History of Softball
History of Softball
History of Softball
The first version of softball was invented in Chicago, Illinois on Thanksgiving Day, 1887 by
George Hancock as a winter version of baseball. It was intended to be a way for baseball players
to keep in practice during the winter. At the time, the sport was called "Indoor Baseball" [2]
Yale and Harvard alumni had gathered at the Farragut Boat Club in Chicago to hear the score of
the annual football game. When the score was announced and bets were paid, a Yale alumnus
threw a boxing glove at a Harvard supporter. The other person grabbed a stick and swung at it.
Hancock called "Play ball!" and the game began. Hancock took a boxing glove and tied it into a
ball. A broom handle was used as a bat.[3] The first softball game ended with a score of 44-40.[4]
The ball, being soft, was fielded barehanded rather than with gloves like those which had been
introduced to baseball in 1882. Hancock developed a ball and an undersized bat in the next week.
The Farragut Club soon set rules for the game, which spread quickly to outsiders. The game,
under the name of "Indoor-Outdoor", was moved outside next year, and the first rules were
published in 1889.[2]
In 1895 Lewis Rober, Sr. of Minneapolis organized outdoor games as exercise for firefighters;
this game was known as kitten ball (after the first team to play it), pumpkin ball, or diamond
ball.[3] Rober's version of the game used a ball 12 inches (305 mm) in circumference, rather than
the 16-inch (406 mm) ball used by the Farragut club, and eventually the Minneapolis ball
prevailed, although the dimensions of the Minneapolis diamond were passed over in favor of the
dimensions of the Chicago one. Rober may not have been familiar with the Farragut Club rules.
The first softball league outside the United States was organized in Toronto in 1897.
The name "softball" dates back to 1926. The name was coined by Walter Hakanson of the
YMCA[3] at a meeting of the National Recreation Congress.[5] (In addition to "indoor baseball",
"kitten ball", and "diamond ball", names for the game included "mush ball", "pumpkin ball,"[3]
and "cabbage ball".) The name softball had spread across the United States by 1930.[5] By the
1930s, similar sports with different rules and names were being played all over the United States
and Canada. The formation of the Joint Rules Committee on Softball in 1934 standardized the
rules and naming throughout the United States.[2]
Sixteen-inch softball, also sometimes referred to as "mush ball" or "super-slow pitch", is a direct
descendant of Hancock's original game. Defensive players are not allowed to wear fielding
gloves; however, a 16-inch softball is actually soft, and can be fielded safely with bare hands.
Sixteen-inch softball is played extensively in Chicago and New Orleans. In New Orleans,
sixteen-inch softball is called "Cabbage Ball" and is a popular team sport in area elementary and
high schools.
By the 1940's, fast pitching began to dominate the game. Although slow pitch was present at the
1933 World's Fair, the main course of action taken was to lengthen the pitching distance. Slow
pitch achieved formal recognition in 1953 when it was added to the program of the Amateur
Softball Association, and within a decade had surpassed fast pitch in popularity.[2]
Softball was introduced to the United Kingdom in 1972 when the movie A Touch of Class was
being filmed in London.[3] The first British women's softball league was established in 1983.[2]
In 1977, the American Professional Slow Pitch League (APSPL) became the first of three men's
professional softball leagues to play between 1977 and 1982. The Detroit Caesars were the first
team to win a professional softball World Series.[citation needed]
In 1991, women's fast-pitch softball was selected to debut at the 1996 Summer Olympics.[3] The
1996 Olympics also marked a key era in the introduction of technology in softball; the IOC
funded a landmark biomechanical study on pitching during the games.
In 2002, sixteen-inch slow pitch was written out of the ISF official rules, although it is still
played extensively in the United States under Amateur Softball Association of America, or ASA
The 117th meeting of the International Olympic Committee, held in Singapore in July 2005,
voted to drop softball and baseball as Olympic sports for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.[6]
Other sanctioning bodies of softball are NSA[1], PONY[2], ASA[3], and USSSA[4].
BELUM AMBIL!!!! Softball is played between 2 teams on a large field, which usually is
composed of a dirt and grass infield which contains the diamond and running areas, and a grass
outfield. However, the field also can consist of all dirt, grass, artificial turf, or, in areas such as
New York City, asphalt. There are 4 bases on the infield (first base, second base, third base,and
home plate); the bases are arranged in a square and are typically 45 to 65 feet apart. Near the
center of this square is the pitcher's circle, and within the circle is the "rubber", a small flat
rectangular area also known as the "pitcher's plate". The object of the game is to score more runs
(points) than the other team by batting (hitting) a ball into play and running around the bases,
touching each one in succession. The ball is a sphere of light material, covered with leather or
synthetic material. It is 10 to 12 inches (or rarely, 16 inches[7]) (28 to 30.5 centimeters) in
circumference. The game is officiated by one or more neutral umpires. Players and umpires are
generally free to ask for a brief stoppage at any time when the ball is not in play, or immediately
following a play once its outcome is clear.
The game is played in a series of innings, usually seven. Youth leagues sometimes have 6
innings. An inning is one series of both teams playing offense and defense. Each inning is
divided into a top half and a bottom half indicating which team is playing which role. The
offense bats and attempts to score runs, while the defense occupies the field and attempts to
record outs in a variety of ways. After the defense records 3 outs, the half inning is over and the
teams switch roles.
To start play, the offense sends a batter to home plate. The batting order must be fixed at the
start of the game, and players may not bat out of turn. The defense's pitcher stands atop the
rubber and throws the ball towards home plate using an underhanded motion. The batter attempts
to hit the pitched ball with a bat, a long, round, smooth stick made of wood, metal or composite.
A pitch must cross within a small area known as the strike zone, which is determined by the
umpire behind home plate, and primarily ranges from the knees to just below the shoulders the
ball must cross over the plate, and it must be within a certain height restriction. A pitch which
does not cross the strike zone is a ball, and if the batter reaches 4 balls, the batter is awarded first
base. A pitch which crosses the strike zone is a strike, and a batter who reaches 3 strikes is out (a
strikeout), and the next batter in the order comes to bat. A strike is also recorded on any pitch
that the batter swings at and misses entirely, and also on a pitch that is hit foul (out of play), a
foul ball may or may not result in a strikeout dependent upon what association and local league
rules. However, bunting a foul ball does result in a strikeout. Bunting is not allowed and results
in an out in some associations and leagues.
The batter attempts to swing the bat and hit the ball fair (into the field of play). After a
successful hit the batter becomes a baserunner (or runner) and must run to first base. The
defense attempts to field the ball and may throw the ball freely between players, so one player
can field the ball while another moves to a position to put out the runner. The defense can tag the
runner, by touching the runner with the ball while the runner is not on a base. The defense can
also touch first base while in possession of the ball; in this case it is sufficient to beat the batter to
first base and an actual tag of the batter is unnecessary. A runner is said to be thrown out when
the play involves two or more defensive players. Runners generally cannot be put out when
touching a base, but only one runner may occupy a base at any time and runners may not pass
each other. When a ball is batted into play, runners generally must attempt to advance if there are
no open bases behind them; for example, a runner on first base must run to second base if the
batter puts the ball in play. In such a situation, the defense can throw to the base that the lead
runner is attempting to take (a force out), and the defense can then also throw to the previous
base. This can result in a multiple-out play: a double play is two outs, while a triple play, a very
rare occurrence, is three outs. Runners with an open base behind them are not forced to advance
and do so at their own risk; the defense must tag such runners directly to put them out rather than
tagging the base.
A ball which is hit in the air and caught before hitting the ground is an immediate out, regardless
of whether the ball would have landed fair or foul. A fly ball is a ball hit high and deep, a pop fly
is a ball hit high but short, and a line drive is a ball hit close to the horizontal. In any such
situation, runners must remain on their bases until the ball is touched by a defensive player or
hits the ground. If a runner leaves the base before a fly ball, pop fly, or line drive is touched or
contacts the ground, the defense can throw the ball to that base, and if the base is tagged before
the runner returns, the runner is out as well, resulting in a double play. If the runner remains on
the base until the ball is touched, or returns to the base after the catch but before the defense can
put him out, he is said to tag up and may attempt to advance to the next base at his own risk. If
there are less than two batters out and runners on 1st and 2nd bases and the batter hits a pop fly
in the infield, the batter is automatically out to prevent unfair play by the fielders. Unfair play
may result from infielders deliberately dropping the ball to try and achieve a double play. This
rule is called the infield fly rule.
Offensive strategy is fairly straight forward, revolving around hitting the ball to let the batter
reach base safely and to advance the base runners towards home plate to score runs. Defensive
strategy can be more complex, with particular situations calling for different positioning and
tactical decision making. For both sides, there can be a trade-off between outs and runs: the
offense can sacrifice a batter to advance runners, while the defense may allow a runner to score
if the remaining runners can be put out in a double play.
The field
Diagram of a softball diamond.
Equipment required in softball includes a ball, a bat, gloves, uniforms and protective gear,
including helmets for the offensive team and a helmet, shin guards, and chest protector for the
defensive catcher.
Despite the sport's name, softballs are not especially soft. The size of the ball varies according to
the classification of play; the permitted circumferences in international play are 12±0.125 in
(30.5±0.3 cm), weight between 6.25 oz (178 g) and 7.0 oz (198.4 g) in fast pitch; 11±0.125 in
(29.7±0.3 cm), weight between 5.875 oz (166.5 g) and 6.125 oz (173.6 g) in slow pitch. A 12-
inch circumference ball is generally used in slow pitch. Some balls have a raised seam, and
others do not. The ball is most often covered in white or yellow leather in two pieces roughly the
shape of a figure-8 and sewn together with red thread, although other coverings are permitted.
The core of the ball may be made of long fiber kapok, or a mixture of cork and rubber, or a
polyurethane mixture, or another approved material.[8]
In 2002, high-visibility yellow "optic" covering, long-used for restricted flight balls in co-ed
recreational leagues, became standard for competitive play. Yellow is the color of official NCAA
and NAIA softballs. Yellow softballs are fast becoming the standard for all levels of play for
girls' and women's play in particular. White balls are also allowed, but are much more common
in slow pitch than in fast pitch.
In Chicago, where softball was invented, it remains traditional to play with a ball 16 inches in
circumference. This larger ball is generally softer (sometimes called a mush ball). When using a
16-inch ball, the fielders do not wear gloves or mitts.[9] A 16-inch ball is also used for wheelchair
The bat used by the batter is made of metal, wood or composite materials (carbon fiber, etc.).
Sizes may vary. In fast pitch softball, wooden bats are not allowed.
All defensive players wear fielding gloves, made of leather or similar material. Gloves have
webbing between the thumb and forefinger, known as the "pocket". The first baseman and the
catcher may wear mitts; mitts are distinguished from gloves in that they have extra padding, and
no fingers. In 2007, ASA and other organizations revised their rules regarding gloves and mitts,
allowing any player to use a glove or mitt. No part of the glove is allowed to be the same color as
that of the ball, including that of its seams.[8] Gloves used in softball are generally larger than the
ones used in baseball.
Each team wears distinctive uniforms. The uniform includes a cap, visor, a shirt, an undershirt,
tight sliding undershorts, socks, and shorts or pants; these are the components for which
standards are set.[8]
Caps must be alike and are mandatory for male players (this is not true anymore)[citation
needed]. Caps, visors, and headbands are optional for female players, and do not have to be the
same color. A fielder who chooses to wear a helmet (see below) is not required to wear a cap.[8]
Including for softball players, most players use "sliding shorts" otherwise known as compression
shorts for other sports like soccer, football etc. These shorts help to protect the upper thigh when
sliding into a base. Other additional sliding equipment used are "sliders". These are somewhat
padded shinguards that extend usually from the ankle to the knee of the wearer and wrap all the
way around the leg(s). They protect the shin, calf, etc. from getting bruised or damaged while
sliding into homeplate and make it easier to slide into the plate.
At the back of the uniform an Arabic numeral from 1–99 must be visible. Numbers such as 02
and 2 are considered identical. Players' names are optional.[8]
Jewelry, excepting medic-alert-style bracelets and necklaces, cannot be worn during a game.
Those must be taped to players wearing them.[8]
All players are required to wear shoes. They may have cleats or spikes. The spikes must extend
less than 0.75 inch (19 mm) away from the sole. Rounded metal spikes are illegal, as are ones
made from hard plastic or other synthetic materials. High school athletes are sometimes
permitteded to wear metal cleats.[10]
Many recreational leagues prohibit the use of metal cleats or spikes to reduce the possible
severity of injuries when a runner slides feet-first into a fielder. At all youth (under 15) levels, in
co-ed (the official terminology for mixed teams) slow pitch, and in modified pitch, metal spikes
are not allowed.
