Module 1 Self Awareness
Module 1 Self Awareness
Module 1 Self Awareness
(CAED 500C)
CAED 500C Week 1 –
Course Coordinator: Rhoda Neileen P. Luayon
Assessment Task Submission of activities and task is on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week
Submission of the class schedule. It will be submitted with a cover page
containing your name, name of your course coordinator, title
of the activity, and the date of submission. The document
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should be sent to the course coordinator through LMS. The
document should be in pdf file.
When the assessment task is done in real time through the
features in the Blackboard Learning Management System, the
schedule shall be arranged ahead of time.
Penalties for Late The score for an assessment item submitted after the
Assignments/Assessments scheduled deadline without approved extension of time, will
be reduced by 5% of the possible maximum score for each day
or part of the day.
Return of Assignments/ Assessment tasks will be returned to you two (2) weeks after
Assessments the submission. It will be returned through email or Blackboard
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Grading System There will be three components that needs to be accomplished
to pass the subject. The grading system shall be divided as
Component A – 30%
Component B – 40%
Component C – 30%
Preferred Referencing Style Depends on the discipline; if uncertain or inadequate, use the
general practice of the APA 6th Edition.
For students who have not created their student email, please
contact the course coordinator or program head.
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CAED 500C Week 1 –
CC’s Voice: Hello Young Professionals! Welcome to this course CAED500 C- Component A (Self-
As part of your readiness to the bigger world of professionals, the university would like
to ensure that you have adequate personal resources. This so called ‘personal
resources’ is deemed indispensable for you to become effective individuals inside and
outside the university. This ‘personal resources’ includes sufficient self-awareness
which comprises your strength and weaknesses, interest and work values, ability to
provide insight out of personal experience, and capacity to balance work and life.
Thus, in this course you are expected to introspect, and become mindful of your innate
potentials and abilities. You will also be required to face, and accept your deepest self
as it becomes a vital aspect of success.
Let us begin!
Week 1: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are better able to understand
Self-awareness. Specifically, you are expected to:
In this section, the most essential term relevant to self-awareness, and to demonstrate ULOa
will be operationally defined to establish a common frame of reference as to how the sense of identity
affects an individual’s awareness of himself/herself. This will also discuss particular advantages, and
disadvantages of identity amidst when one becomes part of a group.
Please proceed immediately to the “Essential Knowledge” part since the first lesson is also
definition of essential terms.
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Self-Awareness is having a clear perception of our personality, including strengths,
weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self-Awareness allows us to understand
other people, how we perceive, our attitude and our responses to them in the moment. We might
quickly assume that we are self-aware, but it isn’t a skill measured in binary of “got it” or “don’t have
it” (on/off) options. It is helpful to have a range of scale for awareness.
Identity also helps us to make decisions and to know how to behave. We're constantly faced
with complex decisions, and circumstances. With no prior beliefs about what we should do, weighing
all the options and making a decision would be near impossible. Having a sense of what kind of person,
you are makes it much easier to decide how you should behave, and have confidence in your choice
between options. This makes decisions that would otherwise be agonizing virtually effortless.
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A strong sense of self is vital, especially in this day and age. With so many external influences,
and variables that can change our lives in an instant, and pull the roots out from where we stand, a
robust sense of self is what keeping individuals grounded, and moving on the right course. A strong
sense of self allows us to go
through any storm we may
encounter without being swayed
by the winds of change. But how
does one go about gaining a
strong sense of self? More
importantly, what is a strong
sense of self?
Believe in Self-belief and self-love are vital to attaining a strong sense of self.
Yourself! Self-belief is the defining factor of a strong sense of self. It is critical for
each person to know who they are, trust in their strengths and abilities,
and know they can accomplish anything they put their minds to and work
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comes from within. With a strong sense of self, you know exactly who
you are and what you are capable of, and no one else is able to tell you
People with a strong sense of who they are able to remain unswayed
by the energy of others. A strong sense of self is first acquired by
maintaining self-belief because confidence in oneself is powerful enough
to overcome all kinds of hardships, struggles, and obstacles that will
inevitably present themselves at one point or another. Individuals who
know who they are and love that individuals are equipped to handle
challenges and difficulties. Self-belief also produces hope and breeds
positive self-fulfilling prophecies. Those who wish to gain a strong sense
of self should first begin by believing in themselves and their abilities.
After this has been achieved, the next step can be taken.
