Chapter 1

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Digos City
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in
Practical Research 1


APRIL, 2023

TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………….i
APPROVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………….……ii
LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………………………....v

I. INTRODUCTION………………………..…………...………………………..4
Purpose of the study……………………………………………………………………...…...5
Research question……………………………………………………………..………...……5
Significance of the study…………………………………………………………..…...…….5
Scope and Limitation………………………………………………………..……………….6
Definition of Terms………………………………………………………...……..………….6


Financial problem…………………………………………………..…………………….…7
Academic Performance……………………………………………………..………...….…7
The Effect of Financial Problem………………………………..…..……………….……8

III. METHOD……………………………………………….………………...…….……….....11
Research Design…………………………………………………………………………...11
Participants of the study………………………………………...……………………..…..11
Sampling Design………………………………………………...….……………………..11
Data Sources……………………………………………….….…………………………...12
Analysis and Interpretation of Data………………………..……………………………....12
Role of Researchers…………………………………………..…………………………....12
Ethical Consideration………………….…………..….….…… ……………………….13


The global Financial problem that causing the students in a variety of Academic
Performance, Furthermore establishing the changes to the students. This qualitative
phenomenological study aimed to find out the Effect of Financial Problem on Academic
Performance of the students. Ten(10) students from each section were chosen. There were fourty(40)
purposively chosen participants.

Informant interview was used and analyze and formulated upon the results of the interview.
The result revealed some Effects. The following theme emphasized the several struggles and effects
encountered by the students in DILTC. Affecting Academic performance of the students are so
difficult. The students future and dreams are affected.

Keywords: Effects of the problem, Academic performance, Qualitative Phenomenology study.


The financial issues are critical for everyone, especially the students. Most students struggle to
make ends meet because they come from low-income families. As a result, students must make
difficult decisions about whether to spend money on food or other necessities, while others must deal
with health issues that have impacted their financial situations. Education and financial problem are
nowadays even in the past become more defined and disseminated with various definition, and that is
what make it more broad (Foley ,Holland ,Levinson 2016). Financial stress, and anxiety can also be
seen as aspect of financial mental health (Pema,2008). Financial stress is a serious issue that affects
students academic performance. Some students are currently struggling with school expenses, and
another issue for students is a lack of school equipment and added two more years for senior high
school, and students who want to work but are under age and their parents can't afford to educate
their child due to a disability on financial support. Other students will be less educated if they do not
receive financial assistance. Nowadays, it is difficult to earn money for school supplies, food, and
other necessities.

Globally, being financially stable became a serious matter when it comes to productivity and
creativity in Southeast Asian countries (Coran 2013). In daily survival were such circumstances
occurs, the people tend to stop study and just work for daily living. They don’t matter about the
degree anymore, as long as to overcome poverty (Salma,2016). Financial cognitive wellness has
recently become a cultivating issue of interest among researchers. (Archulita, Dale, Scott,

The international student demographic has turned their educational focus internationally with the
number of these students studying in the United States growing every year (Mamiseishvili, 2012).
International students, especially when it comes to graduate programs, looked to advance their
education as a way to improve their financial status (Yakaboski et al.,2014). For many of them,
enrolling in institutions of higher education is one way of achieving this goal. While international
students face many challenges when it comes to enrolling in higher education in the United States,
financial issues could be considered one of the most important ones.

In the Philippines, a scientific study conducted by Gullas (2014), revealed resent studies about
K-12 program implementation, that considered as hardships in some of the Filipinos in terms of
financial concerns determined as burden for another two more years of compensation. Furthermore,
only 18 percent of Filipino considered themselves as “triumphant”financially (Diola, 2015).

In local area in Davao City. As the researcher explored , uneducated person considered as
product of poverty and being frail. Those factors that shape them well as a person does not even
considered as an inspiration for them anymore, to strive hard and fulfill their dreams.

In view of the above scenario, relies to uneducated persons, emotional challenges and
experiences. The researcher conducted this study very applicable for the present situation wherein
people and educational institutions are apprehensive with the aspects, affecting educational
productivity. The researcher therefore moved like to determined uneducated and aspire inter-cycle
program that would contribute for the innovation of each individual`s perceptions towards education,
good personality and faith, when you have nothing.


The intent of this qualitative research is to know the negative effects of financial problem to
academic performance of Grade 11 students. More specifically:

a. To students whose academic performance are affected due to financial problem.

b. To know the negative experiences of students who are experiencing financial problem.
c. To provide solution to students whose academic performance are affected due to financial

This qualitative research seeks to answer the following queries:
1. What are the negative effects of financial problem to academic performance of grade 11 Humss
students ?


