Uthayam March 2010 Issue
Uthayam March 2010 Issue
Uthayam March 2010 Issue
22 carat
Solid Gold Jewellary
Cricket and
Seizing the
Mrs. Doubtfire and Bend it Like has captured the world at large. Where
Beckham, but with a distinctly Bollywood the US film industry accounts for Mjp]; [+tyupapdupd; Mjutpy; nky;Ngdpy;
slant. Rani Mukherjee, one of India’s approximately 1.7 billion ticket sales per
growing band of global film superstars, year, Bollywood boasts 3.9 billion and is fiykhiy epfo;r;rp khu;r; khjk; 27 k;
is at the centre of Dil Bole Hadippa!
She plays a cricket-mad young girl who
steadily climbing. jpfjp(rdpf;fpoik) Black Wood Hall ,Monash
dreams of playing for the Indian cricket India provides a ready audience of University apy; eilngwTs;sJ gj;k= lhf;lu;
team alongside Sachin and co. Given almost 1.2 billion, and the globe
the total male domination of India’s besides. It has suffered little from kNdukh jpz;Lf;fy; ypNahdp gq;F gw;Wk;
biggest religion, she decides that the censorship woes, something which
quickest path to her ambition is to glue cannot always be said of the world’s
,e;j epfoTf;fhd tpsk;guj;ij 13k; gf;fj;jpy;
on a beard, plonk on a turban and obtain potentially biggest market, China, ghu;f;fTk;
a position her local district side. where blockbuster Avatar recently had its
prospective viewing numbers massively
Only Bollywood could pull such a curtailed through a ban which prevented
storyline out of its hat, and then finance the film from appearing on non-3D
it to the tune of millions of US dollars, screens, all but destroying its sales
along the way marketing it to a growing potential.
international (read: Western) audience,
whose first taste of India is often through Another reason Bollywood is so
the fantasy Mumbai’s film industry brings attractive to the Western audience is
to its screens. because of the possibility for foreign
investment with good returns. Despite
However, despite the Bollywood thirst
Continued on page.......................... 9
for the occasionally preposterous, it
2 Austral Asian Voice March 2010 cjak;
13 groups from seven countries
to a drastic re-assessment of the
Indonesian Solution. At the moment, the
Indonesian government is effectively
involved in a conspiracy with the
Diaspora representation
internationally were selflessly putting
their lives and livelihoods in danger.
out of all
names have weighed in to support
permanent residents and probably say that your mother is not an issue for
well aslong-
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6 Austral Asian Voice March 2010 cjak;
What an Eggplant Uproar Says
Last year, India's environment
ministry had to take back a proposed
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villagers protested that a change to
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cjak; Austral Asian Voice March 2010 7
returns the favour Sri Lanka Round
By Simon Lauder
gain vocational skills. According to twinning programs at private Malaysian
Philanthropy Asia, Krishnan contributed universities, which are curriculums
in 2008 to the opening of the Montfort run together with universities abroad.
Girls Centre, a counterpart to Selangor's Harapan Nusantara got another $1.3
Montfort Boys Town, which was million that year to send Malay managers
established in 1959 by the Brothers of to attend executive programs at Harvard
St. Gabriel, a Catholic order. The $2 Business School.Cell phone operator
million complex includes a dormitory Maxis stands out for technology training.
and training center where girls can The company sent 18 high-achieving
learn baking, computer repair, graphic candidates from 2005 to 2009 for full-
design and other vocations. Two wings ride scholarships covering postgraduate
were named in memory of Krishnan's studies at Harvard, Oxford and other
mother and grandmother. (Asked for an universities abroad. Its undergraduate
interview, a Montfort official said through scholarships were offered to 38
an intermediary that Krishnan had Malaysians to study at home or abroad
requested that the center not respond last year. Candidates studying abroad,
to media inquiries.) "I think Krishnan's who received up to $44,000 a year, were
giving has been progressive in that he's required to join Maxis after graduation.
donated to a women's cause like this, Maxis has invested more than $14
which has not been a popular form of million in the program since 2005.
giving in Malaysia," says Fernandez. A series of Maxis programs addresses
8 Austral Asian Voice March 2010 cjak;
supports India's
powerful off-
field stature in
world cricket
‘Victoria leads the way in border protection…’ He said India's relative strength and love
for the game should be embraced rather
than feared.
Multi-agency media release
"India is the second-most-populous
country in the world, it's cricket-mad,
In a first for border protection in Australia, Crime Stoppers Victoria, they are pluses," Howard told ABC
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and Victoria Police have "I think it's entirely wrong to look at
signed a joint initiative, presenting a united front to detect criminal activity the Indian involvement in cricket in a
within Victoria and crossing our borders. negative light. I think of those millions
of people in India and the sub-continent
... who play cricket. They play it with a
In 2009, Customs and Border Protection officers detected a large amount of passion and love it," he said.
anabolic steroids concealed on a man arriving at Melbourne International
Airport. They had received information relating to a Victorian traveller via Howard hit back at the perception he
Crime Stoppers and Victoria Police. This was just one example of people in lacked the skills to take on the job. The
Sydney Morning Herald reports.
the community who have knowledge of illegal importing and exporting,
who had the courage to do something about it. "I think the fact I haven't been involved
in cricket administration is explained by
Joann Corcoran, National Manager Intelligence, Customs and Border the fact I had a day job which made that
Protection, said ‘this arrest followed a number of others that have occurred rather difficult," he said, referring to his
30-year political career.
in recent years, including four major drug arrests between June and August
2008’. Asked about resulting detections in 2010, she said ‘more recent Earlier, legendary spinner and highest
examples are still under investigation or before the courts.’ wicket taker Muttiah Muralitharan had
said Howard will face a challenge to win
over the subcontinent when he assumes
The three organisations have signed a formal agreement for a one year the post as International Cricket Council
pilot program to better enable information capturing, management and president from 2012.
sharing capabilities between the agencies. If successful, the program may
be recommended for national promotion after the trial period. Murali said his feud with Howard was
"all finished" but noted the cricket-mad
subcontinent and the all-important
“We know that many people who are aware of illegal activity do not want Asian bloc of the ICC might need more
to contact authorities directly for fear of reprisal or publicity” said Peter convincing.
