Cat 320 D LLR
Cat 320 D LLR
Cat 320 D LLR
Hydraulic Excavator
Hydraulics Structures
The hydraulic system has been Caterpillar design and manufacturing
designed to provide reliability techniques assure outstanding durability
and outstanding controllability. and service life from these important
pg. 8 components. pg. 8
New Feature
Versatility Electronic Control Systems Boom, Sticks and Linkage Work Tools
Caterpillar offers a wide variety of One boom and two reach sticks are Caterpillar buckets, multi-processors,
factory-installed attachments that available to suit a variety of application sorting and demolition grapples,
enhance performance and job site conditions. pg. 10 hammers and quick couplers provide
management. pg. 7 a total solution package to the end-user.
pg. 11
Reduced Radius
The Caterpillar 320D LRR is designed for high maneuverability in confined spaces.
Reduced Radius. The tail swing of this Stability. The 320D LRR offers a
machine has been reduced where the very stable platform providing great
back end of the machine wont extend stability for all applications. When
beyond the length of the tracks. compared to 320D L, the 320D LRR
The tail swing is just 2000 mm as delivers 6% more lift over the side.
compared to the 2750 mm on the 320D. One of the main contributors is the
When rotated 90 degrees and working additional counterweight used on
over the side, just 600 mm hangs over the 320D LRR. This allows for
the side. This allows the 320D LRR to the balance of the machine to be
work well in road construction applica- comparable to a standard machine
tions and other space restricted areas. with a longer tail swing.
The Cat C6.4 gives the 320D LRR exceptional power and fuel efficiency unmatched in the
industry for consistently high performance in all applications.
Operator Comfort
Caterpillar offers the most intuitive and easy to operate excavators while providing great
all around visibility and exceptional operator comfort.
Versatility Electronic Control Systems
Manages the engine and hydraulics for maximum performance and safety.
Cat hydraulics deliver power and precise control to keep material moving.
More lift capacity, generally over the front where you are
generally hydraulically limited
Pilot System. The pilot pump is independent from the main
pumps and controls the front linkage, swing and travel operations.
Hydraulic Cross Sensing System. The hydraulic cross sensing
system utilizes each of two hydraulic pumps to 100 percent
of engine power, under all operating conditions. This improves
productivity with faster implement speeds and quicker,
stronger pivot turns.
Boom and Stick Regeneration Circuit. Boom and stick re-
generation circuit saves energy during boom-down and stick-in
operation which increases efficiency, reduces cycle times and
pressure loss for higher productivity, lower operating costs and
increased fuel efficiency.
Component Layout. To optimize efficiency of hydraulic per- Auxiliary Hydraulic Valve. The auxiliary valve is standard on
formance, the hydraulic components are located close together, the 320D LRR. Control Circuits are available as attachments,
which reduces friction loss and pressure drops in the lines. allowing for operation of high and medium pressure tools such
as shears, grapples, hammers, pulverizers, multi-processors
System Pressure. System pressure has been increased to 350 bar,
and vibratory plate compactors.
which attributes to improved performance:
Increased stick and bucket forces (up 7% higher than the Hydraulic Cylinder Snubbers. Snubbers are located at the rod-
320C LU) to better handle those tight digging conditions end of the boom cylinders and both ends of the stick cylinder
More drawbar pull (206 kN) to provide more ability to climb to cushion shocks while reducing sound levels and extending
slopes, easier spot turns and improved travel in poor component life.
underfoot conditions
320D LRR is designed to handle the most rugged operating conditions,
while providing long life and value.
Rollers and idlers are sealed and during the designing and manufacturing
lubricated to extend service life. of its excavators.
Track links are assembled and sealed Up to 95% of the structural welds are
with grease to decrease internal welded by robots, which achieve up
bushing wear and increase life by to three times the penetration of a
as much as 25%, when compared manual weld and improving overall
to dry seal undercarriages. durability of the machine.
Spring recoil system stroke has been The 320D LRRs main frame utilizes
increased to better relieve excess high-tensile strength steel and a one-
track tension, which can occur when piece swing table, which improves
material builds up between the track strength and reliability.
and sprocket. The carbody has a X-shaped, box
section design to resist bending and
Rugged Structures. Structural
twisting forces.
components and the undercarriage
Robust Undercarriage. A solid Track roller frames are press-formed
are the backbone of the machines
foundation built tough to absorb in a pentagonal shape for additional
durability. Caterpillar places a lot of
the stresses of everyday work. strength.
emphasis on the machines durability
Service and Maintenance
Simplified service and maintenance save you time and money.