Protective equipment
All batters in fast pitch are required to wear batting helmets. In slow pitch, helmets are optional
for adult batters and mandatory for youth batters. Batting helmets must have two ear flaps, one
on each side. Helmets and cages that are damaged or altered are forbidden.[8]
In fast pitch, the catcher must wear a protective helmet with a face-mask and throat protector. A
female catcher may optionally wear a body protector in slow pitch. In fast pitch shin guards and
helmets with face-mask's are required. Shin guards also protect the kneecap.[8]
In slow pitch, the catcher must wear a helmet and mask at youth levels. At adult levels, there is
no formal requirement for the catcher to wear a mask, although the official rules recommend it.
In slow pitch, there is no formal requirement to wear a helmet.[8]
In any form of softball, any player (other than fast pitch catchers on defense) can wear a
protective face mask or face guard. As usual, it must be in proper condition and not damaged,
altered, or the like.[8] This is intended to prevent facial injuries.[11]
When people slide into the bases, their legs can get cut up very easily, so the players wear sliding
pants under their shorts. This protects the upper part of the leg. Not all players have to wear
them, but it is recommended if you slide feet first.
Decisions about plays are made by umpires, similar to a referee in American football. The
number of umpires on a given game can range from a minimum of one to a maximum of seven.
There is never more than one "plate umpire"; there can be up to three "base umpires", and up to a
further three umpires positioned in the outfield. Most fast pitch games use a crew of two umpires
(one plate umpire, one base umpire).
The plate umpire often uses an indicator (sometimes called a clicker or counter) to keep track of
the game
Official umpires are often nicknamed "blue", because of their uniforms – in many jurisdictions,
most significantly ISF, NCAA and ASA games, umpires wear navy blue slacks, a light powder
blue shirt, and a navy baseball cap. Some umpires wear a variant of the uniform: some umpires
in ASA wear heather gray slacks and may also wear a navy blue shirt; umpires from the USSSA
wear red shirts with black shorts; NSA umpires generally wear either a cream- or black-colored
shirt. Canadian umpires can wear either a light blue or red shirt. Regardless of what uniform is
worn, all umpires in the same game are required to have matching clothing.
Decisions are usually indicated by both the use of hand signals, and by vocalizing the call. Safe
calls are made by signaling with flat hands facing down moving away from each other, and a
verbal call of "safe". Out calls are made by raising the right hand in a clenched fist, with a verbal
call of "out". Strikes are called by the plate umpire, who uses the same motion as the out call
with a verbal call of "strike". Balls are only called verbally, with no hand gesture. The umpire
also has the option of not saying anything on a ball. It is understood that when he stands up, the
pitch was not a strike. Foul balls are called by extending both arms up in the air with a verbal call
of "foul ball", while fair balls are indicated only by pointing towards fair territory with no verbal
call. No signal is given for balls that are obviously foul and for closer calls that aren't borderline;
a mere acknowledgement signal is given. All decisions made by the umpire(s) are considered to
be final. Only decisions where a rule might have been misinterpreted are considered to be
protestable. At some tournaments there might be a rules interpreter or Tournament Chief Umpire
(TCU) (also known as the Umpire In Chief, or UIC) available to pass judgment on such protests,
but it is usually up to the league or association involved to decide if the protest would be upheld.
Protests are never allowed on what are considered "judgment calls" – balls, strikes, safes,
fair/foul and outs
A softball game can last anywhere from 3 to 9 innings, depending on the league, rules, and type
of softball; however 7 innings is the most common. In each inning, each team bats until three
batters have been put out (see below). The teams take turns batting. Officially, which team bats
first is decided by a coin toss,[8] although a league may decide otherwise at its discretion. The
most common rule is that the home team bats second. Batting second is advantageous.
In the event of a tie, extra innings are usually played until the tie is broken except in certain
tournaments and championships. If the home team is leading and the road team has just finished
its half of the seventh inning, the game ends because it is not necessary for the home team to bat
again. In all forms of softball, the defensive team is the fielding team; the offensive team is at
bat or batting and is trying to score runs.
