JB Figurative Language
JB Figurative Language
JB Figurative Language
Ina Marliana, 2Asep Hardiyanto, 3Dewi Sri Kuning
inamarliana345@gmail.com, 2asep.hardiyanto@umko.ac.id, 3dewisrikuning@gmail.com
Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi
Abstract: The aim of this research were to find the types of figurative languages in Justin
Bieber album Believe and figured out the conceptual meaning, also figure out what is the most
dominant type is used in lyrics songs in Justin Bieber album Believe. Ten songs were chosen
in album Believe Justin Bieber which were to be considered suitable for students. The
technique of this research were by reading and listening Justin Bieber's song lyrics album
Believe, identifying and interpreting data based on conceptual meaning, inventorying which
put number in each lyrics to count how many types of figurative in each song, classifying which
had purpose to divided the lyrics into types of figurative languages, reporting which aimed to
made conclusion based on the data that had been analysed such as result of finding types of
figurative languages in Justin Bieber song in album Believe. Based on research finding, six
types of figurative languages were found in this research which were metaphor, simile,
hyperbole, allusion, repetition, and personification. Most types of figurative that found in this
research was repetition. Another finding research was conceptual meaning which were
variation, such as encouragement, persuasion, confusion, admirer, and struggle of love.
Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis-jenis bahasa kiasan dalam
album Justin Bieber Believe dan menemukan makna konseptual, juga mencoba menemukan
tipe bahasa kiasan yang digunakan dalam lirik lagu dalam album Justin Bieber Believe.
Sepuluh lagu dipilih dalam album Believe Justin Bieber yang dinilai cocok untuk pelajar.
Teknik penelitian ini adalah dengan membaca dan mendengarkan lirik lagu Justin Bieber
album Believe, mengidentifikasi dan menafsirkan data berdasarkan makna konseptual,
menginventarisasi yang menempatkan nomor di setiap lirik untuk menghitung berapa banyak
jenis kiasan di setiap lagu, mengklasifikasikan yang bertujuan untuk membagi lirik ke dalam
jenis bahasa kiasan, pelaporan yang bertujuan untuk membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan data
yang telah dianalisis seperti hasil menemukan jenis bahasa kiasan dalam lagu Justin Bieber
di album Believe. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, enam jenis bahasa kiasan ditemukan dalam
penelitian ini yaitu metafora, simile, hiperbola, kiasan, pengulangan, dan personifikasi. Jenis
majas yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah repetisi. Temuan penelitian
lainnya adalah makna konseptual yang bervariasi, seperti dorongan, bujukan, kebingungan,
pengaguman, dan perjuangan cinta.
⁾ Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi
⁾ Dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi
Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023
The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)
that will help student to understand how to The researcher also explain the
know the meaning in a sentence that is used meaning of the lyrics so that can easier to
in different context correctly. define types of figurative language. This
There are many types of figurative research hopefully can help listener of
language such as metaphor, simile, Justin bieberalbum believe due to the
personification, allusion, hyperbole, and researchers provide lyrics that contain in
repetition. The meaning of metaphor is this research and the meaning of the lyrics
comparison two different objects but have so it will give further information to listener
common for example ( there are stars in of Justin Bieber album Believe. The reader
your eyes ), the meaning of simile is in this research also can find another
comparison that uses word such as and like example of figurative language in song as a
as characteristic of simile for example ( you reference.
are such a guardian angel for me ), Based on the explanation, the
personification is describe a non-human researcher focus on types of figurative
object into characteristic of human being language which are
for example ( the sunset is looking at me ), metaphor,simile,allusion,personification,
allusion is a reference of presumably hyperbole, and repetition to analyse
familiar person, place, thing, event in figurative language in Justin Bieber album
history for example ( is there an Einstein in Believe.
your classroom? ). Hyperbole is a In this research the researcher take
explanation about person or things that give ten song as a object of the analysis include
exaggeration meaning for example ( this lyrics of song that can be used to understand
food is the best that I have ever eaten in my the meaning of language so that can be
life). And repetition is an affirmation of easier to classify into types of figurative
words that repeated again and again for language in Justin Bieber album Believe.
example ( I want to eat eateat and eat). Therefore the researcher conducted
Figurative language have numerous a research entitled in “The Analysis Of
of meaning depend on situation and context Figurative Language In Justin Bieber
of writer.The main reason researcher Album Believe And Its Implicaton In
investigate figurative language in Justin English Language Teaching In Senior High
Bieber album Believe due to figure out School”.
what types of figurative language that Based on the explanation, the
contain in album Believe songs. researcher focus on types of figurative
language which are metaphor, simile,
Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023
The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)
Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023
The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)
Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023
The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)
culture based on time experience and of You,(9) Be Alright, (10) Believe. The
references from songwriters according to researcher also took other data sources as
Dallin in Firdaus (2013, p. 100). secondary data, namely the internet such as.
c. Research Instrument
III. Method
that had been chosen by the researchers. Sugiyono (2010, p. 312) explains that to
explains that qualitative research is also instrument is needed. In this study the
because qualitative research takes place in complete the research. Researcher used
a natural setting so that it cannot be tables to classify and check data so that
Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023
were properly should been chosen to be searched from 10 songs selected in Justin
analysed Bieber's album entitled Believe. From the
b. Identified and interpreted data results of the analysis of 6 types of
Researcher identified and interpreted figurative language searched by the
data based on conceptual meaning bythe researcher, it was found that repetition is
singer Justin Bieber in expressing dominant in the lyrics of Justin Bieber's
figurative language in the song on the song on the album Believe, namely there
album believe and coded the lyrics so are 62 Justin Bieber song lyrics with
easier to classify. repetition type, followed by another type,
c. Inventory, the researcher found namely allusion type found in 5 song lyrics,
figurative language from Justin Bieber's hyperbole type found in 7 song lyrics,
songsinto a table based on these songs. metaphore type is found in 5 song lyrics,
The researcher put number in each lyrics personification type is found in 3 song
to count how many types of figurative in lyrics and simile type is found in 2 justin
each song. Bieber song lyrics in Believe Album.
d. Classification
The researcher classified the figurative
V. Conclusion
language of Justin Bieberthe song album
Believe. Classify had purpose to divided
Based on the results and discussions
the lyrics into types of figurative
it can be concluded that there ware types of
figurative languages that found in Justin
e. Reporting
Bieber album Believe which were
The last step the researcher made a
metaphor, simile, allusion, hyperbole,
report or conclusion based onthe data
repetition, and personification. Repetition
that has been obtained such as how many
in was types of figurative language that
each types of figurative language in
mostly used which found in 62 lyrics of ten
Justin Bieber song in album Believe.
song in Justin Bieber album Believe.
The conceptual meaning in 10 songs
IV. Discussion in Justin Bieber album Believe were
variation, such as contained
The researcher found 6 types of
encouragement, emphasize, persuasion,
figurative language, namely allusion,
confusion, admirer, and struggle of love.
repetition, and simile which had been
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Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)
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