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Article Text
Article Text
January, 27 2021
University Of PGRI Semarang
This research deals with the analysis of figurative language used in Meghan Trainor album
“Title”. This research focus on what are types of figurative language used in song lyrics.
The aims of this research are (1) What kinds of figurative language are found in Meghan
Trainor’s songs? (2) What is the most dominant figurative language found in Meghan
Trainor’s songs? (3) What messages are intended to convey in Meghan Trainor’s songs?
The research method used in this study is qualitative research that is descriptive research.
According to Creswell (2014) qualitative research is an approach for exploring and
understanding the meaning individuals or group ascribe to a social or human problem.
The type of data that used in this research is a qualitative data. The data analyzed in the
research are some written texts. The texts discuss is song taken from Meghan Trainor album
“Title” song lyric. After analyzing the songs of Title song album, the result shows forty
lyrics that used figurative language in all of songs. In this research, the researcher found
twelve types of figurative language that used in songs lyric. There were five for metaphors,
two for alliteration, two for litotes, two for anaphore, two for personification, eight for
hyperbole, eight for simile, two for euphemism, one for assonance, one for symbol, three for
idiomatic, and four for synecdoche. The most dominant of figurative language that used is
hyperbole and simile. The research also found the message of each song. The result of this
research will be able to give contribution to the readers who are interested in learning and
understanding or interpreting those lyrics.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Figurative Language
The figurative language in songs lyric is used to beautify the language
and make the listeners more interested in listening to the song. According to
Rahim (2019) figurative language are often presented with words in such a
way that they are equated, compared, or associated, with meanings that are
usually unrelated. The words in figurative language have very deep and precise
meanings. In figurative language there is an implied meaning that is not realized
by the listeners. Figurative language in lyrics usually uses words that are not
commonly used and imagery word that cannot be interpreted by each word.
There are many kinds of figurative language. There are simile, personification,
metaphor, synecdoche, litotes, hyperbole, symbol, idiom, euphemism,
assonance, alliteration, and anaphore.
2.3 Lyric
The lyric can include a series of verses from the song that tells the story, and
a chorus is a short sentence that is repeated at the end of each verse. According
to Siallagan, Manurung, Sinaga (2017) lyric in a song can complement and
beautify the song and make listeners more interested in hearing it. According
to Rahim (2019) the meaning of song lyrics is words, expressions, or signs that
refers to or is represented and which can be explained using other words. In
song lyrics contain the hidden moral values.
3. Research Methodology
The research used qualitative research that is descriptive research. According to
Creswell (2014) qualitative research is an approach for exploring and understanding
the meaning individuals or group ascribe to a social or human problem. According to
Kothari (2004) descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries kinds.
The researcher has to analyze the data to make a critical evaluation of the material.
4. Findings
5. Discussion
The research results have been completed by providing a description of the
figurative language has found in Meghan Trainor’ album “Title”. In this research,
the theory is taken from Cresswell to find the types of figurative language that used
in song lyrics Meghan Trainor’s album “Title”. According to the research problems
that exist, this research discussed about the types of figurative language that was
found in song lyrics, the most dominant of figurative language that was found in
song lyrics, and the message that intended in Meghan Trainor’s songs. The data taken
from song lyrics in Meghan Trainor’s album “Title”. The researcher analyzed ten
songs in this album. There were All About That Bass, Lips Are Movin’, Dear Future
Husband, Like I’m Gonna Lose You, Title, Credit, Not Good For You, My Selfish
Heart, Walkashame, 3am. The result got twelve types of figurative language that
used in songs album “Title”. There were methapors, alliteration, litotes, anaphore,
personification, hyperbole, simile, euphemism, assonance, symbol, idiomatic, and
6. Conclusion
This research conclude that there were 40 expressions of different types of
figurative language used in song lyrics of “Title” album, such as metaphors, alliteration,
litotes, anaphore, personification, hyperbole, simile, euphemism, assonance, symbol,
idiomatic, and synecdoche. The most dominant of figurative language that used is
hyperbole and simile. The figurative language were really found in the song lyrics
of Title album by Meghan Trainor. Her album mostly reflected about love, sadness,
happines, herself, and the others. There were many contribution using Meghan
Trainor selected songs in album Title for teaching poetry, such as the song can
improve students’ skills, improve vocabularies, and gave more knowledge especially
in figurative language.
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