Belongs within: Neoophora.
Contains: Typhloplanoida.
The Rhabdocoela are a group of flatworms with a straight, simple gut and an anterior mouth.
Rhabdocoela [Eleucithophora]
`--Neorhabdocoela S86
| i. s.: Mesostoma C81
| |--M. californicum C81
| `--M. craci C81
|--Typhloplanoida S86
|--Dalyellida [Dalyellioida] S86
| |--Balgetia Luther 1962 S86
| | `--B. papii Kolasa 1976 S86
| |--Provortex LOL03
| | |--P. psammophilus LOL03
| | `--P. tubiferus LOL03
| |--Pterastericola LOL03
| | |--P. australis LOL03
| | `--P. fedotovi BK77
| `--Dalyellia S86
| |--D. rossi H62
| |--D. tatrica S86
| `--D. viridis H62
`--Kalyptorhynchia S86
|--Macrorhynchus crocea (Fabricius 1826) S03
|--Amphirhynchus caudatus K92
|--Cheliplana boadeni K92
|--Cicerina brevicirrus K92
|--Mesorhynchus terminostylus K92
|--Proschizorhynchus gullmarensis K92
|--Schizochilus choriurus K92
|--Gnathorhynchus Meixner 1929 S86
| `--G. aprosmeno An der Lan 1967 S86
|--Uncinorhynchus Karling 1947 S86
| `--U. karlingi Kolasa 1977 S86
`--Ethmorhynchus Meixner 1938 S86
|--E. anophthalmus K92
`--E. youngi Kolasa 1977 S86
Rhabdocoela incertae sedis:
Bothromesostoma GD00
Mesocastrada GD00
Anoplodium H01
|--A. chiridotae BK77
|--A. clypeastris BK77
|--A. gracile BK77
|--A. myriotrochi BK77
|--A. stichopi BK77
`--A. tubiferum BK77
Astrorhynchus H01
Cheliplanilla H01
Jensenia H01
Nygulgus H01
Promesostoma H01
Temnocephalida LOL03
|--Didymorchis LOL03
`--Temnosewellia minor LOL03
Umagilla forskalensis BK77
Wahlia macrostylifera BK77
Anoplodiopsis gracilis BK77
Anoplodiera voluta BK77
Ozametra elegans (Westblad 1926) [=Umagilla elegans] BK77
Syndesmis echinorum BK77
Marcusella BK77
|--M. atriovillosa BK77
`--M. pallida BK77
Desmote vorax BK77
Triloborhynchus astropectinis BK77
*Type species of generic name indicated
[BK77] Barel, C. D. N., & P. G. N. Kramers. 1977. A survey of the echinoderm associates of the north-east Atlantic area. Zoologische Verhandelingen 156: 1–159.
[C81] Collins, F. H. 1981. Predation as a major component of mortality among immature mosquitoes in rice fields, flooded pastures, and vernal pools in northern California. Dissertation Abstracts International B 41: 4375.
[GD00] Giribet, G., D. L. Distel, M. Polz, W. Sterrer & W. C. Wheeler. 2000. Triploblastic relationships with emphasis on the acoelomates and the position of Gnathostomulida, Cycliophora, Plathelminthes, and Chaetognatha: a combined approach of 18S rDNA sequences and morphology. Systematic Biology 49: 539–562.
[H62] Hass, W. H. 1962. Conodonts. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt W. Miscellanea: Conodonts, Conoidal Shells of Uncertain Affinities, Worms, Trace Fossils and Problematica pp. W3–W69. Geological Society of America, and University of Kansas Press.
[H01] Hooge, M. D. 2001. Evolution of body-wall musculature in the Platyhelminthes (Acoelomorpha, Catenulida, Rhabditophora). Journal of Morphology 249: 171–194.
[K92] Kozloff, E. N. 1992. The genera of the phylum Orthonectida. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 33: 377–406.
[LOL03] Lockyer, A. E., P. D. Olson & D. T. J. Littlewood. 2003. Utility of complete large and small subunit rRNA genes in resolving the phylogeny of the Neodermata (Platyhelminthes): implications and a review of the cercomer theory. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 78: 155–171.
[S86] Schwank, P. 1986. Microturbellaria from subterranean freshwater habitats. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 47–56. E. J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.
[S03] Slyusarev, G. S. 2003. The fine structure of the muscle system in the female of the orthonectid Intoshia variabilis (Orthonectida). Acta Zoologica 84: 107–111.