Vol. VII, No. 12 (IV) : 2021 ISSN: 2277-7067: Shodhsamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research

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Shodhsamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research

Vol. VII, No. 12(IV) : 2021

ISSN: 2277-7067

DR.K.SELVARAJU Assistant professor Department Of Master Of Business Administration (MBA)

K.S.R College of Engineering (Autonomous),Tiruchengode.
Mr.C.S.DARSHAN (2061008) Department Of Master Of Business Administration (MBA) K.S.R
College of Engineering (Autonomous),Tiruchengode.
Mr.S.DHARMESHWARAN (2061009) Department Of Master Of Business Administration (MBA)
K.S.R College of Engineering (Autonomous),Tiruchengode
Mr.S.DILEEPKUMAR (2061010) Department Of Master Of Business Administration (MBA)
K.S.R College of Engineering (Autonomous),Tiruchengode

Electric vehicles (EVs) are a promising technology for achieving a sustainable transport sector in the
future, due to their very low to zero carbon emissions, low noise, high efficiency, and flexibility in
grid operation and integration. This chapter includes an overview of electric vehicle technologies as
well as associated energy storage systems and charging mechanisms. Different types of electric-drive
vehicles are presented. These include battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, hybrid
electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles. The topologies for each category and the enabling
technologies are discussed. Various power train configurations, new battery technologies, and
different charger converter topologies are introduced. Electrifying transportation not only facilitates a
clean energy transition, but also enables the diversification of transportation’s sector fuel mix and
addresses energy security concerns. In addition, this can be also seen as a viable solution, in order to
alleviate issues associated with climate change. Furthermore, charging standards and mechanisms and
relative impacts to the grid from charging vehicles are also presented.

KEYWORDS: Electric vehicles, Battery Capacity, Energy Usage, Range(mileage), Development

power, Customers Satisfaction.

India is one of the top ten automotive markets in the world and given its burgeoning middle class
population with buying potential and the steady economic growth, acceleration automotive sales is
expected to continue. In the last couple of years, there has been a lot of discussion around the prices
of fuel – apart from the deregulation of petrol prices. Moreover the threat of disruption of supplies
from the middle east has heightened the debate on energy security and brought the focus on to alternate
drivetrain technologies.
The potential for alternative technologies in automobiles such as electric vehicles (EV) in India, as in
the case of many other comparable markets, depends on improved battery technologies, driving
ranges, government incentives, regulations, lower prices and better charging infrastructure.
There seems to be a lot of interest on the part of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) based
manufacturers to adopt electric technology, not just supplemental to the ICE, but as a stand-alone
offering. There are also specialized EV manufacturers that have come up all over the world.
While many of the factors that influence the EV market are understood intellectually, we carried out
a consumer survey to study perceptions and expectations of potential for alternative technologies in
automobiles such as electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid EV.
Assessing future demand for electric vehicles was somewhat challenging since it meant testing
consumer preferences for a product with which they are largely unfamiliar. For this reason.
we focused on uncovering consumers familiarity with EV technologies and products; with their
opinions around price, brand, range, charging, the infrastructure, and the cost of ownership; and with
the consumer‘s imagined ―fit‖ of an EV in his or her lifestyle given a range of demographic

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Shodhsamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research
Vol. VII, No. 12(IV) : 2021
ISSN: 2277-7067
Objectives of the study
Primary Objective
 To study the perceptions and expectations of potential, for alternative technologies in
automobiles, such as Electric Vehicles.

Secondary Objective
 To know why electric vehicle couldn’t get enough consumer attraction.
 To study the willingness of buyers of considering Electric Vehicles as a practical commuting option
and at when.
 To study the maximum price consumers can afford for buying an Electric Vehicles.

Scope of the Study

As electric vehicle manufacturing is becoming popular every day, its market share is also
expected to rise greatly. India's GDP is expected to grow by an amazing 25% by 2022. The best part
is that, apart from reducing environmental pollution, EVs can lower oil import by about $60 Billion
by 2030.
Limitation of study
 Due to efficiency of electric engines as compared to combustion engines, even when the electricity
used to charge electric vehicles comes from a CO2-emitting source, such as a coal- or gasfired powered
plant, the net CO2 production from an electric car is typically one-half to one-third of that from a
comparable combustion vehicle.
 Electric vehicles release almost no air pollutants at the place where they are operated.
 In addition, it is generally easier to build pollution-control systems into centralised power stations than
retrofit enormous numbers of cars.

