Belongs within: Paraneoptera.
The Hypoperlina are a group of insects known from the Middle Carboniferous to the Early Permian. At least some species are known to have fed on pollen.
Characters (from Rasnitsyn 2002): Slender; short-headed; wings more or less oligoneurous, rest position roof-like.
| i. s.: Xenoneura R02
|--Asiuropa [Asiuropidae] R02
| `--A. uralensis R02
|--Letopalopteridae R02
| |--Letopaloptera R02
| `--Permindigena lientericus R02
`--Hypoperlidae R02
|--Martynopsocus R02
|--Hypoperla elegans R02
|--Idelopsocus splendens R02
|--Kaltanelmoa R02
`--Boreopsocus danksae R02
*Type species of generic name indicated
[R02] Rasnitsyn, A. P. 2002. Cohors Cimiciformes Laicharting, 1781. In History of Insects (A. P. Rasnitsyn & D. L. J. Quicke, eds) pp. 104-115. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht.