Pearson Edexcel International GCSE ICT (9-1) Lesson Plans

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Pearson Edexcel International GCSE ICT (9-1) Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan 1:
Potential risks to data and information, and methods
available to secure data and information

Objectives Resources
● To increase knowledge and understanding of potential Current thinking on
risks to data and personal information when information is major reasons for
transmitted and stored digitally, and methods used to loss of data; starter
secure this. activity:
● To be able to use, and select, suitable software to https://www.imobie
meet needs. .com/support/top-
Transferable skills loss.htm
You may wish to talk your students through the skills that they
will acquire in this lesson, to enable them to draw on and http://www.databac
demonstrate these skills in the future.
Intrapersonal skills: ta_Loss
● Intellectual interest and curiosity (Identifying a problem
under own initiative, planning a solution and carrying this International GCSE
out.) Specification
● Integrity (Taking ownership for own work and willingly Information and
responds to questions and challenges) Communication
Interpersonal skills Technology (ICT) (9-
● Communication (Communicating ideas and techniques
using ICT tools, verbally or in documents, to peers and
teachers and answer questions from others)
● Collaboration (Carrying out a peer review to provide
supportive feedback to another)
● Teamwork (working with other students in an ICT based
problem-solving exercise)
● Co-operation (sharing own resources and own learning
techniques with other students)
● Interpersonal skills (using verbal and non-verbal
communication skills in discussions about IT issues)
● Responsibility (taking responsibility for the outcomes of a
team exercise even if one is not solely responsible for the
● Self-presentation (Presenting outcomes of a group or
individual task to the whole class)
Cognitive skills
● Critical thinking (Using many different pieces of
information from ICT and synthesise this information to
make judgements)

● Problem solving (apply the principles and concepts of ICT
in different contexts)
● Interpretation (Developing the ability to correctly explain
the meaning of a question or idea in the fields of global
politics, economic development and new technologies, and
to provide fully relevant answers to any questions posed)
● Adaptive learning (By its very nature, ICT is a vehicle for
adaptive learning. Using skills, knowledge and
understanding acquired to respond to new and innovative
technologies and methods of communication)
● Innovation (Using a novel strategy to apply existing
knowledge of ICT concepts inn unaccustomed situations)

For this lesson teachers should familiarise themselves with these specification

3.1.1 Be aware of risks to data and information

3.1.2 Know about methods available to secure data and personal information online

5.1.1 Use the following software effectively: word processing, database management,
spreadsheet, web authoring, presentation (multimedia), graphics

5.1.2 Select appropriate software applications to meet needs.

This lesson is synoptic, and covers topics for the Paper 1 written examination, and
Paper 2 the practical paper.

Divide class into small groups:
 Each group should spend 5-10 minutes discussing what they think are the
most common ways of losing data
Collect the information from each group and note on whiteboard.
Review information collected from starter. It is likely that some misconceptions
will be offered, e.g. cyberattacks, but more common are hardware/software
malfunction and human error. See resources column for more information.

Intellectual interest and curiosity, integrity, communication, teamwork,

interpersonal skills, responsibility, self-presentation, critical thinking,

Main lesson
Introduce lesson objectives.

Show 3.1.1 in the specification, and remind students that as well as the information
they have gathered in the starter, the specification requires them to know about all
the risks listed.

Show 3.1.2, and explain the main part of the lesson will be to research and present
information on some of the methods in 3.1.2.

Research methods
Split students into groups to cover these methods:
1. Passwords
2. PIN
3. Biometrics
4. CAPTCHA tests
5. security questions
6. anti-malware
7. anti-virus
8. anti-adware
9. anti-spyware
Ask each group to research the methods and make notes using notepad/Word Pad or
an equivalent text editor (not word-processing, presentation software etc).
Each group should find 3 sources of information (online, printed) and create a
bibliography of these sources as part of their notes. One format for a website might

Website:, July 2017

Format findings:
Each group should then be assigned one of these software applications and format
the notes they have taken (including the bibliography) using the application.

a) word processing
b) database management
c) spreadsheet
d) web authoring
e) presentation (multimedia)
f) graphics

Present findings:
Each group should then present their findings to the rest of the class.
As they do, each student should decide individually, the best application for
presenting the information.

Analyse the suitability of the applications ratings:
Compile on the board by list the applications and adding a tally for each one. Get
individual students to do this, one for each application at a time.

