Manure Sampling Methods
Sampling from equipment when manure is applied
Collect liquid manure samples after agitation, during the pumping/spreading process. Take 15-25 samples. Put in large bucket at different times as you pump. Stir and place lab sample in sampling bottle.
PRO: Shows what was applied at the time you test and can help you adjust future application rates and fertilizer rate calculations based on annual crop needs.
CON: You can’t adjust application rates for the manure you’re currently applying.
Pre-application Sampling
Lagoon Sampling
BUCKET TOSS - Tie a small bucket to a long rope. Throw it into the lagoon. After it sinks, slowly pull it up. Pour contents into large bucket. Repeat in at least five different spots in the lagoon. Mix well and place lab sample in sampling bottle.
LONG POLE - Attach a telescopic pole to a collection bottle. (You can also duct-tape a pole to a bottle.) Take 10-20 samples from around the lagoon. Get samples from various lagoon depths and locations. Add each to large bucket. Mix well and place lab sample in sampling bottle.
AGITATE and GRAB - You can take fewer samples for a composite if you agitate well so solids don’t settle. If the lagoon is well agitated, take 10-15 samples from around the lagoon and follow the steps above.
PRO: Allows time to receive results and adjust rates for applications.
CON: May not give an accurate representation of the applied nutrients.
Solids Sampling
With a shovel, carve into a solids manure pile about 18 inches. Take one sample (handful or cup) in 15-25 locations. Take samples from low and high locations between two feet from the top and bottom of the pile. Place in large bucket and mix by shaking and stirring. Place 2-4 cups of the mixed sample in a double-sealed bag.