Operating a Business in Washington State
Contact Information
Business License
All businesses operating in Washington State are required to register the business with the State of Washington Business Licensing Service (BLS). A trade name search is conducted within the State of Washington for the business name listed on the application form to assure no other business operates under the same business name. A nine-digit Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number is assigned to the owner of each business that is registered with the Department of Revenue and serves as your tax registration number.
State of Washington Business Licensing Service
P.O. Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034
Limited Partnership or Corporation
To form a limited partnership, you will need to file a Limited Certificate of Formation with the Secretary of State. To form a corporation, file Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State.
Secretary of State, Corporations Division
P.O. Box 40234
505 East Union, Republic Building, 2nd Floor
Olympia, WA 98504-0234
(360) 753-7115
Employer's Identification Number
Businesses that employ personnel need to obtain a federal identification number by filing Form SS-4 with the Internal Revenue Service. A federal identification number assigned to your business will also be registered with the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration and the Department of Labor.
Internal Revenue Service
(800) 829-1040
Apply for an EIN
Trademark and Service Marks
You may protect your business trademark or service mark by registering with the U.S. Government Department of Commerce.
United States Department of Commerce
Patent and Trademark Office
Phone: (800) 786-9199 or (703) 308-4357
United States Patent and Trademark Office Home Page
Washington Small Business Development Centers
The Washington Small Business Development Centers provide valuable counseling, training and research services to business owners or prospective owners, operating in a rapidly changing business environment:
- No-cost confidential counseling
- Affordable workshops and seminars
- Research, informed business decisions
- Valuable on-line business resources
Washington Small Business Development Centers
Waste Water Management
Depending on the amount and type of wastewater produced at your site, the waste water may be regulated by the county Department of Health, Washington State Department of Health, or the Washington State Department of Ecology. Contact your local county Department of Health office to determine the waste water regulator for your specific facility.
State and Local Department of Health
- Your local County Health Department (District) licenses retail food establishments that sell their food products directly to the consumer, this also includes bakeries that sell less than 25% of their products through wholesale distribution. Contact your local County Health Department (District) in your county for further retail licensing information.
- The State Department of Health Division of Drinking Water or your County's Department of Health (depending on the size of the system) also monitor water systems to verify that the water you are using in your facility meets the potable water standards.
State Department of Health Division of Drinking Water