Full Blast Plus 1-5 Lessons-NAT2020

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a tankönyv és a munkafüzet párhuzamos felhasználásával

heti 5 óra


Full Blast Plus 1

Hét Tananyag Funkciók és az óra célja Nyelvi Szókincs Eszközök és Kulcskompetenciák

Functions and aims of szerkezetek Vocabulary anyagok - Kapcsolódási
the lesson Grammar Aids and pontok –
structures materials Fejlesztési
1 1 Introduction Introduce the course and Student’s
the components. book,
Get to know each other workbook,
grammar book
(if used)
2 Learning tips Learn how to be a better SB (page 127)
language learner
3 Hello Greet and introduce and, Hello, Hi, What’s your name? I’m…/My SB Kiemelt nevelési
oneself name’s …, first name, How do you spell …?, CD-player & feladatok: Énkép,
Identify the letters in the surname, zero-one hundred, How old are you? CD or IWB & önismeret, hon- és
alphabet I’m … (years old), What’s your phone number IWB material népismeret
Identify numbers 0-100 Kulcskompetenciák:
Ask for and give personal matematikai,
information (phone gondolkodási
number, age) kompetenciák,
4 Hello Identify classroom a/an apple, bag, bin, boards, book, chair, classmate, SB kommunikációs
objects this/that computer, desk, door, here, orange, pen, CD-player & kompetenciák,
Plurals (regular -s) pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler, school, CD or IWB & munkavállalói,
sharpener, student, teacher, there, umbrella, IWB material innovációs és
window, Australia, Australian, Canada, vállalkozói
Canadian, Ireland, Irish, New Zealand, New kompetenciák,
Zealander, South Africa, South African, UK, önkifejezés és
British, USA, American, baby, boy, brother, kulturális
father/dad, girl, grandfather, grandmother, tudatosság
man, mother/mum, parents, sister, woman kompetenciái
5 Hello & Cover Understanding classroom Imperative Can you repeat that, please?, Close your SB
page module 1 language books., friend, How do you say … in English?, I CD-player & Kapcsolódási
Identifying colour don’t understand, Listen, Look at the board, CD or IWB & pontok:
Introduce topic of Open your books, Read the text, Sit down, IWB material Földrajz
module 1 Speak, Stand up, Talk in pairs, What does this
word mean?, Write, Yes, of course, black, blue, Munkaforma:
brown, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, csoportmunka,
What colour is …?, white, yellow pármunka, egyéni-
és frontális munka

A differenciálás
egyéni fejlesztés,

Module 1: Who are you?

2 6-8 1A Introduce oneself and The verb be (I am, but , new , thanks , too , Brazil , Brazilian , SB Kiemelt nevelési
others You are, We are) China , Chinese , England , English , France , CD-player & feladatok: Énkép,
Greet Possessive French , Greece , Greek , Hungary , Hungarian , CD or IWB & önismeret, hon- és
Ask for and give personal adjectives (my, Italy , Italian , Mexico , Mexican , Peru , IWB material népismeret
information (name, your, our) Peruvian , Poland , Polish , Spain , Spanish ,
nationality, age) Question words And you? , (I’m) fine. , How are you? , I’m Kulcskompetenciák:
(Where) from... , I live in... , Nice to meet you. , Not bad. kreatív alkotás,
, Really? , This is... , Where are you from? matematikai,
3 9-11 1B Talk about jobs The verb be aunt, come , cousin , great , pizza , restaurant , SB gondolkodási
Talk about family Possessive uncle , welcome , actor , actress , bus driver , CD-player & kompetenciák,
members adjectives chef , delivery person , doctor , nurse , police CD or IWB & kommunikációs
officer , secretary , shop assistant , taxi driver , IWB material kompetenciák,
waiter , waitress munkavállalói,
12- 1C Tell the time clock, sorry , today , a quarter to , a quarter SB innovációs és
14 Greet past , a.m. , half past , midday , midnight , CD-player & vállalkozói
noon , o’clock , p.m. , Monday , Tuesday , CD or IWB & kompetenciák,
Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , IWB material tanulás
Sunday , Good afternoon. , Good evening. , kompetenciái,
Good morning. , Good night. , Good bye. Bye. , önkifejezés és
What day is it? , What’s the time? kulturális
4 15- 1D Talk about music Question words also, band , be crazy about , drummer , famous SB tudatosság
17 Express preference (What, Who) , favourite , like , meet , play , rapper , (lead) CD-player & kompetenciái
singer , song , very , drums , guitar , keyboard , CD or IWB &
piano , violin , hip hop , jazz , pop , rock , IWB material Kapcsolódási
What’s your favourite kind of music? , Who...? pontok:
18- 1E Talk about school age, be good at , Miss , Mr , Mrs , Ms , Art , SB állampolgári
20 subjects English , Geography , History , Maths , Music , CD-player & ismeretek,
Talk about what one is PE , Science CD or IWB & matematika,
good at IWB material földrajz, ének-zene
Express preference
5 21 Round-up 1 Revision of vocabulary SB Munkaforma:
and structures of module csoportmunka,
1 pármunka, egyéni-
Self-assessment és frontális munka
22 Test Module 1 Evaluate students’ CD-player &

