5.3 RCC Structures-1 B5
5.3 RCC Structures-1 B5
5.3 RCC Structures-1 B5
M30 10 8 1 bending
compression = 3
Permissible stresses in steel reinforcement ( Tabel 22)
This method was introduced as an alternative to WSM
in the ACI code in 1956 and the British Code in 1957,
and subsequently in the Indian Code (IS 456) in 1964.
Based on ultimate load (UL) = working load multiplied
by load factor
Non linear stress strain of the concrete
Limit State Design method (LSD/LSM)
Originated from ultimate and plastic design From 1975 till now
A limit state is a state of impending failure, beyond which a
structure ceases to perform its intended function satisfactorily, in
terms of either safety or serviceability; i.e., it either collapses or
becomes unserviceable.
Both safety and serviceability within acceptable limit
This is probabilistic approach
Design should ensure both safety and serviceability
1. Limit state of collapse/ultimate limit state
2. Limit state of serviceability
Limit state of collapse /ultimate limit state
The modules of elasticity of M-25 grade concrete (in N/mm2 ) as per IS: 456-2000 is
assumed as
(A) 36,00
(B) 30,00
(C) 28,500
(D) 25,000
MCQ ON Method of design:
The Tensile strength of concrete to be used in the design of reinforced concrete
members is ,
(A) 0.2√𝑓𝑐𝑘
(B) 0.1 √𝑓𝑐𝑘
(C) zero
(D) 0.7 √𝑓𝑐𝑘
Which of the following IS Code has described about working stress design method?
a) IS 10626
b) IS 456
c) IS 4031
d) IS 800
Which of the following equation expresses the working stress method for reinforced
a) μR > 4L b) μR > (L / 2) c) μR > 2L d) μR > L
MCQ ON Method of design:
Which of the following method takes into account the serviceability requirements?
a) Working Stress method
b) Ultimate Load method
c) Limit State method
d) Load Factor method
Which of the following equation expresses the modular ratio (m) for working stress
a) (290/4 σcb) b) (290/3 σcb) c) (280/4 σcb) d) (280/3 σcb)
1.5(D + Eq) or
*0.9D+1.5 Eq.
Typical stress strain curve for concrete Idealized stress strain curve (code idealized)
in compression
• The curve of concrete begins with parabolic
• Beyond 0.2% strain, the stress remains constan with
increasing load until a strain of 0.35%
• When the 0.35% strain is reached the concrete is said to
be failed
Limit state of Collapse: Flexure
Assumptions: (Cl 38.1 IS 456:2000)
a. Plane section remains plane after bending
b. The maximum strain in concrete at the outermost compression fibre is taken as 0.0035 in bending
c. The tensile strength of the concrete is ignored
d. The relation between the compressive stress distribution in concrete and the strain in concrete may
be assumed to be rectangle, trapezoidal, parabola or any other shape which results in prediction of
strength in substantial agreement with the result of tests. For design purpose the compressive
strength of the concrete in the structure shall be assumed as 0.67 times the characteristic strength.
The partial factor shall be applied in additional to this i.e. γm = 1.5, So that σc = 0.44 fck
e. The stress in the reinforcement bars is derived from the representative stress strain
curve for the type of steel used.
f. The maximum strain in steel in tension in the section at failure shall not be less than:
𝑓𝑦 0.87𝜎𝑦
𝜀𝑠 ≥ + 0.002 = + 0.002
1.15𝐸𝑠 𝐸𝑠
σy = fy = characteristic strength of the reinforcement steel Es = modulus of elasticity for
the steel
Moment of Resistance (MOR)
Consider a simply supported beam subjected to bending moment under factored loads. For equilibrium
total force of compression must be equal to total force of tension.
Below the NA tension exist, so the concrete is assumed to be cracked so that all the tension should
be taken by steel
It is assumed stress in all the bars is equal
Resultant tensile force thus act at the centroid of the rebar's
The depth from the extreme compression fibre to the centroid of the tensile force is termed as
effective depth d.
Moment of Resistance (MOR)
From Strain
diagram above
0.0035 0.002
𝑋 𝑋1
𝑋1 = 7
𝑋2 =
stress is rectangular for
concrete up to X2 and
for the distance of X1 from
NA the stress distribution is
Force on the compression side:
i. Force on parabolic portion (C1)
C1 = Area × Stress = (2/3) (b) (4X/7) (0.446 σck )
C1 = 0.1699 σck b X (i)
ii. Force on rectangular portion (C2)
C2 = Area × Stress = b (3x/7) (0.446 σck )
C2 = 0.191 b X σck (ii)
iii. Total force of compression on the concrete is (C)
C = C1+C2
C = 0.36 σck b X (iii)
The depth of the neutral axis (X) can be determined as:
Considering the equilibrium of normal forces i.e.
Resultant of compression (C) = resultant of Tension (T)
0.36 σck b X = 0.87 σy Ast
0.87 𝜎 𝑦 𝐴 𝑠𝑡
0.36 𝜎 𝑐𝑘 𝑏
Where, Ast is area of steel in tension
Determination of the lever arm (z):
0.87 𝜎 𝑦 𝐴 𝑠𝑡 𝜎 𝑦 𝐴 𝑠𝑡
Lever arm (z) = d – a = d- 0.42 X = d- 0.42 ( ) = d-
0.36 𝜎 𝑐𝑘 𝑏 𝜎 𝑐𝑘 𝑏
Moment of Resistance w.r.t concrete (Mc) = C × z = 0.36 σck b x z
And moment of resistance w.r.t steel (Mt) = T × z = 0.87 σy Ast z
Maximum depth of neutral axis (Limiting value of Neutral axis)
Based on the assumption given above, an expression for the depth of the neutral axis at the
ultimate limit state can be easily obtained from the strain diagram in Fig below considering
similar triangles in strain diagram.
Maximum depth of neutral axis (Limiting value of Neutral axis)
0.002+ 0.87𝜎 𝑦
0.0035 𝐸𝑠
= (xii)
𝑥𝑚 𝑑−𝑥 𝑚
From equation (xii)
0.0035d-0.0035xm = 0.002 xm +xm (0.87σy/Es)
0.0035d = xm (0.0055 + (0.87σy/Es))
𝑥𝑚 0.0035
= (xiii)
𝑑 0.87𝜎𝑦
0.0055 + 𝐸𝑠 Table Maximum depth of neutral axis: IS 456:2000 Cl 38
Grade of Steel (xm/d) (xm/d)
FE 550 0.44
r, 0.44d
Failure Modes:
A. Balanced section
o Maximum strain in the two materials reach simultaneously (concrete and steel)
o A sudden failure would occur with less alarming deflections
Under reinforced section
If the amount of steel kept is less than that in the balanced condition
The neutral axis moves upward to satisfy the equilibrium condition
In this condition center of gravity of the compression section also shift upward.
Under increasing bending moment the steel is strained beyond the yield point and the maximum strain in
concrete remains less than 0.35%. On further loading the strain in the section increase, once steel has
yielded it does not taken any additional The failure is called tension failure.
Over reinforced section
If steel is kept more than in the balanced section condition
The NA tends to move downward and strain in steel remain in the elastic region.
Thus to maintain equilibrium in tension and compression neutral axis shifts downwards.
In this process neutral axis further shift downward until the maximum strain in concrete reaches its ultimate
value, that is 0.35% and concrete crushes. The steel is still well within elastic limit. Such a beam is referred
to as an over reinforced beam and failure as a compression failure.
A. Balanced section
o Maximum strain in the two materials reach simultaneously (concrete and steel)
o A sudden failure would occur with less alarming deflections
B. Under reinforced section
• If the amount of steel kept is less than that in the balanced condition
C. Over reinforced section
• If steel is kept more than in the balanced section condition
Limiting value of tension steel and Moment of resistance:
Since the maximum depth of the neutral axis is limited so the maximum value of the
moment of the resistance is also limited. Its value for a singly reinforced rectangular
section is given as:
MOR with respect to concrete = Mlim = 0.36 σck b x z = 0.36 σck b xm (d-0.42 xm) (xiv)
MOR with respect to steel = Mlim = 0.87 σy Ast z = 0.87 σy Ast (d-0.42 xm) (xv)
MOR depends upon the grade of concrete and grade of steel used in the beam
From equation (xiv) for different grade of concrete and steel the limiting reinforcement is
given as
Grade of % of tensile steel
Concrete, σck
Fe250 Fe415 Fe500 Fe550
In a beam section if steel reinforcement is of such a magnitude that the permissible stress in
concrete and steel are developed simultaneously, the section is known as
a)Balanced section
b)Critical section
c)Economical section
d)Any one of these
The section in which concrete is not fully stressed to its permissible value when
stress in steel reaches its maximum value, is called
(a) under – reinforced section (b) over – reinforced section
(c) critical section (d) balanced section
The neutral axis of a balanced section is called
(a) balanced neutral axis (b) critical neutral axis (Ans)
(c) equivalent neutral axis (d) all of these
For a balanced section , the moment of resistance obtained from compressive force
will be ……… the moment of resistance obtained from the tensile force.
