aqila-SD SR2016 PDF
aqila-SD SR2016 PDF
aqila-SD SR2016 PDF
Sime Darby Plantation runs a diverse set of businesses worldwide, with a
global reach and expertise spread beyond topographic boundaries. Guided
by a clear vision and strategy, we are committed to deliver sustainable
returns without compromising on improvements for people, planet, and
prosperity. We believe in our people’s ability to maximise our operational
and strategic potential. Even in the toughest of times, our value-driven
culture, strong focus on sustainability, and innovation continue to help us
remain resilient and maintain our position as an industry leader in good
agricultural practices.
> Sustainability Certifications
• Plays a leading role in the development and promotion of sustainable practices in
> Managing Director’s Statement 040-045
the palm oil sector
• One of the founding members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
• Industry leader in good agricultural practices CARING FOR OUR PEOPLE
> Safety and Health
006-009 > Our Employees
> Working with Our Local
> Educational Assistance
Sustainability Principles & Values: > Our Profile & Global Presence
Produces > Key Milestones 046-065
• Delivering Economic Growth
approximately > Our Supply Chain
• Respect for the Environment
• Respect for Community CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT
• Accountability & Transparency to > Biodiversity & Conservation
Stakeholders > Carbon Management
million tonnes
> Fire & Haze Management
> Our Core Values
equivalent to
> Our Vision
> Sustainability Principles and Values 066-079
Core Values: > Sustainability Governance
> Our Sustainability Framework
> Our Sustainability Governance
• Respect & Responsibility Structure > Lean Six Sigma & Continuous
• Excellence > Risk Management Improvement
of world’s annual crude palm
• Enterprise > Stakeholder Engagement & > Research & Development
oil output
Material Disclosures > Sime Darby Renewables
> Sustainability Strategy
> Our 6 Winning Mindsets
> Awards and Recognition
> Financial Review FY1415 – FY1516
> Key Highlights > Media Highlights
05 11
• Liberia • Indonesia • United Kingdom
> Sustainable Palm Oil Manifesto > Global Reporting Initiative
• Papua New Guinea • South Korea • South Africa
& High Carbon Stock Study Content Index
• Solomon Islands • Brazil • Netherlands
> Traceability of Supply Chain > Glossary
• India • United States of America
• Thailand • Papua New Guinea
• Vietnam • Solomon Islands
• Japan 034-039 092-096
About This Report
This Sustainability Report is our second Reporting Period and Scope This
Report covers our global operations
Report Boundaries As part of our
materiality analysis, we mapped and
Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
(Version G4) at a Core level1. This
Assurance All financial data in this
report has been independently
stand-alone Report that covers the for the Financial Year ending analysed key issues identified report is intended for release on a assured as part the Group annual
30 June 2016. It contains through our annual review of the biennial basis. financial audit, while safety, carbon
Plantation Division’s sustainability information that span throughout Plantation Sustainability Blueprint, emissions and Lean Six Sigma (LSS)
performance, initiatives and achievements our supply chain, but excludes our management meetings, and based Greenhouse Gas Protocol Carbon performance data has been verified
operations in Papua New Guinea, on the stakeholder engagement emission data shown in this report through a limited assurance
that complements the Sime Darby Group Solomon Islands and United survey results in 2016. Our is for the period 1 January – engagement2.
Annual Report 2016 where highlights Kingdom. materiality analysis and stakeholder
engagement are detailed in the
31 December 2015 and is part of
the Group carbon inventory that is
from our other divisions, namely relevant section of this report. collated annually using the
Revenue (RMm)
Profit Before Interest and Taxation (PBIT) (RMm)
Lost Time Incident Fatal Accident Rate (FAR) More than
Return on Average Invested Capital (ROAIC)
Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
incidents per million hours worked
manhours worked SIME cards were received in
Formed in January 2016 to identify issues around
human rights that are material to our operations
2,196,186 MT Notable Prime Minister’s Hibiscus
SDP won this award for the first time in 2015 for
our commitment in environmental management
4 495,172 MT
004 Sime Darby Plantation Sustainability Report 2016 005
Managing Director’s Statement
Dear Stakeholders,
Palm Oil Mills
254 628,995
02 010–015
Sime Darby Plantation is the largest division of the Sime
Darby Group, a Malaysia-based public listed conglomerate
with a business that spans the entire palm oil value chain.
As one of the founding members of the Roundtable on
Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), we are now the largest
producer of sustainable palm oil worldwide, a testament
• 603,254 ha of oil palm, 11,174 ha of
rubber, and 5,613 ha of growing cane
plantations in Malaysia, Indonesia, Liberia,
PNG, and the Solomon Islands
to our commitment in embedding sustainability in the core • Oil palm, rubber, and growing cane
of our operations. We now manage approximately 629,000 cultivation
ha of planted areas in Malaysia, Indonesia, Liberia, Papua
• Palm oil milling, rubber factories, and
New Guinea (PNG) and the Solomon Islands.
bulking facilities
Our upstream operations encompass more than 254 • Composting & biogas
estates and 71 mills. Our current Downstream operations
comprise production of oils and fats, oleochemicals,
biodiesel, other palm oil derivatives and renewables as Midstream
well as the sales and marketing of these products in 17 • Trading
countries. Additionally, our Midstream segment is involved
• Marketing
in trading, marketing and logistics services. Sime Darby
Plantation is backed by a diverse workforce of more than • Logistics services
100,000 people.
South Africa, Germany, China, Netherlands and Vietnam. oleochemicals production
• Sugar processing
United Kingdom
Netherlands Germany
South Japan
USA China
Papua New Solomon Islands
South Africa
Introduced zero
2010 2015
First SCCS and Acquisition of New
ISCC certifications Britain Palm Oil
Founding member of RSPO
Elected to UNEP Global 500
2016 and beyond
Roll of Honour for
commercialisation of zero
burning practice As signatory of the Sustainable Palm Oil
Manifesto we will test both HCS + and HCS
First RSPO
Approach methodologies to develop a
single HCS methodology.
Biological control
for IPM EMS-ISO 14001
First GlobalGAP
hectares of oil palm
Planted in Malaysia, Indonesia, ESTATES MILLS
Liberia, Papua new Guinea
and Solomon Islands
• Processing Technology
• Processing
• Customer Requirements Technology
• Product
Business Units
01. Integrity
02. Respect & Responsibility
03. Excellence
04. Enterprise
03 016–031
Our Vision
To be a leading integrated global plantation company
Sustainability Principles and Values
Delivering Respect for the Respect for the Accountability &
Economic Growth Environment Community Transparency to
We recognise sustainability as a key business differentiator and
as such value it as a driver of our business. The Main Board is
accountable for sustainability strategy and performance while
our President and Group Chief Executive has overall
management responsibility for sustainability; and the Group
Chief Sustainability Officer is responsible for overall operational 5 YEAR ROLLING STRATEGIC GOALS
sustainability performance.
