EE 359: Wireless Communications: Professor Andrea Goldsmith

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Some of the key takeaways are that wireless systems face technical challenges across all layers of design, cross-layer design is important, existing systems have good quality but poor interoperability, and standards and spectrum allocation heavily impact wireless evolution.

Technical challenges discussed as transcending across wireless systems include delay, loss, lack of reliability over wireless networks as well as energy constraints in certain applications like wireless sensor networks.

Some examples of emerging wireless applications discussed include cognitive radio systems, wireless sensor networks for applications like smart homes/buildings, medical devices, wireless networks for distributed control of vehicles and more.

EE 359: Wireless Communications

Professor Andrea Goldsmith

 Course Basics
 Course Syllabus
 The Wireless Vision
 Technical Challenges
 Current Wireless Systems
 Emerging Wireless Systems
 Spectrum Regulation
 Standards
Course Information *

 Instructor: Andrea Goldsmith, andrea@ee, Packard
371, 5-6932, OHs: MW after class and by appt.

 TA: Yao Xie, Office: Packard 077 Tel(O): (650) 724-

3411, Email:, OHs: T7:10-8:10pm
(Pack 107), W 11am-noon, (Pack 104). Email OH's: W
10-11pm; Discussion: Tues. 4-4:50, location TBD.
 Class Administrator: Pat Oshiro, poshiro@stanford,
Packard 365, 3-2681. Homework dropoff: Th by 5 pm.

*See web or handout for more details

Course Information
Nuts and Bolts
 Prerequisites: EE279 or equivalent (Digital Communications)

 Required Textbook: Wireless Communications (by me), CUP

 Available at bookstore or Amazon
 Extra credit for finding typos/mistakes/etc.
 Supplemental texts on 1 day reserve at Terman.

 Class Homepage:

 All handouts, announcements, homeworks, etc. posted to website
 “Lectures” link continuously updates topics, handouts, and reading

 Class Mailing List: ee359-aut0910-students@lists (automatic for on-

campus registered students).
 Guest list ee359-aut0910-guest@lists for SCPD and auditors: send Yao email to sign
 Sending mail to ee359-aut0910-staff@lists reaches me and Yao.
Course Information
 Grading: Two Options
 No Project (3 units): HW – 30%, 2 Exams – 30%, 40%
 Project (4 units): HWs- 20%, Exams - 25%, 30%, Project - 25%

 HWs: assigned Wednesday, due following Thursday at noon

 Homeworks lose 25% credit per day late, lowest HW dropped
 Up to 3 students can collaborate and turn in one HW writeup
 Collaboration means all collaborators work out all problems together

 Exams:
 Midterm on 11/2. (It will likely be scheduled outside class time since the
duration is 2 hours.) Final on 12/9 from 8:30-11:30 am.
 Exams must be taken at scheduled time, no makeup exams
Course Information
 The term project (for students electing to do a project) is a research
project related to any topic in wireless

 Two people may collaborate if you convince me the sum of the parts
is greater than each individually

 A 1 page proposal is due 010/23 at 5 pm.

 5-10 hours of work typical for proposal
 Project website must be created and proposal posted there

 The project is due by 5 pm on 12/04 (on website)

 Suggested topics on handout

Makeup Classes
 There was no lecture Monday
 There will be no lectures Oct. 12 and 14
 Tentatively plan to have makeup lectures on Fridays
at lunch:
 Makeup lectures would be 9/25, 10/2, 10/9
 Can everyone make these times/days?
 Pizza provided
 Extra OHs the week of makeup lectures
 First makeup is this Friday, 9/25, 12:05-1:05, in
Hewlitt 102 or Packard 202
Course Syllabus
 Overview of Wireless Communications
 Path Loss, Shadowing, and Fading Models
 Capacity of Wireless Channels
 Digital Modulation and its Performance
 Adaptive Modulation
 Diversity
 MIMO Systems
 Multicarrier Modulation
 Spread Spectrum
 Multiuser Communications & Wireless Networks
Wireless History
 Ancient Systems: Smoke Signals, Carrier Pigeons,
 …
Radio invented in the 1880s by Marconi
 Many sophisticated military radio systems were
developed during and after WW2
 Cellular has enjoyed exponential growth since
1988, with almost 3 billion users worldwide today
 Ignited the wireless revolution
 Voice, data, and multimedia becoming ubiquitous
 Use in third world countries growing rapidly
 Wifi also enjoying tremendous success and growth
 Wide area networks (e.g. Wimax) and short-range
systems other than Bluetooth (e.g. UWB) less successful
Future Wireless Networks
Ubiquitous Communication Among People and Devices