Research Design
The descriptive research design is used in this study.
Sources of Data Primary Data
Primary Data is collected from the peoples in Salem City.
Secondary Data
Secondary Data is collected from books, websites, articles and internet.

Peoples in Salem City.
Sample Size
Sample size of 50 respondents from salem.
Sampling Method
Convenience Sampling Method has been used for this study.
Method of Data Collection
Data is collected through Structured Questionnaire.
Tools for Analysis
 Percentage Analysis


Profession of the respondents
Profession of the respondents
S.NO Profession No of Respondents Percent
1 Student 21 42
2 Self Employed 8 16
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Shodhsamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research
Vol. VII, No. 12(IV) : 2021
ISSN: 2277-7067
3 Government Job 1 2
4 Private Job 20 40
Total 50 100
According to the table 4.1.1, 42% of the respondents was under the student, 16% of the
respondents was under the Self Employed, 40% of the respondents was under the Private job and 2%
of the respondents was under the Government job.

Gender of the Respondents

Gender of the Respondents
S.NO Gender No of Respondents Percent
1 Male 35 70
2 Female 15 30
Total 50 100

According to the 4.1.2, 70 percentage of the respondents were Male and 30 percentage of the
respondents were Female.

Mode of Transportation of Respondents

Mode of Transportation of Respondents
S. No Mode of No of Respondents Percent
1 Own vehicle 32 77.6
2 Taxi/Auto 3 4.2
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Shodhsamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research
Vol. VII, No. 12(IV) : 2021
ISSN: 2277-7067
3 Public bus 6 7
4 Train 8 10.2
Total 49 100

According to the table 4.1.6, 77.6% of the respondents using own vehicle, 4.2% of the
respondents using Taxi/Auto, 7% of the respondents using public bus and 10.2% of the respondents
using Train.

Many governments have initiated and implemented policies to stimulate and encourage electric
vehicle (EV) production and adoption (Sierzchula, Bakker, Maat, & Van Wee, 2014).
The expectation is that better knowledge of consumer preferences for EV can make these policies
more effective and efficient. Many empirical studies on consumer preferences for EV have been
published over the last decades, and a comprehensive literature review would be helpful to synthesise
the findings and facilitate a more well-rounded understanding of this topic. Rezvani, Jansson, and
Bodin (2015)
In 1999,AVL Company proposed a hybrid system that used a 50 cccarburetted lean-burn two-stroke
engine with a 0.75 kW electric motor mounted on the engine crankshaft mainly to provide increased
torque during acceleration.[1]
Su-Hau et al (2004) focused on the highly efficient energy usage of the battery energy and proposed
an integrated management system for electric motor.[2]
David and Sheng-Chung (2004) proposed new parallel-type hybrid-electric-power system comprises
an engine’s energy distribution and a torque-integrated mechanism (specifically including an engine,
a motor/alternator, a CVT device, and PCM as well as a 3-helical gear set).[3]
Wenguang et al (2005) presented an approach to control powertrain of series hybrid electric vehicles.
A formulation of the system equations and controller design procedure were proposed by them. They
also proposed a new switching algorithm for the power converter for motor torque and motor flux
Daniel (2007) designed, developed and implemented a series hybrid electric vehicle. Though he
proposed the architecture as hybrid electric vehicle architecture, he showed that the vehicle runs well
in the electric mode and left the hybrid conversion as future expansion.[5]
Lukic et al (2007) tried to develop a driving cycle of the auto rickshaw in a typical large Indian city,
in their case, Delhi. First, they considered the existing driving cycles used in India are considered as
candidates. Since these data were not applicable, GPS data collected at various times of the day were
applied to the analysis. They derived the new driving cycle from the gathered information via GPS
data as well as surveys of auto rickshaw drivers in India, which helped to get the entire picture for the
driving cycle.[6]

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Shodhsamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research
Vol. VII, No. 12(IV) : 2021
ISSN: 2277-7067
‘Investigation of an electric assisted bicycle and determination of performance characteristics’’ paper
examines and realizes an alternative design for a front wheel hub direct drive, which utilizes a three-
phase brushless PM motor.[7]

 Majority of the respondents 42% are students.
 Majority of the respondents 70% were Male.
 Majority of the respondents 90% have vehicle.
 Majority of the respondents 95.9% have two wheeler.
 Majority of the respondents 95.9% using they are vehicle in City.
 Majority of the respondents 77.6 % of peoples using they are own vehicle.
 Majority of the respondents 82 % of the people hear about Electric Vehicle.
 Majority of the respondents 58 % interest to owning EV.
 Majority of the respondents 45.7 % choice level of price 50,000.
 Majority of the respondents 32,7 % purchasing Electric Vehicle.
 Majority of the respondents 46 % using batteries charge at home.
 Majority of the respondents 46.9 % want the EV range up to 50-100 km.
 Majority of the respondents 46.9 % using they are EV speed of 100 km.
 Majority of the respondents 50 % want to change batteries there cost want at 5000.
 Majority of the respondents 37.5 % of the people want 30% of government subsidies.

