning motion agree well with the measured results in should be done much more in detail. Our final aim is to
any parameters. predict the manoeuvring performance of full scale ship.
The spiral characteristics expressing angular velocity Needless to say, on the prediction of manoeuvrability of
in steady turning motion as function of rudder angle are full scale ship by applying this method, there are some
shown in Fig. 5, furthermore the first and second over- problems such as a correlation, scale effects and so on.
shoot angles in 20°-20° zig-zag manoeuvres in Fig. 6 on The above mentioned method is for model ship, but it
Ship A. will be able to predict the manoeuvring performance of
From these comparisons, the simulation results based full scale ship if the interaction coefficients such as the
on the proposed formulae for estimating the wake fraction and the flow straightening coefficients
hydrodynamic forces acting on ship approximately are fully considered with high accuracy.
agree with the measured results. It may be considered As a matter of course, among these interaction
that the above mentioned method will be useful for coefficients, there are some ones which are difficult to
prediction of ship manoeuvrability, though there still estimate exactly by means of theoretical way at the
remain some problems to be solved. initial design stage. At the early stage of design in
As a consequence, it is not too much to say that the actuality, it will be not so easy to carry out the model
significance of this method was confirmed in compari- test for estimating the hydrodynamic forces. But as the
son with the prediction of manoeuvring performance of above mentioned, it will be required to predict the ship
manoeuvring performance at the initial design stage if from the results of model test. By comparing with the
the ship needs to satisfy the regulation of performance measured results of free running model test, the predic-
standard or the performance requirements. Consequent- tion results using these approximate formulae agree
ly the manoeuvring performance must be considered well with the model test results. But there still remain
from the stage of hull design for the marine safety. some problems to be solved to apply this method to the
But unfortunately, it has a little difficulty to predict prediction of full scale ship. However, the authors are
the manoeuvring performance with high accuracy by expecting that this approach will be useful for predic-
considering the exact body shape of ship. Then the tion of ship manoeuvrability at the initial design stage
above method shall be used usually in conventional as the first step if the interaction coefficients such as
ship's body. For the ship with extremely different stern wake fraction and the flow straightening factor are
shape comparing with the conventional ship, for exam- fully considered.
ple, for a ship with a extremely poor course stability,
this method will be not useful so much. For the predic-
tion of manoeuvrability of unconventional ship such as A part of this research was done by the project of the
wide beam and shallow draft, it will be necessary to Panel RR742 of Ship building Research Association of
collect data or to study the theoretical method which Japan. The authors would like to thank Prof. Koyama,
can obtain the hydrodynamic forces considering such a chairman of the Panel, and members of the Panel for
the body shape. their useful discussions.
The authors wish also acknowledge Mrs. Narutaki
5. Concluding Remarks
for her efforts to typing the manuscript.
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