Next-generation Cellular
Wireless Internet Access
Wireless Multimedia
Sensor Networks
Smart Homes/Spaces
Automated Highways
In-Body Networks
All this and more …
 Network Challenges
 Scarce spectrum
 Demanding/diverse applications BT
 Reliability FM/XM
 Ubiquitous coverage
 Seamless indoor/outdoor operation Cellular
 Device Challenges
 Size, Power, Cost Apps WLAN
 Multiple Antennas in Silicon Processor
 Multiradio Integration
Media Wimax
 Coexistance Processor
Evolution of Current
 Wireless systems today
 3G Cellular: ~200-300 Kbps.
 WLANs: ~450 Mbps (and growing).
 Next Generation is in the works
 4G Cellular: Likely OFDM/MIMO
 4G WLANs: Wide open, 3G just being finalized

 Technology Enhancements
 Hardware: Better batteries. Better circuits/processors.
 Link: Antennas, modulation, coding, adaptivity, DSP, BW.
 Network: Not much: more efficient resource allocation
 Application: Soft and adaptive QoS.
Future Generations
Other Tradeoffs:
Rate 802.11n Rate vs. Coverage
4G Rate vs. Delay
Rate vs. Cost
802.11b WLAN
3G Rate vs. Energy

2G Wimax/3G

2G Cellular

Fundamental Design Breakthroughs Needed
Multimedia Requirements

Voice Data Video

Delay <100ms - <100ms
Packet Loss <1% 0 <1%
BER 10-3 10-6 10-6
Data Rate 8-32 Kbps 10-1000 Mbps 10-1000 Mbps
Traffic Continuous Bursty Continuous

One-size-fits-all protocols and design do not work well

Wired networks use this approach, with poor results
Quality-of-Service (QoS)
 QoS refers to the requirements associated with a given
application, typically rate and delay requirements.

 It is hard to make a one-size-fits all network that supports

requirements of different applications.

 Wired networks often use this approach with poor results,

and they have much higher data rates and better reliability
than wireless.

 QoS for all applications requires a cross-layer design

Crosslayer Design
 Application
 Network
Delay Constraints
 Access Rate Constraints
Energy Constraints
 Link
 Hardware
Adapt across design layers
Reduce uncertainty through scheduling
Provide robustness via diversity
Current Wireless Systems
 Cellular Systems
 Wireless LANs
 Satellite Systems
 Paging Systems
 Bluetooth
 Ultrawideband radios
 Zigbee radios
Cellular Phones
Everything Wireless in One Device
Cellular Systems:
Reuse channels to maximize capacity
 Geographic region divided into cells
 Frequency/timeslots/codes/ reused at spatially-separated locations.
 Co-channel interference between same color cells.
 Base stations/MTSOs coordinate handoff and control functions
 Shrinking cell size increases capacity, as well as networking burden

Cellular Networks

Future networks want better performance and reliability

- Gbps rates, low latency, 99% coverage indoors and out
3G Cellular Design:
Voice and Data
 Data is bursty, whereas voice is continuous
 Typically require different access and routing strategies
 3G “widens the data pipe”:
 384 Kbps (802.11n has 100s of Mbps).
 Standard based on wideband CDMA
 Packet-based switching for both voice and data
 3G cellular popular in Asia and Europe
 Evolution of existing systems in US (2.5G++)
 100 Kbps may be enough
 Dual phone (2/3G+Wifi) use growing (iPhone, Google)

 What is beyond 3G?