Sustainability Purpose
Contribute to a Better Society, Minimise Environmental Harm, Deliver Sustainable Development
Sustainability Beliefs
Disclose, Engage, Empower, Protect, Enhance, Respect
Sime Darby Plantation has a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption in any form and is committed
to behaving professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings throughout our operating areas. We
regularly engage with external agencies to support efforts to eradicate corruption, including with the Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Transparency International-Malaysia (TI-M).
Direct reporting
Administrative reporting
Note: The Plantation Managing Director chairs the Plantation Sustainability Committee. While the Group Chief Sustainability Officer chairs
the Group Management Sustainability Committee.
SAFETY AND Major accidents due to non- 1. Environment, Safety & Health (ESH) and HUMAN RIGHTS 2. Formation of Plantation Human Rights Task
HEALTH compliance to policies and Emergency Response policies & procedures (CONTINUED) Force to coordinate assessments to identify
procedures that may lead to death established and implemented areas for improvement where there may be
or severe injury potential human rights violations
2. ESH performance monitoring & reporting
implemented 3. Engagement with external consultant to
provide assessments and constructive advice
3. Regular safety training, dialogues & roadshows
on human rights practices
and dedicated OSH departments/committees
Further details can be found in the Safety & Health WASTE Impact of overflowing effluent waste 1. Established SOP on waste/effluent
section of this report MANAGEMENT to monsoon drains, streams/rivers management
causing pollution which can result in
2. Dedicated training courses (i.e. Certified
LOCAL Challenges arising from local 1. Establishment of clear Free, Prior & Informed prosecution, fines, disruption in
Environment Professional in the Palm Oil Mill
COMMUNITY community grievances due to real or Consent (FPIC) procedures operations and severe reputational
Effluent) conducted
GRIEVANCES perceived concerns that may lead to damage
2. Grievance mechanisms implemented and issues
operational disruptions and loss of 3. ESH performance monitoring & reporting
goodwill implemented
3. Regular engagement with stakeholders
FIRE & HAZE Open burning and trans-boundary 1. Zero open burning policy established and
Further details can be found in the Working with Our
haze from Indonesia implemented
Local Communities section of this report
2. Use of satellite surveillance to monitor
CLIMATE Impacts from climate change i.e. 1. Water and soil conservation efforts including hotspots 24/7
CHANGE rainfall patterns, water scarcity, initiatives to create water bodies/reservoirs
3. Regular engagement with local authorities
drought may adversely impact
2. Flood mitigation measures
operations 4. Emergency response and fire prevention teams
3. Reduction in operational carbon emissions as established
part of national and international reduction
efforts DEFORESTATION New compliance requirement that 1. Commitment to avoid deforestation of primary
does not allow development on forest as well as HCS & HCV area
4. R&D efforts into resilient planting material
natural ecosystem and land with
(e.g. drought-resistance, genome etc.) 2. Engagement with standard setters and NGOs
High Carbon Stock (HCS) and High
5. Fire prevention system & SOP to prevent and Conservation Value (HCV) 3. Part of HCS convergence negotiations
combat fires within 5km radius of operating areas
THREAT OF A The potential threat of disease 1. Breeding & utilisation of disease tolerant
MAJOR PLANT outbreak and/or pests either not planting materials RSPO NGO attacks on palm products and 1. Observe best agro-management practices in all
DISEASE being identified in a timely manner related products due to inconsistent field operations
OUTBREAK 2. Regular onsite monitoring and control vis-à-vis
or not being mitigated effectively practices which are against RSPO’s
pests and disease outbreak at estates 2. RSPO, ISCC & SCCS Certification
could potentially result in significant P&Cs
tracts of plantation being affected 3. Monitoring & reporting of RSPO Certification
and/or being wiped out Audit non-compliance status
4. Sustainability Management System Manual
HUMAN RIGHTS Potential allegations of human rights 1. GCAD, Group Compliance, Group HR, Group
abuses by NGOs/governments in SQM and SDP’s HR are conducting an
relation to labour practices assessment on internal HR practices. These
practices are assessed in terms of its
effectiveness and compliance with UN’s
Guiding Principles on Human Rights
Below are the sources and methodology used to identify our material issues: Protect Our Fatality cases
0 fatality 0 fatality 0 fatality 0 fatality 0 fatality
People by & rates
Developing a
LTIFR Reduce 10% Reduce 10% Reduce 7.5% Reduce 5% Reduce 5%
Safe Working
Culture With Concerned Commit target Achieve 10% Achieve 25%
50% 100%
INTERNAL EXTERNAL Zero Fatalities reporting by 2020 target target
63 Mil 126 Mil
Increasing LSS Financial 1% of 1.25% of 1.5% of
(0.5% of (1% of
Monetary benefits from FY1617 FY1718 FY1819
FY1112 FY1112
Benefits LSS projects Revenue Revenue Revenue
revenue) revenue)
• Management View. We analysed major • External Stakeholder Perception. We conducted
sustainability issues across the organisation. external stakeholder engagement surveys to gauge Stakeholder
Enhancing GRI 2nd Plantation Relook at
their feedback on critical sustainability issues. Sustainability Engagement Sustainability Integrated
• Division KPI. We identified and assessed SDP’s Sustainability Sustainability Target and
Stakeholder groups engaged were existing and Reporting Material Assurance Reporting
critical and trending sustainability Key Performance Reporting Report Commitment
potential customers, NGOs, Industry Groups and assessment
Investors. % intensity
• Risk Management Matrix. We reviewed SDP’s Risk Reducing GHG reduced from
Management Matrix and selected key sustainability 15% 20% 30% 35% 40%
Emissions baseline
risks expected. (Upstream)
Identify &
The major topics raised were Waste Waste 10% 25% 50% 100%
targets for
High Priority
Carbon Emissions
Low Priority
Human Rights
• Update of the SDP Environment, Safety • Energy savings projects and initiatives at
& Health Management System (ESHMS) Plantation Tower
T5 Energy Reduction
• ESH Risk Workshops • Contribution of Renewable Energy to
T1 Implementing Divisional ESH Roadmaps National Grid via Biogas projects
• Periodical ESH data validation
• MSOSH and PMH Awards • Risk workshops + updated HIRARC &
• Improvement in Effluent Management EAI/ESH Risks registers (compliance with
Implementing, Measure and Monitor RSPO & Group Risk)
Capacity Building: T6 Environment Safety and Health (ESH) Risk
• Harvesting Safety (HCTP), Machinery
• Launch Train-the-Trainer White Belt Safety (Model Mill), Transport/Road
Programme Safety & Bauxite Mining
• Conduct 3rd Batch of Black Belt
• Review the current reporting guidelines
Socialising Sustainability Policies and • Training for gender committee
