Showing posts with label Polyphaga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polyphaga. Show all posts


Aleochara curtula, copyright U. Schmidt.

Belongs within: Aleocharini.

Aleochara is a genus of aleocharine staphylinids characterised by a partially concealed head and five-segmented tarsi with the first segment much longer than the second. They are commonly associated with decaying matter (Olliff 1886).

Characters (from Olliff 1886): Mentum very short, narrowed and slightly emarginate in front. Ligula very short, broad, bifid. Maxillary palpi 5-segmented, the second and third segment subequal, the fifth very small. Labial palpi 4-segmented, the first segment longer than the others, the fourth very small. Mandibles unarmed. Labrum transverse, truncate in front. Head ovate, retracted, not narrowed behind. Antennae short, thickened towards the extremity, 1st, 2nd and 3rd segments elongate, the following, with the exception of the 11th, transverse. Prothorax broadly transverse, narrowed in front, rounded at the sides. Elytra slightly rounded behind. Abdomen either parallel-sided or narrowed behind. Legs rather short; intermediate coxae somewhat remote; tarsi 5:5:5, first segment of posterior pair distinctly longer than 2nd.

Aleochara Gravenhorst 1802 O86
    |--A. actae Olliff 1886 O86
    |--A. analis (Macleay 1871) [=Oxypoda analis] O86
    |--A. asiatica O86
    |--A. baliola Olliff 1886 O86
    |--A. bilineata P91
    |--A. bipunctata C01
    |--A. bisulcata (Redt. 1867) [=Oxypoda bisulcata] O86
    |--A. brachialis Jekel 1873 O86
    |--A. crassiuscula G89
    |--A. croceipennis Motschulsky 1858 [incl. A. maculipennis Kraatz 1859, A. sanguinipennis Kraatz 1859] O86
    |--A. curtula (Goeze 1777) M04
    |--A. fuscipes O86
    |--A. haemorrhoidalis O86
    |--A. insuavis Olliff 1886 O86
    |--A. lata Gravenhorst 1802 M04
    |--A. marginata Fauvel 1877 O86
    |--A. mastersi Macleay 1871 O86
    |--A. moesta C01
    |--A. nitida C01
    |--A. (Isochara) perturbans Fenyes 1921 F21
    |--A. puberula Klug 1883 [incl. A. armitagei Wollaston 1854, A. decorata Aubé 1850, A. dubia Fauvel 1863] O86
    |--A. punctum Fauvel 1878 O86
    |--A. scutellaris Lucas 1846 E12
    |--A. semirubra Fauvel 1877 O86
    |--A. speculifera Erichson 1842 O86
    |--A. subaenea ED04
    |--A. tristis C01
    `--A. vicina Olliff 1886 O86

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C01] Csiki, E. 1901. Bogarak [Coleopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] Band II. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 75–120. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l’Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[ED04] Ewers, R. M., & R. K. Didham. 2004. A first assessment of New Zealand beetles restricted to large forest areas. Weta 27: 33–40.

[F21] Fenyes, A. 1921. New genera and species of Aleocharinae with a polytomic synopsis of the tribes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 65 (2): 15–36.

[G89] Gestro, R. 1889. Viaggio ab Assab nel Mar Rosso dei signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con il R. Avviso «Esploratore» dal 16 Novembre 1879 al 26 Febbraio 1880.—IV. Coleotteri. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 5–72.

[M04] Maruyama, M. 2004. Redescription of the genus Creochara (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Aleocharini) and its systematic position. Canadian Entomologist 136: 621–637.

[O86] Olliff, A. S. 1886. A revision of the Staphylinidae of Australia. Part I. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 403–473, pl. 7.

[P91] Petrushov, A. Z. 1991. Selection and mechanisms of ambush resistance in Metaseiulus occidentalis N. (Acarina: Phytoseiidae). In: Dusbábek, F., & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 2 pp. 741–748. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.


Metriorrhynchus rhipidius, copyright Fir0002/Flagstaffotos.

Belongs within: Lycidae.

Metriorrhynchus is a genus of lycid beetles in which the prothorax, which covers the head, bears distinct areolets, and which have elytra with the subsutural costa parallel with the suture (Lea 1909).