The trillion dollar question

4G and LTE
(long term evolution)
 Much higher data rates (50-100 Mbps)
 Greater spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz)
 Flexible use of up to 100 MHz of spectrum
 Low packet latency (<5ms).
 Increased system capacity
 Reduced cost-per-bit
 Support for multimedia
Wifi Networks
Multimedia Everywhere, Without Wires


• Streaming video
• Gbps data rates
• High reliability Wireless HDTV
• Coverage in every room and Gaming
Wireless Local Area
Networks (WLANs)
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 WLANs connect “local” computers (100m range)

 Breaks data into packets
 Channel access is shared (random access)
 Backbone Internet provides best-effort service
 Poor performance in some apps (e.g. video)
Wireless LAN Standards
 802.11b (Old – 1990s)
 Standard for 2.4GHz ISM band (80 MHz)
 Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS)
 Speeds of 11 Mbps, approx. 500 ft range

 802.11a/g (Middle Age– mid-late 1990s) Many WLAN

 Standard for 5GHz NII band (300 MHz) cards have
 OFDM in 20 MHz with adaptive rate/codes all 3 (a/b/g)
 Speeds of 54 Mbps, approx. 100-200 ft range

 802.11n (Hot stuff, standard done, published in Oct)

 Standard in 2.4 GHz and 5 GHzband
 Adaptive OFDM /MIMO in 20/40 MHz (2-4 antennas)
 Speeds up to 600Mbps, approx. 200 ft range
 Other advances in packetization, antenna use, etc.
Wimax (802.16)
 Wide area wireless network standard
 System architecture similar to cellular
 Hopes to compete with cellular

 OFDM/MIMO is core link technology

 Operates in 2.5 and 3.5 MHz bands
 Different
for different countries, 5.8 also used.
 Bandwidth is 3.5-10 MHz

 Fixed (802.16d) vs. Mobile (802.16e) Wimax

 Fixed:75 Mbps max, up to 50 mile cell radius
 Mobile: 15 Mbps max, up to 1-2 mile cell radius
Satellite Systems

 Cover very large areas

 Different orbit heights
 GEOs (39000 Km) versus LEOs (2000 Km)
 Optimized for one-way transmission
 Radio (XM, Sirius) and movie (SatTV, DVB/S) broadcasts
 Most two-way systems struggling or bankrupt
 Global Positioning System (GPS) use growing
 Satellite signals used to pinpoint location
 Popular in cell phones, PDAs, and navigation devices
Paging Systems
 Broad coverage for short messaging
 Message broadcast from all base stations
 Simple terminals
 Optimized for 1-way transmission
 Answer-back hard
 Overtaken by cellular
 Cable replacement RF technology (low cost)
 Short range (10m, extendable to 100m)
 2.4 GHz band (crowded)
 1 Data (700 Kbps) and 3 voice channels, up to 3 Mbps

 Widely supported by telecommunications, PC, and

consumer electronics companies

 Few applications beyond cable replacement

Ultrawideband Radio
 UWB is an impulse radio: sends pulses of tens of
picoseconds(10-12) to nanoseconds (10-9)
 Duty cycle of only a fraction of a percent
 A carrier is not necessarily needed
 Uses a lot of bandwidth (GHz)
 High data rates, up to 500 Mbps
 7.5 Ghz of “free spectrum” in the U.S. (underlay)
 Multipath highly resolvable: good and bad
 Limited commercial success to date
IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee Radios

 Low-Rate WPAN
 Data rates of 20, 40, 250 Kbps
 Support for large mesh networking or star clusters
 Support for low latency devices
 CSMA-CA channel access
 Very low power consumption
 Frequency of operation in ISM bands

