Belongs within: Grassatores.
Contains: Stenostygninae, Hinzuanius, Metabiantes, Biantes, Samoidae, Stygnomma.
The Samooidea are a group of laniatorean harvestmen found in Africa and the Neotropics that commonly possess a scopula and a sexually dimorphic metatarsus III (Sharma & Giribet 2011). Families of the Samooidea include the Biantidae, in which the eyes are not borne on a central eyemound but widely separated on the carapace.
See also: Biantidae: the importance of titillators.
<==Samooidea [Biantoidea]
|--Biantidae [Biantoidae, Hinzuanidae] SG11
| |--Zairebiantes Kauri 1985 S92 [Zairebiantinae KPG07]
| | `--*Z. microphthalmus Kauri 1985 S92
| |--Lacurbsinae KSP-G15
| | |--Lacurbs Sørensen 1896 S92 [Lacurbsinae KPG07]
| | | |--L. nigrimana Roewer 1912 [=L. nigrimanus] S92
| | | `--L. spinosa Sørensen 1896 S92
| | |--Eulacurbs Roewer 1949 KSP-G15, S92
| | | `--*E. paradoxa Roewer 1949 S92
| | |--Metalacurbs Roewer 1914 KSP-G15, S92
| | | |--*M. simoni Roewer 1915 S92, KSP-G15
| | | |--M. cornipes (Roewer 1958) [=Prolacurbs cornines (l. c.)] S92
| | | |--M. oedipus (Roewer 1958) [=Prolacurbs oedipus] S92
| | | `--M. villiersi (Roewer 1953) [=Prolacurbs villiersi] S92
| | `--Prolacurbs Roewer 1949 KSP-G15, S92
| | `--*P. singularis Roewer 1949 S92
| |--Stenostygninae P-GAB09
| `--Biantinae KPG07
| |--Hinzuanius R23
| |--Metabiantes KPG07
| |--Eubiantes Roewer 1915 R23, S92
| | `--*E. africanus Roewer 1915 S92
| |--Acudorsum Loman 1902 R23, S92
| | `--*A. albimanum Loman 1902 S92
| |--Hoplobiantes Roewer 1915 R23
| |--Cryptobiantes Kauri 1961 K61
| | `--*C. protector Kauri 1961 S92
| |--Fageibiantes Roewer 1949 KPG07, S92
| | |--*F. bicornis (Fage 1946) [=Biantes bicornis, Fageibantes (l. c.) bicornis] S92
| | `--F. bispina Lawrence 1959 [=Fageibantes (l. c.) bispina] S92
| |--Biantessus Roewer 1949 K61, S92
| | |--*B. nigrotarsus (Lawrence 1933) [=Metabiantes nigrotarsus] S92
| | `--B. vertebralis (Lawrence 1933) S92 [=Metabiantes vertebralis S92, *Biantanius vertebralis L63]
| |--Biantes S89
| |--Monobiantes Lawrence 1962 L62
| | `--*M. benoiti Lawrence 1962 S92
| |--Biantomma Roewer 1942 L62, S92
| | `--*B. nigrospinosum Roewer 1942 S92
| |--Clinobiantes Roewer 1927 L62, S92
| | `--*C. paradoxus Roewer 1927 S92
| |--Biantella Roewer 1927 L62, S92
| | `--*B. reticulata Roewer 1927 S92
| |--Anaceros Lawrence 1959 KSP-G15
| | |--*A. humilis Lawrence 1959 S92
| | |--A. anodonta Lawrence 1959 S92
| | |--A. canidens Lawrence 1959 S92
| | `--A. pauliani Lawrence 1959 S92
| |--Hirstienus Roewer 1949 KSP-G15, SPG11
| | `--*H. nanus (Hirst 1913) [=Phalangodes nanus] SPG11
| |--Hovanoceros Lawrence 1959 KSP-G15, S92
| | `--*H. bison Lawrence 1959 S92
| |--Ivobiantes Lawrence 1965 KSP-G15, S92
| | `--*I. spinipalpis Lawrence 1965 S92
| |--Malgaceros Lawrence 1959 KSP-G15, KP-G15
| | `--*M. boviceps Lawrence 1959 S92
| |--Probiantes croceus Roewer 1927 KSP-G15
| `--Tetebius Roewer 1949 KSP-G15, KP-G15
| `--*T. latibunus Roewer 1949 S92
`--+--Samoidae SG11
`--Stygnommatidae SG11
|--Stygnomma SG11
`--Stygnomimus Roewer 1927 SG11, KP-G15
|--*S. conopygus Roewer 1927 [=Stignomimus conopygus] KP-G15
`--S. malayensis Suzuki 1969 [=Stignomimus malayensis] KP-G15
Nomen nudum: Lacurbs fernandopoensis Prieto 1999 SP10
*Type species of generic name indicated
[K61] Kauri, H. 1961. Opiliones. In: Hanström, B., P. Brinck & G. Rudebeck. South African Animal Life: Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950–1951 vol. 8 pp. 9–197. Almqvist & Wiksell: Uppsala.
