J. Clin. Microbiol.-2006-McDonald-4363-70
J. Clin. Microbiol.-2006-McDonald-4363-70
J. Clin. Microbiol.-2006-McDonald-4363-70
Strain as
a Marine-Mammal Type despite Isolation
from a Patient with Spinal Osteomyelitis in
New Zealand
W. L. McDonald, R. Jamaludin, G. Mackereth, M. Hansen, S.
Humphrey, P. Short, T. Taylor, J. Swingler, C. E. Dawson, A.
M. Whatmore, E. Stubberfield, L. L. Perrett and G. Simmons
J. Clin. Microbiol. 2006, 44(12):4363. DOI:
Published Ahead of Print 11 October 2006.
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Naturally acquired infection of humans with a marine mammal-associated Brucella sp. has only been
reported once previously in a study describing infections of two patients from Peru. We report the isolation and
characterization of a strain of Brucella from a New Zealand patient that appears most closely related to strains
previously identified from marine mammals. The isolate was preliminarily identified as Brucella suis using
conventional bacteriological tests in our laboratory. However, the results profile was not an exact match, and
the isolate was forwarded to four international reference laboratories for further identification. The reference
laboratories identified the isolate as either B. suis or B. melitensis by traditional bacteriological methods in
three laboratories and by a molecular test in the fourth laboratory. Molecular characterization by PCR,
PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism, and DNA sequencing of the bp26 gene; IS711; the omp genes
omp25, omp31, omp2a, and omp2b; IRS-PCR fragments I, III, and IV; and five housekeeping gene fragments was
conducted to resolve the discrepant identification of the isolate. The isolate was identified to be closely related
to a Brucella sp. originating from a United States bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and common seals
(Phoca vitulina).
Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease of humans, marine mammal strains of Brucella by isolation, PCR, and
causing a variety of vague symptoms including undulant fever, DNA sequencing (41). The two Peruvian patients were not
fatigue, malaise, joint pain, myalgia, depression, and anorexia laboratory workers, and the infection was naturally acquired.
(22). Chronic sequelae and recrudescence decades after initial Serological evidence and isolation of brucellae have been
infection also occur. Brucella may be transmitted from animals reported from a variety of marine mammals on numerous
to humans by direct contact with infected animals, ingestion of occasions from locations in the northern hemisphere. The se-
infected food products, and inhalation of aerosols. Four spe- rological prevalence ranges from 0 to 38% for cetaceans, pin-
cies of Brucella are the primary causes of infection in humans. nipeds, and mustelids (6, 24, 26, 29, 32, 34, 43). The largest
Brucella melitensis is highly infectious and is transmitted from studies of 1,855 pinnipeds from North America and 1,386 pin-
sheep and goats, B. abortus is transmitted from cattle, B. suis is nipeds and cetaceans from the North Atlantic Ocean revealed
transmitted from pigs and, infrequently, B. canis is transmitted 3.1 and 8.2%, respectively, to have serological evidence of
from dogs. Other species of Brucella have been rarely or not brucella (33, 43). Brucella have also been isolated from 31%
reported to infect humans. (54/175) of marine mammals sampled under a variety of cir-
There are only two reports in the literature of humans in- cumstances (8, 14, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 40, 43, 44). There are few
fected with marine mammal strains of Brucella. One report was reports of serological testing of pinnipeds and cetaceans from
of a laboratory worker who displayed symptoms consistent with the Southern Hemisphere. In the Antarctic, positive reactions
brucellosis (4). The infection was confirmed by a positive se-
were detected in 3.5% (6/17) of pinnipeds (36). A high prev-
rological response, isolation, and PCR-restriction fragment
alence of serological reactions (55.2% [32/58]) was reported in
length polymorphism (RFLP) identification of a marine Bru-
cetaceans off the coast of central Peru (45). In pinnipeds of
cella strain. Two patients originating from Peru and diagnosed
Australia, serological reactions were reported in three species,
with neurobrucellosis were also confirmed to be infected with
including 75% (9/12) of sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) (13). In
New Zealand, no serological reactions were detected in 101
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Investigation and Diag- New Zealand sea lions (Arctocephalus hookeri) (28).