A still picture of fastpitch player Megan Gibson pitching the ball in the "windmill" motion
Play begins with the umpire saying "Play Ball". After the batter is ready and all fielders (except
the catcher) are in fair territory, the pitcher stands at the pitching plate and attempts to throw the
ball past the batter to the catcher behind home plate. The throw, or pitch, must be made with an
underarm often called "windmill" motion: the ball must be released below the hip when the hand
is no farther from the hip than the elbow to got it in the strike zone.
A windmill motion is done by extending the throwing hand around the body backwards and
releasing the ball at about hip level at maximum speeds. In girls' fastpitch, 12u pitchers usually
throw in the high 30's (mph) to mid 40's, 14u is in the high 40's to low 50's, 16u is when you will
see girls throwing 50-60 mph; with the rare being high 60's to 70mph. However, speed is not
always the most important factor in fastpitch softball. Pitchers can throw balls that curve (in-
Screw, out-curve), rise (straight rise, or rise screw), drop (straight drop or drop curve), as well as
a change-up (slow) and fastball. A change of pace (off-speed) is also very important, good
pitchers will be able to throw all their pitches at varying speeds and possibly even different
pitching motions (submarine or windmill). Pitchers use deception as a primary tactic for getting
batters out as the reaction times from 40' (43' for 18U and college) only provides approx .5 sec or
less to react to the thrown pitch.
The pitcher tries to throw the ball so that it passes through the "strike zone". However, in
advanced play a highly-skilled pitcher may deliberately pitch a ball outside the strike zone if she
believes the batter is likely to swing. In other instances, such as when an extremely powerful
hitter comes up to bat and they are followed by a weaker hitter, a pitcher may deliberately walk
the first batter based on the calculation that the next batter will be an easy out. The strike zone is
slightly different in different forms of softball. A pitch that passes through that zone is a "strike".
A pitch that the batter swings at is also a strike, as is any hit ball that lands in foul territory.
A pitch which is not a strike and which the batter does not swing at what is a "ball". The number
of balls and strikes is called the "count". The number of balls is always given first, as 2 and 1, 2
and 2, and so on. A count of 3 and 2 is a "full count", since the next ball or strike will end the
batter's turn at the plate, unless the ball goes foul.
If the ball lands foul, it is a "dead ball" and no plays may be made until the pitcher receives the
ball again.
Various illegal acts done by the pitcher, such as "leaping" or "crow-hopping" are called an illegal
pitch. "Crow hopping" consists of the pitcher not having her foot on the mound when she
releases. When she releases the pitch, one foot must be on the "rubber" or pitcher's mound. The
umpire sticks his right arm out straight to the side and clenches his fist. The result in a ball being
awarded to the batter, and any runners on base advancing to the next base.
In 16-inch softball, the pitch is lobbed. Umpires often will make calls based on where the ball
lands behind the plate. A pitch in "the well" is considered a perfect pitch.
In fast pitch softball, there are various types of pitches. Some are: the fastball, changeup,
dropball, riseball, screwball, curveball, and the knuckleball.
Fast pitch pitches may reach high speeds; At the 1996 Summer Olympics one pitch reached
73.3 miles per hour (118 kilometers per hour).[12]
The Texas Longhorns softball team gets a strikeout against Penn State to end the game, February
15, 2008.
The batter is out if: three strikes are called (a "strikeout"); a ball hit by the batter is caught before
touching the ground (a "flyout"); the batter goes to a base that is already tagged ("tagged" or "tag
play"); a fielder holding the ball touches a base which is the only base towards which the batter
may run before the batter arrives there (a "force out" or "force play"); or in certain special
Advancing around the bases
• There are 9 players on a softball team.
• The playing field is divided into the infield and outfield
• The lines between the bases are 60’ apart and when joined
they form a “diamond”, inside the baseline is known as the
• Outside the baseline but inside the playing field is called the
• Any ball going outside the 1st or 3rd base line is a foul ball
( runners can not advance and the batter gets another try
unless the ball was caught in the air, which translates to an
• An official game is 7 innings (a inning is when both teams
have had their turn to bat)
• The pitcher must have both feet on the pitcher’s rubber and
can only take one step forward while pitching.
• The ball must be thrown underhand.
• Both hands must be on the ball at the start of the pitch.
• Batters must follow the same order throughout the whole
• The batter is out if and when:
a) three strikes have been called
b) a fly ball is caught
c) the batter does not stand in the batter’s box
• Runners must touch each base in order
• Runners may overrun 1st base only, all other bases the
runner may be tagged and called out if they are off the base.
• Runners can not lead off a base, they must be on base until
the ball as left the pitcher’s hand
• After a fly ball has been caught the base runner must tag the
occupied base before advancing to the next base
• One base runner can not pass another base runner that is
ahead of them.
• Stealing a base is not permitted
• A runner is out if:
a. they are tagged with the ball before reaching a base
b. the ball gets to 1st base before the runner
c. they run more than 3 feet out of the base line to avoid being tagged
• Ball- a legally pitched ball that does not enter the strike zone
(four balls equals a walk)
• Grounder- A ball that is hit on the ground
• Force out- when the runner has to advance to the next base
to make room for the following base runner.
• Fly ball- ball hit up in the air to the infield
• On deck- the next batter
• Pop up- ball hit up in the air to the infield
• Strike- term used when a ball is swung at and missed or is
called when the ball enters the strike zone and is not swung
at all.
• Strike zone- the ball passes the batter over the plate between
their chest and knees
Picture of softball
Diagram of softball diamond
Pitcher: Pitches the ball from the pitcher’s mound to the catcher.
Catcher: Crouches behind home plate and receives pitches thrown by the pitcher. Also
receives throws from fielders attempting to make outs at home plate.
First baseman: “Fields,” or defends, balls hit near the 1st base line. Receives throws from
fielders attempting to make outs at 1st base.
Second baseman: Fields balls hit near 2nd base. Receives throws from fielders attempting to
make outs at 2nd base. Often involved in a double-play.
Third baseman: Fields balls hit near the 3rd base line. Receives throws from other fielders
attempting to make outs at 3rd base.
Shortstop: Fields balls hit between the second baseman and third baseman. Covers 2nd base
when the ball is hit to the second baseman.
Three outfielders — left fielder , center fielder and right fielder — attempt to catch
balls hit into their portion of the outfield. Balls hit to the outfield are generally ground balls or fly
balls hit past the infield.
Some teams also use a designated player that bats for one fielder and does not play a position on
the field. Other positions include substitute players who may be introduced, called “pinch
hitters” who replace a batter, or “pinch runners” who replace a base runner. Once a player has
been substituted, she may not return.
Baseball Field Diagram
For exact dimensions,
look in section 1.x in your league's rulebook.
Sofball equipment…
IN 1895 came the first time softball was played as an outdoor game, in Minneapolis. Firefighters
played it for exercise. The game of softball at that time was known as kitten ball. After years of
development in the game, the first ever softball league outside the United States was organized in
Toronto, Canada, in 1897. Softballs name had itself undergone a series of changes since 1926. Some
of the names include indoor baseball, kitten ball, diamond ball, mush ball, and pumpkin ball. Standard
and international rules were first agreed upon only after the formation of the Amateur Softball
Association in 1933.
Softball is a variation of baseball and is a very popular participant sport, particularly in the
United States. It is generally agreed that softball developed from a game called indoor
baseball, first played in Chicago. It was called indoor-outdoor and Hancock emerged as
the recognized authority in the 19th century. Hancock appended 19 special rules to adapt
the outdoor game to the indoor game. The rules were officially adopted by the Mid Winter
Indoor Baseball League of Chicago in 1889. Hancock's game gradually spread throughout
the country and ultimately flourished in Minneapolis thanks to the efforts and ingenuity of
Louis Rober, a Minneapolis Fire Department lieutenant, who wanted to game to keep his
firemen fit during idle time. Using a vacant lot adjacent to the firehouse, Rober laid out
bases with a pitching distance of 35 feet.
His ball was a small sized medicine
ball with the bat two inches in diameter.
The game became popular overnight
and other fire companies began to play.
In 1895, Rober transferred to another
fire company and organized a team he
called the Kittens. George Kehoe,
captain of the Truck Company No. 1,
named Rober's version of softball
"Kitten Ball." Rober's game was known
as Kitten Ball until 1925 when the
Minneapolis Park Board changed it to
Diamond Ball, one of at least a dozen
names used during this time for
softball. The name softball didn't come
about until 1926 when Walter
Hakanson, a Denver YMCA official and
a former ASA president and
commissioner, suggested it to the
International Joint Rules Committee