Ask individual students to justify their score.

Integrity, communication, teamwork, co-operation, interpersonal skills,

responsibility, self-presentation, critical thinking, problem solving, interpretation,
adaptive learning, innovation.

Encourage discussion on the lesson, e.g.:
 how easy was it to find information?
 Were there any problems in rewriting the content in their own words?
 did the software used to present affect how well the theory was presented?
 What were the benefits/problems of working in teams?

Intellectual interest and curiosity, Integrity, communication, collaboration, co-

operation, interpersonal skills, responsibility, self-presentation, critical thinking,
interpretation, adaptive learning, innovation.

Lesson Plan 2:
Using digital devices in today’s society – gathering data
and information

Lesson plan 2 comes before lesson plan 3.
 In lesson plan 2 students discuss and debate the content then create a survey.
 The survey is then completed before lesson plan 3.
 In lesson plan 3 students analyse the survey results to find:
o The most popular digital device, by age group
o The amount of time spent using the most popular device
o The amount of time they spend using of social media
o Using the information they have, evaluate the impact of the use of time
on themselves, their family/friends, and society
If preferred, lesson plan 2 can be a standalone lesson.

Objective Resources
● To create a survey to collect data on the use of digital
devices, connectivity of these devices, and how the use of
International GCSE
digital devices impacts individuals and society. Specification
Information and
Transferable skills Communication
You may wish to talk your students through the skills that they Technology (ICT) (9-
will acquire in this lesson, to enable them to draw on and 1)
demonstrate these skills in the future.
Intrapersonal skills:
● Intellectual interest and curiosity (Identifying a problem
under own initiative, planning a solution and carrying this
● Integrity (Taking ownership for own work and willingly
responds to questions and challenges)
Interpersonal skills
● Communication (Communicating ideas and techniques
using ICT tools, verbally or in documents, to peers and
teachers and answer questions from others)
● Collaboration (Carrying out a peer review to provide
supportive feedback to another)
● Teamwork (working with other students in an ICT based
problem-solving exercise)
● Co-operation (sharing own resources and own learning
techniques with other students)
● Interpersonal skills (using verbal and non-verbal
communication skills in discussions about IT issues)
● Responsibility (taking responsibility for the outcomes of a
team exercise even if one is not solely responsible for the
● Self-presentation (Presenting outcomes of a group or
individual task to the whole class)
Cognitive skills
● Critical thinking (Using many different pieces of
information from ICT and synthesise this information to
make judgements)
● Problem solving (apply the principles and concepts of ICT
in different contexts)
● Interpretation (Developing the ability to correctly explain
the meaning of a question or idea in the fields of global
politics, economic development and new technologies, and
to provide fully relevant answers to any questions posed)
● Adaptive learning (By its very nature, ICT is a vehicle for
adaptive learning. Using skills, knowledge and
understanding acquired to respond to new and innovative
technologies and methods of communication)
● Innovation (Using a novel strategy to apply existing
knowledge of ICT concepts in unaccustomed situations)

For this lesson students should be experienced in using the spreadsheet skills in:

6.3 Spreadsheet skills.

Teachers should familiarise themselves with this content which is covered in the

1.1 Types of digital devices

2.4 Benefits of using a LAN/home network

3.2 - 3.9 Operating online

5.2 Data and information

5.3 Using software applications

This lesson is synoptic, and covers topics for the Paper 1 written examination, and
Paper 2 the practical paper.

Ask each student to note down all the digital devices that they personally use.
Join with a partner and compare results. Update individual lists if necessary (for
example they may have forgotten to include household devices which include
Join up with another pair, compare and update again.

Present Appendix A of this plan on the board (the list is compiled from 1.1 Types
of digital devices).
Encourage discussion, e.g. is age relevant here? Is prosperity?

Intellectual interest and curiosity, integrity, communication, collaboration,

teamwork, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, problem solving.

Main lesson
Introduce lesson objective.
Explain that each student is going to create a survey which will cover the lesson

 Lead a discussion on the difference between data and information - use data
collected in the starter to define the difference.
 Now gather thoughts from the class as a whole about what might be included
in the survey – there are suggestions in Appendix B at the end of this lesson

Choose software application:

Ask the class what the most appropriate software is to collect the data, then analyse
and present as information (so, fit for purpose).
There may be several options given here; point out that a spreadsheet can be used
to collect data, making good use of formatting to create a survey questionnaire.
That data can then analysed, using formulae, graphs and charts.