nostic Centre, Biosecurity New Zealand, Ministry of Agriculture and Brucella species isolated in New Zealand include B. ovis
Forestry, Ward St., Wallaceville, New Zealand. Phone: 61(0)4 526 from sheep and deer, B. abortus (eradicated from livestock in
5600. Fax: 61(0)4 526 5601. E-mail: wendy.mcdonald@maf.govt.nz.
1989), and B. melitensis and B. suis (both from human pa-
† Present address: Tropical and Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory,
180-202 River Blvd., Townsville, Queensland, Australia. tients). Infection of humans with the latter two species was
Published ahead of print on 11 October 2006. confirmed as having been acquired overseas (7, 39). Hitherto,
TABLE 1. Results of brucella serology tests performed on samples from the patient at two New Zealand medical laboratories (W and M)
Result (days from onset)
Test Screen SAT titer Coombs titer
W M Wb M W M
First ⫹ (29) ⫹ (36) 1:1,280 (29)* ⬍1:20 (36) 1:2,560 (29) 1:640 (36)
Second NT ⫺ (153) 1:320 (40)* 1:40 (153) 1:1,280 (40) 1:160 (153)
NT, not tested. ⫹, Positive; ⫺, negative.
*, SAT titers using 2-mercaptoethanol were 1:160 and 1:80 in the first and second tests, respectively.
marine mammal Brucella strains had not been isolated in New uncooked fish bait, including pilchards (Sardina and Sardinops
Zealand. However, serum and tissue samples of stranded Hec- spp.), bonito (Sarda spp.), squid (Nototodarus sp.), and mullet
tor’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) tested at our labora- (Mugilidae) and regularly caught snapper (Chrysophrys aura-
tory, the Investigation and Diagnostic Centre (IDC), have re- tus), kahawai (Arripis trutta), trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex),
TABLE 2. Comparison of biochemical, serotyping, phage typing, growth in the presence of dyes, and other growth requirements of the
brucella isolate 02/611 from four laboratories with results reported in the literature for marine isolates of brucellaa
Test or test Result for marine Result for bottlenose Result at laboratory:
laboratory location mammal brucella dolphin (F5/99) IDC (repeat) A (repeat) B C
the DNA sequences was analyzed by comparison to DNA sequences within The omp2a gene was amplified using the primers 2aA and 2aB (11). The
GenBank using BLASTN (2; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST). reaction mixture and cycling parameters were as described above for the second
The omp25 gene was later amplified using the primers 25A and 25B that omp25 PCR. The amplified DNA was digested by using four restriction endo-
encompassed the in-house designed primers and provided additional single nu- nucleases: HinfI, PstI, AluI, and BanI. The digestion mixture and incubation was
cleotide polymorphisms for RFLP testing and DNA sequencing (11). A 50-l as described for the omp25 digestion.
PCR mixture contained 1⫻ HotStar master mix (QIAGEN), 0.1 M concentra- The omp2b gene was amplified using the primers 2bA and 2bB and the
tions of each primer, and 5 l of genomic DNA. The PCR was conducted with conditions described previously (11). The amplified DNA was digested by using
a denaturation step at 95°C for 15 min; followed by 35 cycles of 95°C for 1 min, six restriction endonucleases: BglII, EcoRI, HaeIII, HinfI, KpnI, and TaqI.
58°C for 2 min, and 70°C for 3 min; followed by a final extension step of 70°C for The omp2a and -2b PCR products from 02/611 and F5/99 were sent to Monash
10 min. The amplified fragment was digested with EcoRV. A 20-l digestion University (Australia) for sequencing. After editing and compilation of the
reaction contained 5 l of DNA, 10 U of enzyme (New England Biolabs, Beverly, contigs, the omp2a and -2b DNA sequences were phylogenetically analyzed by
MA; Promega Corp., Madison, WI), 100 g of bovine serum albumin, and the creating a phylogram from a neighbor-joined consensus tree of Kimura distance
corresponding 1⫻ buffer for at least 3 h at 37°C in a water bath. Digests were matrices created from 500 bootstraps of the CLUSTAL W aligned sequences
electrophoresed in a 3% agarose gel in 1⫻ TAE (40 mM Tris–acetate–2 mM (16, 42) (BioManager by ANGIS [http://www.angis.org.au]; TreeView [Win32];
EDTA). http://taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/rod/rod.html).
The bp26 gene and downstream IS711 element was amplified using the primers For the IS711 RFLP analysis, genomic DNA was digested with EcoRI (5).
