
Paralectotypes of Iridia diaphana, copyright Natural History Museum London. Left scale bar = 516 µm; right scale bar = 564 µm.

Belongs within: Foraminifera.

The Lagynidae are a group of Foraminifera with membranous or pseudochitinous tests (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Test small, membranous to pseudochitinous, may have ferruginous encrustations or rarely agglutinated matter; may form colonies; aperture single, or numerous apertures not localised; gametes (where known) biflagellate.

<==Lagynidae (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |--Marenda Nyholm 1951 G86
    |    `--*M. nematoides Nyholm 1951 LT64
    |--Schultzella Rhumbler 1904 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    `--*S. diffluens (Gruber 1884) (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |--Myxotheca Schaudinn 1893 [=Armyxothecum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*M. arenilega Schaudinn 1893 [=*Armyxothecum arenilegum] LT64
    |--Boderia Wright 1867 [=Arboderium Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*B. turneri Wright 1867 [=*Arboderium turneri] LT64
    |--Apogromia De Saedeleer 1934 LT64
    |    `--*A. mucicola (Archer 1877) [=Microgromia mucicola, Mikrogromia mucicola] LT64
    |--Belaria De Saedeleer 1934 LT64
    |    `--*B. bicorpor De Saedeleer 1934 LT64
    |--Echinogromia Schröder 1907 [=Arechinogromium Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*E. multifenestrata Schröder 1907 [=*Arechinogromium multifenestratum] LT64
    |--Heterogromia De Saedeleer 1934 LT64
    |    `--*H. intermedia De Saedeleer 1934 LT64
    |--Kibisidytes Jepps 1934 LT64
    |    `--*K. marinus Jepps 1934 LT64
    |--Microcometes Cienkowski 1876 LT64
    |    `--*M. paludosa Cienkowski 1876 LT64
    |--Nemogullmia Nyholm 1953 LT64
    |    `--*N. longevariabilis Nyholm 1953 LT64
    |--Ophiotuba Rhumbler 1894 [=Arophiotubum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*O. gelatinosa Rhumbler 1894 [=*Arophiotubum gelatinosum] LT64
    |--Pseudoditrema Deflandre in Grassé 1953 LT64
    |    `--*P. mikrous (De Saedeleer 1934) [=Ditrema mikrous] LT64
    |--Rhumblerinella Schmidt 1929 LT64
    |    `--*R. bacillifera Schmidt 1929 LT64
    |--Plagiophrys Claparède & Lachmann 1859 [=Arplagiophrum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    |--*P. cylindrica Claparède & Lachmann 1859 [=*Arplagiophrum cylindricum] LT64
    |    `--P. parvipunctata Penard 1902 LT64
    |--Lagynis Schultze 1854 [=Exassula Ehrenberg 1872; incl. Platoum Schulze 1875] LT64
    |    |--*L. baltica Schultze 1854 [=Difflugia (*Exassula) baltica] LT64
    |    `--L. parva (Schulze 1875) [=*Platoum parvum] LT64
    |--Cystophrys Archer 1869 [incl. Mikrogromia Hertwig 1874, Microgromia Archer 1876] LT64
    |    |--*C. haeckeliana Archer 1869 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    `--C. oculea Archer 1869 LT64
    `--Iridia Heron-Allen & Earland 1914 LT64
         |--*I. diaphana Heron-Allen & Earland 1914 LT64
         `--I. lucida LT64

*Cystophrys haeckeliana Archer 1869 [incl. Gromia socialis Archer 1869, *Microgromia socialis, *Mikrogromia socialis] LT64

Lagynidae [Amphistominae, Amphistomini, Armyxothecnia, Belariini, Heterogromiini, Microcometesiidae, Microcometidae, Microgromiidae, Mikrogromiidae, Mikrogromiini, Myxothecinae, Plagiophryiinae, Polystomini] LT64

Schultzella Rhumbler 1904 [=Arschultzellum Rhumbler 1913, Schultzia Gruber 1888 nec Grimm 1876 nec Graff 1882] LT64

*Schultzella diffluens (Gruber 1884) [=Lieberkuehnia diffluens, *Arschultzellum diffluens, *Schultzia diffluens] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G86] Golemansky, V. G. 1986. Rhizopoda: Foraminiferida. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 17–20. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.


Allogromia laticollaris, from here.

Belongs within: Foraminifera.

The Allogromiidae are a group of Foraminifera with a pseudochitinous test known from the Upper Cambrian to the present (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Test pseudochitinous or with agglutinated matter on pseudochitinous base; certain forms known to show alternation of generations with amoeboid gametes.

<==Allogromiidae (see below for synonymy)
    |--Lieberkuehnia Claparède & Lachmann 1859 [=Arlieberkuehnium Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*L. wagneri Claparède & Lachmann 1859 [=*Arlieberkuehnium wagneri] LT64
    |--Rhynchosaccus Rhumbler 1894 [=Arrhynchosaccum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*R. immigrans Rhumbler 1894 [=*Arrhynchosaccum immigrans] LT64
    |--Rhynchogromia Rhumbler 1894 [=Arrhynchogromium Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*R. variabilis Rhumbler 1894 [=*Arrhynchogromium variabile] LT64
    |--Diplogromia Rhumbler 1904 [=Allelogromia De Saedeleer 1934, Ardiplogromium Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*D. brunneri (Blanc 1886) [=Gromia brunneri, *Allelogromia brunneri, *Ardiplogromium brunneri] LT64
    |--Diaphoropodon Archer 1869 C40
    |    `--*D. mobile Archer 1869 C40
    |--Rhabdogromia Valkanova 1964 G86
    |    `--R. flexilis (Höglund 1947) G86
    |--Chitinodendron Eisenack 1937 LT64
    |    `--*C. bacciferum Eisenack 1937 LT64
    |--Archaeochitosa Eisenack 1959 LT64
    |    `--*A. lobosa Eisenack 1959 LT64
    |--Chitinolagena Bykova 1961 LT64
    |    `--*C. gutta Bykova 1961 LT64
    |--Labyrinthochitinia Bykova 1961 LT64
    |    `--*L. tastikoliensis Bykova 1961 LT64
    |--Maylisoria Bykova 1961 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    `--*M. pseudoscheda Bykova 1961 LT64
    |--Archaeochitinia Eisenack 1954 LT64
    |    `--*A. gotlandica Eisenack 1954 LT64
    |--Xenotheka Eisenack 1938 LT64
    |    `--*X. klinostoma Eisenack 1938 LT64
    |--Ceratestina Carter 1880 LT64
    |    `--*C. globularis Carter 1880 LT64
    |--Chitinosaccus Smitter 1956 LT64
    |    `--*C. zuluensis Smitter 1956 LT64
    |--Dactylosaccus Rhumbler 1894 [=Ardactylosaccum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*D. vermiformis Rhumbler 1894 [=*Ardactylosaccum vermiforme] LT64
    |--Dendrotuba Rhumbler 1894 [=Ardendrotubum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*D. nodulosa Rhumbler 1894 [=*Ardendrotubum nodulosum] LT64
    |--Hospitella Rhumbler 1911 [=Arhospitellum Rhumbler 1913, Hospitellum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*H. fulva Rhumbler 1911 [=*Arhospitellum fulvum, *Hospitellum fulvum] LT64
    |--Marsupulina Rhumbler 1904 [=Armarsupium Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    `--*M. schultzei Rhumbler 1904 [=*Armarsupium schultzei] LT64
    |--Nodellum Rhumbler 1913 [=Arnodellum Rhumbler 1913; incl. Chitinosiphon Thalmann & Bermúdez 1954] LT64
    |    `--*N. membranaceum (Brady 1879) (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |--Paralieberkuehnia De Saedeleer 1934 LT64
    |    `--*P. elegantula (Penard 1904) [=Microgromia elegantula] LT64
    |--Penardogromia Deflandre in Grassé 1953 LT64
    |    `--*P. linearis (Penard 1902) [=Gromia linearis] LT64
    |--Phainogullmia Nyholm 1955 LT64
    |    `--*P. aurata Nyholm 1955 LT64
    |--Placopsilinella Earland 1934 LT64
    |    `--*P. aurantiaca Earland 1934 LT64
    |--Pleurophrys Claparède & Lachmann 1859 LT64
    |    `--*P. sphaerica Claparède & Lachmann 1859 LT64
    |--Saedeleeria Loeblich & Tappan 1960 LT64
    |    `--*S. gemma (Penard 1899) [=Gromia gemma] LT64
    |--Turriclavula Rhumbler 1911 LT64
    |    `--*T. interjecta Rhumbler 1911 LT64
    |--Shepheardella Siddall 1880 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    |--*S. taeniformis Siddall 1880 [=*Arshepheardellum taeniforme] LT64
    |    `--*Tinogullmia’ hyalina Nyholm 1954 LT64
    `--Allogromia Rhumbler 1904 (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |--*A. mollis (Gruber 1884) [=*Craterina mollis, *Arrogromium molle] LT64
         |--A. crystallifera PH03
         |--A. fluviatilis (Dujardin 1841) [=Gromia fluviatilis] LT64
         |--A. lagenoides C40
         |--A. laticollaris T72
         `--A. ovoidea LT64