The researchers conducted this study as to highlight the effects of financial problem to academic
performance of Grade 11humss students. In this sense, this study aims to have an effect to the
following beneficiaries who have their different roles in equipping students to be highly capable in
educational setting.
Specifically, this study “ The Effect of Financial Problem on the students in Grade 11 Humss
Students in DILTC” believes that the collected data are beneficial to the following:

Students. This study will help students to know this serious financial problem and will take possible

Graduating Students.This study will help them to understand the future challenges that they might

Fresh Graduates. This study will help them to get some important information and relevant solution
to this serious issue.

Parents. Like the teachers, the parents too will understand why their children absent in classes
through the given data. The given data would help them formulate some preventive measures to help
their children from skipping classes. The findings would also help them learn the actions of their

Teachers. This study will guide to the teachers on what to do with those students who experiences
financial problem. The teacher would be able to understand the reason why some student are absent
in class and later on help them.

Future Researchers. This study well help and assist the future researchers to get more information.
Findings of this research study will be helpful to the future researcher.


The research study entitled "The effect of Financial Problem on Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
DILTC" focuses on how the financial issues affect their academic performance and how they
manage these difficulties.

The participants of this research are limited only to the Grade 11 students in DILTC. The
researcher will only focus its data on the effects of financial problem to students academic
performance and will not dig deeper to other areas.


In order to satisfy and for further knowledge, essential words are defined below:

This refers to a person who experiences financial problem. In this study, they are the informants
where the data will be gathered.


This refers to the challenge that the person is facing. In this study, this is what the researchers
would like to collect.

This refers the monetary problem of the students which affects their academic performance.


This refers to the performance of the students which is affected due to financial problem.

Review Related Literature
Students mostly encountered financial problem. Particularly for those students came from the
underprivileged family. As the financial difficulties are continuing to effect the academic
performance of the students their future will affected too.

The researcher reviewed literature according to its significance and relevance to the topic under
investigation and examined the effects of financial problem to the students in Davao Del Sur Institute
of Languages and Technological College Inc.

Financial Problem
Financial problems are common for those from underprivileged or low-income families, and can
affect their academic performance. Asri, Abu Bakar, Laili and Saad (2017) stated that students do not
have a commitment to pay monthly debt instalment, but their status as students requires them to pay
their education fees, rents and other essentials. Past research has shown a relationship between
financial problems and the students' academic performance.

Unfortunately, there are many countries where students may suffer from financial problems
when it comes to education. In some countries, the cost of education is prohibitively high, making it
difficult for students from low-income families to access higher education.

In United States, tuition and fees frequently exceeded tens of thousands of dollars per year.
Students may incur significant debt as a result, making it difficult for them to pursue higher
education. International students, particularly those pursuing graduate degrees, sought to further their
education in order to improve their financial situation (Yakaboski et al., 2014).

In the Philippines , a scientific study conducted by Gullas 2014),В . Students have been more
and more involved in financial problem in life that affect in their academic performance. Here in the
Philippines , we already know that a lot of students experiences this situation because of the poverty.

In local areas in Davao City. As the researcher explored , uneducated person considered as
product of poverty and being frail. In this situation the student may failed in achieving the dreams of
the students.

Academic Performance
Academic performance of students is the center around which the whole education system
revolves. The success and failure of any educational institution is measured in terms of academic
performance of students. Not only the schools, but parents also have very high expectations from
students with respect to their academic performance, as they believe that better academic results may
lead to better career options and future security. Academic performance is the knowledge acquired
and measured by the grades given by the teacher. Academic performance in the context of education
refers to the educational goal that must be met by a student, teacher, or institution over a specific
period of time. The goal may vary from one person or institution to another and is assessed through
exams or ongoing assessments.

Academic achievement is the the degree to which a student, teacher, or institution has
accomplished their educational objectives according to a study conducted by Asri et al. (2017),this
can be further supported by a previous study by Olufemioladebinu et al. (2018) explained that
students who come from low socio-economic family status tend to show a poor academic
performance compared to students who come from a better family background status. To add,
according to Asri et al. (2017) stated that students who come from a high economic status are able to
have a stimulating learning environment.

