Uncertainty Inference
Uncertainty Inference
Uncertainty Inference
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Section 1 – 2
1. partial observability (road state, other drivers' plans, etc.)
2. noisy sensors (traffic reports)
3. uncertainty in action outcomes (flat tire, etc.)
4. immense complexity of modeling and predicting traffic
“A25 will get me there on time if there's no accident on the bridge and it doesn't rain and
my tires remain intact etc etc.”
(A1440 might reasonably be said to get me there on time but I'd have to stay overnight in
the airport …)
Methods for handling uncertainty
• Default or nonmonotonic logic:
– Assume my car does not have a flat tire
– Assume A25 works unless contradicted by evidence
• Issues: What assumptions are reasonable? How to handle contradiction?
Subjective probability:
• Probabilities relate propositions to agent's own state of
e.g., P(A25 | no reported accidents) = 0.06
• Basic element: random variable
• Similar to propositional logic: possible worlds defined by assignment of values to random variables.
• random variable: e.g., Weather = sunny, Cavity = false
• (abbreviated as cavity)
• Atomic event: A complete specification of the
state of the world about which the agent is
E.g., if the world consists of only two Boolean variables
Cavity and Toothache, then there are 4 distinct atomic
Cavity = false Toothache = false
Cavity = false Toothache = true
Cavity = true Toothache = false
Cavity = true Toothache = true
Conditional probability
• Conditional or posterior probabilities
e.g., P(cavity | toothache) = 0.8
i.e., given that toothache is all I know
Inference by enumeration
• Start with the joint probability distribution:
Inference by enumeration
• Start with the joint probability distribution:
• Obvious problems:
1. Worst-case time complexity O(dn) where d is the largest arity
• A and B are independent iff
P(A|B) = P(A) or P(B|A) = P(B) or P(A, B) = P(A) P(B)
• Equivalent statements:
P(Toothache | Catch, Cavity) = P(Toothache | Cavity)
P(Toothache, Catch | Cavity) = P(Toothache | Cavity) P(Catch | Cavity)
Conditional independence
• Write out full joint distribution using chain rule:
P(Toothache, Catch, Cavity)
= P(Toothache | Catch, Cavity) P(Catch, Cavity)
= P(Toothache | Catch, Cavity) P(Catch | Cavity) P(Cavity)
= P(Toothache | Cavity) P(Catch | Cavity) P(Cavity)
I.e., 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 independent numbers
• or in distribution form
P(Y|X) = P(X|Y) P(Y) / P(X) = αP(X|Y) P(Y)
• Useful for assessing diagnostic probability from causal
– P(Cause|Effect) = P(Effect|Cause) P(Cause) / P(Effect)
• Syntax:
– a set of nodes, one per variable
– a directed, acyclic graph (link ≈ "directly influences")
– a conditional distribution for each node given its parents:
P (Xi | Parents (Xi))
• If each variable has no more than k parents, the complete network requires
O(n · 2k) numbers
• I.e., grows linearly with n, vs. O(2n) for the full joint distribution
Constructing Bayesian networks
• 1. Choose an ordering of variables X1, … ,Xn
• 2. For i = 1 to n
– add Xi to the network
– select parents from X1, … ,Xi-1 such that
P (Xi | Parents(Xi)) = P (Xi | X1, ... Xi-1)
P(J | M) = P(J)?
• Suppose we choose the ordering M, J, A, B, E
P(J | M) = P(J)?
P(A | J, M) = P(A | J)? P(A | J, M) = P(A)?
• No
• Suppose we choose the ordering M, J, A, B, E
P(J | M) = P(J)?
P(A | J, M) = P(A | J)? P(A | J, M) = P(A)? No
P(B | A, J, M) = P(B | A)?
P(B | A, J, M) = P(B)?
• No
• Suppose we choose the ordering M, J, A, B, E
P(J | M) = P(J)?
P(A | J, M) = P(A | J)? P(A | J, M) = P(A)? No
P(B | A, J, M) = P(B | A)? Yes
P(B | A, J, M) = P(B)? No
P(E | B, A ,J, M) = P(E | A)?
P(E | B, A, J, M) = P(E | A, B)?
• No
• Suppose we choose the ordering M, J, A, B, E
P(J | M) = P(J)?
P(A | J, M) = P(A | J)? P(A | J, M) = P(A)? No
P(B | A, J, M) = P(B | A)? Yes
P(B | A, J, M) = P(B)? No
P(E | B, A ,J, M) = P(E | A)? No
P(E | B, A, J, M) = P(E | A, B)? Yes
• No
Example contd.
• Bayesian networks provide a natural
representation for (causally induced)
conditional independence
• Topology + CPTs = compact
representation of joint distribution
• Generally easy for domain experts to