Financial Problems Are Commonly Faced by Everyone
Financial Problems Are Commonly Faced by Everyone
Financial Problems Are Commonly Faced by Everyone
The DEPed (Department of Education) survey (2020) reported that most of the
students suffer from low income, low financial literacy, compulsive spending
tendencies, and high debt levels.
Data from the Borgen project (2019) indicate that 16.6% of the population of the
Philippines, or about 17.6 million people, live below the poverty line, making it
difficult for a few students to adjust to distance learning. Daud, Norwani, and
Yusof (2018) mentioned that most educational systems across the world have
migrated to remote learning modalities as a measure against the spread of the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This means that the biggest problem that
many students encounter right now is the lack of financial support. This problem
complicates the lives of students as they adjust to the new learning system, which
some students find difficult.
According to Asri et al. (2017), students who come from underprivileged socio-
economic status families are often constrained by problems such as needing to
work to help their families and being incapable of buying learning materials that
will ultimately impact their academic performance. By juggling between jobs and
academics, some students have to struggle to overcome and manage their financial
problems. This affects their academic performance, as they have to divide their
focus and attention between work and their academics.
Financial problems among students have a great impact on their academic
experience, which could have a negative impact on their performance. This
pandemic has undoubtedly reshaped and pushed the educational system to its
limits. However, this unpredicted event is the same thing that will make the
educational system stronger and survive future threats. This research wants to
explore and investigate more about the lack of funds and financial problems the
students currently experience that might affect their academic performance.
To expand this research, researchers may further investigate this area, explore
more of this problem, and provide strategies to overcome the challenges.