• Conduct Centralised Green Belt T7
Procedures and deployed • Awareness programmes related to child
protection and reproductive rights
• Identify LSS Coordinator for each
operating Unit • Mill environmental Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) projects in
T2 Implementing Divisional LSS Roadmap collaboration with YSD. (Eg: emergency
Identify Gap and Opportunities:
response training for communities
• Launch LSS Maturity Index Assessment
affected by flood)
(Upstream, Downstream, and R&D) T8 Enriching Local Communities
• MOU with DOE Malaysia to collaborate
in conducting environmental awareness
Governance and Guidance:
programmes for communities around
• Launch LSS Standard Operating SDP’s operations by working together
Procedure (SOP) with YSD
• Revise 5S Certification SOP
• ESH Caucus – Plantation industry, GLC,
• War on Waste Awareness Event Contributing to National & International MAPA
stakeholders platforms
• LSS White Belt Handbook • MSOSH and PMH Awards
• Implementation at Minamas & West New • Risk updates & BCM programmes
Implementing Sustainability Management Britain
T3 SQM alignment with Group’s GRC • MESHC & GSR + Effluent Management
System (SMS) • System enhancement for Carbon to T10
requirements improvement
integrate Palm GHG features
• Quarterly OSH data validation
• Update of the SDP ESHMS
• Introduce ESHMS-based internal audit in
Certifying to an Integrated OSHAS 18001 & collaboration with GSQM to drive
ISO 14001 &/or ISO 9001 Standards ESHMS implementation & certification
• IMS-based audit for Upstream
One message rang loud and clear in the Sime Darby Group’s townhall in November 2015: we need to RISE to our
challenges. There is no doubt that the current global economy has been challenging. Lower commodity prices
coupled with the weak economy has affected multinational companies around the world. To see us through this
difficult time, and ensure that we meet our targets, we have initiated the RISE initiative (Results, Innovation,
Sustainability and Energy) as part of the Group’s five-year strategic blueprint. DELIVER RESULTS
We drive results
In another townhall held in February 2016, our President & Group Chief Executive revealed six Winning Mindsets
we will need to bridge the gaps in our performance. We have to look at means of enhancing our approach of doing
I exceed expectations
things, in order to stay relevant in the industries which we operate in. The 6 Winning Mindsets serve as a guide to
all employees to innovate and focus on the results we want by adopting a new approach.
We put customer first
I win with the customer
We value talent
I am team palayer
We build trust
I walk the talk
We improve and innovate
I do better, every time
We make empowered decisions
I am responsible and proactive
Share of Results of Joint Ventures and Associates (32.4) (8.5)
(PBIT) (RMm)
0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
(48%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
05 034–039
Palm oil is a nutritious and versatile processors, we are committed to deforestation and build a
food product that is fundamental to ensure sustainability and traceability transparent supply chain, we
the livelihood of millions of people throughout our supply chain. In became signatory to the Sustainable
in communities across Indonesia and alignment with our efforts to Palm Oil Manifesto (SPOM) in July
Malaysia. As oil palm growers and accelerate the journey to no 2014.
Our progress as a Signatory of SPOM is illustrated below:
developments commenced
CONVERGENCE OF THE HCS values that may be developed. The convergence of the two. The HCS
APPROACH WITH HCS+ HCS Approach integrates with High Approach and the HCS+
METHODOLOGY Conservation Value (HCV) methodology are convergent in
We are currently carrying out trials assessments, peatland and many respects and planning is
of the HCS+ Methodology in our streamside (riparian) area underway for joint trials of the two
Liberian operations. As a signatory identification, and Free Prior and methodologies in diverse
to the SPOM, we will also trial the Informed Consent with local environments. These trials will allow
HCS Approach, as per customary communities. This the comparison of both the HCS+
recommendation in the final report Approach proposes a conservation and HCS Approach methodologies in
of the HCS Study. The report plan for a concession with areas for terms of conservation, risks, as well
concluded that the HCS + method protection and areas that can as practicality of implementation.
could be merged with the HCS potentially be developed as a This comparison will aid our efforts
Approach to provide clear and land-use planning tool. towards the development of a single
consistent guidance for companies HCS methodology for the oil palm
and governments. While the HCS Approach focuses sector. Additionally, we have also
more on conserving forests, the initiated a Light Detection and
The HCS Approach is a methodology HCS+ methodology focuses more on Radar (LiDAR) study to obtain a
that distinguishes forest areas for sustainable development, and the baseline carbon map of the area
protection from degraded lands methods and outcomes may be identified to carry out our trials in
with low carbon and biodiversity sufficiently complementary to allow Liberia.
SDP’s palm and lauric products are a vital tool in the palm oil industry As a participant of the UNGC, Sime OPEN PALM TRACEABILITY
widely used in the food industry, to assure sustainability claims in Darby Berhad is committed to DASHBOARD
especially in the production of relation to palm products, and develop more sustainable supply
Open Palm is SDP’s online
baked goods, dairy replacer, infant ensure respect for the community chain practices and encourage
nutrition, and frying oil. Our and environment throughout the As of business management methods that
dashboard that provides critical
information on the traceability of
commodities are sold globally, supply chain. 30 June 2016, explore fundamental issues in
our supply chain. Open Palm
where a growing number of improving the sustainability of our
92.9% of our
provides customers with access to
consumers are looking for product In A Guide to Traceability: A Practical sourcing practices. As of 30 June
key data on the origin of the raw
attributes such as origin of product Approach to Advance Sustainability in 2016, 92.9% of our FFB is traceable
materials used to produce all palm
and sustainability practices of the Global Supply Chains developed by FFB is traceable to the plantations. In downstream
products by our refineries, which
plantation prior to purchasing the the United Nations Global Compact operations, 83.6% of CPO and 100%
food item. Traceability provides a (UNGC) Traceability Taskforce,
to the plantations of PK is traceable to the mill. 78.9%
include information of the supplying
oil palm mills, right down to its
platform to satisfy consumers’ traceability is defined as the of our CPO and 85.8% of PK is
plantations, as well as third party
inquiries and create a connection following: traceable to the plantations.