[KPG07] Kury, A. B., & Pérez González, A. 2007. Biantidae Thorell, 1889. In: Pinto-da-Rocha, R., G. Machado & G. Giribet (eds) Harvestmen: The Biology of Opiliones pp. 176–179. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).
[KP-G15] Kury, A. B., & A. Pérez-González. 2015. A companion to part 2 of the world checklist of Opiliones species (Arachnida): Laniatores—Samooidea, Zalmoxoidea and Grassatores incertae sedis. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e6663.
[KSP-G15] Kury, A. B., D. R. Souza & A. Pérez-González. 2015. World checklist of Opiliones species (Arachnida). Part 2: Laniatores—Samooidea, Zalmoxoidea and Grassatores incertae sedis. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e6482.
[L62] Lawrence, R. F. 1962. Resultats scientifiques des missions zoologiques de l'I.R.S.A.C. en Afrique orientale (P. Basilewsky et N. Leleup, 1957). LXXIV. Opiliones. Annales du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale: Sciences Zoologiques 110: 9–89.
[L63] Lawrence, R. F. 1963. The Opiliones of the Transvaal. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 24 (4): 275–304.
[P-GAB09] Pérez-González, A., & A. Alegre Barroso. 2009. On the enigmatic Heterolacurbs ovalis Roewer, 1912 (Opiliones, Laniatores, Biantidae). Zootaxa 2269: 65–67.
[R23] Roewer, C.-F. 1923. Die Weberknechte der Erde: Systematische Bearbeitung der bisher bekannnten Opiliones. Gustav Fischer: Jena.
[SP10] Santos, R., & C. E. Prieto. 2010. Los Assamiidae (Opiliones: Assamiidae) de RÃo Muni (Guinea Ecuatorial), con la descripción de ocho nuevas especies. Revista de Biologia Tropical 58 (1): 203–243.
[SG11] Sharma, P. P. & G. Giribet. 2011. The evolutionary and biogeographic history of the armoured harvestmen—Laniatores phylogeny based on ten molecular markers, with the description of two new families of Opiliones (Arachnida). Invertebrate Systematics 25: 106–142.
[SPG11] Sharma, P. P., C. E. Prieto & G. Giribet. 2011. A new family of Laniatores (Arachnida: Opiliones) from the Afrotropics. Invertebrate Systematics 25: 143–154.
[S89] StarÄ™ga, W. 1989. Harvestmen (Opiliones) from the Mascarene Islands Indian Ocean and resurrection of the family Zalmoxidae. Annals of the Natal Museum 30: 1–8.
[S92] StarÄ™ga, W. 1992. An annotated check-list of Afrotropical harvestmen, excluding the Phalangiidae (Opiliones). Annals of the Natal Museum 33 (2): 271–336.
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