Hence it is possible for those who have a better family financial background to excel well and
achieve a better academic performance compared to those students who come from low income
families. According to Nnamani, Dikko and Kinta (2014), they mentioned that financial problems of
the students extremely contribute to the students low academic performance, which therefore leads to
the low quality of education in many ways. As stated in this early literature, financial problems lead
to the financial stress which will eventually influence the low academic performance of the students.
A study from Widener (2017), they mentioned that financial stress has been consistently related to
the students' low academic performance.

Moreover, according to a study by Asri et al. ( 2017), mentioned that there are many factors that
contribute to students academic performance. However, family socio-economic are the significant
factors as it involves financial management which will provide motivation for the students to either
have passion or not to achieve in their academics extremely contribute to students' poor academic
performance, resulting in poor educational quality In numerous ways. Financial problems, as stated
in the early literature, cause financial stress, which will eventually influence the students' poor
academic performance.

The Effects of Financial Problem to students

The effects of financial problem mean is not able to meet their bills on time or afford essential
basic needs. It has been reported that financial difficulties and situations are a major issue within
society as well as a major issue within society as well as a source of stress for many tertiary students.
In fact, there are many kinds of financial difficulties that can strongly affect students. According to
(Masuo, et al., 2004), money is a powerful tool, not only because it is an instrument of commerce
and medium of exchange for products and services, but also because it is one that can cause
happiness or dependency.

Financial problems for students is a situation in which you are not able to pay fees for the
school over the short or long term. Actually, finance plays an important role in students’ academic
performance. Financial problems are a serious issue that need to be addressed as it leads to multiple
problems such as health issues and academic performance.

Financial difficulties will strongly damage student`s psychology in many negative ways and
lead them to be stressful, tired, depressed, and decline in academic life. Beside, (Oswalt & Riddock,
2007), states that as well as academic achievement related stress,homework, time management and
financial troubles also caused stress.

Financial stress has been linked to depression (Widener, 2017). The students' poor academic
performance has there are numerous factors that influence a student's academic performance.In other
words, financial problems lead to various problems that will eventually affect the students academic
performance. Another way financial problems could affect the students' academic performance is
stated by Widener (2017), in order to overcome the financial problems, most students make a
decision of having to work part-time and even working for a long horse, which takes away their time
focusing on their academics.

However, the socioeconomic status of the family is the most important significant factors
because it involves financial management, which will provide motivation for students to either have
a passion or a career or not to succeed academically. Hence this can be stated that the family's
finances are motivation and encouragement for the students to have a good academic performance.
Asri et al. (2017) added that when a highly motivated student encounters a financial problem, the
student will turn the problem into motivation for them to achieve success. Therefore, whatever
problems that come, which include financial problems, should not hinder the students if they want to
succeed academically.

According to Widener (2017) mentioned that there are two ways of how a financial problem
could affect the students academic performance which are health problems and having to work
part-time. Widener (2017) further added that financial problems lead to health problems such as
anxiety which then lead to negative behaviors such as addiction to alcohol or uncontrolled shopping,
hence making the students lose their focus on their academics. When students face financial
problems to cope with the high cost of living, they are more exposed and vulnerable to health

Therefore, here comes the issue of whether students who have financial problems can handle
the stress of managing their daily lives and finance. According to Asri et al. (2017) stated that poor
financial management could cause an individual unable to control the stress and thus it affects their
daily life such as health by making them depressed and becoming physically ill. This can be further
supported by the study of Asri et al. (2017) which stated that one of the causes of stress among
students is because of their financial problems in which the students tend to feel dizzy and have
anxiety that will eventually create tension with them.

Hence, having a part-time job leads to a lack of studying, taking less credit hours and also poor
attendance resulting in their poor academic performance. This can be supported by a study from
Widener (2017). It found that students who are financially depressed had lower grades and enrolled
in fewer credit hours. Most students are involved in part-time jobs given by universities or local
companies. According to Asri et al. (2017), the students who come from underprivileged
socio-economic status families are often constrained by problems such as needing to work to help
their families, incapable of buying learning materials that will ultimately impact their academic
performance. According to Perman (2019), CNBC journalist, stated that having a part-time job
during the study takes a greater impact on low-income students, whereby approximately 6 million
students took a part-time job, and most of them are women, Blacks and Latinos. By juggling between
jobs and academics, some students have to struggle to overcome and manage their financial

This affects their academic performance as they have to divide their focus and attention between
work and their academics. Perman (2019) also mentioned that approximately 59 persent of students
from underprivileged or low-income families worked for 15 hours and more, and they received a C
average or lower for their academics. This does not only affect the students schedule as they not only
have to manage their time for classes and assignments, but they also have to manage and plan their
part-time job schedule accordingly. This will eventually affect their academic performance and add
to health problems such as fatigue. As the effect of this financial problem, students tend to be less
socialising, skip classes, and take a toll on their health, leading to poor academic performance.
According to Asri et al. (2017), stated that due to financial problems, some students tend to be quiet,
unsocialised with their friends and less interaction in class thus leads to a decrease in their academic
performance due to their lack of interaction in acquiring knowledge.