Create survey:
Note: Appendix B can be used as a teacher prompt.
Each student should now create their survey.
 When they have finished, each student should get feedback from 2 peers
(separately) and update accordingly.
 They should then plan who they are going to survey (friends? family? street
survey?) and how they are going to do it (paper? electronically?).

Intellectual interest and curiosity, Integrity, communication, teamwork, co-

operation, interpersonal skills, responsibility, self-presentation, critical thinking,
problem solving, interpretation, adaptive learning, innovation.

Ask individual students to describe briefly their plan to the class.
 Question the class as a whole about any concerns?
 Reassure/share solutions between teacher and students.
Set date for survey completion.

Briefly explain what will happen in the next lesson:

 Data entry of results
 Analyse results (formulae, charts, graphs)
Using the information they have, evaluate the impact of how they use digital
devices on themselves, their family/friends, and society

Intellectual interest and curiosity, Integrity, communication, collaboration,

interpersonal skills, responsibility, self-presentation, critical thinking, interpretation,
adaptive learning.

Appendix A:
List of digital devices:

 household products such as washing machines with embedded


 laptop and desktop computers.

 mobile phones;

 smartphones

 specialist phones

 tablet devices.

 cameras and camcorders

 games consoles

 home entertainment systems

 media players.

 navigation aids

 ‘multifunctional’ devices (e.g. mobile phones that include a camera,

have limited game playing functionality and GPS)

 ‘convergence’ (e.g. functionality of smartphones and tablet devices

becomes more similar) in the context of digital devices.

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Appendix B:
Some suggestions on what to include in the survey:

 Include the list from Appendix A

 Ask what purpose the device is used for

 Do they have a preferred device?

 How much time to they spend using devices? May need to split by type
of device or purpose

 Who paid/pays for the device

 How do they connect to the internet?

 Do they back up their data? If so, how?

 Do they/would they like to work from home? Why?

 Do they use social media/online communities? How much time do they

spend on this?

 What the impact of the internet on:

o themselves
o their family
o friends
o organisations
o society

Some thoughts on how to create the survey

 Ask a varied age group

 At least 10 people should be surveyed, ideally up to 20

 Work out how to ask the questions, e.g.

o Yes/no
o Scale (1 – 10, or descriptive)
o If they leave space for general comments, remember that this is
not measurable for analysis.

 Be careful not to influence answers in the question or in the way they

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talk. E.g. don’t assume nobody over the age of 30 plays games!

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Lesson Plan 3:
Using digital devices in today’s society – gathering data
and information

Lesson plan 3 follows on from lesson plan 2. Students should have collected data
from their surveys before this lesson.

However, this can be used as a standalone lesson using a different dataset; these can
be found easily on the world wide web by using a search engine.

Objective Resources
● To analyse and interpret data collected from conducting
their survey, finding out: International GCSE
 The most popular digital device, by age group Specification
Information and
 The amount of time spent using the most popular Communication
device Technology (ICT) (9-
 The amount of time they spend using of social media 1)
 Using the information they have, evaluate the
impact of how they use digital devices on
themselves, their family/friends, and society

Transferable skills
Intrapersonal skills:
● Intellectual interest and curiosity (Identifying a problem
under own initiative, planning a solution and carrying this
● Integrity (Taking ownership for own work and willingly
responds to questions and challenges)
Interpersonal skills
● Communication (Communicating ideas and techniques
using ICT tools, verbally or in documents, to peers and
teachers and answer questions from others)
● Collaboration (Carrying out a peer review to provide
supportive feedback to another)
● Teamwork (working with other students in an ICT based
problem-solving exercise)
● Co-operation (sharing own resources and own learning
techniques with other students)
● Interpersonal skills (using verbal and non-verbal
communication skills in discussions about IT issues)
● Responsibility (taking responsibility for the outcomes of a
team exercise even if one is not solely responsible for the
13 | P a g e
● Self-presentation (Presenting outcomes of a group or
individual task to the whole class)