Allogromia Rhumbler 1904 [=Arrogromium Rhumbler 1913, Craterina Gruber 1884 nec Curtis 1826 nec Bory de St Vincent 1827] LT64

Allogromiidae [Alexandrellidae, Allelogromiini, Allogromida, Allogromidae, Allogromiinae, Arrogromnia, Craterininae, Lieberkuehniinae, Lieberkuehniini, Maylisoriidae, Pleurophryini, Rhynchogromiinae]

Maylisoria Bykova 1961 [incl. Alexandrella Bykova 1958 (n. n.) nec Chevreux 1911 nec Tonnoir 1926 nec Schweyer 1939] LT64

*Nodellum membranaceum (Brady 1879) [=Reophax membranacea, *Arnodellum membranaceum; incl. *Chitinosiphon rufescens Thalmann & Bermúdez 1954] LT64

Shepheardella Siddall 1880 [=Arshepheardellum Rhumbler 1913, Shepheardia (l. c.); incl. Tinogullmia Nyholm 1954] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[G86] Golemansky, V. G. 1986. Rhizopoda: Testacea. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 5–16. E. J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[PH03] Pawlowski, J., M. Holzmann, J. Fahrni & S. L. Richardson. 2003. Small subunit ribosomal DNA suggests that the xenophyophorean Syringammina corbicula is a foraminiferan. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 50: 483–487.

[T72] Tendal, O. S. 1972. A monograph of the Xenophyophoria (Rhizopodea, Protozoa). Galathea Report 12: 7–99.


Hyperammina elongata, from here.

Belongs within: Foraminifera.

The Hyperamminidae were treated by Cushman (1940) as a family of Foraminifera with an elongate, undivided, agglutinate test. The Hippocrepininae (with test free) and Dendrophryinae (with test attached) were later placed by Loeblich & Tappan (1964) as independent subfamilies within the family Astrorhizidae; as the latter group is now known to be polyphyletic and the position of the taxa listed below is uncertain, Cushman's 'Hyperamminidae' is retained here for the sake of convenience.

Characters (from Cushman 1940): Test free or attached, consisting of globular proloculum and more or less elongate (but not close coiled), sometimes branching portion, not divided into chambers; wall of variously agglutinated materials with basal layer of chitin; aperture formed by open end of tubular portion.

<==Hyperamminidae C40
    |--Dendrophryinae C40
    |    |--Dendronina Heron-Allen & Earland 1922 LT64
    |    |    `--*D. arborescens Heron-Allen & Earland 1922 LT64
    |    |--Halyphysema Bowerbank 1862 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    |    `--*H. tumanowiczii Bowerbank 1862 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    |--Nubeculariella Averintsev 1911 LT64
    |    |    `--*N. birulai Averintsev 1911 LT64
    |    `--Dendrophrya Wright 1861 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |         |--*D. erecta Wright 1861 LT64
    |         `--D. arborescens (Norman in Brady 1881) [=*Psammatodendron arborescens] LT64
    `--Hippocrepininae [Arhippocrepnia, Hyperammininae] LT64
         |--Jaculella Brady 1879 [=Arjaculum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
         |    `--*J. acuta Brady 1879 [=*Arjaculum acutum] LT64
         |--Giraliarella Crespin 1958 LT64
         |    `--*G. angulata Crespin 1958 LT64
         |--Protobotellina Heron-Allen & Earland 1929 LT64
         |    `--*P. cylindrica Heron-Allen & Earland 1929 LT64
         |--Pseudohyperammina Crespin 1958 LT64
         |    `--*P. radiostoma Crespin 1958 LT64
         |--Saccorhiza Eimer & Fickert 1899 LT64
         |    `--*S. ramosa (Brady 1879) [=Hyperammina ramosa] LT64
         |--Hippocrepina Parker in Dawson 1870 (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |    |--*H. indivisa Parker in Dawson 1870 [=*Arhippocrepum indivisum] LT64
         |    |--‘Hyperamminoides’ barksdalei BL79
         |    `--H. elegans (Cushman & Waters 1928) [=*Hyperamminella elegans, *Hyperamminoides elegans] LT64
         `--Hyperammina Brady 1878 (see below for synonymy) LT64
              |--*H. elongata Brady 1878 [=*Arhyperammum elongatum] LT64
              |--H. abyssorum (Dawson 1870) [=*Rhabdopleura abyssorum] LT64
              |--H. aptica BL79
              |--H. bulbosa C40
              `--H. friabilis Brady 1884 [=*Hyperammina (sensu Eimer & Fickert) friabilis] LT64

Dendrophrya Wright 1861 [=Ardendrophyrum Rhumbler 1913, Dendrophyra (l. c.); incl. Psammatodendron Norman in Brady 1881] LT64

Halyphysema Bowerbank 1862 [=Arhaliphysemum Rhumbler 1913, Gastrophysema Haeckel 1877, Haliphysema Haeckel 1877] LT64

*Halyphysema tumanowiczii Bowerbank 1862 [=*Arhaliphysemum tumanowiczii, *Haliphysema tumanowiczii, Squamulina scopula Carter 1877, *Gastrophysema scopula] LT64

Hippocrepina Parker in Dawson 1870 [=Arhippocrepum Rhumbler 1913; incl. Hyperamminella Cushman & Waters 1928 non de Folin 1881, Hyperamminoides Cushman & Waters 1928] LT64

Hyperammina Brady 1878 [=Arhyperammum Rhumbler 1913, Bactrammina Eimer & Fickert 1899; incl. Hyperammina Eimer & Fickert 1899 non Brady 1878, Rhabdopleura Dawson 1870 non Allman 1869] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BL79] Basov, V. A., B. G. Lopatin, I. S. Gramberg, A. I. Danjushevskaya, V. Ya. Kaban’kov, V. M. Lazurkin & D. K. Patrunov. 1979. Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphy near Galicia Bank. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 47: 683–717.