a) Greater than
b) Less than
c) Equal to
d) d) none
The moment of resistance of an under reinforced section is computed on the basis of
a) Compressive force developed in concrete
b) Both (a) and (b)
c) None of these
d) Tensile force developed in steel
The types of failure in which stress concrete and steel reaches its permissible value at
a time is called balance failure . At this stage location of neutral axis is
a ) above the critical neutral axis
b ) match with critical neutral axis
c ) below the critical neutral axis
d ) all of the above
Design of RC Beam and Slab Section
I. When depth of the section is restricted and the strength available from a SRS is inadequate.
II. At a section of continuous beam or slab, where BM changes sign.
III.In the designed section of Circular beam in plan.
IV.If the members are in stress reversal condition.
Minimum and maximum amounts of tension reinforcement in DRS beam are the same as in
SRS beam. 𝑨𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝟒% 𝒐𝒇 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒍 𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒎
General Design Requirements for Beam (as per IS456-2000
Longitudinal Reinforcement:
1. Minimum nominal cover, 𝑪𝐦𝐢𝐧 ≮ 𝟐𝟓𝒎𝒎 or (∅)𝐦𝒂𝒙 of main bar which is greater.
2. Diameter, (∅𝒍)𝒎𝒊𝒏≮ 𝟏𝟐𝒎𝒎
3. For main reinforcement,(𝐀𝐬𝒕)𝐦𝐢𝐧 ≮ 𝐟𝐲
• 𝒇𝒚 = 𝟒𝟏𝟓 𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐
b. Diagonal tension shear failure, where the strength of the beam in diagonal tension is
lower than its strength in flexure. It occurs due to maximum shear and minimum
bending moment. Angle of failure plane with horizontal is 450.
c. Diagonal compression shear failure occurs due to excessive shear force and
minimum bending moment near to support. In this failure concrete is in crushing.
Shear Stirrups of RC Beam:
• Steel bars vertically placed around the tensile reinforcement at suitable
spacing along the length of the beam.
• Free ends of the stirrups are anchored in the compression zone of
the beam to the anchor bars (hanger bar) or the compressive reinforcement.
• Depending upon the magnitude of the shear force to be resisted the vertical
stirrups may be one legged, two legged, four legged Need to use closely
spaced stirrups for better prevention of the dia gonal cracks.
• Spacing of stirrups near the supports is less as compared to spacing near
the mid-span since shear force is maximum at the supports.
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2.The diameter of the steel used for making stirrups varies from 6
mm to 10 mm.
3.Stirrups are bent around the tension reinforcement and the
compression reinforcement in the form of a loop. This reduces
the chances of slippage during tension.
4.The hook forming the free ends of stirrups are always provided
in the compression zone.
5.The magnitude of shear force (V1), to he resisted, decides the
number of legs of stirrups e.g., stirrups can be single legged,
two legged, four legged
1.In case of simply supported beams, the bending moment is
maximum at centre and gradually reduces to zero at the
2.Tensile reinforcement (longitudinal bars) can be bent up near
the support where they are no longer required to resist the
bending moment. Bars can be bent up at the same cross section
or at different cross sections along the length of the beam.
3.Combination of vertical stirrups and bent up bars is generally
used in case of heavily loaded beams.
Both bent up bars and vertical stirrups are used for resisting the
shear forces or stresses.
The development length in tension in Fe 415 bars when used with M20 grade of concrete is
(A) 68 times the nominal dia. Of bar
(B) 51 times the nominal dia. Of bar
(C) 47 times the nominal dia. Of bar
(D) 78 times the nominal dia. Of bar
A T-beam behaves like a rectangular beam of width equal to its flange, if neutral axis
(a) remains outside the flange
(b) remains within the flange
(c) remains below the slab
(d) both (a) and (b)
MCQ on T-beam
The side face reinforcement, if required, in a T-beam will be
(a) 0.1 % of the web area
(b) 0.15 % of the web area
(c) 0.2 % to 0.3 % of the web area depending upon the breadth of the slab
(d) half the longitudinal reinforcement