The research process is described in this chapter. The selection of the research design and
participants is part of it. It also discusses the sources of the data, the data collection methods, and the
steps involved in processing, analyzing, and interpreting the data.

Methodology is a creative and participant approach to understand questions and subject
matter while method refers to the exact knowledge and procedure (Gerodias, 2013).

This research will be based on qualitative research. Qualitative research entails gathering and
analyzing non-numerical data in order to gain a better understanding of a concept, opinion, or
experience. It can be used to gain in-depth insights into a problem as well as generate new research
ideas. Qualitative research relates to ideas, perceptions, opinions or beliefs of the person being
studied and all of them cannot be measured by numbers. According to Creswell (2012), qualitative
research is a means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a
social human problem. This type of research is based on information gathered by the researcher
through interviews, questionnaires, participant observation, recording, documents, and artifacts. In
general, the data is indeed not numerical.

Researchers will be using phenomenological method. According to Creswell (2007), a

phenomenological study “describes the meaning for several individuals of their lived experiences of
a concept or a phenomenon”. By doing phenomenological method the researchers are able how the
students effected in financial situation.


The main participants of the study are the Grade 11 HUMSS students in Davao Del Sur
Institute of Languages and Technological College Inc. . The range of the participants are the students
in section Osaka, Tokyo, Fukuoka, Kyoto. The participants will be purposely picked. teen(10)
participants from each section will be chosen. These fourty(40) participants are certified students in
Davao Del Sur Institute of Languages and Technological college Inc.

Purposive sampling will be used by the researchers to identify the target participants.This
method made use of a layout that is not always supposed to provide a consultant pattern. Purposive
sampling is when a researcher chooses a sample primarily based entirely on their knowledge of the
test and population.


The source of data where the Grade 11 Humss Student in Davao Del Sur Institute of
Languages and Technological College Inc.. The researchers interviewed them through online, and
face to face during class break so that their class schedules will not be interrupted , and let the
participants choose the time and day for the interview. The researchers make sure to get all the
information and recorded the interview.


The procedure and process of the interview are consistent. The design helps the reliability of
the research. Use semi-structured interviews of approximately 10-30 minutes to gather empirical
information from participants. Before the meeting with the participants, the researcher recorded the
concern of the participants. At the beginning of the meeting, the researchers briefly introduced each
participants to the purpose of the study and the purpose of the interview.

Before the interview, the participants have an opportunity to review the questions that they
gonna answer. The researcher gives the interview questions at the day of the interview happens on
the confirmation of the interview meeting. The interview will be recorded on digital recorded. The
researcher explain the rights of the participants of the interview, and give them the opportunity to
withdraw from the research.


The researcher will looked over the information of the participants interview. The
researcher summarized and interpret the details that the participants give and categorized the data pin
the interview, and liked it together.

In this analysis, the researcher make sure that the interview will recorded and interpret it in
the right way and make sure that it is connected to the topic that the researcher study.

The role of the researcher is to conduct a study according to the topic of the study and make
it meaningful and knowledgeable, the researcher gather information on the right way. The researcher
ask a consent to the participant if they are willingly to give there statement to the interview.

In this qualitative research, the researcher make sure to protect the information of the
participants. The researcher didn’t give some bias or judgement for the participants statements.

One strategy researchers use to convince themselves and readers that their research
findings are worthy of attention in qualitative research is trustworthiness. The quantity of confidence
in the data, interpretation, and methods used to ensure the quality of a study is referred to as the
study's trustworthiness or reliability. (Pilot & Beck, 2014).

Guba and Lincoln (1989) claimed that the credibility of a study is determined when
co-researchers or readers are confronted with the experience, they can recognize it.

The researcher ensures that the participants have the right to ask questions about the study that the
researcher conducted. The researcher was open and honest with the participants, and listened to
their ideas and concerns.

The researcher keep the identity of the participants remain anonymous and the information that
they supply will be respected.