Know When to Believe it or not, knowing when to say no is vital to each person's
Say No! sense of self. Life is abundantly full of distractions, requirements,
demands, and other obligations. Knowing when to turn down certain
people, situations, and requests is imperative to acquiring and
maintaining one's sense of self. The inability to please everyone and
everything by always saying yes are extremely draining and self-
Develop Your Hobbies and interests are healthy, life-enriching activities. Not only
Hobbies and do they reduce stress, boost confidence, and combat boredom, but
Interests! hobbies also allow each person to discover more about who they are
and what they like. Knowledge of self is critical to the perception of
oneself. After all, how can you know who you are if you don't know
what you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Hobbies are also great activities that can help you meet like-minded
people who share similar interests. This, too, helps one gain a strong
sense of self. Friends, associates, and other people with whom you
share time with have a tremendous impact on how you do in life and
how you view yourself. The age-old old saying "you are as good as the
company you keep" remains truer than ever.
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Take Some Time Believing in yourself, knowing how and when to say no, and discovering
for Yourself! your hobbies are all excellent ways to understand and gain a strong
sense of self. However, one of the least commonly discussed yet
ironically obvious ways to gain a good perception of oneself is having
some alone time. This is not to be confused with self-isolation or cutting
off family members, friends, or co-workers, but from time to time,
spending time alone is healthy and greatly contributes to one's sense of
identity as an individual.
Taking time for yourself is easier than it sounds. Occasional alone time
can be as simple as taking a walk in the park, working up a sweat at the
gym, going to see a movie, or even visiting a museum. Options are
plentiful, and how you choose to take time for yourself remains entirely
up to you. However, getting a healthy dosage of solitude allows for self-
reflection, future planning, and a deeper understanding of life. Each of
the aforesaid individual activities will sharpen your self-perception while
improving your quality of life.
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:
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• Identify characteristics and traits, as well as skills and likes that are
similar/different to you, and how have these influence you.
• Identify flaws, conflicts and struggles you and your selection share,
and how would you change and improve them.
• Explain how the selection may guide you toward a higher sense of
self-awareness to attain a self you aspire to be.
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Big Picture in Focus: ULOc. Explore appropriate role models
with whom they can identify
For you to demonstrate ULOc, you are to examine your reflection on possible influences
others have had toward your behavior and general characteristics. You will also identify particular
situations where these influences became beneficial and challenging for your sense of identity and
Girls often identify with other females as role models and copy behaviors, dress, interests and
hobbies. Boys do the same with other males. They often have difficulty finding and relating to
appropriate role models who can help them face the future with a positive, Page 12 of 15 healthy
outlooks. Furthermore, it can be difficult for them to find role models from diverse backgrounds to
whom they can relate. Everyone needs healthy role models who place importance on friendship,
responsibility, decision making, sports, academics, and community service. Positive role models can
help everyone deal with the many complex issues and decisions that are an intrinsic part of growing
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teach us how to live better lives by being highly skilled at something, developing our knowledge, or
putting forth more effort. Role models help us become better versions of ourselves.
To help you create the life you deserve, use your listening and observational skills to notice
others who are living the kind of existence you desire. You might say that a role model is an expert at
being the type of person you hope to be.
Maybe at your office, there’s someone who’s worked in your field for many years and seems
to hold a passion for the type of work you do. You’ve endeavored to work as closely as possible with
them because you’re in awe of their approach to the job. The advantages of having role models are
great. Consistently having those you trust to turn to in a crisis or teach you how to live a better life
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ensures you’ll make your own contributions to the world. For these reasons and more, having role
models is a key to a happy and fulfilling life.
You can learn about how to solve challenges simply by observing others.
It’s helpful to see your role model “in action,” dealing with struggles, so you can see
what they do.
When you admire and look up to someone, you’re sending out positive vibes.
When others realize you look up to and respect someone else, they’ll feel inspired
You can be a better parent, an extra caring friend, and a more effective co-worker.
It’s within your power to live your best life. And having great role models will help you
do it.
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:
*Wiener, L. (n.d). Build your job search network. Retrieved from
* Ziogas, G. (2019). The Importance of Role Models in your Life. Retrieved from
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Direction: Identify three (3) role models you look up to in your life. The role models must be a family
member, a friend, and a public figure (it can be a celebrity, a political person, an artist or a group, and
etc). For each of the role models, identify the positive and negative characteristics and traits you may
benefit and learn from. Expound how you could benefit from each identified positive and negative
characteristics and traits, and how can you learn from their short-comings and setbacks
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