Sprott, Executive Director of Crime Stoppers Victoria.
"I'm not upset or angry with him or
anything. At the time, I thought it was
“By formally linking Australian Customs and Border Protection with Crime wrong - that was my opinion and he had
Stoppers Victoria and Victoria Police, we are capitalising on an emerging his," he said. (ANI)
trend. We have already had some good results through the Crime Stoppers
Hot Line. We hope to get a lot more because of this pilot program”.
One India
“People out there in the community who have knowledge of illegal imports,
often including weapons, child pornography and other goods that threaten
cjak; Austral Asian Voice March 2010 9
the massive ticket sales, Bollywodd only equality ideals permeating in India. As
generates about $1.4 billion US per year, the nation grows economically and
compared to Hollywood which brings in politically its youth, and particularly its
about $27 billion. And India’s actors and young women, are becoming ever more While Pakistani media is abuzz with
actresses such as Rani Mukherjee, who South Asia Times
boisterous about their rights to equality reports of wicket keeper Kamran
might achieve demi-god status within in all aspects of life. Tragic stories of Akmal's involvement in match fixing,
Asia, Some
ect or business. are nowhere near as well paid as
By Acharya Chandra Prakash
female infanticide, dowry murders and the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)
fail at thetheir American counterparts.
days: 1 – 4, 8 – 13, 15, 17 – 22,honour killings chairman Ijaz Butt dropped another
last moment. 24 are stillused
going to be all
above. we property,
Land, heard
will be high. Family and – 28, 30 & 31st August 2009. about Indian domestic
vehicles life;
and other suchnow
items wewill be bombshell, saying that at least two
l be normally helpful. and Indian cinema at large, see the likes of female Family
very expensive. Indianlife
will be national players are suspected of
August on now regularly
words some shoots its films (16th
Sagittarius: outside
Dec- like Arundhati
of14th Jan) better. Roy
one willonbeallhappy
and match fixing.
jects andIndia.
will a Melbournian
Lord of thewould
house Jupiter and outselling
have is running healthy.them
Loss easily,
of moneyandand female
nd. That seen
will betheir Talking to media persons during a
supportive city in more
and situated student unions
than a in Capricorn. at India’s
confusions will keeptop universities
you mently
. After 20th August still press conference here, Butt said
dozen Indian films released in the last
This position is very much rallying for notice to be taken of bullying
frustrating. restless, but physical health is better.
in the same house, yu need Debilitated planet causes failure, Prayer of Lord Shiva will be very it would be "foolish to say that no
five years. and sexual discrimination.
he mode of activities to hard work and no result, anxiety etc. much supportive. Good days: 3 – 9, match-fixing takes place."
ccess. Have deep thinking Do not invest in any new business 13 – 19, 21 – 26, 30 & 31st August
sting. Good growing
3 – 9,rivalry
13 orbetween Australia Besides, Indian film makers have a Butt, however, refused to disclose the
partnership. Prayer and religious 2009.
26, 29 – 31st India in sport has
2009. also will
activities fuelled funny knack for capturing the spirit of the
be helpful. Concentrate names of the cricketers suspected of
interest in all thingsonIndian, andand
your family surely moment. Pisces:
favourite God. 2004’s I Proud
(15th Mar –to12th
be an
Apr)Indian match-fixing.
th Oct –Dil Bole
14th Nov)Hadippa, Family
with the andover-the-top dealt withRahu
children will be healthy the andissues of neo-Nazi
Jupiter are coming attacks
house isbling
Saturn and andhappy.
that sacred
2nd halfcow onwill
of the month AsiansIt in the United
creates Kingdom.
lots of problems, but It "The fact is it is very difficult to prove
of both
ing this house nations,
with pure cricket,
be betterisbecause
destinedSunfor wouldn’t even
will transit. be too far aisstretch
Jupiter to imagine
lord of this house. this. So I am not going to take any
very successful situation Situation will improve. Name, one
on our shores. fame of Rani Mukherjee’s
It will colleagues
support. Financial position names right now. We are waiting for a
s, projects and mainly respect will be good. Financial bringing
gain his
improve. downMentalto Melbourne
anxiety may report from an inquiry committee we
nt activities. All theside effectwill
planned (or be
better. of thisdays: 1 – 6,on10a Friday
Good nightbut
increase, sometime
prayers andsoon.
self-control have set up to probe into the team's
roject will bemay be the rising
successful, – 16,feminist
19 – 24, and
28 – 31st August 2009. will balance the situation. Family and poor performances in Australia," The
y. Income and finances friends will be supportive all the time. Daily Times quoted Butt, as saying.
ch better. Beginning of the Capricorn: (14th Jan – 13th Feb) 2nd half of the month is better. Most
ot good for health, but other Work and activities will be normal. of the things will be in favour under A confused Butt later clarified that that none of the players from the current squad
re getting better. Family Business and finances will be control, but mental anxiety and non- was involved match-fixing.
es will be supportive. frustrating. Though income will satisfaction towards activities and
ill also be active. Some be sufficient to meet out the daily income will remain as it was. Anger "The two players are not on the cricket board's current list of available players or the
e will come in contact. expenses. Anxiety and unnecessary will be in mind. Yoga, Breathing national team," Butt said.