<==Metriorrhynchus Guér. 1838 [incl. Porrostoma, Stadenus, Synchonnus] L09
    |--M. abdominalis (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma abdominale] L09
    |--M. ampliatus (Macl. 1887) [=Xylobanus ampliatus] L09
    |--M. apicalis (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma apicale] L09
    |--M. apterus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. atratus [=Lycus atratus] L09
    |--M. atricornis Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. basiflavus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. batesi Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. brevirostris (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma brevirostre] L09
    |--M. brisbanensis Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. cancellatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. centralis Macl. 1887 L09
    |--M. cinctus (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma cinctum] L09
    |--M. cliens Blackb. 1900 L09
    |--M. clientulus (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma clientulus, Synchonnus clientulus] L09
    |--M. coenosus Lea 1898 L09
    |--M. constricticollis Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. costicollis Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. dichrous (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma dichroum, Stadenus dichrous] L09
    |--M. diminutivus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. disconiger Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. doleschalli Mac86
    |--M. elongatus Macl. 1887 L09
    |--M. ephippiger Mac86
    |--M. eremitus Blackb. 1900 L09
    |--M. erythropterus Erichs. 1842 Mas86
    |--M. fallax (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma fallax] L09
    |--M. femoralis Macleay 1872 Mas86
    |--M. foliatus Macl. 1887 L09
    |--M. fumosus (Macl. 1887) [=Xylobanus fumosus] L09
    |--M. fuscolineatus L09 (see below for synonymy)
    |--M. gracilis Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. heterodoxus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. hirtipes Macl. 1887 L09
    |--M. immersus Mac86
    |--M. infuscatus Macleay 1886 Mac86
    |--M. inquinulus (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma inquinulus, Stadenus inquinulus] L09
    |--M. insignipennis Blackb. 1900 L09
    |--M. irregularis (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma irregulare] L09
    |--M. lateralis L09 [incl. M. marginicollis Macleay 1872 L09, Mas86]
    |--M. limbatus (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma limbatum, Achras limbatus] L09
    |--M. longicornis (Macl. 1887) [=Xylobanus longicornis] L09
    |--M. marginipennis Lea 1898 L09
    |--M. melaspis (Bourg. 1889) [=Porrostoma melaspis] L09
    |--M. mentitor Blackb. 1900 L09
    |--M. meyricki Blackb. 1886 L09
    |--M. militaris Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. miniaticollis (Macl. 1887) [=Xylobanus miniaticollis] L09
    |--M. miniatus (Macl. 1887) [=Cladophorus miniatus] L09
    |--M. moerens Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. monticola Blackb. 1891 L09
    |--M. nigripes Macleay 1872 Mas86 [incl. Porrostoma elegans Waterh. 1877 L09, M. elegans Mas86]
    |--M. nigrovittatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. obscuripennis Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. occidentalis Blackb. 1891 L09
    |--M. opacus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. ordinarius Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. paradoxa Blackb. 1900 L09
    |--M. parallelus Mac86
    |--M. posticalis (Macl. 1887) [=Cladophorus posticalis] L09
    |--M. ramosus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. rhipidioides B74
    |--M. rhipidius (Macleay 1827) (see below for synonymy) L09
    |--M. rufipennis L09 (see below for synonymy)
    |--M. rufirostris Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. russatus (Wat.erh 1877) [=Porrostoma russatum; incl. M. serraticornis Macl. 1887] L09
    |--M. scalaris (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma scalare] L09
    |--M. serricornis Macleay 1886 Mac86
    |--M. simplicicornis Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. simsoni Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. tenuis Macleay 1886 Mac86
    |--M. testaceicollis (Macl. 1887) [=Cladophorus testaceicollis] L09
    |--M. textilis (Waterhouse 1877) [=Porrostoma textile] L09
    |--M. thoracicus Mac86
    |--M. tibialis Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. togatus (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma togatum] L09
    |--M. triareolatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. uniformis (Waterh. 1877) [=Porrostoma uniforme] L09
    |--M. uniseriatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--M. variipennis Lea 1909 L09
    `--M. vittatus Blackb. 1886 L09

Metriorrhynchus fuscolineatus L09 [incl. M. laetus Blackb. 1891 L09, Porrostoma lineatum Wat. 1877 (preoc.) L09, M. lineatus Mas86]

Metriorrhynchus rhipidius (Macleay 1827) [=Lycus rhipidius; incl. Porrostoma erythropterum Er. 1842, Metriorrhynchus flagellatus Blackb. 1900, M. gigas Blackb. 1891, Lycus septemcavus Macleay 1827] L09

Metriorrhynchus rufipennis L09 [=Lycus rufipennis L09, Porrostoma rufipenne L09; incl. L. goryi Le Guillou 1844 L09, Calopteron goryi L09, Porrostoma rufipennis var. haemorrhoidalis Wat. 1877 L09, Metriorrhynchus haemorrhoidalis Mas86, M. rufipennis var. lugubris Waterh. 1877 L09, Porrostoma lugubre Mas86, M. rufipennis var. marginatus Erichs. 1842 L09, M. rufipennis var. miles Blackb. 1900 L09, M. nigrirostris L09, Porrostoma rufipenne var. plagiatus Waterh. 1877 L09, M. plagiatus Mas86, P. salebrosus Waterh. 1877 L09, M. salebrosus Mas86]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B74] Britton, E. B. 1974. Coleoptera (beetles). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers. Supplement 1974 pp. 62–89. Melbourne University Press.

[L09] Lea, A. M. 1909. Revision of the Australian and Tasmanian Malacodermidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1909 (1): 45–251, pls 2–6.

[Mac86] Macleay, W. 1886. The insects of the Fly River, New Guinea, "Coleoptera". Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (1): 136–157.

[Mas86] Masters, G. 1886. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 259–380.


Trichalus ampliatus, copyright Steve Kerr.

Belongs within: Lycidae.

Trichalus is a genus of lycid beetles with distinct areolet(s) on the prothorax, which covers the head, and a trifurcate subsutural costa on the elytra (Lea 1909).

<==Trichalus Wat. 1877 [incl. Xantheros Fairm. 1879] L09
    |--T. ampliatus Waterh. 1877 [incl. T. auritus Lea 1893, T. distinctus Lea 1893] L09
    |--T. amplipennis (Macleay 1886) L09, M86 [=Calopteron amplipenne L09]
    |--T. angulicollis (Fairm. 1877) [=Xantheros angulicollis] L09
    |--T. angustulus Macl. 1887 L09
    |--T. apicalis Macleay 1886 Mac86
    |--T. apiciflavus Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. ater (Macl. 1887) [=Xylobanus ater] L09
    |--T. atripennis (Macl. 1887) [=Xylobanus atripennis] L09
    |--T. bifurcatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. discoideus (Erichs. 1842) L09 [=Metriorrhynchus discoideus Mas86, Porrostoma discoideum L09]
    |--T. flabellicornis Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. flavopictus Waterh. 1877 L09
    |--T. froggatti (Macl. 1887) [=Xylobanus froggatti] L09
    |--T. funereus Blackb. 1900 L09
    |--T. griffithi Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. insignis Lea 1874 L09
    |--T. nubicollis (Fairm. 1877) [=Xantheros nubicollis] L09
    |--T. ochreatus (Fairm. 1877) [=Xantheros ochreatus] L09
    |--T. pallidipennis Macleay 1886 Mac86
    |--T. semiatratus Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. semicostatus (Blackb. 1891) [=Metriorrhynchus semicostatus; incl. T. raymondi Lea 1893] L09
    |--T. serraticornis [=Lycus serraticornis] L09
    `--T. sulcatus Waterh. 1877 L09

*Type species of generic name indicated


[L09] Lea, A. M. 1909. Revision of the Australian and Tasmanian Malacodermidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1909 (1): 45–251, pls 2–6.

[Mac86] Macleay, W. 1886. The insects of the Fly River, New Guinea, "Coleoptera". Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (1): 136–157.

[Mas86] Masters, G. 1886. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 259–380.