Extended Service Intervals. 320D LRR Diagnostics and Monitoring. The 320D
service and maintenance intervals have is equipped with SOSSM sampling ports
been extended to reduce machine service and hydraulic test ports for the hydraulic
time and increase machine availability. system, engine oil, and for coolant.
A test connection for the Electronic
Air Filter Compartment. The air filter
Technician (ET) service tool is located
features a double-element construction for
behind the cab.
superior cleaning efficiency. When the air
cleaner plugs, a warning is displayed on Anti-Skid Plate. Anti-skid plate covers
the monitor screen inside the cab. top of storage box and upper structure
to prevent slipping during maintenance.
Ground Level Service. The design and
layout of the 320D was made with the Fan Guard. Engine radiator fan is
service technician in mind. Many service completely enclosed by fine wire mesh,
locations are easily accessible at ground reducing the risk of an accident.
level allowing critical maintenance to get
Greasing Points. A concentrated remote
done quickly and efficiently.
greasing block on the boom delivers
Pump Compartment. A service door on grease to hard-to-reach locations on
the right side of the upper structure allows the front.
ground-level access to the pump and pilot
Radiator Compartment. The left rear
service door allows easy access to the
Capsule Filter. The hydraulic return filter, engine radiator, oil cooler and air-to-air
a capsule filter, is situated outside aftercooler. Reserve tank and drain
the hydraulic tank. This filter prevents cock are attached to the radiator for
contaminants from entering the system simplified maintenance.
when hydraulic oil is changed and keeps
the operation clean.
Machine Selection. Make detailed Customer Support Agreements. Product Support. You will find nearly
comparisons of the machines you are Cat dealers offer a variety of product all parts at our dealer parts counter.
considering before you buy. What are support agreements, and work with Cat dealers utilize a worldwide
the job requirements, machine attach- customers to develop a plan the best meets computer network to find in-stock
ments and operating hours? specific needs. These plans can cover parts to minimize machine downtime.
What production is needed? Your Cat the entire machine, including attachments, You can save money with Cat
dealer can provide recommendations. to help protect the customers investment. remanufactured components.
Purchase. Consider the financing Operation. Improving operating techniques Maintenance Services. Repair option
options available as well as day-to-day can boost your profits. Your cat dealer programs guarantee the cost of repairs
operating costs. This is also the time to has videotapes, literature and other ideas up front. Diagnostic programs such
look at dealer services that can be to help you increase productivity, and as Scheduled Oil Sampling, Coolant
included in the cost of the machine Caterpillar offers certified operator training Sampling and Technical Analysis
to yield lower equipment owning classes to help maximize the return on help you avoid unscheduled repairs.
and operating costs over the long run. your investment.
Replacement. Repair, rebuild or
replace? Your Cat dealer can help
you evaluate the cost involved so
you can make the right choice.
Boom, Sticks and Bucket Linkage
Built for Performance and long service life, Caterpillar booms and sticks are large,
welded, box-section structures with thick, multi-plate fabrications in high stress areas.
Boom, Sticks and Attachments. Reach Boom. The boom has large Sticks. The sticks are made of high-
Designed for maximum flexibility, cross-sections and internal baffle tensile strength steel using a large box
productivity and high efficiency on all plates to provide long life durability. section design with interior baffle plates
jobs, the 320D LRR offers a wide range The reach boom features an optimum and an additional bottom guard.
of configurations suitable for a variety design that maximizes digging The B1-family bucket associated with
of applications. envelopes with two stick choices: these sticks have enough capacity for
R2.9B1 and R2.9B1 HD. excellent reach and depth in trenching
and general construction applications.
R2.9B1. This stick provides the most
versatile front linkage, with regard to
reach and bucket capacity and delivers
good stability for hammer work.
R2.9B1 HD. This heavy duty stick
provides more strength for extremely
heavy applications.
Work Tools
A wide variety of Work Tools help optimize machine performance. Purpose designed and
built to Caterpillars high durability standards.