While conducting this study, the researcher made sure that the participants statements were
protected and that the statements were recorded and saved into a safe file where only the researcher
had access to the recorded statements.

The researcher let the participants to decide what he/she want in the research. participants can
enter research freely (voluntarily) with full information about what it means for them to take part,
and that they give consent before they enter the research.


Asri et al. (2017) added that when a highly motivated student encounters a financial problem, the
student will turn the problem into motivation for them to achieve success. - Google
Search. (n.d.). Asri Et Al. (2017) Added That When a Highly Motivated Student
Encounters a Financial Problem, the Student Will Turn the Problem Into Motivation for
Them to Achieve Success. - Google Search.

Archulita, Dale, Scott, Spann(,2013). Financial cognitive wellness has recently become a cultivating
issue of interest among researchers. - Google Search. (n.d.).

Asri, Abu Bakar, Laili and Saad ,(2017) stated that students do not have a commitment to pay
monthly debt instalment, but their status as students requires them to pay their education
fees, rents and other essentials. - Google Search. (n.d.). Asri, Abu Bakar, Laili and Saad
(2017) Stated That Students Do Not Have a Commitment to Pay Monthly Debt Instalment,
but Their Status as Students Requires Them to Pay Their Education Fees, Rents and Other
Essentials. - Google Search.

Asri et al. (2017) stated that poor financial management could cause an individual unable to control
the stress and thus it affects their daily life such as health by making them depressed and
becoming physically ill. - Google Search. (n.d.). Asri Et Al. (2017) Stated That Poor
Financial Management Could Cause an Individual Unable to Control the Stress and Thus
It Affects Their Daily Life Such as Health by Making Them Depressed and Becoming
Physically Ill. - Google Search.

Asri et al. (2017) stated that students who come from a high economic status are able to have a
stimulating learning environment. - Google Search. (n.d.). Asri Et Al. (2017) Stated That
Students Who Come From a High Economic Status Are Able to Have a Stimulating
Learning Environment. - Google Search.

Asri et al. ( 2017), mentioned that there are many factors that contribute to students academic
performance. - Google Search. (n.d.). Asri Et Al. ( 2017), Mentioned That There Are
Many Factors That Contribute to Students Academic Performance. - Google Search.

Asri et al. (2017) which stated that one of the causes of stress among students is because of their
financial problems in which the students tend to feel dizzy and have anxiety that will
eventually create tension with them. - Google Search. (n.d.). Asri Et Al. (2017) Which
Stated That One of the Causes of Stress Among Students Is Because of Their Financial
Problems in Which the Students Tend to Feel Dizzy and Have Anxiety That Will
Eventually Create Tension With Them. - Google Search..

Asri et al. (2017), the students who come from underprivileged socio-economic status families are
often constrained by problems such as needing to work to help their families, incapable of
buying learning materials that will ultimately impact their academic performance. -
Google Search. (n.d.). Asri Et Al. (2017), the Students Who Come From Underprivileged
Socio-economic Status Families Are Often Constrained by Problems Such as Needing to
Work to Help Their Families, Incapable of Buying Learning Materials That Will
Ultimately Impact Their Academic Performance. - Google Search.

Asri et al. (2017), stated that due to financial problems, some students tend to be quiet, unsocialised
with their friends and less interaction in class thus leads to a decrease in their academic
performance due to their lack of interaction in acquiring knowledge. - Google Search.
(n.d.). Asri Et Al. (2017), Stated That Due to Financial Problems, Some Students Tend to
Be Quiet, Unsocialised With Their Friends and Less Interaction in Class Thus Leads to a
Decrease in Their Academic Performance Due to Their Lack of Interaction in Acquiring
Knowledge. - Google Search.

Bilas, K. (n.d.). Financial Issues of International Students: A Literature Review. (PDF) Financial
Issues of International Students: A Literature Review | Kirsten Bilas -

Creswell (2012), qualitative research is� a means for exploring and understanding the meaning
individuals or groups ascribe to a social human problem. - Google Search. (n.d.). Creswell
(2012), Qualitative Research Is� a Means for Exploring and Understanding the Meaning
Individuals or Groups Ascribe to a Social Human Problem. - Google Search.

