Automatic Drip Irrigation Systemhgfdd
Automatic Drip Irrigation Systemhgfdd
Automatic Drip Irrigation Systemhgfdd
In the field of agriculture, use of proper method of irrigation is important and it is well known that
irrigation by drip is very economical and efficient. In the conventional drip irrigation system, the farmer
has to keep watch on irrigation timetable, which is different for different crops. The project makes the
irrigation automated. With the use of low cost sensors and the simple circuitry makes this project a low
cost product, which can be bought even by a poor farmer.This project is best suited for places where
water is scares and has to be used in limited quantity. Also, third world countries can afford this simple
and low cost solution for irrigation and obtain good yield on Crops. The heart of the project is the Intel
89c51microcontroller.UART controller that will be used in this project. A 16×2 LCD is connected to the
microcontroller, which displays the humidity level and ambient temperature. Three pushbuttons are
provided to set the limits of humidity for switching the individual solenoid valves controlling the water
flow to the field. The humidity and temperature levels are transmitted at regular time interval to the PC
through the RS232 serial port for data logging and analysis. The humidity sensors are constructed using
aluminum sheets and housed in easily available materials. The aim is to use the readily available material
to construct low cost sensors. Five relays are controlled by the microcontroller through the high current
driver IC, ULN2003. Four relays are provided for controlling four solenoid valves, which controls the
flow of water to four different parts of the field. One relay is used to shut-off the main motor which is
used to pump the water to the field.
moisture control in highly specialized greenhouse of plant root zone. Drip irrigation method is
vegetable production and it is a simple, precise invented by Israelis in 1970s. Water is supplied
method for irrigation. It also helps in time saving, frequently, often daily to maintain favorable soil
removal of human error in adjusting available moisture condition and prevent moisture stress in
soil moisture levels and to maximize their net the plant with proper use of water resources.
Definition of Irrigation
d) Soil Type and Root Structure: – The soil II) Water Filter
type will dictate how a regular drip of water on
one spot will spread. Sandy soil requires closer III) Flow Meter
emitter spacing as water percolates vertically at a
fast rate and slower horizontally. With a clay soil IV) Control Valve
water tends to spread horizontally, giving a wide
distribution pattern. Emitters can be spaced
V) Chemical Injection Unit
further apart with clay type soil. A loamy type
soil will produce a more even percolation
dispersion of water. Deep-rooted plants can VI) Drip lines with Emitters
handle a wider spacing of emitters, while shallow
rooted plants are most efficiently watered slowly VII) Moisture and Temperature Sensors.
(low gap emitters) with emitters spaced close
together. On clay soil or on a hillside, short