JB Figurative Language

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Ina Marliana, 2Asep Hardiyanto, 3Dewi Sri Kuning
inamarliana345@gmail.com, 2asep.hardiyanto@umko.ac.id, 3dewisrikuning@gmail.com

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

Abstract: The aim of this research were to find the types of figurative languages in Justin
Bieber album Believe and figured out the conceptual meaning, also figure out what is the most
dominant type is used in lyrics songs in Justin Bieber album Believe. Ten songs were chosen
in album Believe Justin Bieber which were to be considered suitable for students. The
technique of this research were by reading and listening Justin Bieber's song lyrics album
Believe, identifying and interpreting data based on conceptual meaning, inventorying which
put number in each lyrics to count how many types of figurative in each song, classifying which
had purpose to divided the lyrics into types of figurative languages, reporting which aimed to
made conclusion based on the data that had been analysed such as result of finding types of
figurative languages in Justin Bieber song in album Believe. Based on research finding, six
types of figurative languages were found in this research which were metaphor, simile,
hyperbole, allusion, repetition, and personification. Most types of figurative that found in this
research was repetition. Another finding research was conceptual meaning which were
variation, such as encouragement, persuasion, confusion, admirer, and struggle of love.

Keywords: Figurative Language, Types of Figurative Language.

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis-jenis bahasa kiasan dalam
album Justin Bieber Believe dan menemukan makna konseptual, juga mencoba menemukan
tipe bahasa kiasan yang digunakan dalam lirik lagu dalam album Justin Bieber Believe.
Sepuluh lagu dipilih dalam album Believe Justin Bieber yang dinilai cocok untuk pelajar.
Teknik penelitian ini adalah dengan membaca dan mendengarkan lirik lagu Justin Bieber
album Believe, mengidentifikasi dan menafsirkan data berdasarkan makna konseptual,
menginventarisasi yang menempatkan nomor di setiap lirik untuk menghitung berapa banyak
jenis kiasan di setiap lagu, mengklasifikasikan yang bertujuan untuk membagi lirik ke dalam
jenis bahasa kiasan, pelaporan yang bertujuan untuk membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan data
yang telah dianalisis seperti hasil menemukan jenis bahasa kiasan dalam lagu Justin Bieber
di album Believe. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, enam jenis bahasa kiasan ditemukan dalam
penelitian ini yaitu metafora, simile, hiperbola, kiasan, pengulangan, dan personifikasi. Jenis
majas yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah repetisi. Temuan penelitian
lainnya adalah makna konseptual yang bervariasi, seperti dorongan, bujukan, kebingungan,
pengaguman, dan perjuangan cinta.

Kata Kunci: Bahasa Kiasan, Tipe Bahasa Kiasan.

⁾ Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi
⁾ Dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi
Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023

I. Background of the Problem According to Setiani (2020, p. 88)

defines that semantics is one of brunches of
Language is used to communicate linguistics; linguistics want to understand
orally and written in social life so it is how language works. In this research,
important to understand the meaning of researcher choose conceptual meaning
language to achieve good feedback in because conceptual meaning is one of types
interaction. Language can be conveyed of meaning study field such as social
directly and indirectly. Language has meaning, affective meaning and conceptual
important rule to express idea, opinion, and meaning that are explained further in this
feeling. Language also identity of country research.
so that a lots of language can be found. According to Corbin in
Strengthening character education Zaimardiansyah (2019, p. 16) figurative
in Indonesia has been settled by the language is a language that creates
government in PeraturanPresidenNumber imaginative connections between ideas and
87 Year 2017. Based on the regulation, sense or that reveals striking similarities
strengthening education character is the between things we had never associated
educational movement under the before. Figurative language is a study
responsibility of the educational unit to about analysis of language that convey of
strengthen the character of learners through idea, opinion, and express by using
the harmonization of the heart, feeling, connotative meaning such as using symbol,
thought, and sport with the involvement and words and phrase that sometimes hard to
cooperation between educational units, understand the meaning. So that figurative
family, and society as part of the national language is taught to develop skill about
movement of mental revolution. analysis of connotative language
In curriculum 2013 are mentioned implicitly.Function of figurative language
about literature study field for high school is to force reader or listener to imagine what
student which are students focused to learn a writer express about. Figurative language
about literature that contain two basic is convey connotative language which
competences which are analysis of mean not convey literal meaning, so student
elements linguistic and mention social should know about how to define the
function in song according to Meiyono meaning of the expression of writer’s
(2016, p. 350). The researcher chose language through the words.
figurative language because figurative Also there are types of figurative
language is a part study of semantic. language that describe in this research so