lakshmi for better family expenses are going high. Many exercise etc may help. Good days:
Good days: 1 – 6, 10 – 16, failure and obstacles are surrounding 1, 5 – 11, 15 – 20, 23 – 28th August He said by bringing up the cases, 10-12 years old, he was merely trying to clarify how
– 31st August 2009. these days. Those who have religious 2009. the ICC procedure on incidents of match-fixing works between the body and boards.
background and daily prayer schedule
15th Nov – 15th Dec) can maintain better position. Some Panchak: Panchak begins from Friday "I was telling them of the procedure the ICC has evolved about how such cases
y successful time. Mars is time good income and some time 7th August 2007 in morning 07:35 hrs work.I was telling them that proving match-fixing charges and allegations can be
own house. Many types less. Family and children will be and ends on Wednesday 12th August very difficult. One of our friends in Islamabad made allegations against Younis Khan
ent will be seen till 15th supportive with you. Old Job or 2009 in Morning at 03:45 hrs. without any proof and look how that has destroyed his career almost," Butt explained.
usiness, activities, new business is better. Do not plan new
ligious and social interest project. Vehicle may change. Good (Acharyaji Chandra Prakash) In the past few months Pakistan cricket has been rattled by match-fixing allegations
ng. Name, fame and days: 3 – 9, 13 – 18, 21 – 26, 30 & Vedic Educational specialist several times.
ociety will increase. Good 31st August 2009. Contact number 0403041890.
d normal expenses every Web: www.vedicaustralia.com It is worth mentioning here that in October 2009, National Assembly's sports
be in order. After 16th Aquarius: (13th Feb – 14th Mar) E mail:- yogacharya_ committee chief Jamshed Dast had accused the Pakistan team of deliberately losing
me changes and aimless House Lord Saturn is looking this chandra@yahoo.co.in) to Australia to knock old rivals India out of the Champions Trophy in South Africa
will take place. Health house. It is supportive and helpful. following which captain Younis Khan tendered his resignation.
family and children will Though Saturn always gives
estless. Business etc will hard time, but prayer of Saturn is However, the committee later cleared the team of any wrongdoings.
wn. Activities will not be supportive. Beyond all obstacles,
Pray Mother Kaali. Good income will be better, but expenses In 2000, former Pakistan captain Salim Malik and medium pacer Ata-ur Rehman were
found guilty of match-fixing by justice Malik Qayyum. They were both banned for life
following a year long investigation into the allegations.
Tandoori The inquiry was launched in response to charges of betting and match-fixing against
several of Pakistan's top cricketers, including former captains Wasim Akram andSalim
Junction Malik, spinners Saqlain Mushtaq and Mushtaq Ahmed, and middle order batsman Ijaz
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Chennai Corner
The DMK, an ally of the coalition at the centre, has tried to
arm-twist the UPA government on the fuel hike issue but
has so far not met with any success. But does its heart
really beat for the aam aadmi?
UPA-2 & Newton’s third law typical of South India. Stalin like a glove), when a man walked
up to him and claimed his organization
The dome, which is to be built in May, had built more than 50 water tanks for
after the budget session, will have schools run by the Chennai Corporation.
eight steel structures that will have The man claimed he was from
granite cladding. Each of the eight Coimbatore but insisted he had built the
arms, weighing 100 tonnes, will have tanks, for which he had spent Rs 3.5
aluminium fins (totally 33 of them) or lakh each, for Chennai’s schools. “I told
gold-coloured anodized aluminium him there were 329 corporation schools
sheets that should withstand wind force in Chennai, of which only 21 had water
and corrosion. But the problem with tanks which were built by the Lions Club.
the anodised sheets is that the colour And I had inaugurated all barring one.”
application will not be uniform. So spray The flummoxed man asked who he was
painting should be done, but doing it and was told “I am the mayor of the city.”
regularly is not going to be practical. So The man vanished. But I can’t help this
the third option is to have aluminium comment: The scamster does not read
composite panels. the papers or watch TV? Because if he
did, he would recognize Subramaniam.
And therein lies the reason for the delay.
Unless studies are done which require But who is scamming, Mr Mayor?
a month at least, the architects cannot Talking of scamming, the Chennai
figure out whether the aluminium plates Corporation spent more than Rs 24 lakh
should be welded or screwed in. Hence on the inauguration of two flyovers(at
The DMK, an ally of the coalition at the centre, has tried to arm-twist the UPA the fake dome so Karunanidhi can hold Cenotaph Road and Alandur Road) and
government on the fuel hike issue but has so far not met with any success. After the last full budget session from March a subway (on Jones Road, Saidapet)
meeting with firmness from the PM, the DMK backed off as could be read from Raja 19 before the assembly elections. And by chief minister M Karunanidhi on
Sabha MP Kanimozhi’s statement: “There will be different points of view in a coalition here’s a question – didn’t Geodesic know December 11, 2009. According to a
government, but it doesn’t mean the alliance has to break. Sorry …. What many that the new complex was slated for reply to an RTI filed by V Madhav of
people hope for will not happen.” Was she sending a message to AIADMK chief inauguration on March 13 and that the Porur, Rs 16.45 lakh was spent on the
Jayalalitha or trying to convince her father CM Karunanidhi who has been insecure dome needed studies to figure out the inauguration of the Cenotaph Road
about the continuation of the alliance with the Congress? While part of UPA -1, he wind force and corrosion? Consequently
was used to getting his way, but as part of UPA -2, it’s a different ballgame because would it not have been logical to give
Karunanidhi does not always call the shots. themselves a buffer in terms of time?