[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.


Pelosina variabilis, copyright Jan Pawlowski.

Belongs within: Foraminifera.

The Saccamminidae are a group of Foraminifera with agglutinated tests known from the Ordovician to the present (Loeblich & Tappan 1964); it is likely that this represents a polyphyletic assemblage of relatively simple-bodied forams.

See also: A small bag of grains (Taxon of the Week: Saccamminidae); Three random foram genera (Taxon of the Week: Pelosininae).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Test free or attached, subglobular, or in groups; aperture absent, single, or multiple.

<==Saccamminidae (see below for synonymy)
    |--Diffusilininae LT64
    |    |--Diffusilina Heron-Allen & Earland 1924 LT64
    |    |    `--*D. humilis Heron-Allen & Earland 1924 LT64
    |    |--Crithionina Goës 1894 [=Arcrithionum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    |    `--*C. mamilla Goës 1894 [=*Arcrithionum mamilla] LT64
    |    |--Daitrona Loeblich & Tappan 1961 LT64
    |    |    `--*D. lens (Goës 1896) [=Crithionina lens] LT64
    |    |--Discobotellina Collins 1958 LT64
    |    |    `--*D. biperforata Collins 1958 LT64
    |    |--Kerionammina Moreman 1933 LT64
    |    |    `--*K. favus Moreman 1933 LT64
    |    |--Masonella Brady 1889 [=Armasonellum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    |    `--*M. planulata Brady 1889 [=*Armasonellum planulatum] LT64
    |    |--Oryctoderma Loeblich & Tappan 1961 LT64
    |    |    |--*O. rotundata (Cushman 1910) [=Crithionina rotundata] LT64
    |    |    |--O. pisum (Goës 1896) [=Crithionina pisum] LT61
    |    |    |--O. rugosa (Goës 1896) [=Crithionina rugosa] LT61
    |    |    `--O. teicherti (Parr 1942) [=Crithionina teicherti] LT61
    |    |--Pseudowebbinella Shchedrina 1962 LT64
    |    |    `--*P. goesi (Höglund 1947) [=Crithionina goesi] LT64
    |    |--Thuramminoides Plummer 1945 LT64
    |    |    `--*T. sphaeroidalis Plummer 1945 LT64
    |    |--Verrucina Goës 1896 [=Arverrucum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
    |    |    `--*V. rudis Goës 1896 [=*Arverrucum rude] LT64
    |    `--Weikkoella Summerson 1958 LT64
    |         `--*W. sphaerica Summerson 1958 LT64
    |--Psammosphaerinae [Stegnammininae, Thekammininae] LT64
    |    |--Blastammina Eisenack 1932 LT64
    |    |    `--*B. polymorpha Eisenack 1932 LT64
    |    |--Ceratammina Ireland 1939 LT64
    |    |    `--*C. cornucopia Ireland 1939 LT64
    |    |--Amphifenestrella Rhumbler 1935 LT64
    |    |    `--*A. wiesneri Rhumbler 1935 LT64
    |    |--Storthosphaera Schulze 1875 [=Arstorthosphaerum Rhumbler 1913; incl. Titanopsis de Folin 1887] LT64
    |    |    |--*S. albida Schulze 1875 [=*Arstorthosphaerum albidum] LT64
    |    |    `--*Titanopsis’ irregularis de Folin 1887 LT64
    |    |--Pseudastrorhiza Eisenack 1932 [incl. Parvistellites Wetzel 1951] LT64
    |    |    |--*P. silurica Eisenack 1932 LT64
    |    |    `--P. hospitalis (Wetzel 1951) [=*Parvistellites hospitalis] LT64
    |    |--Stegnammina Moreman 1930 [incl. Raibosammina Moreman 1930, Thekammina Dunn 1942] LT64
    |    |    |--*S. cylindrica Moreman 1930 LT64
    |    |    |--S. mica (Moreman 1930) [=*Raibosammina mica] LT64
    |    |    `--S. quadrangularis (Dunn 1942) [=*Thekammina quadrangularis] LT64
    |    |--Sorosphaera Brady 1879 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    |    |--*S. confusa Brady 1879 [=*Arsorophaerum confusum] LT64
    |    |    |--*Thuramminopsis’ canaliculata Haeusler 1883 LT64
    |    |    |--S. consociata (Rhumbler in Wiesner 1931) [=*Psammophax consociata] LT64
    |    |    |--S. gracilis (Frentzen 1944) [=*Danubica gracilis] LT64
    |    |    |--S. perforata (Shchedrina 1939) [=*Arenosphaera perforata] LT64
    |    |    `--S. robusta LT64
    |    `--Psammosphaera Schulze 1875 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |         |--*P. fusca Schulze 1875 [=*Arpsammosphaerum fuscum] LT64
    |         |--P. bowmanni C40
    |         |--P. carnata [=Proteonina carnata] H03
    |         |--P. exigua (Rhumbler 1935) [=*Pilalla exigua] LT64
    |         |--P. frankei (Rhumbler 1935) (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |         |--P. parva C40
    |         `--P. rustica C40
    `--Saccammininae [Pelosininae] LT64
         |--Causia Rhumbler 1938 LT64
         |    `--*C. injudicata Rhumbler 1938 LT64
         |--Pilulina Carpenter 1870 [=Arpilulum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
         |    `--*P. jeffreysii Carpenter 1870 [=*Arpilulum jeffreysii] LT64
         |--Pelosphaera Heron-Allen & Earland 1932 LT64
         |    `--*P. cornuta Heron-Allen & Earland 1932 LT64
         |--Saccamminoides Geroch 1955 LT64
         |    `--*S. carpathicus Geroch 1955 LT64
         |--Stomasphaera Mound 1961 LT64
         |    `--*S. brassfieldensis Mound 1961 LT64
         |--Thurammina Brady 1879 [=Arthyrammum Rhumbler 1913, Thyrammina Rhumbler 1904] LT64
         |    |--*T. papillata Brady 1879 [=*Arthyrammum papillatum, *Thyrammina papillata] LT64
         |    `--T. echinata LT64
         |--Lagenammina Rhumbler 1911 [=Arlagenammum Rhumbler 1913] LT64
         |    |--*L. laguncula Rhumbler 1911 [=*Arlagenammum laguncula] LT64
         |    `--L. compressa (Cushman & McCulloch 1939) [=Proteonina compressa] H03
         |--Technitella Norman 1878 (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |    |--*T. legumen Norman 1878 [=*Artechnitum legumen] LT64
         |    `--T. richardi (de Folin 1887) [=*Dioxeia richardi] LT64
         |--Brachysiphon Chapman 1906 (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |    |--*B. corbuliformis Chapman 1906 [=*Arbrachysiphum corbuliforme] LT64
         |    |--B. australe (Crespin 1958) [=*Sacculinella australe] LT64
         |    `--B. rudis (Parr 1942) [=Hyperammina rudis, *Hyperamminita rudis] LT64
         |--Saccammina Sars in Carpenter 1869 (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |    |--*S. sphaerica Brady 1871 [=*Arsaccammum sphaericum] LT64
         |    |--S. lathrami BL79
         |    `--‘Reophax’ placenta Grzybowski 1897 [=*Placentammina placenta] LT64
         |--Ordovicina Eisenack 1938 (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |    |--*O. oligostoma Eisenack 1938 LT64
         |    |--O. bicuspidata (Dunn 1942) [=*Shidelerella bicuspidata] LT64
         |    |--O. citroniforma (Eisenack 1938) [=*Amphitremoida citroniforma, *Amphitremoidea citroniforma] LT64
         |    |--O. typa (Dunn 1942) [=*Croneisella typa] LT64
         |    `--O. williamsae (Dunn 1942) [=*Gastroammina williamsae] LT64
         `--Pelosina Brady 1879 (see below for synonymy) LT64
              |--*P. variabilis Brady 1879 [=*Arpelosum variabile] LT64
              |--P. arborescens G96
              |--P. bicaudata (Parr 1950) [=*Pelosinella bicaudata] LT64
              |--P. caudata (Montanaro Gallitelli 1955) [=Saccammina caudata, *Caudammina caudata] LT64
              |--P. distoma Millett 1904 [=*Millettina distoma] LT64
              |--P. rotundata C40
              `--P. sphaeriloculum Höglund 1947 [=P. variabilis var. sphaeriloculum, *Globosiphon sphaeriloculum] LT64