26A and 26B (9). The reaction mixture was as described for the second omp25 Digested DNA was separated on 0.8% agarose gels and Southern blotted by
PCR. The PCR was conducted with a denaturation step of 95°C for 15 min; using a vacuum method. The membrane-bound DNA was probed using a digoxi-
followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s, annealing at 58°C for 60 s, genin (DIG)-labeled IS711 probe, and the hybridized probe was detected using
and extension at 72°C for 60 s; followed by a hold at 72°C for 5 min. anti-DIG monoclonal antibodies. The membrane was immersed in CSPD chemi-
The omp31 gene was amplified using the primers 31sd and 31ter (46). The luminescence substrate to allow visualization of the probe hybridization by ex-
reaction mixture and cycling parameters were as described for the bp26 PCR. posure to X-ray film. The resulting images were analyzed by using Bionumerics
brucella isolates from terrestrial animals. The amplified fragment produced a fingerprint profile identical to that of the F5/99
from isolate 02/611 corresponded in size to the marine mammal United States bottlenose dolphin isolate (Fig. 3). Each genome
isolates of brucella. contained 25 copies of the IS711 element sized between 20,000
The omp31 PCR amplified 900 bp from all Brucella spp. tested and 1,520 bp. The profiles were similar to those described for
(including isolate 02/611) with the exception of B. abortus. brucella isolated from marine mammals (5).
Products of 1,230 bp were produced upon amplification of Sequencing of fragments from the five housekeeping genes
the omp2a and omp2b genes of all species of Brucella. The and omp25 revealed that the most closely related sequences
RFLP patterns produced after restriction digestion of omp2a were those of marine mammal isolates and B. suis. A report
are shown in Fig. 1. The omp2a RFLP pattern produced by the fully describing this technique is in preparation, but isolate
human isolate 02/611 matched the RFLP patterns produced by 02/611 differed from each of the B. suis biovar type strains by
the isolate F5/99 originating from a bottlenose dolphin and the a minimum of four base differences. Of the five distinct marine
isolate UK1/03 originating from a common seal. The combined mammal genotypes seen to date, isolate 02/611 varied from
omp2a and -2b profile of RFLP patterns produced by 02/611 four of these by two to four nucleotides but was an exact match
was identical to that produced by F5/99. All other Brucella spp. with F5/99 (United States bottlenose dolphin) (Table 3). De-
differed by at least one RFLP pattern. spite our having examined some 50 marine mammal isolates by
DNA sequencing of the omp2 genes of isolate 02/611 re- this approach, this genotype has only been previously seen in
vealed that the isolate contained one omp2a and one omp2b this single isolate.
and that both genes were 100% identical in sequence to the PCR I specific for B. pinnipediae amplified a 300-bp frag-
omp2a and -2b genes, respectively, of F5/99. The omp2a gene ment from 02/611, UK1/03 (common seal), and F5/99 (United
from 02/611 was also 100% identical to the omp2a genes from States bottlenose dolphin). PCR III and IV specific for B.
two common seal isolates (GenBank accessions AF003819 and cetaceae did not amplify DNA fragments from 02/611, F5/99,
DQ059380) but not to the omp2b genes from these two iso- or UK1/03. A 400-bp fragment was amplified from UK9/02
lates. Phylogenetic analysis showed 02/611 and F5/99 to be (porpoise) using PCR III, and a 300-bp fragment was amplified
identical and closely related to isolates from common seals from UK59/94 (striped dolphin) using PCR IV.
(Fig. 2). Phenotypic reevaluation. Following the conflicting identifi-
IS711 RFLP molecular characterization of isolate 02/611 cation and results from follow-up molecular testing, reevalua-
tion of the phenotypic profile for isolate 02/611 with repeat 34). Similarly, there is evidence to suggest that marine mam-
testing of L-arginine dihydrolase, L-lysine decarboxylase, and mal strains of Brucella can cause a range of symptoms in
DL-ornithine decarboxylase revealed that it was consistent with humans, including headaches, malaise, severe sinusitis, sei-
the phenotypic results for marine brucella isolates reported in zures (4, 41), and spinal osteomyelitis. It is also possible that
the literature (Table 1) (8, 14, 18, 19, 21, 25, 31, 44). In addi- marine mammal strains of Brucella may cause only mild symp-
tion, isolate 02/611 produced the same phenotypic results as toms in humans, and thus the disease goes undiagnosed or
those reported for the brucella isolate from the United States misdiagnosed. In this report the patient was symptomatic and
bottlenose dolphin (13). serologically positive since testing was within the early phase of
infection. However, in the previous report only one of the
DISCUSSION males had a single positive titer to brucella; both males had a
longer history of symptoms when tested (41).