plantations. Full access to the
with the brand advertised. It is also Realising the importance of
traceability dashboard is currently
traceability with the increase of
made available to our key clients
eco-conscious customers, we have
with traceability information that
“The ability to identify and trace the history, distribution, participated in various initiatives to
ensure transparency in our supply
ties back to the individual clients’
location and application of products, parts and materials, chain.
of CPO and
of PK is traceable
to the mill
78.9% of our
CPO and
85.8% of PK
is traceable
to the plantations
2,196,186 MT 495,172 MT
Total SOUs Certified:
06 040-045
58/59 (98%) –
Malaysia (100%)
Indonesia (96%)
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil 25,000 families. Out of approximately 75% of our mills in Malaysia and
(RSPO) Certification 45,000 hectares of land developed Indonesia are now Identity Preserved,
As founding members of the RSPO, for this purpose, we have obtained processing only RSPO-certified FFB.
we continue to support and uphold RSPO certification for close to 25,000 100% of our downstream business
the RSPO Principles & Criteria as a hectares (from 19,000 hectares in units have been RSPO Supply Chain
benchmark and assurance of FY1415) with a production capacity Certification System (RSPO SCCS)
sustainable planting of oil palm. By of over 695,000 MT of FFB. Three certified, meaning that these units are
certifying almost all of our estates, smallholder schemes have successfully capable of delivering RSPO mass
the RSPO badge has become a key obtained RSPO certification in the balance and/or segregated products.
differentiator of Sime Darby palm oil reporting period. They are located in
products and are sought after in all Central Sulawesi (PT. Tamaco Graha
markets; for quality and sustainability. Krida), South Kalimantan (PT. Laguna
Mandiri) and West Kalimantan (PT.
Sime Indo Agro). The total certified ISPO is a mandatory certification
Supporting Smallholders in achieving
planted area is approximately scheme adopted by the Indonesian
RSPO Certification
12,000 ha and contributed government that aims to improve
Smallholders are a key part of the approximately 200,000 FFB. We are sustainable practices and reduce
palm oil supply chain, contributing committed to certify the remaining greenhouse gas emissions in the
approximately 40% to the global palm area under the RSPO Smallholder Indonesian oil palm industry. The
oil production. The RSPO defines Certification Scheme through scheme is based on existing
smallholders as farmers who grow oil engagement activities, facilitation Indonesian laws and regulations and
palm, alongside with subsistence and technical support. aims to facilitate compliance by
crops, where the family provides the producers. 12 of our SOUs in
majority of labour and the farm Indonesia have been ISPO certified
provides the principal source of RSPO CERTIFIED SUPPLY CHAINS remaining 13 undergoing different
income, and the planted oil palm area The RSPO Supply Chain Certification stages for verification.
are is less than 50 hectares. We are System equips refineries with the
committed to assist smallholders in capability to implement traceability of
increasing yields, improve agro- MALAYSIAN SUSTAINABLE
crude palm oil supply to supplying
management practices and eventually PALM OIL (MSPO) CERTIFICATION
mills through the RSPO e-Trace
achieve sustainable practices. system and allows for the production The MSPO Standard is a national
of identity preserved and fully- certification standard created by the
In Indonesia, we have continued to segregated certified palm oil Malaysian government and developed
provide local communities with the products. A number of sustainable with input from various stakeholders
means to make a living and raise their supply chain mechanisms exist for in the palm oil industry. It was first
quality of life through our Kredit palm oil, including identity preserved, launched in November 2013, and
Koperasi Primer Anggota (KKPA) and mass balance and book & claim. officially came into implementation in
Plasma schemes, impacting more than January 2015. The SDP supporting the
initiative throughout first verification
SOU Labu.
In line with our sustainability goals, • 2 of Sime Darby’s representatives were nominated as
Task Force members in reviewing the Malaysian
we strive to contribute our experience National interpretation (MYNI) P&C, which was then
rolled out in May 2015.
and expertise in a number of industry
• SDP is a panel in the RSPO Complaints and Grievance
groups that seek to improve and raise Panel, Dispute Settlement Facility Advisory Group and
sustainability standards and actively also a member of the Human Rights Working Group,
FFB Legality and Traceability Task Force, Smallholders
engage with stakeholders. Working Group, and Emission Reduction Working
• SDP is part of the Technical Working Committee of the
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) on the drafting
of MSPO Standard.
* Phased implementation of HCS for all other crops due to existing community commitments.
The commitments of this Charter are effective immediately for all of our palm oil operations, both upstream and
downstream, including associated smallholders. However, acknowledging the challenges that it will create to
independent smallholders in our supply chain, we strive to jointly find innovative solutions to ensure a balanced
outcome and avoid exclusion of any groups. Should breaches occur, we will work through constructive engagement
with our business partners to resolve and prevent further non-compliances. As part of our commitment to the RAC,
we will be disclosing our progress in implementing the charter regularly.
FY1415 FY1314 FY1213
We take safety very seriously and strive to reduce the number of accidents in our operations. This concerns not
only our workers and employees, but also their families, contractors who work for us, and visitors to our facilities.
Overall, we have made progress with notable reductions in our LTIFR, while ensuring strict compliance to Standard
Operating Procedures that have been developed. Unfortunately, there were 4 fatalities in our operations in
FY1516. We offer our condolences to the families of the deceased.
Guided by a Five-year strategy – Target 2020: RISE to ZERO HARM, we will continue to promote a culture of
prevention among our employees and ultimately meet the target of zero fatality in our operations.
8 Fatality cases
8 8
6 6
6 6
4 4.3 4
3.1 2.9
2 2 2
0 0
FY1112 FY1213 FY1314 FY1415 FY1516
• We are also enforcing the the steriliser and boiler Chemical Safety – Elimination of
use of non-conductive poles stations. Improvement actions Class 1B Chemical
for harvesting near overhead taken include;
• Malaysian Upstream
power lines.
– improving the Lockout/ operation is the only
Tagout (LOTO) standards operation in SDP that is still
Transportation Safety
using Class 1B chemical in the
– development of Model
• 33% of LTI cases in the form of Methamidophos for
estates were reported from pest control purposes.
the operation of vehicles by – development of Mill of
• In view of the high safety and
both SDP and our external the Future
health risks posed by this
contractors. These cases
chemical, we have targeted to
mainly involved tractors and Occupational Health & Hygiene
eliminate the use of this Class
lorries used in normal estate
• We conduct Hearing 1B chemical and substitute it
operations and replanting
Conservation Programme in with a safer chemical by
all our operations to manage 2017.