Heteromastix sp., copyright Tony D..

Belongs within: Cantharidae.

Heteromastix is a genus of soft-bodied beetles in which the antennae are often distorted in the males.

Characters (from Lea 1909): Antennae inserted between and in front of eyes, frequently distorted in male; prothorax always strongly transverse; tibiae terminated by minute spines; basal joint of hind tarsi as long or almost as long as three following segments combined; male with penultimate segment of abdomen deeply excised, preceeding segment widely emarginate or simple.

<==Heteromastix L09
    |--H. amabilis Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. anticus Blackb. 1892 L09
    |--H. bicolor [incl. H. bicolor var. primus Lea 1909, H. bicolor var. secundus Lea 1909] L09
    |--H. crassicornis Lea 1895 L09
    |--H. decipiens Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. discoflavus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. distortus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. dolichocephalus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. elegans Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. flavifrons Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. flavipennis Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. frater Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. fusicornis (Blackb. 1891) [=Telephorus fusicornis] L09
    |--H. galeatus (Blackb. 1891) [=Telephorus galeatus; incl. H. gagaticeps Lea 1895] L09
    |--H. geniculatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. imitator Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. inflatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. laticollis Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. latus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. luridicollis (Macleay 1872) L09, M86 [=Malachius luridicollis L09]
    |--H. macleayi Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. mcdonaldi Lea 1895 L09
    |--H. mirabilis Lea 1895 L09
    |--H. niger Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. nigripes Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. occidentalis Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. pallipes Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. pauxillus (Blackb. 1886) [=Telephorus pauxillus] L09
    |--H. perabundans Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. pusillus (Bohem. 1858) (see below for synonymy) L09
    |--H. simplex Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. tenuis Lea 1909 L09
    `--H. victoriensis (Blackb. 1891) [=Telephorus victoriensis] L09

Heteromastix pusillus (Bohem. 1858) [=Telephorus pusillus; incl. H. pusillus var. dilataticollis Blackb. 1892, T. pusio Gemming 1870] L09

*Type species of generic name indicated


[L09] Lea, A. M. 1909. Revision of the Australian and Tasmanian Malacodermidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1909 (1): 45–251, pls 2–6.

[M86] Masters, G. 1886. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 259–380.


Laius sp., copyright Budak.

Belongs within: Melyridae.

Laius is a genus of relatively small, often reddish soft-bodied beetles.

Characters (from Lea 1909): Comparatively small; usually reddish with metallic-blue, purple or green markings. Antennae short, fairly stout, apparently ten-segmented (true second segment hidden by first), apparent second segment (true third segment) often enormously inflated in male, first segment also more or less inflated. Male with front femora sometimes deeply grooved, front tarsi of peculiar shape and black-tipped.

<==Laius L09
    |--L. alleni Lea 1909 L09
    |--L. armicollis Lea 1909 L09
    |--L. asperipennis Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. bellulus L09
    |--L. carus Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. cavicornis Lea 1909 L09
    |--L. cinctus L09 [=Apalochrus cinctus L09; incl. L. femoralis Blackb. 1891 L09, L. mastersi Macleay 1872 L09, M86]
    |--L. conicicornis Blackb. 1886 L09
    |--L. cyanocephalus Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. distortus Blackb. 1886 L09
    |--L. egenus Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. eremita Blackb. 1895 L09
    |--L. eyrensis Blackb. 1891 L09
    |--L. fastidiosus Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. flavopictus Lea 1909 L09
    |--L. guttulatus Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. insignicornis Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. intermedius Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. major Blackb. 1888 L09
    |--L. nidicola Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. nodicornis Blackb. 1886 L09
    |--L. oblongosignatus Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. orcicornis Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. orthodoxus Lea 1909 L09
    |--L. pallidus Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. plagiaticollis Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. planiceps Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. pretiosus Blackb. 1891 L09
    |--L. quinquenotatus Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. quinqueplagiatus Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. rufovirens Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. rugiceps Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. rugulipennis Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--L. sculptus Lea 1909 L09
    |--L. sinus Lea 1898 L09
    |--L. tarsalis Lea 1909 L09
    |--L. trisignatus L09
    |--L. variegatus Blackb. 1888 L09
    |--L. venustus Erichs. 1840 G89
    |--L. verticalis (Macleay 1827) [=Malachius verticalis] L09
    |--L. ‘verticalis’ Fairmaire 1877 (n. d.) non Malachius verticalis Macleay 1827 L09
    `--L. villosus Lea 1898 L09

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G89] Gestro, R. 1889. Viaggio ab Assab nel Mar Rosso dei signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con il R. Avviso «Esploratore» dal 16 Novembre 1879 al 26 Febbraio 1880.—IV. Coleotteri. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 5–72.

[L09] Lea, A. M. 1909. Revision of the Australian and Tasmanian Malacodermidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1909 (1): 45–251, pls 2–6.

[M86] Masters, G. 1886. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 259–380.


Telephorus fuscus, copyright Nikola-Michael Prpic.

Belongs within: Cantharidae.

Telephorus is a genus of fairly generalised soft-bodied beetles with the antennae inserted between and in front of the eyes (Lea 1909).

<==Telephorus L09
    |--T. acutipennis Mac86
    |--T. alternatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. antennatus Mac86
    |--T. apterus Olliff 1889 L09
    |--T. australis (n. d.) [=Cantharis australis] L09
    |--T. biguttatus (Linnaeus 1758) L02, L58 [=Cantharis biguttata L02]
    |--T. curvipes Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. flavipennis Macleay 1872 Mas86
    |--T. fossulatus Lucas 1847 E12
    |--T. froggatti Macl. 1887 L09
    |--T. fuscus (Linnaeus 1758) L02, L58 [=Cantharis fusca L02]
    |--T. geniculatus Lucas 1847 E12
    |--T. immaturus Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. imperialis [incl. T. pictus (preoc.), T. sticticus Gemming 1870] L09
    |--T. inconstans Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. kershawi Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. macrops Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. mastersi Macleay 1872 Mas86
    |--T. mossmani Macl. 1887 L09
    |--T. nigroterminalis Lea 1909 L09
    |--T. nobilitatus (Erichs. 1842) L09 (see below for synonymy)
    |--T. palmerstoni Blackb. 1888 L09
    |--T. pulchellus [incl. T. pulchellus var. notophilus Blackb. 1900] L09
    |--T. rubriceps Macl. 1887 L09
    |--T. rufiventris Macl. 1887 L09
    |--T. sculptus Lucas 1847 E12
    |--T. tepperi Blackb. 1888 L09
    `--T. viridipennis (Macl. 1887) [=Selenurus viridipennis] L09