This is the second published report of humans with naturally Zoonotic disease of humans with brucella has been com-
acquired infection originating from a marine mammal strain of
monly associated with B. melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis, and B.
Brucella and the first report of a male presenting with spinal
canis. Given the reported rarity of infection of humans with
brucellosis due to a marine mammal strain. The earlier report
marine mammal strains of Brucella, and the high-risk exposure
of two males with naturally acquired infection with a marine
to pigs within the incubation period of disease, it is not sur-
Brucella spp. were described as having neurological symptoms
prising that initial interpretation of the phenotypic results led
(41). Marine mammal strains of Brucella have been reported to
to a preliminary identification of B. suis. After results were
cause a range of clinical symptoms with varying severity in
pinnipeds and cetaceans ranging from asymptomatic carriage obtained from the molecular tests, a review of the phenotypic
to orchitis, abortions, and meningeoencephalitis (16, 23, 31, results found these consistent with identification of the isolate
as a marine mammal strain of Brucella. Classification of marine
mammal strains of Brucella as B. pinnipediae and B. cetaceae
TABLE 3. Comparison of 02/611 sequences with B. suis and marine has been proposed as species originating from pinnipeds and
mammal brucella sequences showing all bases variable cetaceans, respectively (12). These two species can generally be
between the isolates differentiated on the basis of CO2 dependency (B. pinnipediae)
Gene polymorphisma and metabolism of D-galactose (B. cetaceae) (20). The human
Brucella isolate isolate most closely resembled the isolate from the United
glk dnaK gyrB trpE cobQ omp25
States bottlenose dolphin, and both would be classified as B.
Human isolate 02/611 AGG GACC GGC AA G C
B. suis bv. 1 ... .G.T A.T GG . . cetaceae based on the phenotypic results. The phenotypic test
B. suis bv. 2 G.. .G.T ..T GG . . results do not correlate with the results from the specific PCR
B. suis bv. 3 ... .G.T AAT GG . . test (I) and sequencing of the omp2a gene since both genotypic
B. suis bv. 4 ... .G.T AAT GG . .
B. suis bv. 5 ... .GA. ... GG . . test results indicate that the human and bottlenose dolphin
Marine mammal brucella 36/94 ..A AG.. ... G. . . isolates are more closely related to B. pinnipediae than B.
Marine mammal brucella 39/94 .A. .G.. ... G. . .
Marine mammal brucella 59/94 ... .G.. ... G. A T cetaceae. In addition, the variation in results obtained from
Marine mammal brucella 61/94 ... .G.. ... G. . . repeat biochemical testing indicates that identification to the
Marine mammal brucella F5/99 ... .... ... .. . .
species level using phenotypic traits may not be reliable.
Residues identical to 02/611 are indicated as a dot. Restriction patterns of the PCR-amplified brucella omp2a
gene of isolate (02/611) produced an overall pattern classifica- Bingham, unpublished data). The organism was isolated post
tion of I as described previously (12). Pattern I has been asso- mortem from the retropharyngeal and mandibular lymph
ciated with isolates from a hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), a nodes of three piglets. On initial investigation, pigs were im-
gray seal (Halichoerus grypus), 10 common seals, and an otter plicated as the likely source of infection based on the presump-
(Lutra lutra), whereas cetacean isolates have produced overall tive identification of the isolate as B. suis and the patient’s
patterns classified as J or K (12). Restriction patterns of the contact with pigs in the timeframe of infection. There was no
PCR-amplified brucella omp2b gene of isolate 02/611 pro- serological evidence of infected pigs in trace herds (3). How-
duced an overall pattern classification similar to O and P; ever, a low-prevalence transient antibody response probably
however, an EcoRI pattern 3 was observed which has not been would not have been detected. Further testing of pigs for
previously noted. Pattern O has been associated with two com- Brucella spp. is being conducted. Lymph nodes (retropharyn-
mon seals, and pattern P has been associated with a hooded geal, submaxillary, gastrohepatic, internal iliac, and inguinal)
seal. Overall, patterns L, M, and N have been associated with collected from 74 chopper pigs sent to an abattoir from 22 pig
cetacean isolates, including a bottlenose dolphin with a com- farms were pooled and tested in our laboratory (IDC) by the
plete omp2a, opm2b profile as M-J. It is interesting that the nested omp25 PCR for Brucella sp. All tested negative. The
overall patterns of the bottlenose dolphin (United States F5/ New Zealand patient was known to have eaten raw snapper.
99) tested in the present study also matched the I (O/P) profile. The two Peruvian patients were reported to have consumed
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