But if the DMK’s heart really beats for the poor, as they tried to claim while calling for
The numbers game explodes
a rollback on the price hike, the evidence on the ground contradicts it. Here’s how:
And here are some numbers: The
Despite deploying 4000 workers working round the clock, the dome of the assembly
legislative assembly and the secretariat
which is the piece de resistance of Karunanidhi’s magnum opus is not going to be
complex at Omandurar estate will cost
ready in time for its inauguration on March 13. So what has this government done?
the exchequer about Rs 700 crore. A
It has called in the well-known art director Thota Tharani to build a replica for Rs two
modern security system, which means
crore. A local paper quoted a senior PWD official as saying, “We initially thought we
Big Brother will be watching all your
would go without the dome, but did not want to miss out on showcasing one of the
moves, will cost Rs 29 crore. So,
unique features of the complex. In fact, we scrapped the idea of a 20-storied building
obviously money is not the issue when
only to give the dome good visibility. So no dome would have taken the icing from the
it comes to the security of rulers. But lax
describes it when it comes to the safety
And because of Karunanidhi’s clout in Kollywood, all he had to do to get of the aam aadmi. For instance, dummy
Thota Tharani (who has worked as art director in blockbusters like Agni bombs meant for movies exploded and
Nakshatram, Thalapath, Bombay, Jeansand Kandasamy) was snap his fingers. created a real scare among people
For over 10 days now, over 500 men from Thota Tharani’s OHM Decors have been living in Ashok Nagar this week because
working on the artificial dome using plywood to create the replica. “The dome will look they were not aware that someone was flyover while Rs 7.87 lakh was spent for
just as real,” said one of Tharani’s assistants. At the risk of sounding like a Philistine, stashing the bombs in their midst. An the Alandur Road flyover and the Jones
I say Rs two crore for a pro-poor scheme would have looked as real. But then think explosion this week in a congested area Road subway although no stage was
Mayawati and the elephants she built by taking away from Ramukaka, Sitadevi, etc in Ashok Nagar killed “bomb” Ravi, five put up and the CM inaugurated it sitting
so she could get an ego boost. years after a similar explosion killed in his car. “The total amount spent for
another in the same area. There is a the functions is almost equal to the ward
The nuts and bolts “Action Special Effects Association” development fund of a councillor, which
Incidentally, the “late lateef” is Bangalore-based Geodesic which had bagged the whose members make devices that are is Rs 25 lakh a year. At a time when the
tender to construct the dome at a cost of Rs 25 crore. The dome — 30m tall and 45m combined with balloons filled with fake government is short of funds for welfare
in diameter — is meant to be a modern interpretation of the thatched archaic temples blood to simulate shattered bone and schemes, there should not be any
tissue. In “bomb” Ravi’s case life imitated wasteful expenditure,’’ Madhav said.
his craft. But while the big stars corner
huge payoffs, stuntmen like Ravi and So, what was 24 lakhs spent on? Rs 8.3
a 100 others live in thickly populated lakh on lighting, mikes and ACs at the
areas, paying small rents and work in Cenotaph Road flyover inauguration,
conditions where an explosion is waiting Rs 2.5 lakh on the stage arrangements
to happen. and toilet facility for Karunanidhi, Rs
1.15 lakh was spent for chairs for VIP,
Scamming the mayor VVIPs and members of the public, the
But the mayor of Chennai, M fabricated tent and synthetic mat. In
Subramaniam, has other things to pre- addition, booklets supplied to VIPs,
occupy him. He told a recent meeting VVIPs and the public on the two flyovers
that despite the government blacklisting cost Rs 4.3 lakh, while Rs 3.53 lakh
a number of NGOs -- 2,000 alone came was spent on lighting arrangements on
up after the tsunami and many were the Alandur Road flyover, the Jones
recently arrested for using money from Road subway and the approach roads.
foreign donors for their high maintenance All this expenditure does not include
lifestyles -- “fake” NGOs continued to the money spent on the CM’s security
flourish. He has personal experience and newspaper advertisements. But
of such a fraud. He told of how he was Subramaniam’s defence? Spending
with a “senior political leader who knows Rs 25 lakh for a function in which the
how the Chennai Corporation functions” CM participates “cannot be considered
(that’s a description that fits deputy CM unusual or unnecessary.”
cjak; Austral Asian Voice March 2010 11
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16 Austral Asian Voice March 2010 cjak;
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gug;Giu Ks;sptha;f;fhypd; ghu;j;jjpy;iy. vtNuhLk; vLj;njwpe;J
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Clftpayhsu;fs; jkpopy; NgRk; jd;ikAk; elf;Fk; NghJ
te;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. Mdhy;> epkpu;e;J ghu;j;jgb jhd; elg;gJ
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fUj;J. Vw;gLk;. Cupy; vtUk; khkpNahL jkpouhfTk; thoe;jJ Nghy.