Telephorus nobilitatus (Erichs. 1842) L09 [=Cantharis nobilitatus L09; incl. T. nobilitatus var. andersoni Blackb. 1886 L09, T. nobilitatus var. proprius Blackb. 1886 L09, T. nobilitatus var. ruficollis Macleay 1872 L09, Mas86, T. tricolor L09, T. nobilitatus var. vibex Blackb. 1886 L09]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l’Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière des crustacés et des insectes vol. 3. Familles naturelles des genres. F. Dufart: Paris.

[L09] Lea, A. M. 1909. Revision of the Australian and Tasmanian Malacodermidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1909 (1): 45–251, pls 2–6.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[Mac86] Macleay, W. 1886. The insects of the Fly River, New Guinea, "Coleoptera". Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (1): 136–157.

{Mas86] Masters, G. 1886. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 259–380.


Carphurus sp., copyright Teale Britstra.

Belongs within: Melyridae.

Carphurus is a genus of soft-bodied beetles with shortened elytra.

Characters (from Lea 1909): Antenna not flabellate, head usually more or less convex in male. Elytra not covering abdomen. Body with exsertile vesicles.

<==Carphurus L09
    |--C. alterniventris Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. angustatus Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. apicalis Macleay 1872 M86
    |--C. apiciventris Lea 1895 [incl. C. apiciventris var. dubius Lea 1895] L09
    |--C. armipennis Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. atricapillis Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. atronitens Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. azureipennis Macleay 1872 M86
    |--C. basipennis Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. basiventris Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. bifoveatus Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. blackburni Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. cervicalis Germar 1848 L09
    |--C. cristatifrons Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--C. cyaneipennis Macleay 1872 M86 (see below for synonymy)
    |--C. cyanopterus (Bohem. 1858) [=Helcogaster cyanopterus] L09
    |--C. diopthalmus Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--C. elegans Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. elongatus Macleay 1872 M86
    |--C. facialis Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--C. fasciculatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. fasciipennis Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. fossor Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. frenchi Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. invenustus Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. laesifrons Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. latipennis Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. lepidus Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. longicollis Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. longipes Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. longus Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. maculiventris Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. marginiventris Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. myrmecophilus L19
    |--C. nubipennis Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. pallidifrons Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. pallidipennis Macleay 1872 M86
    |--C. philonthoides Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. pictipes Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. pravus Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. punctatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. rhagonychinus Fiarm. 1879 L09
    |--C. rhytideres Lea 1895 L09
    |--C. segmentarius Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--C. simulator Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. strigicollis Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. tachyporoides Fairm. 1877 L09
    |--C. telephoroides Fairm. 1879 L09
    |--C. triimpressus Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. uncinatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. variipennis Lea 1909 L09
    |--C. vigilans Lea 1909 L09
    `--C. xanthochrous Fairm. 1887 L09

Carphurus cyaneipennis Macleay 1872 M86 [incl. C. cyaneipennis var. aeneipennis Fairm. 1877 L09, C. testaceipes Lea 1895 L09]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[L09] Lea, A. M. 1909. Revision of the Australian and Tasmanian Malacodermidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1909 (1): 45–251, pls 2–6.

[L19] Lea, A. M. 1919. Notes on some miscellaneous Coleoptera with descriptions of new species.—Part V. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 43: 166–261, pls 25–27.

[M86] Masters, G. 1886. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 259–380.


Hypattalus distortipes, from Insects of Tasmania.

Belongs within: Melyridae.

Hypattalus is a genus of soft-bodied beetles found in Australia.

Characters (from Lea 1909): Antenna eleven-segmented; elytra covering abdomen; body with exsertile vesicles.

<==Hypattalus L09
    |--H. abdominalis (Erich. 1842) (see below for synonymy) L09
    |--H. alphabeticus Lea 1898 L09
    |--H. australis (Fairm. 1877) [=Attalus australis] L09
    |--H. calcaratus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. carteri Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. collaris Lea 1898 L09
    |--H. dentipes Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. dispar Lea 1898 L09
    |--H. distortipes Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. elegans Blackb. 1894 [incl. H. elegans var. tasmaniensis Lea 1909] L09
    |--H. exilis Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. flaviventris Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. longicornis Lea 1898 L09
    |--H. mirabilis Lea 1898 L09
    |--H. montanus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. mucronatus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. pulcherrimus Lea 1898 L09
    |--H. punctulatus Blackb. 1894 L09
    |--H. sordidus Lea 1909 L09
    |--H. violaceus Lea 1898 L09
    `--H. viridis Lea 1898 L09

Hypattalus abdominalis (Erich. 1842) [=Attalus abdominalis; incl. H. brevicornis Lea 1898, H. brevicornis var. occidentalis Lea 1898] L09

*Type species of generic name indicated


[L09] Lea, A. M. 1909. Revision of the Australian and Tasmanian Malacodermidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1909 (1): 45–251, pls 2–6.


Abroteles beaumonti, from Seevers (1957).

Belongs within: Corotocini.

The Abrotelina are a group of distinctively frail-bodied physogastric staphylinid beetles found in association with nasutitermitine termites in the Neotropical region (Seevers 1957).

Characters (from Seevers 1957): Frail-bodied, frequently with very thin sclerites; head and thorax slender, abdomen ovoidal, weakly to strongly physogastric. Entire clypeus very weakly sclerotised or not sclerotised; very little sclerotisation anterior to tentorial pit level. Pronotum small, its surface not impressed. Tergites relatively narrow, about three-fifths as broad as abdomen; inner paratergites large, about one-third as broad as tergites. Elytra generalized, contiguous. Wings normal. Antennae 11-segmented. Tarsi 4, 4, 4-segmented or 5, 5, 5-segmented. Abdominal segments 7-9 distinctive.

