Practical Research 1 1 1 1
Practical Research 1 1 1 1
Practical Research 1 1 1 1
A Research Study
Presented to the Senior High School Faculty ofIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
Presented to:
Research Adviser
Presented by:
Cortez, Angelika L.
Dulpina, Veronica U.
Ignacio, Jusper
Jala, Jhonlee D.
Schools Division Office of Manila
Boys Town Complex, Parang, Marikina City
Chapter 1
cover basic expenses, such as monthly bills; water and electricity bills, and Being able
to accommodate the needs and necessities of the family every day such as Food and
Water, also, it enables families to pay off debts and then have enough to cover any
unexpected costs and emergencies. It gives families the ability to plan for their future
and meet their financial goals. It can also help families in difficult times, such as job loss
or medical emergencies. Having a solid financial foundation can make all the difference
in how well a family can cope with life’s challenges. For these reasons, financial stability
is an important goal for many families. However, financial stability doesn’t automatically
mean a stress-free life or one without problems. Stress and problems are an integral
A financial Problem in the family is financial Instability, in which families are not
able to meet their bills on time or afford necessary needs such as Food, water,
electricity, hygiene kit, and Education for Children. Financial problems in the family
highly affect the Children, especially their education. Family plays a role in determining
students’ finances, as students from poor families do not have money to help students
in need, Even Scholar Students still need money for projects and educational expenses.
Students are unable to purchase books or other items because they lack sufficient
funds, and some are forced to borrow from friends in order to study, Students have to
Schools Division Office of Manila
Boys Town Complex, Parang, Marikina City
make difficult decisions about whether to spend money on food or other essential
The most pressing issue among students today is a lack of funds to sustain their lives at
school, which affects their lives as students, a student’s financial position will affect their
The Researchers chose the topic; Financial Problems among Senior High
insufficient monetary support upon studying, Senior High School Students of Valeriano
E. Fugoso Memorial High School have been facing financial problems lately, Therefore,
The Researchers have conducted research that aims to identify how Financial Problems
Theoretical Framework
Students and their Academic Performance. Not only does the Environment impact the
developing Students, but the Students also affect the Environment. Brofenbrenner also
presents that as the students moved from their family settings into their school settings
they would take with them the psychological impact of experiences within the family
Schools Division Office of Manila
Boys Town Complex, Parang, Marikina City
(Such as financial problems and other family issues). Such experiences were expected
within the family setting would be expected to predict varying outcomes in the Academic
Patterson (1982, 1983) has suggested that stressful events such as financial
hardship might severely impact children by disrupting the 5 parenting skills of the
children's parents, thereby creating an environment of family conflict and coercive family
by various family members provided the measure of this effect on the family system.
The social support given to the Student by individual family members were used to
personal life. When a Senior High School student is having ongoing financial stress, it
will affect their personal life such as sleep problems where they worry about their
financial status and could not fall asleep. Financial problems will also affect Senior High
School student’s mental health such as facing depression and anxiety. According to
Schools Division Office of Manila
Boys Town Complex, Parang, Marikina City
him, there is a strong relationship between financial problems and depression that will
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of this study is depicted in the paradigm given below
Frame 2 - Reflects the process of the study, which are Surveys and statistical
treatment to be used such as percentage, standard deviation, mean, Likert Scale & T-
Frame 3 - Contains the output of the study which is the Effect of Financial Problems
The Effects of
Survey Financial Problem to
The study aims to determine the Effects of Financial problems on the Academic
a. Age
b. Sex
problems at home?
4. What are the ways of the students to cope up with the financial problems at
Grade 12 Students?
who have expressed financial problems at home to those who do not expressed
Schools Division Office of Manila
Boys Town Complex, Parang, Marikina City
Performance between students who have expressed financial problems to those who do
The scope of this study focuses on determining the Effect of Financial Problem in
School. School year 2022-2023. The school is located at Boystown Complex Parang
Marikina City.
respondent of the study. Also, the study limited the effects of Financial Problems on
Students – They will be aware of their everyday expenses. After reading this
Parents – The Parents will be aware of the effect of Financial problems of the
Administrators – They will observe that Financial problems have an Effect on the
For Future Researchers – This study may serve as Reference material for other
Definition of Terms
of risk of uncertainty.
Financial Problem
over the short or long term. income flows fail to meet the
to outstanding obligations
or needs.
Schools Division Office of Manila
Boys Town Complex, Parang, Marikina City
Financial Stability
education. Likewise,
Financial Goal
Job Loss
departure or retirement.
Lower Class
The economic group with the Class of people below the middle
least wealth and power in society. class, having the lowest social
Medical Emergencies
stationery or company-provided