vd;W rpyu; nrhy;yyhk;. Mdhy;> vjpu;j;J Ngr Jzptjpy;iy ahNuh
,e;jf; fl;Liu$l ,Nj gyfhyj;Jf;F Kd;G Ngrpa NghJ ,e;j kPl;lu; uf;rpapd; kPl;liu
Mdhy;> jkpopy; ,aq;Fk; ,dj;jpdJk; ,yq;ifj;jPtpd; khkp ,dpNky; xU thu;ij Ngrpdhy; Fwpg;gjhFk;. gzj;ij 20-30 tPjj;jpy;
jdpahu; thndhypfspy; rpy [dehafj;ijf; Fwpj;JNk cdJ thia fpopg;Ngd; vdf; $wp tl;bf;F jhdpaq;fisNah kw;Wk;
,jw;F khwhf xg;gPl;lstpy; vOjg;gLfpwJ. mNjNtis ,Ue;jhu; me;j vr;rupf;ifia rl;il czTg; nghUl;fis nyhupf;fzf;fpy;
mjpf [dehafg; gz;igg; ,J Vida ghu;itfisAk; nra;ahj xU ngz;zp;d; thia thq;fp rpy ehl;fspy; clNd kw;w
nfhz;litahf ,Uf;fpd;wd. mq;fPfupf;fpwJ. Mdhy;> mit ntj;jpiy NghlhkNy khkp rptf;f tu;j;jfu;fSf;F tpw;W flid
,J nfhQ;rk; kfpo;tspf;Fk; itj;jJ gyu; nrhy;yp Nfl;Ls;Nsd;. milg;gJ. xU rpy ehl;fspy; ,e;j
rq;fjp. kw;Wk;gb> fld; milf;fg;gLtjhy; tl;b
[dehafg; gz;GlDk; ,Ug;gij ,t;tsT ngUik nfhz;l khkp tPjk; thq;FgtUf;F ghjpg;gjpy;iy.
gj;jpupiffs; ,d;Dk; tpUk;GfpwJ. eapdhjPtpy; xU rPl;L Kjyhspahf ,Nj Ntisapy; czTjhdpaq;fs;
khwhf; nfhs;ifAld;jhd; ,Ue;jhu;. ,e;j rPl;L tplaj;ij ehd; clDf;Fld; tpw;gidf;F Nghtjhy;
- mNj jtWfSld;jhd; Nfs;tpg;gl;lNj mf;fhyj;jhy;jhd;. ,e;j kPl;lu; tl;bia Kjy; ,y;yhj
,q;Nf ,yq;ifapd; jkpo;g;
- ,aq;Ffpd;wd. ,jpy; khj ,Wjpapy; vy;NthUk; fhR juF tpahghupfs; ghtpj;J ,yhgk;
gj;jpupiffisf; Fwpj;J nfhz;L te;J nfhLj;J tpLthu;fs;.
Kf;fpakhdJ ,e;jg; vjw;fhf ,j;jifa tpku;r milthu;fs;. ,yq;ifia Nghd;w
jtiz jtWtJ fpilahJ . ehl;by; gzj;ij tq;fpfspy; ngw
gj;jpupiffspy; gyTk; dj;Jf;Fs;shf;fNtz;bapU khkp ,Nj Ntisapy; rjj;jpy; Kbahj fhuzj;jhy; ,e;j Kiw
,izaq;fspypUe;J f;fpwJ vd;why;> kf;fSf;F $l fzf;F jtwhky; rPl;il
ngwg;gl;ljhff; $wp jkf;F epahag;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ.
eLepiyikAld; nra;jpfis vLg;gtu;fSf;F nfhLj;JtpLthu;.
tpUg;gkhd fl;LiufisAk; toq;Ftjhf ,it gpufldQ; ehd; ngupatdhfp gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; jw;Nghija jftypd; gb ,e;j kPl;lu;
nra;jpfisAk; gpuRupj;J ,Ue;J te;j NghJ xU Kiw tl;bAk; rPl;NlhL Gyk; ngau;e;J
nra;J nfhz;bUg;gjhNyahFk;.
tUtjhFk;. mjpYk; jkpo; khkp ,e;j rPl;L tptfhuk; ,d;Dk; tpl;lJ. nky;gdpy; ,jpy; gyu;
,izaq;fs; ahuplKk; nra;fpwPu;fsh vd;W Nfl;NghJ ghjpf;fg;gl;L kdk; tUe;Jfpwhu;fs;
,izaj;jsq;fspy; ,Ue;J gzj;ij t#ypf;ftpy;iy. khkp nrhd;d trdk; ,d;dKk;
ngw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gl;ljhfj; Mdhy; gj;jpupiffs; nghJ ,e;j mT];jpNuypahtpy; ve;j
njuptpj;J ,e;jf; fl;Liufisg; thrfj;jsj;jpy; E}yfq;fs; ngupa nfhk;gdpAk; gj;J
gpuRupf;fpd;wd. ,e;jf; fl;Liufs; “cd;u khkdpd; ciog;ig tPjk;jhd; tUkhdj;jpy; ,yhgk;
tiuapy; nry;fpd;wd. vdNtjhd;
xw;iwg;gilj; jd;ikahdit. ek;gp ,Ue;jhy; khj;jpfl;l rPiy rk;ghjpf;Fk; . mJTk; tq;fpfSk;
mtw;iw ehk; Mokhf Nehf;f ,Ue;jpuhjlh” ,d;#ud;]; nfhk;gdpfSk; kl;LNk.
kWghu;itfsw;wit. gy Ntz;bAs;sJ. [dehafj;ijj; mT];j;pNuypatpy; ntw;wpfukhf
rkaq;fspYk; ,e;jf; fl;Liufs; J];gpuNahfk; nra;Ak; xU khkpia ve;j epiy ,e;j rPl;L ,aq;Fk; T+y;Ntj; fk;gdpapd; tUl
ju;f;fG+u;tkw;wit. epiyia ,it tsu;g;gjhYk; tplaj;jpy; js;spaJ vd Gupe;J tUkhdk; 27 gpy;ypad; Mdhy;
Fw;wg;gj;jpuq;fSf;F epfuhdit. nfhz;Nld; ,yhgk; 1 gpy;ypad;( ,tu;fs;jhd;
mj;jifa gz;ig kf;fsplk;
rpy fl;Liufs; tir ghLk; cUthf;FtjhYk; ,e;j ,e;j rPl;L tplaj;ij ehd; mT];jpNuypahtpy; 35 tPj czT
Fwpg;Gfs;. rpy [dehafj;Jf;F ,yq;ifapd; rpq;fsg; gFjpfspNyh kw;Wk; kspifg;nghUs; tpahghuk;
tpku;rdj;ij ,q;Nf Kd;itf;f
tpNuhjkhdit. rpyNth jkpo; ehl;bNyh Nfs;tpg;gl;ljpy;iy. nra;gtu;fs; mjhtJ tUkhdj;jpy; 4
Ntz;bapUf;fpwJ. jkpo;r; #oypy; tPjk; kl;LNk ,e;j tUlk; ,yhgk;
[dehafj;ijj; J];gpuNahfk; mj;Jld; vdf;F Gupahj tplaq;fspy;
[dehafk; Nfs;tpf;FwpahfpaJ fpilj;jJ. ,NjNtisapy; nrhe;jkhf
nra;git. xd;whf epidj;J tpl;Ltpl;;Nld;.