Creswell (2007), a phenomenological study “describes the meaning for several individuals of their
lived experiences of a concept or a phenomenon”. - Google Search. (n.d.). Creswell (2007),
a Phenomenological Study “Describes the Meaning for Several Individuals of Their Lived
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Coron, (2013) financially stable became a serious matter when it comes to productivity and
creativity in Southeast Asian countries - Google Search. (n.d.).

consent in research ethics - Google Search. (n.d.). Consent in Research Ethics - Google Search.

diola ,(2015) furthermore only 18 percent of filipino - Google Search. (n.d.). Diola 2015
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(Gerodias, 2013) Methodology is a creative and participant approach to understand questions and
subject matter while method refers to the exact knowledge and procedure. - Google Search.
(n.d.). (Gerodias, 2013) Methodology Is a Creative and Participant Approach to
Understand Questions and Subject Matter While Method Refers to the Exact Knowledge
and Procedure. - Google Search.

Gullas (2014), revealed resent studies about K-12 program implementation, that considered as
hardships - Google Search. (n.d.). Gullas (2014), Revealed Resent Studies About K-12
Program Implementation, That Considered as Hardships - Google Search.

Guba and Lincoln (1989) claimed that the credibility of a study is determined when co-researchers
or readers are confronted with the experience, they can recognize it. - Google Search.
(n.d.). Guba and Lincoln (1989) Claimed That the Credibility of a Study Is Determined
When Co-researchers or Readers Are Confronted With the Experience, They Can
Recognize It. - Google Search.

Informed consent. (n.d.). Informed Consent | Research Support.


(Mamiseishvili, 2012)The international student demographic has turned their educational focus
internationally with the number of these students studying in the United States growing
every year. - Google Search. (n.d.).


DAVAO | Aljur Martinez -

(Masuo, et al., 2004), money is a powerful tool, not only because it is an instrument of commerce
and medium of exchange for products and services, but also because it is one that can
cause happiness or dependency. - Google Search. (n.d.). (Masuo, Et Al., 2004), Money Is
a Powerful Tool, Not Only Because It Is an Instrument of Commerce and Medium of
Exchange for Products and Services, but Also Because It Is One That Can Cause
Happiness or Dependency. - Google Search.

(Nnamani, Dikko and Kinta 2014), they mentioned that financial problems of the students extremely
contribute to the students low academic performance, which therefore leads to the low
quality of education in many ways. - Google Search. (n.d.). Nnamani, Dikko and Kinta
(2014), They Mentioned That Financial Problems of the Students Extremely Contribute to
the Students Low Academic Performance, Which Therefore Leads to the Low Quality of
Education in Many Ways. - Google Search.

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International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(1), 160940691773384.

Olufemioladebinu et al. (2018) explained that students who come from low socio-economic family
status tend to show a poor academic performance compared to students who come from a
better family background status. - Google Search. (n.d.)

(Oswalt & Riddock, 2007), states that as well as academic achievement related stress, homework,
time management and financial troubles also caused stress (Ross, Niebling & Heckert,
1999). - Google Search. (n.d.). (Oswalt & Riddock, 2007), States That as Well as
Academic Achievement Related Stress, Homework, Time Management and Financial
Troubles Also Caused Stress (Ross, Niebling & Heckert, 1999). - Google Search.

(Pema, 2008). Financial stress and anxiety can also be seen as aspects of financial mental health -
Google Search. (n.d.).

Perman (2019), CNBC journalist, stated that having a part-time job during the study takes a greater
impact on low-income students, whereby approximately 6 million students took a part-time
job, and most of them are women, Blacks and Latinos. - Google Search. (n.d.). Perman
(2019), CNBC Journalist, Stated That Having a Part-time Job During the Study Takes a
Greater Impact on Low-income Students, Whereby Approximately 6 Million Students
Took a Part-time Job, and Most of Them Are Women, Blacks and Latinos. - Google

Perman (2019) also mentioned that approximately 59 persent of students from underprivileged or
low-income families worked for 15 hours and more, and they received a C average or
lower for their academics. - Google Search. (n.d.). Perman (2019) Also Mentioned That
Approximately 59 Persent of Students From Underprivileged or Low-income Families
Worked for 15 Hours and More, and They Received a C Average or Lower for Their
Academics. - Google Search.

(Pilot & Beck, 2014).The quantity of confidence in the data, interpretation, and methods used to
ensure the quality of a study is referred to as the study’s trustworthiness or reliability. -
Google Search. (n.d.). (Pilot & Beck, 2014).the Quantity of Confidence in the Data,
Interpretation, and Methods Used to Ensure the Quality of a Study Is Referred to as the
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(salma,2016 )In daily survival were such circumstances occurs, the people tend to stop study and
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