<==Abrotelina S57
    |--Oecidiophilus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    `--*O. mimellus Silvestri 1946 [=O. oglobinii ms] S57
    |--Parvidolum Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    `--*P. microsomatis Silvestri 1946 [=P. microsamatis] S57
    |--Mormellus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    `--*M. bicolor Silvestri 1946 S57
    |--Termitosius Silvestri 1901 S57
    |    `--*T. pauciseta Silvestri 1901 S57
    |--Termitoiceus Silvestri 1901 S57
    |    |--*T. anastrephoproctus Silvestri 1901 [=T. anastrephoroctus (l. c.)] S57
    |    `--T. simulans Silvestri 1946 [=T. anastrephoproctus simulans] S57
    |--Perlinctus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    |--*P. quaesitus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    `--P. foveicollis Seevers 1957 S57
    |--Eburniogaster Seevers 1938 S57
    |    |--*E. termitocola Seevers 1938 S57
    |    |--E. anahuaci Seevers 1957 S57
    |    `--E. texana (Brues 1902) [=Termitogaster texana] S57
    |--Fonsechellus Silvestri 1946 [incl. Trianellus Silvestri 1946] S57
    |    |--*F. diversicolor Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    |--F. bicolor Silvestri 1946 [=F. (*Trianellus) bicolor] S57
    |    `--F. fragilis Seevers 1957 S57
    |--Termitonidia Seevers 1938 S57
    |    |--*T. lunata Seevers 1938 S57
    |    |--T. michoacani Seevers 1957 S57
    |    |--T. jaliscensis Seevers 1957 S57
    |    `--T. tarascani Seevers 1957 S57
    `--Abroteles Casey 1890 [incl. Termitothymus Silvestri 1901] S57
         |--*A. beaumonti Casey 1890 S57
         |--A. badia Seevers 1957 S57
         |--A. bisetosus Seevers 1937 S57
         |--A. compacticornis Borgmeier 1950 S57
         |--A. lobata Seevers 1957 S57
         |--A. philetaerus (Silvestri 1901) (n. d.) [=*Termitothymus philetaerus] S57
         |--A. pubicollis Seevers 1957 S57
         `--A. rurrenabaquensis Seevers 1946 S57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.


Thyreoxenus brevitibialis, copyright Taro Eldredge.

Belongs within: Staphylinidae.
Contains: Abrotelina, Termitogastrina.

The Corotocini are a group of physogastric staphylinid beetles found mostly in association with nasutitermitine termites, with a very few species found with the termitine genus Anoplotermes (Seevers 1957).

See also: The Corotocini in their gut-swollen glory.

Characters (from Seevers 1957): Mentum fused to submentum; mesocoxal acetabula not margined; metepimera abbreviated; hind coxae triangular; physogastric.

<==Corotocini S57
    |  i. s.: Termitochara Wasmann 1893 [Termitocharina] S57
    |           `--*T. kraatzi Wasmann 1893 S57
    |--Timeparthenina S57
    |    |--Termituncula Borgmeier 1950 S57
    |    |    `--*T. gracilipes Borgmeier 1950 S57
    |    `--+--Termitozophilus Silvestri 1901 [incl. Corymbogaster Mann 1923] S57
    |       |    |--*T. laetus Silvestri 1901 S57
    |       |    `--T. mirandus (Mann 1923) [=*Corymbogaster miranda] S57
    |       `--+--Autuoria Silvestri 1946 S57
    |          |    `--*A. elegantulum Silvestri 1946 [incl. A. orthocephali ms] S57
    |          `--+--Ptocholellus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |             |    `--*P. mimus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |             `--Timeparthenus Silvestri 1901 S57
    |                  |--*T. regius Silvestri 1901 S57
    |                  `--T. oglobini Silvestri 1946 [=Timeparthemus (l. c.) oglobini] S57
    `--+--+--Abrotelina S57
       |  `--Termitogastrina S57
       `--Corotocina S57
            |  i. s.: Eutermitoptochus Silvestri 1921 S57
            |           `--*E. novaehollandiae Silvestri 1921 S57
            |--Corotoca Schiødte 1853 S57
            |    |--*C. melantho Schiødte 1854 S57
            |    |--C. araujoi Seevers 1957 S57
            |    |--C. guyanae Mann 1923 S57
            |    `--C. phylo Schiødte 1854 S57
            `--+--+--Termitomimus Trägärdh 1907 S57
               |  |    |--*T. entendveniensis Trägärdh 1907 S57
               |  |    |--T. emersoni Seevers 1957 S57
               |  |    `--T. latipes Seevers 1957 S57
               |  `--+--Termitopullus Reichensperger 1922 [incl. Termitoscapha Bernhauer 1938] S57
               |     |    `--*T. sociusculus Reichensperger 1922 [incl. *Termitoscapha gestroi Bernhauer 1938] S57
               |     |--Termitoptocinus Silvestri 1921 S57
               |     |    `--*T. australiensis Silvestri 1921 S57
               |     `--Eburniola Mann 1923 S57
               |          |--*E. leucogaster Mann 1923 S57
               |          |--E. gastrovittata Seevers 1937 S57
               |          `--E. lujae Seevers 1957 S57
               `--+--Spirachtha Schiødte 1853 S57
                  |    |--*S. eurymedusa Schiødte 1854 S57
                  |    |--S. mirabilis Mann 1923 S57
                  |    `--S. schioedtei Mann 1923 S57
                  `--+--Oideprosoma Silvestri 1920 S57
                     |    `--*O. mirandum Silvestri 1920 S57
                     `--Thyreoxenus Mann 1923 S57
                          |--*T. parviceps Mann 1923 S57
                          |--T. albidus Seevers 1946 S57
                          |--T. autuorii Silvestri 1946 S57
                          |--T. boliviae Seevers 1946 S57
                          |--T. brevitibialis Seevers 1946 S57
                          |--T. convexinotus Seevers 1946 S57
                          |--T. cucullatus Seevers 1946 S57
                          |--T. major S57
                          |--T. pulchellus Mann 1923 S57
                          `--T. solomonensis Seevers 1937 S57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.


Termitonannus vagans, from Seevers (1957).