progress CD, tests A differenciálás
(teacher’s színterei:
resource CD- egyéni fejlesztés,
ROM) feladattípusok
23 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected
module test from own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for Student's
module 2 module 2 book
Module 2: All about me
6 24- 2A Talk about personal The verb have got bike, camera , cap , CD , computer game , cool , SB Kiemelt nevelési
26 items game console , mobile phone , modern , MP3 CD-player & feladatok:
player , nice , party , rollerblades , skateboard , CD or IWB & Énkép, önismeret,
sunglasses , thing , watch (n) , Are you sure? , IWB material hon- és népismeret
Look! , Wait!
27- 2B Talk about clothes and these/those a lot of , beautiful , check out , child – children , SB Kulcskompetenciák:
29 accessories Plurals (regular- colourful , film , fish – fish , love , man – men , CD-player & kreatív alkotás,
irregular) old , person – people , present , trendy , CD or IWB & matematikai,
wardrobe , woman – women , belt , boots , IWB material gondolkodási
dress , hoody , jacket , jeans , jumper , kompetenciák,
leggings , scarf , shoes , skirt , T-shirt , trainers , kommunikációs
trousers kompetenciák,
7 30- 2C Express possession Possessive case big , call , house , small , tail , very much , SB munkavállalói,
32 Describe pets Whose wing , arm , ear , eye , face , foot – feet , hand , CD-player & innovációs és
head , leg , mouth , nose , tooth – teeth , cat , CD or IWB & vállalkozói
dog , parrot , rabbit , snake , spider , Come IWB material kompetenciák,
on. , I don’t know. , I think... , Let’s... , No tanulás
problem. , Of course not. , Thank you. , That’s kompetenciái,
all right. , Well,... önkifejezés és
33- 2D Talk about one’s talents The verb can come back , cook (v) , dance , dancer , do , SB kulturális
35 and abilities draw , fantastic , play a musical instrument , CD-player & tudatosság
ride a bike , ride a horse , sing , skateboard (v) , CD or IWB & kompetenciái,
so , speak a language , star , swim , take IWB material digitális
pictures , talent , tonight , use a computer , kompetenciák,
well (adv) , winner személyes és társas
8 36- 2E Describe people’s best friend , chubby , dark , fair , hair , long , SB kompetenciák
38 appearance old , short , slim , tall , young , What does CD-player &
Describe one’s best he/she look like? , Well done! CD or IWB & Kapcsolódási
friend IWB material pontok:
39 Round-up 2 Revision of vocabulary SB állampolgári
and structures of module ismeretek, rajz és
2 vizuális kultúra,

Self-assessment földrajz, rajz, ének
40 Culture page 1 Introduce certain aspects SB
of the culture in various CD-player & Munkaforma:
countries CD or IWB & csoportmunka,
IWB material pármunka, egyéni-
9 41 Song 1 Revise and consolidate SB és frontális munka
structures, functions and CD-player &
vocabulary through a CD or IWB & A differenciálás
song IWB material színterei:
42 CLIL 1 Teach Maths through the SB egyéni fejlesztés,
English language CD-player & feladattípusok
Introduce the use of bar CD or IWB &
graphs IWB material
43 Test Module 2 Evaluate students’ CD-player &
progress CD, tests
resource CD-
44 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected
module test from own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for Student's
module 3 module 3 book
Module 3: It’s my life!
10 45- 3A Talk about one’s daily Present Simple after, again , amazing , art gallery , artist , SB Kiemelt nevelési
47 routine (affirmative) design (n) , different , every , make , paint (v) , CD-player & feladatok:
Prepositions of painting , say , study , visit , watch TV , CD or IWB & Énkép, önismeret,
time weekday , weekend , brush my teeth , do my IWB material hon- és népismeret
homework , get dressed , get home , get up ,
go to bed , go to school , have a shower , have Kulcskompetenciák:
breakfast , have lunch , have dinner , What kreatív alkotás,
about you? matematikai,
48- 3B Give an opinion about Present Simple at all , be bored , boring , exciting , (great) fun , SB gondolkodási
50 sports (negative – hate , hour , idea , later , or , other , player , CD-player & kompetenciák,
questions) stop , team sports , tired , do athletics , do CD or IWB & kommunikációs
gymnastics , go swimming , play basketball , IWB material kompetenciák,
play football , play table tennis , play tennis , munkavállalói,
play volleyball , Be quiet. , Don’t be silly. , It’s innovációs és
OK. , Me too. , No way. , What’s wrong? vállalkozói
11 51- 3C Talk about free-time Present Simple before , early , late , park , together , when , go SB kompetenciák,
53 activities with Wh- out , go shopping , go to the cinema , hang out CD-player & tanulás
questions with friends , listen to music , play board CD or IWB & kompetenciái
games , play chess , read magazines , surf the IWB material
Net , talk on the phone , watch DVDs , In my Kapcsolódási
free time... , What time...? , When...? pontok:
12 54- 3D Talk about chores and Adverbs of argue , be a mess , believe , busy , don’t mind , SB földrajz, rajz és
56 how often one does frequency flat , help (out) , just , lazy , want to , clean the CD-player & vizuális kultúra,
them windows , do housework , do the washing , do CD or IWB & testnevelés
the washing-up , hoover , take out the IWB material
rubbish , take the dog for a walk , tidy my room Munkaforma:
, wash the car , Anyway, , Guess what! , in the csoportmunka,
end , You see, pármunka, egyéni-
57- 3E Talk about one’s about , buy , shop (n) , stay at home , collect SB és frontális munka
59 favourite day coins/comics/stamps , do arts and crafts , do CD-player &
ballet , go fishing , go rollerblading , make CD or IWB & A differenciálás
jewellery , make model planes , make paper IWB material színterei:
flowers egyéni fejlesztés,
60 Round-up 3 Revision of vocabulary SB feladattípusok
and structures of module
13 61 Test Module 3 Evaluate students’ CD-player &
progress CD, tests
resource CD-
62 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected
module test from own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for Student's
module 4 module 4 book
Module 4: Where I live
63- 4A Talk about the rooms of There is / There building , castle , city , floor , gym , huge , in , SB Kiemelt nevelési
65 a house are lucky , million , museum , office , over , palace , CD-player & feladatok:
Talk about famous sights popular , swimming pool , thousand , visitor , CD or IWB & Énkép, önismeret,
and buildings balcony , basement , bathroom , bedroom , IWB material hon- és népismeret
Use numbers over a downstairs , garage , garden , kitchen , lift ,
hundred living room , stairs , upstairs , How many...? Kulcskompetenciák:
14 66- 4B Talk about furniture and Prepositions of after all , find , look for , maybe , place , SB kreatív alkotás,
68 appliances place pocket , poster , rug , (get) upset , wall , CD-player & matematikai,
Talk about the location a/an, the armchair , bed , bookcase , coffee table , CD or IWB & gondolkodási
of objects cooker , fridge , lamp , sofa , table , washing IWB material kompetenciák,
machine , Well? , What’s up? kommunikációs
15 69- 4C Talk about one’s Object personal another , closed , far , for , get , give , near , SB kompetenciák,
71 neighbourhood pronouns need , neighbourhood , newspaper , now , CD-player & munkavállalói,
Ask for and give or refuse The verb can remember , take , toothbrush , bank , CD or IWB & innovációs és
permission (permission – bookshop , café , hospital , library , IWB material vállalkozói
Make a request requests) newsagent’s , post office , shopping centre , kompetenciák,
skatepark , supermarket , do someone a favour tanulás
, Excuse me. , I’m afraid not. , Sure! , Thanks a kompetenciái,
lot. önkifejezés és
72- 4D Understand signs and The verb must animal , begin , bring , climb , drink (v) , eat , SB kulturális
74 requests feed , fence , free , helmet , knee pads , leave , CD-player & tudatosság
Talk about rules run , theatre , ticket , touch , turn off , wear , CD or IWB & kompetenciái,
without , zoo IWB material digitális
16 75- 4E Describe one’s house/flat address , cage , ground floor , noisy , quite , SB kompetenciák,
77 road , street , view , first , second , third, etc. , I CD-player & személyes és társas
live at... CD or IWB & kompetenciák
IWB material
78 Round-up 4 Revision of vocabulary SB Kapcsolódási
and structures of module pontok:
4 földrajz, zene
79 Culture page 2 Introduce various SB Munkaforma:
aspects of British culture CD-player & csoportmunka,
CD or IWB & pármunka, egyéni-
IWB material és frontális munka
80 Song 2 Revise and consolidate SB
structures, functions and CD-player & A differenciálás
vocabulary through a CD or IWB & színterei:
song IWB material egyéni fejlesztés,
17 81 CLIL 2 Teach Science through SB feladattípusok
the English language CD-player &
CD or IWB &
IWB material
82 Test Module 4 Evaluate students’ CD-player &
progress CD, tests
resource CD-
83 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected
module test from own mistakes tests
84- Revision Revision of vocabulary SB
85 and structures of CD-player &
modules 1-4 CD or IWB &

IWB material
If necessary,
WB or Full
Blast Plus
18 86 Mid-term test Evaluate students’ CD-player &
progress CD, tests
resource CD-
87 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected
mid-term test from own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for Student's
module 5 module 5 book
Module 5: Nice and tasty
88- 5A Express food preferences Countable and cut (v) , delicious , healthy , horrible , hungry , SB Kiemelt nevelési
90 uncountable minute , put , ready , tasty , try , banana , CD-player & feladatok:
nouns butter , carrot , cheese , cherry , chicken , dairy CD or IWB & Énkép, önismeret,
a(n) – some product , fruit , ice cream , meat , milk , IWB material hon- és népismeret
mushroom , onion , pepper , potato , salad ,
sausage , steak , strawberry , tomato , Kulcskompetenciák:
vegetable , yoghurt , Have some... , I (don’t) kreatív alkotás,
think so. , Let me ... , Trust me. , What else...? , matematikai,
Yuck! , Yummy! gondolkodási
19 91- 5B Order food some – any actually , both , fast food restaurant , order SB kompetenciák,
93 Take an order (v+n) , thirsty , burger , cake , cheeseburger , CD-player & kommunikációs
Make an offer chips , chocolate , club sandwich , dessert , CD or IWB & kompetenciák,
Accept and refuse an ketchup , lemonade , milkshake , orange juice , IWB material munkavállalói,
offer pasta , soft drink , Can I take your order? , I’d innovációs és
like... , Is that all? , Would you like...? vállalkozói
20 94- 5C Ask and answer about How much? / How a slice of... , careful , change , eating habits , SB kompetenciák,
96 quantity many? junk food , meal , only , quiz , right , snack , CD-player & tanulás
Talk about one’s eating biscuit , bread , cereal , chocolate bar , coffee , CD or IWB & kompetenciái,
habits sweets , tea , water , a bottle of... , a can of... , IWB material önkifejezés és
a cup of... , a glass of... , a packet of... , a day, a kulturális
week, etc. , all day , It’s good for you. , It’s bad tudatosság
for you. , Keep trying. , ... times a week kompetenciái
97- 5D Discuss food facts beef , call (v) , cook (n) , dangerous , egg , SB
99 Talk about unusual kinds expensive , find out , kg (kilogram) , like (prep.) CD-player & Kapcsolódási
of food , lt (litre) , pay , scientist , smell (v+n) , strange , CD or IWB & pontok:
sweet (adj) , taste (v+n) , test (n) , the same , IWB material földrajz

true , year
21 100- 5E Talk about the meals of city centre , dish , doughnut , fish , hot SB Munkaforma:
102 the day chocolate , hot dog , meatballs , omelette , CD-player & csoportmunka,
Discuss eating habits pancakes , rice , sauce , soup , tuna CD or IWB & pármunka, egyéni-
IWB material és frontális munka
103 Round-up 5 Revision of vocabulary SB
and structures of module A differenciálás
5 színterei:
Self-assessment egyéni fejlesztés,
104 Test Module 5 Evaluate students’ CD-player & feladattípusok
progress CD, tests
resource CD-
105 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected
module test from own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for Student's
module 6 module 6 book
Module 6: Events
22 106- 6A Discuss birthdays like, love, enjoy, a bit , birthday , costume , dress up , enjoy , SB Kiemelt nevelési
108 Talk about dates hate + -ing fancy dress party , forget , have a party , CD-player & feladatok:
Express likes and dislikes invitation , karaoke , tell , tomorrow , January , CD or IWB & Énkép, önismeret,
February , March , April , May , June , July , IWB material hon- és népismeret
August , September , October , November ,
December , Any ideas? , As you know... , See Kulcskompetenciák:
you... , What’s the date? kreatív alkotás,
23 109- 6B Talk about the weather Present carnival , celebrate , fast , friendly , go down , SB matematikai,
111 Talk about the four Progressive happen , have a bath , have a race , hill , laugh , CD-player & gondolkodási
seasons (affirmative – scream , slide (n) , snow (n) , snowman , CD or IWB & kompetenciák,
Talk about actions negative) swimsuit , way , It’s cloudy. , It’s cold. , It’s IWB material kommunikációs
happening at the hot. , It’s raining. , It’s snowing. , It’s sunny. , kompetenciák,
moment of speaking It’s windy. , spring , summer , autumn , winter , munkavállalói,
at the moment , have a great time , What’s the innovációs és
weather like? vállalkozói
112- 6C Talk about endangered Present almost , because , concert , cute , endangered , SB kompetenciák,
114 animals Progressive flyer , fundraiser , get ready , Internet , put up , CD-player & tanulás
Talk about fundraisers (questions – short save , send e-mails , work (v) , bear , dolphin , CD or IWB & kompetenciái,
Talk about actions answers) elephant , lion , monkey , sea turtle , shark , IWB material önkifejezés és
happening at the tiger , whale , have a look , It looks cool. , Nice kulturális
moment of speaking work. , Nothing much. , peace and quiet , tudatosság
Why...? kompetenciái,