The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)

that will help student to understand how to The researcher also explain the
know the meaning in a sentence that is used meaning of the lyrics so that can easier to
in different context correctly. define types of figurative language. This
There are many types of figurative research hopefully can help listener of
language such as metaphor, simile, Justin bieberalbum believe due to the
personification, allusion, hyperbole, and researchers provide lyrics that contain in
repetition. The meaning of metaphor is this research and the meaning of the lyrics
comparison two different objects but have so it will give further information to listener
common for example ( there are stars in of Justin Bieber album Believe. The reader
your eyes ), the meaning of simile is in this research also can find another
comparison that uses word such as and like example of figurative language in song as a
as characteristic of simile for example ( you reference.
are such a guardian angel for me ), Based on the explanation, the
personification is describe a non-human researcher focus on types of figurative
object into characteristic of human being language which are
for example ( the sunset is looking at me ), metaphor,simile,allusion,personification,
allusion is a reference of presumably hyperbole, and repetition to analyse
familiar person, place, thing, event in figurative language in Justin Bieber album
history for example ( is there an Einstein in Believe.
your classroom? ). Hyperbole is a In this research the researcher take
explanation about person or things that give ten song as a object of the analysis include
exaggeration meaning for example ( this lyrics of song that can be used to understand
food is the best that I have ever eaten in my the meaning of language so that can be
life). And repetition is an affirmation of easier to classify into types of figurative
words that repeated again and again for language in Justin Bieber album Believe.
example ( I want to eat eateat and eat). Therefore the researcher conducted
Figurative language have numerous a research entitled in “The Analysis Of
of meaning depend on situation and context Figurative Language In Justin Bieber
of writer.The main reason researcher Album Believe And Its Implicaton In
investigate figurative language in Justin English Language Teaching In Senior High
Bieber album Believe due to figure out School”.
what types of figurative language that Based on the explanation, the
contain in album Believe songs. researcher focus on types of figurative
language which are metaphor, simile,

Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023

allusion, personification, hyperbole, and information according to Aminuddin in

repetition to analyse figurative language in Yunira (2019, p. 108 ).
Justin Bieber album Believe. In this
research the researcher take ten song as a 3. Types of Meaning
object of the analysis include lyrics of song Geoffrey Leech in Yunira (2019, p.
that can be used to understand the meaning 108) mentions seven types, namely
of language so that can be easier to classify conceptual meaning, connotative meaning,
into types of figurative language in Justin affective meaning, collective meaning,
Bieber album Believe. social meaning, and thematic meaning. The
Therefore, the researcher conducted seven types can be explained as follows:
a research entitled in “The Analysis Of
Figurative Language In Justin Bieber 1. Conceptual meaning
Album Believe And Its Implicaton In in linguistic communication,
conceptual meaning is considered as
English Language Teaching In Senior High
the main factor. Conceptual meaning
School”. is called denotative or cognitive
meaning, of designation meaning, as
other scholars call it.
II. Theory of review
2. Connotative Meaning
1. Concept of Semantic connotative meaning is referring
to or exceeding above the content of
According to Hurford et al in the pure concept of the value of
Setiani(2020, p. 88) said that semantic expression communication. the
cannot be separated from word due to relationship between conceptual
semantic is a study of meaning in language, meaning and connotative meaning
and it is as symbolic system in a can be easily compared with real-
characterized. world relationships and conceptual
language relationships. connotative
meaning is categorized as unstable
2. Concept of Meaning (Linguistics) with conceptual meaning.
Meaning is the relationship between
language and the outside world that has 3. Affective Meaning
been mutually agreed upon so that it can be Leech in Yunira (2019, p. 108)
understood between the giver of explained that affective meaning is
information and the recipient of the conveyed through the concept or

The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)

content of connotative meaning that 6. Thematic Meaning

is used explicitly. For example, Thematic meaning is the type of
McDonald's motto is lovin' it." The meaning that provides answers to the
word "lovin" is a word that describes question "what is communicated by
a person's feelings towards a product the author in organizing and shaping
so that it is included in the word the message? which part of the
"lovin" as a proof. sentence is considered a semantic
sentence" according to Leech in
4. Collective Meaning Yunira (2019, p. 109).
Leech stated that the meaning of For example, “There is a man here to
the word from the collective meaning see you". intonation or stress in the
is obtained because of the tendency of thematic sense is very important
words that appear in their because emphasis can replace one
environment, for example the words element with another element.
beautiful and handsome. Beautiful
and handsome have the same 7. Associative Meaning
meaning, namely "good looking", Associative meaning describes the
besides that these words can be used six modes of language use that are
to refer to other objects such as combined and focused on mental
beautiful female, male, flower, connections. Mental connections are
garden, village and color. based on the closeness of real
experience rather than linguistic
5. Social Meaning context.
Languages related to
social language because it is closely 4. Concepts of Figurative
related to varioussocial group that is
part of the situation. Social meaning
Tarigan in Simanjuntak (2016, p. 2)
can include what is called
defines language style or figurative
illocutionary power depending on the
language used as an attractive language to
situation of social meanings such as
create effects by comparing a certain object
apologies, requests, and challenges.
or thing so as to create a certain connotative

Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023

5. Function of Figurative 3. Allusion

Faoziah (2018, p. 69) explained that an
Stimulating certain images is a allusion is a type of figurative language that
figurative function of language so that this aims to bring back the memory of the reader
affects the language of the work, both or communicant to an event or knowledge
written and spoken in terms of its beauty that is known.
according to Hutauruk (2019, p. 130).
4. Personification
6. Types of Figurative Language According to Arviusin Hayani (2016, p.
132) personification is a type of figurative
1. Metaphor language that describes or describes objects
Peter in Rahmani (2019, p. 29) explains that are not human as if they have human-
that metaphor is a type of figurative like characteristics such as being able to
language that compares one thing to think, act, feel, or live in exactly the same
another based on the same or close to the way as humans.it means that
same characteristics indirectly and without personification.
using connecting words “such as”, “ like”
or “as” in using metaphore as figurative 5. Hyperbole
words. Metaphor compare things that have According to Hasby(2018, p. 409)
the same meaning but do not use defined that Hyperbole is a type of
connecting words to connect with other figurative language that aims to emphasize
things that are the same so that they must be a statement, thereby increasing its influence
read carefully and imaginatively to by exaggerating the size and number in a
understand what the author means. literary work. It means to give an
exaggerated statement about something
2. Simile without reducing the truth of the statement
Keraf in Rahmani (2019, p. 28) says that in the content of the literary work.
simile is a figurative language that
compares certain objects explicitly and has 6. Repetition
a specific purpose. Simile clearly explains Tarigan in Faoziah (2018, p. 72)
the comparison of one object with another repetition is a type of figurative language
so as not to confuse the reader or listener. that aims to repeat a syllable or sound or
part of a sentence that is used to emphasize
in an appropriate context.

The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)

7. Definition of Song b. Pop Song

A song is a work of art that is formed Pop songs are songs that are
from composition and sound which is generally aimed at young people. Pop songs
usually a form of expressing the feelings of have characteristics such as contemporary
the creator through the basic elements of lyrics and upbeat rhythms. Pop songs are
rhythm, music and melody, as a unified songs that have contemporary lyrics and
form of song structure and expression upbeat rhythms,basically meant for youth
according to Jamalus in Hasby (2018, p. culture. from this genre there are several
410). popular artists who bring it such as Michael
In teaching English, there are Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Madonna,
several criteria to consider when choosing a Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears and Cher,
song, such as a song that is suitable for the music technology and recording is a
learning material or ideal, the lyrics of the composition of pop songs that take
song are clear in pronunciation and contain precedence over live performances. There
a lot of vocabulary that has a message in it are two important elements in a pop song,
according to Milek in Ridhayatullah (2020, namely effects and rhythm.
p. 99).
c. Rock Song
8. Types of Song Rock songs consist of clear lead
There are 10 types of songs according to guitar pieces, drums, keyboards, and bass
Stephen Rampur in Sutrisno (2017 p. 128) guitar as the main instruments. Instruments
in his book about types of songs, which will played in sync will sound energetic along
be described as follows. with the vocals. Young people and
teenagers are the most dominant rock song
a. Classical Song lovers.
Based on the name, classical songs d. Metal Song
are songs that are played with traditional Metal songs are louder than rock
music. was first composed by artists such as songs.The pitches and vocals on metal
Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian songs are screaming, the drum work is solid
Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and and the guitar leads are heavy, most metal
several other artists. songs use riffs and power chords, metal
songs contain random lyrics because the
main focus of metal songs is music.

Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023

e. Country Song h. Dance Song

Country songs consist of clean song Nowadays dance songs are
lyrics and use classical guitars as musical accompanied by drum machines, synths,
pieces and other instruments. solo and electronic music is played at parties and
instruments such as the mandolin, violin, discotheques, lyrics don't really matter in
harmonica, and banjo are sometimes used dance songs because the main thing about
as solo instruments in country songs. dance songs is to have a stomping rhythm
pattern and the speed of the song.
f. Hip hop Song
Hip hop songs consist of solid, i. Love Song
synth beats. the focus of hip hop songs is Love songs contain lyrics that
the way the lyrics are sung. Hip hop songs concentrate on relationships and feelings of
are very popular all over the world not only love. at most weddings this song is played,
in America. The hallmark of a hip hop song for farewells a love song contains sadness.
is that the song lyrics are recited in a Love songs composed by rock and pop
continuous manner with a rhythm by a hip artists.
hop singer.
j. Gospel Song
g. Ballad Song Gospel songs usually contain lyrics that
Ballad is a song that is sung slowly are based on personal experiences with
because the content of the ballad song is a God. Many gospel songs are sung in
narrative story combined with music, churches around the world, and usually
sometimes it also contains heavy gospel songs have lyrics taken from Bible
components. generally because the lyrical verses or written by people of Christian
content leaves people listening to the song faith. Gospel songs can be drawn from a
emotionally touched, the ballad song is a variety of genres, such as country, rock, rap,
big hit during the course of the show. or metal.
Artists can convert any type of musical
genre into ballads. The combination of 9. Lyrics
heavy music with emotional lyrics is the Writers make song lyrics in interacting
power of ballad songs. with listeners, often the author gives
messages (in any form) that are used to
motivate listeners and as a form of
interaction in the context of the author's