Brachysiphon Chapman 1906 [=Arbrachysiphum Rhumbler 1913; incl. Hyperamminita Crespin 1958, Sacculinella Crespin 1958] LT64

Ordovicina Eisenack 1938 [incl. Amphitremoida Eisenack 1938, Amphitremoidea Thalmann 1941, Croneisella Dunn 1942, Gastroammina Dunn 1942, Shidelerella Dunn 1942] LT64

Pelosina Brady 1879 [=Arpelosum Rhumbler 1913; incl. Caudammina Montanaro Gallitelli 1955, Globosiphon Avnimelech 1952, Millettina Avnimelech 1952, Pelosinella Parr 1950] LT64

Psammosphaera Schulze 1875 [=Arphammosphaerum Rhumbler 1913; incl. Pilalla Rhumbler 1935, Psammella Rhumbler 1935] LT64

Psammosphaera frankei (Rhumbler 1935) [=*Psammella frankei; incl. Psammosphaera frankei f. ellipsoides, Psammosphaera frankei f. sphaeroides] LT64

Saccammina Sars in Carpenter 1869 [=Arsaccammum Rhumbler 1913, Saccamina (l. c.); incl. Placentammina Majzon 1943] LT64

Saccamminidae [Kyphamminidae, Pilulinida, Pilulinidae, Pilulinina, Protocystidae, Psammosphaerida, Psammosphaeridae, Saccamminae, Saccamminina, Stegnamminidae]

Sorosphaera Brady 1879 [=Arsorophaerum Rhumbler 1913, Sorophaera (l. c.); incl. Arenosphaera Shchedrina 1939, Danubica Frentzen 1944, Psammophax Rhumbler in Wiesner 1931, Thuramminopsis Haeusler 1883] LT64

Technitella Norman 1878 [=Artechnitum Rhumbler 1913; incl. Dioxeia de Folin 1887, Hyperamminella de Folin 1887] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BL79] Basov, V. A., B. G. Lopatin, I. S. Gramberg, A. I. Danjushevskaya, V. Ya. Kaban’kov, V. M. Lazurkin & D. K. Patrunov. 1979. Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphy near Galicia Bank. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 47: 683–717.

[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[G96] Gooday, A. J. 1996. Xenophyophores (Protista), including two new species, from two abyssal sites in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 26 (3): 193–208.

[H03] Hanagata, S. 2003. Miocene-Pliocene Foraminifera from the Niigata oil-fields region, northeastern Japan. Micropaleontology 49 (4): 293–340.

[LT61] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1961. Remarks on the systematics of the Sarkodina (Protozoa), renamed homonyms and new and validated genera. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 74: 213–234.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.


Aschemonella catenata, from Brady (1884).

Belongs within: Foraminifera.
Contains: Stannophyllum, Psamminidae.

The Xenophyophorea are a group of often large, deep-water protists (now believed to be a subgroup of the Foraminifera) that construct sessile tests of agglutinated particles.

Characters (from Tendal 1972): Plasmodium (granellare) multinucleate, enclosed by branched tube system composed of a transparent, cement-like organic substance, containing numerous barite crystals (granellae). Pseudopodia extending through free ends of tubes. Faecal pellets (stercomes) retained outside plasma and organic tube system as darks strings or masses (stercomare). Granellare surrounded by test consisting of stercomare and foreign matter (xenophyae) in varying proportions.