jdpNa murpay; mikg;Gfshy; njhopy; elj;Jk; itj;jpau;fs; $l
‘xw;iwg; gilj;jd;ikahd kl;Lk;jhd; vd;W nrhy;yp gpd;G fdlhTf;F nrd;w NghJ Mff;$baJ 25-28 tPjk; jhd;
gz;Gld; ,aq;Fk; Clfq;fs; tplKbahJ vd;gjw;F epiwa aho;g;ghzj;jpy; vq;fSF;F may; ,yhgk; ngwKbAk;.
mg;gbj;jhNd jq;fspd; Mjhuq;fs; cz;L. tPl;by; ,Ue;j uPr;ru; nuhuz;Nuhtpy;
Nju;TfisAk; nra;Ak;?’ vdr; rPl;L Kjyhspahf ,Ue;jjhfTk; ,e;j epiyapy; 30 tPjk; flid
mtuJ tPl;by; gy;yhapuf;fzf;fhd ngw;W ve;j njhopy; elj;j KbAk;?
rpyu; Nfl;fpwhu;fs;. mJ ,e;jr; RUf;ff; Fwpg;gpd; gzj;ij ahNuh nfhs;is ,g;gb gzk; thq;Fgtu;fS;k; rup
cz;ikjhd;. KbTiuahf xd;iwf; gzk; nfhLf;fptu;fSk; rup %isia
mbj;jjhfTk; Nfs;tpg;gl;Nld;.
Fwpg;gplyhk;. ekJ tpUg;gq;fs; mg;g epidj;Njd; aho; kz;zpd; NtW VjhtJ ,lj;jpy; milT
,e;j ,izaj;jsq;fis my;y vijAk; jPu;khdpg;gJ. tpOkpahkhd ,e;j rPl;L tplaKk; itj;J ,Uf;fNtz;L;k;. ,g;nghOJ
ehk; KOjhff; Fiw nrhy;yp Gyk; ngau;e;J tpl;lJ vd;W. ,Uf;Fk; tl;b tPjj;ij ,d;Dk;
epiyikfSk; mtw;iwf;
tpl KbahJ. fhuzk;> ,it ,uz;L tPjj;jhy cau;j;jpdy;
ifahSk; jpwDNk vijAk; ehd; tTdpahtpy; Ntiynra;j Mt];jpNuypa murhq;fk; ftpo;e;J
jdp egu;fshy; jkJ nrhe;j jPu;khdpg;gJ. ,ij vkJ fhyj;jpy; Nfs;tpg;gl;l jkpo; nrhy; tpLk;. ,g;gb 1-2 tPjj;jpNy epiyik
tpUg;gq;fs;> kdg; Nghf;FfSf;F fle;j fhy murpay; tuyhWk; kPl;lu; tl;b. ,Uf;Fk; NghJ 30 tPjj;jpw;F
Vw;g elj;jg;gLgit. fle;j [dhjpgjpj; Nju;jYk; epiyik vg;gb ,Uf;Fk;?
rpy jsq;fs; FOepiyapy; ePq;fs; nrhy;yyhk; kPl;lu; Mq;fpy
njspthfr; nrhy;Yk;. ,jw;F nrhy; vd;W. cz;ikjhd;. vkJ r%fk; murpay; ghlj;jpy;
elj;jg;gLgit. MdhYk; NkYk; tplhg;gpbahf epd;W
,tw;wpy; gpw nkhopfspy; Mq;fpyKk; jkpOk; nra;j cly; thq;fpa khu;f;Ffs; $o; Kl;ilf;F
[dehaf kWg;gpy; <Lgl;lhy; cwtpy; gpwe;jhYk; ,J jkpo; rkhdk;. nghUshjhuj;jpYk; ,Nj
,aq;Fk; Kf;fpa ,d;ndhU [dehaf kWg;Gr; nrhy;yhfNt tTdpah tu;j;jfu;fs; Kl;iljhdh?
,izaj;jsq;fs; msTf;F #oYk; neUf;fb epiyAk; kj;jpapy; tho;e;J te;jJ. vq;fl
vy;NyhuhYk; (mjpfkhdtu;fs;) Clfq;fSf;Fk; kf;fSf;Fk; ,yq;ifapy; gwq;fpau; gyu;
Vw;Wf; nfhs;Sk; msTf;F te;Nj jPUk;. ,J ,aq;fpay; nfhOk;gpy; rpq;fstuhfTk;
ePjpAk; [dehafj; kl;lf;fsg;G aho;g;ghzj;jpy;
cjak; Austral Asian Voice March 2010 19
fw;wJ ifasT
njhiyNgrpapy; njuptpj;Njd;. Ntisapy; xU ,sk; ngz;
,UgJ taJ jhd; ,Uf;Fk;.