 Drive smoothly. Simply put, lead-footed driving will drain your EV’s battery at an accelerated rate.
 Slow Down. Try to keep your speed under 60mph whenever possible.
 Reduce or even eliminate your fuel costs. Weekly trips to the gas station to fuel up your car are
expensive, especially when the ever-fluctuating price of gasoline is high.
 Reduce emission to help the environment
 It’s better to let the capacity run down to 10 or 20%, then recharge to around 80%.
 Current electric vehicles travel about 250 miles on a charge, though there are some, such as teslas, that
can do about 350 miles on a charge.

The process that the electric vehicle industry has seen in recent years is not only extremely welcomed,
But highly necessary in light of the increasing global greenhouse gas levels.
As and environment analysis sections of this webpage, the benefits of electric vehicles far
surpass the costs. The biggest obstacle to the widespread adoption of electric – powered transportation
is cost related, as gasoline and the vehicles that run on it are readily available, convenient, and less
As is demonstrated in our timeline, we hope that over the course of the next decade
technological advancements and policy changes will help ease the transition from traditional fuel-
powered vehicles.
Additionally, the realization and success of this industry relies heavily on the global population, and
it is our hope that through mass marketing and environmental education programs people will feel
incentivized and empowered to drive an electric-powered vehicle.
Each person can make a difference, so go electric and help make a difference.

 Kyle, Chester R. Racing with the sun: the 1990 World Solar Challenge. Warrendale, Pa., Society of
Automotive Engineers, c1991. 166 p.

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Shodhsamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research
Vol. VII, No. 12(IV) : 2021
ISSN: 2277-7067
Published with the cooperation of Energy Promotions, Australia, and
Department of Energy, United States of America.
 MacKenzie, James J., and Michael P. Walsh. Driving forces: motor vehicle trends and their
implications for global warming, energy strategies and transportation planning. Washington, World
Resources Institute, 1990. 50 p.
 Nesbitt, Kevin, Daniel Sperling, and Mark DeLuchi. Initial assessment of roadway-powered electric
vehicles. In Global warming: transportation and energy considerations, 1990. Washington,
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1990. (Transportation research record,
no. 1267) p. 41-55.
Perrin, Noel. Fifty miles at a clip: life with an electric car. New York, Norton, 1992.
 ower sources for electric vehicles. Edited by B. D. McNicol, and D. A. J. Rand. Amsterdam, New
York, Elsevier, 1984. 1066 p. (Studies in electrical and electronic engineering, 11)
 Unnewehr, L. E., and S. A. Nasar. Electric vehicle technology. New York, Wiley, c1982. 256 p.
 Woods, Clinton Edgar. The electric automobile. Chicago, New York, H. S. Stone, 1900. 177 p.
 Battery technology handbook. Edited by H. A. Kiehne. New York, M. Dekker, c1989. 519 p.
(Electrical engineering and electronics, no. 60
 Crompton, T. R. Battery reference book. London, Boston, Butterworths, 1990. 1 v. (various pagings)
 Handbook of batteries and fuel cells. David Linden, editor i n chief. New York, McGraw-Hill, c1984.
1 v. (various pagings)
 Hills, Stanley Moncoeur. Battery-electric vehicles. London, G. Newnes limited, 1943. 232 p.
 Mantell, C. L. Batteries and energy systems. New York, McGraw-Hill, c1983. 319 p.
 Modern batteries: an introduction to electrochemical power sources. Colin A. Vincent and others.
London, Baltimore, E. Arnold, 1984. 264 p.
 Electric and hybrid vehicle technology. Warrendale, Pa., Society of Automotive Engineers, c1992. 91
p. (SP-915)
 Papers presented at the International Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 24-28, 1992.
 Electric vehicle design and development. Warrendale, Pa., Society of Automotive Engineers, c1991.
116 p. (SP-862)
 International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, Feb. 25-Mar. 1, 1991.

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