Xenophyophorea (see below for synonymy)
    |  i. s.: Cerelpsamma Laubenfels 1936 T72
    |           `--*C. argillaceum (Haeckel 1889) [=Holopsamma argillaceum] T72
    |--Stannomidae [Neusinidae, Neusininae, Stannomida] T72
    |    |--Stannophyllum T72
    |    |--Stannoma Haeckel 1889 [incl. Stannoplegma Haeckel 1889] T72
    |    |    |--*S. dendroides Haeckel 1889 T72
    |    |    `--S. coralloides Haeckel 1889 [=*Stannoplegma coralloides] LT64b
    |    `--Botellina Carpenter, Jeffreys & Thomson 1870 C40, LT64a [=Arbotellum Rhumbler 1913 LT64a; Botellininae]
    |         |--*B. labyrinthica Brady 1881 [=*Arbotellum labyrinthicum] LT64a
    |         `--B. pinnata C40
    `--Psamminida G96
         |--Psamminidae G96
         |--Cerelasma Haeckel 1889 [Cerelasmidae] T72
         |    |--*C. gyrosphaera Haeckel 1889 T72
         |    |--C. lamellosa Haeckel 1889 T72
         |    `--C. massa Tendal 1972 T72
         |--Syringamminidae G96
         |    |--Syringammina Brady 1883 [=Arsyringammum Rhumbler 1913; Syringammininae] T72
         |    |    |--*S. fragilissima Brady 1883 [=*Arsyringammum fragilissimum] LT64a
         |    |    |--S. corbicula PH03
         |    |    |--S. minuta Pearcy 1914 RTG93
         |    |    |--S. reticulata Gooday 1996 G96
         |    |    `--S. tasmanensis Lewis 1966 T72
         |    `--Aschemonellinae [Araschemonellinia] LT64a
         |         |--Kalamopsis de Folin 1883 [=Arkalamopsum Rhumbler 1913] LT64a
         |         |    `--*K. vaillanti de Folin 1883 [=*Arkalamopsum vaillanti] LT64a
         |         `--Aschemonella Brady 1879 G96 [=Araschemonellum Rhumbler 1913 LT64a]
         |              |--*A. scabra Brady 1879 [=Araschemonellum scabrum] LT64a
         |              |--A. bastillensis L94
         |              |--A. catenata (Norman 1876) [=Astrorhiza catenata] LT64a
         |              |--A. longicaudata L94
         |              |--A. louisiana L94
         |              `--A. ramuliformis Brady 1884 G96
         `--Psammettidae G96
              |--Maudammina Tendal 1972 T72
              |    `--*M. arenaria Tendal 1972 T72
              |--Homogammina Gooday & Tendal 1988 G96
              |    |--*H. lamina Gooday & Tendal 1988 GT88
              |    |--H. crassa Gooday 1991 G91
              |    `--H. maculosa Gooday & Tendal 1988 G96
              `--Psammetta Schulze 1906 T72
                   |--*P. globosa Schulze 1906 T72, GT88
                   |--P. arenocentrum Tendal 1972 T72
                   |--P. erythrocytomorpha Schulze 1907 T72
                   `--P. ovale Tendal 1972 T72

Xenophyophorea [Arxenophyria, Domatocoela, Psamminidea, Psammininae, Xenophiophorae, Xenophyophora, Xenophyophoria, Xenophyophorida, Xenophyophoridae]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[G91] Gooday, A. J. 1991. Xenophyophores (Protista, Rhizopoda) in box-core samples from the abyssal northeast Atlantic Ocean (BIOTRANS area): their taxonomy, morphology, and ecology. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 21 (3): 197–212.

[G96] Gooday, A. J. 1996. Xenophyophores (Protista), including two new species, from two abyssal sites in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 26 (3): 193–208.

[GT88] Gooday, A. J., & O. S. Tendal. 1988. New xenophyophores (Protista) from the bathyal and abyssal north-east Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Natural History 22: 413–434.

[L94] Levin, L. A. 1994. Paleoecology and ecology of xenophyophores. Palaios 9: 32–41.

[LT64a] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964a. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[LT64b] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964b. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 2. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[PH03] Pawlowski, J., M. Holzmann, J. Fahrni & S. L. Richardson. 2003. Small subunit ribosomal DNA suggests that the xenophyophorean Syringammina corbicula is a foraminiferan. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 50: 483–487.

[RTG93] Riemann, F., O. S. Tendal & F. X. Gingele. 1993. Reticulammina antarctica nov. spec. (Xenophyophora, Protista) from the Weddell Sea, and aspects of the nutrition of xenophyophores. Polar Biology 13: 543–547.

[T72] Tendal, O. S. 1972. A monograph of the Xenophyophoria (Rhizopodea, Protozoa). Galathea Report 12: 7–99.


External and sectional views of Miliammina earlandi, from Loeblich & Tappan (1964).

Belongs within: Foraminifera.
Contains: Nubeculariidae, Fischerinidae, Rzehakinidae, Miliolinellinae, Miliolinae, Tubinellinae, Quinqueloculininae.

The Miliolida are a group of Foraminifera with a test that is most commonly calcareous and porcelaneous in appearance, though a minority of genera have an agglutinated or siliceous test (Pawlowski et al. 2013).

Characters (from Pawlowski et al. 2013): Test bi- or multi-chambered, chambers tubular or elongate, some with complex internal structures adapted to host algal endosymbionts; wall generally imperforate, calcareous of high magnesium calcite with randomly oriented crystals refracting light in all directions and resulting in a porcelaneous appearance of the test; may be agglutinated or siliceous.

<==Miliolida (see below for synonymy)
    |--+--Nubeculariidae C40
    |  `--Fischerinidae C40
    `--+--Rzehakinidae PHT13
       `--Miliolidae (see below for synonymy) C40
            |  i. s.: Praemurgella Luperto Sinni, Martín-Chivelet & Giménez 2000 LSM-CG00
            |           `--*P. valenciana Luperto Sinni, Martín-Chivelet & Giménez 2000 LSM-CG00
            |         Murgella Luperto Sinni 1965 LSM-CG00
            |           `--M. lata Luperto Sinni 1965 LSM-CG00
            |         Scandonea De Castro 1971 LSM-CG00
            |           |--S. mediterranea LSM-CG00
            |           `--S. samnitica LSM-CG00
            |         Miliammina Heron-Allen & Earland 1930 G86
            |           |--M. oblonga G86 (see below for synonymy)
            |           |--M. earlandi LT64
            |           |--M. echigoensis Asano & Inomata in Asano 1952 H03
            |           |--M. herzensteini LT64
            |           `--M. lata C40
            |--Miliolinellinae S-VC91
            |--Miliolinae LT64
            |--Tubinellinae LT64
            `--Quinqueloculininae S-VC91

Miliolida incertae sedis:
  Barkerinidae [Barkerininae] LT64
    |--Barkerina Frizzell & Schwartz 1950 LT64
    |    `--*B. barkerensis Frizzell & Schwartz 1950 LT64
    |--Coxites Smout 1956 LT64
    |    `--*C. zubairensis Smout 1956 LT64
    |--Rabanitina Smout 1956 LT64
    |    `--*R. basraensis Smout 1956 LT64
    `--Nezzazata Omara 1956 [incl. Begia Smout 1956] LT64
         |--*N. simplex Omara 1956 LT64
         `--N. gyra (Smout 1956) [=*Begia gyra] LT64
  Miliammellus [Silicoloculinida] PHT13

Miliammina oblonga G86 [incl. Miliolina oblonga var. arenacea Chapman 1900 G86, *Miliammmina oblonga var. arenacea LT64, Miliammina selon Birstein & Ljovoushkin 1965 G86]

Miliolida [Alveolinidea, Cornuspiridea, Cornuspiroidea, Flexostili, Imperforida, Miliolacea, Miliolidaceae, Miliolidea, Miliolina, Orbitolitacea, Porcellanea]

Miliolidae [Armiliolidia, Fabularina, Hauerinae, Hauerinidae, Hauerinina, Milioletta, Miliolidina, Miliolinidae, Miliolitidae, Multiloculidae, Plicatilia, Tubularina]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[G86] Golemansky, V. G. 1986. Rhizopoda: Foraminiferida. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 17–20. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[H03] Hanagata, S. 2003. Miocene-Pliocene Foraminifera from the Niigata oil-fields region, northeastern Japan. Micropaleontology 49 (4): 293–340.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[LSM-CG00] Luperto Sinni, E., J. Martín-Chivelet & R. Giménez. 2000. Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. et sp. (Foraminifera) in the Sierra de Utiel Formation (Coniacian–Santonian) of the Prebetic domain (SE Spain). Geobios 32 (2): 145–151.