Belongs within: Staphylinidae.

The Termitonannini are a group of mostly limuloid staphylinid beetles found in association with nasutitermitine termites (Seevers 1957).

Characters (from Seevers 1957): Body usually non-physogastric and limuloid, very rarely physogastric. Head either prognathous or hypognathous; antennae 9-11-segmented, terminal antennal segments bearing one or more pairs of polytrichous coeloconic sensilla; mentum free except in certain derived genera. Mesocoxal cavities margined; hind coxae and metepimera generalised except in certain derived genera. Tarsi 4, 4, 4-segmented or 4, 4, 5-segmented.

<==Termitonannini S57
    |--Termitonannina S57
    |    |  i. s.: Termitocomes Seevers 1941 S57
    |    |           |--*T. wasmanni Seevers 1941 S57
    |    |           `--T. trinidadensis Seevers 1957 S57
    |    |--+--Eunannodes Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    |  |    `--*E. reconditi Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    |  `--Nannellus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    |       `--*N. anoplotermitis Silvestri 1946 S57
    |    `--+--Termitonilla Borgmeier 1950 S57
    |       |    `--*T. luteola Borgmeier 1950 S57
    |       `--+--Macrotrichuris Silvestri 1946 S57
    |          |    |--*M. brasiliensis Silvestri 1946 S57
    |          |    `--M. notabilis Silvestri 1946 S57
    |          `--Termitonannus Wasmann 1902 [incl. Tetraphilus Silvestri 1946] S57
    |               |--*T. schmalzi Wasmann 1902 S57
    |               |--T. brachycerus Silvestri 1946 [=T. (*Tetraphilus) brachycerus] S57
    |               |--T. domunculi Silvestri 1946 S57
    |               |--T. echinoides Seevers 1946 S57
    |               |--T. gatuni Seevers 1941 S57
    |               |--T. major Wasmann 1902 S57
    |               |--T. microsomatis Silvestri 1946 S57
    |               |--T. parvulus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |               |--T. proximatus Silvestri 1946 S57
    |               |--T. setosus Seevers 1941 S57
    |               |--T. silvestrii Wasmann 1902 S57
    |               `--T. vagans Silvestri 1946 S57
    `--Perinthina [Perinthini] S57
         |--Termitopelta Borgmeier 1950 S57
         |    `--*T. fulgens Borgmeier 1950 S57
         `--+--Termitonicus Mann 1926 S57
            |    |--*T. mahout Mann 1926 S57
            |    `--T. uroclaviger Silvestri 1946 S57
            `--+--Macrognathellus Silvestri 1946 S57
               |    `--M. crassicornis (Wasmann 1902) (see below for synonymy) S57
               `--+--Poduroides Mann 1926 S57
                  |    `--*P. bovingi Mann 1926 S57
                  `--+--Perinthus Casey 1890 S57
                     |    |--*P. dudleyanus Casey 1890 S57
                     |    |    |--P. d. dudleyanus S57
                     |    |    |--P. d. major Seevers 1957 S57
                     |    |    `--P. d. wasmanni Mann 1923 S57
                     |    |--P. bolivari Seevers 1946 S57
                     |    |--P. guatemalae Seevers 1946 S57
                     |    |--P. hageni Seevers 1937 S57
                     |    |--P. mayae S57
                     |    |--P. tarsatus Mann 1923 S57
                     |    `--P. xenocostalis Seevers 1937 S57
                     `--+--Termitocola Seevers 1937 S57
                        |    |--*T. cylindricornis Seevers 1937 S57
                        |    `--T. silvestrii (Wasmann 1902) [=Perinthus silvestrii] S57
                        `--+--Lauella Mann 1921 S57
                           |    |--*L. vitiensis Mann 1921 [incl. Hetairotermes leai Cameron 1927] S57
                           |    |--L. javana Seevers 1957 S57
                           |    `--L. palauensis Seevers 1957 S57
                           `--+--Eutermitophila Cameron 1939 S57
                              |    `--*E. fletcheri Cameron 1939 S57
                              `--+--Perinthodes Seevers 1957 S57
                                 |    `--*P. africanus Seevers 1957 S57
                                 `--Paraperinthus Seevers 1957 S57
                                      `--*P. pauciseta Seevers 1957 S57

Macrognathellus crassicornis (Wasmann 1902) [=Perinthus crassicornis; incl. *M. paraguayensis Silvestri 1946] S57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.


Termitogaster insolens, from Seevers (1957).

Belongs within: Corotocini.

The Termitogastrina are a lineage of physogastric staphylinids found in association with nasutitermitine termites of the genera Nasutitermes, Trinervitermes and Grallatotermes. Though difficult to characterise as a whole due to the derived morphology of some genera, but all carry the variously inflated abdomen recurved over the foreparts. In less derived species, the tarsi are 5, 5, 5-segmented, albeit with the fifth segment partially fused and not movable relative to the fourth segment; in some derived species the tarsi have become 4, 4, 4-segmented. These species have the sixth and seventh tergites characteristically enlarged with the seventh tergite shield-shaped (Seevers 1957).