rpyehl;fspd; gpd;G jpUkjp mtsplk; mLj;j fpoik
fpspNgl; kpfTk; Nrhfk; epiwe;j gag;rp (biopsy) nra;atUk;
Kfj;Jld; jdpahf te;jhu;. gb itj;jpau;Nfl;lNghJ
eNlrd; vd;Nwd;. nghJthd fyhr;rhj;ij mtu; $wpa tplaq;fs; ehd; mts; ‘mLj;j fpoik
kl;Lky;y jdpg;gl;l uPjpapy; vjpu;ghu;f;fhjit. jdJ ez;gpapd; gpwe;j ehs;
xt;nthU FLk;gj;jpduJ ‘upf;fp ifypapd; nry;yg; gpuhzp. ,Uf;fpwJ. tuKbahJ vd gjpy;
cs;shu;e;j cwTfisAk; Gupe;J ,tsJ fl;bypy; jhd; gLg;gJ nfhLj;jhs;. me;jg; ngz;Zf;F
nfhs;Sjy; ,e;jj; njhopypy; tof;fk;. ifypf;F ,g;nghOJ jdJ Nehiag; Gupe;J
ntw;wpfukhf ,Ug;gjw;F kHh;Gg; Gw;W Neha; te;J nfhs;Sk; gf;Ftk; tUk; Kd;Ng
mtrpakhfpwJ. jw;nghOJ mWitrpfpr;irapd; ,e;j Neha; te;jpUf;fpwJ.
gpd; fPNkh jpug;gpapy; ,Uf;fpwhs;. mijg;ghu;f;f vdf;F ,d;dKk;
fpspNgl; FLk;gj;jpdUk; kdj;jpw;F tUj;jkhf ,Ue;jJ.’
mtu;fsJ upf;fp vd;w G+idAk; ,tsJ miwg;gf;fk; up;f;fp
,g;gb vdJ njhopypy; neUq;Ftjpy;iy.,ts; jpUkjp fpspNgl; vdJ
Muk;gfhyj;jpy; re;jpj;jtHfs;. neUq;fpg;Nghdhy; gpuhz;lTk; itj;jparhiyia tpl;Lg; Ngha;
njhlf;fj;jpy; fztDk; fbf;fTk; Kw;gLfpJ. jw;Nghija gy epkplq;fs; Mfpa gpd;Dk;
kidtpAk;; upf;fpia nfhz;L epiyapy; ,tSf;F fhak; ;me;j ngz;Zf;F jdJ Nehia
tUthu;fs;. gpw;fhyj;jpy; te;jhy; Fzk; MfhJ. ,e;j Gupe;J nfhs;s Kd;Ng ,e;j
mtu;fspd; kfs; ifyp nfhz;L epiyapy; upf;fpia vd;d Neha; te;jpUf;fpwJ’ vd;w me;j
tUthu;. ifypia uPd;V[; tajpy; nra;tnjd;w njupatpy;iy.’ thu;j;ij kdjpy; gjpe;J ,utpy;
Muk;gj;jpy; re;jpj;jpUe;Njd;. ‘upf;fpf;F jw;NghJ Ntfkhf nrYj;Jk; fhUf;Fs;
ehd; nrhe;jkhf njhopy; gpw;fhyq;fspy; mofpa ,sk; gjpndhUtaJ. NtNwhU jw;nrayhf te;J Nru;e;j G+r;rp
njhlq;fpa gjpd;%d;W ngz;zhf tsue;jpUe;jhs.; FLk;gj;jpy; khw;WtJ rupthuhJ. Nghd;W njhy;iyg;gLj;jpaJ.
tUlq;fs; Mfptpl;lJ . ,tu;fs; FLk;;gj;jpy; vy;NyhUk;
me;j Muk;g fhyq;fspy; rhjhuz nts;isr; rUkk; khwpa Fzq;fs; ,e;j tajpy; ,uz;L khjq;fspd; gpd;G jpUkjp
vd;dplk; te;jtu;fSk; nfhz;ltu;fs;. ghu;f;f ntspwpa jpUe;jp tug;Nghtjpy;iy. ePq;fs; fpspNgl; upf;fpia tof;fkhd
mtu;fspd; nry;yg;gpuhzpfSk; Njhw;wk; nfhz;ltu;fs;. ,uz;L tplaj;ij rpe;jpf;fyhk;. jLg;G+rp NghLtjw;F nfhz;L
tpNrlkhdtu;fs;. vdJ nghd;dpwj; jiyKbAk; ntspwpa upf;fpia ifypapd; rpfpr;ir te;jhu;.
njhopiy njhlq;f gpd; epwKk; ];fd;bNetpa ehLfspd; KbAk; tiu tPl;Lf;F ntspNa ‘ ,g;nghOJ VjhtJ gpur;rpid
epiyf;f cjtpatu;fs;. guk;giuia Nru;e;jtu;fs; vd tpl;L tpLq;fs;. my;yJ ,y;iyah?”
epidf;f itj;jJ. fUizf;nfhiy nra;J
mtu;fs; ,g;nghOJ tpLq;fs;’ ‘ vJTk; ,y;iy. ,g;nghOJ
cupikAlDk; el;GlDk; ,uz;L tUlj;Jf;F Kd;G ifypNahL fl;bypy; gLf;fpwJ.