Cognitive skills
● Critical thinking (Using many different pieces of
information from ICT and synthesise this information to
make judgements)
● Problem solving (apply the principles and concepts of ICT
in different contexts)
● Interpretation (Developing the ability to correctly explain
the meaning of a question or idea in the fields of global
politics, economic development and new technologies, and
to provide fully relevant answers to any questions posed)
● Adaptive learning (By its very nature, ICT is a vehicle for
adaptive learning. Using skills, knowledge and
understanding acquired to respond to new and innovative
technologies and methods of communication)
● Innovation (Using a novel strategy to apply existing
knowledge of ICT concepts in unaccustomed situations)

For this lesson students should be experienced in using the spreadsheet skills in:

6.3 Spreadsheet skills.

Teachers should familiarise themselves with this content:

1.2 Types of digital devices

2.4 Benefits of using a LAN/home network

3.2 - 3.9 Operating online

5.2 Data and information

5.3 Using software applications

This lesson is synoptic, and covers topics for the Paper 1 written examination, and
Paper 2 the practical paper.

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Ask all students to note down:
 one surprising thing that happened when they were conducting the survey
 one surprising comment they were given
 one thing they would change then next time they do a survey.
Have a bean bag ready, throw (gently!) at first student who will give their 3 points.
That student should then throw to another student, and so on until all the students
have responded.

Intellectual interest and curiosity, integrity, communication, collaboration,

teamwork, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, problem solving.

Main lesson
Introduce lesson objective, which is the task they should complete in the lesson.

Discussion – data entry, analysis and interpretation:

Split students into small groups. Set a short time limit, e.g. 5 minutes to discuss the
 What is the best way to enter the data (e.g. set up column headings? data
entry forms (note that this is not a skill in 6.3 but may result in less errors)
 what analyses might be done, and how (data types? functions?)
 what are the best chart types to visualise the data as information?
Select a group and ask them what they have discussed. Ask for any additional
thoughts from the other groups.

Enter the data:

Students should then enter their data.

Analyse and draw conclusions:

The lesson objective should be visible to the students as they work.
 Throughout this task remind the students of the task.
 If they get stuck with spreadsheet technical skills, they should ask a peer for
assistance first, then the teacher.
Ideally all students should present their evaluation but if time is an issue then select

The student evaluations can use their spreadsheet data with annotated comments,
or presentation software.

Intellectual interest and curiosity, Integrity, communication, teamwork, co-

operation, interpersonal skills, responsibility, self-presentation, critical thinking,
problem solving, interpretation, adaptive learning, innovation.
15 | P a g e
Ask each individual student to think of one thing they might now change in their use
of digital devices in the future. Use the bean bag technique from the starter activity

Intellectual interest and curiosity, Integrity, communication, collaboration,

interpersonal skills, responsibility, self-presentation, critical thinking, interpretation,
adaptive learning.

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Lesson Plan 4:
Exam technique for extended response questions

Objectives Resources
● To be able to produce a correctly structured Question 5(f) Sample
extended response answer to an examination Assessment Material
question. Paper 1: Written
● To understand what a level based mark scheme is paper.
and how they are applied to extended response
answers. Print a copy of the
question for each
● To increase knowledge and understanding of the student.
topic being assessed.
Have the mark
Transferable skills scheme available
You may wish to talk your students through the skills that electronically.
they will acquire in this lesson, to enable them to draw on and
demonstrate these skills in the future Use ‘pose, pause,
pounce, bounce’
Intrapersonal skills:
● Personal and social responsibility (Appreciate ethical issues
in ICT)
● Intellectual interest and curiosity (Identifying a problem v=i6KCrLNCNT0
under own initiative, planning a solution and carrying this
out.) Getting Started Guide
● Integrity (Taking ownership for own work and willingly (International GCSE
responds to questions and challenges) Information and
● Self-monitoring/self-evaluation/self-reinforcement Communication
(Planning and reviewing own work as a matter of habit) technology (ICT) (9-
1). This document
Interpersonal skills includes definition of
● Communication (Communicating ideas and techniques command words and
using ICT tools, verbally or in documents, to peers and can be found here:
teachers and answer questions from others) https://qualifications.
● Collaboration (Carrying out a peer review to provide
supportive feedback to another) /dam/pdf/Internation
● Co-operation (sharing own resources and own learning al
techniques with other students) %20GCSE/Informatio
● Interpersonal skills (using verbal and non-verbal
communication skills in discussions about IT issues)
Cognitive skills learning-
● Critical thinking (Using many different pieces of materials/int-gcse-
information from ICT and synthesise this information to getting-started-
make judgements) guide-ict.pdf
● Problem solving (apply the principles and concepts of ICT
in different contexts)
● Analysis (Analyse and interpret data and draw conclusions)
17 | P a g e
● Interpretation (Developing the ability to correctly explain
the meaning of a question or idea in the fields of global
politics, economic development and new technologies, and
to provide fully relevant answers to any questions posed)
● Adaptive learning (By its very nature, ICT is a vehicle for
adaptive learning. Using skills, knowledge and
understanding acquired to respond to new and innovative
technologies and methods of communication)