• Apart from enhancing the exposure to noise hazards.
• In FY1516, 70% of our
competencies of drivers/
• We are working together estates have started using an
operators through the TDCC,
with Universiti Putra Malaysia alternative chemical that is
OST (for tractor drivers), and ENHANCING ESH CULTURE IN
& Universiti Teknologi less hazardous, subsequent to
Suagate (for train gate SDP
Malaysia (UTM) to review positive tests and advice by
keepers), we also reviewed
ergonomic risk assessments the R&D team. Empowerment & Enforcement
transportation contracts,
and controls.
conducted contractor • To date, we have seen a • We strive to enhance
briefings, and increased our • 2 of our mills were selected marked reduction in the use ownership and accountability
enforcement efforts. to participate in the of Class 1B chemicals and we in implementing ESH policies
Systematic Occupational are positive in achieving our and procedures in our
• We continue prioritise safety
Health Enhancement Level target by 2017. operations. These initiatives
and health factors in the
Programme (SOHELP) include;
selection of machineries to
Programme organised by ESH Risk Management
be used in our estate – Introduction of
Department of Safety and
operations. • As part of our continuous Operational Safety &
Health (DOSH) Malaysia.
improvement strategy, we Health (OSH) Index as
• As commuting/road accidents
• We are reviewing the use of have revised our ESH Risk part of the KPI at every
continue to be an area of
Tanizawa helmets (shorter Management procedures to function and level.
concern for our workers, we
lids) for harvesters, especially make them more robust and
are continuously – Continuous training
when harvesting tall palms, practical. They have been
implementing Road Safety programmes for
due to the higher visibility reviewed based on the ISO
campaigns in our operations. Managers, ESH
offered. 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001,
and ISO 22301 standards. The
Mill Machinery Safety • Our operations also carry out Representatives, and ESH
new procedure will be
dedicated Chemical Health Committee members at
• 27% of LTI cases in the implemented FY1617
Risk Assessments and conduct every OU.
estates were reported from onwards.
health & medical surveillance
the operation of mill – Assessment on adequacy
programmes to ensure that • All our biogas plants in
machineries, particularly in of controls in key
our chemical risks are As Low Malaysia and Indonesia
operational risk areas.
as Reasonably Practicable undergo Hazard and
(ALARP). Operability Study (HAZOP) – Issuance of Stop Work
for risk assessment. Order in situations where
risks are intolerable.
1,000 405 533
119 132 85 90 192 277 2 4 2 21 28 62
10,000 7,542 7,699
Executives Non- Worker Executives Non- Worker Executives Non- Worker
5,000 2,382 Executives Executives Executives
421 272 150 214 102
62 34 1 4
Malaysia Indonesia Liberia
Malaysia Indonesia Liberia Thailand South Africa Vietnam Singapore
Note: Information above only covers our operations in Malaysia, Indonesia and Liberia.
HUMAN RIGHTS – RESPECTING sectors all over the world and by Section 54 of the Modern Slavery
In FY1516, we had a higher proportion of male employees compared to females in all different employee & PROTECTING OUR WORKERS sharing examples of good human Act 2015, we have drafted the Sime
categories. Nevertheless, we are committed to provide equal employment opportunities to everybody based on rights practices in our operations. Darby Slavery and Human
In recent years, global attention has
merit and talent. Trafficking Statement. This
focused on the rising issue of human
Plantation Human Rights Task Force statement would be our first
trafficking. Some human-rights
(PHRiTF) disclosure on our efforts to address
activists claim that the palm oil
TOTAL EMPLOYEES BY GENDER & EMPLOYEE CATEGORY The PHRiTF was formed in January the issues of slavery and human
industry, which has progressed with
2016 to identify issues around human trafficking in our supply chains. For
increasing demand from the U.S.
rights that are material to our more details on this statement,
No. of Employees and China, is part of the problem.
operations and develop a please visit http://www.simedarby.
The industry, with a growing need
methodology to ensure compliance com/clients/simedarby_sustainability/
No. of Male Employees for unskilled workers, is said to lure
to the Sime Darby Group Human assets/contentMS/img/template/
1,641 No. of Female Employees
undocumented migrants to Malaysia.
Rights policy, which is currently in editor/SDIAR%202016%20-%20
SDP strictly bans the use forced or
development. The task force will 386%20-388.pdf
1,500 1,377 compulsory labour. Employing more
than 100,000 people globally, we supported by other relevant
departments in implementing the SDP’s human resources policy
ensure contractual and permanent
human rights action plan and enshrines the following:
970 employees are treated with respect.
mitigating human rights impacts that
Non-discrimination on the grounds
Participation in the United Nation’s are linked to our operations.
657 of colour, race, religion, ethnicity,
Global Compact (UNGC) Additionally, we are working with an
national origin or gender.
independent partner, Shift, to assist
Sime Darby has been a signatory of
379 us in assessing human rights risks in
500 the UNGC since November 2010. We
205 our plantations in Malaysia. Shift is a Zero tolerance towards physical
are committed to upholding the ten
118 non-profit organisation that helps or verbal discriminatory
25 principles on human rights, labour,
companies, governments and other harassment in the workplace.
environment and anti-corruption and
stakeholders put the UN Guiding
0 also committed to embed the
Principles on Business and Human
Non-Executives Junior Management Middle Management Senior Management principles throughout our operations. Protecting the rights of
Rights into practice.
employees to be treated with
Employee Category Participation in Global Business dignity and respect.