The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)

culture based on time experience and of You,(9) Be Alright, (10) Believe. The
references from songwriters according to researcher also took other data sources as
Dallin in Firdaus (2013, p. 100). secondary data, namely the internet such as.

c. Research Instrument
III. Method

a. Research Method In collecting data in a study,

The researcher used qualitative research researchers used instruments whose

methods to analyzed Justin Bieber's songs purpose collected data. According to

that had been chosen by the researchers. Sugiyono (2010, p. 312) explains that to

According to Sugiyono (2012, p. 8) measure natural or social phenomena an

explains that qualitative research is also instrument is needed. In this study the

called naturalistic research. In addition, researcher acted as a planner, implementing

according to Creswell (2003, p. 181)stated plans such as collecting data, analyzing,

that the characteristic of qualitative and making analysis results. So the

research is that it takes place naturally researcher acted as an instrument to

because qualitative research takes place in complete the research. Researcher used

a natural setting so that it cannot be tables to classify and check data so that

manipulated. researcher could analyze systematically.

This was done to make it easier for

b. Data Resource researcher to analyze and used the

researcher's own knowledge and language
The object of research was the source of in completing research according to
data that included the language unit that Moleong (2001, p. 121).
covers the object unit according to Kusuma
(2007). So the research data in this study b. Data Collecting Technique
were in the form of words, phrases and
sentences containing song lyrics contained Thefollowing was the procedure in
in Justin Bieber's songs that have been collecting data of figurative language,
selected by researcher in the album which could describe as following:
Believe.namely: (1) All Around the World, a. The researcher read and listenedJustin
(2) Boyfriend, (3) As Long As You Love Bieber's song lyricsalbum Believe. So
Me, (4) Catching Feelings, (5) Take You, the researcher can figure what song
(6) Die in Your Arms (7) Fall, (8) Thought

Jurnal Griya Cendikia, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Februari 2023

were properly should been chosen to be searched from 10 songs selected in Justin
analysed Bieber's album entitled Believe. From the
b. Identified and interpreted data results of the analysis of 6 types of
Researcher identified and interpreted figurative language searched by the
data based on conceptual meaning bythe researcher, it was found that repetition is
singer Justin Bieber in expressing dominant in the lyrics of Justin Bieber's
figurative language in the song on the song on the album Believe, namely there
album believe and coded the lyrics so are 62 Justin Bieber song lyrics with
easier to classify. repetition type, followed by another type,
c. Inventory, the researcher found namely allusion type found in 5 song lyrics,
figurative language from Justin Bieber's hyperbole type found in 7 song lyrics,
songsinto a table based on these songs. metaphore type is found in 5 song lyrics,
The researcher put number in each lyrics personification type is found in 3 song
to count how many types of figurative in lyrics and simile type is found in 2 justin
each song. Bieber song lyrics in Believe Album.
d. Classification
The researcher classified the figurative
V. Conclusion
language of Justin Bieberthe song album
Believe. Classify had purpose to divided
Based on the results and discussions
the lyrics into types of figurative
it can be concluded that there ware types of
figurative languages that found in Justin
e. Reporting
Bieber album Believe which were
The last step the researcher made a
metaphor, simile, allusion, hyperbole,
report or conclusion based onthe data
repetition, and personification. Repetition
that has been obtained such as how many
in was types of figurative language that
each types of figurative language in
mostly used which found in 62 lyrics of ten
Justin Bieber song in album Believe.
song in Justin Bieber album Believe.
The conceptual meaning in 10 songs
IV. Discussion in Justin Bieber album Believe were
variation, such as contained
The researcher found 6 types of
encouragement, emphasize, persuasion,
figurative language, namely allusion,
confusion, admirer, and struggle of love.
repetition, and simile which had been

The Analysis Of Figurative Language In Justin Bieber Album Believe And Its Implicaton In English Language
Teaching In Senior High School (Ina Marliana, Asep Hardiyanto, Dewi Sri Kuning)


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