1 Excavation (X)
2 Extreme Excavation (EX)
3 Ditch Cleaning
4 Quick Coupler
Work Tools. Caterpillar work tools are Hammers. Cat hammer series deliver Multi-Processors. Thanks to its single
designed to function as an integral part very high blow rates, increasing the basic housing design, the multi-pro-
of your excavator and to provide the best productivity of your tool carriers in cessor series of hydraulic demolition
possible performance in your particular demolition and construction applications. equipment makes it possible to use
application. All work tools are per- Wide oil flow acceptance ranges make a range of jaw sets that can handle any
formance-matched to Cat machines. the Caterpillar hammers suitable for a demolition job. The multi-processor
wide range of carriers and provide a is the most versatile demolition tool
Quick Couplers. Quick couplers enable
system solution from one safe source. on the market.
the operator to simply release one work
tool and connect to another, making your Orange Peel Grapples. The orange peel Vibratory Plate Compactors.
hydraulic excavator highly versatile. grapple is constructed of high-strength, Cat compactors are performance-
Productivity also increases, as a carrier wear-resistant steel, with a low and matched to Cat machines, and integrate
no longer needs to be idle between jobs. compact design that makes it ideal for perfectly with the Cat hammer line
Caterpillar offers hydraulic and spindle dump clearance. There are several brackets and hydraulic kits are fully
quick coupler versions. choices of tine and shell versions. interchangeable between hammers
and compactors.
Buckets. Caterpillar offers a wide range Multi-Grapples. The multi-grapple
of specialized buckets, each designed with unlimited left and right rotation Shears. Cat shears provide superior
and tested to function as an integral part is the ideal tool for stripping, sorting, and effective scrap processing, and
of your excavator. Buckets feature handling and loading. The powerful are highly productive in demolition
the new Caterpillar K Series Ground closing force of the grab shells environments. Shears are compatible
Engaging Tools. combined with fast opening/closing with a matching Cat excavator, and
time ensures rapid cycle time which bolt-on brackets are available for either
translates to more tons per hour. stick or boom-mounted options.
Engine Drive Hydraulic System
Cat C6.4 engine with ACERT Maximum Travel Speed 5.5 km/h Main System
Technology Maximum Drawbar Pull 206 kN Maximum flow 2 x 205 L/min
Net Power at 1800 rpm Maximum pressure
ISO 9249 103 kW/140 hp Normal 350 bar
80/1269/EEC 103 kW/140 hp Travel 350 bar
Bore 102 mm Swing Mechanism Swing 250 bar
Stroke 130 mm Pilot System
Displacement 6.4 L Swing Speed 11.5 rpm Maximum flow 32 L/min
All engine horsepower (hp) are metric Swing Torque 62 kNm Maximum pressure 39 bar
including front page. Boom Cylinders
The C6.4 engine meets EU Stage IIIA Bore 120 mm
emission requirements. Stroke 1260 mm
Net power advertised is the power Sound Stick Cylinder
available at the flywheel when the
engine is equipped with fan, air Bore 140 mm
cleaner, muffler, and alternator. The dynamic exterior sound power level Stroke 1518 mm
Full engine net power up to 2300 m meets EU Directive 2005/88/EC. B1 Family Bucket Cylinder
altitude (engine derating required Bore 120 mm
above 2300 m). Stroke 1104 mm
Cab/FOGS meets ISO 10262.
7 4
3 5
mm mm mm
1 Shipping height (with bucket) 3 Transport width 5 Track length 4455
2920 mm stick 3120 600 mm shoes 2980 6 Ground clearance 450
2 Shipping length 800 mm shoes 3180 7 Track gauge 2380
2920 mm stick 8960 4 Length to centers of rollers 3650 8 Tail swing radius 2000
Cab height 2950
Bucket Specifications
Contact your Caterpillar dealer for special bucket requirements. All buckets are available to fit the Cat quick coupler.
Bucket Forces (ISO 6015) 141 kN
2 R2.9B1 Stick Forces (ISO 6015) 106 kN
3 7 6
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 m
Load Point Height Load Radius Over Front Load Radius Over Side Load at Maximum Reach
* Limited by hydraulic rather than tipping load.
The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity ratings standard ISO 10567, they do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity
or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities.
Standard Equipment
Standard equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for specifics.
Optional Equipment
Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for specifics.
320D LRR Hydraulic Excavator
For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at
Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos
may include additional equipment. See your Caterpillar dealer for available options.
2007 Caterpillar -- All rights reserved
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