goFthu;fs;. ,g;nghOJ jpUkjp fpspNgl; upf;fpia ‘ifypapd; kUj;Jtu; ,g;nghOJ ifypf;F fPNkhjpugp
ngUk;ghyhd gpuhzpfs; ,we;J nfhz;Lte;J ‘,jw;F vd;d upf;fpia fUizf; nfhiy Kbe;J tpl;lJ. upf;fpf;F
tpl;ld. my;yJ vd;dhy; tpahjp vd;W njupatpy;iy. vJTk; nra;af;$lhJ vd mtspy; ,Ue;j ,uhrhad kzk;
fUizf;nfhiy nra;ag;gl;L Kw;whf Fzk; khwp tpl;LJ. nrhy;yptpl;lhu;. upf;fp ,we;jhy; gpbf;ftpy;iy vd;w KbTf;F
tpl;ld. ,ijtpl ,tu;fspd; tPl;bd; cs;Ns tUtjw;F ifyp kduPjpahf ghjpg;gila te;jpUf;fpNwhk;’
gps;isfSk; ,g;nghOJ jq;fs; kWf;fpwJ. Jhf;fpdhy; tha;g;G cs;sJ vdwhH.
tsu;g;G gpuhzpfSld; Jhu fbf;f tUfpwJ. efj;jhy; ‘,Uf;fyhk; G+idfs; El;gkhd
‘mg;nghOJ cq;fSf;F NtW Nkhg;g rf;jp cs;sit.
,lq;fspy; trpj;jhYk; gioa tpwhz;LfpwJ vd mohf; top fpilahJ. vg;gb ifypf;F
el;Gld; vd;dplk; nfhz;L Fiwahf Kiwapl;lhu;. ehd; ,g;gbahd xU tplak; vdf;F
,e;j tajpy; te;jJ? Kjy; Kiwahf njupa
tUthu;fs;. ,e;j kduPjpahd Nrhjpj;J ghu;j;J tpl;L >cly;
neUf;fk; kw;Wk; ek;gpf;if uPjpahf vJ tpj FiwAk; ‘mJ vq;fSf;F Mr;rupak;. tUfpwJ.” xg;Gjy; thf;F %yk;
mLj;j jiyKiwf;Fk; nry;Yk; njd;gltpy;iy. ,uj;jj;ij vq;fs; guk;giuapy; khu;G Gw;W mspj;Njd;.
NghJ njhopy; Kiwahf vLj;Jg; ghu;f;fpNwd; vd Neha; vtUf;Fk; ,Uf;ftpy;iy. fw;wJ ifasT fy;yhjJ
nghWg;Gzu;T vd;dplk; NkYk; $wptpl;L ,uj;jj;ij vLj;J ifypf;F ,Ugj;ije;J taJ. cyfsT vd;W rpWtajpy;
$LfpwJ. gupNrhjidf;F mDg;gpNdd;. mtshy; Nehia Gupe;J gbj;jJ epidTf;F te;jJ.
,uj;jj;jpy; vJtpj nfhs;s KbfpwJ. mJ vdf;F
te;NjW Fbahd vd;idg; FiwghLk; ,Uf;ftpy;iy vd MWjyhf ,Uf;fpwJ. ,Nj
Nghd;wtu;fs; Ehw;Wf;F EhWtPjk;
mT];jpNuypa Fbkf;fisNa
Efu;Nthuhf nfhz;L
Muk;gpj;j njhopy; ,e;j kpUf
itj;jpak;. nry;yg;gpuhzpfis
itj;jpUg;gJk; mJ rk;ge;jkhf
gzk; nrytopg;gJk; ,e;j
ehl;bd; fyhr;rhuk;> gz;ghl;L>
tpOkpak; rk;ge;jkhd
tplakhFk;. ,e;j tplak;
ntt;NtW ehLfSf;Fk;
NtWgLk;. rkPgj;jpy; xU
,yq;ifj; jkpo; ngz;kzpapd;;
njhlu;rpahf %d;W khjq;fshf
ehia ghu;j;J tpl;L X
ray vLf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;Wk;
mjw;fhd nryitAk;
nrhd;d NghJ mjw;F jdJ
eha; ngWkjpahdjh vdf;
Nfl;lhs;. ,g;gbahd xU
thu;j;ijia mT];;j;jpNuypahtpy;
Kjy;jlitahf Nfl;Nld;.
Jhf;fp thupg; Nghl;lJ.
rkhspj;Jf; nfhz;L ‘mJ
ePq;fs; cq;fs; ehapy; ePq;fs;
nrYf;Jk; md;igg; nghWj;jJ”
20 Austral Asian Voice March 2010 cjak;
nrhy;ykwe;j fijfs; 7 vkJ rNfhjup tPl;Lf;Fj;jhd;
NghapUf;fpwhu;.”- vd;whu;.
rpWghd;ik ngUk;ghd;ik
vl;lg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;.
nghUshjhu epiyikfspy;
Kd;Ndw;wk;> mfjpfis kPs;
epiyf;Ff; nfhz;L tUjy;>
your views and ,e;jr; rpW $l;lq;fSf;F ngUk; Fzq;fSk; tpupe;j murpaw;
Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ijf; nfhLf;fpwNj. ghu;itAk; tpl;Lf; nfhLg;Gfs;>
,J rpupg;ghf ,y;iyah? Vw;Wf; nfhs;sy;fs;> rfpj;Jf;
nfhs;Sjy;fs; vd;w [dehafg;
comments Nkw;Fyfpd; ,e;j jpBu; khw;wk;
rpy jkpoUf;F kfpo;r;rpiaAk;
gz;GfSk; mtrpak;.
,y;iynadpy; njhlUk; Jauk;.
Please write to us
ngUkpjj;ijAk; ,g;NghJ juyhk;. nfhe;jspj;Jf; nfhz;NlapUf;Fk;
Mdhy; ,J kpfTk; Mgj;jhdJ. ,yq;if.
nghJthfNt jkpo; rpq;fs
kf;fsplk; xU FiwghbUf;fpwJ.
cjak; Austral Asian Voice March 2010 23