[PHT13] Pawlowski, J., M. Holzmann & J. Tyszka. 2013. New supraordinal classification of Foraminifera: molecules meet morphology. Marine Micropalaeontology 100: 1–10.

[S-VC91] Segura-Vernis, L. R., & A. L. Carreño. 1991. Foraminíferos y ostrácodos de la Laguna de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Inv. Mar. CICIMAR 6 (1): 195–224.


Spiroloculina excavata, copyright Bernard Remaud.

Belongs within: Nubeculariidae.

Spiroloculina is a genus of porcelaneous Foraminifera known from the Upper Cretaceous to the present that is planispiral throughout development (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Test free, commonly with flattened sides and lanceolate or fusiform outline, earliest stage may consist of single chamber completely encircling proloculus, later chambers (or all chambers in megalospheric forms) being added two to whorl on alternate sides and in single plane; wall calcareous, porcelaneous; aperture at open end of final chamber, with simple or bifid tooth.

<==Spiroloculina d’Orbigny 1826 S-VC91 (see below for synonymy)
    |--*S. depressa d’Orbigny 1826 LT64
    |--S. antillarum C40
    |--S. communis S05
    |--S. corrugata S05
    |--S. excavata M62
    |--S. nitida H04
    |--S. parvula S05
    |--S. planulata (Lamarck 1805) S-VC91
    |--S. robusta Brady 1884 [=*Flintia robusta] LT64
    |--S. rostrata M62
    |--S. tenuissima JW99
    |--S. turkomanica Brodsky 1928 G86
    `--S. venusta S05

Spiroloculina d’Orbigny 1826 S-VC91 [=Spiroculina (l. c.) LT64, Spirolocunina (l. c.) LT64; incl. Flintia Schubert 1911 LT64]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[G86] Golemansky, V. G. 1986. Rhizopoda: Foraminiferida. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 17–20. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[H04] Haeckel, E. 1899–1904. Kunstformen der Natur. Bibliographisches Institut: Leipzig und Wien.

[JW99] Jian, Z.-M., L.-J. Wang, M. Kienast, M. Sarnthein, W. Kuhnt, H.-L. Lin & P.-X. Wang. 1999. Benthic foraminiferal paleoceanography of the South China Sea over the last 40,000 years. Marine Geology 156: 159–186.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[M62] Monniot, F. 1962. Recherches sur les graviers a Amphioxus de la région de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Vie et Milieu 13: 231–322.

[S-VC91] Segura-Vernis, L. R., & A. L. Carreño. 1991. Foraminíferos y ostrácodos de la Laguna de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Inv. Mar. CICIMAR 6 (1): 195–224.

[S05] Semeniuk, T. A. 2005. Fossil foraminiferal assemblages from Pleistocene seagrass-bank deposits of the southern Perth Basin, Western Australia, and their palaeotemperature implications. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 177–190.


Hemigordius schlumbergeri, from Loeblich & Tappan (1964).

Belongs within: Fischerinidae.

The Hemigordiopsidae are a group of porcelaneous Foraminifera with a test that is streptospirally coiled in early stages.

    |--Hemigordiopsis Reichel 1945 LT64
    |    `--*H. renzi Reichel 1945 LT64
    |--Shanita Brönnimann, Whittaker & Zaninetti 1978 YJ04
    |    |--*S. amosi YJ04
    |    |--S. bronnimanni YJ04
    |    |--S. chagouensis YJ04
    |    `--S. intercalaria YJ04
    `--Hemigordius Schubert 1908 YJ04 (see below for synonymy)
         |--*H. schlumbergeri (Howchin 1895) [=Cornuspira schlumbergeri] LT64
         |--H. biconcavus YJ04
         |--H. calcarea Cushman & Waters 1928 [=*Hemigordiella calcarea] LT64
         |--*Ondogordius’ campanula Marie 1961 LT64
         |--H. harltoni C40
         |--*Neoangulodiscus’ leischneri Kristan-Tollmann 1962 LT64
         |--H. plautus Wang 1976 W76
         |--H. renzi [incl. Gansudiscus irregularis, G. luquensis, G. orientalis] YJ04
         `--H. zaninettiae YJ04

Hemigordius Schubert 1908 YJ04 [incl. Hemigordiella Marie in Deleau & Marie 1961 LT64, Neoangulodiscus Kristan-Tollmann 1962 LT64, Ondogordius Marie in Deleau & Marie 1961 LT64]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[W76] Wang K. 1976. The foraminifera from the Changhsing Formation in western Guizhou. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 15 (2): 187–195.

[YJ04] Yang X., Jin X., Ji Z., Wang Y., Yao J. & Yang H. 2004. New materials of the Shanita-Hemigordius assemblage (Permian foraminifers) from the Baoshan Block, western Yunnan. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 78: 15–21.


Cornuspira involvens, from here.

Belongs within: Miliolida.
Contains: Hemigordiopsidae.

The Fischerinidae are a group of porcelaneous Foraminifera known from the Carboniferous to the present, in which the test is undivided after the proloculus (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Test free or attached, proloculus followed by undivided tubular or spreading second chamber; wall calcareous, porcelaneous; aperture terminal, rounded or slitlike.