Sime Darby Slavery and Human
Initiative (GBI)
Note: Information above only covers our operations in Malaysia, Indonesia and Liberia. Trafficking Statement
Sime Darby has also been a member Respecting the rights of employees
At Sime Darby, we believe that
Non-Executives = Non-Executives of the GBI on Human Rights since to freedom of association.
businesses have the responsibility to
Junior Management = Executives – Senior Executives 2012. We aim to advance the
Middle Management = AVPI – AVPII respect, support, and uphold the
respect for human rights in the
Senior Management = VPII and above fundamental human rights. This Ensuring grievance channels are
business sphere by learning from
includes the right to not be held in available.
the member companies from various
slavery or servitude. In pursuant to
The briefings will cover introduction to SDP, Malaysian culture, safety at workplace,
Malaysian laws, immigration regulations, labour law and employment contract, as
well as Child Protection Act
WMU’s Careline Team will conduct a joint visit with the respective
MEDICAL CHECK UP agency to assist the workers in understanding their rights with
regards to their contract terms and benefits
Arrangement is made for FOMEMA registration and completion
of medical check up (all cost fully borne by SDP)
• Twelve children of Sime Darby employees are pursuing diplomas bursaries worth
and degrees in local institutions
Scholarships in Indonesia
In Indonesia, YSD provides scholarships to promising students through a collaborative effort with PT. Minamas “Due to financial constraint, I could “My father dropped out of school in “I took up several odd jobs after high
Gemilang; Sime Darby Plantation’s subsidiary. Since the inception of the Minamas – Sime Darby Scholarship not enter university right away. I the 10th grade due to poverty. I was school before being employed as a
Programme in 2009, approximately 216 deserving individuals including employees’ children and underprivileged found a job in the oil business and forced to accept the same fate, as my construction supervisor by the Rural
residents from the communities within and around Minamas operations, have benefited from the scholarships that then in construction before enrolling family could not afford to continue Agriculture and Development
in a vocational training programme. sending me to school. I begged for Programme. I agreed for them to
are worth more than RM4.8 million. Minamas now has a dedicated team to manage the scholarship programme in Due to financial hardship, I had to assistance from my relatives and took withhold my salary so that at the end
Indonesia. drop out of the programme. I’m up odd jobs to support my studies. of the project, I can use the money
grateful to Sime Darby for changing Sime Darby helped me to not only for my education. Unfortunately,
my life and helping me to pursue a obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in upon project completion, they left the
wonderful education in Cuttington Cuttington University, but also an country without paying me. I was
University” Advance Certificate in Peace and forced into the coal mining business
Conflict Resolution. I am so proud to to support myself. I saved USD20 and
Jacob Sumowor be part of this big family!” used it to pay the entrance fee to
Cuttington University, without any
hopes of enrolling. Subsequently,
Sam Robin Weah Sime Darby offered me this
scholarship and it completely changed
my life. I hope to pursue a Master’s
Scholarship in Papua New Guinea Degree in the future and serve the
company with full honesty.”
YSD embarked on a scholarship programme with funding worth
USD500,000 for 23 outstanding citizens including two Papua New
Saturday V.S. Quellie
Guinean students to pursue engineering degrees in Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) beginning August 2016.
“This scholarship has helped me in “This scholarship helped me to be the Scholarship in South Africa
incredible ways. I am now able to first in my family to pursue an YSD also provides educational support to an outstanding and deserving young talent in South Africa to complete a
attend Bogor Agricultural Institute, undergraduate degree. I am forever four-year undergraduate course, with job opportunities at Sime Darby Hudson and Knights in Boksburg, South
one of the best colleges in the grateful to Sime Darby for not letting Africa upon completion of his studies.
country. Thanks to this funding, I am financial hardship stop me from going
also able to get the much-needed after my dreams”
pocket money every month, purchase Senii School in Liberia
a laptop, and all my text books” Apart from offering scholarships to Liberian students to pursue higher level of education, YSD also chipped in a
funding of RM1.21 million to construct a community school for the PAC, called the Senii School. Since its launch in
Aulia Rahman Purba Deri Nurrahman November 2013, 351 children and youth from nine nearby townships of Senii, Damah, Timbo, Sengamah, Lein,
Kaylia, Johnson Town, Baaka and Kenemah have enrolled as students in the school. The school also provides
employment opportunities to 10 teachers, consequently elevating their lives from extreme poverty. YSD’s funding
is used for paying the salaries of both the teachers and staff, in addition to purchasing teaching and learning
materials for the students.
PLANT-A-TREE PROJECT Darby, approximately 694,000 trees around the nursery. The first phase
have been planted through the Ulu of planting activity was done at the
As SDP’s palm oil production is
Segama Rehabilitation and RiLeaf Bukit Angin site in January 2014.
heavily focused on some of the most
programmes in Sabah, and North
biologically diverse areas in the
Selangor Peat Swamp Rehabilitation Planting initiative proved to be
world, we strictly adhere to both
Programme. difficult from day one, as the sites
national and RSPO guidelines on
were located against the backdrop
biodiversity conservation. Sime
One of our most challenging of extreme, unfavourable weather.
Darby’s “Plant-A-Tree” Programme,
initiative thus far would be the Rain is very scarce in the area,
which was initiated in 2008, aims to
Plant-A-Tree Project in Jentar. The consequently exposing the trees to
increase biodiversity value in our
Jentar Nursery began operations in scorching sun every day. The
plantations with a target of planting
September 2013 as a site to breed El-Nino phenomenon experienced in
one million trees by the year 2020.
Endangered, Rare and Threatened the country since 2015 added to the
To date, we have planted a total of
(ERT) indigenous tropical forest tree obstacles, as the bad weather was
330,000 trees comprising 276
066-079 species. The trees were then further compounded.
species in our estates. Additionally,
planted in several sites identified
in collaboration with Yayasan Sime
We have monitored our carbon year 2015 includes SDP’s operations ANNUAL EMISSIONS BY SOURCE
footprint since 2009 via the in Liberia, Papua New Guinea and
Sustainability Management System, Solomon Islands covering oil palm Total Carbon
a carbon monitoring tool that operations. This has resulted in an (Millions tCO2-e)
SDP TOTAL EMISSIONS enabled us to calculate our carbon increase in the Division’s overall
emissions in accordance with the carbon emissions in the year 2015. 3.50
(tCO2-e) 2.96 2.99
GHG Protocol and identify hotspots The carbon data for our operations
that would enable us to reduce in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Liberia 2.59 2.56
2.41 Effluent Treatment
2.30 2.33
those emissions. For the first time, have been independently verified. 2.50 Boilers
the carbon emissions data for the
2.00 Fertilisers
Purchased Electricity
Total Carbon
Emission 0.50
(Millions tCO2-e)
3.50 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2.96 2.99 OP Mill
3.00 2.59 2.56 OP Estate
2.30 2.33
2.50 Downstream
Emission Source 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2.00 Rubber
Effluent Treatment 69.6% 70.7% 71.4% 71.7% 65.8% 69.1% 72.2%
1.50 (tCO2-e) 1,799,617 1,629,373 1,826,392 2,121,035 1,532,760 1,667,658 2,156,658
Four of SDP composting projects
0 (Lavang, Pekaka, Kerdau, Merotai)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 were registered under the Kyoto
Reporting Year
Protocol‘s Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM), which delivered
183,897 certified emissions
reductions (CER) to Denmark and
ANNUAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY FUEL TYPE total net revenue of nearly RM5.9
million from 2010 to end-2012.