For this lesson students will need knowledge and understanding of the topic being
assessed. This could be imparted using one of these methods:

 In a previous lesson

 In guided research completed as homework in advance of the class (see

example at end of this lesson plan)

 Using flipped learning, where the student has acquired the knowledge and
understanding themselves prior to the lesson. This assumes videos/podcasts
have been created previously.

The main topic in this lesson is online goods and services, specifically streaming and
downloading from entertainment providers. However, an extended response question
is likely to include elements of other topics. These are referenced in the specification

1.1 Types of digital devices

1.3.6 Understand that the purpose of communication software is to provide remote

access to systems and to exchange files and messages in text, images, audio and/or
video formats between different computers

2.5 Securing data on a network, including the internet.

3.8 Implications of the use of digital technologies.

Topic 4 Online goods and services

18 | P a g e
Divide class into groups of 3 or 4 students:
 Ask each group to discuss their use of downloading and streaming
entertainment and make a list of the services they use.
Question each group, and make a list on the board of the services used.

Personal and social responsibility, integrity, communication, co-operation, problem


19 | P a g e
Main lesson
Issue Q5(f) from the SAM Paper 1.

Analyse what the question is asking:

 Give students a few minutes to read and discuss.
 Ask what they think the question is asking for (POSE, PAUSE, POUNCE,
o Challenge answers until agreement reached, e.g. ‘is that all, anything
o Reinforce not yet answering the question.
 Ask for any concerns about answering the question
 Review these concerns by taking suggestions from other students
 Summarise on the board
o Get agreement from all, question all

Review technique for answering the question, explain that:

 Marks are achieved by discussing the factors that should be considered.
‘Discuss’ means ‘compare different points of view, giving evidence for each
one. Should include a conclusion.’ See Getting Started Guide in Resources
 The mark scheme gives ‘indicative content’ (preferred choice of content in this
question content) which should be identified
 Then marks are awarded on how well the answer is constructed – show levels
based mark scheme at the top of page 36 in the mark scheme (don’t show
indicative content). Review with class.

Students identify indicative content:

Split students into pairs.
Ask them to
 Identify the factors that Jasmine should consider before purchasing and
downloading video and music online.
 These factors should be noted.

Now join each pair with another (4 students in each group)

 The group should then discuss the notes they have made so far, and combine
 Encourage students to review their initial factors and review what peers have
contributed, positively.

Now join each group of 4 with another (8 students in each group)

 The group should again discuss the notes they have made so far, and combine
 Encourage students to review their initial factors and review what peers have

20 | P a g e
contributed, positively.
This group combining and sharing should continue until the class is a single group.

 Summarise the points on the board.

 Show the indicative content from the mark scheme and compare with the
points the class has identified.
 Let the students challenge/agree with the indicative points. Note that any
appropriate answer may be accepted.

Answer the question:

 Show the levels based mark scheme at the top page 36 again. Take
questions from students.
 Allow 10 minutes for the students to individually answer the question.
 Show the indicative content on page 35.
 Swap answer with a partner, and mark.

Personal and social responsibility, intellectual interest and curiosity, integrity, self-
monitoring/self-evaluation/self- reinforcement, communication, collaboration, co-
operation, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, problem solving, analysis,
interpretation, adaptive learning

Ask students to note down quickly (first impressions are important):

 One thing they have learned from the lesson

 One thing they are still unsure about and don’t know yet.

Note down on board and use what they don’t know yet as starter for next lesson.

Integrity, Self-monitoring/self-evaluation/self-reinforcement, communication, co-

operation, interpersonal skills, analysis, adaptive learning.

21 | P a g e

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