<==<==Fischerinidae [Cornuspirida, Cornuspiridae, Cornuspiridea, Cornuspirideae]
    |--Fischerininae [Planispirinellinae, Trisegmentininae] LT64
    |    |--Fischerinella Loeblich & Tappan 1962 LT64
    |    |    `--*F. helix (Heron-Allen & Earland 1915) [=Fischerina helix] LT64
    |    |--Nautiloculina Mohler 1938 LT64
    |    |    `--*N. oolithica Mohler 1938 LT64
    |    |--Planispirinella Wiesner 1931 LT64
    |    |    `--*P. exigua (Brady 1879) LT64 [=Hauerina exigua LT64, Planispirina exigua C40]
    |    `--Fischerina Terquem 1878 [incl. Planispirina Seguenza 1880, Trisegmentina Wiesner 1920] LT64
    |         |--*F. rhodiensis Terquem 1878 LT64
    |         |--F. communis (Seguenza 1880) [=*Planispirina communis] LT64
    |         `--F. compressa (Wiesner 1931) (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |--Calcivertellinae LT64
    |    |--Carixia Macfadyen 1941 LT64
    |    |    `--*C. langi Macfadyen 1941 LT64
    |    |--Planiinvoluta Leischner 1961 LT64
    |    |    `--*P. carinata Leischner 1961 LT64
    |    |--Plummerinella Cushman & Waters 1928 LT64
    |    |    `--*P. complexa Cushman & Waters 1928 LT64
    |    |--Calcivertella Cushman & Waters 1928 LT64
    |    |    `--*C. adherens Cushman & Waters 1928 LT64
    |    `--Calcitornella Cushman & Waters 1928 [incl. Apterrinella Cushman & Waters 1928] LT64
    |         |--*C. elongata Cushman & Waters 1928 LT64
    |         |--C. grahamensis (Harlton 1928) [=Tolypammina grahamensis, *Apterrinella grahamensis] LT64
    |         |--C. heathi C40
    |         `--C. stephensi [=Nubecularia stephensi] F71
    `--Cyclogyrinae [Arcornuspirinia, Cornuspirinae, Cornuspirininae] LT64
         |  i. s.: Flectospira Crespin & Belford 1957 LT64
         |           `--*F. prima Crespin & Belford 1957 LT64
         |         Meandrospira Loeblich & Tappan 1946 [incl. Streblospira Crespin & Belford 1957] LT64
         |           |--*M. washitensis Loeblich & Tappan 1946 LT64
         |           `--M. meandrina (Crespin & Belford 1957) [=*Streblospira meandrina] LT64
         |--Orthovertella Cushman & Waters 1928 C40
         |    `--*O. protea Cushman & Waters 1928 LT64
         |--Rectocornuspira Warthin 1930 C40
         |    `--*R. lituiformis Warthin 1930 LT64
         |--Vidalina Schlumberger 1900 C40, LT64 [=Arvidaloum Rhumbler 1913 LT64]
         |    `--*V. hispanica Schlumberger 1900 [=*Arvidaloum hispanicum] LT64
         |--+--Hemigordiopsidae C40
         |  `--Gordiospira Heron-Allen & Earland 1932 C40
         |       `--*G. fragilis Heron-Allen & Earland 1932 C40
         |--+--Cornuspirella Cushman 1928 C40
         |  |    `--*C. diffusa (Heron-Allen & Earland 1913) [=Cornuspira diffusa] LT64
         |  `--Cornuspiroides Cushman 1928 C40
         |       `--*C. striolata (Brady in Tizard & Murray 1882) [=Cornuspira striolata] LT64
         `--Cyclogyra Wood 1842 LT64 (see below for synonymy)
              |--*C. multiplex Wood 1842 LT64
              |--‘Orbis’ foliaceus Philippi 1844 [=*Arcornuspirum foliaceum, *Cornuspira foliacea] LT64
              |--‘Cornuspira’ acicularis S05
              |--*Cornicocornuspira’ conica Marie 1961 LT64
              |--‘Cornuspira’ involvens C40
              |--C. planorbis (Schultze 1854) [=Cornuspira planorbis] LT64
              `--‘Cornuspira’ thompsoni C40

Cyclogyra Wood 1842 LT64 [incl. Arcornuspirum Rhumbler 1913 LT64, Conicocornuspira Marie in Deleau & Marie 1961 LT64, Cornuspira Schultze 1854 C40]

Fischerina compressa (Wiesner 1931) [=*Trisegmentina compressa; incl. Hauerina compressa Sidebottom 1904 non d’Orbigny 1846, T. sidebottomi Cushman 1933] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed) Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[S05] Semeniuk, T. A. 2005. Fossil foraminiferal assemblages from Pleistocene seagrass-bank deposits of the southern Perth Basin, Western Australia, and their palaeotemperature implications. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 177–190.


Rhapydionina deserta, from Loeblich & Tappan (1964).

Belongs within: Soritidae.

The Rhapydionininae are a group of more or less conical Foraminifera known from the Jurassic to the present, though so far as is known they are extremely rare in the modern fauna (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

See also: Porcelain fans.

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Test elongate, conical; chambers in rectilinear series, subdivided into chamberlets; aperture terminal, cribrate.

Rhapydionininae LT64
    |--Craterites Heron-Allen & Earland 1924 LT64
    |    `--*C. rectus Heron-Allen & Earland 1924
    |--Praerhapydionina van Wessem 1943 LT64
    |    `--*P. cubana van Wessen 1943 LT64
    |--Rhipidionina Stache 1913 LT64
    |    `--*R. liburnica (Stache 1889) [=Pavonina liburnica] LT64
    |--Ripacubana Loeblich & Tappan 1964 [=Conulina d’Orbigny in de la Sagra 1839] LT64
    |    `--*R. conica (d’Orbigny in de la Sagra 1839) [=*Conulina conica] LT64
    `--Rhapydionina Stache 1913 [=Rhapidionina van den Bold 1946; incl. Haurania Henson 1948] LT64
         |--*R. liburnica (Stache 1889) LT64 (see below for synonymy)
         |--R. deserta (Henson 1948) [=*Haurania deserta] LT64
         |--R. protocaenica C40
         `--R. urensis LT64

*Rhapydionina liburnica (Stache 1889) LT64 [=Peneroplis liburnica LT64, *Rhapidionina liburnica LT64; incl. R. liburnica var. laevigata C40, R. liburnica var. strangulata C40]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.


Side (left) and apertural views of Fallotia colomi, from Loeblich & Tappan (1964).

Belongs within: Soritidae.

The Meandropsininae are a group of porcelaneous Foraminifera known from the Upper Cretaceous and Palaeocene (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Early stage planispirally coiled, later may be discoidal, operculiform, flabelliform, cylindrical or conical in shape; subepidermal chamberlets in marginal zone, with interseptal pillars; aperture commonly cribrate.

Meandropsininae [Broekininae]
    |--Meandropsina Munier-Chalmas in Schlumberger 1898 [incl. Cyclomeandropsina Henson 1950 (n. n.)] LT64
    |    `--*M. vidali Schlumberger 1898 LT64
    |--Edomia Henson 1948 LT64
    |    `--*E. reicheli Henson 1948 LT64
    |--Pseudedomia Henson 1948 LT64
    |    `--*P. multistriata Henson 1948 LT64
    |--Taberina Keijzer 1945 LT64
    |    `--*T. cubana Keijzer 1945 LT64
    |--Pseudorbitolina Douvillé 1910 LT64
    |    `--*P. marthae Douvillé 1910 LT64
    |--Broeckina Munier-Chalmas 1882 [=Broekina Marie 1958; incl. Praesorites Douvillé 1902] LT64
    |    |--*B. dufresnoyi (d’Archiac in d’Archiac & Haime 1854) [=Cyclolina dufresnoyi, *Broekina dufresnoyi] LT64
    |    `--B. moureti (Douvillé 1902) [=*Praesorites moureti] LT64
    |--Nummofallotia Barrier & Neumann 1959 LT64
    |    |--*N. cretacea (Schlumberger 1899) [=Nonionina cretacea; incl. Goupillaudina sanctipetri Marie 1957] LT64
    |    `--N. apula LSM-CG00
    `--Fallotia Douvillé 1902 [incl. Ayalaina Seiglie 1961, Fascispira Silvestri 1940] LT64
         |--*F. jacquoti Douvillé 1902 LT64
         |--F. colomi (Silvestri 1940) [=*Fascispira colomi] LT64
         `--‘Meandropsina’ rutteni Palmer 1934 [=*Ayalaina rutteni] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[LSM-CG00] Luperto Sinni, E., J. Martín-Chivelet & R. Giménez. 2000. Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. et sp. (Foraminifera) in the Sierra de Utiel Formation (Coniacian–Santonian) of the Prebetic domain (SE Spain). Geobios 32 (2): 145–151.