Total Energy Consumption
(Millions GJ) 39.43
On 4 February 2015, an appreciation
Biomass meeting and luncheon was held at
31.04 Diesel Wisma Sime Darby between
27.69 representatives from the Danish
30.00 25.74 25.74 Electricity
Energy Agency (DEA): Mr Ole Emmik
Sørensen and Mr Bo Riisgard
20.00 Natural gas Pedersen; Mr Henrik Rytter Jensen,
Others Country Head, Danish Energy
Management (DEM), and Sime Darby
Plantation management, represented
by the Managing Director, Datuk
0 Franki Anthony Dass.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
WHAT CAUSES FIRE? FIRE MANAGEMENT IN SIME Programme (UNEP)’s Global 500 3. Hotspot Alert Dashboard and
DARBY PLANTATION Award for outstanding Daily Hotspot Monitoring
Haze has become a Fires can be started easily during the dry season, by even the smallest
source such as a lighted cigarette butt. Forest fires can be caused by Despite having had its share of
achievement in the protection The Hotspot Alert Dashboard is
yearly phenomenon excessive drainage of peat land, as this results in the top layer of soil being listed as one of the culprits,
and improvement of the our initiative at being transparent
environment for the
in Southeast Asia drying out, making these areas extremely susceptible to burning. Sime Darby Plantation (SDP) and its
commercialisation of our
about the occurrence of hotspots
in our concession areas. We are
Additionally, fires could also be deliberately started by communities in subsidiaries do not engage in slash
in recent years. the course of land clearing. In Indonesia, a majority of smallholders are and burn activities under any
zero-burning replanting committed to prevent and
Come the dry season still practising the slash and burn technique. This activity is propelled by circumstances. We have
technique. monitor hotspot occurrence not
the fact that the Indonesian law allows land owners to burn up to two- implemented various policies and only in our concession area, but
beginning June, the hectare of land for land clearing purposes. During the dry season, sparks initiatives to ensure a sustainable
2. Peatland Planting Policy also within a 5km radius from our
air in some parts of or flying debris from a burning field can easily land on adjacent land and fire management system in our Realising the vulnerability of boundaries. The dashboard,
Indonesia, Singapore cause rapid fire. operations and consequently, an
environmentally-conscious approach
peat lands to fires, we employ
best management practices
available on Sime Darby’s website
and Malaysia gets in our businesses. aimed at minimising the risk of alerts/), provides the public with
polluted with peat fires and subsequent information on the number of
1. Zero-Burning Replanting carbon emissions in our past hotspots recorded throughout the
smoke. The major Technique plantings. Our water year and actions that have been
contributor to this Over the years, various
management technique ensures taken by the respective estates if
FY1415 FY1314 FY1213
Project in collaboration between SDP’s R&D and LSS team won the Best Organizational Impact Award
OUR FUTURE SDP has embraced Lean Six Sigma (LSS), a term used to describe a management structure that aims to eliminate
waste (muda in Japanese), so that all processes along the production stream create value. The Sime Darby LSS
Business Management Strategy was implemented in 2013 to achieve operational excellence and capitalise on
cross-divisional synergies. The financial benefits achieved in FY1516 is an evidence of the commitment shown by
our business units in producing real results that reduce non-value adding activities and increase organisational
24,0000,000 20,855,623 60
16,0000,000 40.6 40
8,0000,000 20
0 0
Downstream Procurement Others Upstream
As part of War on Waste (WOW) campaign launched by the Group in FY1516, SDP also participated in the Kaizen
Waste Elimination Challenge (KWEC) with the following results:
KWEC 2016
FIRST PLANTING OF GENOME Over the past few years, our R&D the potential to produce at least
SELECT OIL PALM team in Biotechnology and Breeding 15% more oil than SDP’s Calix 600,
has sequenced over 200 oil palms currently our best planting material.
SDP has been in the forefront of
which were carefully selected to Under optimal growth conditions,
agriculture research and
represent the diversity of Sime the potential yield from the Genome
development since early 1900s. We
Darby’s collection. These genetic Select palms can go above 11 MT
are committed to revolutionise the
codes were analysed to identify the oil/ha, resulting in average yields
process of oil palm breeding
traits of high yielding palms. The above 6.1 MT oil/ha across all
through innovative solutions and
team was then able to produce a environments in our Malaysian
technologies. In 2009, we were the
formula to provide a genetic test, plantations, compared to Calix 600
first in the world to successfully use
selecting the naturally high yielding yields of 5.3 MT oil/ha. By 2023, we
new (2nd generation) technology to
variants from our current premium will have enough genome materials
sequence, assemble and annotate
seeds without any genetic to meet all of our Malaysian
the complex sequence of 1.8 billion
modifications. replanting requirements.
chemical units that make up the
CASE STUDY: genetic code of the oil palm.
The Genome Select Oil Palm Our innovation in oil palm breeding
The Blue Ocean Journey
planting initiative will be a major does not stop here. We will
Seven years after successfully
The Blue Ocean team is a strategic partnership between Downstream Jomalina Refinery and R&D Processing milestone that allows us to produce strengthen our R&D efforts to
decoding the oil palm genome, we
Technology. The team successfully completed a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) project titled “To Reduce Chemical more oil with existing land, in line produce palms that are not just high
commenced our first large scale
Cost of Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) from Mean of RM2.29/m3 Influent to RM1.87/m3 Influent in with our sustainability commitment yielding, but are also more resilient
planting of Genome Select high
Jomalina Refinery by June 2015”. This project focused on chemical consumption at the Coagulation and to minimise green and brown field to weather fluctuations and other
yielding oil palms in April 2016.
Flocculation processes in WWTP, as it contributes to 97% of the total variable cost. The project has directly expansions. The selected palms have environmental conditions.
reduced chemical cost by 31%, at RM1.58/m3 influent, with a potential benefit of RM173,254 per year.
SDR is SDP’s department established to invest in complementary and integrated platform to leverage the various
products and by-products along the palm oil value chain, transforming these into high value-added goods. SDR
aims to create a symbiotic portfolio of sustainable businesses in the industrial biotechnology sphere and invest in
promising technologies at the point of pre-commercialisation.