Focus is primarily on low power sensor networks




Scarce Wireless Spectrum


and Expensive
Spectrum Regulation
 Spectral Allocation in US controlled by FCC
(commercial) or OSM (defense)
 FCC auctions spectral blocks for set applications.
 Some spectrum set aside for universal use
 Worldwide spectrum controlled by ITU-R
 Regulation is a necessary evil.
Innovations in regulation being considered worldwide,
including underlays, overlays, and cognitive radios
Spectral Reuse
Due to its scarcity, spectrum is reused
In licensed bands and unlicensed bands


Cellular, Wimax Wifi, BT, UWB,…

Reuse introduces
Need Better Coexistence
Many devices use the same radio band

 Technical Solutions:
 Interference
 Smart/Cognitive Radios
 Interacting systems require standardization

 Companies want their systems adopted as standard

 Alternatively try for de-facto standards

 Standards determined by TIA/CTIA in US

 IEEE standards often adopted
 Process fraught with inefficiencies and conflicts

 Worldwide standards determined by ITU-T

 In Europe, ETSI is equivalent of IEEE
Standards for current systems are summarized in Appendix D.
Emerging Systems*
 4th generation cellular (4G)
 OFDMA will be PHY layer (like Wimax)
 Other new features and bandwidth still in flux

 Ad hoc/mesh wireless networks

 Cognitive radios
 Sensor networks
 Distributed control networks
 Biomedical networks

*Can have a bonus lecture on this topic late in the quarter if there is interest
Ad-Hoc/Mesh Networks

Outdoor Mesh

Indoor Mesh
Design Issues
 Ad-hoc networks provide a flexible network
infrastructure for many emerging applications.

 The capacity of such networks is generally unknown.

 Transmission, access, and routing strategies for ad-

hoc networks are generally ad-hoc.

 Crosslayer design critical and very challenging.

 Energy constraints impose interesting design

tradeoffs for communication and networking.
Cognitive Radio Paradigms
 Underlay
 Cognitiveradios constrained to cause minimal interference
to noncognitive radios

 Interweave
 Cognitive radios find and exploit spectral holes to avoid
interfering with noncognitive radios

 Overlay
 Cognitive radios overhear and enhance noncognitive radio
Wireless Sensor Networks
Data Collection and Distributed Control
• Smart homes/buildings
• Smart structures
• Search and rescue
• Homeland security
• Event detection
• Battlefield surveillance

 Energy (transmit and processing) is the driving constraint

 Data flows to centralized location (joint compression)
 Low per-node rates but tens to thousands of nodes
 Intelligence is in the network rather than in the devices
Energy-Constrained Nodes
 Each node can only send a finite number of bits.
 Transmit energy minimized by maximizing bit time
 Circuit energy consumption increases with bit time
 Introduces a delay versus energy tradeoff for each bit

 Short-range networks must consider transmit, circuit,

and processing energy.
 Sophisticated techniques not necessarily energy-efficient.
 Sleep modes save energy but complicate networking.

 Changes everything about the network design:

 Bit allocation must be optimized across all protocols.
 Delay vs. throughput vs. node/network lifetime tradeoffs.
 Optimization of node cooperation.
Distributed Control over Wireless
Automated Vehicles
- Cars
- Airplanes/UAVs
- Insect flyers

Interdisciplinary design approach

• Control requires fast, accurate, and reliable
• Wireless networks introduce delay and loss
• Need reliable networks and robust controllers
: Many design challenges

Wireless Biomedical Systems


In- Body Wireless Devices Recovery from

-Sensors/monitoring devices Nerve Damage
-Drug delivery systems
-Medical robots
-Neural implants
Main Points
 The wireless vision encompasses many exciting systems and

 Technical challenges transcend across all layers of the system


 Cross-layer design emerging as a key theme in wireless.

 Existing and emerging systems provide excellent quality for

certain applications but poor interoperability.

 Standards and spectral allocation heavily impact the

evolution of wireless technology

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