Sorites orbiculus, copyright Jan Steger.

Belongs within: Soritidae.

The Soritinae are a group of porcellaneous Foraminifera known from the Eocene to the present, characterised by a distinct pattern of chamber addition (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Growth occurs by addition of numerous small chambers in arcuate or annular series, without intercommunications between those of single series, apertures connect adjacent chambers of successive series.

Soritinae [Orbitolitidinae, Orbitolitinae]
    |  i. s.: Orbitolites Lamarck 1801 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |           `--*O. complanata Lamarck 1801 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |         Opertorbitolites Nuttall 1925 LT64
    |           `--*O. douvillei Nuttall 1925 LT64
    |         Somalina Silvestri 1939 LT64
    |           `--*S. stefaninii Silvestri 1939 LT64
    |         Yaberinella Vaughan 1928 LT64
    |           `--*Y. jamaicensis Vaughan 1928 LT64
    |--+--Amphisorus Ehrenberg 1839 PHT13, LT64 [incl. Bradyella Munier-Chalmas 1902 LT64]
    |  |    `--*A. hemprichii Ehrenberg 1839 [incl. Orbitolites duplex Carpenter 1883, *Bradyella duplex] LT64
    |  `--Marginopora Quoy & Gaimard in de Blainville 1830 PHT13, LT64
    |       `--*M. vertebralis Quoy & Gaimard in de Blainville 1830 [incl. Orbitolites complanata laciniata] LT64
    `--Sorites Ehrenberg 1839 PHT13, LT64 [=Taramellina Munier-Chalmas 1902 LT64]
         |--S. marginalis (Lamarck 1816) (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |--S. duplex C40
         |--S. orbiculus C-SC03
         `--S. variabilis S05

Orbitolites Lamarck 1801 [=Discolithus Fortis 1802, Orbitolithes Oken 1815, Orbitulites Bronn in Bronn & Roemer 1854 nec Berthold 1827 nec Eichwald 1829 nec Griffith & Pidgeon 1834; incl. Discolites de Montfort 1808] LT64

*Orbitolites complanata Lamarck 1801 [=*Discolithus complanatus, *Orbitulites complanatus; incl. *Discolites concentricus de Montfort 1808] LT64

Sorites marginalis (Lamarck 1816) [=Orbulites marginalis, Orbitolites marginatis; incl. *S. dominicensis Ehrenberg 1839, *Taramellina dominicensis] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C-SC03] Cavalier-Smith, T., & E. E.-Y. Chao. 2003. Phylogeny and classification of phylum Cercozoa. Protist 154: 341–358.

[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[PHT13] Pawlowski, J., M. Holzmann & J. Tyszka. 2013. New supraordinal classification of Foraminifera: molecules meet morphology. Marine Micropalaeontology 100: 1–10.

[S05] Semeniuk, T. A. 2005. Fossil foraminiferal assemblages from Pleistocene seagrass-bank deposits of the southern Perth Basin, Western Australia, and their palaeotemperature implications. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 177–190.


Live Peneroplis planatus, copyright Martina Prazeres.

Belongs within: Soritidae.

The Peneroplinae are a group of porcelaneous Foraminifera known from the Upper Triassic to the present (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Test close-coiled in early stage, later may be uncoiled or annular; chambers simple, not divided into chamberlets; aperture rounded, slitlike, or series of pores on final septal face.

Peneroplinae [Cristellarinae, Peneroplidinae, Spirolininae]
    |--Praepeneroplis Hofker 1952 [=Protopeneroplis Hofker 1950 non Weynschenk 1950] LT64
    |    `--*P. senoniensis (Hofker 1949) [=Peneroplis senoniensis, *Protopeneroplis senoniensis] LT64
    |--Renulina Lamarck 1804 [=Renulites Lamarck 1804, Renulinites (l. c.)] LT64
    |    `--*R. opercularia Lamarck 1804 [=*Renulites opercularia] LT64
    |--Triasina Majzon 1954 LT64
    |    `--*T. hantkeni Majzon 1954 LT64
    |--Vandenbroeckia Marie 1958 [=Vandenbroekia] LT64
    |    `--*V. munieri Marie 1958 LT64
    |--Monalysidium Chapman 1900 LT64
    |    |--*M. sollasi (Chapman 1900) [=Peneroplis (*Monalysidium) sollasi] LT64
    |    `--M. politum C40
    |--Dendritina d’Orbigny 1826 [incl. Meneghinia Silvestri 1889 non Fucini 1931, Neopeneroplis Didkovskiy 1958] LT64
    |    |--*D. arbuscula d’Orbigny 1826 [=Peneroplis (*Dendritina) arbusculus] LT64
    |    |--*Meneghinia’ nautiliformis Silvestri 1889 LT64
    |    `--*Neopeneroplis’ sarmaticus Didkovskiy 1958 LT64
    |--Spirolina Lamarck 1804 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    |--*S. cylindracea Lamarck 1804 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |    |--S. arietinus C40
    |    `--*Coscinospira’ hemprichii Ehrenberg 1839 LT64
    `--Peneroplis de Montfort 1808 S-VC91 (see below for synonymy)
         |--*P. planatus (Fichtel & Moll 1798) (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |--P. armorica (d’Archiac in Tournour 1868) [=Cyclolina armorica, *Archiacina armorica] LT64
         |--‘Cristellaria’ calcar H04
         |--‘Cristellaria’ compressa H04
         |--‘Cristellaria’ echinata H04
         |--P. karreri Wiesner 1923 [=*Laevipeneroplis karreri] LT64
         |--P. pertesus (Forskal 1775) S-VC91
         |--P. proteus d’Orbigny 1839 [=*Puteolina protea, *Puteolus proteus] LT64
         `--‘Cristellaria’ siddalliana H04

Peneroplis de Montfort 1808 S-VC91 [=Cristellaria Lamarck 1816 LT64; incl. Archiacina Munier-Chalmas in Vasseur 1878 LT64, Laevipeneroplis Šulc 1936 LT64, Puteolina Hofker 1952 LT64, Puteolus Hofker 1950 non Monterosato 1888 LT64]

*Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel & Moll 1798) [=Nautilus planatus, *Cristellaria planata, C. squammula Lamarck 1822] LT64

Spirolina Lamarck 1804 [=Spiralina Brown 1844 non Hartmann 1840, Spirolinites Lamarck 1804, Spirulina Ehrenberg 1843 non Bory 1826; incl. Coscinospira Ehrenberg 1839] LT64

*Spirolina cylindracea Lamarck 1804 [=*Spiralina cylindracea, *Spirolinites cylindracea, *Spirulina cylindracea] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[H04] Haeckel, E. 1899–1904. Kunstformen der Natur. Bibliographisches Institut: Leipzig und Wien.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[S-VC91] Segura-Vernis, L. R., & A. L. Carreño. 1991. Foraminíferos y ostrácodos de la Laguna de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Inv. Mar. CICIMAR 6 (1): 195–224.
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