Termitogastrina S57
    |--Termitopithus Seevers 1957 S57
    |    `--*T. crassiusculus Seevers 1957 S57
    |--Termitophya Wasmann 1902 S57
    |    |--*T. heyeri Wasmann 1902 S57
    |    |--T. amica Mann 1923 S57
    |    |--T. araujoi Borgmeier 1950 S57
    |    |--T. ecuadoriensis Seevers 1937 S57
    |    |--T. emersoni Seevers 1937 S57
    |    |--T. flaviventris Mann 1923 S57
    |    |--T. holmgreni Wasmann in Wasmann & Holmgren 1911 [incl. T. wasmanni Holmgren in Wasmann & Holmgren 1911] S57
    |    |--T. inornata Seevers 1937 S57
    |    |--T. piliventris Seevers 1937 S57
    |    `--T. punctata Mann 1923 S57
    `--+--+--Termitomorpha Wasmann 1894 [incl. Termitosomus Seevers 1939, Thaxteria Fenyes 1921] S57
       |  |    |--*T. meinerti Wasmann 1894 (see below for synonymy) S57
       |  |    |--T. costaricensis (Seevers 1946) [=Termitosomus costaricensis] S57
       |  |    |--T. fissipennis (Casey 1890) (see below for synonymy) S57
       |  |    |--T. huachii Seevers 1946 S57
       |  |    `--T. manni Seevers 1946 S57
       |  `--+--Trachopeplus Mann 1923 S57
       |     |    |--*T. setosus Mann 1923 S57
       |     |    `--T. disjunctipennis Seevers 1939 S57
       |     `--+--Termitoides Seevers 1939 S57
       |        |    `--*T. marginatus Seevers 1939 S57
       |        `--+--Xenopelta Mann 1923 S57
       |           |    |--*X. cornuta Mann 1923 S57
       |           |    `--X. tricornis (Mann 1923) [=Ceratoxenus tricornis] S57
       |           `--Xenogaster Wasmann 1891 S57
       |                |--*X. inflata Wasmann 1891 S57
       |                |--X. fossulata Mann 1923 S57
       |                |--X. glabriventris Seevers 1957 S57
       |                |--X. inquilina Borgmeier 1950 S57
       |                |--X. nana Seevers 1957 S57
       |                |--X. pilosula Seevers 1957 S57
       |                |--X. reichenspergeri Seevers 1957 S57
       |                `--X. subnuda Seevers 1957 S57
       `--+--+--Termitosynodes Seevers 1957 S57
          |  |    `--*T. williamsi Seevers 1957 S57
          |  `--Termitosyne Seevers 1957 S57
          |       `--*T. platygastra Seevers 1957 S57
          |--+--Neotermitogaster Seevers 1939 S57
          |  |    `--*N. colonus Seevers 1939 S57
          |  `--Termitogaster Casey 1889 S57
          |       |--*T. insolens Casey 1889 S57
          |       |--T. beniensis Seevers 1946 S57
          |       |--T. bicolor Seevers 1937 S57
          |       |--T. brevis Mann 1923 S57
          |       |--T. chavantinae Seevers 1957 S57
          |       |--T. diversicollis Seevers 1957 S57
          |       |--T. emarginatus Seevers 1946 S57
          |       |--T. emersoni Mann 1923 S57
          |       |--T. impressicollis Seevers 1937 S57
          |       |--T. magdalenae Seevers 1946 S57
          |       |--T. nigricollis (Silvestri 1901) [=Xenogaster nigricollis] S57
          |       |--T. puncticeps Seevers 1946 S57
          |       |--T. testaceus Seevers 1946 S57
          |       |--T. wasmanni (Holmgren in Wasmann & Holmgren 1911) [=Xenogaster wasmanni] S57
          |       `--T. wenzeli Seevers 1957 S57
          `--+--Termitotima Wasmann 1916 S57
             |    `--*T. assmuthi Wasmann 1916 S57
             `--+--Idiogaster Wasmann 1912 S57
                |    `--*I. escherichi Wasmann 1912 S57
                `--+--+--Affinoptochus Kemner 1925 S57
                   |  |    `--*A. exclusus Kemner 1925 S57
                   |  `--+--Termitella Wasmann 1911 (see below for synonymy) S57
                   |     |    |--*T. lujae Wasmann 1911 S57
                   |     |    |--T. foveolata (Reichensperger 1922) [=*Termitissa foveolata] S57
                   |     |    |--T. gridelli (Bernhauer 1938) [=*Termitoctesis gridelli] S57
                   |     |    `--T. rubricollis Seevers 1957 S57
                   |     `--+--Termitellodes Seevers 1957 S57
                   |        |    `--*T. lativentris Seevers 1957 S57
                   |        `--Idioptochus Seevers 1957 S57
                   |             `--*I. lehmensicki Seevers 1957 S57
                   `--+--Paracorotoca Warren 1920 S57
                      |    `--*P. akermani (Warren 1914) [=Corotoca akermani] S57
                      |--Millotoca Paulian 1948 S57
                      |    |--*M. mirotermitidis Paulian 1948 S57
                      |    `--M. tanganyuikae Seevers 1957 S57
                      `--Termitoptochus Silvestri 1910 S57
                           |--*T. indicus Silvestri 1910 S57
                           |--T. ceylonicus Silvestri 1921 S57
                           |--T. luzonicus Silvestri 1921 S57
                           |--T. peninsularis Silvestri 1921 S57
                           |--T. philippinus Silvestri 1921 S57
                           `--T. sumatranus Silvestri 1921 S57

Termitella Wasmann 1911 [incl. Termitissa Reichensperger 1912, Termitoctesis Bernhauer 1938] S57

Termitomorpha fissipennis (Casey 1890) [=Termitogaster fissipennis, *Termitosomus fissipennis; incl. Termitogaster simopelta Mann 1923] S57

*Termitomorpha meinerti Wasmann 1894 [incl. *Thaxteria insularis Fenyes 1921, Termitogaster simulans Mann 1923, Termitosomus simulans] S57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.


Lateral and dorsal views of Termitobia burgeoni, from Seevers (1957).

Belongs within: Staphylinidae.

The Termitopaediini is a group of physogastric staphylinid beetles found in association with fungus-culturing termites in Africa and southern Asia (Seevers 1957).

Characters (from Seevers 1957): Maxillary acetabula moderately sized; galea and lacinia moderate in length, galea usually foliate and membranous; terminal antennal segments without coeloconic sensilla; mesocoxal acetabula large, shallow, faintly margined externally or not at all; broad mesosternal process rounded or angulate; middle coxae narrowly or moderately widely separated; hind coxae subtriangular, not produced beyond lateral articulation; metepimera obliquely truncated posteriorly, not prolonged beyond coxal articulation; tarsi 4, 5, 5-segmented.