Service Award 2014
Malaysian Palm Oil Industry
Self-Sustaining Kernel Plant Award 2013/2014 – Kernel Nuri Kernel Crushing Plant January 2015
Crushing Plant
I'm Lovin' It Golden Ribbon
086-091 Award for "Quality Award Mc Thai Co. Ltd Morakot Industries February 2015
American Society for
Best All All-Around
Quality (ASQ) World
Presentation and Speaking SD Biodiesel May 2015
Conference Quality and
Improvement 2015
Malaysian Society for
SD Austral
Gold Class I Occupational Safety &
SD Research
Health (MSOSH)
SD Biodiesel
SD Technology Centre
Sandakan Bay POM
Merotai Estate
Mostyn Estate
Malaysian Society for Lavang POM
Gold Class II Occupational Safety & Bradwall Estate
Health (MSOSH) Jentar Estate
Sg. Dingin POM
Flemington POM September 2015
Kempas POM
Seri Intan Estate
Padang Buloh Estate
Tali Ayer Estate
Rasan Estate
Charquest Estate
Malaysian Society for Elphill POM
Silver Occupational Safety & Kok Foh POM
Health (MSOSH) Lambak Estate
New Labu Estate
Pekan Estate
Salak Estate
Permodalan Nasional Berhad Permodalan Nasional
– Challenge Trophy Berhad (PNB) Innovation & R&D and Sime Darby Austral November 2015
– Champion Quality Awards
Prime Minister’s Hibiscus
Notable Achievement Sime Darby Plantation Sdn. Bhd. December 2015
Awards (PMHA)
Disclosures Description Reference Section Page Disclosures Description Reference Section Page
G4-17 Entities Sime Darby Group Annual Report 2016 55, 178
Stakeholder Engagement
Material Aspects Indicators Reference Section Page Material Aspects Indicators Reference Section Page
Economic Financial Review, Sime Darby G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 47-65
G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated 33, 55
Performance Group Annual Report 2016
Freedom of Operations and suppliers identified in
Indirect Association and which the right to exercise freedom of
Economic G4-EC8 Significant indirect economic impacts Assuring Our Practices 41-43 association and collective bargaining Caring for Our People
Collective G4-HR4 59-62
Impacts Bargaining may be violated or at significant risk,
and measures taken to support these
G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 67-79
G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 59
Energy consumption within the
Energy G4-EN3 Caring for the Environment 74 Operations and suppliers identified
Child Labour as having significant risk for incidents Caring for Our People
G4-EN6 Reduction of energy consumption 72-75 G4-HR5 of child labour, and measures taken 59
to contribute to the effective
G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 67-79 abolition of child labour
Biodiversity Caring for the Environment
G4-EN12 Operational impacts on HCV areas 69 G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 55-59
G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 67-79 Operations and suppliers identified
Forced or as having significant risk for incidents
G4-EN15 Scope 1 emissions 72-75
Compulsory of forced or compulsory labour, and Caring for Our People
Emissions G4-EN16 Scope 2 emissions Caring for the Environment 72-75 Labour G4-HR6 55-59
measures to contribute to the
G4-EN18 GHG emissions intensity 72-75 elimination of all forms of forced or
compulsory labour
G4-EN19 GHG emissions reductions 72-75
Total number of incidents of Sustainability at Sime Darby
Percentage of new suppliers that Indigenous 38-39,
G4-HR8 violations involving rights of Plantation, Caring for Our
G4-EN32 were screened using environmental Assuring Our Practices 44-45 Rights 59-62
indigenous peoples and actions taken People
Suppliers criteria
Environmental Total number and percentage of
Significant actual and potential Sustainability at Sime Darby
Assessment operations that have been subject to 36-39,
G4-EN33 negative environmental impacts in Caring for the Environment 67-79 Assessment G4-HR9 Plantation, Caring for Our
human rights reviews or impact 59-62
the supply chain and actions taken People
Social Supplier Human Percentage of new suppliers that Sustainability at Sime Darby
Rights G4-HR10 were screened using human rights Plantation, Caring for Our
G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 47-65 59-62
Assessment criteria People
Employment New employees, turnover by age, Caring for Our People
G4-LA1 53-55 Human Rights Grievances about human rights
gender and region
Grievance G4-HR12 impacts filed and resolved through Caring for Our People 59-62
G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 47-52 Mechanisms formal grievance mechanisms
Health and Type of injury and rates of injury, Caring for Our People Society
Safety G4-LA6 occupational diseases, lost days, and 47-48
Caring for Our People
Operations with implemented local
Diversity & Equal G4-DMA Disclosure on Management Approach 47-65 Local We have carried out external
Caring for Our People G4-SO1 community engagement and impact 60-65
Opportunity Communities and internal social impact
G4-LA12 Number of employees by gender, age 53-55 assessments
assessments for all our
Supplier plantations
Screening of suppliers based on Sustainability at Sime Darby
Assessment for G4-LA14 35-39
labour practices Plantation Grievance Number of grievances about impacts
Labour Practices
Mechanisms for on society filed, addressed, and
G4-SO11 Caring for Our People 60-65
Impacts on resolved through formal grievance
Society mechanisms
CSPK Certified Sustainable Palm Kernel MYNI RSPO Malaysian National Interpretation
DGFC Danau Girang Field Centre PBIT Profit Before Interest and Taxation
DOSH Department of Safety & Health PHRiTF Plantation Human Rights Task Force
ESH Environment, Safety & Health POME Palm Oil Mill Effluent
FABP Food and Agriculture Business Principles RAC Responsible Agriculture Charter
FPIC Free, Prior and Informed Consent RSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
FRIM Forest Research Institute of Malaysia SAFE Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems
FY Financial Year
SCCS Supply Chain Certification System
GBI Global Business Initiative
SDP Sime Darby Plantation
GHG Greenhouse Gas
SDPL Sime Darby Plantation Liberia
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
SMS Sustainability Management System
HCS High Carbon Stock
SPI Sustainable Partnership Initiative
HCV High Conservation Value
SPOM Sustainable Palm Oil Manifesto
IFRC International Federation of the Red Cross
SWD Sabah Wildlife Department
ISCC International Sustainability & Carbon
Certification SWO Stop Work Order
KKPA Member’s Primary Co-operative Credit UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
scheme or Kredit Koperasi Primer Anggota UNGC United Nations Global Compact
KWEC Kaizen Waste Elimination Challenge UNMIL United Nations Mission in Liberia
LSS Lean Six Sigma UNRI University of Riau
LiDAR Light Detection and Radar WA Wild Asia
LTIFR Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate WAGS Wild Asia Group Scheme
LRC Liberia Red Cross WOW War on Waste
MACC Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission YSD Yayasan Sime Darby
MD Managing Director
MEME Management and Ecology of Malaysian