24 115- 6D Talk about festivals and Present Simple vs baseball , celebration , competition , decorate , SB digitális
117 celebrations Present during , event , festival , fireworks , flag , get CD-player & kompetenciák,
Distinguish between Progressive together , have a barbecue , have a picnic , km CD or IWB & személyes és társas
habitual actions and (kilometre) , lots of , loud , main , parade , IWB material kompetenciák
actions happening at the square , take place , town
moment of speaking Kapcsolódási
118- 6E Wish people well in card , invite , New Year’s Day , New Year’s Eve , SB pontok:
120 different situations outside , prepare , surprise , Congratulations! , CD-player & földrajz,
Talk about celebrations Get well soon! , Good luck! , Happy Birthday! , CD or IWB & állampolgári
Happy New Year! , Have a nice trip! , Best IWB material ismeretek, ének-
wishes. , Bye for now. , Dear..., , How’s life? , I zene
hope you’re fine. , See you soon. , That’s all for
now. , Write back soon. , Yours, Munkaforma:
25 121 Round-up 6 Revision of vocabulary SB csoportmunka,
and structures of module pármunka, egyéni-
6 és frontális munka
122 Culture page 3 Introduce certain aspects SB A differenciálás
of the culture in various CD-player & színterei:
countries CD or IWB & egyéni fejlesztés,
IWB material feladattípusok
123 Song 3 Revise and consolidate SB
structures, functions and CD-player &
vocabulary through a CD or IWB &
song IWB material
124 CLIL 3 Teach Science through SB
the English language CD-player &
CD or IWB &
IWB material
125 Test Module 6 Evaluate students’ CD-player &
progress CD, tests
resource CD-
26 126 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected
module test from own mistakes tests,
Cover page Introduce topic for Student's
module 7 module 7 book
Module 7: What an experience!
127- 7A Describe feelings Past Simple of the alive , dream (n) , full of , funny , interesting , SB Kiemelt nevelési
129 Talk about past events verb be last week , last year , message , scary , sleep , CD-player & feladatok:
There was / There suddenly , terrible , wake up , angry , excited , CD or IWB & Énkép, önismeret,
were happy , sad , scared , surprised IWB material hon- és népismeret
27 130- 7B Talk about past actions Past Simple ask , ball , blackout , brilliant , bruise , dark , SB
132 and situations (affirmative) diary , each other , incredible , information , CD-player & Kulcskompetenciák:
kick , match (n) , project , something , start , CD or IWB & kreatív alkotás,
Yippee IWB material matematikai,
133- 7C Talk about past events Past Simple ago , boat , fall , grab , hero , island , jump , SB gondolkodási
135 and situations (negative – lake , luckily , return , underwater , wet , be CD-player & kompetenciák,
questions) worried about , in the middle of CD or IWB & kommunikációs
IWB material kompetenciák,
28 136- 7D Talk about films Past Simple vs around , balloon , become , decide , ending , SB munkavállalói,
138 Compare past and Present Simple fan , finish , kids , learn , mate , scene , whole , CD-player & innovációs és
present facts world , adventure film , animated film , CD or IWB & vállalkozói
comedy , horror film , romantic film , science- IWB material kompetenciák,
fiction film , Don’t miss it. , It’s something else. tanulás
29 139- 7E Talk about places of ask for , autograph , ride (n) , show (v) , SB kompetenciái
141 entertainment skateboarder , spend (time) , then , walk , CD-player &
Narrate an interesting bowling alley , cinema complex , funfair , CD or IWB & Kapcsolódási
day in one’s life Internet café , skating rink , stadium , after that IWB material pontok:
, for a while földrajz, média, rajz
142 Round-up 7 Revision of vocabulary SB és vizuális kultúra
and structures of module
7 Munkaforma:
Self-assessment csoportmunka,
143 Test Module 7 Evaluate students’ CD-player & pármunka, egyéni-
progress CD, tests és frontális munka
resource CD- A differenciálás
ROM) színterei:
144 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected egyéni fejlesztés,
module test from own mistakes tests, feladattípusok
Cover page Introduce topic for Student's
module 8 module 8 book
Module 8: See the world
30 145- 8A Talk about travelling Future be going to definitely , environment , everything , half , SB Kiemelt nevelési
147 Make plans Present important , money , next , spend (money) , CD-player & feladatok:
Progressive with travel , win , by car , by coach , by plane , by CD or IWB & Énkép, önismeret,
future meaning ship , by train , get back , go on holiday , How IWB material hon- és népismeret
long...? , on foot , That sounds great.
148- 8B Talk about camping Future will choose , close (adj) , difficult , easy , forest , SB Kulcskompetenciák:
150 equipment guys , leaflet , lose , matches , put out , river , CD-player & kreatív alkotás,
Make predictions and safety rule , tree , backpack , camp leader , CD or IWB & matematikai,
on-the-spot decisions first-aid kit , go camping , make a fire , map , IWB material gondolkodási
put up a tent , sleeping bag , torch , Don’t kompetenciák,
worry. , give (someone) a hand kommunikációs
31 151- 8C Talk about holiday Comparative arrive , beach , cheap , deep , dive (n) , SB kompetenciák,
153 activities forms equipment , experience (n) , explore , finally , CD-player & munkavállalói,
Make comparisons instructor , metre , ocean , organise , scuba CD or IWB & innovációs és
diver , ugly , warm , rock climbing , sailing , IWB material vállalkozói
scuba-diving , skiing , surfing , water skiing , kompetenciák,
windsurfing , It’s worth it! tanulás
32 154- 8D Understand information Superlative forms area , at the beginning , capital city , century , SB kompetenciái,
156 about a country continent , culture , especially , European , high CD-player & önkifejezés és
Make comparisons , large , mountain , penguin , population , CD or IWB & kulturális
puma , tourist , traditional IWB material tudatosság
157- 8E Talk about one’s holiday drive , lovely , news , perfect , relax , tiring , SB kompetenciái,
159 Differentiate between until , village , buy souvenirs , do water sports , CD-player & digitális
past and future tenses go hiking , go on a trip , go sightseeing , stay at CD or IWB & kompetenciák
a hotel , sunbathe , can’t wait , Greetings IWB material
from... Kapcsolódási
160 Round-up 8 Revision of vocabulary SB pontok:
and structures of module földrajz
Self-assessment Munkaforma:
33 161 Culture page 4 Introduce various SB csoportmunka,
aspects of the British CD-player & pármunka, egyéni-
culture CD or IWB & és frontális munka
IWB material
162 Song 4 Revise and consolidate SB A differenciálás
structures, functions and CD-player & színterei:
vocabulary through a CD or IWB & egyéni fejlesztés,
song IWB material feladattípusok
163 CLIL 4 Teach Science through SB
the English language CD-player &
CD or IWB &
IWB material
164 Test Module 8 Evaluate students’ CD-player &
progress CD, tests
resource CD-
165 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected

module test from own mistakes tests
34 166- Revision Revision of vocabulary SB
167 and structures of CD-player &
modules 5-8 CD or IWB &
IWB material
If necessary,
WB or Full
Blast Plus
168 Final test Evaluate students’ CD-player &
progress CD, tests
resource CD-
169 Correction of Allow students to learn Corrected
final test from own mistakes tests,
170 End-of-year Evaluate results over the
evaluation year


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