<==Termitopaediini S57
    |  i. s.: Termitobaena Bernhauer 1915 S57
    |           `--*T. bryanti Bernhauer 1915 S57
    |         Termitotropha Wasmann 1899 S57
    |           `--*T. oneili Wasmann 1899 S57
    |--+--Termitotecna Wasmann 1912 S57
    |  |    `--*T. braunsi Wasmann 1912 S57
    |  |--Protermitobia Seevers 1957 S57
    |  |    |--*P. kirbyi Seevers 1957 S57
    |  |    `--P. comes Seevers 1957 S57
    |  `--Termitobia Wasmann 1891 S57
    |       |--*T. physogastra Wasmann 1891 [=T. gastrophysa (l. c.)] S57
    |       |--T. burgeoni Cameron 1930 S57
    |       |--T. paolii Gridelli 1928 S57
    |       `--T. rhodesiae Seevers 1957 S57
    `--+--Termitopaedia Wasmann 1911 S57
       |    `--*T. kohli Wasmann 1911 S57
       |--Termitolinus Wasmann 1911 S57
       |    `--*T. natalensis Wasmann 1911 S57
       |--Neodioxeuta Seevers 1957 S57
       |    |--*N. oudemansi (Franssen 1932) [=Jacobsonella oudemansi] S57
       |    `--N. burmae Seevers 1957 S57
       |--Termitopulex Fauvel 1899 [incl. Silvestrinus Bernhauer 1932] S57
       |    |--*T. grandicornis Fauvel 1899 [incl. *Silvestrinus erythraeanus Bernhauer 1932] S57
       |    |--T. natalensis Wasmann 1912 S57
       |    `--T. sjoestedti Eichelbaum in Sjöstedt 1908 S57
       `--Dioxeuta Sharp 1899 [incl. Jacobsonella Silvestri 1910] S57
            |--*D. microps Sharp 1899 [incl. *Jacobsonella termitobia Silvestri 1910] S57
            |--D. flavescens (Cameron 1939) [=Jacobsonella flavescens] S57
            `--D. indosinensis (Silvestri 1946) [=Jacobsonella indosinensis] S57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.


Atheta fungi, from Insect Foto.

Belongs within: Aleocharinae.

The Athetini are a diverse group of staphylinid beetles, primarily found in humid microhabitats among decaying organic matter. Two genera of Athetini, Termitotelus and Coptotermoecia, are found in association with termites (Seevers 1957).

Characters (from Fenyes 1921; Seevers 1957): Head visible from above; antennae inserted medial to eyes. Antennae 11-segmented; maxillary palpi 4-segmented; labial palpi three-segmented. Tarsi 4, 5, 5-segmented.

Athetini S57
    |--Termitotelus Wasmann 1908 [Termitotelina] S57
    |    `--*T. schultzei Wasmann 1908 S57
    |--Coptotermoecia Oke 1933 [Coptotermoeciina] S57
    |    |--*C. alutacia Oke 1933 S57
    |    `--C. gayi Seevers 1957 S57
    |--Mesaraeus Fenyes 1921 F21
    |    `--*M. laevigatus Fenyes 1921 F21
    |--Falagriota F21
    |--Myrmecopora Saulcy 1864 F21, O86
    |    |--M. senilis Fauvel 1878 O86
    |    `--M. termitophila Cameron 1948 S57
    |--Lipodonta Fenyes 1921 F21
    |    `--*L. veris Fenyes 1921 F21
    |--Lypoglossa F21
    |--Tomoglossa Kraatz 1856 F21, G02 [incl. Noverota Casey 1910 G02]
    |    |--*T. luteicornis (Erichson 1837) [=Homalota luteicornis] G02
    |    |--T. aegyptiaca Scheerpeltz 1963 G02
    |    |--T. arizonica Gusarov 2002 G02
    |    |--T. basicornis (Pace 1985) G02
    |    |--T. brakmani Scheerpeltz 1963 G02
    |    |--T. breitiana (Scheerpeltz 1957) G02
    |    |--T. decora (Casey 1910) [=Noverota decora] G02
    |    |--T. floridana Gusarov 2002 G02
    |    |--T. franzi Pace 1991 G02
    |    |--T. fuliginosa Pace 1999 G02
    |    |--T. heydemanni Lohse 1977 G02
    |    |--T. improvisa (Casey 1910) [=Noverota improvisa] G02
    |    |--T. laeta Eppelsheim 1884 G02
    |    |--T. nepalensis (Pace 1987) G02
    |    |--T. ocularis Pace 1991 G02
    |    |--T. ornatella (Casey 1910) [=*Noverota ornatella] G02
    |    |--‘Noverota’ personata Casey 1910 G02
    |    |--T. subcorticalis (Cameron 1939) G02
    |    `--T. venusta (Pace 1984) G02
    `--Atheta Thomson 1858 [Athetae] G02
         |--A. celata (Erichson 1837) P05
         |--A. convivens Silvestri 1945 S57
         |--A. fungi C01
         |--A. (Datomicra) jantarica Paśnik 2005 P05
         |--A. parva C01
         |--A. silvestrii Seevers 1957 [=A. termitaria Seevers 1945 non Bernhauer 1932] S57
         |--A. syntermitis Silvestri 1945 S57
         |--A. termitaria Bernhauer 1932 S57
         |--A. termitobia Wasmann 1894 S57
         |--A. termitophila Motschulsky 1859 S57
         `--A. triangulum K09

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C01] Csiki, E. 1901. Bogarak [Coleopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] Band II. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 75–120. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[F21] Fenyes, A. 1921. New genera and species of Aleocharinae with a polytomic synopsis of the tribes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 65 (2): 15–36.

[G02] Gusarov, V. I. 2002. A revision of Nearctic species of the genus Tomoglossa Kraatz, 1856 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Zootaxa 30: 1–19.

[K09] Köhler, G. 2009. Heuschrecken (Saltatoria) und Ohrwürmner (Dermaptera) im Immissionsgebiet des Düngemittelwerkes Steudnitz/Thüringen—eine Langzeitstudie (1978–2001). Mauritiana 20 (3): 601–646.

[O86] Olliff, A. S. 1886. A revision of the Staphylinidae of Australia. Part I. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 403–473, pl. 7.

[P05] Paśnik, J. 2005. Fossils of Staphylinidae from Baltic amber: A new genus and three new species (Insecta, Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (1): 97–100.

[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.

Last updated: 25 May 2017.
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